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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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let's come back, let's talk about economic issues, we already know about almost 4 billion dollars that are supposed to come to us from the united states, that they will be spent on social needs, on salaries for teachers, doctors, in particular, and more about these prospects, whether we will have enough money to just live and not just fight, our next expert will talk to us, wait. there are discounts representing single discounts on penny 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. attention, a profitable offer: order smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such
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a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the light bulb is not afraid of smart light voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. the light was suddenly turned off. do you need to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries are not bad? let there be light in your home. always. smart light bulb for only uah 149, works even without electricity, offer is limited, call! attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very powerful, mow with gas near fences along the line. paths, near the sidewalk, curb,
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territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia millions throws petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday, friday at 10:00 p.m. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this is in informational marathons with mykola veresny. saturday. 18:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. well, we continue to work for you live, in the spress studio, oksana vasochanska and marta oliyarnyk, and today the cabinet of ministers still decided that the academic year in schools will begin on september 2, 2024 and last until june 30 , 2025. but, but in lviv, as you know, the authorities are going to start the academic year on august 19, the authorities had already announced this earlier,
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and today's decision itself forced the city authorities to turn to the cabinet of ministers again, in order to give an opportunity to the heads of the local education departments. level to make independent decisions in view of the difficulty of this winter, when to start the school year, the corresponding appeal was read at the session of the city council by the head of the lviv department of education andriy zakaliuk, and he says that local authorities better understand the specifics of their regions, can make decisions , which will be the most optimal for local schools, and actually, well, we will keep an eye on it, because now it looks like that until the moment... it is not known whether lviv is still will start training from august 19 as previously announced, will he be forced to act as required by the cabinet and training will begin on september 2, well, we will monitor and inform you, but if the heat remains
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as it is now, then they will have schoolchildren, and teachers, and in general the entire school system, another challenge, if not winter cold, then there will be summer heat, in short... and it will definitely not be easy, and in any case, regardless of whether it starts on september 2 or august 19 education, tenth graders that year have all to study weapons and military equipment, this is what the min-educators tell about. in fact, these will be the foundations of ukraine's national security and defense, they must learn the principles of management, planning, weapons, military equipment, all that we have been studying for 2.5 years all together. next, our next guest hleb vyshlinskyi, director of the center for economic strategy, mr. hleb, we welcome you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, how ukraine managed to avoid default, mr. shmyhal,
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we want to to ask your opinion, or really everything so good, as we are told from above in the ministries, are there still threats, eh? in fact, the agreement reached is very, as i think, acceptable for ukraine, and this is the write-off, as such a basic scenario, of 37% of ukrainian external debt to private creditors, and the largest owners of ukrainian eurobonds have agreed to this, but actually the only threat that... remains , this is what must be formally agreed with all the owners of those securities that are actually subject to restructuring, it must be 2/3, and it is actually expected that this
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the number will be recruited and accordingly, that the restructuring will take place, but anything can happen, purely theoretically, and... this condition may not be fulfilled, but it is clear that a critical mass of owners has been reached in order to agree on the restructuring, it is clear that others all they will join them, because we do not forget that ukraine is at war, that this is not just a restructuring due to, for example, the irresponsible, irresponsible financial policy of the country, as it would lead to the inability to pay debts, it restructuring actually due to the full-scale invasion of russia in ukraine and the actual full-scale war, it undermined ukraine's ability to pay its debts. mr. glive, please tell me, is it true, i
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just heard such a figure the other day, is it true that now our state spends 100% of its gdp on foreign debt servicing. no, no, that's not possible. if we spent 100% of gdp on foreign debt service, then we would have zero gdp left for everything else, and we somehow live, not to mention the fact that in fact all budget expenditures are for war, the state provides, and the systems of education, health care, civil service are functioning, and the deficit of the pension fund is covered, and we are not talking about the fact that there is an article that is more... than everything else put together, this is actually spending on defense and by the way, look, if you count our state budget, our money that we generate, what part of it actually covers the expenses and what part of the expenses is covered by the money provided to us by our partners. do we understand correctly that now
