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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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well, it is irrational due to the fact that, in our view, it is necessary to close more lethal zones, that is, it is already a question of specialists, designers, we, ours, our sample will always cost a little more, even when using the same material and all other equal components , because it covers a larger area of ​​a part of the fighter there compared to the fact that tempovsky covers less. well , technically the area is the same, the problem is that we don’t have rectangular protection panels, they close the axillary arteries and so on, that is, we have quite a lot of waste materials and, but thanks to this, we have the opportunity to cover more necessary parts of the body without increasing the weight and area of ​​​​general protection, and now the ministry of defense said that it is testing new lightweight
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models of body armor for special operations forces or for the marines, i don’t remember exactly i wonder if this means that this process of creating bulletproof vests is still quite dynamic, and there is an opportunity for all companies to offer solutions that are more efficient in terms of weight and other things, this process is really like that dynamic, or is it still enough such a point solution according to one or another sample? currently, as far as i know, there is an opportunity to offer all companies their products of lightweight body armor, let’s say this is a debatable issue, what is a lightweight body armor, and our company’s decision was not to participate in these specific research tests, proposals of this body armor, but more spend the company's resources on the modernization and improvement of the main body armor. which, after all, are currently
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the most necessary elements of protection on the front line, that is, we are working more specifically on materials, on the localization of materials in ukraine, in order to reduce the influence of geopolitics on the supply of raw materials, that is, we are not currently participating in the testing of the eased restriction, but such an opportunity, if i know correctly, about what you are deploying the production of ceramic armor plates, well, on its basis, is this process ongoing? yes, that is true, we are working on it, but let's say this, our idea is that we are both before the great war and after the great war, we are working, we plan to work in including with a customer from nato countries, that is , all our products must be soft... to say
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the worst of what is currently supplied to the armed forces of other nato countries, so we have a high bar for requirements for our products, and these factories are being built for a long time , unfortunately, especially during the great war. yuri, do you currently have enough funds from these orders for the production of bulletproof vests in order to develop... production, pay salaries to your people, is there an opportunity for development, is all this enough limited, given such a difficult situation with tender procurement? well, the biggest problem is to maintain the team, it is always the biggest problem, and in relation to, well, i mean now the team that... but currently working on
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the production of body armor and other equipment, that is, our biggest problem is precisely the suspension of the production process, in relation to the development budget, currently there are credit programs, bank products, that is , there is always a shortage of working capital, i think for all companies, in any business in ukraine it was and will be, but everything is possible. the biggest problem is not to lose people, it's not about money. mr. yury, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the explanation of what you are doing to create the production of body armor for our defense forces, i would like to remind our viewers that it was yury fedorov, the director of the kharkiv plant of personal protective equipment, who, despite this problem, is actively working on supply of body armor for the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and we hope that... we will have
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a number of companies that actually manufacture high-quality products, which are not inferior to those made by production companies of nato countries. that's how he was. the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by yuriy fizar, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets, these were the military results of the day. well, as always, at this time on the big ether, we ask you to donate to our armed forces, and today we invite you to join the project from zero to life. this is a fee for atvs for express. evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate unit with a donation of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade. our defenders fight for victory every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you
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to move as quickly as possible on the road, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. warriors who have already passed more than one test at zero, are always ready to give... the enemy a fight back. for the sake of our peace of mind , they continue to rotate positions on holidays and on weekdays. and your support significantly increases the chances not only of success complete the task, and most importantly - return from it alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. i always say that 4 million hryvnias may seem like a lot at first glance, but there are also a lot of us. if each of us. for those card numbers of two well-known banks in ukraine and for those qr-codes of kine , at least for hryvnias, we will be able to complete this collection as soon as possible, and the atvs, which are so necessary for our guys on the front lines, will be sent to them as soon as possible. yes, well , now to the information before talking about the regions
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is happening here and there, in particular today about the nikopol region and the nikopol district. yesterday , the enemy shelled this area five times... with artillery and six times with kamikaze drone targets, enemy attacks were felt by nikopol, marganets, pokrovska, chervonogrigorivska and mirivska communities, and more about this and other things, i have an opportunity to talk now with yevhen yevtushenko, the head of the nikopol district military administration, who had already joined me. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. mr. yevhen, come on before going directly to the discussion of the security and humanitarian situation in nikopol region, i would like to ask you something that may be of interest to many of our viewers, look, now almost everyone has apps with an alarm map, if you open it,
