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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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with what exists in ukraine, it is still owned by the russians, for example, what about the recent scandals, we remember the situation in the poltava region, where in fact novinsky was given back control over a whole number, a whole number of gas producing companies, if i'm not mistaken, platforms, that is, the state, and we have said it a million times. in this program does not fulfill its function sufficiently, just as the state does not fulfill its function within the framework of, for example, the legislation, which should clearly regulate the issue of the promotion of the russian world in ukraine. i believe that for contempt of military, for disrespecting the ukrainian language, for disrespecting ukrainian national symbols, there should be criminal liability. i believe that for what people say and what people... promote, they
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should be responsible, just in another case, we, we say, and, we say, we are a democratic country, we cannot ban something there , and russia is not interested in this, it is not interested, it will act with terrorist, brutal methods, and we will at this time be playing with russia and the russian in what, well, supposedly in democracy, although i say once again, democracy this is... the implementation of the law, democracy is this, this is the clear implementation of laws in the country, and these laws must meet the requirements of the time, and when the requirement of the time says that the ukrainian state must survive, that the ukrainian identity must survive, that the ukrainian language must to survive, that there is no place in ukraine for those people who promote russia, well , i'm sorry... we also have to react to it,
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otherwise, don't really ask why we are offered any peace plans, if we in the middle of the country have votes, who say that it is necessary to agree, that it is necessary to tolerate , that it is necessary to return russian culture again, then i apologize, there will be no questions for boris johnson in such a case, but you and i seem to be talking about different things, but how fixated are they on... a single ring, what comes to my mind right now is the statement of the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy klitschko, in an interview with korer, that president zelensky will have to make difficult decisions, which in any case could lead to his political arbitrariness, and in the case of a territorial compromise with russia a referendum will have to be launched. let's listen to klychka. the coming months will be very difficult for volodymyr zelenskyi, will he have to? continue the war with new
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deaths and destruction, or consider a territorial compromise with putin? zelensky will probably have to resort to a referendum, i do not think that he will be able to reach such painful and important agreements on his own, without popular legitimization, and in principle, rational things, mr. klitschko says, popular legitimization, and it would seem that the ukrainian people model of 2022 on the insane stress from russian missiles falling on his head, and from all the horrors seen, after the deoccupation, for example, kyiv region or kharkiv region, cannot allow anything like that, but the ukrainian people of the model of 2024, maybe on the 25th , maybe even 26 years old, madly tired of the war. someone really,
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someone, someone thinks that they are tired, and the ukrainian people who, despite everything, deceive themselves and try to live their best life in cities where shelling, but not so often , nothing can be tolerated, in principle, the ukrainian people, where bloggers who run lifestyle blogs about, again, s... is the best life and promote this, what is it called, hedonism, yes, this is hedonism, simply, to the whole society, this ukrainian people in this state, i am afraid that it can give a slack, and here is the question, i don’t know whether a referendum or not, but really before bringing it to this state, the russian federation is doing everything possible to demobilize us, to psychologically demobilize our
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ability to resist for a long time, i would even she said, because the question now is who is longer will be able to carry his cross. our cross to be, you know, resistant and to stand as long as we can on all platforms, to show that this war, it is existential, it is for survival, it is for who who, you understand, it is for who, who, and unfortunately, well, we understand that we do not have, we were not given, first of all, so many resources, at the moment, i hope, now they are more, but less than that, and... really putin made a bet, i believe from 2023 on to an existential war, on who will persecute whom, uh, pereperebe, excuse me, destroys, well, no matter how it is,
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no matter how it sounds, but in this case, russia is using another hybrid component, which we are talking about, a component of the political... cultural and informational disconnection of our society, and when in the 22nd year we took this test, now, unfortunately, we are slowly starting to fail this test, and the worst thing is that we are starting to fail this test from the people who should be the flagships, who should be , which should demonstrate that society should unite around ukrainian values, and not what. these people fail, i don't know why, i don't know under what circumstances, maybe they are that way in themselves, but we are here to talk to you, explain and signal problems. unfortunately, there are still many of these problems, and
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we will definitely share them with you and think about how to solve them. thank you for being with us, i will remind you. that today we asked you whether you approve of joseph biden's decision to withdraw from the election race, which he announced just yesterday, and 82% those who called us generally approve of this decision, believe that joseph did the right thing, and 18% believe that no, he could probably still fight. this is how ukrainians see the situation in the united states, it is good that they are watching it, and i thank you very much for the fact that you... and on the air of the espresso tv channel, it was a new week project, we will meet with you next monday, thank you, khrystyna yatskiv, thank you, stay tuned, stay tuned and goodbye, there are discounts
