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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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the issue prolongs his stay in the chair, yes, as far as i have no doubt, he is a political animal, known, yes, that is, he is absolutely fixated on his power and his stays in the chair, and therefore it is clear that this is the first priority, which he sees in front of him. another topic i would like to discuss with you is the exchange of attacks, the houthis attacked, in fact, israel, telyaviv, israel responded with a rather powerful blow. yesterday according to the positions of the houthis in yemen, how do you assess this situation, it may lead to further escalation between the yemeni houthis and israel, is this a one-time action, so to speak, and can this include, well, in principle, they have already included israel's allies, there at... the united states of america, great
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britain, anyone else perhaps? well, i want to point out that the international coalition, which is designed to ensure the freedom of shipping in the red sea, has given up its time in the port of al hudeida. precisely because it is the only port in yemen that accepts humanitarian cargo. what israel did of course, it endangers existence in general. well, or for the provision of humanitarian aid to yemen, and obviously there will be quite a lot of criticism of this decision, but as for the strike itself, there is no doubt that israel is demonstrating new capabilities in the near east, this is, of course, a strike on yemen, which, well, there is no such air defense , seriously, it was a thing. which is obviously safe
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from the point of view of israel and for its planes, and of course this is a kind of hint to iran that the israelis can conduct operations at a depth of 1,500 km, but will yemen to answer, it will be so and obviously the answers will be both strikes from the side of yemen and strikes from the side of others. friendly groups, it should be noted that the vast majority of locators who tracked the drones, they are still concentrated in the direction, let's say east, yes, that is, not without a direction, in the direction of the south, here it turns out that the drone flew from the territory of egypt, we do not we know how it flew, the israelis, israeli sources claim that it was spotted but not identified as enemy, well that's the question, but... anyway
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it is obvious that there will be a continuation of this story, and this is, well, systemic escalation, you can say so. but is the possibility being considered that, for example, russia will arm the yemeni houthis, well, at least there were such rumors, of course, i don’t quite believe in them, but you, more professionally, may be able to assess such a possibility of providing, for example, a model to the yemeni houthis from the side, well and it is necessary to start from something anyway, well , that is, i do not think that, in principle, well, russia used this thesis to put pressure on saudi arabia, but it was rather pressure and it was more like blackmail ugh, and than you can imagine now direct deliveries, if there will be something, it will still be deliveries from iran.
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and accordingly, russia can work here directly rather with tehran, yes, already iran can be an intermediary in the transfer of some weapons, and it is doubtful that they will be russian, because, as you understand, in the event that such a missile flies over israel and it will identified as russian, then the entire strategy of moscow, and the strategy of tel aviv, including the attempt to run between the drops in... relations with israel and, accordingly , on the contrary with moscow, it will be destroyed, so they will not risk doing it, but it is obvious that iran will supply weapons and here it can be assumed that we houthis can get really new types of weapons from iran, and you know, the last question, if possible briefly, is about iran, here you are, we have already started talking with you. on iran, anthony blinken,
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secretary of state of the united states of america, stated that iran is close to creating nuclear weapons, even called it that. terms of 1-2 weeks, that is, that they can technologically do it to do during this period, how realistic is it, and why is the entire secretary of state of the united states of america coming out and voicing all the information now? well, obviously, i don't think antony blinken is misinforming the public here, and obviously technologically, the iranians have the ability, well the question is whether they will do it. or not, that is, in principle, this option has existed for a long time, that is, one, one or two weeks, well , a month or a half, that is, nothing has changed here, why is he saying this, well , maybe he is saying this in order to
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to use this fact in the negotiations with the israelis, because the israelis, since they constantly emphasize iran as a key threat, so the united states of america is ready to ... stand in solidarity with israel on this issue, but instead expect the israelis to make concessions on the palestinian issue, well, at least not the tough position that the government has taken now, well , that is, i consider it rather as an argument in the future negotiations with the israelis, they igor, we are extremely grateful to you for your thoughts, thank you, igor samovelos, director of the center of middle eastern studies. you are on the live air of the political club on the espresso tv channel, we are moving on with you and we have the following guest on the line: ihor lytvyn, ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china from 1999 to 2001, co-chairman
