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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts, which are the only discounts on edem 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, bamb and oskad. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more. topics, even more top
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guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. vasyl's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is about, two hours to be up to date with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso evenings, every week . the saturday political club helps
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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how ours is today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. dear friends, we... we are coming back and now we will talk with andrii otchynashy, the crew commander of the kara nebesna unmanned aerial vehicles of the fourth brigade of the operational border assignment of the national guard of ukraine. mr. andrii, good morning. good morning, studio, good morning viewers. if you can tell where the heavenly kara is currently punishing, tell me what news you have. our units worked mainly in the lyman direction, but due to the fact that the brigade works enough in many directions, we...
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can work where we are needed, so things change very quickly. what is the situation at the front now, so to speak? the situation is tense enough, the enemy is really storming from absolutely all directions from which he can storm, finds and looks for some methods to advance our line of defense, sends a huge number of reserves of personnel, etc., not only representatives of the russian authorities, but also in ... directly mercenaries, that is, we also noticed blacks, and indians, etc., and other mercenaries who are ready to destroy our country for money, therefore, accordingly, they are really very active in assault operations, but again, the defense is held by the rubizh brigade, they objectively do not succeed in anything, even the achievements they have are small achievements, they cost them an absolutely incredible effort with a huge loss of personnel against. and the
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efficiency is absolutely minimal, these mercenaries, they know how to fight, how well they fight, in fact, they don't know how to fight at all, they have absolutely no communications, it happens that, relatively speaking, some hindu is told to go there, there is a dugout, he goes right up to our positions, that’s because they don’t understand the russian language, they don’t understand each other, in them, well, it’s just another . deception, i am more than sure that the same mercenaries were promised much better conditions, much better places and so on and so forth, they are simply sent to meat, simply sent to death, where they absolutely do not know what to do, so they just sit under fire and that's it, that is, the best the option, of course, is that none of the representatives of other nationalities simply go to fight for this bloody russian imperialist regime, well, even at rendramond, i came precisely to talk about the fate of many of these... mercenaries,
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since it was discovered, it was written that the russians were luring agents gullible hindus in india, promising them a job somewhere in siberia on logging for big money, they come. and they end up not in siberia at all, but somewhere in the donbass, and then they go to look for this dugout, well, and when they get there in that case, this story is about ukrainian positions, so what's next? they fall into captivity, we communicate with them, and the further fate, of course, which i do not know, due to the fact that we already hand them over directly to the bodies that deal with them, this is in accordance with international law and absolutely tolerant, at the same time... you can to notice that the defense forces of ukraine are tolerant towards captured opponents, at least according to recent prisoner exchanges, where ukrainian soldiers returned in much worse condition than russian prisoners of war, of course,
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and we all see these photos of how ukrainians, ukrainian soldiers return from captivity, how thin, frozen, exhausted, and how... kind, well-fed, warm and kind russian soldiers return there to their families, but you said that these mercenaries do not know russian, i think that people who defend the russian language and tear its shirt on themselves because it is the best language and everyone knows it, are now very surprised that there are such people, representatives of those countries who do not understand this language, and in what language do you ... communicate with them, maybe they have some some details are told, in most cases it is english, gestures and google translator, because they also know english quite poorly, but in
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principle they understand gestures well enough, and google translator in this situation saves the situation enough, because you can use even indi and try to... at least translate something to them, mr. andrii, how massively the russians are now using motorcycles during assaults, because we have seen many shots and they even want to create such motorcycle troops, such troops, yes, that's cool, in fact, i'm a big fan of them creating motor troops, and preferably creating them in regiments, which is a very brilliant decision, because in many telegram channels they generally like to laugh at how clever and genius they are to use . motorcycles at the front, although the defense forces of ukraine, the israeli army, and a huge number of other armies use motorcycles, but they use them competently in some of their logistical mane maneuvers, but the russians use them brilliantly, and i really like it like i hope they won't