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trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, resources allied with them there. help understand the present and predict the future offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, verdict with serhiy. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin did that, he would go to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots off the top of my head, no, not off the top of my head, and beyond it, who is china then, my heart hurts, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. 880. the day of our heroic confrontation russian naval 880 day of the war that russia
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brazenly started 2 and a half years ago, every day, every hour, and ultimately every minute, we thank our brave defenders for defending our land, defending sovereignty, territorial integrity of our country, thank you and pray for them, my name is yuriy fizar, as always, and whoever watched the big broadcast last week remembers that this one... this week and until the end of this week, i will be working with you. there will be a lot of interesting things during the week, including today. today i will talk about the following: there will be inclusion from the regions, i will talk about ukrainian politicians with political expert volodymyr tsibulek. i will talk about boris johnson's article for the daily mail, he said a lot about ukraine there with people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi, and your familiar columns. but we start, as always, with military results. day and serhiy zgurets. serhii, i congratulate you, you have a word. i congratulate you,
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yuliy. greetings to our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the mass attack of ukrainian drones on targets in at least five russian regions, about the conclusions of the british institute of russia regarding the strategy of ukraine in the war in the 24th year, and about the fighting in the pokrovsky direction, which has changed there. in a conversation with our military from the 110th separate mechanized brigade, more on that in a moment. tonight, long-range strike drones carried out a massive attack on a number of objects on the territory of the russian federation, the russian ministry of defense reported that almost 80 drones had been shot down, saying that 47 were shot down over the rostov region, one each over belgorod, voronich and smolensk, eight over
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the kuban and 17 drones over the black and azov seas . i think we will eventually see the real consequences of these attacks, but we can talk about at least two enemy targets that were hit, based on the photos and videos that have already appeared. first of all , it was the toapse oil refinery in the krasnodar region two waves of rebuke attacks. the status of drones in february is a video where it is noticeable how this drone slowly descends and enters the target, and then explosions occur. in total , at least eight uavs were reported to have attacked this refinery. the extent of damage to the facility is still being determined. the operation was carried out by the main intelligence agency, according to a number of sources. russia tried to supply about 90% of the products of this refinery. exports, and this is the third attack on this refinery . the previous ones were in january and may
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of this year, the air defense around this plant is not was, and is not, which is actually good. the second target that was attacked by ukrainian drones is the morozovsk air base in the rostov region, which is approximately 300 km from the current front line, where the 559th russian bomber aviation regiment with front-line bombers is based. su-34 and su-24. there are shots of smoke in the area of ​​this airport, as well as shots of hits and fires, locals reported eight explosions. in april, this resort was also attacked by drones controlled by specialists of the sbu and the armed forces of ukraine. as a result, it was possible to destroy or damage at least six aircraft. and against the background of these systematic attacks by ukrainian uavs against... enemy targets in the depths of russian territory, it is worth mentioning the report of the royal institute
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service of russia, which, this is an institute in britain, which is such an authoritative institute that conducts the analysis of combat operations, and the other day this the institute issued a report on the reasons for the failure of the ukrainian counteroffensive in 23rd year, this report was written in cooperation with the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and in this report directly it is indicated that it is not advisable for ukraine to resume offensive operations in the near future, why? in short, it states that in the current realities when there are not enough weapons for 14 reserve brigades, when the enemy continues to storm, but still relies on powerful defense lines, when the enemy does not lack human resources, and while the use of some types of foreign weapons at full range is still blocked, then another the offensive in these conditions can only be
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an unsuccessful take, experts believe of the british institute of russia, but at the same time there for... that while the necessary resources are being accumulated for offensive actions in the future, ukraine should use the strategy of the task of maximum russian losses both on the battlefield and in the rear, because the kremlin's ability to continue aggression relies on financial reserves, which go to pay the troops and issue weapons, that's why such strikes carried out by ukrainian drones on the same oil refineries or on russian defense and military facilities. in the depth of russian territory are precisely those components of the war of attrition which ukraine must effectively implement this year, at this time, it is necessary to recruit troops, accordingly equip them, train them longer and better , taking into account the realities on the battlefield and be ready to act at such a clear level, there are brigades and
