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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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it is definitely not possible on our territory, we have to dislodge the enemy and have the opportunity there for him to destroy his infrastructure and do all the other things, it is now dangerous, because we understand what could be behind it, but if we do not hold this line here of defense, and the lines of defense are kept alive, it will be very difficult, and therefore we should not expect that someone will write us a plan for us, or do some work for us, we must be more determined and confident in this, do our best every day work, so each of us has a place and i will say well, there is a lot of pessimism, because when you follow how foreigners look at you, and you say that no, we, we must, we will persevere, calculate everything logically, we have to look very pragmatically today at how capable we are today everyone, each of us, this human resource, which is the most important, not only the territory, but also people, this is what we need to value now and raise as high as possible, what gives us? why am i referring to nato and
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convinced to be a euro-atlanticist, because it is what is formed from the point of view of security, protection of man, his life and health, that is , what is not conditionally valued by the enemy and what is expendable and what is absolutely changing, well, surely we know that we have a mission in this 21st century ukraine to save europe, the world, but i really want, you know, to live for my country, and for my country to live, and not to live only on hope and on life, i would still like to return to those... in the united states of america, we understand that this country has been for a very long time so isolated, and this was their position, yes, isolationism, so that we i am interested in what is happening over the ocean, something like this is happening in them now, which has never happened in at least 150 years, when literally on the eve of the elections, even after the primaries, after everything, everything, everything, the candidate withdraws, and somehow it so happens that we and... we often
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talk about women, now michelle obama and kamala harris, everyone has already forgotten about nikki haley, they have their own history, can what is happening in the united states completely distract the country from us, what, in fact, what the east is striving for, see, you correctly mentioned and with on the other hand, it is already an option and on the other hand, if trump, for example, nicky calls his vice presidents, it can still give him a certain advantage, and what he said that when biden appointed kamala harris instead of him , he said that it will be easier for me to win and so on, i.e. there are statements, there are very interesting statements of former military personnel, they who knew the strip came to rzeszów, and they were even in lviv, in my office, who worked in nato , in the delegation, she said that we will help her, she is a prosecutor and knows what to do to do, to which the republicans immediately began to blame the fact that she did nothing about the wall with mexico, that is, that she did not do anything, although her prosecutorial experience is important now in terms of ... how
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to put the law before the law forces, and so all night today these negotiations were there, there were a lot of discussions, but you see what we have in a stable democracy, we understand that they can quickly and efficiently make these decisions, although it is already getting to the point that there the flag is lowered, it turns out that the congresswoman is just one also died against her, and it seems that it is biden, that is, there are a lot of myths, due to the fact that the filled information space is modern, which ... reacts differently, we see the statements of mask, and even now they are fighting for who will have an influence on him, and also, just to be interesting, to remember, after trump announced that he supported kamala harris, 50 million was collected in one, in one day, which was very fast in general for the entire campaign that is being conducted in the united states of support, that is , what is interesting about the support of the americans and theirs elections, they will be supported with a dollar, that is, conditionally, that is, it is trust, which immediately grows into such physical support. but these democracies
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cope with it, because you correctly remember the history of stas, 50 years, traditions, history, what you can feel in the elections in britain or somewhere in another country, where you understand that there are no nuances, changes, changes everyone, under every election, every law, on the contrary, they live, well, there are innovations, but very often they rely on certain traditions that have been formed, i would probably worry less there for the united states, because it's still going to be the choice of the american people, so there's going to be primaries with... again, who do you support out of the candidates you mention, or obama, or michelle obama, or kamala harris, because they're still it must go through the internal party to the democrats, then they nominate a candidate, and you and i are watching and waiting and looking for opportunities, regardless of who will become the president of ukraine, to learn to work with the country again, because very often when delegations from representatives of various political parties in ukraine, on they look at us as representatives of ukraine, they don't ask who is from which party, so it's certainly interesting to have more discussions with those who represent the government. if they