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all that we earn goes into the piggy bank for the army, and the rest of our spheres of life are now financed not by the money that ukrainians actually earn from... in the form of vat and other taxes? well, in fact, yes, we now have a plus-minus, it varies from month to month, but plus minus 50 by 50, and... in some months we even had a problem that we did not have enough of our own income to cover all our defense needs, because indeed , it is easier and more comfortable for our international partners to finance exclusively non-defense expenses, but in general the ratio is approximately equal, and in fact, all non-defense expenses are covered by tax revenues, i'm sorry... are covered by the help of international partners, actually defense expenses, they are covered by tax revenues
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and by internal borrowing, and in fact, at the beginning of the war, this is a much larger part of actually defense expenses, it was, it was expenses for the financial support of military personnel, and... less was for their own material material support, and weapons were mostly provided by our partners, now plus we still had pre-war stockpiles until the time before the full-scale invasion, now, if you look, the costs for the purchase of weapons have increased significantly, both domestically produced and imported weapons, and accordingly. the share of actual weapons expenditures in defense expenditures has increased significantly. mr. gleb, this grant that
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we will receive from the united states of america, 3.9 billion dollars, american dollars, rescuers, doctors, teachers should be allocated these funds, how long will they last, and in general, what are the predictions when these money may come, how long will it take, and what to do next, is there already a concept, so that it is not from grant to grant. and such a general vision, how to pay for it all? in fact, this is actually the component that is the non-defense, non-defense budget, that is, it is all other expenses, and actually under all these other expenses there is a plus-minus schedule of receipts from our partners, this is primarily the european union this year, but actually now first. receipts from the united states, this year, last year we received a substantial
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amount from the united states as well, and in particular, as you pointed out, in the form of a grant, and we received funding last year, now it is such a conditional grant, but most likely it will be a full grant, because there is a more complex structure, and also our other partners who finance through the world bank are britain and japan this year. she also supported us at a difficult moment when there was a gap in funding, and the international monetary fund itself, the world bank, our old partners from international financial organizations, in general, this year it is expected that funding will be sufficient to cover needs, it is somewhere about 37 billion dollars is expected this year for non-defense needs, and for defense needs. the situation is more complicated, in fact, due to the delay in military aid from the usa, and the ministry of finance was forced
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to significantly approximate expenditures, and what, well, as they bureaucratically call it, that is, to bring defense expenditures from the end of the year to the beginning of the year, and to finance, in advance, and accordingly, exactly those initiatives that the cabinet of ministers has now brought to the verkhovna rada, regarding the revision of budgets, the increase on... hryvnias of defense spending and as for sources of financing, in particular tax increases, this is actually the need to close the gap in financing defense needs from internal sources, but what you say, whether it will be possible to fundamentally change something there, in fact to fundamentally change until the moment when the full-scale war is not over, we... will not be able to do anything, the only way without a serious blow to the well-being of the citizens and,
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in particular, the defense capability, because the economy itself, when the economy is working, it will be able to, it can pay taxes and accordingly the army can be financed, that is, without a blow to the well-being of citizens, both civilians and military personnel, actually do without foreign aid, we will not be able to, that is , even with foreign aid, mr. gleb, a blow to our pockets. not avoided, because these taxes, military levies, excises and the like, which are actually planned to be introduced in order to close this hole of 500 billion, it will affect all of them. concept and on every ukrainian, which will be in the final result pay more for services and goods. thank you, mr. gleb. gleb, vyshlinskyi, director, director of the center for economic strategy, was on the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel, but we are now going on a short break and after it we will continue our information day, but i want to remind you once again what oksana said at the beginning of our broadcast, about
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this qr code, if you see it, please use it, because the collection is going on for... the needs of the 93rd brigade, cold ravine, we need to raise 4 million, to buy atvs to evacuate the wounded pick-up kit, so we ask you to please join this collection, and now we are going to take a break, there are discounts representing the only discounts on tolocsen strong, 10% in travel pharmacies, remember and save, there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10 % in pharmacies of travelers to you. for saving attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 149 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only 149 hryvnias. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb, which shines, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of
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such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity up to six. hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. did you suddenly turn off the light, do you need to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries somehow ran out? let there be light in your home, always. smart light bulb for only uah 149. works even without electricity. the offer is limited. call attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light, for only uah 149.