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of the ukrainian-chinese business council. mr. igor, we are glad to welcome you. good evening. good evening. greetings to all our viewers. ah, here is great britain, the head of great britain declared that china is a mortal threat to great britain itself, so we saw a certain radicalization of opinions and statements on the part of great britain, regarding the prc, how do you assess such and such things, such statements, and are they possibly related to the fact that... in great britain, the other day, volodymyr zelenskyi was the president of ukraine? i believe that, of course , president zelensky's visit to britain, his talks with the leaders of this country,
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of course, they added, let's say, to the mood of british officials, including the minister of defense. but i want to note at the same time that it is necessary to understand here whether britain actually considers china a mortal threat, because we can rely on let's say, to the declaration of the recent nato summit, where, as these newspapers write, it was stated that china is decisive. a factor, a threat, it doesn't say it's a threat, actually, it says it creates a challenge, and those are different things, well, let's say the secretary of defense called china a mortal
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threat, i think it's about if this will happen, it means the axis of evil. ah, moscow, tehran, pyongyang, and in addition to them , beijing, well, of course, this will be a mortal threat to all humanity, and this also goes to the fact that there is mutual understanding full, and certain people may view it that way, i don't think china is a mortal threat because china is very much... connected to the west, more than moscow, more than iran, more than north korea, in terms of korea, by the way, china recently expressed its, let's say, dissatisfaction with the current
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policy of north korea, in such a way that it was clear to north korea, it is about a corresponding correction. supplying the relevant goods that north korea needs, so to think that china is a mortal threat, i would not... let's count how many ee billions of dollars is china's foreign trade per year, it's about 6 trillion, how much of it is russia, it's 240 billion, it's literally 2%, and how much is trade with the countries of the european union. and the united states, it is approximately 1.300 billion. last year it was more than 1.6. therefore, pragmatic china
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is unlikely to, let's say, play with its fate, losing such huge prospects that it currently has. moreover, now the european union has started a whole. contribution of various means of investigation, the first thing that concerns the import of electric cars from china, uh, experts' estimates say that next year china can supply all the countries of the world with about 70 million cars, the world's current need is about 40 million of them. year, and here it is still said that china heavily subsidizes
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the state, which means production and supplies. experts estimate that china spends, mind you, 5% of gdp annually on government subsidies, which is 10 times more than the united states, great britain, and france do the same. france, germany and something else, that is, there is a specific threat, and it is the essence of this, so the investigation conducted by the european union, whether china wants to argue with the european union and lose such a huge market, has many doubts. therefore, it is rather, i think, an emotional assessment by a british official. about the deadly threat, although, ah, we know that
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the united states sees china as a rival and number one, not russia, but china, yeah, and we all know that, yes, china , too, is very particular about or he will succeed, let's say, break it. global hegemony of the united states. well, on the other hand, we see really slightly different approaches or approaches that differ from the us and great britain, because we understand that they are the number one partners, right? but at the expense of the european union and china, everything is not entirely clear here, we see that china, representatives of china, representatives of the european union are actively communicating with each other, let's even... what about the meetings that were held, yes, macron, orban , scholz, maloney,
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yes, must meet somewhere, and, that is in fact, the contacts there are at the highest level, so we see that china and the european union are still trying, trying to establish this cooperation, on the other hand, we observe that the european union, of course, is also trying to convince. china does not support russia in the war with ukraine, at least informally. in this case, can a black cat run between the countries of the european union and china? i think this is about pursuing self-interest, both on the part of china and on the part of the european union. and you just mentioned the visits of the same scholz to china. the same, that means, like him, orbana, and here we
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have, you know, there is such an expression, chinese europe, china is building its allies in europe, including hungary and serbia, where, recently, xi jinping was also with a visit, and... especially here, the feature is that these two countries are very strongly in solidarity with the russian federation, and this unites them. and china, and these are the two countries that fall under the chinese europe project, which concerns the black intestine, when scholz was in beijing, he spoke mostly about the economy, because