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have any influence before the decision-making, let's say now , the way politics is formed in the united states, it's become such a policy that has caused a lot of noise in terms of the meeting that was ... with the republicans, because it's the first time the show looked, it looked completely different, sometimes they say, do we learn from the staunch democrats, or do the staunch democrats learn for some reason, not always positive, yes, that is, these changes happen very quickly and dynamically, ms. oksano, look, just now, just after biden withdrew his candidacy, the republicans immediately began to declare that what if he is signing in his own incapacity, then perhaps he is incapacitated now to lead the country even in the time that he has been given in his legal presidential term, well and accordingly, don't you think that actually, because of the fact that biden is already himself, well writes off so from the following presidential races, his policy now will still, you know, have such a palliative character for ukraine, that is
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, he has no interest in somehow promoting the ukrainian problem, promoting more weapons, more aid, and yet we are now with such a huge sign the question will enter the 25th year, then... because, if my memory serves me correctly , this 60 billion is about this year, next year we do not know how we will experience it in view of the events that will be in the states. you correctly noted, these 100 billions of guarantees, which jan slotom wanted to lobby for, that in the event of a delay in congress , this did not happen, well, but i will remind you that when this did not happen, japan and norway, even where we do not have, for example, in norway, an ambassador, still before this waiting period, the decisions of congress have helped us, so we have to work. the history of cooperation with the big seven, with those countries that can help us today, there are no guarantees in anything, we were waiting for lendlis, in fact, if you calculate the percentage, how much we got of real resources, it was 10 billion out of 50 promised, because 40 was the replacement of the military-industrial complex of poland, other countries that are in the eastern flank of nato,
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have actually technologically updated their weapons of their armies, and they are also preparing for those dangers but if we talk about the fact that... anything can happen, everything can happen, and you have to anticipate the situation, that very often things that happen, after all, they do not happen by the decision of one person, they happen only with the consent a large part of people, those who can influence decision-making, and these debates, very often these traditions of discussions, well , what is a congress, a congress is a purse, in other words, if translated, there is a senate, and where there are many politicians. i don't think so, because actually very often the voters who are interested in, you know, who ukrainians vote for, ukrainians in the united states, they vote for republicans, not for democrats, but the topic, if danger is raised and everyone understands that strategic nuclear weapons of the russian federation, it is not set against, well there
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of the european union or ukraine, it is set against the united states, those countries that are further away, and this danger is imaginary, it is very much always there, because there is a lot of politics, even that the aliens will attack and the united states has for this... a whole separate the direction of the military, how to defend, so i hope that after all, president biden will finish his term, so that the apocalypse does not happen, although there is a lot in terms of these discussions, i do not believe that ukraine can get away from the point of view of even his statements and meetings that took place on the 75th anniversary the actual creation of nato in washington, and the statements and support of ukraine, it is all the same, i.e. the question depends on how much the voter as of now... it is asked whether we are talking only about america, and this is imposed by president trump about , that i will finally start caring about america, not about any foreign policy, but in general in the history of the greatest country, its greatest power , the united states, is to deal with the whole world and be above the whole world, be above the country, i don't
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think that they refuse this one status, because they have a big threat, which we can talk about permanently as of now , is china, and the foreign debt of the united states, the largest, is to china. and therefore the economy will still prevail, which will be beneficial, and from the point of view of today's situation, i think it will be the same from the point of view of the benefit of calculating the situation of cooperation, interaction, and the issues raised and even making decisions between these large countries as a final result , which we now depend on a lot. that would like to transfer our attention to our continent, the hungarians are pleasing us again in quotes, of course they have blocked the eu fund, which allocates funds for us, the reaction of brussels already, which in fact, as this avalanche of snow accumulated, is moving all meetings from budapest to brussels, we are talking about meetings of ministers of foreign affairs, ministers defense of the country of the european union, it hurt, boiled over, and
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they have already finally made such a decision, whether hungary will be able to continue to show its horses, whether such decisions will somehow be able to return hungary to some kind of true path, well, look, they you know, against what they are protesting, because they do not continue to receive lukoil oil, which ukraine stopped in particular with the friendship pipeline, and which we all know very well here. and according to which the russian federation also tried very actively to make cemeteries of expensive missiles in the lviv region, and when ukraine made a firm decision, it turns out that it was triggered, the problem is that hungary is currently the chairman, and it is trying to drag everything to the side our own and about ourselves, instead we show that they are russian after all proxy in the center of europe, in the european union, a member is a member of nato, and we have a lot of different such... dangers that they very quickly and start trying to terrorize the european union with them. i think that
