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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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the reaction among the ukrainian society, some support, some do not support, some support partially, in short, johnson's peace plan there provides that in fact russia gains control over that part of ukraine that was occupied until february 24 , 2002, johnson says, that according to this plan, ukraine should be in... nato armed forces of ukraine can be stationed, more precisely 70 thousand of our defenders, or representatives of the armed forces of ukraine can be stationed in europe or in the european union instead of american troops, and johnson said such a very controversial thing, which probably resonated the most in ukrainian society, is that in ukraine it is necessary to carry out some... certain measures to protect
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russian-speakers, we understand that there is a very big caution about this, and in general there is a big caution about the implementation of this plan, less so, mr. oleg, do you think that we need to react to this, to this plan in the way we are reacting, or is it just some kind of, well, an opinion... or could this really be trump's plan , or is this some kind of political ping-pong with russia, and a pass to putin in order to also, perhaps, demonstrate trump's position, what was it in general and do we need to worry about it all? i think that first of all it's a pr move by johnson, who is... now obviously looking for, well, excuse me,
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who is looking for a place in this life right now, you have to look at it carefully because it came up and was made public, at least after the meeting with trump, some of us wrote that this is even trump's plan, i don't think, but i don't rule out that... it was discussed with trump, uh, uh, that is, uh, serious like that this plan does not look thorough at all, there are such really very controversial provisions, uh, on the one hand, he believes that trump will come from a position of strength, solve all issues and give appropriate permissions in ukraine.
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and will end the delay in providing military aid of a certain type and so on, and this will influence putin, and he will be forced to leave, by the way, it is said there, at least until the borders of the year 22, this is a rather strange provision about 70,000 ukrainians , which will replace ee... americans and thus the american troops will be released and american spending will decrease, that is, it looks a bit like a certain vinaigrette, especially since you paid attention to the fact that there are such measures as protection, there are special additional points for the protection of russian speakers, in addition to this, i paid attention to what was actually said there. about returning to business
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as usual with russia, building normal relations with it again, although it is clear that the only chance to get out of this war on terms acceptable to ukraine and its partners is to deprive russia of the opportunity to intimidate and carry out aggression against ukraine, and then against... the west and european countries as a whole, that is, i will say, i will say again, of course, this must be looked at, because i emphasize once again, obviously this was discussed with trump, but what it looks like, it really doesn't look like a plan, it looks like a certain vinaigrette or lviv, whatever you want to call him, i don't think it was a plan a plan for putin or...
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a pass in putin's direction, but i think that this is primarily an attempt to make such a powerful pr move in favor of boris johnson himself. but bad in fact, the fact that some such thoughts that resonate, well, maybe with common sense, appear in the press, are seriously discussed, because we well understand what it will look like for us if russia fully or even not fully returns to the j8 , to some economic types of cooperation, well... in general, we understand that humanitarian policy for ukraine, information policy, language policy is also the red line, i have no idea how it can be done in ukraine in general, and what a disturbance this is , what is this separation in ukrainian society in general will cause, so it is bad that such thoughts
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appear, i completely agree with you, that is , if you look at this plan, its parts do not connect with each other, do not add up... even, that is, there are absolutely, i would say, parts, which exclude themselves from each other, this, i would say that this is very very much in agreement with you, very bad, something is appearing, and just now, when there have been talks again about the need for negotiations with russia, solving some problems by diplomatic means, in the same time as for me, now really. critical situation, but a way to resolve the situation on terms acceptable to us must be sought through increased aid to ukraine and inflicting a deep military defeat on russia, the other option is a road to nowhere. mr. oleg,
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thank you very much for your thoughts, your analysis, for being on the air of espresso tv channel, oleg shamshur, diplomat, extraordinary. ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2005-2010 , extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador to france in 2014-2020. journalist who joined the zsu, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. real front - this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets, every saturday at 21:30
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on espresso.