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possibly even corps that can be created, and now we will talk about... about what is happening on the front line, where the pokrovsky direction itself remains the most difficult, we know that yesterday there were 117 combat engagements and 39 were precisely in the pokrovsky direction, what are the changes there took place, we know that there on july 19 and 20 the enemy managed to enter the destroyed settlement of progress in the pokrovsky direction, and this somewhat affects the overall situation in this area, but what is more... but what is happening there, we will talk with our guest, and now ivan sekych is joining us, he is the press officer of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after general mark bezoruchuk. mr. serhiy, mr. ivan, congratulations, i am glad to see and hear you on the air of kanalus. good evening, studio, glad to see you too. we saw from the erection
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to the general staff that the dynamics in your area are extremely difficult, there were reports from some structures that the enemy has made progress, how does this affect the situation and what is happening in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade right now? ah, look, the enemy continues its creeping offensive, that is , they tear out every position with great bloodshed, and now the events have shifted a little further north, because this ridge, where our brigade stands, is in the new direction of novooleksandrivka. this projection, it is very inconvenient for the enemy, because it is shot through from both flanks, also work unmanned fpv and other things, that is, it is very inconvenient there, there is also such a hill, and that is why they can advance further, now they are trying to align, align the front, and that is why more such events began in the north, they are throwing equipment there more, but also on
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a fresh, fresh brigade of the enemy came in our direction, most likely it is some kind of airborne troops, they are armed with bmp-3 and tigers, as well as crocodiles, they are armored, they are so awesome, recently they tried to conduct an assault, as usual, they tried very quickly slip through, they managed to slip through our first line of defense a little bit, but only three of the seven vehicles went back, all of them were destroyed, that is , the enemy has an advantage in the number of personnel, this is the main problem, because firing artillery at two... people is very, very big the spread of shells, it is very, very difficult to hit the infantry that moves, fpv cannot always work in landings, because the dense thickets do not allow you to fly there with it in beer, so the enemy felt this advantage and tries to use his advantage composition to move forward, well, as you can see on
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the map, sometimes they succeed and the front moves, mr. ivan. and there are those who are just advancing with the advance of the enemy to uzdvizhenka and to the pokrovs kostyantynivka track , and are there any special features in this direction that are worth paying attention to? special features, i drove yesterday on this route, it is passable, but there are problems with fpv, which are already flying there, they are also arriving, cabs are arriving, but to remove... the road, i.e. artillery, for some reason they are not working on this route for now i do not i have seen such cases, that is, in most cases it is fpv, that is, they are currently trying to get out, but i say that such terrain is inconvenient there. to them, they are stubborn, i was there, there is a hill and on one side it covers the lake, and they cannot expand either to the left or to the right, so it is
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not profitable, and they are trying to make progress here and there, it is fruitful, and there it passes from below, that is, the enemy is acting according to the principle of which, where something works for him, he advances, where he rests, he begins to reduce resources in this direction, you mentioned that that a new enemy brigade has probably appeared there, a landing party, as you call a detachment. on the bmp3 and other mechanized means, and the bmp-3 is being used, are they still trying, as before, to try to break through to the landings by foot assaults on bikes or on motorcycles, how are they acting right now? ah, look, in terms of technique, they already feel a deficit, because even in interceptions there is something. it's not that they don't have enough technicians, that's why they try not to use too much, one of the machines that i saw, it was one bmp3,
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they tried to slip through something, but at the beginning, at the entrance or exit from ocheretono, it was destroyed by fpv, the personnel there scattered, only the mekhvods were fighting there, that is, they sometimes use armored vehicles, but very in some a small number, it's more infantry after all, like the problem itself, two people go. and to the point of accumulation, they have 10-10 people there by command to accumulate for the assault of each position, they go two, did not pass, two more, did not pass, two passed, then for a whole day they accumulate, 10 people gather there, losing 20 personnel there on the way, and then they storm our stronghold, what is the problem, that it is very difficult to destroy them, first of all , to notice, because the green is thick now, and secondly , it is very difficult to hit artillery. spend cluster shells, which are also in short supply, and that is why the infantry enters the battle, they have an advantage in the number of infantry, we have problems
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with the number of personnel on the front line, that is why the situation is such that this gradual offensive will creep into them, they are a little shifts the front, the line front, but as i said, as you said there , the research before the previous one before me, that we are working now to exhaust the enemy in terms of equipment... we have worked it out, there is less of it, we need to destroy the personnel, one day it will end, stand and continue to kill them . ivan, do we use remote mining, do we have the opportunity for this, to block the directions where the enemy can move in the monkin region, and personnel mining is one of the bases of defense, when the enemy uses personnel, there is remote mining, it is carried out as if at the expense of these... witches seem to be these or vampires of these cosacopters, that's what it's called, that is , engineering troops are brought in and remotely also work, but the front line is so