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the european union is ready for this terror, considering the fact that both ursula funderlein and mazzola were re-elected, that is, it is clear that they have both institutional memory and the historical dynamics of events, which will be clearly explained to do with the fact that it is necessary to limit a certain influence of hungary, but again, having three... of the european union, which is the presidency of this country, no one denies it, understanding, probably, what orpan's steps will be in the future, because he will look for how to sell his politics, i want to remind you once again that this is the person who first received an award from soros, the one who who drove the soviet russian tanks out of the center of budapest, as of today, reincarnated, or such a person turned into a completely different person, begging for funds, and just so you understand, in the first two years of the full-scale invasion, the economy... and inflation in this country was higher than in in ukraine, despite the fact that there was no war there,
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that is, we understand how incompetent the politics of the politicians who usurped power are, and now, in fact, hungary resembles a policy that we once had 10 years ago. somewhere else and somewhere more expensive to sell myself and my own power there, in order to attract funds, it is not known for what, for some private houses there, i don't know any loaves there. candelabrums and so on, yes, that is, we understand that the situation, which means when there is no democracy, which means when power is concentrated and there is no change , this is what we have in the russian federation, that is, that it is always the same person, and they simply change among themselves and there is no movement, so i hope that the leadership that is now in the european union and those, again, the women's society that you and i mention in the women's society, it will absolutely work in favor of adequate solutions. to the european union and restrictions, even under the hungarian presidency, that we will not have such a reaction, because
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we have been talking about sanctions for a long time, there are analytics, we write a lot about this analysis and about , again, the austrians’ support of reifeizinbank there, i.e. not frozen assets for scrounging, ours is an article on ukrainian law, and on other media, where we try to show in english and ukrainian where these resources are, and when we talk about limitations even, for example, of resources or the united states or others, without putting in the budget, you know why, because they calculated'. that there will still be a confiscation of russian assets, that the central bank's reserves will be returned to the restoration of ukraine, and we we want to expect it to happen, that is , we clearly understand that when the laws and international law work correctly, we are very often told that what was 75 years of constant security history has changed a lot, and now ukraine will to write new laws, because when those that have been adopted fail completely and are not enforced, something else must be devised that will work. thank you, oksana yuranets, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, ex-head of the ukrainian delegation in of the nato parliamentary assembly, a professor
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of the lviv polytechnic, was in the espresso studio. we will now have a short break, after which we will continue with the espresso data. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on the computer. 10% in pharmacies plantain to save you. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position. because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new interior item. and another quite functional thing, you can use it both when resting and while working at home,
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hours of air time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect ours. we analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, such as the law of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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we're back, thank you for being with us, and now we're bringing our next guest to our conversation: a parliamentary analyst. sincerely, viktoria oliynyk joins our airwaves, ms. viktoria, we welcome you, congratulations, we want to talk about this scandalous draft law, atonement for corruption, so in fact it has already been christened, we realized that yes, that is wrong, on the one hand, everything should be beautiful, as our western partners ask us, within the framework of the development, reforms and improvement of our country, but there are small nuances, you know, because it is convenient, in fact. .. you can redeem yourself, not betray anyone, not point at anyone and go on sinning. what will happen to it? for now, we still hope that the social resonance that the first reading caused will still cause a normal reaction and normal changes that you and i will be able to can already be seen in the comparative table before
