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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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tsarev says in great detail that it is killing two birds with one stone, if you persuade some azov, as zelensky did, to shoot farion, then this is both the destruction of the main nazi of ukraine and a reason to start persecuting azov as a nazi battalion, and at the same time tsarev himself, if you look at its blanks, it is true that they have already been adjusted, but they remain in the system, if you look at it, you can see that at first the information. about the attempt on her, he even somehow felt sorry for her, he was confused, he said sorry, wrote, but literally every other day his rhetoric changes radically, well , the prisoners have passed, and he writes this version, pretending that it was all done by zelenskyi, and besides, there were literally some fantastic versions of her murder, which they said was personal enmity, criminal feuds, she was a big a volunteer, collected donations and stole them, and there is also such an exotic version that july 19 ... was the birthday of a well-known givi,
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and this is the day of revenge of the lpr, dpr, the so-called, who gathered and took revenge for their leader, once killed by ukraine, but now they are for it killed farion, but at the same time, if you take away the telegram channels and their official rhetoric and read some comments, then the russians understand very well that they did it, a russian did it, they are proud of it, they offer to raise money for the killed. they say hands about our agent, they write under the wanted portraits and so on, but every time some bots come under them, they say, it’s khahlysani, that is, in fact, the russians don’t have to open their eyes that they did it, i think they they understand it and are proud of it, but the official rhetoric will always be that the ukrainians did it, no matter what version the next propagandist takes, it will always blame the ukrainians, i think. very
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interesting in general, first of all, this is your first observation that the very activism about farion preceded her murder, that is, the impression that there really was some kind of informational preparation at the level of social networks at the level of such warm-up, and it is also interesting that it was broadcast from russian social networks, this is , well, i think it's quite an interesting thing, because... well, at least it speaks about the reality the preparation of this murder, not only that, then , you know, some kind of personal animosity and absolutely personal things, well, at least this kind of indirect evidence, you can say that this is such an indirect proof, well , this is very interesting, and the second thing is, you see, you confirm what we have highlighted in my turn about the fact that the two main lines, i would say that really this line...
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is probably the most priority one, and it is interesting to what extent, do you see that this line would work out in them, at least to draw in ukrainian information space, can you say something here, because i saw, of course, some people, well , they just didn't like farion personally, they write something about her, there are some... go to them under the posts, of course, i want to say that despite the fact that these people very often do not have any relation to azov, or it is their personal opinion, well , they should have enough sense, at least understanding that this topic is used by russian propaganda, well, at least to keep silent and somehow limit it, but if talking about such namely promotion through trolls, through bots how massive is it, or can
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you comment on it in any way? well, the russians, recently they can have a weaker influence on our social networks, not as actively as it was before, and for ukrainian social networks, they do not present everything as straightforwardly as they do for theirs, that is, they do not write about the revenge of the ldnr, they do not they write directly about the azov woman, because it sounds funny to our people, but at her death... they find dividing lines that can advance on us, first of all, it is language, that is, language is raised again, they say, how is it possible and so on, and the topic of language always causes certain quarrels in ukrainian society, this is traditional, it is one of the topics that as soon as you drop it, it immediately starts to work, that is, through various pseudo-patriotic communities , very aggressive and such promotion begins abnormally aggressive is not ukrainian.
