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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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servants of the people do not plan to support the draft law banning the ukrainian orthodox church in the second reading and have not signed it, livy bereg newspaper reports with reference to its own sources. and more than 30 deputies from the ruling party are still hesitating whether to support this ban, and there are a certain number of servants who will definitely not vote for the uocp ban. left bank writes that against the adoption of the said draft law, signatures among the deputies of the verkhovna rada are allegedly being actively torn down. chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs politician, danylo hetmantsev. rfe /rl's request is to comment, this mp has not yet responded. but we are ready to provide the floor for comment on our broadcast, of course. according to the publication left bank, about 70 people's elected representatives, among them deputies of european solidarity, voice and servants from majority constituencies, allegedly even gave an ultimatum to the leadership of the parliament and the servant of the people that they will not. to vote for nothing at all, except for
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the introduction of martial law, if the draft law on the uoc mp is not in order daytime already next week. sources of the left bank publication reported that the council managed to collect the necessary 226 votes, but additional votes are needed for insurance. i would like to remind you that the draft law banning the uocp was voted on in the first reading in october 2023, and a year earlier president zelenskyi implemented the decision of the national security council regarding the prohibition of activities in ukraine of religious organizations affiliated with centers of influence in russia. the uoc mp stated that the specified draft law does not comply with the convention on human rights and the constitution of ukraine, and the church itself they called independent and independent. so far, law enforcement officers have opened about 70 criminal proceedings against representatives of the uoc mp. my question is for you, dear viewers. in your opinion, should the uoc be banned? in ukraine, should the deputies
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vote for this, if yes, give an argument, if no, give the same argument, and you can write these comments under the video of this broadcast on the radio liberty channel, i try to follow these comments during the broadcast, so that they are interesting and correct , even voiced in this broadcast and set the correct ones questions to the guests with whom we will be discussing these topics, and your opinion, it is important, and also i will say that we quoted for... the left bank, these are their sources who reported this, and we want to know further on our air about the mood in the parliament regarding this and whether this draft law can really be voted on in the second reading in the ukrainian parliament next week. our guests today on this broadcast, people's deputies of ukraine, are volodymyr vyatrovych, a member of the committee on humanitarian and information european solidarity politician, historian , and mr. oleksandr aleksiychuk, member of the pita committee. organization of state power,
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local self-government, regional development and urban planning as a servant of the people. gentlemen, welcome to our airwaves, thank you for joining. good day. good day. my first question is for mr. lexiychuk. tell me, which list are you on, are you in favor of voting for the banning of the uocp, or do you abstain, or is this decision made for you personally? for me, this decision was made personally a long time ago. in ukraine it cannot there cannot be any russian orthodox church, there cannot be any structures that are related to it or affiliated with it or in any way combined with it, therefore i am actively in favor of bringing this bill to the floor and voting, and i am in favor of the bill being examined and the country saw who today restrains and protects or... is afraid to show in ukraine their
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position against the russian orthodox church, which, according to the decision of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, according to the resolution, is a continuation of the putin regime, a continuation of the terrorist regime that kills ukrainians every day and destroys our country. oleksandr, or danylo hetmantsev is trying to disrupt the gathering of votes for the adoption of a decision to ban the uocp, as reported by the left bank publication. i can neither confirm nor deny, because... for me he is, i am collecting signatures regarding the introduction of this draft law of the servant of the people faction into the hall, for me he simply refused to sign, but whether he fails or not, i have there is no confirmation or denial of this information. uhu, mr. volodymyr, to you question, and why there are not enough votes or spare votes to vote on the banning of the uocp, why this bill was not submitted to the parliament for so long. according to the regulations
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, there is no need to collect any preliminary signatures, if the bill is approved in the first reading, if it is supported after working with the amendments of the committee, it should be... on the agenda, accordingly, this is just some additional stage, which seems to me to have been artificially invented in order to once again delay the process, unfortunately, it must be said, that in the leadership of the state, and unfortunately, in the parliament, i will remind you that volodymyr vyatrovych, you disappeared a little, mr. volodymyr, are you now from the street, uh, i can hear you, if possible, i will continue, so on... in there is a certain part of deputies in the parliament who are not interested in banning the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, by the way, i will clarify your question, you were talking about the ukrainian orthodox church, we are banning the russian orthodox church in ukraine and its affiliated churches in ukraine . yes, there is in the parliament, on