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the billions and billions of investment money from the german side in the chinese economy in... of course need to be implemented at the level of projects and so on, and they need to be protected and they need to be promoted, they need to be implemented, so no one is arguing here it will not be very likely, of course, that scholz, who seeks the end of the war on fair terms for kyiv, ah, at least what he is talking about, he certainly tried to have some influence on the leadership of the people's republic of china, will do with the fact that in china influenced moscow regarding the end of hostilities, but if china wanted to influence, it would influence, because all this talk about,
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let's hold hands, friends, sit down at the negotiating table, cease fire, they from china... and none means the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine and the cessation of shelling of our territory, where we lose people every day. mr. igor, how do you assess these rumors that appeared in the mass media during the current week? about a possible stroke in... shijin pina, yes, and some media outlets have already begun, tentatively speaking, to consider various options, what will happen if he dies, or retires, so to speak, so to what extent these rumors can be true , to what extent this information may be true in general, and if it is or not,
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why is it being so hyped up in the mass media when... around the world, well, the purpose of this information, it's better to call it disinformation at this stage, so that there are no official confirmations, therefore we believe that this is disinformation, it is usually dispersed by those forces, those means that aim to shake the power in china, of course, if we see after the end. the central committee of the 20th congress of the communist party of china, when xi jinping comes out together with his, that is, partners in the politburo, and we see this broadcast to the whole of china, then there are no doubts here, he does not have a stroke and so on, because if something were , that is, there are several
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unofficial markers in... chinese society, well, the main one, for example, is the raising of the troops of the central military district, china, or at least the garrison, nothing like that happened, and we have a fresh memory, that is, the only death of the recent, let's note, the former prime minister, i have on... that recently there have been no such it means that things did not happen to any high officials of the people's republic of china, it only meant the death of liketsyan, but he was already a former person and there are many other markers that we do not see, well
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, the most important thing is that he, i mean imbina, after the end of the plenum calmly , so... was shown on television screens. mr. igor, we sincerely thank you for your thoughts, for joining the broadcast of the political club, espresso tv channel. ihor lytvyn, ambassador of ukraine to the dprk in 99-2001, co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council and, by the way, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the dprk in 2000 and 2000. 2001, we have one more guest, an expert, this is vladyslav kulmynskyi, the former vice-prime minister for issues. reintegration of moldova, director of the institute of strategic initiatives, already in touch, as far as i understand, yes, mr. vladislav,
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we are glad to welcome you, good evening, good evening, thank you for the invitation, mr. vladislav, let's talk about moldova , of course, our partner, also, country, friend. and we see that there is a new defense strategy of the country, we see that it actually defines the russian federation, the occupying power in our country, as an existential threat. so, to what extent do you evaluate this new defense strategy of moldova as effective, and how far does it really correspond to reality, at least i see... that corresponds, but maybe you, all the same, will tell more expertly about this position? well, it is so, and it is obvious, because if russia
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did this to ukraine, to the ukrainian people, whom they consider fraternal, then what are they capable of doing to other nations, which they do not consider fraternal, well, they, in general, to a people who the moldovan people do not count on the word for... servant's attention, now it is obvious that there are no rules in the region, there are no red lines, russia has decided to redraw the political map of europe, change the world order, russia is ready to fight to achieve its goal, and after what happened with ukraine, russia is the main danger and the main threat to moldova, and ... more for many other reasons, russia poses a threat to all countries of the post-soviet space, without exception,
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who would like to independently choose the path of their development, that is, russia practically tells moldova whether you voluntarily enter our geopolitical space, sphere of influence or war, of course, this is a threat, but this is how the leadership thinks, and the main question... here is different, but what does the vast majority of the country's population think, they think the same, they also believe that the main threat to moldova is russia, and here the answer to this question is no, because public opinion polls show that the majority of the country's population adheres to an unrealistic point from the point of view that it is possible to agree with russia, that russia will give us... peace, that we need to be with the west and with the east, that is, to be a gray zone, a buffer, that you can milk two cows, there are
