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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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everything is written in the actual legislation, but nevertheless we do not know what johnson is proposing, we simply theorize that it could be, that is, any de facto return to the promotion of russian peace in ukraine, we understand that russia will always be to manipulate the issue of the protection of the russian language as the promotion of the narratives of the russian world, no more and no less, that is, there is no need to even go to a fortune teller and even theorize what it is. will be, we understand that this is a revision of the legislation, we understand that this is the promotion of a cultural muscovite product, we we understand that this is the promotion of the informational russian agenda and everything that is connected with it, well, we have already gone through it many times, and unfortunately, you are absolutely right when you say that, in fact, we seem to be entering a repeat cycle, already n- not a repeated repeated circle, i.e. what is probably the second, third, fifth, tenth? regarding boris johnson,
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actually tetiana danylenko, a journalist, we thank her, very aptly wrote: two years before the great war, the son of a russian oligarch, ex-kgb officer, owner of the evening standard and the independent, oleksandr yevgeny lebedeva entered the british house of lords. the queen gave him a whimsical , ridiculous title: baron lebid of hampton in the london borough of richmond ponthams and siberia in the russian federation. the merit of lebidiv the younger before the crown was charity. in the amount of 75 million pounds, the son of a russian oligarch, together with boris johnson, used these funds to help veterans, rhinoceroses, elephants, johnson, lebedev have been friends for many years and have fun at parties, and you say, our friend johnson is shocked by his faithful plan and surrender of ukraine. tell me who you made an english lord, i will tell you who you are, there will be many peace plans, get ready, and they will all be about one thing: let's quickly surrender ukraine to the russians before the big war with china. we would like to remind you that
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a ukrainian delegation led by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs kuleba is heading to china in the near future, and it is equally important to remind you that our diplomatic representative, our ambassador in china, has been in china for several months now. information reasons related to it work and in general with the work of our representative office there was not so much and there was not much, we will wait, we will wait for news, but... we will have to talk about the language in a little more detail and again in a not the best context, to be honest, last week i was completely knocked out ruts one day, like many, probably ukrainians, i knocked out with my, well, purely situational, maybe you know it, my cut, my bubble in social networks, but iryna farion, and her absolutely demonstrative, as for me , murder in the middle of the city. lviv, this is the first, and
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mrs. farion and the ukrainian language, well, these are things absolutely inseparable from each other. on the same day, to be honest, i am a hawk, but i find out that there is such a strange show on the territory of ukrainian youtube with very strange, freak-like bloggers, obviously, maybe more youthful in this direction, i don't... i don't know, i i do not know these people, but this show rested on the discussion by these bloggers, the issue of language in our country, i would like us to probably recall this story now, there is a certain antonina nosova, a silent blogger, who spoke this time and said that i am an ordinary woman, and honestly speaking, i was terribly worried about the language, i don't speak ukrainian, what's wrong with everyone? says: it
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’s okay, our society has pushed you so hard, my god, it’s necessary, what have we brought this whole story to, but not to be wordless, for sure, let’s look at it, let’s see, i want to tell you what i want to tell you first , i have language anxiety, something i am nervous for the first time? communicate in the language you know, we all understand how comfortable you are, we are all tolerant here, it burdened me, they say, don't even think speak, don't you dare, just imagine how the society has screwed up, you imagine how it is, how it is so society has screwed up, and here is this episode, this fragment of an incomprehensible youtube show for me in my bubble was absolutely parallel to the news about the first for. .. and then the death of iryna farion, and well
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, this causes absolutely cognitive dissonance, when a person and now... the head of ukrainian intelligence kyrylo budanov notes that a russian trail is not excluded, it is clear to everyone that it is russia that can hunt such people like pharion, on the one hand we are losing them, despite all the brightness and controversiality of them as individuals, and on the other hand, we again see this wave of tolerance of russian-speaking bloggers, messengers, ee... and everything else in our country, the fact is that this episode is not an isolated story , unfortunately, he is not alone, because the last two months, well at least two, in general, i think maybe more, maybe up to six months, we
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see, at first gradual, and now quite fast, basically a wave, or some kind of hatred towards ukrainian. by the way, we see it all the time language scandals in odesa, constantly, that is, well, this is as an example, you discussed them like this, we discussed them, and even recently, yesterday there were two such episodes, there was an episode when another, another person, i don’t even want to name, let’s talk culturally , this person attacked the military, wished them death again and... of course, there were words about the ukrainian language, there was also that you are speaking in your language again, this morning there was another episode where they said in the minibus, go in tsc, there is your language, that is, this is another episode, well, we just won’t show it all, of course, but there are
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a lot of such episodes, but these are such episodes at the local level, but when bloggers with a multi-million... audience or an audience of hundreds of thousands do it, then i really watch , that this is not just a trend, it is already, it is already like, if not a planned action, then in fact it means that part of our society is returning again to the promotion of russian narratives, let's listen to one more lady with you, this is the blogger miss ukraine 2015.