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stop they like to storm on motorbikes while you are storming towards our position some motorcyclist 100% makes a mistake the motorbike falls it falls with the motorbike in another motorbike. puts fpivishka and it looks like some kind of funny movie, most of them don't even reach our positions, although in the training videos they have everything looking pretty nice, in fact, one competent machine gunner can actually stop such an assault on motorcycles and it will not bring any efficiency ratio. of course, from a logistical point of view - this is a very correct decision and to use it correctly enough, because of what, of course, reduces. your volumes, because if you will drive, for example, on an armored vehicle, you will be much easier to see, you will be able to bring several boxes of bk, food, provisions at a minimum, and you are more maneuverable and faster, so use from a logistical point of view point of view this is the right decision, i.e. in fact it is the answer to the advantage
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now fp in the air and i.e. motorcycles, but this you don't know that, it's some crazy max, but right now at the front, absolutely crazy max and we are.' we understand that the enemy was given a specific task to advance at any cost, to advance very quickly, and they are looking for these methods at least somehow, here, and actually, yes, we see the enemy's advance is, the enemy's advance is in many directions, but we also observe , first of all, the decline of volunteers who go to the war of the russian federation, at least due to the fact that now one-time benefits are, in principle, provided according to certain regions. for example, there are regions that are now ready to provide 1,800 thousand rubles of one-time aid to every military person who goes, signs a contract with the ministry of defense or with other pmcs there, etc., and this is, firstly , a huge economic strain for russia,
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because it is about there are 20-30, sometimes 70,000 dollars per person, it must be understood that for every city every 100 such fighters are enough economic costs. and they all these prices are growing, and there are fewer and fewer volunteers, due to the fact that and even the russians understand how huge losses they carry, russia lost in 2.5 years of war. more than the entire soviet union and russia combined after the second world war, that is, it is an extremely powerful loss. well , you see, yesterday we talked with a military expert, who actually talked about this new idea of ​​theirs, that you bring a friend of the army to the military commander, let him sign up, come to a contract, and you will get for it, if you get help, something there 10- $150, and a military expert. said that russians will always find money for war, they will have money for it. dear friends, as we speak
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mr. andriy, you can, by the way, help the kara nebes uav crew on the fourth brigade of operational assignment, with a car 700.00 hryvnias, they need for this not so much and a lot compared to the sums that you and i collect, yes that someone can share a little with mr. andrii. with his brothers, so that they would have a car and that it would help them to be more mobile at the front and that they would destroy more muscovites riding motorcycles, and not only those riding motorcycles, but others as well, qr code, number cards mentioned, and in the meantime we will continue the conversation with mr. andrii, i think that it is possible somehow, and, well, in principle, our viewers see the card number on the title. write it down, er, actually about money, about motivation, er,
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how will they still find the money, is this money working, is it still working, mr. andriy, and i believe that if they increase this amount, then accordingly they don't get the result they want, that is, they can find money, but fools are still harder and harder to find, and i also want to thank you for the fact that you... help us with collections, i want to thank every ukrainian who helps us with collections, because it really saves our lives, and in the last week there, about seven cars were destroyed by various methods, so on unfortunately, we have an absolutely constant need for this, here the enemy is really trying to destroy our logistical routes, he is finding how to do it, and we , of course, are trying to find a countermeasure and at the same time provide all our units of our brigade to the border with everything necessary. and thank you for being you announce our meeting. listen, it is we who should thank you for your work, and we
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know that this work of yours has not been going on for the first year, but since it began, the war between russia and ukraine began in the 14th year, so i think that each of us viewers now has his own hryvnia and i thank mr. andriy, actually we wanted to ask about cars, cars need fuel, and now the verkhovna rada has passed more. do the military discuss fuel excise taxes among themselves, because we know that you refuel those cars with your own money, or do you discuss the fact that fuel will become more expensive? in fact, all balance cars are refueled with the funds of the military unit, not so much with the funds as with the actual, i don’t know how to say it correctly, with the opportunities that we have, of course, that if we already directly use the volunteer cars that we do not put on the balance, and we fill them with our own funds, of course
