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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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in any war, the advancing army always advances, significant or non-existent, with large or small losses, that is another matter, but such that the advancing army does not advance even a day by one meter, such cases it has never happened in history, so there is an aggravation, we are conducting defense, and here we need to talk about populated areas, i understand that i am ahead of the curve, for all your questions, but it seems to me that it is important, defense. there is not only positional, i.e. fortification, we maintain defense there, there is also maneuverable defense, there is there is also mobile defense, there are also several and different combinations of them, which means that it is not necessary to hold the front line in a modern war, as in the first world war or even in the second, it is possible to maneuver, it is possible to move mobile, and in general our defense is considered active, that is, as soon as the opportunity arises, we try to knock the enemy out of the positions he occupies, he occupied two or three in the last day, and the russians... occupy small
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positions, this is a creeping occupation, there is already such a phrase, they are trying to advance not immediately there is a big one distance, and little by little they try to advance in small groups of 10, 100 m, that’s it, excuse me, taftology is big, small, that’s roughly what the wagnerites, prigozhynites, near bakhmut did, well, that’s not some kind of know-how either, let’s do some very modern words, the meaning of which many people do not fully understand. this is a well-known tactic of attacking in small groups, they are doing it now and trying to gain a foothold in those settlements near teretska, the village is occupied and there are also some names it affects all of us emotionally, therefore that they lost one more village, one more village, ugh, er, and yes, it seems to me, here even a little... er, somewhere a little, a little bit
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will meet the eye of the russian russian ipso, the russian information war. we are not happy to hear about the loss of some settlements, but we do not operate with the number, for example, of buildings in a village, so we say, the russians managed to capture a certain village, well, the village can be completely destroyed, and there can be five houses in the village, but there is a name, and we, uh, this name is another one we lost there or retreated, although by and large from a military point of view, this is fundamentally irrelevant, no matter how strange it sounds, if it is some small, very small settlement, and it is more convenient to enter, for example, the hills and hold a defense there, than to do something there in the destroyed buildings, buildings, i i'm not talking about such places as avdiiv khoba, it doesn't apply, it's just a small village, well, let's tell the russians, for example, did they manage to capture a village? in which there are 10 huts, well, this is
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a completely different perception of information, it seems, mr. oleksiy, by the way, in the context there is a quote from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. syrskyi, he visited some of the hottest areas of the front, and after that he actually proposed a set of measures that should stop the occupiers, actually within the framework of... which you and i are talking about , let me now quote mr. oleksandr, he stated that what we can and must do in order to stop the offensive of the numerically superior enemy, the answer is one: effective, effective fire damage to the enemy's main forces and his reserves on long approaches, complex defeat of the enemy in front of the front edge, stable retention.
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lines and positions prepared in terms of engineering, the most effective use of all the capabilities of weapons and ammunition, first of all combat drones, in which we have an advantage, well, we really hope that within the framework of this concept of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and we will still stop the enemy , and of course, also within the framework of the support that is provided to us from the side on... well, these words are for the civilian population, the first part of it statement, he simply described what a defensive maneuver looks like, this is how it looks, destroy artillery, and so on, that is, maneuver defense is used in the case when the enemy when the enemy is numerically superior, and then that is , in fact, the current commander-in-chief.
