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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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one presidential candidate was shot in the ear, a bullet nearly killed him, another went into quarantine with covid and then abruptly left the race. this is a short overview of the events that took place in the usa during the last. of time, this is the strangest presidential campaign in the usa, a campaign of chaos, writes the american edition of aksios. we can only assume that the echoes of these races will almost certainly be heard in kyiv. there are 3.5 months left before the us presidential election. what can ukraine expect, more weapons and support or coercion to negotiate with russia on favorable terms for the kremlin? my name is vlasta lazur. this is svoboda life. so, all last week, top white house officials from... joe
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biden's campaign staff insisted that the president was not going to withdraw from the election, but on sunday afternoon, us time, biden withdrew from the election and announced that he was supporting his vice - president kamala harris. we will talk about her chances later, as well as about her probable policy towards ukraine, if of course she becomes the president of the usa, but for at the beginning, she still needs to become an official candidate for the presidency. officially, the democrats have not nominated their candidate yet, they have to do it at the party convention. which will take place on the 20th of august, actually in a month. the question is whether kamala harris will have enough time for a full-fledged campaign. but returning to biden's decision, this is the first time in almost 60 years that the us president refused to participate in the election, writes cnn. biden dropped out of the race nearly a month after he botched a debate with donald trump, after which the camp of the democrats began to panic and talk about replacing the candidate. a day before biden's statement. about leaving the race,
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the new york times, citing its sources, reported that biden felt abandoned by his allies. by that time , 38 democratic congressmen had publicly called on the president to withdraw from the race, and party sponsors had simply suspended funding to the party. sick with covid and abandoned by allies, president biden fumed at his delaware beach house, growing increasingly angry that he considers organized. campaign to force him out of the race, and feeling bitter toward some of those he once considered close, including his former campaign ally barack obama. barack obama, by the way, did not publicly support the candidacy of kamala harris for the position of presidential candidate. we will also talk about this later. well, donald trump, reacting to biden's refusal to run for office, called him the worst president in the history of ukraine, the speaker. house of representatives, republican
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mike johnson, who is close to trump, said that biden should resign as president , right now, without waiting for the election, biden is not going to resign and is planning his tenure, plans to finish it, but there is not much left in the end, oleksiy kovalenko joins our broadcast , correspondent of the ukrainian service of the voice of america, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, but please clarify this moment, and biden will definitely remain in the white house, are there still reasons to doubt and maybe he will be forced to leave before... how, how, how the elections will take place ? as you noted, actually it's a very unique campaign with a lot of things going on that haven't happened in a very long time in the history of the united states. yes, in fact, since 1968, we have not seen a presidential candidate withdraw from and withdraw his candidacy during the height of the presidential race. we haven't seen this since lyndon johnson in '68. we didn't see either.
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attack on a presidential candidate, so it was a little more than a week ago in '81, and there were a lot of unexpected things in a presidential campaign that was expected to be pretty boring, let's say, and it was supposed to be a rematch between two presidential candidates, donald trump and joe biden. we're seeing a lot of unexpected things, but not really yet... nothing points to joe biden stepping down as president, just that he's withdrawing his candidacy during the presidential race this year. well, oleksiy, what i disagree with you is that the campaign was supposed to be boring, i think it was not from the very beginning to be boring when, especially when donald trump announced his swamping? yes, in fact, we saw a lot of things happen. we've seen a lot of lawsuits
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related to donald trump, we've seen a lot of calls for joe biden to pay attention to whether he can compete with the donald. trump and, of course, these calls were made exactly 26 days ago, when the debate between donald trump and joe biden took place. we remember a lot of criticism of the current president of the united states, joe biden, about what sometimes he could not formulate his opinion, sometimes he could not formulate sentences, he could not answer some questions, he confused questions. and actually, after that , calls began, first from the liberal media, there were calls from cnn and the new york times. and from many other american media outlets that have previously been quite supportive of joe biden's candidacy, there have been calls for him to actually consider whether he can beat donald trump in this election. and later these appeals became much stronger and we have already seen how they turned into quite such a thing
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an open plane, when many american legislators and former supporters of joe biden called on him to withdraw his candidacy, sometimes openly, sometimes in conversation. with him oleksiy, and tell me, please, what the american press is writing, what american think tanks are saying, will kamala harris have enough time for a full-fledged campaign, i will remind you once again, the congress is at the end of august and the elections are already at the beginning of november , in fact, she has two months there, two and a week there, maybe and the second immediate question, whether they allow in washington that someone can to be another instead of hamala kamala harris, for example michelle obama, i opened the post of barack obama, where he expressed support for biden and... comments and there are a lot of calls, they say, let michelle run for president, this is what they say about it in washington ? i'll probably start with the last question, so for now kamela harris is not officially the only candidate for president of the democratic party, in fact, a lot of
