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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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for our future, because it will be the best with such a president. yevgeny, you can thank putin before that for the fact that he destroyed all this, although with your intelligence you cannot understand the real picture. now this blogger is sitting in makiivka, and we really hope that when donetsk region is under the ukrainian flag, vasiliev will go to our prison. it is not a fact that with his intelligence he will be able to understand his sentence, but i think his cellmates will explain everything to him. our next traitor is just starting her career as a blogger-collaborator, but i'm sure you're about she was definitely heard. on march 9, 2022, russia bombed mariupol. at that time, he was hit in maternity hospital number three. one of the journalists noticed a bloodied pregnant woman near the maternity hospital. it was mariana vyshemirska. he sympathized with her. the whole world,
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but as it turns out, later the woman will choose the side of those on whose orders she and her then unborn child could die. mariana will vote for putin, go to parades and wear a horiv ribbon, saying that mariupol is part of russia. respected president of ukraine, volodymyr oleksandrovych, you promised that the ukrainian army would be able to protect us, but as a result , the city turned into a cage. on february 4 , little was known about marianna. at first, she lived in the donetsk region in the temporarily occupied makiivka. in 2020, she met her future husband and moved to mariupol, where she was caught up in a full-scale war. after the bloody events of march 2022 , mariana disappeared from the information space for a while, and then unexpectedly began to appear in videos of a similar nature. all of them leave for russia in donetsk on their own initiative. as it turned out, mariana
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returned to temporarily occupied donetsk, where she began to build a career as a blogger under a tricolor rag. on the one hand, mariana positions herself as a beauty expert. she has 72,000 followers on instagram, and on the other hand, as a volunteer and public figure, her telegram channel page with 7,000 followers is dedicated to this. mariana concentrated her volunteer activities around mariupol. from the beginning of september 1, 2022 , she visited the temporary occupied mariupol and distributed balls in the color of the flag of the russian federation to students of one of the schools. later, she wrote about how happy the children are in the seemingly peaceful mariupol. after that, the woman started carrying humanitarian aid from russia to the temporarily occupied donetsk region. and later it turned out that she was... not the only one whom the russians
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admitted to the olenivsk colony, the place where our captured soldiers were kept at that time. there , the traitor talked with one of the ukrainian defenders and later wrote a post that the fighter urged the ukrainian authorities to go to peace talks with russia. i'm doing now it is such a mission that i connect prisoners of war with their families, since i, as a mother, as a woman, as a wife, understand their pain and fear. we remember the tragedy... which the rashists staged in the premises of the oleniv colony, so we wonder how much marianna's rotten oregano is worth, whether the kremlin paid a lot for her not just to betray ukraine, but to so cynically spend bloody rubles. when ukraine won the oscar for the film 20 days in mariupol, the vyshemir woman in her interview for the solovyov program called the film a fair hypocrisy according to her, ukrainians are allegedly making up fakes about what happened in mariupol, while she is doing something important.
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affairs in the film, they used more profitable shots at the moment of evacuation. i cannot call it anything other than a fair of hypocrisy. the important things are to vote for putin in the presidential elections and to encourage others to do so. star in the next propaganda videos in mariupol and distribute humanitarian aid with words of thanks to russia. now this progenitor positions herself as a volunteer, an adviser to the muslim leader feykova lpr and a member. of the so-called assembly of the peoples of eurasia, at the same time continues to parasitize on the sensitive topic of mariupol, because it realizes that its popularity will not fade, it will become unnecessary for the kremlin, which means that rubles will stop flying onto the map and it will again become a gray noun. but marianne, i have good news for you. our law enforcement agencies will definitely not forget you, and you will return to the ukrainian mariupol, where you will answer for all your actions.