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continues the work of his predecessor, well, he just said what is written in the statute, and then moved on to the second part of the defense, this is already positional defense, holding the fortification, there are also maneuvers for defense, he did not say about it, well, it seems that he wants it.. . or to hide, is to lure the enemy to certain areas, withdrawing on purpose, and then to destroy him there, well, that is, or, you know, eh, let’s say two words, i understand that time is running out, the tactics of such battles in the field, it has not changed, that there is no since napoleonic times, there are none , but it is very annoying when some know-how starts there, something new, but nothing there has not changed in any sense, the logic has not changed, the means have changed, which... the enemy is impressed, and the logic remains the same and prevails, the one who wins uses it more successfully, more modernly, well, we are talking about network-centric war, such phrases are frequent, that is, we have to conduct defense when any unit, even a small group, has
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online mode , that is , constant communication with groups that are on the left, right, in front, behind, and they communicate with each other, and a person... sees what is happening on the front line, well, in battle, and how and more, teams of such groups have, well , there are divisions, platoon, they have to accept tactical decisions within the framework of a strategic task independently, well, the means of impression, drones, intelligence have changed, but once again the logic has not changed, the logic is in the field, i think, not even from the napoleonic ones, maybe since the time of julius caesar, the logic is the same, to occupy understandable heights, to have, to use the active relief of the area, water obstacles, forest obstacles, try to surround the enemy from the flank and so on, that is, there is nothing new here, you don’t need anything, you don’t need to guess anything, you need to let the military handle it, as before that some people even with respectable positions, they begin to give recommendations, there is no need, everyone knows what
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to do in order to achieve superiority, pantsyrsky correctly said, here we need more weapons, and of course we still must not forget about mobilization. weapons should be used by people, there should also be an appropriate number of them, mr. oleksiy, i also wanted to talk to you about possible air attacks by the occupiers, yes, and in particular about the fact that we have actually strengthened our air defense, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said about that, that we got another patriot anti-aircraft missile complex, yes, it is firstly, and secondly, the last days. actively in social networks we see information that russia is preparing another missile attack on the territory of ukraine, well, in this context we are talking about strengthening anti-air defense, so the question is actually for you, which objects
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can really be attacked on your opinion in the coming days, if there will be an attack again, and whether... and now there are possible attacks, including on energy facilities, at least massed, because we really are such a point we see almost every day, three in one, you three in one asked a question, let's go first, patriots, well, it's good that we have another patriot, we hope that the information that we lost alone, she does not answer realities, and we already remember these, we remember where i... he could be, we assume where he could be partially injured, so an additional one is good, let's hope that there will be at least a few, a few more, seven or seven, no less, maybe 25, as the supreme commander said, god forbid,
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the more, the better, but you have to remember that the petrio anti-aircraft missile complex is anti-missile defense, as a part, as a component of air defense, and it fights... exclusively, well, not exclusively, mainly with ballistic missiles, it does not, it makes no sense to use it against cruise missiles, especially which they fly at a low altitude, because below 50 m, petryt can’t see anything, it’s a blind zone for him, he once again uses anti-foliage, covers must be used there , including airplanes, they intercept very well, and so on, that is, this separate conversation, the second part of your question, is about the build-up and build-up of russian strategic bombers. well, it is very good that we are talking about it, and that they are preparing, this is reported by our intelligence, there they add, almost a hundred planes are gathering, it can carry a large number, several hundreds of missiles, because they use planes, well, they
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will not be fully loaded, well, even if there is one missile on the plane, then it is already about a hundred missiles, why is it good that we are talking about it, well, first of all, we have to prepare. and secondly, that the talks will finally stop, that if some event took place, well, it doesn't matter what, somewhere, that the russians don't like, well, no, it doesn't matter, somewhere in... in the country, or our attack of some kind, or something else , and they often, for the sake of revenge, in two days, or the next day they struck some kind of blow, well, thank you that we are talking, that they are preparing, because such a blow must be prepared for at least a week, it is not possible, today something was reflected, and tomorrow russians are fasting, so that these conversations are a little strange, so, well i think that after we keep saying that they are preparing, to the rest of them, well it happened that... the attack can't be from today to tomorrow or from yesterday to today, it has to be prepared at least a week because of
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the number missiles that they can launch, we know that they have about 15% of the missiles left at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, it is estimated at several hundred missiles, there are up to 500, well , you can count differently, and these missiles for this does not mean that they remained there for a small number of strokes, it was false the information is there... so, or two years ago, this means that they will most likely not touch that untouched stock, because well , an untouched order is a stock, it is, an untouched stock, but if the situation forces it, then they can use it, they produce up to about 1005 per month, so if there are no long massed attacks on our country, it does not mean that they have changed their mind, or everything is good, it means that everything is bad, because they can either do one attack on... racquet , for example, plus or minus, approximately, we say, or two there are 50 racquets each, or three
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30 each, well, that is, they can break a hundred into one at a time, or they can in two, or they can in three, but what they collected is 90, in my opinion 95, i can’t say exactly how many, well, a large number, well, to there aren't hundreds, there aren't that many planes, they collected a large number of the 95s, and were preparing for an attack, it is quite possible that they will try to use them. a little bit of an intact supply, and it could be an attack not even a hundred, it could be an attack of more than a hundred to two hundred, maybe up to three hundred missiles at once, there could be a mass attack, it could be, i'm not saying it will be, but it could to be, given how many they are, how they prepare for it, and the third part of your question, what are they going to hit, energy targets or other targets, well i think it will be primarily military targets, we do... strikes by our drones on
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the territory of the russian federation, massive strikes , not two flew by, but two or three dozen or even a hundred, we do them somewhere, we do surface, unmanned boats somewhere, we see somewhere, we say, that we produce shells, increased production and so on, we are ours the military-industrial complex, our ukroboronpron is working, of course the russians will try to attack those objects that they managed to... calculate where they are, well, or we gave them disinformation, here is another question, it is open, let's say, they will direct them there , that it could be an energy object, it is quite possible, well , the energy generating ones have already been substantially improved, now the energy distribution facilities can most likely be, well, we understand that these will most likely be airfields to which we are preparing to receive f16, that's why. .. eh, i'm not saying that it will happen, i don't want to complain, as they say, but there are all signs that this could
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be a very massive strike and it will be a critical military and energy object for us, will there be any more for emotional impact on us with you, strikes on civilian objects, well, for god's sake, on hospitals, you can assume, i can even assume, that there could be a strike on a dam, which... stations or even on a nuclear power station, it is possible even from them, how they say, but three parts of your question, i tried my best, mr. oleksiyu, to you thank you for that, i would just like to remind you that in the context of the russian attacks on our defense against them, that in the south in odesa, recently it was possible to shoot down the ballistics, and this is actually a very important moment, which concerns... just the south , and, probably, the transport capabilities of our country on the black sea. thank you, mr.