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alas, those political forces that are trying in every possible way to prevent this, and they are also present in the ruling party, although again, not all of them. representatives of the government party, like mr. oleksandr, is indeed one of the staunchest bourses against the russian orthodox church and has very actively joined the process of ensuring that this draft law appears on the agenda. i am sure it should appear on the agenda, if anyone has any reluctance to support this idea, please do not vote yes. but society needs to know who actually occupies what position on a very important issue, whether or not to continue or ban the activities of the russian orthodox church, a structure that has already, well... repeatedly shown that it actually works on the russian side during the years of the russian-ukrainian war. more than 60 criminal cases, including not just priests, against the hierarchs of this church. this testifies to the systematic approach of this church as a structure
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of russia in ukraine. and we, we have no right to ignore it for reasons of national security in the first place. mr. alexander, why are there those who hesitates, but from your faction, for example, whether to sign or not? no, and why are there those who, for example, have finally decided not to support the ban of the russian church, the church, what arguments are these people guided by, what are they telling you? well, look, different people have different arguments, although whatever the argument may be, it is unacceptable and strange for me, because, as my colleague volodymyr vitrovich said, the issue of national security cannot stand behind personal interests, which in... answer, the answers are simple: the voters will not understand me, i still plan to spend some time there later, i don’t get into religion, and someone, someone suspects, is an ardent supporter of such a church in ukraine, and
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you know, we had different people’s deputies of ukraine in the parliament, some are in prison, some have fled the country , i do not rule out that there are others ... who in such a dormant mode are waiting either for the arrival of the enemy or for a change in some political conjuncture, mr. volodymyr, and i am forwarding this question to you from mr. oleksandr, and religion she is out of politics, there are people, mr. oleksandr, the deputies say they don't want to somehow harm their further political career there, or religion outside of politics, the law is not about religion, the law is about security, the law about what is in force in ukraine... a structure that is completely controlled by russia, directly cooperates with the fsb, which is used to undermine ukraine from the inside, it is obvious, and it is precisely to stop the activity of such a structure that this draft law is aimed at, and i really do not care at all about the motives of these
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people's elected officials who are not ready to vote for it, some for ideological reasons, being faithful to the russian orthodox church, someone for practical reasons, because he is supported there in a particular district... some fathers of the russian orthodox church, he needs to work with this lectorate, i don't care at all, i think it is tantamount to treason, not to see that this a structure that harms ukraine and not ukraine, and not to do everything depending on a specific deputy in order to stop this activity of this structure, it is extremely dangerous, but the problem, by the way, is not only in people's deputies, the problem in particular in such a structure , like ours there is a state service for politics and freedom of conscience. who behaves very strangely during the preparation of this draft law, who was one of the co-sponsors of the first reading of this draft law and actually sabotages its adoption in the second reading, constantly adding some new and new comments precisely so that this draft bill never gets to the hall, i am sadly surprised by the fact that
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the structure, which should surely be one of the main tools for combating the harmful influence of the russian orthodox church, is now plunged into a completely different side in this struggle. mr. oleksandr, do you agree with the fact that the issue here is not only in the people's elected officials, so that, do you really observe any such factors that prevent the adoption of this draft law? look, i'm really surprised by the issue of the work of the commission, because i participated in the working groups, and in the extreme meetings, we absolutely went through all the issues that could be controversial or disagreeable, and found compromises, and the head of the service said, yes, i like what we did but, but further nothing, nothing works, so it is strange, and i want
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to confirm the words of colleague vitrovich that the question is not about religion, the question is precisely about national security, the question is not about the ban on going to pray in temples that people go to and have been going there for a long period of time, the question, in order to purge the ukrainian religious from the agents of the fsb. organization point, mr. volodymyr, what is there with the ultimatum, which was written about by the publication left bank, are the deputies from the eu really from the voice and the majoritarians from the servant of the people, and issued this ultimatum that they will not vote from next week, if this issue is not on the agenda in the parliament, we are absolutely ready to say that we will not vote for any issues except the mobilization of the extension of martial law, if this issue is not on the agenda. is included in the agenda, and we are ready to announce this ultimatum from the next meeting, because
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we believe that what is happening now with the blocking of the inclusion of this draft law in the agenda has nothing to do with the work of the parliament, nothing to do with any regulatory issues , it is exclusive a political struggle, a political struggle in which, unfortunately, part of the parliament took the side not of ukraine, but of russia, defending such a structure as russian law. glorious church, this issue is incredibly important, it is repeated again, it is a matter of national security, as a people's deputy, i consider it my duty, being under the dome, to do everything that depends on me in order to guarantee the security of the country, i cannot forgive myself, as well as many of my colleagues, because of our inaction, because of our lack of persistence, on already third year of full-scale war, we can't do anything about the extremely damaging. mr.