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you can work, go for a walk, even drink coffee, now only with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for 12 hours forces the business to run purely on fuel for such machines. do small entrepreneurs succeed? make coffee and leave at least zero. the summer of 2024 has certainly become more difficult for ukrainian businesses than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and , as a result, even harsher power outages. in sumy, the work
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of small establishments has been turned into survival. it is very difficult to work now. our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the entire working day there is only one and a half to two hours of light. and we have to work on the generator all the time. a generator is a must-have for anyone a ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays without him , literally, as if without hands, at the same time for maintenance. this miracle machine needs huge funds. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 2,000 per month. it's very hard to say right now because different days and most of us are working somewhere in zero, right now we are working to keep our customers. all products have become more expensive because there are no deliveries, everything spoils, you cannot buy the product. but thank god everything is working here, our generator is pulling, we are cooking
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food, we prepare coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine. such small businesses become a real oasis for the residents of nearby houses, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in the cafe, and there will be hot food, internet and maybe even air conditioning. a lot of people come to work, charge their devices, too. they come to get hot water, cook food, store their products, we have a freezer that works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians cannot be intimidated only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country are coming up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and the lack of electricity, and they are sincerely and more than ever happy about the rain, and at least sometimes they are indignant and understand that such inconveniences are for sure. not the biggest problem, no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i recharge before
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the evil appears, well, like, everything is good in this sense, well, like, okay, we survive, well, we try to live, not survive, this is what saves me the most now it is silpo, which has a zone de cafe, accordingly crowded, but you can also use a charger, and wi-fi is stable, that is, for example, there was no light yesterday, i am working. it's from there, no, i don't want to charge my phone, nothing, two hours are enough for me, i charge power banks, then i charge phones and everything else, and that's enough for me, i don't need it, because the 22nd year has already gotten used to it and that's why power bank that keeps, it's bad that there is no connection, it's not my problem to pay with a card, but everything is relative, the main thing is that it's not like in my native place bahmud ot... however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges it is also rational to think about winter.
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hopeful forecasts are given only by fortune tellers. professional experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical and are already hinting that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare on their own. we think about it every day, but let's hope for the best, we thought about putting panels, batteries. but the heart says that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws that will also affect business. the first positive: customs and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation were canceled, but the excise tax on fuel, on the contrary, was increased. we assume that an increase in the excise tax on gasoline will happen somewhere. gasoline and diesel within 1.2 hryvnias, and this is the contribution that all of
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you and i will make to finance the army. supporting defenders is clearly the single and most important task of every ukrainian. but how long will the entrepreneurs manage to balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the benefit of the country, will show time. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. there are discounts representing the only discounts on evrofast softcaps 10% in the pharmacies of psylsnyk pam and oschad. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on glyciset and glicised max 20% in the pharmacies of psyllium bam and oschad. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on entermin 15% in the pharmacies of the travel bam and oschad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is
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vasyl zima. this is a big ether on the espressu tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to find out about the war, about the military, frontline component. serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money. along with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about chihchenina's cultural news, our tv viewer is ready to talk about good evening host. that many have become as if the next day, i am ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, and also distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. watch
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this week. in the collaborators program. how did a former ukrainian official become a fake senator of zaporozhye? i propose to approve the federal law. why did the collaborator from crimea get the title of minister of youth policy? this is the return of historical justice. watch on tuesday, july 23 at 17:45 the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations friends. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources
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of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project. they all lied, accept my union, i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, help to understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us, a project for those who care and thinkers, political club every sunday at 20:00 for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name. mykola veresin sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, how would mykola veresin do this, he would sit down prison, a special view of the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who is china then, me, my heart hurts, all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m.
