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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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sophisticated equipment, unfortunately, because the racists created such conditions, ugh, and if we do everything, yes, we will have less restrictions, but restrictions, unfortunately, even with all, well, possible and impossible actions, they will be in winter, when there are peaks of consumption, but again, we draw your attention to the fact that they are fiercely around and they continue to attack our infrastructure, and a large-scale attack can change absolutely everything, please tell me, mr. oleksiy, maybe explain the mechanics of the process. because people ask, and you know, not being an expert, i understand these perfectly logically question: several large shopping and entertainment centers in the ukrainian capital have announced that they are abandoning generators and actually switching to the purchase of imported electricity for at least 80%, that is, they will always have everything they need for work, for existence, and so on, and this will free them from... mr. blackouts,
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unfortunately, nothing of the sort shines, well , for household consumers and, as far as we understand, the vast majority of ukrainian industry, and what does it all look like, that is , someone asks me, christ, explain, and what is some kind of alternative network, where only imported electricity can be connected there, or is it injected in a dosed way, how does it get into absolutely specific objects, explain... well , actually, it's not such a simple question, but i 'll try to explain it more simply : we have a requirement that if the electricity supply structure includes 80% imports, then accordingly this consumer is not disconnected, the total volume of this imported, well, what can be imported now through the crossing between countries is 1.7 gv - this is 1, 7 atomic blocks, that is, we have up to two blocks, which can be imported. if you want
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to get such electricity, exclude yourself from the lists, then you need to find an electricity supplier, we have quite a lot of electricity suppliers and make a corresponding request, and i think that not all suppliers have the opportunity to buy electricity from exports, but well, let's say this, the big players know how to do it, they buy electricity on foreign markets, then they have to buy the intersection, uh, that is, this network between. state, so that that import they which they bought, well, for example, in hungary, so that it conditionally enters this intersection, and this intersection is 1.7 gv, it is no longer possible, and further, accordingly, if this supplier has a supply contract with the consumer, he will receive this electric energy where there is 80%, and accordingly this consumer is not disconnected, of course, this electrical energy is more expensive than the electrical energy we will receive.
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today from the supplier's side on a simple schedule, but many businesses and many productions are really taking such a step, and this is logical, because sometimes the stoppage of technological process is much more expensive than paying more for such a proportion of imports of 80 and 20 of domestic production, and at the same time , again, this resource is limited and not all suppliers know how to supply it, i think that who... in fact may be abusing the market , because again, there is a supplier, this is a competitive market, which tried to provide a competitive price, and a large supplier can conditionally buy there, having more financial resources, organizational resources in foreign markets, but this is competition, there really is a war for the consumer, and if the conditional shopping center says, i need such and such electricity, i don’t want to turn it off, well, then they... turn
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to the supplier, the supplier finds such an opportunity, well, here is such a mechanism, uh, well, taking into account those tariff increases and so on, will this imported electricity be much more expensive in fact than what people are currently buying generated inside our state? well, now it was just the heat, there were also prices in europe, it was 25-30% more expensive there, but we... there may be an interesting situation in that on foreign in the markets, the price may be lower than in ours, taking into account the fact that we have a physical deficit of electrical energy, and there may be a situation where there is a lot of green energy, which is generated, for example, during the hours of maximum solar radiation, and it is possible to buy there cheaper, it really happens, because the market really works there, but unfortunately, i think that the consumer will not fully feel the effect of this, although he will see that... there are lower prices, because the
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supplier who will try to attract imports here, accordingly more will appear competition for crossing, other participants will try. who understand that it will be cheaper there, will try to fight for the crossing, that is , they will raise the price for the crossing, sometimes it happens that you bought a megawatt/hour for €30, and the crossing can cost €150. that is , in order for this megawatt, which you bought cheaper on foreign markets, so that it is somehow possible to import it through the interstate crossing, you start paying much more for the crossing, so in reality it will not be cheaper there, because competition will increase. and i think that somewhere around 25, 30, 50% this difference, which must be additionally added in order not to disconnect the consumer. mr. oleksiy, i wanted to talk to you very briefly about the blackout in