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oleksandr, how is this issue communicated in your faction, in the leadership of the faction, in particular, and is there any reaction being prepared to this ultimatum, maybe all the deputies will gather for an inter-faction meeting to discuss everything? look, i'm in favor of dialogue, i'm in favor of common sense, i hope that the leadership. all these groups will reach a compromise, and i, as a people's deputy of ukraine, and in 225, except for me, that is, together 226 people's deputies, no one will take away the right to make their own choice, just like the rest of the deputies, to make their own choice regarding this draft law, we must bring it into the hall and give the opportunity to do their work, you give the opportunity to the deputies, the deputies to decide whether they support or not , they support perfectly, which means that our parliament is working. on the protection of the national interests of the state, do not support it, let society, journalists,
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various viewers, determine and give an assessment to those who do not support this decision, well 226 there are already votes today, yes, but we need more just in case, for look, at the beginning volodymyrovych said that it is not necessary, in this morning broadcast svoboda ranok, join us every weekday from 9 o'clock on the air of tv channels on the youtube channel radio freedom, be sure to subscribe, support, like, write comments, it is very important to spread this content, and also in the comments, do not forget that your opinion is important, and your suggestions of different topics for discussion are also important, we read all comments and we want to be on the same page with you as much as possible so that the most relevant questions, problems, problems and topics sound on this broadcast, this is... morning, me tomorrow. my name is kateryna nekrecha, see you soon
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let there be light in your home, always a light bulb smart light for only uah 149, it works even without electricity offer is limited, call! dear friends, we are coming back, lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk, v in this studio we are working for you today until 12 o'clock, we remind you, this is the time just to remind you that we are in the process of assembly, the assembly of atvs is in progress, now we will show you what it is and why it is so necessary at the front for ours. .. military personnel for our defenders from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, because they will evacuate the wounded from the battlefield with the help of atvs, as you can see in the photos. on your screens now, in addition to what the process looks like, there are card numbers and qr codes on the left. below them, monobank from above, a private bank, its qr code from below, and
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the card numbers are also indicated below them. join in please 14,000 for this morning. we have collected, but the morning is still going on, i hope that our viewers who have not yet donated will also join in and make their contribution to the fact that the evacuation was quick and that it saved the lives of our soldiers, well, in the meantime , we , while you donate, we will talk about politics, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine joins us, politics is of course related in the same way. with safety because the day before, the national security committee voted to exclude maryana bezugla from its membership, mrs. iryna, congratulations, good afternoon, what does this mean, does it mean that maryana bezugla will no longer be a member of the national security committee, or is it something else only the beginning,
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this is only the beginning, but the beginning is already from the second attempt, this... has to be adopted by the verkhovna rada, the committee's decision is submitted to the regulatory committee, the regulatory committee can bring this resolution after the adoption of the decision to the session hall for consideration by the people's deputies. if this the issue will not be blocked a second time, even to be included in the agenda, then there is a high probability that the parliament will finally, as when we all united so that this person was not present in the national security and defense committee, after all will be handed over to consider it and make a decision, then everyone will bear personal responsibility for the fact that a person who conducts destructive, to put it mildly, activities against the military leadership, against the military, will receive the verdict of the parliament of ukraine during martial law. mariana bezugla herself
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accused her colleagues, who voted for her expulsion, of continuing komsomol traditions. do you have any? i think that maryana bozugla, who is already included in the peacekeeper base today, yes, who does not introduce people just like that, but only people who are related to treason, should not comment on anyone or deny something, but make mandate and leave the parliament in general, because what it does is in the interests of the enemy and the country of the aggressor, well, let's try to raise another topic. i should have been back in march the law on banning the moscow patriarchate of the church and the government law are ready for consideration and voting in the second reading. project 8371 has been going on for a year and a half and this epic will finally be included in consideration this month and why and and how, well, i know that honestly
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, for example, the movement announced that for them the voting of this law will be a marker, that is, they will track who from deputies, as voted. well, first of all, i want to emphasize that the government bill, which was only a framework, nevertheless... succeeded in the specialized committee lead to the path, and the fact that it is still blocked, in fact, indicates that the presence of the fifth column in ryas, the presence of the activity of the moscow church in ukraine during the period of martial law, during the period of aggression against our state, indicates that , which is a very well- made octopus lobbying of the interests of the kgb in our country, more. moreover, the verkhovna rada, in particular, the mona majority, uses the sub-voting of the disbanded opzzhyshniks, who are, as you know, the biggest defenders in