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mobile that it's a lot of work, a lot of consumption of these mines , and there are also problems, problems have also started with the number of mines, and there are such new developments, they are already used for traffic, and... they are very effective, but their number is currently small, if there were more , then a it would be much more difficult for the enemy to advance. you briefly mentioned that the enemy is trying to partially use cabs for strikes on the road that goes from pokrovsk to pokrovsk, in the defense zone of our soldiers, are the enemy cabs used, or is artillery still used more in these areas? and... there is a very big problem with cables, it was and remains, every 30 minutes there are cables flying, every 30 minutes they fly everywhere, they work as
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well as on the front line, they also work on infrastructure, civil infrastructure, you can see behind me, this is the city of myrnograd, this is a school, it has already flown here twice, there are no soldiers in the schools in the kindergartens, at the moment in mornograd, if i am not mistaken, there is only one school left on the left, i have to leave, it is not far now, i will look at the whole did she destroy it yet, or did she destroy it already, then... then near me, where i live in pokrovsk, a kindergarten was destroyed on the same day, two cabs flew in on the same day, and there were no military personnel there, in general there are no military personnel in schools and kindergartens , they have been given a task, they spread it, that is, anxiety constantly has problems with the fact that we stop reacting to them, but we must be careful, because it is a very destructive thing, as you can see, so they work very actively with cabals, ivan, i guess it is known for what a short period of time, it seems that a month ago a significant number of these russian su-25s were destroyed, are the front-line fighters there now,
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will i use them or stormtroopers now. look, i said that muscovites, they use what they have a lot of, they use it, looking at losses, like people, there are not enough people, there are them there, and in our brigade there are from 50 to 100 per oak, only our brigade, our area of ​​responsibility, so many are destroyed, they, they are all the same, that is, the planes of these su-25s, they a lot, they continue to fly if i'm not mistaken. i saw the news today, it seems that the head of the team in command stated that there is a big, big problem with short-range complexes, and these are portable, as i understand it, complexes that can work, now the situation is very difficult, because very they have a lot of reconnaissance, reconnaissance wings, which need to be trained, because they fly like at home, sometimes the concentration of these flying scouts is like superkami, arvans and everything else, it can reach... 20
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units for somewhere on 20 km, also, that is, every kilometer can be seen through them, and this prevents our artillery from working, because we cannot, that is, they will make serifs on our artillery, they are hiding at this moment, there are very big problems with this and so far there is no solution and we do not yet understand how solve, because it costs very, very much to shoot down an anti-aircraft missile system, and the difference there is about 30 thousand dollars, that is, one shot down, and others... so far we do not know how to shoot down, especially since we are an infantry brigade, we have these complexes, and that's why we shoot down these planes, but i know that in general the situation on the front is very difficult with such complexes that could shoot down both planes and their reconnaissance wings. ivan, what happens at night, do combat operations take place at night, does the enemy try to accumulate at night and carry out assaults on our positions, like this part of the day
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passes? and usually the nights are calmer, but assaults are also repelled, it all depends on the number of night vision devices they have, that is , it happens that you have a car that slips by a fool, and then there is darkness with it in more, well, that is, between the second and first line of defense, and the infantry will have to be hunted down, that's how they sometimes go, but it's somewhere, somewhere, they even have such ones, and as it were, they act according to the schedule. i don't remember, ah, that is, they are somewhere around five, when dusk begins, what, what is the interest of dusk, so what drone heat with a thermal imaging camera, it begins to see poorly, because it is used only for darkness, and the drone, which is for daytime, it is not yet, that is, this interval of half an hour is used, as they, in principle, and we will use it for movement, advancement, rotation subdivisions, and precisely these moments.
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the assaults begin, usually in the morning, then until lunchtime they go for a ride, run around, then there is a bit of silence, and then sometime after four o'clock the assaults begin again closer to dusk, that is, at night it is more or less calm. ivan, surely you are there, well, your unit also took the enemy prisoner, and there are probably intercepted conversations of the enemy there, what can be said about the enemy personnel, about their... the presence of those units that carry out these assault actions, and about training, well, this is not special forces, it is of course infantry before that, but for paratroopers, they are airborne troops, they are not intended to fight in the fields, the infantry should fight in the fields, what they are starting to throw the airborne troops, it is hopeless, that is, for them it is necessary to support the initiative, it is necessary to continue the offensive, and they
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are using all their reserves, then what has appeared... this is exactly the new technique, i emphasized this, it means that the old one is no longer enough, and they are throwing away the last resources. we all understand the external political situation in the developing world, they need the initiative, they will try and play, use them in the negotiations that are being prepared, and that is why the enemy continues to storm. mr. ivan, regarding our mobilization, replenishment of brigs, are yours still active now? own recruiting programs in which specialists there is the greatest need for your brigade? and two people, who i specially took a brigade for the sake of the media, will deal with the software for, and the development of units of unmanned systems, because most of them are the same, most of the means of destruction are fpv - it comes from donations, from the population and from. ..


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