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take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity until six. hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is a smart light that is not afraid of voltage fluctuations and will not break when dropped, a standard base will fit almost any chandelier or floor lamp, the light suddenly turned off, again, it is necessary to light candles or look for a flashlight, in which, like evil batteries, let there be light in your house, always a light bulb, a smart light for only uah 149, works even without electricity, offer is limited, phone. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on glicised and gliciset max 20% in the pharmacies plantain ban and oskad. there are discounts representing the only discounts on trokvas inn 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. see this week in the collaborators program. how a former ukrainian official
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became a fake senator of zaporozhye. i propose to approve the federal law. but why did the collaborator from crimea get the title of minister of youth policy? this is the return of historical justice. watch on tuesday, july 23 at 17:45 the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. a quad bike is a way from zero to... our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar.
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we return to our air and... now about medical issues, which are actually very important important not only in the body, but at the front. dmytro kalagin, a paramedic and tactical medicine instructor of the volunteer battalion of hospitalists, will also be talking to us on the phone. mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, heroemslava. some time ago, we approved four levels of medical assistance. everything depends on what qualifications a person has, what he can do, what he knows, what he knows. and now you. had to work according to such new rules, we want to ask you how it all happens in practice. sir? mr. dmitry, can you hear us now? yes, yes, i hear it, now i hear it. did you hear the question? i didn't hear the question. we would like to inquire about how this
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provision of medical care to military personnel, divided into four levels, works in practice. the ministry of defense has now approved these four levels. it all depends on who can do what, on the level and knowledge of military servicemen. what does it look like? well, what now. approved, it looks like there is pre-medical assistance and pre-extended medical assistance, there is a basic level, an average level and a higher level, but how it works, that is, in general , until 10 years ago, medical care was based on the fact that those who can do what they do, those who have more knowledge, manipulation and theoretical knowledge, if the level is higher, what has been done now, just everyone was divided, if put in the fact that if you know more, you officially have a higher level, but in fact everything that has now been introduced and confirmed by the order, it has been studied for a very long time, it
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was just a formality, according to me, but it gives and certain such a boost to the degree of training of combatants doctors, because now it will be more structured, now it will be more global, but everything that was added was already there before that. and it was studied, known and practiced by combat medics, that is, it is like in the israeli army, the one who is the first to find his way on the spot, the one who is the oldest, is the one who should be listened to, who provides help and tells what to do, right? mr. dmytro, this is how we bond, dmytro kalagin, paramedic, tactical medicine instructor of the volunteer hospital battalion. we are trying to reconnect with him in order to to talk about a very important topic, because the ministry has approved certain levels of medical care
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for military personnel, but you need to understand how it all works in practice, mr. dmitry, or yes, you can continue, and i was talking about what is , if this, if this is a team of people working with the wounded, then there are, accordingly, people of different levels of training. therefore, it is not always there, for example, the person who is the best at doing something is in charge, there are people who are so-called hands, there is a head, so the one who knows how to do things better with his hands, simply listens to a person who analyzes the situation, so different levels of training make it possible to assemble a certain team, where someone knows more theoretically, where someone knows more how to do things with their hands, and somewhere someone knows how to analyze everything and give a clear instruction and get a clear answer. mr. dmitry, by the way, how do you currently assess the knowledge and skills of those combat medics who are currently working on