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it was exclusively in ukrainian every day there were hundreds of stories, they were all in ukrainian, and now suddenly already. dobna, as it turns out sharply. let's listen. and now shock content. and now the shock content. i will now mix my stories, they will be in both russian and ukrainian, since most people simply do not understand me. and when i record something in russian, they write to me thanking me that finally we can not just look at a beautiful picture, but also understand what you are talking about in your stories. therefore, let's change the input format of my page a little. i hope not all, not everyone will praise her, i remember how andriy and i discussed the attack on okhmadit, and i remember that one of the milestones of our discussions
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was the reaction: "forgive, lord, bloggers again, and not the top ones of our country." yes, of course, there are bloggers, among whom there are also millionaires, but to say that they are opinionated... we cannot be a leader in any way, so here are all these people, but they took up work at the same time and very synchronously, how long can this continue, let's sit down at the table negotiations, we hate the government from all sides, i see in all this, in fact, a continuation of that and of the campaign itself, which in a certain way is swinging in our country, it seems to me, and i really hope that our special services are already engaged in this, that... the roots, in particular , the financial ones stretch somewhere from the russian federation, bloggers with all due respect to this really hard work , when it comes to real people, with their fresh perspectives, with their fresh thoughts, with people who know how to put it into beautiful texts or videos or
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whatever, i'm not in any way belittling that work, but here we have, we obviously have a certain matter with the whole company, and by the way, that's not all, in fact, this morning the interviewer alina dorotyuk published another absolutely incomprehensible. the famous ukrainian actor taras tsymbalyuk, she wrote: "hangs out to the songs of russian artists", she also posted a video, we will not show it anymore, but again, a person on instagram who has many dozens, there are more than 200 thousand followers, a famous actor , who is associated with ukrainian tv series, is actually a talented presenter. posts a page where he entertains himself
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with russian music, and alina writes, to the words of serhii mazayev, the one who sings about the arbat, was one of those artists who supported putin and his regime during the last presidential elections, i asked taras for a comment, but he refused to comment on this situation, by the way, in 2022, taras spoke about the importance of languages. in our interviews, and we see such a situation, absolutely unclear, planned or not planned, maybe, indeed, among some bloggers it is a planned campaign, but i think that many people in ukraine are just starting to show their face, that is, when in the 22nd year they maybe someone was scared, maybe someone... under some vision of society wanted
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to demonstrate that he was for ukraine, but phobias, expressions of contempt for the ukrainian language, expressions of contempt for the ukrainian military, by the way, from the latest reports , military cars are constantly burning again all over the country , this is the work of the fsb, even the security service of ukraine has proven and detained a number of people who... worked for the fsb and set fire to military cars for 2-3 thousand dollars, that is , i see it purely as a comprehensive approach of the state the occupier to the destabilization of ukrainian society, and the murder of farion, frankly speaking, unfortunately, the murderer has not yet been caught, unfortunately, and the highest officials of ukraine, mr. budanov hints that this is most likely the hand of... russia, and in principle, people, the expert environment also says
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that we see the absolute rampage of the russian propaganda and terrorist machine, including on the territory of ukraine. and now, by the way, about people, unfortunately, we see how a part of ukrainian society is fueled bloggers some bloggers are trying to build some kind of parallel reality in ukraine, i.e., on the one hand , there is a war going on in the country, terrible aggression against our country continues, daily acts of terrorism against ukraine continue, on the other hand, some people continue to consume moscow products, moreover, even demonstrate in general, what if we will do it and we absolutely do not care about you, that is, they create these blocks. these people are absolutely some kind of reality parallel to
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the reality in ukraine, they are completely separated from it that there is a war going on in the country, and you rightly mentioned the situation in okhmadita, when some bloggers are just like, well, like they haven't been here for two years, like they don't know what's going on, like they don't understand the context of it all, on unfortunately, we have to state that the russian peace has not gone anywhere and... the russian peace is returning to the public space, and every day it is getting louder. you know, we have quarreled now, and there is a suitable environment for that, but i would also like to make such, you know, a footnote, to demand from society, here here, bloggers are not part of society, we have the right only when, well, when, let's put it this way, firstly, and the cleanest hand, and... and secondly, when we have people in power who they declare exclusively pro-ukrainian,