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the parliament of the activities of this church in our to the state, in order to vote the draft laws of dubious quality necessary for it. i know that the majority of the factions are already sufficiently disposed.... essentially, as to the necessity of bringing this bill up for consideration this week, we must come in and put an end to this matter , so as not to embarrass our defenders, which these popes, in including that they don't even want to sing, after dying for the state, and i believe that the continuation of the activities of this clique in cassocks, the moscow clique in cassocks on our territory, is a brand. the current authorities, which block consideration of this issue. mrs. iryna, as a representative of the specialized committee, i also have a question about whether we can make interim conclusions
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regarding the mobilization of the law on mobilization. the data that were supposed to do this is the first, the second was the statement that only... 10% managed to pass, managed to work out themselves, themselves, tsc themselves, and in general , whether what was hoped for, and what further? well, you see, more was accomplished than was hoped for, but by and large, the state was not ready at the level of the executive branch of government to implement the mechanisms that could be used by citizens for renewal. data, if it were not for reserve plus, by and large, this is the simplest application software, then
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we would not have the indicators that we have today regarding data updates, because tsc was not ready, because the staff was not expanded, there was no opportunities to provide renewal services in the amount requested by citizens, and therefore they are such that they actually inhibited the renewal process of a larger number. citizens due to their simply physical inability to respond and provide services in a timely manner. as for the reserve plus, it could also be more refined and wide in its use, so that some deferments are immediately pulled up if we take the same students or postgraduates, so that later people do not stand in queues for days and weeks, so that complete your postponement or reservation in full compliance. now the reservation mechanism has already worked, i hope that it will greatly facilitate this issue, but the fact that it is because of the state, because of the authorities, that all citizens could not
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take advantage of the opportunity to update their data, means that it is not possible to apply in relation to them, administrative responsibility, although it is prescribed by law in the law, and therefore, from my point of view , changes should be made, unless the terms have already been extended and the state does not recognize the authorities... no admits by the executive that it has not prepared in full compliance all mechanisms for updating data, left behind, for example, young people who are now abroad and are unable to update due to the same reserve plus, because they were not on the military register at all and the reserve plus does not add data about them, that is, the authorities deliberately set out to make these people, these young citizens of ukraine, actually become criminals, and this is unacceptable. those who were removed from the military register also remained overboard, and before that, they were on a special account, and now in order to update their own data, they have to go
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to the tsc, but the tsc is not... ready to fulfill its obligations in the amount, according to those appeals received from citizens, all this leads to to the fact that due to the actions of the authorities , citizens become subject to administrative responsibility, this is inadmissible, imposing an obligation, the state must ensure in full compliance with effective mechanisms that would be ready to fulfill the number of appeals that come to them, that is, all of them. .. 100%. we still have it a few minutes, in conclusion, one more, one more bill, about which there was a lot of talk and discussion, in the first reading the redemption for corruption was voted, for which the deputies of the servants of the people voted, the deputies from the faction of the vote for european solidarity did not give a single vote, but here all these groups for trust, restoration of ukraine. they
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also voted for it, will this bill pass at all, ms. irina, you know, if they had 231, it seems like 239 votes for this bill, you understand who it came from is made up, you voiced them, but the fact that similar things of redemption are being introduced, yes from corruption crimes, instead of especially during martial law, as he said there some two years ago, the president of ukraine seems that corruption... has be equated with treason, and during martial law, here we see exactly the opposite movements, they are shameful for everyone who voted for this bill in the first reading, i have such a bleak hope that by the second reading, after all, it will buy some of proper content, although unlikely, because the lobbyists who gathered the necessary number of votes for this first reading will surely
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push through this legislation. let's see what we will have before the second reading, and after that we will already understand how far the authorities are ready to go in protecting the highest class of corrupt people. thank you, ms. iryna, for participating in our broadcast, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, we talked about what is happening in the verkhovna rada, and also discussed laws, the law on mobilization and the draft law on redemption from in the morning and this means that we will now watch a fresh selection of news, iryna koval has already prepared it and will tell us about it. thank you, les, well, literally in a moment i will tell you about how the night passed, the morning began in different regions of our country, and also about the record amount of kamala garis, wait, not only this will be in the issue.
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in ukraine, 10 a.m. news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. all but one, at night, our defenders of the sky shot down seven out of eight enemy shaheds over ukraine. their occupiers launched kursk region towards sumy region, the air force reported. the russians also attacked the region with an air-launched kh-69 missile. it did not achieve its goal - the military convinces. the occupiers tried to attack critical infrastructure facilities in sumy oblast. in particular , the enemy struck the shostka community from aviation, the regional military administration reported. previously, there were no casualties.


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