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at espresso. good evening, saturday political club, direct ether, and we traditionally at this hour, traditionally, at this time, talk about the main events of ukraine and the world, what worries our citizens and what is important for our ukrainian victory. today we will talk, of course, about the terrible murder iryna farion in lviv, we will talk about possible negotiations, about the situation. in the united states of america, of course, we will certainly talk in general about the security issues of our country, about zelenskyi's visit to great britain, as well as about the actually first conversation between zelenskyi and trump in a long time. we will discuss all this in a slightly different format, today with vitaly
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portnikov for two hours, but via skype, via internet connection. and mr. vitaliy should be in touch sometime soon, mr. vitaliy, glad to see you, today a little in in a different format, but i am sure that we will discuss everything and bring all your thoughts to the audience, for sure. greetings to all viewers, i think we can start our conversation with you today, because there are really important events, unfortunately, and sad events. very much, mr. vitaly, you have already said about really sad events, and unfortunately there are many such events, the murder of the linguist, politician, former mp, iryna farion, happened in lviv, we saw it all yesterday, and i think
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our viewers follow this terrible an event during... yesterday evening, during today. in fact, we see that ukraine is returning to a certain extent in the last month or two, unfortunately, to such a concept as, if not political murders, then the murders of iconic persons, iconic people, we remember how mr. sadikov, a kazakh, was killed known. a politician, a well-known journalist, more precisely, a well-known public figure, now we see that iryna farion was brutally murdered in lviv, what does this all indicate, sir? italy, we find ourselves in some new reality, we can expect new ones attempted murders, what is the implication of all this?
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please? well, i think that's exactly what you can say about political assassinations, to be honest . and indeed, you mentioned the murder of aidos sadikov, i also remembered him yesterday as soon as i heard that iryna farion was killed, for what reason? by and large, all this happened exactly at the same time. the same scenario. people seem to be different. the murder of aidos sadikov is blamed on people who arrived in kyiv through the polish border, left, by the way, through moldavskyi, but were employees, at least former, of the kazakh special services. but they behaved exactly like that young man who killed iryna farion. that is, for a certain period of time, they followed... their victims, they came to the houses where aidos sadikov and iryna farion lived, and they
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committed a murder in broad daylight, and it was practically the same style of murder, shot to the temple, as aidos, that of iryna farion, unfortunately, not much was said about you and sadikov in the ukrainian information field, you and i tried somehow to make up for this fact, because i believed that this was the first such serious signal that in this way the effectiveness of ukrainian law enforcement agencies is also being tested to a large extent, as far as the process of destabilization, intimidation of people can be continued, that people should worry about their own safety and those , whom they trust, who is important to them. what's important is that demonstration killing, you know very well that when there's a moment of danger, and it's absolutely such an instinctive reaction, you're
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always told don't go out at night, oh, very it is dangerous to walk at night, so we even have a curfew after 12 o'clock at night, because it is considered to be a time of danger, but both of these murders of aidos and iryna, farion. took place in broad daylight, demonstratively, in fact in front of people, that is, people want precisely the opportunity to take away this feeling of at least relative safety, from those ordinary people who are sure that if they walk in broad daylight, so to speak, then with nothing will happen to you, that there is danger at night, when some saboteurs, terrorists, some criminals appear there, looking for its victims, this is a stereotype. and now they are trying to break this stereotype. now the question arises, why? we understand that each murder has its own goal, and that you cannot
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compare, say, a kazakh journalist and political activist with a ukrainian political activist and publicist, that these are practically different civilizational spaces, but people who achieve different goals have this in common with ... the denominator, this destabilization of the situation, of course, in the case of irina farion, it is also very important that she was perceived, as a person who was the bearer of radical views of a humanitarian nature, never hid them, participated in the activities of radical political organizations, and therefore there can be no indifferent reaction to her premature death, and you, who knew her, and you , who didn't... know her, then existed with her in different civilizational worlds, i don't know, do you know, say, andrii and iryna fariot? well, if not directly, then in absentia, in absentia yes, that is, well, not in absentia, i mean,
