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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normoven. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to be informed economically. of news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news channel reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to...
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understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to the ether. we remind you that we are in the process of assembling a quad bike, which will help. evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and help to do it quickly and efficiently in this way, saving time and saving lives on your screens, now we have collected all the necessary details for this morning at 18:00, we are not stopping, i hope that we will catch up with yesterday's amount of uah 40,000 in total for the whole day, and maybe even exceed it, at least we have to to do this, because a total of 4 million hryvnias are needed for 93 separate mechanics for these atvs. the brigade will be extremely grateful to us, and
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while you donate, we will discuss with tatyana lisitsina, a combat medic of the third assault battalion of the fifth assault brigade, call sign ms. lisa, ms. tetyana, glad to see you, each other, congratulations ukraine, good morning everyone, if he is good, of course for ukraine, glad to see you too, we say hello to you, it means that the next day is that we ... we live it and discuss what is happening in our country, the editor told us that you are now in the bakhmutskyi direction, andriy says, such a resort direction is in quotes, of course, since the 22nd year on august 13, well, they haven’t even changed , they did not even change the direction by a meter, so what is happening now in the bahamian direction, which the situation is extremely difficult. the situation, if
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we talk about the situation at all, because in the time of the yar today it is completely under our control, we are still behind the canal, that is, they cannot cross the canal, but very, very difficult evacuation, very difficult replacement of ee guys, that is, yes , well, a change in positions, because of course, the enemy's fividrons. and in general, they are making resets, that is, everything is going extremely well, well , it is difficult, well, the situation is difficult, but we are holding our positions, that is, with the last strength, apparently, but they are still holding on, guys, as a medic, i am very grateful to these guys that they are so stable that they can withstand all this, well, it can't. so forever hold on with the last strength, that
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has to change, ms. tetiana, so that what has to change, it is necessary, in my opinion, it has been done for a long time, to dig in behind the channel and simply not to sacrifice our boys, our lives, our ukrainians, girls and boys, but just go a little, what... 20-30 m and just normally kill, well, destroy the enemy, i will tell you so, because even now, yes, we we are practically on the same line, and they cannot cross this canal, there should have been a line of defense long ago and not one behind the canal, that is, on our fully controlled territory, and they are already completely barred from our territory, and we...
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hold them, that is, you understand how the positions are, here ours, here the enemy's, here again on those, so to speak. we have, well, our, their positions, of course, of course, when you enter there, it is extremely difficult to get out of there, because on both the right and the left is your opponent, well that is, the enemy's artillery, well, extremely, extremely, just works almost non-stop, you understand, that is, they work in the trenches of the kabama, they work in the trenches of the ptura. and carnets are in general, that is, we are already used to this with mortars, 120s, they work simply in the trenches, you understand, well , not even in terms of equipment, but simply in infantry, so of course, of course, uh, well my opinion, i am here, it is necessary
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to change a little, how to say, tactics, to change to more advantageous positions, i apologize, leave on more profitable ones. positions for defense, yes, well , those 50-100 m, which we now hold, yes, they are already, well, you understand, everything is destroyed, well, i know that it’s easy to lose people there, we have a position that for today the day is already the 32nd day, the boys are between the enemy's positions, glory to our boys, glory to the zsu. they cannot use copters to drop food, water, and ammunition to them, but they are from minor scratches, from minor injuries, that is , something still flies there, they have already started gangrene, you know, they have pneumonia, we drop them there are antibiotics, and
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you get them out of there, we can't have a copter, well, it won't pick them up, and even if it picks them up, of course, well, it will be damaged, that is, it will be shot or something else, well... that is, it's just me from my side, from my side and from on the part of all my brothers, we all believe that it is completely without, well, it is not at all clear why we are holding here and there 100 m, and losing such losses in us, we have huge losses, because we cannot evacuate, we are very hard evacuees, extremely. hard, if the evacuation was an hour and a half earlier, and i thought that is bad, that is, we need to hurry, yes , i had evacuations in 40 minutes and i could evacuate six people in 40 minutes, today it is from 12 to
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two to three days, and we can only use armored vehicles to take out, because the pickups will not go to the position where we are, because everything has been thrown behind... everything has been thrown, that is, you will not pass on foot, you, well, well , you will be blown up in any way, by a pickup, a pickup will run over, he, well, that is will become unfit for combat and will be shot, that is, either with a carnet or a ptor, only with armored vehicles and the latter our evacuation was shot at our armored vehicles, glory to our drivers, mechanics, as we call them, they are handsome, they are shot. automatic, the driver is flying, but we are evacuating, this is how evacuation goes, you see, that’s why the frost just runs through the skin, but i don’t know, you won’t have any problems because of the fact that you are talking about it now, just knowing that and i