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oleksiy, for this inclusion. oleksiy heitman, military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. well, let's move on to the extremely important one story that began last night, and andriy smolii, along with my other colleagues at espresso, heroically held back this informational blow when late at night for... joseph biden actually announced his withdrawal from the presidential campaign, it actually completely changes all the rules, for which ones or else similar campaigns are conducted as in the united states, you can only imagine how it affects the situation in the world, well, we can imagine how it affects the forecast in general, regarding the situation of our war with the russian federation, we will try all this put, but before that we remind you about our survey, yes, because it is active, and we encourage you to vote whether you approve
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of biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential campaign, absolutely free to take s... phones or smartphones, and you can dial if if you think so, 0800 211 381, if you think no, 0800 300, 211 382, ​​please call, and at the end of this hour we will draw up the first results, at the end of the second final results, and now we will talk, of course, on this important topic, yes, and welcome to ours guest, viktor shlinchak. board of the institute of world politics. mr. victor. congratulations glory to ukraine. good evening. jose biden is dropping out of the presidential race. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy , thanks him for everything he has done and for all the help that has been provided to our country. joseph biden is endorsing kamala harris, the incumbent vice president, as the future
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democratic nominee. we already know what kamala harris is. a lot of money flew, let's say, into the donor fund, and this means that, actually, what does this mean, can we expect that it is her on the 19th, if i'm not mistaken, a female presidential candidate will be nominated by the democratic party. well, let's start with the fact that this event is obvious to me, that is, if we take even. broadcast that you had somewhere about two weeks ago, i said that joe biden will obviously leave the campaign and we will have a new candidate, we see now that, in fact, things have not become as clear as they looked a week ago,
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the election carousel spins and... in fact, here we are watching even more the intrigues that take place in the state democrats, because a huge number of decisions that affect not only the election campaign of the president, but also the election campaign for the house of representatives depend on the democrats, because on one day the representatives will actually vote for the house of representatives, that is, in this case, the strategy the election campaign of the democrats will undergo a radical change, by the way, i do not rule out that if kamala haris receives support during the democratic convention,
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she will lead the party for a month or a half, or she will wear white. them like a full-fledged president of the united states of america, and joe biden will simply resign . therefore, there will be, i think , a lot of surprises, and we can analyze them there step by step, but i will say that the decision of who will be the presidential candidate, the presidential candidate from the democrats, and so on. we will hear about the name of the president in just a few days, and mr. victor, by the way, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, has just announced on his social networks that he will not be going anywhere, that he will be on own
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office until the end of his term, which is until january 20, 2025. yesterday, by the way, a huge number of republicans there called on him to resign from office altogether. so in your opinion, this period, relatively speaking, from yesterday until january 20, will it be a period of political turbulence, instability in the united states of america, and in particular, because of this in... because we know that the president, who does not run for a second term, or who completes his second term, he is often called there in american politics generally lame. tank, in this context, what do you think we can expect and what the world can expect, these are there, how many four or five months?