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the second reading, because literally the next day, after this law was adopted in the first reading, the committee met with... invited specialized anti-corruption bodies and began to develop changes that will really work and can help to avoid the situation that we all talked about with you, about the attempt of a legal response for ransom for major corruption crimes, so it is important that as if we are moving in the right direction, but without the attention of the public, journalists, in the media, it is very unlikely that we will still manage to stop the story we were trying to advance. in the text of the first reading, ms. victoria, look, in fact, just this draft law, it should have been in a completely different form, as far as we understand, this practice is quite popular, popular in developed western democracies, it says that, for example , i will just now give an example to our viewers, when there is a certain, let it be a drug
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scheme, yes, a drug cartel, conditionally, one of these all the perpetrators was caught by the law enforcement system of the united states, then in fact, she wants to go after the organizer and the owner of this drug cartel and accordingly offers this one of the executors to turn in her boss, turn in everyone who was involved in this scheme, pay a fine and, relatively speaking, be free, agree to a deal with the investigation , but in our ukrainian realities, this draft law absolutely does not reflect this western model of... what actually, as i understand it, the public indicates, that is, if it is reduced to this very model, which concerns the surrender of organizers, owners and so on, that's one story, and when a ransom from corruption is simply served under this sauce, it's a completely different story, how exactly should this draft law look in
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order for it to meet the requirements that our partner the european union puts before us and our. partner countries, in fact, exactly what you are talking about now, the obligation to report information about the organizers of certain schemes, this is precisely the main requirement even of specialized anti-corruption bodies, such as the anti-corruption prosecutor's office, because they also need to have tools, to somehow influence the executors, in order to find methods of influencing the organizers, because we all understand that if you anger, imprison, punish a person who... carried out orders, then the scheme will continue to work and the people who earned the most from this scheme will continue to earn from this scheme, so this is exactly what special attention is already focused on, and this is exactly what... nabu, sap and specialized public anti-corruption organizations have taken under their control. on the other hand, we still have to note that this one the law in general can be very useful even
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to reduce the burden on our law enforcement and judicial system, because we know how difficult it is now with how long these or other sessions last and how convenient it is to avoid punishment altogether, i.e. to delay the consideration of this or that case as much as possible in order for the public to understand a little about the situation, and it was possible to get out of the situation more quietly with minimal punishment, so this is an opportunity to make a deal and tell certain information and admit your guilt, actually has a lot of advantages, one of them is the opportunity to become the leader of organized schemes, the other is to significantly reduce the burden on law enforcement agencies, because if it is clear to everyone who is guilty of this, who did it, there is all the evidence of this , then there is no urgent need to carry out all the procedural steps. and spending on it actually very large resources from the state budget, and even more so if people are ready for such cooperation and are ready to compensate for losses, but the most important thing here is compensation for these losses, these
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fines should come from legal funds, i.e. from what a person officially has to get from under the pillows from some cases, it will be a very strange story, in fact, and this is also one risk that has not yet been taken into account in the text of the bill. mrs. victoria, this is actually not the first story when not... allegedly fulfilling certain obligations, we do something special. what is the reaction of the western partners, yes, when they see, is it simple, listen, take it, fix it and do it well, or do they close their eyes, because they understand that we need everything to help, and they will still help. what does it all look like with your eyes? we should note, in fact, that this requirement is one of our requirements for the transfer of our legislation to european integration forms. that is, you and i know the seven main areas that we need to reform in order to fulfill our obligations to the european union. this law is part of
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the anti-corruption unit, it's a big block, actually, and it's very important for our partners because in order to continue to cooperate with us and, importantly, to provide us with assistance financial, it is important, or the topic of anti-corruption activities in ukraine was really reformed and reformed effectively, so in fact european partners are following this, and this law. as far as you and i know, even on the website of the verkhovna rada it is marked as european integration, it has a separate mark, because it is simply a profile part of our obligations. what is the reaction of our partners? first of all, the vice prime minister for european integration noted that the european commission is currently evaluating this text. that is , you and i will definitely receive recommendations from european partners about how they see this mechanism as effective, and it is important here. to understand that our deputies are listening to what is happening and what our european partners advise us, this has already been done on the example of many different bills, a very