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unexpected things can happen, as you already noted, the democratic convention is from the 19th to the 22nd of august, so it could be and others too candidates, but... there is a fairly high probability that the democratic party will rally and in these times of such turbulence try to unite around such a major candidacy of kamela harris. and we have already heard many voices, including from legislators and from the leadership of the democratic party, in support of kamle garis. we haven't heard that voice in support of kamle garis from barack obama yet, but really. a lot of votes have already been cast, there is a high probability that these votes will be even more on the eve of the convention of the democratic party, regarding campaign is actually 105 days from today until this year's presidential election, so this company will have to be dynamically
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developed, and we know that in literally 23 minutes, kamlagaris' first speech will take place in... when she is no longer just in the status of vice president, in the status one of the potential, one of the potential candidates for the post of president from the democratic party, one of the potential candidates, but we certainly cannot say for 100% now that she will be the only one, there is still time until august 22, oleksiy, i have a question, is there now an idea, or maybe the press writes about it, how joe biden can use this time. who else will he have to work in the white house? i had to hear from political scientists that they say that right now a star moment is coming for him, he can allow ukraine to use american weapons on the territory of russia, because he is no longer a candidate, he does not need to think about any popular measures, he can resort to unpopular ones measures, or is there any talk of
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it in washington? and it is very difficult to predict and it is quite unpredictable the process of authorizing the use of american weapons for strikes. on the territory of russia, in particular deep into the territory of russia, we asked this question very often in the administration, we asked this question in the white house, and in the state department, and in the pentagon, in particular, during the nato summit in washington, so far there is no answer the only, ah, so far there is no such permission, and the position of the joe biden administration is not changing on this matter, but here it is also worth noting that kamela harris, she is a representative of this government, she... administration's policy representative, so it's obviously worth noting that joe biden will count on kamelagallis to also have a reasonably good chance of defeating donald trump in this election, and for kamela
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garis's own politics, one can expect that she will continue the policies of this administration, because she is again part of this administration right now, so... be careful not to anger russia, and act carefully. oleksiy, thank you very much. oleksiy kovalenko, correspondent of the ukrainian voice service america, live from washington. and the key question for ukraine: what can kyiv expect after the elections in the united states? even more weapons and even more support, or at least the compulsion to negotiate with russia on favorable terms for the kremlin. how will biden's withdrawal from the race affect the war in ukraine? you can leave your comments under this famous video, but we also asked about it. of people on the streets of kyiv, lviv, kharkiv - this is not sociology, this is not a representative survey, but nevertheless,
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listen to these answers. have you seen may have heard that biden decided not to participate in the presidential elections in the states, how did everyone react to this, good news, why? because i think that ukraine will have more support. to be honest, i don't even know, the situation is so difficult right now, if he withdraws our candidacy, i think it will have a very bad effect on our situation. well, it seems to me that trump is not very happy for us and for our victory, so it will probably not be very good for us, i think that it will have almost no effect on ukraine and on the support of ukraine, because the american political community is not only the president, not only the president, there is congress, there is a senate, there are people who... helped ukraine in any, under any president, under any, democrats or republicans and
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so on. perhaps there will be some adjustment, in general, i believe that there will be no significant changes. i understand very well that the person he chose instead of biden, she, she will not win the election. well, we will, well, we will see what will happen to that trump, maybe he will do something, but it is not a fact that it will be a plus for us. like an average citizen. the country i am from well, i think that he did the right thing, so it should have been done a little earlier, i think that it is right, but who will he nominate the party itself for the elections, that is another question, it is difficult to say how we will be, but i think that it's the right decision, it's a good thing that he's gone, because somebody had to be replaced, because he's not going to be the president for sure, we need it to be...someone from the democrats, you see, and the problem is that if
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he left earlier, then maybe the democrats would have a chance to come, but unfortunately, as you can see, the republicans are winning and will win, as i understand it, i think only time will tell how it will affect ukraine, because they can say different things before the elections, as a result of the elections there will be completely different decisions, in principle, it seems to me that it will not fundamentally affect our fate . our broadcast was joined by andrii vasylovskyi, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine. congratulations. good day. come on, i'll start by asking you the same question that our colleagues asked people on the street. and biden's exit from the race will greatly affect support of ukraine? it will affect the support of ukraine in the sense that kanala garis, in my opinion, has a better chance of winning than biden did, and in this sense, if a representative, a representative
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of the democratic party, a dynamic representative wins, we are guaranteed we're getting the same support from the white house, and maybe there will be increased support in one chamber, if not both, and why are you so positive about kamala harris? i was negative about joe biden, a man in a very difficult situation physical condition, which, unfortunately, could not productively fulfill the duties of the president, and therefore, not without such an opportunity and taking care of his health, he was distracted from, let's say , all-american affairs and that... worse, everyone was distracted , who were around him, his entourage, part of this entourage