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in your case, a carriage is a must will turn into a pumpkin, and you will go on foot, but not home, but to the bakery. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about... kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening to viewers of the espresso tv channel, politklub. i spend today from portnikov will not be there, we expect next week. well, today, traditionally, in this program, analytics are always with ours guests, with our experts, with people who know their business, who will be able to really
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tell you more about the situation in the country, in the world and what we can expect in the near future. so today, of course, we will talk about the topic. military, and about politics, and about foreign affairs, foreign policy, and about many other things. so, let's start, perhaps, with the military topic, with the topic of further shelling of our country, with the topic of how russia continues to attack our country, what is the situation at the front now, we are in touch now... must be anatoliy hrabchynskyi, deputy director of the company that deals with rebs, an aviation expert. anatoly, i am very glad to see you. congratulations andriy. anatolia, let's start with you, probably with this next
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shelling of our country this night, right? again there was an attack by unmanned aerial vehicles, such as shakhead, there was a ballistic attack. before that... the occupiers tried to fire at our energy facilities in the north and in the center of the country, and by the way, information appeared yesterday and has been circulating for the last few days that strategic aviation the enemy is ready for further shelling, so you have a word, how would you characterize this attack and whether in the coming days, according to your data, it is possible to expect further... massive shelling from the side of the occupying power, well, again, let's start with what is practical every night, the enemy uses shachets on the strike, which try to load our air defense system, here it should be noted that in principle, if we talk about the statistics of the use of drones of the shachet type,
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now there is a slight decrease in the number, because after all after all, we see that russia, although it produces them, or rather collects them on its territory, but nevertheless it is still very much connected with supplies from iran, and now we see some decrease in the number, for example , the application of these drones is a racket. of course, the enemy can stockpile, the enemy can plan, use, for example, them together with mass missile attacks, but nevertheless we see that missiles were also used that night, although from the tactical aviation of kh-59 missiles, x69, which actually were depressed at the expense. means of radio-electronic warfare, this is quite positive news, because in fact, means of radio-electronic warfare are currently actively developing in ukraine, here it should be noted that companies engaged in the production of means already have access to certain components that
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are produced in ukraine, and this is very gratifying , that is why it reduces the logistics of collecting, for example, and delivering directly to our military such necessary means. but nevertheless, it should be noted that yes, in fact, russia has now deployed some the number of tu-95 aircraft to olenia and to engels, this may be due to the fact that in fact the enemy is actively using these types of aircraft, and recently we have also seen a decrease in the number of aircraft and a decrease in the number of missiles that they launched, this is related to the limited resource of these aircraft, because here it should be noted that the aircraft were produced back in the soviet union, and some aircraft are 50 to ... 60 years old, and they are limited, for example, by the same engines, so in principle , in any case, most likely the relocation of these strategic aviation was in order to try to combine something now, or to take some parts from other
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planes, in order to put things in order, because we see that the number of planes has recently decreased to 95. anatolia, but this attempt by the russians... to attack, or at least to probe the ground for attacks on the capital, that is, we see that in the last seven days there have been several attempts, either by the shahed, or, conditionally speaking, it is not yet known what unmanned aerial vehicles to probe the ground for attacks on the capital, whether the suburbs whether it was kyiv, the people of kyiv heard explosions, in the end information appeared on social networks that it was some other type of unmanned aerial vehicle, how do you assess this tactic, is it also preparation for attacks on the capital? in the future, in any case, the use of drones is used by russia as
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a direct attempt to break through to determine where the main radar systems are located, the air defense system, which allows us to detect and destroy enemy uavs or missiles, so in principle, this is mostly russia trying to break through possible measures in in the future for what it will use for missiles, so we actually see that... and now the altitudes at which the same drones begin to fly are significantly reduced, and this, on the contrary, loads very powerfully loads our air defense forces, but not we see less that we are coping, we are shooting down these air forces, but it should be noted that in any case , the key challenge currently facing the air defense forces of ukraine is the creation of a low-altitude radar field that will allow... to detect such on low heights of uavs in order to destroy them in
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automatic mode. we are already seeing the first training on the use of, for example, tpd drones to destroy and wing- type drones to destroy russian reconnaissance bopols. therefore, in principle, in the near future, i think that we will see a ready-made system that will work in automatic mode, detect and destroy. another question from... is about the occupation's unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, their number of applications is increasing, we can see that, of course, they fly in the south and east along the line of combat, yes, but very often these drones are used in chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, kyiv oblast, even in the rear regions, as evidenced by the fact that the occupiers so often now began to... .to use reconnaissance drones and is it possible that it is related to what they are looking for,
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whether it is the f-16, or the airfields where the f-16 is based, that is, there is also such a theory. what are your thoughts on this? of course, the enemy tries to detect any military positions, for example, air defense systems, fortifications areas of our defense forces. why is more intelligence used recently? because the defense forces significantly affected the capabilities of the russian federation by hitting a large number of radar devices used by russia for, for example, reconnaissance of the territory of ukraine, this is the container, this is voronish, this is the sky, which were destroyed in the temporarily occupied crimea, let's let's go back to the fact that russia lost two 50t aircraft, which helped the russians detect certain movements or, for example, certain ukrainian positions. defense forces, therefore right now, the enemy actively began to use