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demonstrative example is bill 5655, when twice european partners had to call on the president and deputies not to support this initiative , and as of today, for about two years, this draft law has not been supported by the president, signed and has not become effective, that is, in general, this mechanism works and probably... coordination of efforts with european partners exists, therefore, on the example of this draft law , we will most likely also see some constructive cooperation and implementation of the recommendations of our partners. mrs. victoria, there is another scandalous bill that still cannot be voted on in the second reading, it concerns the ban on religious organizations that are controlled on the territory of the aggressor's country, and today there was even a blocking of the rostrum of the verkhovna rada... there was an attempt by many deputies of the council still to defend this bill, unfortunately, unfortunately, the meeting was closed and the deputies will return to
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work as early as august. there is a certain one, we see sabotage on the part of certain bodies in our country, so that this draft law is not adopted. how do you generally assess, first of all, who could be the customer of this sabotage, because, well, not for... for which it is no secret that certain people's elected representatives go to the church-moscow patriarchate, there is a certain wing of the former opz who support their own the non-vote of this bill, and whether we really face it some such, you know, current stalemate situation that in ukraine, unfortunately, in the 11th year of the war, we cannot afford to deal with the russian church. in fact, the situation here is even more complicated than with the draft law that you and i talked about earlier, because it is exclusively for... an internal story, and european partners cannot be included in this activity, and help and advise, it must be an internal political will, but as you and i can really see, we cannot find the will
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for this in... for many years in a row, and even this government bill is important to note that the authorship of the government, i.e. this is not an initiative of some deputy, it is a generally recognized and supported practice by our executive authorities, has been pending since january 23, and that the important problem is precisely at the level of bringing this draft law to the session hall, i.e. all instances , all corrections, all revisions, proofreading by specialized committees and legal departments, this draft law has already been passed and not even... considering the fact that opzzh and other representatives related to the moscow church tried to overwhelm it with corrections, all this was done. all ends at the moment of putting the bill to the vote, that is, in fact , a question of political will, and in fact , what is happening now and happened today is a very blatant story, and we are following it very closely, because we know by name the people who support the moscow church and help her stay in the ukrainian field and
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stay. for the actions they carry out, because the register of traitors to the movement honestly includes a significant number of priests of the moscow patriarchate, and this indicates that their activities are no longer just somewhere at the level of conversations is close to russia, there are specific examples, there are specific criminal cases about the treason of these people and how they harmed ukrainian sovereignty, but our leadership of the parliament will not find the strength and opportunity to make this very important decision for our country , we are behind it... we are forging and will unequivocally constantly highlight that topic until our very victorious end. we literally have a minute left, and what you mentioned is very important, today at the beginning of our ether with mykola knyazhytskyi we are talking about this very thing they talked that there must also be a big publicity in order to bring things to an end. what is needed now to imprison, deprive of citizenship, expel from ukraine and ban the entry of those russians who
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are operating here. their politics. the most effective mechanism is really criminal cases, it's sentences and it's a person's stay in the status of convicts, because we can talk to you as much as we want about the fact that they are guilty, there are suspicions, but until our law enforcement system brings this story to its logical conclusion, these people can legally continue to act, to continue to advocate, to defend our interests, and we always insist that it is necessary to bring things to an end, for example. we confirm the register of traitors, highlight this story, and what is important, we constantly write official appeals and transfer information to law enforcement agencies, and our deputies understand this, because they actually help a lot in this, precisely the profile committee and the princesses, we are talking about that this is constant communication and cooperation with us, we communicate about this bill and about these people, and in fact we are doing everything we can to help
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highlight and attract attention to this topic from the side of society. thank you, viktoria oliynyk, the parliamentary analyst of the chesno movement, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel, we thank her and will pass the word to our colleague kateryna shirokopoyas, who with the news editor has already prepared a fresh issue, so, katya, we pass the word to you and ask you to share it , what did you find out about. greetings, colleagues, in a moment we will tell our viewers about what happened in the council, why it was blocked there tribune, as well as the most operative news as of this hour, so i ask the audience not to wash. go and stay with espresso. congratulations. news time in eter espressu. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. martial law and mobilization in ukraine were extended for 90 days,
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i.e. until november 9.


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