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ukrainian-centric values, they do not have any strange excesses in their environment, and here, may our dear editor forgive me, but i have to react to information drives that appear, which cause a certain wave of reaction, emotions of reflection of anything, in particular in the ukrainian segment of the network among the normal ones bloggers, tag. we are talking about the investigation of the info investigation, the investigation into the objects of artem kolyubayev, the film producer and business partner of andriy yarmak, the head of the president's office, it turns out that... he became, he, his family, became the happy owners of a house in the suburbs of washington, the price of which is 603 thousands of dollars, more than a third of the amount kolyubaeva's wife borrowed from russians, from american russians, notes anna babinets, actually the general director of the company maksym slyusarchuk and the manager, his wife
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svitlana from gashev, sorry, from volgograd have an american loan company, these two activists. in florida, in particular, they organize various cultural events that spread the russian spirit in the usa, and for some reason it is precisely from these companies, from this company and mortgage, which also has an active office in st. petersburg, that ukrainians who fled from russian missiles. the kolyubayevs have a common position that the firm was recommended to them by an american and ukrainian so-called broker and is pushing us in every possible way that they and russia are not like that. yani and maryna danylyuk yermulayeva, journalist and blogger writes that we are not surprised, after such precedents, that boris johnson writes something about the russian language in his columns. but we are not surprised if they cannot ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine for two years, cannot pass a draft law, and 146
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people's deputies do not sign an appeal to vote in favor. the roc, well, this is a small example, yes, that is, huge resistance continues, opzzh or whatever they are called there now, they sit in the council and vote calmly with the majority, there are no questions for them, these are the people who just dragged russian into ukraine peace, the russian language, the russian cultural space, and people from the sharia party, all kinds of op-blocs, opzzh, still sit in local councils and sabotage decolonization, especially in the south-east. where they have a large representation in local councils, the draft law on the de facto exemption of these persons from exercising their powers has been blocked in the verkhovna rada for almost two years. these are small examples, but they are a confirmation of christina's words that the state must
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demonstrate by its example that it is fighting against any manifestations of the russian world. i am already silent about the fact that there are still huge scandals with what exists in ukraine, there is still russian property, for example, from the latest scandals we remember the situation in the poltava region, where in fact novinsky was given back control over a whole number of a number of gas-producing platforms, if i'm not mistaken. that is, the state, and we have said this a million times in this program, does not fulfill its function sufficiently, and the state also does not fulfill its function within the framework of, for example, legislation, which should clearly regulate the issue of the advancement of the russian world in ukraine. i believe that contempt for the military, contempt for
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the ukrainian language, and contempt for ukrainian national symbols should be criminally liable. i believe that for what people say and what people promote, they should be responsible, just in another case, we, we say, and, we say, we are a democratic country, we cannot ban something there, and russia not interested in it, she is not interested, she will act in terrorist, clumsy methods, and we let's play with russia and russian what at this time? well, supposedly to democracy, although i say once again, democracy is the implementation of the law, democracy is the clear implementation of laws in the country, and these laws must meet the requirements of the time, and when the requirement of the time says that the ukrainian state must survive, that ukrainian identity
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must survive, that the ukrainian language must survive, that there is no place in ukraine... to those people who are promoting russia, well, i apologize, we must also react to it, otherwise don't really ask later why they are offering us any peace plans, if we have voices from inside the country that say that we need to agree, that we need to tolerate, that we need to return russian culture again, then i apologize, there will be no questions for boris johnson in such a case... we are with you, it seems that we are talking about different things, but to the extent that they are locked into a single ring, the statement of the mayor of kyiv vitaly comes to my mind now . in an interview with karier, that president zelensky will have to make more difficult decisions, which in any case may lead to his political arbitrariness, and in the case of a territorial compromise with russia