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the porlan, zala intelligence chambers in order to find and receive certain information, because without those means that were destroyed, russia was somewhat blinded, so now it uses such a method, using intelligence intelligence. if we are talking about the f-16, then i have already mentioned them, volodymyr zelenskyi said in one of the interviews. about the fact that 18 months have passed, since at least they started talking about the f-16, to expect them in ukraine, they still haven't flown to us, as they say, their not now, at least officially on the territory of ukraine, according to official information, there should be six boards by the end of the summer and supposedly up to 20 by the end of the year, but in your opinion, still, when more precisely... they can be expected, because every month, in fact, we see the transfer, rearrangement,
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movement of this date, receiving the dream f-16s. in fact, if we speak in terms of time, ukraine's transition to f-16 aircraft involves a two-year program. of course, this two-year program is due to the fact that even cadets who do not have piloting experience. we talk about what they learn from us. and pilots who have combat experience, that is, they had to retrain for a new type of aircraft, get access to operation, in principle, if we talk about such retraining, it takes from three to... three months, sometimes six months can take, but it should be noted that this is retraining and this is admission to piloting, we say that our pilots need to prepare and perform combat tasks well, use all the weapons that are on the plane, and it takes a certain amount of time to to improve these capabilities, so in principle, it should be noted
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that our pilots are actually improving their capabilities and practicing various types of combat tasks, perhaps even planning them on the territory of the russian federation. it should be noted here that sweden handed over to us, and is handing over to us, the long-range organizational detection aircraft of the sap, and this also needs to be reconciled in order to learn how to work properly with these aircraft, it also takes some time. it is clear that ah, on the part of our diplomacy, on the part of ours, our president and the head of the country, the following messages should be sounded about... our western partners, in order to speed up the possibility of obtaining aircraft after all, because in any case , aircraft that would, for example, perform the tasks of protecting the airspace from massive missile strikes, could be used already after a certain short period of training of pilots, because we are talking about involvement to close the airspace without participating in hostilities, well, in principle, we see the first
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information that it does provide first, there will be a certain number of aircraft that will deal with air defense in... space, and then other aircraft will be added for, for example, striking the territory of temporarily occupied ukraine or the territory of the russian federation. of course, in my opinion, well, in my opinion, the planes could already be in ukraine, in principle, all the terms confirmed that they could be already in may, but it is clear that there are certain elements that our western partners are trying to improve, because even the saying, danish, danish, commander, should be mentioned of the air force, yana dama, who noted that this is a very powerful aircraft, and ukrainian pilots need to be trained very well, so i understand that there is also a certain delay on the part of our western partners, because they take care that our pilots are well trained prepared, as for when we will receive, well , certainly by the end of the summer we
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will receive a certain number of planes, by the end of the year i predict that there will be a little more than 20 planes, but... if we talk about the preparation of airfields, we see how the occupiers constantly applied missile strikes on airfields, possible bases, in their opinion, again f-16, these are various types of airfields, starting from kyiv region, ending with khmelnytskyi region, lviv region and so on, yes. at the expense of this, do we have, in your opinion, again, this infrastructure is being prepared as much as possible, and ... is this not a possible, possible element of the delay in the delivery of the f-16, because here in ukraine we need, as they say , to receive them and put them in those places for storage and use, so that the occupiers do not get them with their missiles blows let's start with the fact that our society perceives the preparation of airfields for
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the reception of f-16 aircraft as a big construction. in fact, it should be noted here that... and airplanes envisage maintenance and being at any airfield that can provide protection due to air defense means, can provide radar means for takeoff and landing, for example, in poor target conditions or some other there are certain means and provide the plane with refueling, maintenance and, for example, there well, under the carriage and fixing of the combat designation, therefore, in principle, it should be noted that... most of the airfields of ukraine are ready to receive f-16 aircraft, in principle, they only provide for the receipt of certain equipment that would provide these aircraft, and in principle protection directly by means of air defense, because if we are talking about fast targets, then they can be shot down due to, for example, air defense systems that can
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fight against the ballistics of aeroballistic missiles, the rest of the threat is destroyed due to under rise of these planes and or deployment to other airfields, or even, well, raising and protecting the airspace, therefore, in principle, it should be noted here that, on my own experience , i had the opportunity to be in baghdad when there was a military operation of the united states, iraq was free application, that is, there are no such hangars or any complex equipment to protect airplanes or helicopters, then... in principle, it is important to have air defense and the ability to lift all the airplanes that are on the aircraft. well, thank you very much for your thoughts. your expert assessment of the situation and actually with air defense, with the attacks of the russian federation against ukraine,
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anatoliy hrabchynskyi, the deputy general director of the company dealing with reb, and an aviation expert was on the live air of the espresso tv channel. we have a short break, and in a few minutes we will be back with new guests, new analytics and new. formation, do not switch. events, events that are happening right now and affect ours life. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time.