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a number of people who believe that it is possible to remain in the russian sphere of influence, and that after the war in ukraine, this is after all the sacrifices and suffering that russia brought, and now there is no clear answer to all these questions, and it seems to me that the answer to this question will be of key importance in the parliamentary elections in the middle of the next year, and these elections will be very important for moldova and for the european path, and mr. vladyslav, now there are questions about transnistria, sociological surveys were conducted, and citizens of moldova, of course, were asked what to do with transnistria, how to settle this question, including one of the points... it was about the resolution of the issue by force, the actual return of the unrecognized transnistria under the control of moldova by force, 75% of the respondents
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stated that they were against the force option, still more in favor of the political-diplomatic option , but in this case, we still see that the absolute majority of the residents of moldova, they understand that they do not want a forceful solution to this issue. after all, this issue must be resolved sooner or later, we understand it logically, your opinion is an expert, how much moldova will have to take some risks or forceful confrontation, or still, maybe there will be some methods to do it politically, and again, when do you think that might happen, because we understand very well, you, we understand moldova well, because we have, conditionally speaking, also occupied territories, albeit a little in a different way, in a different way,
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so to speak. in terms of status, yes, but i will remind you that this has been happening in moldova since 1992, it is not a matter of today or yesterday, it is already 20 years, and well, this is the attitude towards the settlement of the transnistrian conflict, it has always been there, it has not changed, including many closed... polls in moldova, both the government and society are against the resolution of the transnistrian conflict by force, and the only the path that the government and society find acceptable, that is supported by society, is exclusively a peaceful diplomatic settlement of the conflict. well, almost everyone in moldova will understand that trying to resolve the conflict by force will mean involvement
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moldova. to war, and no one is ready for that, but you are right that this issue, it, it is already practically, practically there is no longer any frozen conflict there, it is 100%, and well, my forecast is that in the next two years this issue should be resolved exclusively peacefully by diplomats. in a technical way, because now this status quo, which existed there for 24 years, 22 years, no longer exists, it no longer exists, because the geopolitical situation in the region is already different, and attempts to maintain this status quo have no future, how will it be settled
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the transnistrian conflict, this is... a big question, but i am sure that it will go as a package to the settlement of the regional situation, to the construction of some new security system in the region, and this will be on the daily agenda, 100%. on the other hand, society is also not ready for any concessions, because any political party that makes the settlement of the transnistrian conflict with... its priority will seriously lose in the rating, that is, we have a situation where, on the one hand, the status quo no longer exists, it no longer exists, and on the other hand, society is not ready to the settlement of the conflict through peaceful diplomatic means. by the way, from the latest information, joe biden announced that he is withdrawing from the presidential race, 10 minutes
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ago this information appeared on his official facebook page, well, we will follow, maybe we will sort it out a little later, well, this was also expected and this will have very serious consequences, both for moldova and for ukraine, because it seems that if donald trump wins this election, then we will probably return to the politics of agreement, and i... what will we look at like this took place, well, let's take the 1814-15 congress of vienna, where four states, five states agreed to agree on what the political map of europe would look like, or we will take there, i don't know, for example, 1917-18 after the first world war war, when there
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were countries participating in the versailles congress, but there was a big four that practically decided all the issues regarding the political map of europe, and the only country that did not agree with it was turkey, or there yalta, or potsdam, or or another, because after, because practically all such big, big wars, they ended with agreements, and president biden for moldova and for ukraine, he was. a very important figure, because he said that there should be no agreements without ukraine or without moldova, if this is the position of a possible president trump, this is a very big question, which will have very big consequences for us. and one more question related to the elections in moldova, er, presidential elections are actually to be held.


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