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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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uah 799 with the possibility of free delivery , powerful saws, strong, what you need to call , there are discounts, the only discounts on sudokrem are 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. eurofest softcaps - first aid against the main field starts in 15 minutes. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normoven. 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and save. 12 o'clock in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. for the 12th time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, president volodymyr zelenskyi has brought it to the parliament draft law... projects on the continuation of martial
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law and mobilization in ukraine, they will be extended for another 90 days from august 12 to mid- november, - said people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak. so far, both decrees have been unanimously supported by the defense committee. next, 226 votes of the parliament and the signature of the president are required. 7 thousand dollars for crossing the border. the organizer of the scheme was detained in odesa. of illegally transporting men to moldova, he turned out to be a 38-year-old local businessman. the figure was declared a suspect, he faces up to 9 years in prison at will with confiscation of property. and also in odesa , the security service detained a russian agent. he corrected enemy strikes on odesa, and also specialized in setting fire to relay cabinets of ukrzaliznytsia. he was arrested red-handed.
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during the search , two f-1 grenades and a mobile phone with evidence of cooperation with the enemy were found in the apartment of the criminal. the detainee faces life imprisonment. in the mykolaiv region , a local resident was injured due to an ammunition explosion. it happened in the village of myrne of the shevchenkiv community, rescuers said. the man found a cluster shell in the neighboring yard. doctors diagnosed a mine-explosive injury. the patient, he was hospitalized. drones attacked the kavkaz port in russia's krasnodar region. the local authorities complain about this. allegedly, after the drone attack, the ferry that was standing in the port caught fire. also, according to preliminary data, among the crew members and employees there are probably injured and a dead person. us president joe biden
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handed over his powers regarding the law on support to ukraine to the heads of the ministry of finance and the state department. the document provides for the possibility of confiscation of russian assets for the benefit of our country. the statement has already appeared on the white house website. the reasons for the transfer of powers were not explained there. however, the statement appeared against the background of rumors that the american leader is ill and may resign. biden himself denies the scenario of a long-term shutdown. members of the democratic party plan to choose their candidate for the post of president of the united states by august 7 through online voting. it is likely that it will be kamala harris. so far , the vice president has already won enough delegate support to secure the nomination candidates, the american media write. a candidate for the post of vice president can also be announced by august 7. let me remind you, president. small ukrainian businesses in ukraine
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are trying to survive and keep customers in rather difficult conditions. our correspondents found out how much harder it has become for entrepreneurs to work and what to expect closer to winter. you can work, take a walk or drink coffee now only with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for 12 hours makes the business run purely on fuel for such machines, or small ones succeed for entrepreneurs to make coffee and leave at least zero? the summer of 2024 has certainly become more difficult for ukrainian businesses than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and, as a result, even harsher power outages. in sumy , the work of small children has been transformed. institutions for
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survival. it is very difficult to work now, our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the whole working day there is only one and a half to two hours of light, and we have to work on a generator all the time, a generator is the masthead of any ukrainian entrepreneur, because nowadays without it it is literally like having no hands, at the same time, the maintenance of this miracle machine requires huge funds. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 20,000 per month. and it is very difficult to say now, because the days are different, and most of us work somewhere in zero. now we are working to keep our customers, all products have become more expensive because there are no deliveries, everything spoils, you can't buy products, but thank god everything is working, our generator is running, we prepare food, prepare
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coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work everything is fine, such small businesses become a real oasis for residents of nearby houses, because when there is no light at home, it is likely. will be in a coffee shop, and there will also be hot food, internet and maybe even air conditioning. many people come to work, charge their devices, also come to get hot water, prepare food, store, also come to bring their products, our freezer works, they bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country come up with creative ideas ideas of dealing with... the scorching sun and the lack of electricity, as well as sincerely and more than ever are happy about the rain, and although sometimes they are indignant and understand that such inconveniences are definitely not the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, well, like, i recharge before calling out evil, well, like, everything is good in