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and when about, well, who should talk about it, i, well, if only, i say what i see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears in the radio, you understand, well... let them hear us, let them understand, it's just, you understand, those people who sit in kyiv and just think that everything is fine with us, everything is extremely difficult for us, we are the last of our strength, our medical unit, today, our composition is 30%, we work almost without days off, it's not that we 're tired, it's that if one of us goes out of line, it's just... well, alice, you know, well, that's the word, yes, that's all, well, because out of 22 of us, dev well, for today, you see, it’s almost like he doesn’t have the right to get involved, but he still drives too, well that is, to those positions allowed to him, but he
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cannot go to zero, because, you understand, if he had his own, this is his own equipment, so to speak, robots, so of course, well, let us... be heard, let us be heard, that we must be staffed, people who come from training centers stay there from 30 to 60 days. they have tactical medicine, i just do tactical medicine a lot, and if they have four hours of tactical medicine in that time, that's great, it's basically two hours, and people don't know how to apply a tourniquet, they look for me with such eyes, when i tell them, guys, we are learning self-help, because when there is a battle, you, well, that is, not to the point that we are an assault unit, something is going on. of course, the two-footed ones remain and the evacuation group evacuates them, but as long as the evacuation group arrives,
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because the medic is always on the stretcher, you have to help you, that’s the most important thing, teach people self-help, they die from blood loss, because they don’t can help themselves, you understand, of course there are fatal wounds, that is , those wounds that, well, you understand. and torn bodies, that's all, that is , you can't save it, but torn limbs are not a fatal wound, it's just necessary to adequately apply a tourniquet and wait for the evacuation to get out, and we have, well, there are cases when guys simply ran away because the tourniquet , when i already took them from me, it just dangled, you see, it was not properly applied, that's why they have to teach in educational centers themselves. help, and then our boys will not die from, well, ordinary, well
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, standard injuries, it's very common amputations there, it's normal, well, that is, it's often in general, if the main injuries are yes, well, i don’t, well, i don’t consider these ageisms and splits to be shallow, so what we are saying, of course, listen to us, listen to us in the training centers for... work as combat medics, combat officers, combat men who cannot serve now, there are people with disabilities, people without limbs who want to, they want to help, i have a bunch of guys who are without legs, there are without one arm, even there is no eye, but he says : i want to continue to serve, of course, in the assault unit, well, he can't, why not him? do not send to school. a center where, excuse me, normal, adequate officers, healthy, who can serve here, why not
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replace them, combat men will be able to teach specifically, well, that is, how to provide help, and the guys tell me what they are told until you you wrap the wounded in a thermal blanket, well, a blanket, you don't have the right to carry out an evacuation, but that's such nonsense, i'm sorry, it 's out of my head. what a thermal blanket, it glows, it rustles, and the enemy hears you, because he is close, well, that is, you know, the level of training of the guys who come, and when we are being recruited, the top management does not say that they are not prepared, and we have five, at most seven days, so that in these 5-7 days these new recruits can be recruited as much as possible, well, we are almost there for 10 hours each we drive around...
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that is, the fact that they are not prepared, well , no one is interested, of course, that people are leaving, and what happens to them, they are from stress, from this, well, if the situation, and the shelling continues, they're lost and they can't... help themselves and they're bleeding, that's our main problem, but to get bodies today, we can't take out all the thirds, i'm not talking about the two hundredths, you understand, we have almost no time left, mrs. tatiana, the only thing i wanted to ask the boys who now found themselves actually surrounded , if i understand correctly, yes, they and to help them storm the positions, prepare, well, they tried more than once, but... "the enemy's artillery did not give a little, and now they are fully preparing, if, you see, everyone
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is working so that now they , well, you understand, to get out of there, that is, no one forgot about them, no one has left them, we are always in touch with them, everything is always, well, if we save them as we can, as we can, they are all alive, everything is fine, well, in the situation they are in, fine, kudos to the guys again, to our pilots, as we call them, they help them tremendously, and we also help them as much as we can with their, well, problems. that is , what they tell us, we send them medicine as best we can with the same copter, mrs. tatyana, thank you for this cry of your soul, and we hope that it will be heard, that it is all not in vain about what you told us, and thank you for your work, which you do in those difficult conditions, it was tetyana lisitsina, a combat medic of the third assault battalion of the fifth assault brigade, call sign
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ms. lisa, who told about what is happening in the bakhmut direction and these stories. this is a moving story, beatings, we hear it all the time, it is not the first time we hear it from the brave soldiers who are on the front line, it is not the first year, and they see death every day, they lose their friends, and they themselves are wounded and come back, this it also applies to tatyana lisitsina, by the way, and to us we hope that after this conversation, tatyana lisitsina will not have any problems, that for the fact that a person dared to speak about... she will not be punished, fined, sent away somewhere, there will not be any revenge, instead an investigation will be conducted, whether there is expediency in holding that position for which you have to pay with your life, i just think that the military understands what it is about, what exactly it is and what district and region and so on, what part is this, what is this position, but again, it