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it happens very often so that ukraine is not red, red can be there, for example , luhansk, donetsk oblast and the autonomous republic of crimea, and reddish. there is exactly this place where there are nikopol, manganets and territorial communities around you, is there any understanding of why the enemy is so actively hitting your cities? well, you rightly said that if the territory of ukraine is not more typically a red state, then for us it is more typically a red state, and there were such sad anti-records, when the alarm lasted more than a day in a row, even a. why is it hitting, because, because terrorists, because, remember how they said that we will stand behind your women and children and fight, because they are fighting with the civilian population, and not with our army, which hits well, and because
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they are trying to destroy the economy and generally destroy life in our territory, of course, well, it's hard to add them, and by the way, those shots that you just showed. they illustrate their essence very well, you have now shown the hit that the kamikaze plane hit the building today, everything would be fine, but this is a family -type orphanage building, that is a vivid illustration that the russians are at war with our children, well, surely they are not accidental they were sent there, i am convinced that they beat on purpose in order to frighten the peaceful people and show that they need to be wounded as soon as possible. negotiate with them, well, but we will not give up, well, now, mr. yevgeny, tell us in more detail, and what happened during the day in nikopolshchyna? i would like to introduce our viewers to you, they probably don't visit you often, and they don't quite understand the territories you mentioned,
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we have eight territorial communities in total, five of them are located on the banks of the kokhov reservoir, and so all five of them on the shore are under fire almost constantly, there is not a day of peace. when the russians are not terrorizing the local population, well, that is, it is a long strip about 50 km and about 10 km deep. this continuous strip, it is shelled, there are villages, towns and cities in this strip, and about 100,000 inhabitants live in this strip. this entire territory is subject to shelling by barrel artillery, this is 122-152 mm, as well as 120-mm mortars, where there is a suitable distance for this, fpv kamikaze and kamikaze aircraft. recently, again, unfortunately, mlrs systems have appeared, in particular. hail, and earlier there were also hurricanes, well, that is, all this is used ironically against
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the civilian population. a day passed, like others, on sorry days, they were loud, there was a lot of shelling, about eight as i recall, and about 10 kamikaze drones. it's quite loud, it's quite nervous, and it puts pressure on the local population, and you're right, i think the russians are trying to create such a mood in people, when oh... years, when everything is lost, when you don't have to fight, you have to negotiate and end this war, but probably the truth is that we have an example with you in the 14th year, and when we ended it, and unfortunately, we lost part of donetsk luhansk region, peace did not come, after some time you and i saw a full-scale invasion. mr. yevhen, you said that a lot of people live in this coastal area, how do they survive, how does the government help them... to live in these difficult conditions, well, first of all , i would like to tell you about the government system in
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the area there is a local government that works fully, it is not limited in its rights in any way, it has budgets, disposes of them accordingly, there is an executive vertical, which is represented on the territory by district administrations, there is a regional military the administration, there is a regional council, we are all currently working in a consolidated manner, and our help consists in the fact that we attract humanitarian aid. on the territory, in the form of food kits, in the form of bottled water, and housing that has been destroyed, for this , charitable funds, organizations that help with building materials, help to restore housing, repair crews work, restore networks that the enemy destroys, gas supply networks , water supply networks, power supply networks, the power unit works in order to on the territories of the majors, the ukrainian flag, so that, god forbid, no one even thought of changing it to aquafresh, currently such
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assistance and such work is being carried out, and can you confirm the information that the authorities will compensate a part of the water tariff for people , who live in your territorial communities, because this water tariff is very expensive? here you know, there is such a saying that after does not mean as a result of that, unfortunately, it turned out like this... nication is somewhat unsuccessful, most likely, about the fact that it turned out to be a coincidence, the construction of a new water main, the completion of this construction and its launch coincided with an increase in the water tariff, and people connected these two events with water, well, that is , they decided that water was so expensive because it flows through a new water main, in fact, no , water canals are something that is quite expensive and in many territories they are subsidized and financed, including from... local or regional budgets, the same situation was in our area, and on the eve of a full-scale
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invasion, our communities were preparing documents for tariff increase because it was economically unreasonable, due to the increase in the price of electricity, coagulants and other consumables, but a full-scale invasion began and there was a moratorium on price increases, so it did not happen, and now in 2024 this.. . the gap between the real price for water, from the cost price and what the population paid, became very large, and as a result the tariff was increased, but people rightly remarked that this tariff is too high, probably the highest in ukraine, thanks to that to our regional military administration, thanks to the office of the president, who listened to this situation, the tariffs were returned to the previous indicator, and this difference, it will be compensated... from the regional or state budget, now this issue is still being resolved, and that's good, well, the last