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this sense, well, like, okay, we survive, see, well, we try to live, not survive, so this is what saves me the most now silpo, which has an area where... the cafe, accordingly, is crowded, but you can use both the charger and wi-fi is stable, that is, for example, there was no light yesterday, i was working from there, no, i don’t want to charge my phone, nothing, it takes me two hours, i charge power banks, then i charge phones and everything else, and so it's enough for me, i don't need it, because the 22nd year has already gotten used to it and that's why there is a powerbank that keeps it, is it bad that there is no connection? it is not difficult to pay with a card, but everything is relative, the main thing is that it should not be like in my native city of bakhmut. however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges, rationally also think about winter, hopeful forecasts
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are given, except by fortune tellers. professional experts, officials and people's deputies are quite skeptical and are already hinting that it is not worth waiting for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare. independently, we think about it every day, but we will hope for the best, we thought about what to put panels, batteries, but the heart tells us that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws that will also affect business. the first is positive. duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation was canceled. but the excise tax on fuel , on the contrary, was increased. we predict that the increase in the excise tax on gasoline will take place somewhere within the range of 1.2 hryvnias for gasoline and diesel, and this is the contribution that all of you and i will make to
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the financing of the army. to support the defenders is an unequivocal, single and most important task of every ukrainian. but how long will it last? time will tell if entrepreneurs will balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the benefit of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. and i urge you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders choose victory every day, do not leave the wounded on the battlefield and. dead, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, they allow you to move as quickly as possible on the road. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it him alive our goal is uah 4 million. thank you
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to everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow, i wish you a good continuation of today. a new week, new analytics, new guests, and in fact, we are live on the espresso tv channel. this is the new week project, khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy. we welcome everyone and invite you to join us in discussing the most important topics. traditionally, today we will have both guests and surveys with... accordingly, we will be interactive with you of course to have analytics also in the second part of our program. let's start
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with probably a poll because this is one of the hottest topics we've been talking about since last night, biden's own decision to withdraw from the campaign, and today we 're asking you if you approve of biden's decision to actually withdraw from this election race? absolutely free to pick up your phones or smartphones, dial the phone 0 number 08 211 381, if you think so, you approve of this decision, if you do not approve, you can dial 0800-211 382, ​​i emphasize once again, all calls are absolutely free, and then let's move on to our analytics, to our guests, yes kristina. all our topics resonate with each other, when we talk about elections in the united states, we always have in mind
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the development and military history, unfortunately, on the territory of our country. it would be good if this story developed far in the russian rear, but we will definitely talk about this a little further. i am glad to welcome oleksiy hetman, a military analyst, to the studio. reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. let's start with the question, what is it for you and in general, which, how can we analyze what we are currently seeing in the east, in the south and further north in our country, let's say this, not even about the scale of russian advances and not about our successes in defense, but rather about the purely characteristics of the current state of the war, how do you see it, please, aggravation, now there is an aggravation. added a large number of newly recruited military personnel,
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who mainly sign contracts from 25 to 40 thousand per month, well, the number of people on the front line of the russians is not decreasing, but increasing, despite the losses, we often say that we have suffered such losses, such losses, sooner or later it will end , well, so far it is increasing, it is not ending, it is increasing, as for the equipment that in... is not used, here it is decreasing, heavy equipment, there is a negative balance, that is, we destroy more than they can supply to the line the front, pulling from all its ranks, factories and so on, repair shops, this applies not only to the tank, it applies to other heavy equipment batteries, bmps, and artillery, barrels in them, they even searched somewhere for a 130-caliber gun, which was removed from the armory in 1948, if i am not mistaken, well, shortly after the second world war. war, such projectiles, i think that they are only in warehouses somewhere, maybe