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well, let's start with the fact that the elections themselves in the united states of america are taking place against the background of a great polarization of society, that is, we are talking about the fact that now there are really great threats that these elections will be held ... come calmly and conclude with the fact that the party who will lose, recognized the results of these elections, i repeat once again, a very high emotional intensity is observed in the american society, so, of course, all of this affects decision-making, in particular the white house, and the development of these emotional swings that opponents of democracy use, and in this case, when we talk about whether these elections will affect the world schedule will certainly have an impact, we
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have elections for the most powerful country in the world, the largest economy in the world, and accordingly all this will dictate how geopolitics will develop, according to which laws... geopolitics will develop, and the head of the white house will of course influence all world process well, mr. viktor, i’ll just remind you that before this statement by joseph biden, which is significant for the united states and for the whole world, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky , reported on his conversation with donald trump, and there is an understanding that he even invited the 45th president with'. states to ukraine, how will our relations with the usa develop if donald trump becomes president? we will talk about this, i think that it will be more than one month, you and i will definitely. i would
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now like to turn your attention to another trump interlocutor in these last few days, and we are talking about ex-prime minister of great britain boris johnson. let's listen to what he says, what are his own visions for the presidency. and yes, and we, ah, ah, we are talking about mike johnson, now, about the speaker of the house of representatives, right, colleagues, yes, i'm sorry, some technical difficulties, if we talk about boris johnson and donald trump, eccentric, nature of their populist politics, about their interactions and how quickly they... change their visions about our country, the country, according to the place, to who is sitting, can we hope that donald trump will somehow change after becoming
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president, i cannot help but react, firstly, regarding the conversation between president zelensky and presidential candidate trump, it seems to me that this is still a hasty decision, because... what , as we can see now, no, everything will not be so smooth for trump, he is leaning against the electoral ceiling, and if the election campaign is properly built by the democrats, he will face a lot of challenges in order to get the voters he has, you need to understand the schedule in american society actually they were ready to vote for trump and for biden with approximately equal 35 percent of the votes, in the middle there was a so-called
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swamp, these are people who are undecided, and it is for their votes that the main struggle should take place in the event that these two candidates were swamped, instead , if the democrats nominate another candidate, much younger, especially if this candidate will be strengthened by a rather strong vice-presidential candidacy and if the candidate from the democrats will win the support of big, let's say, world stars, well, sort of. singer swift, for example, and runs an effective campaign, we're going to see
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that the democrats are going to... have a pretty good chance of winning that nomination, the presidential nomination, i mean, so going back to the uh talk, there, which we have already discussed recently, and before trump's conversation with former prime minister johnson, here too, not everything is clear. because we have to preface every sentence with the word if, uh, how, or rather if, if trump becomes president, if he, will go to the general office, and if he sees there are opportunities for conducting some kind of negotiations with the russian federation, and if at that moment the intelligence will...
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just recommend to him that it is necessary to conditionally bring ukraine to the negotiating table, then this will be one story, but these are all conventions, first of all , trump still has to win, secondly, when we talk about the fact that these two characters, let's say trump and johnson, that they are quite good friends, then ... in politics does not exist good friends, especially when these friends have different interests of their own. i sure that trump already sees johnson as a rising star, not a star that will burn out soon. accordingly, his attitude toward johnson, i think, will be much different now than it was when johnson
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was in charge. in the british government, respectively , johnson's recommendations, of course, which were published in the daily mail, of course, maybe trump will read them, but will they be for him the scenario that he is grasping for, it is very big, very doubtful, i repeat , trump, if, again, becomes the president, he himself does not yet know how and... which ones he will make the decision and on the basis of which documents, therefore, before discussing any peace plans, which we postpone until the 25th year, it is necessary for a lot of events to take place, they will certainly take place, well, let's do it anyway let 's return to johnson, but this time
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to mike, in particular. he said that trump can end the war against ukraine if he shows strength. by the way, let's listen to asynchronous and then discuss. i am confident that president trump can end this conflict if he demonstrates strength we maintain peace through force. we didn't have that during the 3x5 years of the trump administration. everything was with perfect accuracy. so mr. viktor, your remark is very short, we just heard from a person who dragged as much as he could and dragged out the vote on aid for ukraine, and for israel and taiwan, in fact, for a person who bows to donald trump in every way and thinks exclusively in terms of his own , probably a political career and
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one's own idolatry, and not some visions that concern the future in general the world, but this person says that we have not had any power for three years, we will have it with donald trump, what the politics of the united states will turn into in general, if we see such a level, well, some kind of cult of personality, it is no exaggeration to say for sure , well, let's start with the fact that this is pre-election rhetoric, we are in ukraine... no, now we are discussing the american elections as something extraordinary, i repeat, they will really have an impact on all world processes, but in the absence of a political process in ukraine american elections are really more interesting to watch, but...


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