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threats, cursing and so on, because of such things, to divide, if a quarrel were to start again , the speech, in addition, there is such a... thing that they are launching, that they say it is the green government dealing with its enemies, when in our to criticize the government and say that there is a green government and so on, these things always work, that is, we traditionally have a great, great potential for criticizing the government, and there are many people who will immediately pick up on this and criticize the government, they at the same time, they will not think that the topic of green power killed the farion of the horse. and they are russians, they will simply think that they are against the government, they are now against the government, that they are patriots, and they are against that, and they will remember that the government did something bad and that, and that the message itself was launched for them, warmed up and thrown into
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the right places by the russians, somehow it will not embarrass them and they will deny it, i.e. say: so what, it’s the russians, but it’s true, the government steals, the government does it, that is, on this topics russians can play, there is also such a topic of russian-speaking soldiers, that is, not directly the azovians, the azovians do not directly blame, but they blame in general that there are russian-speaking soldiers in the armed forces, and this topic is tried again, that is, it comes up in our country from time to time, and on the subject of this the conflict with azov and so on, there is again... it can be raised, and there is another dividing line that, unfortunately, the russians throw at us, i do not know how it is going, because it is a fresh topic, it literally started recently, it is hatred to the people of lviv, to the refugees from the east,
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the thesis was widely circulated in russian publications and russian telegram channels that at the funeral in kharion they shouted, saying, refugees from the east, get back here and such other slogans against them, and this i am in ukraine. i haven't seen them on social networks yet, but there are a lot of them in russian, that is, on the topic of farion, they are trying to raise all the old fault lines that used to exist in ukrainian society, tie them here and launch them so that ukrainians would quarrel about it, but it is interesting that, for example, the topic about the fact that this is something that the government is cracking down on well , it is obvious that this is how it is for ukraine in relation to the government and farion and the government specifically there something... farion did something, it sounds as idiotic as possible, because, of course, this is not an active politician who can't really do anything to the government, let's say it directly , but yes, but, but i just wanted to say, you know, this is the second time we
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have watched the russians burn their networks in ukraine, and they have a network of telegram channels, and those... which were made by the main administration the intelligence agency or whatever , the main intelligence agency of the russian federation, these are all the cartels, they are legitimate , and these very telegram channels at one time were shaken by them, what are they writing , well, that is, the russians created them themselves , they finance them themselves, they write their own things there , and then they themselves try to tell what look at this, they are writing this from ukraine, and here i saw exactly the same thing again on russian television, as they say, look at this, let's watch it, because it's as
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funny as possible when they own it like this the telegram channel is burned and shown and referred to, that's what's interesting? ukrainian telegram channels are already writing that the version about the involvement of russians in the murder of farion is being spread by the pro-terminated leadership of kyiv, on purpose. there were rumors that many people suspected that there were cameras near the house farion did not work, they could not catch an ordinary guy. he didn't look like agent 007, but the entire bank media network began to blame the russian special services for this murder. many are sure that if he is not caught alive, it means that the customer is not the kremlin, but someone from the highest echelons of the ukrainian government. moreover, what is interesting, this was written immediately after the murder, and only then did they realize that there was a power outage in ukraine. well, that is, the cameras did not
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work, there was a tsk nearby, there was a military facility, they show that they are not at all understand the realities of ukrainian life, that is , those who write this and such conspiracy theories, they absolutely do not understand. what is being done here in general, well, unfortunately, they will never understand this, i think so, and their versions will fail like this and will not be completely convinced. but in principle, they do not do it for us, if you look at where they write the most, then after the telegram, it will be, it will be their network of classmates, where they mainly push such propagandistic things, vkontakte, on blocked, and very -very they write little about it in x and facebook, almost very little can be found, that is, their versions go to the internal audience. well, we have a split, language, east and west, and
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so on, that is, topics that worked for us before, and which can be heated up now with this murder, well, i also wanted to show that this is again the technology that they are trying to use , it is the creation of petitions, well , it is obvious that, for example, among those who left, there is a whole network of viktor medvedchuk, which still has some obvious ones there. there are citizens these are former citizens of ukraine, they have some addresses, they have something else, they can create petitions, well, they flaunt how they created a petition, as idiotically as possible, and they rely on it a lot, that you can start a whole campaign from this, you know, some kind of arrange, let's show, listen to what is happening now, a petition on zelenskyi's website, name the third assault. maxim zhurin's brigade, named farion, well, these petitions
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appear there, disappear, it doesn't matter, 25 thousand, 25 thousand, and zelensky is at a crossroads, or he appropriates it, and they tell him, but what is it he rushes into the protests of the azov people, or doesn't name it, all the patriots say, you see, he ignores our patriot and doesn't name it, so she was right, calling the azov musketeers, pig dogs, that's all. well , they will sell this to the kremlin as their own, you know, a whole campaign, they probably already took the money for it, for the fact that something was registered somewhere there, well, this is very, i think, somehow so ridiculous, but the kremlin finances, well, what can i say, it is happening, and the last thing i want to show you is actually how they are burning about who did it, because here is just a direct indication of... who actually committed this murder, let's see, there are mentions of buzyna,
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bandera, and whatever. ukrainian journalist and writer oles buzyna, killed by nationalists in kyiv in 2015, warned farion. whoever follows bandera's path will end up just like him. kumir farion, we will remind, was killed by the kgb agent, bohdan stashynskyi. he shot him in the face with a gun. that is, what can be said here, just a direct indication of what was meant, well, thank you, olena zagarchenko, researcher of russian the social network of the analytical group catuua, well, we 'll see each other again, well, that 's the story, you know, so be vigilant, understand that such things, well, we... we, we must be ready even for such terror and for it somehow, after all, to react adequately,
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to understand what may be happening and what the russians may want to do, that's it. so see you soon. there are discounts, the only discounts on mikrolax are 20%. plantain to you and sparingly. national tv on mego is many channels. well, there are a lot of channels. and movies cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn mego on a variety of devices without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts representing the only discounts on kombi grip hotsip, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institute of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyschenko. in the article by viktor boberenko.