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tried to hide the weakness of the president, and part of this entourage understood that this president might not be the president in the near future, and accordingly gave up, looked for new employment in the near future, and you know, well, we probably don't know for sure who will be the democratic candidate. with a high probability that it will be kamala harris, because we no longer know who will win in the end, and the winner can be donald trump, and i have been talking with ukrainian political scientists and diplomats these days, and i had to hear such an opinion that ... now, unlike in 2016, when in ukraine in kyiv they rejoiced ahead of time for hilary clinton's victory, now the ukrainian authorities are behaving as correctly as possible, they sympathized with trump after he was shot at, talked to him on the phone, later thanked biden for his support, do you agree with this assessment and do you, do you agree with the fact that kyiv, kyiv learned a lesson from 2016, yes, this is
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a correct opinion, i totally agree with that, really. behaves correctly, let's hope that he behaves aggressively and productively and creatively, quietly, working to establish connections not only with potential presidents, but also with their closest circle. you, who do you mean now? i mean that kyiv behaves formally it is correct externally. in order to establish the best connections with both candidates at the expense of influential people in business. well, i don't know if
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these narratives and rhetoric about potential negotiations and the end of the hot phase are a sign of establishing these ties that you're talking about. war, but in parallel with how the election campaign is going on in the united states, we see from the representatives of the ukrainian authorities from the president, in particular, he said the other day in an interview with the bbc that the hot phase of the war may end by the end of the year, then there was the so-called peace plan, the peace plan of former british prime minister boris johnson, so do you connect that with the election in the united states, or are these two parallel tracks? we are entering a... very difficult field, and for me personally, i don't have any insider information on bankova street, er, to me personally, it seems a little er too optimistic about the conclusion of the hot phase of the war by the end of this year, er for, too optimistic for a very
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simple reason, putin does not need it, he does not want it, unless... unless ukraine will receive some extraordinary assurances and american troops will be on our line of fire then, but this is a fantasy, i do not see any reason to believe that the kremlin will agree to a cessation of hostilities now, now in a month, in two, in three, where then, for example, all these narratives and these statements from the same boris johnson, is this his own opinion? as for boris johnson, it seems to me that he is passing off his own proposals for those of donald trump. well, for example, let's imagine a meeting of these people, it did not last long,
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trump is a busy man now, and johnson is not in power now, and he says to him: donald, let's do this and that. yes, i think so-and-so expresses what we heard later, and he nods his head and says: good, good, thank you, thank you, and menehaya, i’m in a hurry, come next time, that’s all, i’m that i miss it, this is the first thing, secondly, by expressing such thoughts out loud, our authorities, kyiv, suggest that this should happen, ugh, i am not saying that he can believe in it, he can not believe in it, but he has something offer. he has to somehow appease european and american public opinion, which has recently become more and more obsessed with the question of how much it will cost and how long it can last, and in order to knock down this narrative, to change it, so that it goes away, so that they they started thinking about something else, he
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says kyiv, well, by the end of the year we will finish everything, so that there will be no hot phase, and i see, by the way, the trip of our foreign minister to china tomorrow, a person will fly there for 2 , half a day, well actually 8, 10 hours to fly there, 10 back, but all the same, it means that he will meet there not only with his self-image, but also with someone else, i have doubts that he will climb to the very top of the mountain, but what must, must, must try, try , and... so, in this situation, the ukrainian authorities must be given some positive idea, and this positive idea will now go to china, and we have already almost agreed on a meeting with... trump, and he, trump, also has we are good, we have good feelings, and plus now we
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may still have planes, and so we until winter, we will celebrate christmas in peace and, and barbecues in crimea, and that, well, barbecues in crimea are such an old story, you mentioned the meeting, i will simply explain for our audience when volodymyr zelenskyi spoke with donald. by phone, and then in the office of the president, the president of ukraine was informed that there were allegedly some outlines or plans for a potential meeting, and speaking of trump, you said that you have expectations from kamala harris if she is elected president , if i understood, are positive, maybe it is will biden's policy continue, there are sanctions against russia, what are your expectations about trump, or as of now, have you understood what his plans are for ukraine and for the termination. the war in ukraine, i do not know about his plans, i cannot imagine his plans, moreover, i remain convinced that he himself does not know this, he is not involved in this, he is now
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being pushed one or another plans or ideas so that he approved of them, he nods his head, but he personally did not express himself about anything except the sacramental, in 24 hours i will decide everything, you see... with all due respect to this man, as a future president and a former president, we have to remember very well how he promised to deal with north korea and its nuclear weapons and its arms race, and remember we know that nothing came of it, and after all his meetings , north korea has further strengthened its nuclear weapons and now has intercontinental nuclear missiles. with which he can possibly get to the territory of the united states, and although he, although he met with the leader of north korea, he promised a lot of things, he stood on the border