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we don't like price increases, any price increases, but rationally we understand why this happens, although of course it would be better if there were other methods, and they in fact there is, but none the less, if it allows to collect several billion hryvnias for the ukrainian army in this difficult time, it is even possible to do it rationally, if in the future this price will decrease, or in the future the economic state of the country. will grow to the point that this fuel price is sufficiently adequate for us, it is worth it to now have such a negative on the one hand, but extremely positive on the other hand direction of economic activity, roughly speaking, it is obvious that no one likes pay more, no one wants to fill it out of their own pocket, especially when we we use cars directly at the front or in the front-line cities, that is , we perform certain... tasks, but nevertheless, we have no other option, so we
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will continue to do our work. and we will thank you for this work in the form of donations, dear friends, i will remind you once again that the border brigade needs uah 700 per car, because recently seven cars that they used were destroyed and damaged, so let's support them, mr. andriy , thank you for participating in our it. well, we hope the next time you appear on our airwaves, you will say that the car was collected for the car, the car was purchased. andriy, is our commander of the crew of unmanned aerial vehicles, kara nevesna, the fourth brigade of the operational division of the national guard. don't be with us, we're going to take a break, we'll continue talking with military expert serhiy zgurets, stay with us. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on estaziping. 20% in pharmacies of travel memories and savings. attention, a good offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price,
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to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. dear friends, we are returning to the ether and now it's time to talk with serhii zgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express. it is already on your screens, mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. sergey, let's go. let's analyze what what is happening, or rather, your analysis, what is happening now at the front, what is the situation there? well, actually, i would single out two directions that are traditionally the most dangerous, these are the actions of the enemy in the pokrov direction, after the capture of the settlement , progress, now the enemy is trying to take advantage
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of this advantage, the risks are that here... on the one hand, the enemy , as before, is trying to move towards the pokrovsk kostyantynivka highway in order to complicate the logistics of our troops defending in this area. on the other hand, if the enemy is move further behind the advance, then he will certainly intend to go behind the line of defense, which begins there, starting from the advance to... karlivka, kamyshivka, to go, relatively speaking, from the west to the rear of our defense, but i think that these risks our military nation understands, yesterday had. a conversation with a military man from this direction, he says that we understand these risks, and in fact now all measures are being taken to prevent this from happening, but after the loss of reed, now in squeezing our
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military from progress, it really creates a a simple situation in this direction, the enemy also became more active in the kharkiv direction, not only there the renewal of hostilities around vovchansk and vovchansky, as we know, also the capture of... the settlement of pishchane, this is actually a settlement near the oskil river, somewhere within 8 km, and this is one of the enemy's attempts to try to cut off our grouping in the direction of kupeni shatova cremina, somewhere in the middle, precisely the movements from pishchannoy in the direction of the oskil river, they also read well, we hope that countermeasures will be carried out, well and actually situation. in the turkish direction, that is, the enemy's attempts to enter combat operations in the new york development, er, to extend this wedge to
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there, to the south, to the iron, these actions are also quite difficult to contain, but in any case, this is also the third direction, which can be classified as threatening. yesterday there was a message from general syrsky, where he described all these directions. also had methods of countermeasures, where he actually named the entire list of methods and means, starting from impressing the enemy at long distances, then at closer zone, fortification, fight against drones and so on, i.e. the list of means of countermeasures is understood, the question of how to combine it and concentrate on those directions that look the most dangerous, also sisky actually said about what the armed forces feel. the shortage of anti-aircraft missiles to combat reconnaissance drones, we spoke today, by the way, with the sumy region, and they say that they simply have
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russian drones hanging in the sky all the time without hindrance, and there is nothing to shoot them down, and this is the situation, well, really we speak about the fact that now the enemy is increasing the use of reconnaissance drones, orlanzal, the threat of these drones is that they begin to act in interaction with the enemy's impression systems from there iskanders, ssszv or artillery, that is, the creation of such strike contours, we all this we know, the question of how to counter, usually the main means of countermeasures against the development of drones that fly at an altitude of more than a kilometer, up to 3 km, are short-range anti-aircraft missile systems and short-range anti-aircraft missile systems. which missiles to which the syrian air defense system actually refers to small air defense systems range during the time of the soviet union, these were strela ten osa complexes, that is, which can