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chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search. in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on psilo balm 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war. about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and how does the world live? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what is outside the borders of ukraine happened, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morshchevka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news,
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alina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become like a day for many, and is ready to talk about the weather for... this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people, from we are in touch. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. borkovsky and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. see this week in the program collaborators. how a former ukrainian official
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became a fake senator of zaporozhye. i propose to approve the federal law. why did the collaborator from crimea get the title of minister of youth policy? this is the return of historical justice. greetings, i am olena konunenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the russian occupiers. we are working so that none of the authorities who helped the fascists were propaganda tools, surrendered our positions, welcomed the occupiers as liberators, built careers with them, did not... avoid responsibility for treason. meet anton robertovych tytskyi, born in 1990, a native of sevastopol. our tricolor is now flying on all administrative buildings in melitopol. this is the return of historical justice, and i sincerely congratulate you. i want this flag to always
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fly over this city. all his life anton drowned for russian. in the fourth year at the age of 14 , he became a member of the russian community of sevastopol, then in 2012 he tried to get into the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the russian bloc party. in the 13th year, he became the head of the sevastopol city organization of the russian unity party. when russian troops occupied crimea in the 14th year, antoshka's career began to develop rapidly. it all started with the fact that tytsky stood at the roadblocks of the illegal self-defense armed formation... he headed the headquarters of the ruskav international, an organization created by the russian rodin party, and helped the occupiers in every way, for which he received several positions at once: first, he was an adviser to the fake chairman of the council of ministers of ark aksyonov, then he was designed coordinator of the all-russian party of the motherland in the republic of crimea and sevastopol. i am sure
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that rodin's party will not only be the leading political force in the region, but will also be the political... force that will actively fight against the activity. however, tytskyi did not stay long in the nedo-party of his family, with manifestations of anti-state and anti-russian sentiments. already in 2016 , he left its team to devote himself to youth. he became the head of the bastion youth organization, then moved to bolotnaya, the capital of moscow, where he joined the federal agency in youth affairs we will now talk with you about what it does. we want you to, in general , youth policy is such a toolkit that you have so that you can develop. when russia started a full-scale bloody war in 2022, tytsky went to the temporarily occupied melitopol to work with the youth there, although, well, how to work, rather recruiting. for this, he
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was given carte blanche the position of minister of youth policy of the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. the information front is such a place battles where we fight for meaning, for the truth to reach everyone, for people to understand. why is all this happening, why and why is the special operation going on? we all know very well how the kremlin's propaganda institute works, how the non-goebbels stamp fakes, trying to please the neo-fuhrer, and minister ktytskyi is now doing everything to convey the kremlin's false narratives about the war and ukraine to young people. there are guys who are interested in preserving the memory of a great victory. there are guys who are interested in developing and finding themselves together with russian student units. recruiting young people to join
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the anti-ukrainian movement, opening numerous youth pro-putin organizations, participating in actions in support of the so-called svo, the occupation and russian soldiers, and of course, proudly attending all events where you need to shine a mine, smile and wave a tricolor cloth, everything. .. these are the direct duties of a traitor. we and our friends from the dpr, with the new subjects of the russian federation , came for the message. i think it will be very interesting. we are our president's team, we will win. tytsky has several awards from occupation administrations, in particular medals for the defense of the republic of crimea and for services to the donetsk people's republic of the third degree. he also received the award of a collaborator from our law enforcement agencies. in november 2023, the prosecutor's office of the autonomous republic of crimea and sevastopol sent an indictment to the court against tytsky on three articles at once, he faces up to 15 years
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in prison. i hope that these years will be enough for him to learn that crimea is ukraine, and russian rags have no place our administrative buildings. he was a ukrainian politician, but he became a russian politician, this is dmytro mykolayovych vorona. he is 43 and comes from donetsk region. i have been working in this position for a year now, i was appointed on february 20, and for me, when i accepted this position, there were very significant challenges in terms of organizing the work of the service. he began his career in ukrainian politics as an assistant to a people's deputy and deputy minister of environmental protection . every year, his successes in the political arena became more noticeable. in in 2010. became the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine, received many awards from the ministry of internal affairs during his tenure. then voron was appointed head of the state migration service. in 2011, viktor