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they remained in russia, they were still used in north korea, that is, they have certain problems with this equipment, there are no problems with people so far, well, from the point of view of possibility, and what is dying there many people, many people get colic or just wounded, well, for the russians , it is, as they say, losses, big losses or losses, which would force them to stop their actions. they don't have such traditions, that is, they will continue to fight as people, well, our successes in defense, let's not cover our heads with ashes if we have to withdraw from some populated areas, because during such a serious offensive, this was a foreseen situation, she said about it and our military leadership, including even political, that at the beginning of the year, that we must approach this with the understanding that... somewhere, somewhere, we will have to withdraw from, well, i will add that over the last several thousand years, as in
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any war, the advancing army , is always advancing, significant or non-substantial, with large or small losses, this is another question, but such that the advancing army does not advance for a day by only one meter, there have never been such cases in history, so there is an aggravation, we we are conducting a defense, but here we need to talk about populated areas... i understand that i am ahead of the curve, for all yours question, but it seems to me that it is important, er, defense is not only positional, that is , fortification, we keep defense there, there is also maneuverable defense, and... is mobile defense also several and different combinations of them, what does this mean? that it is not necessary to hold the front line in a modern war, as in the first world war or even in the second world war, it is possible to maneuver, it is possible to move mobilely, and in general our defense is considered active, that is, as soon as the opportunity arises, we try to knock the enemy out of those positions which he occupies, occupied for
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the last two or three days, and the russians are occupying small positions, this is a creeping occupation, there is already such a phrase, they are trying to... advance not immediately to a great distance, but a little at a time, 10, 100 m at a time, they try to advance, in small groups, that's it, i'm sorry, toftology is big and small, that's roughly what the wagnerites, prigozhynites, under bakhmut did, well, it's not some kind of know-how either, let's do without some very modern words, the meaning of which many people don't quite understand, it's a well-known tactic, an attack in small groups, they are right now... they are doing this and trying to gain a foothold in those settlements near teretska , and there are also some names there. it affects all of us emotionally because we lost one more village and another village. yes, it seems to me
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that here even a little bit, somewhere a little bit, a little bit meets the ear of the russian russian information war, we are not happy to hear about the lost of some settlements, but we do not operate on the number, well, for example, of buildings in the village, so we say, the russians managed to capture a certain village, well, the village may be completely destroyed, and there may be five houses in the village, but there is a name, and we, uh, we lost another name there or retreated, although by and large from the military from the point of view it... doesn't matter as much as it sounds strange, if it's some small, very small settlement, and it's more convenient to retreat, for example, to the hills and hold a defense there, than in destroyed buildings, buildings, to do something there, i'm not talking about such cities as avdiyiv, kobahma, it doesn't apply, it's simple here is a small village, well, let's tell the russians then, well, for example, we managed to capture a certain
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village in which there are 10 houses, well, that's it. this is a completely different perception of information, it seems, sir, mr. oleksiy, by the way, in the context of this there is a quote from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. syrskyi, he visited some of the hottest areas of the front, and after that he actually proposed a set of measures that should stop the occupiers, actually within the framework of that offensive, about which you and i are also talking, let me now quote: mr. oleksandr, he stated that what we can and should do in order to stop the offensive of the numerically superior enemy. the answer is one. efficient, effective fire damage to the enemy's main forces and its reserves on distant approaches, complex damage to the enemy in front of the front edge, stable
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maintenance of lines and positions prepared in terms of engineering as efficiently as possible. the question of all the possibilities of weapons and ammunition, first of all combat drones, in which we have an advantage, and we really hope that within the framework of this concept the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and we will still stop the enemy, and of course, also within the framework of the support provided to us by our international partners, i still have a minute to speak, so please, please. he just started well and ended well too, well, these are words for the civilian population, the first part of his statement, he simply described what a defensive maneuver looks like, this is how it looks, destroy artillery, and so on , i.e., maneuverable defense is used in the event that the enemy moves, when the enemy is numerically superior, and then