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destroy these drones there at a distance of 5 to 10 km, quite effective samples, but in fact we have almost no missiles for them compared to soviet samples, and those complexes , which were supplied by our partners, are supplied. well, in insufficient quantities , given the threat that has increased, just the other day, or yesterday, we saw a video of russian drones being destroyed at the expense of the vampire complex, this is actually an american a development from the harris company, where a missile guided by a laser beam hits such drones, and an increase in the number of such samples, of course, would not bring much benefit to our armed forces, but the syrian still says that we are forced to mainly ... fight enemy reconnaissance drones for at the expense of reb means or at the expense of fpv drones, it is possible, but this is only an additional element
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of the fight against enemy drones, where such physical destruction seems to be a higher priority. bulgaria said that there may be a surplus of shells transfer to us, and there is a lot of that surplus? in fact, bulgaria was a country with which we maintained close contacts before. bulgaria produces ammunition primarily of soviet standards, we purchased these ammunition, we received from them, now the czech initiative also provides that the money collected by european countries also provides for the purchase of soviet standards, and bulgaria acts as our partner here, but in any case , i think that these procedures continue even without these statements from...politicians, the question now is therefore, the increase in funds for the purchase of these ammunitions in bulgaria and in other countries, because the czech republic says that the funds there
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from... were collected in order to be able to supply 50,000 last month, 50,000 ammunitions this month, and then the transition for 100 00 of ammunition every month, but in any case it is possible to purchase and more questions in funds, so far germany looks the most consistent, which allocated, if i am not mistaken, within 600 million euros for the purchase of ammunition on the czech initiative, and this is an important addition to... the production of new ammunition in europe and the usa, and actually the purchase of ammunition, including from such countries as bulgaria. well, and i will also ask, we still have a little time, lawrence friedman, my favorite and british military historian, made a detailed analysis of whether negotiations are still possible, for example, at the end of this year, it is really big,
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there the hb translated a part . i couldn't stand it anymore and watched it to the end, i'll say it briefly, jumping in, so to speak, announcing spoilers in advance, or whatever, in general, i think they can't there will be effective negotiations and this war will not end with negotiations, but i assume that trump will still manage to imprison, for example, zelensky and putin in the event of his victory, but i remind you that with kimchinin, for example, nothing good has ended anyway, and i assume that the war will simply end. so that it will end somewhere on the front line, do you deal with this assessment, a lot of people have started talking about negotiations again, well, in fact, we understand that now these are political assessments of different parties, they are beginning to dominate the information space, everyone seems to be tired of the fighting, but we understand that fatigue does not mean that we have to
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make concessions. the enemy, which, conditionally speaking, aims to destroy the independence of our country as such, and these political goals of the enemy do not change, the question arises, why should our political goals and those of our partners, our partners , change? hostilities, when the war of attrition is more destructive for the enemy, rather than for ourselves, we understand that now... these will be there looking at the politics of the americans, how trump will act in this situation, so far it is quite difficult to clearly predict the actions of the trump administration if they win the election, so that there may be different solutions, but in any case, even if we take the worst option of pressuring the negotiations, limiting military aid, this does not mean at all that this will force the ukrainian side to unequivocally
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go for such. concessions and that's why the understanding that the war will last for a certain time, i think that we are talking about years, this is what should be at the core of our strategy based on the possibility of negotiations, zelenskyy spoke about this, but in any case, they have precede the terms when these negotiations are acceptable to us and the terms appear to be acceptable. mr. serhiu. thank you for the conversation, serhii zurets, the director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us, dear friends, and we are approaching 9 in the morning, and this means that at 9 o'clock in the morning, let me remind you, throughout the country we honor the memory of those ukrainians who are no longer with us, they are gone precisely because of russia, which went to war in ukraine and takes the lives of our citizens, thank you for donating for this morning already 100,
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sorry... added, and it also helps to save lives, lives of our troops on the front lines. well, now a moment of silence. let's observe a minute of silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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