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russia, that is, we understand what is happening in our country, we have missiles, shelling, war, and everything is fine with them, nothing is fine with them, in fact, that large-scale the energy crisis gripped the southern regions. russia, putin is already worried, in fact, entire enterprises, residential areas are being shut down, there are shutdown schedules, by the way, yes, sir oleksiy, i would like to talk to you about this topic, this is very brief, these are the consequences of strikes on energy facilities, are there any other reasons why on... and these blackouts begin to occur and schedules are introduced, well the russian dictator has already said that there is a problem with bitcoin, that everyone is actively mining there, well, that is, it is some kind of stupid, of course, but there was also a rather serious heat, there were blows, but they were local point, and there was an exit of a nuclear
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unit on rostovskyi au, and really, let's face it, russians invest money in their own analog weapons, but do not invest in... 2019 and 20. thank you, and i remind you that today we are asking our viewers and listeners whether you approve of biden's decision to withdraw from the election race. and we ask that you continue to vote. here are the interim results: 82% of our viewers think
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biden did the right thing, and 18% think he did n't. there are discounts presented. the only discounts on normoven are 10% in the pharmacies of travelers you and savings, there are discounts representing the only discounts on psilobalsam 15% in pharmacies of travelers you and savings. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a matryc topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families are choosing. which comes in a convenient packaging that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can it
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presenters, presenters who have become like a kind of person to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin did that, he would... all go to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, who then for china, for me, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on espresso.
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no way. week, we're going live, and now we'll have about 45 minutes of our analysis, our opinions, actually our expert assessments of what's happening in the country, on probably painful topics, on important topics, and we'll talk about johnson, of course, and the question of which johnson, the question so we confuse. johnson in the first part of our program, now we will be more careful and talk about who was
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the prime minister of great britain, but before that, let's not forget about our survey, you have already voted for the past hour, for which we are extremely grateful to you, but our survey continues, it is absolutely free, you can take your phones or smartphones and vote, answer questions or. do you approve of the withdrawal of the president of the united states of america, joe biden, from the presidential campaign. if so, call 0800 211300. 81, if not, 211, 382. again , all your calls are absolutely free, so let's have a few thoughts on this, it will be fair to our viewers, and how unexpected it was for you, andrew, this statement by joseph biden, the statement made through social networks in particular
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to the world that he is withdrawing from the election race. i think that is expected, the only thing that i did not expect. it will be sunday, but frankly, vitaly portnikov and i have talked about it for four weeks in a row, i asked him the same question for four weeks in a row, when every saturday we slowly reached the point that this probability grew , and i specifically said that indeed, if this is going to happen, it has to happen by the end of july, and so, to put it bluntly...that 's probably the case, given all the pressure, given that baine has cut funding, given the fact that they're actually against his candidacy the governors and a number of senators and congressmen have already spoken, which meant that, as they say, time or medicine went by for days and hours, the only thing is that
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sunday, well, not such a day at all... in my opinion, politically active, to make such an announcement, but we have what we have, indeed the american press, by the way, predicted that such a statement can be made on the weekend, so it is more likely to be expected, but not on sunday, well, let's go, but i thought that on sunday, after church, this would most likely happen, ayder muzhdabaev, by the way, our colleague from otr thought something like this itself, well , less so when a few days earlier... it's later, it's not so important, indeed, colleagues from the bbc noted quite rightly that at a certain point the monitoring of every movement of the current american president entered such a level that he already allegedly did not have the right to make any mistakes, and i do not know how to count assessments of the cognitive abilities of biden or the same donald trump, but now we