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i admit, we communicated once, had conversations, personally no, on the internet yes, well, i never, we have a huge number of mutual acquaintances, that is, dozens, i also have a lot of zarion, but i have never, not a single word in my life with her about... so that you understand , we could appear on the broadcasts of the same television channels in turn, comment on something, but i saw her like this live, once in my life on the maidan in 2013-2014, just passing by, since we were not familiar, we did not greeted each other, and that's how i remembered that she was standing there on the maidan together with other representatives of the all-ukrainian association freedom, and i knew these people personally, and i was not familiar with her, so you can live your whole life... next to a person who has such a real, i would say, public resonance and not even be familiar with her, and working in to this same
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plane in fact. this again says that we live in different civilizational worlds, that bearers of different political views in ukraine, regardless of the fact that it is not a very big country, and we are constantly in kyiv and lviv, we can not cross paths with each other, because in we don't have any need for dialogue, they are parallel worlds, let's say, the world in which i live and the world in which iryna farion lives, these are parallel worlds, but they collide with each other at some point, as you understand, because in .. in any case, this is the world of ukraine. and it was always very important to me that we are all united in this world precisely by the desire for ukraine to exist. here i am, let's say there, i do not share, i think, a huge number of views of irina farion, as well as a huge number of views of the representatives all-ukrainian freedom association. and when i was asked, why did you stand with these people on the maidan in 2013-2014, when
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you... yourself say that most of what they express is very far from you, i said, because we unites a simple thing, absolutely special in the conditions in which ukraine exists at all. this is our common desire to have a ukrainian state. so, if there is a ukrainian state, we can fight in this ukrainian state so that our option for the development of this state wins, of course i would like to my option won, not iryna farion's. let's say, iryna ferion wants victory to prevail over her view of ukrainian statehood and not mine, but all this struggle can be political only if there is a ukrainian state at all, and if there is no ukrainian state, as the president of russia dreams of federation of vladimir putin, and his compatriots, and a large number of our compatriots who do not understand at all why this state is needed, then we have no chance, so our first the task is to ... bring about ukrainian statehood
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in conditions where a huge number of people, millions of people, tens of millions of people, believe that it should not exist, and i always reminded when we discussed these issues, let's say, for a long time government coalitions were being built in the republic of latvia, but when the independence of latvia was declared, it turned out that the russian-speaking population of this country is mostly ethnic russian. population, however, there are many representatives of other nationalities, such as ukrainians, belarusians, who came to latvia in the period after its occupation by the soviet troops, are also part of this community, they voted, as a rule, for one such large russian party, a conditional russian party, whose task was to preserve the special relations between latvia and russia, not to let latvia out of the latvian from the arms of russia, and then, in order to prevent such a party from coming to power, to give it the opportunity...
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to promote russian peace in latvia, to give it the opportunity to continue to leave the semi-colonial state in which latvia was all the time of the soviet occupation, and of the russian imperial party, all latvian parties from liberals to national radicals, they united in a joint coalition, i remembered it from the beginning of the 90s, so i came to my friends who were. representatives of liberal political currents in latvia, and they sat with the ministers at the government meeting together with the party tevzemeon briviboy, fatherland and freedom, it was called, just like the all-ukrainian association of freedom, and it was such a radical national party, i would even say a party of ethnic project, and they don't hid, but what united them with these liberals, they wanted latvian
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statehood. and of course, there was a dilemma here: either you unite with what they called a national block, or you lose the opportunity to build a civilized state, which means you have to find compromises among yourselves, because latvia is the same for everyone, and ukraine, we have it at the bottom of it all, in conditions where there is an option that the ukrainian state should become just a number of regions annexed to russia, and this is what naturally unites us. because she always wanted the ukrainian state to be, let her views on this ukrainian state be sufficiently radical, let her not leave any such doubts for herself that her views should be expressed in the most rigid form, possibly offensive to many of those about whom she spoke, but one way or another, these are the real views of a person who believed in what the ukrainian state could do in the future.


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