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yanukovych gave him the position of deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs, he managed the work of the ministry's staff. in 2012, vorona sat in the chair of the deputy minister of justice of ukraine. and then he became the head of the state registration service. the state today strives completely. to stop such a shameful phenomenon as raiding in our state, and all the efforts of our government today direction to conduct an anti-raider policy, and later this politician, who tweeted in ukrainian and took care of the development of our state, chose the russian mandate of an official. in 2018, information emerged that vorona works as a freelance adviser to the fake head of the occupied crimea, serhii aksyonov. in 2019 , this traitor received russian citizenship in order to head the so-called crimea development corporation from 2020. the structure is engaged in attracting investors to
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the region, promoting the peninsula in russian and foreign markets. everything that the president talked about today is, of course, in the works, and action plans have already been fully prepared for the implementation of the strategy of the instructions that the president gave during. his message to the federal assembly. when the full-scale invasion began in 2022, vorona found himself at the feet of the invaders. he coordinated the capture of ukrainian enterprises in the temporarily occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, helped the invaders to form occupation administrations in the temporarily captured areas of kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. also was an adviser to gauleiter evgeny balytskyi. and later, after so many years, and devoted service to the kremlin received a cherished status, he was made a so-called senator of the russian federation, a representative of the executive body of the zaporizhia oblast government. they also automatically
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became border areas, so we will talk about all the problems of border areas. now this seller can often be seen in the state duma of russia, where he talks about the problems of the zaporizhia region with puffed cheeks and plays the role of a politician. such a measure will provide to a greater number of legal entities in the united territories, access to activities supported by development institutions, i propose to approve the federal law. and while tabolota is ill, she is building a career for herself. a camera is already waiting for him in ukraine. on march 21, 2024, the court in absentia sentenced the ex-driver of the state registration service to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. and how will we be happy when this treasonous nature changes the parade costume for a prison trench? ukrainian themis also recently
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transferred the property of this collaborator to state income. i already told. told you about the traitor with the title hero of ukraine vyacheslav boguslaev, ex-president of the motorsich corporation, who was detained by our law enforcement agencies in 2022. according to the investigation, motorsich supplied russia with aircraft engines used in russian military helicopters before and during the invasion. since then, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, has stripped him of the title of hero of ukraine, and recently the appellate chamber of the higher anti-corruption court confirmed the penalty. to the state income of the assets of boguslaev under sanctions. ukraine is already at the bottom of the economy, nobody wants to do it. boguslaviv vyacheslav oleksandrovych, former owner and honorary president of pat motor sich. he was a people's deputy and even a member of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense on more than one occasion. boguslaiv had access to state secrets. but, as it turned out, he was the owner
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of a russian passport since 2000. in october 2022 , the security service of ukraine reported the detention of president motorsich, so that no one had doubts about boguslaev's collaborative activities, the sbu made public fragments of recordings of telephone conversations of the hero of ukraine at that time. i, you know, i send dozens to you somewhere, and everything works out for us. we are ready to send you the spare parts, just think through croatia, or wherever you were. montenegro, you had somewhere. good ends, so i want you to think quickly and as soon as possible we would make a big contract with you. even after the full-scale invasion, boguslayiv continued to supply engines and other spare parts manufactured by the ukrainian corporation to russian attack helicopters. from the first days of the war, he ordered the dismantling of helicopters so that the ukrainian forces could not use them. on october 18, 2023, the sbu
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completed the investigation and... submitted to the court an indictment against boguslaev on four articles, including aiding the aggressor state and collaborative activities. in turn, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , deprived boguslaev of the title of hero of ukraine and introduced sanctions against him. a few days ago, themis confirmed the transfer of boguslaev's assets to the state, including 14 of them real estate objects in the zaporizhzhia region, including residential buildings, land plots, rydy restaurant, administrative buildings, corporate rights in several companies, financial institution motorbank, 336 firearms and funds in the amount of uah 615 million. but all this will not cover the damage that this supporter of russia has caused in ukraine. we hope that if bogoslaev's guilt is proven, themis will impose a strict sentence on this kremlin agent. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you if you want to tell us about the kremlin's
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progenitors, write to us at this... well, address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on spresso. greetings, it's news time in aterispress. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelensky met with the state secretary of the holy see. they discussed the consequences of russian aggression against ukraine, air terror and the difficult humanitarian situation.
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attention was also paid to the decisions of the first. peace summit and the vatican's role in establishing it.


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