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are talking about a certain uncertainty in the election campaign, kamala harris, the current vice president. president, she is supported by the current president, joseph biden, she has already raised quite a large sum for herself in this election fund, i just don't know procedurally, whether it will be added to the millions that have already been provided for donald's company, oh, sorry joseph biden, there might be a legal conflict, and in fact, it was already written about in the american newspaper today. to the press that this could be a problem, may have to overcome some kind of legal conflict in order to avoid the courts of litigation, in fact there, we understand, this is the united states of america, they can only be sued accordingly, and if to sue, then accordingly these funds will simply be frozen for some time,
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in the case of kamala garis, then a woman in fact. a woman to whom both minorities and people of different backgrounds can react quite sensitively skin colors and it's a perfectly normal story, i think it's going to be extremely interesting to watch, uh, so far, so far sociology in america says that kamala harris has no less and no more chance of defeating donald trump than acting president joseph biden, that is... not so bad, maybe not as good as we all would like, but still, the election is still a few months away, and the question remains, if she does run, who will she take to myself as a vice president, because honestly speaking, the option of donald trump is still very serious in my heart, well, now actually, if you look at this list,
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there is a list of up to 10 people, these are the governors of the states, these are also... and people from the congress of the united states of america, potentially, by the way, interestingly, what kamala harris is doing, she's offering those people who could potentially be the democratic presidential candidates, she 's actually offering them now as vice presidential candidates, that is, she's choosing from among them as well, and that's absolutely. correct approach, because these are popular people among the democrats, these are prominent people, these are people who have a certain influence in the democratic party, and therefore, of course, we will be frank. the choice of vice president or potential vice president will also depend on whether kamala harris can claim those percentages
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in order to win, or the vice president is essentially also a person who or a candidate for vice president, which adds a lot , which can become this crucial little town. to the coveted position of president of the united states of america, and so far with the candidates, with the candidate, in particular from the republican party donald trump , world leaders meet and talk, people who are important in the politics of their countries, we promised you a conversation about johnson, and we will definitely talk about him, boris johnson, a person who... has just a brilliant reputation among ukrainians, and what else have we not seen and cakes that looked like and were called by the name
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of the former british prime minister, and songs on the theme of boris johnson, we had, and now we have a kind of peace plan from boris johnson, and the ukrainians do not like him at all, i understand them perfectly myself among these people. when we read this plan, then... we see the date 2022, this is actually the year the borders should be arranged between the russian federation and ukraine, if we were to sit down at the negotiating table, boris johnson thinks so. boris johnson also thinks that with the help of donald trump he can, with the help of donald trump maybe, it will be possible to achieve some kind of peace between russia and ukraine. how stable the question is remains open for me, which does not impress me at all special protection measures for russian speakers in
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ukraine. and so we are slowly entering into the discussion of the issue, again language, andriy, it seems to me that we are somehow walking with you even in our programs in a spiral. the language question arises every time and it would seem that there are completely different information reasons of political, criminogenic, how will we continue to talk about irina. farion kingdom of heaven character, all this rests in language, how did it happen again? well, i'll probably comment on johnson's plan first, and in general, so to speak, well, first of all, i think this plan unrealistic, because firstly, nobody knows whose plan it is, or whether it's johnson's personal desire to promote himself and get him remembered, at least in the uk, at least in the... arena, we don't know if it's possible trump's plan, it was also dubbed by many yesterday as johnson's trump plan, we don't know if it is really so, and secondly or
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thirdly, we have to understand one thing, whether this plan will also suit another party , the country of the terrorist and vladimir putin personally, because very often we for some reason think that well as someone... decides, so it will be, but we do not know the realities at that time, and we do not know, in fact, what factors will affect the possible implementation of this or that plan in the future, we also do not know, more precisely, we more than convinced that putin will bite his teeth into the territory that he now controls, the occupied territory, that is, i do not know what should be done, how to effectively help ukraine and... and whether western countries, western civilization are ready to help so much in order for us to really win back these territories, this is also a big question, because considering how they help her and how