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between north and south korea, shook kimchanin's hand, and all this was very widely published, and the result was zero, or rather not zero, negative, and i have one last question, i already asked it today to our colleagues from washington, do you expect it? that biden will take some radical, or rather, bold steps to support ukraine in these last months of his stay in the white house, take some possibly unpopular steps that may not be welcome in his administration, but he will do it in order to enter history, for example, and help i don't know if ukraine will be allowed to use american weapons on the territory of russia or something else. today, biden is what is called in america. duck, he is a weak president, and all his decisions will be challenged twice, thrice, challenged and delayed,
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that is, he cannot take any extremely unpopular steps, regarding the permission to strike on the territory of russia for 300 km, not 100, it is possible, but for that he has to agree this move with kamala haris. already now and with her environment, because it could affect her chances to win the presidency, now every step of kamala harris, trump and his team will be qualified extremely negatively, and therefore, whatever biden does now will automatically be transferred to her, if those around trump do not... notice this moment, or if this moment can be about sold positively, he can go for it. thank you very much, andriy vasylovskyi, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
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of ukraine, has optimistic expectations for kamala harris and less optimistic expectations for donald trump. thank you very much. well, now in detail about kamala haris herself, the current vice president of the usa, by the way, went down in history as the first black woman in this position, and she is the one i will remind. represented the united states at the peace summit, which ukraine convened in switzerland. donald trump has already had time to address haris. he stated that it would be easier for him to defeat kamala than biden. we have prepared a short profile of a potential candidate for the us presidency. take a look. during her career , kamala harris has several historic achievements. for example, when joe biden became president in 2021, harry became the first woman to hold the position of... vice president of the united states and the first person of african and asian descent to hold that position. harris mentioned this in her victory speech in november 2020. although i am the first woman in
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this position, i will not be the last. because every little girl watching it today sees that this is a land of opportunity. biden instructed kamala harris to deal with the migration crisis on the southern border of the united states. many believe that there is no solution to this crisis. garis' work on migration. also did not bring significant success, but later she did get an opportunity to strengthen her foreign policy authority, in particular, in june she represented the united states at the ukrainian peace summit in switzerland. for america, supporting ukraine is not charity, it is in our strategic interests. we support delegations from more than 90 countries that are also strategically interested in establishing a just peace in ukraine.
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kamala harris was born in... in 1964 in a family of immigrants from india and jamaica, she studied law and began working as a prosecutor in her home state of california, later becoming the state's attorney general. throughout her legal career, she was considered tough on crime. as a result, she was criticized by some fellow democrats, who argued that she was not doing enough to combat police brutality and racial injustice. later, haris strongly advocated reform. justice as protests against police violence spread across america in 2020. we are in the midst of a long overdue reckoning for racial injustice in america. haris was chosen for the us senate in 2017, representing the state of california. and already two years later, she announced that she would run for president from the democratic party to oppose donald trump. she
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lost in the primaries. biden and later supported his candidacy in the elections. in the end, haris agreed to become his running mate as a potential vice president. con in 2020 is about racial justice and in 2020 we have candidate joe biden. so i present to you the next president of the united states, joe biden. as a candidate as president, and later as vice president. a consistent critic of trump, harris continued to actively oppose trump's rhetoric on immigration while campaigning for biden's re-election, despite increasingly frequent calls for the president to withdraw from this year's election. the one who despises migrants, who promotes xenophobia. whoever incites hatred and incites fear
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should never stand a chance again. stand behind the microphone and should never again have a chance to run for president of the united states of america. criticism came from both sides in a recent campaign speech, trump called harris a left-wing socialist. i don't think the people of doral, miami, or florida will like the californian socialism of kamela harris. basically, because we don't like socialism in florida. we want our freedom, yes we want freedom. harris has also established herself as an active advocate for reproductive rights, a position that appeals to many voters. polls show that about two-thirds of americans oppose a 2022 supreme court decision of the year that repealed nationwide protections for access to abortion. today, our daughters have fewer rights than their grandmothers. this is
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a crisis of the security system. harris has the same low approval ratings as biden in national polls, but it's not yet clear how harris' alliance with biden, as well as her own political credentials, will sway voters in the dramatic election campaign. volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies and associate professor of the department of international relations of odesa university, joined our broadcast. i congratulate you, i welcome you. congratulations, good day. good day. how do you rate kamala garis as the president of the most powerful country. that's why i, i ask this, because earlier, especially at the beginning of biden's presidential term, the american press often accused her of some weak management skills, are there any grounds for such accusations? i think no. i think that, first of all, she has already gained some experience, because she had time to work in...


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