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in fact the current commander-in-chief continues the work of his predecessor, well, he simply said what was written in the ecstasy, and then came to his friend. part of the defense, this is already positional defense, holding the fortification, there is also maneuverable defense, he did not say about it, well, it seems that he wants to hide it, it is luring the enemy to certain areas, withdrawing on purpose, and then destroying him there, well, that is , you you know, let's say two words, i understand that time is running out, the tactics of such battles in field, it hasn't changed at least since napoleonic times, there aren't any, but it's very annoying, when it starts there, some kind of noutau or something starts there. there is nothing new, there is nothing new there, it has not changed in any sense, the logic has not changed, the means by which moisture is affected have changed, but the logic has remained the same and prevails over... the one who uses it more successfully, more modernly, wins here we are talking about a network-centric war, such phrases are frequent, that is, we have to conduct defense when all any unit,
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even a small group is in the mode, as you can see, it itself went online, that is , constant communication with groups that are on the left, right, in front, behind, and they communicate with each other, and a person sees what is happening on the front line, well, in battle and as well as more than that... the commanders of such groups have, well , the platoon divisions have to make tactical decisions within the strategic task independently, well, the means of impression, drones, intelligence have changed, but once again the logic has not changed, the logic of wars in the field, i think even not from the napoleonic era, maybe even from the time of julius caesar, the logic is the same, occupying new heights, having, using the active relief of the terrain, water obstacles, forest obstacles, trying to surround the enemy from the flank and so on, i.e., well, there is nothing new here, no nothing is necessary, there is no need to invent anything, it is necessary to let the military take care of it, as to the point that some people, even with respectable positions, start giving
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recommendations, it is not necessary, everyone knows what to do in order to achieve superiority, correctly said pantsirskyi , here we are we need more weapons, and of course we must not forget about mobilization, people must use these weapons, there must be an appropriate number of them, sir? mr. oleksiy, i would also like to talk to you about possible air attacks by the occupiers, yes, and in particular about the fact that we have actually strengthened our air defense, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that we have received another patriot anti-aircraft missile complex , yes, this is firstly, and secondly, in recent days we have actively seen information on social networks about the fact that russia... is preparing another missile attack on the territory of ukraine, well, in this context we are talking about strengthening anti-air defense, so the question is actually for you, which
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objects can really be attacked in your opinion in the coming days, if again , there will be an attack, and are attacks now possible, including on energy facilities? massed, because we really see such points almost every day, three in one, you three in one asked a question, let's first patriots, well, it's good that we are in our another patriot appeared, we hope that the information that we lost one is not true, but we already remember these, we remember where he could be, we assume where he could be partially injured. therefore , an additional one is good, let's hope that there will be at least a few more, five or seven, at least, maybe 25, as the supreme
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commander said, god forbid, the more the better, but we must remember that the petrio anti-aircraft missile complex is anti-missile defense, as a part, as a component of air defense, and it fights exclusively, well not exclusively, mainly with ballistic missiles, there is no point in using it. missiles, especially those that fly at a low altitude, because below 50 m patriot does not see anything, it is a blind zone for him, he once again, it is used against anti-ballistics, it is necessary to use airplanes, including airplanes, according to the wingspan, they are very good at them are intercepted, and so on, that is, this is a separate conversation, the second part of your question is about the accumulation and accumulation of russian strategic bombers, well, very it is good that we are talking about it and that they are preparing. let our intelligence know that where almost a hundred planes are gathering, it can carry a large number, several hundreds of missiles, because they use planes, well, they don’t