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they have been acting, unfortunately, for the last year, i have great doubts about it, and by the way, about trump and about vance, there are also great doubts, that is, will they be ready to invest so much in ukraine so that we can really win back these territories, the main thing is whether ukraine will be... also ready at that moment, there are a lot of factors, so evaluate this plan, that's 100% will it be 100% trump's plan, i wouldn't say that i didn't like it yet, no i liked what johnson said, well , in fact, that some part of the territory would have to be given up, if these negotiations were to be considered or to stop, for example, on the same front line on february 24 or february 23 , 2022, here is also a question, what can it be, it can be some kind of legal confirmation, if it is a legal confirmation, then i apologize for
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this. case, the world community will simply trample on international law, because we have international, internationally recognized borders, and even if russia controls some part of our territory, in no case will we we have no right, and no one has the right in general to talk about revising these internationally recognized borders, well, if this is so, then i apologize, then china will say that it is necessary to violate the border, then russia will say: ah... listen, give him some more territory we grab, well, you admitted that this is the territory of russia, did you admit that we have effective control over this territory, this is another thing that i did not like, for example in all this, another very unpleasant thing from this column of boris johnson, is that , that he said that it will be possible to return russia to the great eight, that is, to of the big eight, now it is grade seven,
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the big seven, well, i apologize after... all the murders, rapes, terrorist acts after the occupation, after the destruction of hundreds of square kilometers of our territory, our objects, our people, to talk about some kind of return somewhere to russia, by the way, without reparations, without compensation, and johnson does not write about it, well, open it, look, for the return of russia to where, that is, in fact. he proposes, conditionally speaking, after the establishment of peace, to make russia like, shaking hands, shaking hands, and let's get to the point you talked about, which is, conditionally speaking, the status of protection, some kind of status for russian-speakers, and we well understand what this status can mean, well, it's clear that it won't be something so
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ephemeral, we understand , that any... status that is being talked about in such a context, in such a tone, is what will happen, it is a revision of current, valid, current legislation, not only the law on language, but it is most likely a revision of a whole series of legislative acts of our , well, maybe it will be about national championships, maybe if it will be about the fact that we recognize the russian national minority, we, by the way, in the current legislation on national minorities, we did not recognize that it... is a russian national minority, and if we recognize it, then accordingly we need carry out a revision of the law on language, respectively, then the russian language returns to television, accordingly, then the russian language returns to the radio, respectively, there is the question, when we adopted legislation on national minorities, we established there that we give national minorities the opportunity, relatively speaking, for example, to have your own
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tv channels, yes, that is also prescribed. everything to the legislation, but we do not know what johnson is proposing, we simply theorize that it could be, that is, any de facto return to the promotion of russian peace in ukraine, we understand that russia will always manipulate the issue of the protection of the russian language as the promotion of the narratives of the russian world, no more and no less, that is , there is no need to even go to a fortune teller and even theorize what it will be. we understand that this is a revision of the legislation, we we understand that this is the promotion of a cultural muscovite product, we understand that this is the promotion of the informational russian agenda and everything that is connected with it, well, we have already gone through it many times, and unfortunately, you are absolutely right when you say that in fact it's like we're entering a repeated circle, already n-not a repeated repeated circle, that is, what is probably the second, third, fifth, tenth?
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regarding boris johnson, in fact tetyana danylenko, a journalist, we thank her, very aptly wrote: two years before the great war, the son of a russian oligarch, an ex-officer the kgb, the owner of the evening standard and the independent, oleksandr lebedev evgenia , entered the british house of lords. the queen gave him the whimsical and ridiculous title of baron lepidus of hampton in the london borough of richmond ponthams and siberia in the russian federation. the merit of lebidiv the younger before the crown was charity. the sum of 75 million pounds, the son of a russian oligarch together with boris johnson used these funds to help veterans, rhinoceroses, elephants, johnson, lebedev have been friends for many years and have fun at parties, and you say, our friend johnson and shocked by his faithful plan and the surrender of ukraine. tell me who you made an english lord, i will tell you who you are, there will be many more peace plans, get ready, and they will all be about one thing, let's quickly surrender ukraine to the russians before the big one.


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