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, a referendum will have to be launched. let's listen to klychka. the coming months will be very difficult for volodymyr zelensky, whether he will have to continue the war with new deaths and destruction, or consider the possibility of a territorial compromise with putin. zelensky will probably have to resort to a referendum, i do not think that he will be able to reach such painful and important agreements on his own, without popular legitimization, and in principle, rational things, says mr. klitschko, popular legitimization, and it would seem that the ukrainian people of the model of 2022 are under tremendous stress from russian missiles falling on their heads. aa, from all the horrors seen after the deoccupation, for example, in kyiv region or kharkiv region, nothing like this can be allowed, but the ukrainian people
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of the sample of 2024, maybe 25th, maybe even 26th years, madly tired of war, some really, some, some think , that he is tired, and... the ukrainian people, who, despite everything, deceive themselves and try to live their best lives in cities where there are shellings, but not so often you can tolerate nothing, in principle, the ukrainian people, where bloggers who lead lifestyle blogs about their best life again and promote this, what is it called, hedonism, yes, this is hedonism. simply, to the whole society, this ukrainian people in this state, i am afraid that it can give slack, and here the question is,
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i don't know, a referendum or not, but really before bringing it to this state, the russian federation is doing everything possible to demobilize us psychologically, demobilize our abilities for a long time to resist, i would even say, because the question for... is who will be able to carry their cross longer, our cross to be, you know, resistant, and stand as long as we can on all platforms, because this war, it is existential , it is for survival, it is for who, you understand, it is for who, and unfortunately, well, we understand that we do not have, we were not given, first of all, so many resources, at the moment, i... i hope that now there are more of them, but less than that, and indeed putin has made a bet, i believe, from 2023 on
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an existential war, on who will kill whom peresit, ugh, pere perebye, pereshuyu, peredestroy, well, no matter how it is, no matter how it sounds, but russia in this case uses another hybrid composition. which we are talking about, a component of the political-cultural-informational disconnection of our society, and when we took this test in the 22nd year, now, unfortunately, we are slowly, slowly starting to fail this test, and the worst thing is that we are beginning to fail this test on the part of those people who should have been the flagships, who should have been, who should have demonstrated that society has to unite around ukrainian values, and it is not known why, these people fail, i don't know why, i don't know under what circumstances, maybe
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they are like that in themselves, but we are here to talk to you, explain and signal about problems , unfortunately, there are still many of these problems, and we will definitely share with you and think about it. how to solve them? thank you for being with us. i will remind you that today we asked you whether you approve of joseph biden's decision to withdraw from the election race. he announced this literally yesterday, and 82% of those who called us, in principle, approve of this decision, believe that joseph did the right thing. and 18% believe that no, he could probably still fight. this is how ukrainians see the situation in the united states. it's good that they are watching her, and i thank you very much for watching the broadcasts of the espresso tv channel, it was a project, a new week, we will meet with you next monday,
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thank you, khrystyna yatskiv, thank you, keep it up, keep it up tune in and goodbye, national tv on mego is a lot of channels, well, there are a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows, turn on mego on different devices. in travel pharmacies, bam and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institute of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyschenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and
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to life. on a quad bike for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yar. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the tv channel studio zahid program we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular we will try to predict how american, and therefore global politics may change as a result of the no longer ephemeral arrival. donald trump to power in the united states. our guests today are matthew bryza and andrii pionkovskyi. currently , the tv channel will be broadcast by bryza, ex-adviser of the secretary of state of the united states, former director of european affairs and eurasia in the us national security council. glory to ukraine, dear mr. ambassador, glad to see you. fame is a hero, it's a day. well, assassinations, an attempt on candidate donald trump.


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