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load them completely, well, even if there is one missile on the plane, then it is already about a hundred missiles, why it's good that we're talking about it, well, first of all, we have to prepare, and secondly, that the conversations will finally stop, that if you please, i... some event, well, no, it doesn't matter what, somewhere, what the russians don't like it, well it doesn't matter if it's somewhere in our country or our attack or something else, and they often pee, for the sake of revenge two days later, or the next day they hit some kind of blow, well, thank you that we are talking, that they are preparing, because such a blow must be prepared , which is not less than a week, you can't, today something happened, and tomorrow the russians will take revenge, so let's have these conversations. it's a little strange that, well, i think that after we keep saying that they 're preparing, in the end, to everyone, well, it turns out that the attack can't be today for tomorrow, or
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from yesterday to today, she has to prepare that... less than a week regarding the number of missiles that they can launch, we know that they have about 15% of the missiles that they had at the start of the full scale tower, it is estimated in several hundreds of missiles, up to 500 are counted there, well, you can count differently, and for these missiles, this does not mean that they have a small number of hits left there, it was erroneous information there a year or two years ago, which means that they are that untouched stock in... don't cling to everything there will be, because the order is an inviolable reserve, it is an inviolable reserve, but if the situation forces it, they can use it, they produce about 1005 per month, so if there are no long-term massive attacks on our country, this does not mean that they have changed their minds or everything is good, it means that everything is bad, because they can either make one attack on 100 missiles, for example, well plus or minus roughly we
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say, or two there are 50 missiles or three of 30, well, that is, they can break a hundred into once, or maybe two, maybe three, but that's it the fact that they collected 90, i think 95, i can’t say exactly how many there are, well, a large number, well , it’s not that many planes, there are not many planes, they collected a large number of tu-95s, and they are preparing for an attack, it is quite possible that they will try to use a little untouched reserve, and it may not even be an attack. it could be an attack of more than a hundred, up to two hundred, maybe up to three hundred missiles at the same time, it could be a mass attack, it could be, we, i'm not saying what it will be, but it could be, given how many they are, how they are preparing for this, and the third part of your question, what are they going to hit, an energy facility or other facilities, well, i think it will be primarily military facilities, we are so shyly silent about what we
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almost every day we apply mass. strikes by our drones on the territory of the russian federation, not massive strikes, not two flew in, but two or three dozen, or even a hundred, we are making them somewhere, we are making shipboard er unmanned boats somewhere, we will make them somewhere, we say , that we produce shells, have increased production and so on, we are our military-industrial complex, our ukroboronpron is working, of course the russians will try to attack those objects that they managed to calculate where they are, well, or we gave them disinformation here... the question is still open , let's say, they will be directed there, could these be energy objects, it is quite possible, well , they have already significantly spoiled the energy-generating ones, now the energy-distributing ones can most likely be there, and we understand that these will most likely be the airfields to which we we are preparing to receive f16, so i am not saying that it will be like that, i don’t want
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to scold, as they say, but... there are all signs that this could be a very massive strike and it will be , well, a critical military object for us and energy, will there be any other strikes on civilian objects for the emotional impact on you and me, well, god's harrows on hospitals, you can assume, i can even assume that there could be a strike on the dam of some station or even on a nuclear plant, you can it will happen even to them, as they say. but there are three parts to your question, i i tried my best, mr. oleksiy, thank you for that, i would just like to remind you, in the context of russian attacks and our defense against them, that in the south of odesa recently it was possible to shoot down ballistics, and this is actually a very important moment, which concerns precisely the south, and probably the transport capabilities of our country along the black sea.
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thank you, mr. oleksiy, for this inclusion. oleksiy hetman, military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. well, we move on to an extremely important story, which started yesterday at dinner and andrii smolii, together with my other colleagues at espresso , heroically withstood this informational blow, when joseph biden actually announced his withdrawal from the presidential campaign late in the evening outside kyiv. and this actually completely changes all the rules by which such campaigns are conducted in one way or another, as in the united states, you can only imagine how this affects the situation in the world, well, we can imagine how it affects the forecast in general, regarding the situation of our war with the russian federation, all that we will try to put it, but before that we will remind you about our survey, yes, because it is
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active, and we are calling. it is up to you to vote whether you approve of the decision.


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