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the front line, and does everything really rest on knowledge, or is it possible that not everything actually depends on knowledge, and also plays a huge role that , what does this medic do, yes, which ones does he have resources, capabilities, what tools, medicines, and actually, does he have the entire evacuation infrastructure? to save lives? first of all, how do i assess the knowledge and skills of combat medics? we have a sufficiently large number of good, trained combat medics who can teach, who can save, but we have a small number of training centers specifically from the armed forces of ukraine, i believe that this is not enough, so there are always civilian or paramilitary organizations as an alternative. or limited liability companies that provide training services, tactical medicine, therefore, if it were to come to the level that
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such organizations that do not have the status of a military structure, but simply teach, will join the armed forces in terms of training, we have enough instructors who are not in the armed forces of ukraine, and again... and so, unfortunately, i have to continue mr. dmytro's opinion again, because it seems to me that i have already picked up on the fact that now among our defenders, actually , there are a lot of doctors, paramedics, those , who provides first military, first medical aid to the military, these are actually those who until recently had absolutely nothing to do with medicine, mr. dmytro, we ask you to continue what you started. yes, yes, that is why i believe that it would be best to involve instructors who are not currently in the armed forces of ukraine, in organizations
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that... teach, that is, training centers that are not attached to the ministry of defense, a large number of instructors of top and qualified are not yet in the armed forces, therefore combining training not only in the armed forces of ukraine will increase the level of qualification. next, what concerns the equipment, we have a sufficient amount of equipment not only from the state, but also. from volunteer organizations, the volunteer movement of ukraine, that support, i believe that we have it at a high level, but the number of wounded, it does not give the opportunity to make any breaks in the supply of tactical medicine, because if we just stop supplying this tactical medicine , the supply of the same tourniquets or
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homeostatic agents will be delayed a little somewhere. or it is means for surgical intervention, then immediately arises the problem is because we have a large front line, and it does not allow us to rest somewhere there or not to deliver something on time, so there is a problem with tactical medicine, it is always there, how often precisely because of the large number of wounded, how often such delays occur, about which you say and how large-scale they are, i.e. where it is necessary... well, still pushing so that it works better, i think everyone understands that as soon as some direction appears where the enemy is advancing, for example, the same avdiivka was there recently , how rapidly the movement began to move the enemy, and immediately everyone on social networks showed that there is not enough of a bull, not enough of tactical medicine, because it is a weapon and something, something with which... to provide help,
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it is first of all, it is not only lost on providing aid, it is lost during some ambushes, some shelling, some ee leaving positions, when you just leave, you have a large number of the same turnstiles left there, uh, so any direction, it should be enriched as offensive actions or defensive actions, depending on whether as far as there is now... shelling is going on or some operations are going on, ah, most of all, i think, we just need not only tactical medicine, our fighters and medics need the most, it is motivation and an ideological basis, because ah, what is important now for all fighters and all medics , and in general for the whole country, is precisely to understand
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that you don't need to... lose motivation, you don't need to lose hope that everything will be fine, because in this way you are your you simply lower the psychological and moral level to the point that you can think of something the idea that everything is already so bad that we just need to somehow not act, and if we stop acting, we quickly find that there are gaps in our defense, we have new occupied cities, and so on... maybe just to reach the borders of lviv, so even if we don’t want it, we need not only enrichment with weapons, but also tactical medicine, but also an ideologically strong country, ideologically strong people and a high level of motivation, we agree with you, mr. dmytro, and this we are also told by the military very, very often. dmytro kalagin, paramedic and
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volunteer tactical medicine instructor. the hospitaliers were with us and it's time for us to say goodbye too, we wish you a peaceful and safe evening. greetings, time of news on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelensky met with the state secretary of the holy see. they discussed the consequences of russian aggression against ukraine, air terror and the difficult humanitarian situation. attention was also paid to the decisions of the first peace summit and the role of the vatican in establishing a just peace for ukraine. cardinal pietro parolin, already several days in ukraine, he visited lviv.


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