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my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about war, about military, front, component. sergey zurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in time. ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, the big air of vasyl zima, the project for mind and those who care about espresso in the evening. politclub is back, live, and we continue
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our analytics with our program guests. so ihor semivolos, director of the center for middle eastern studies, joins us now. mr. igor, we are glad to welcome you. congratulations. ot. the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, stated that israel and hamas are allegedly close to a truce. at the same time, we see that the peace plan for ukraine publishes johnson and allegedly says that this could be a peace plan, relatively speaking. trump, yes, well, these are the parallels, so to speak, we have now, mr. igor, how do you generally assess the closeness of this truce, possible, whether
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it can really be implemented between israel and hamas in the near future, or is that all again will be interrupted and postponed for a certain period, well, the problem. lies in the fact that there have already been many such rumors about an armistice, yes, that is, for almost several months we have been observing the attempts of the american administration, first of all, and those of the arab countries, first of all egypt , to organize such a truce, so far it is rather further than we want, because there are po... the position of netanyahu, there is the position of the far-right members of the israeli government, there is several political decisions taken
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by the israeli government recently, which create serious future problems in general for negotiations between the palestinians and the israelis. which suggests a possible benefit, well, more precisely. that such an agreement can be signed, obviously, these are statements of the military about the fact that if such an agreement is signed, then most likely the situation in the north of israel, near the lebanese border, will be normalized, this, this reasoning is quite ah, well, quite appropriate, considering the fact that hezbollah has repeatedly gained its own. .. well, the leaders of hizballah once emphasized in their speeches that they are conducting military operations against israel in response to the israeli war in gaza, that is, this aspect ...
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is taken into account by representatives of the israel defense forces, and from their side we hear support for efforts to conclude agreement with hamas. and if we're just theorizing, what do you think this agreement might be, or at least some drafts of an agreement, maybe what, what is meant by that , because, well, if... the secretary of state of the united states of america is talking about this, so he has some kind of minimal idea about it, what, what, how it should look in general, is it some kind of temporary or permanent, or will there be some postulates that will really take into account at least partially the interests of the parties, how do you see it? well, there is no other deal than trump's proposal, yes, that is we must understand, this is a three-stage period,
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a hostage exchange. the cessation of hostilities in gaza, the gradual withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza, the complete cessation of war and the day after. so, the problem is actually that there is no day after, that is, in all these discussions, mostly most of the parties focus on the first and partly on the second stage, but it is not clear what to do next. hamas, by the way, most likely agrees to a technocratic government, to the fact that it will lose power in the sector, but the israelis in in this case, would like to control, continue to control, the gas sector, if not directly, then at least indirectly, and this clearly contradicts the same plan of the americans, i think this issue will definitely be raised during the visit
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of netanyahu, which will take place, if biden, of course, recovers the answer, that is, all of these issues will be discussed, the key question is what will happen after that, that is, what will be the post-war gas recovery plan, the post-war settlement plan, the israelis are now taking certain steps that are leveling the plan so to speak biden, but the scandalous decision of the israeli government that they are abandoning the state solution, netanyahu's statement that the west bank. jordan has always been an israeli territory and so on, but i think that this is an increase in the stakes for the start of negotiations with the americans, that is, after all, we can see somewhere that a more real truce, a more real agreement can be or closer to the presidential elections in the usa, or most likely even after, so if i think, you know, i i i
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will not risk doing at all. predictions because netanyahu's strategy is to delay the negotiations and delay the decision, it is clear in the calculation that trump will come, and he expects that it will be easier to negotiate with trump and he will be able to get better terms, but because they are not completely sure that trump will win , then , of course, they will put their eggs in different baskets and continue to negotiate with ... biden in the expectation that they will not be able to reach a full agreement before the election anyway, especially when it comes to the day after. well, as far as i understand, there is also a certain one political component, and it consists in the fact that benjamin netanyahu would like to stay longer in his chair, and the actual solution of this issue, or rather the non-solution of this issue, will prolong his stay in the chair.
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yes, as far as yes, without a doubt, this is a political animal, well-known, yes, that is, he is absolutely fixated on his power and his stay in the chair, and therefore it is clear that this is the primary task that he sees in front of him. and one more topic that i would like to talk about with you is the exchange of attacks. hussy attacked, in fact, israel, telyaviv, israel responded with a fairly powerful strike yesterday against... these houthis in yemen, how do you assess this situation, this may lead to further escalation between the yemeni houthis and israel, or is this a one-off action, so to speak, and can this include, well, in principle, they have already included, israel's allies, there at least
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the united states of america, great britain. someone, maybe, well, i want to...


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