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may be a confirmation of your old one discussions, what is important... in the words of soldiers' lives, in fact, the fear of leaving positions due to persecution and commanders who lose their soldiers, lose their soldiers, but get a position, get a promotion, and not the other way around, this is what i wrote more than once that we read in the posts of those brave commanders who dare to do this, so the next guest, human rights defender, head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, lyudmila denisova already. ms. lyudmila, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. lyudmila, just now there is also such a case, which is probably worth paying attention to with those military personnel who allow themselves to publicly voice their problems, can they be punished for this, or are some human rights extended to them,
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in this case? well, let's just say that valerius marcus has been out of touch for over a year, after he... made some sharp comments about the failed offensive, where his unit suffered a lot of casualties, and well, for example, no one knows in fact, is he alive, healthy and what happened to him, he was just taken away, gagged and that's it, is it normal or basic human rights continue to exist and work for people in the military? yes, of course, any martial law does not limit human rights regarding freedom of speech. the freedom to express one's will, one's opinion, and therefore, when such events take place in our state, the democratic values ​​of our state are called into question, of course there are bodies, first of all it is authorized, the verkhovna rada of human affairs, which must monitor these, give an assessment, including making
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representations to the authorities that should take care of it. try anyway there was an investigation, criminal cases were opened, when, well, a person is lost, of course, it is also necessary to take care of the relatives of these people, but now, if we are already talking about the fact that some military personnel are completely silent, this is the case with us, the ukrainian center for the protection of rights person on our hotline, some military personnel call and say they can't get their rights reinstated when they've lost them because they're just worried that they'll then be sent away without any reason and without any what weapons, as they say on the front, and just lose your life, these are such cases, by
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the way, the telephone number of the tele hotline is now visible on the screen. ah, dear friends, i am already telling the audience, this number appears on the red background, actually this number 083 0709, this is the hotline of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, mrs. ludmyla, we also wanted to ask you about the postponement of mobilization on the basis of care according to parents, in which cases are conscripts entitled to such a deferment? you know, there are two cases, the first is when a parent, mother or father... have a disability of the first or second group, or it can be parents, wives, but there is a condition that there are no more non-military. and therefore deferment can be granted on these
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grounds when there is a father or mother or father, mother, wife, of the first or second group of disabilities, under such conditions that these non-military servicemen, who have the duty to support their own, need of such permanent care, or are... persons with disabilities, or are under arrest, excluding house arrest, punishments, fortunes, in such case, case such a postponement will be assigned, and if the conscript also has several conscripts in the family, well, for example, two sons, a father, a disabled person of the first group. a person with a disability of the first group, only one of the sons can receive such a deferment. the second case is when no
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disability has been established, but the parents or one of the parents have the right to permanent care, it is also determined by the sec or lkk that such a person needs permanent care. and again, it turns out that there are many other persons who are obliged by law to receive, well, for example, the wife, if it the father or mother of the wife of that conscript, i.e. she herself may need, according to the conclusion of the sec and lkk , constant surveillance, then she died or perished, was recognized by the court as wanted, missing, is wanted, declared. deceased, and therefore, if all the others do not have, well , other people who could, they are obliged by law to maintain them, these are the rights,
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there is only a moment left, i do not know if we will have time, how to issue this postponement for the care of parents, if you have time, i will ask you very briefly, well, if you grant a postponement central committee of the cpsu, but all documents need to be completed, there have been some changes. which documents, for example, the conclusion of the lkk is no longer required, if the father or mother, a person with a disability of the first or second group, and a postponement, if there are such rights, it is granted only for the period when these grounds are valid, but no longer than the effect of the decree of the president for the period of mobilization, that is , now, if all the grounds are there, all the documents are there, everything is corroborated. on that, the sp shopping center will grant a postponement only until august 11, because it is until this date that the presidential decree on mobilization is valid.
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thank you, mrs. lyudmyla, lyudmila denisova, the human rights defender and head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights was with us, we talked about postponement of mobilization on the basis of caring for parents, under what conditions it can be done, and we also talked about what to do with the military, who... who uh have something to say, but are afraid that they may have problems, or they already have some problems due to the fact that they believe that certain decisions, certain orders are not very rational , dear friends, we still have one hour of the marathon ahead of us, our participation in marathon on espresso, i encourage you to stay, it will be interesting. attention, access to... position: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable, and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary
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presented. 15% discount on enterogermin in travel pharmacies for you and savings. it is 11 o'clock in ukraine. news time on espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all the viewers, just now to the most important events. so, drones attacked port kavkaz in the krasnodar region of russia, on this local authorities complain that a ferry docked at the port caught fire after a drone attack. also, according to his data, among the crew members and employees there are probably victims and a dead person. at night, our defenders.


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