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question for you will be this, what about the energy supply now against the background of such constant shelling, well, what needs to be said, the fact that the russians are trying to target precisely the objects, or rather not exactly, including the energy supply objects, this concerns transformer substations, it applies to large lines, it even applies to those lines. which connect the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant with our ukrainian network, that is, it is not a problem for the russians to fire at those lines, power lines, on which security depends. zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, and of course, they also shell other substations and try to leave people without electricity, and here we must mention the good work of our electricity supply specialists and repair crews, who restore almost all the damage that occurs, and these are really qualified people, and their work today is
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dangerous, because the russians do not shy away from double-shooting tactics, and unfortunately, some of our repairmen ... dummies, policemen were already under fire, arriving at the scene . thank you, mr. yevhen, for joining today's program, thank you for your work, and courage to all the residents of nikopol region in this difficult time for them, it was yevhen yevtushenko, the head of the nikopol district military administration, and he has already joined me ihor chalenko, head of the center for analysis and strategies. mr. igor, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good evening. thank you for joining, i have a lot of questions for you, let's start with the interview of the ambassador of ukraine to great britain, the new ambassador of ukraine to great britain, valery zaluzhny, i read it today. let's start with how strong this speech was for you, because it seemed to me personally, if
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you take it all into the pile, that it was more the speech of the ukrainian commander-in-chief, but not the speech of the ambassador. well, most likely there is combining several roles, i really had the same impression as you, because again he spoke about his military past in the present tense, but again the message that was, he not only as a military, as of the ex-commander-in-chief, actually as a person. from political life, that is, visionary from the point of view of the need to prepare for a new conflict from the point of view of the threat of tyranny, therefore, in principle, we see here such a, well, let's say, a set of two in one. and you know, you've already started talking about this moment where he was talking about
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preparation, about the need to be ready for a new conflict, and here i will even quote a quote: first of all, warriors must be avoided, but if the war does come, it is necessary to be ready for it. mr. ihor, well, this is a direct, i will say very mildly, rebuke to our president volodymyr zelenskyi for kebabs in may. well, again, we know that just when there was talk of barbecues in may, some work was already being done, maybe a little earlier. to remember, after all, that the political part made a bet, after all, that we would be able to convince the russian federation, not to carry out a large-scale invasion, well, after all , it was predicted that the main thrust would be in the east of ukraine, and not as it happened in february 22
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, well, nevertheless, nevertheless, i think that this reproach , including western countries from that point of view. that, in fact, after the end of the cold war, we saw a certain policy of abandoning a large number of weapons stocks, a bet on operational forces, and especially on the example of germany itself, and we saw how gradually, gradually well, the bundeswehr was losing, it was losing its opportunities, and of course it became even more there... vividly during the premiership, and as we remember, it was frau merkel, and in fact this situation worsened, but not only germany, well in general , the situation was like this in the countries of europe, because a really big bet was on the army of the united
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states, as the core of the north atlantic alliance, so i think that this is the fault of many, many countries. and now, when ukraine has actually paid, and where are we, by the way, zaluzhny points out that we are in may 22 the fact that they have exhausted their national resource, he is talking about this exactly, and this is what we are talking about, so that we actually transfer our experience to other countries, so that other countries still develop their own military industry, so that they now increase allocations for the army, increase power, because well... as we see, as mr. zaluzhnyi said, he quoted again that if you want peace, prepare for war. well, yes, you said that he asked our partners to produce more there. to produce it more actively, to give it to us, but, he has another such phrase there said: society must temporarily give up freedoms for the sake of survival, of course he said this about ukraine, but he also said this
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about our partners, but are they ready, is it possible to reach our partners in this way, talking about survival, when we have cases in ukraine , when, for example, angelina terska, a ukrainian woman, had a wedding at an expensive villa on the island of como, in the north of italy, and these same... residents of the west, western countries can say: "you have money to spend on such weddings" , inviting galkin as a toastmaster, or a monatic as a singer, or, for example, when they read that andriy zhupanin, a people's deputy of the servant of the people faction , during a full-scale war, regularly travels abroad, in particular to study at the london business school, is it possible to reach out like this, you know, such events can't really be avoided, let's be objective, but the reaction is important here. to these events: firstly, the media reaction in the information space, and as we can see, in general, a critical attitude to the relevant events, this indicates
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the level of health of the actually ukrainian societies, but also politicians, in principle, also try to resolve conflicts somehow, i am not talking about the ones you just mentioned, but before you remember, there was even a tradition, which was laughed a little in the ears of the people, when somewhere someone got dirty. then come on, make a big donation, give some kind of humanitarian aid or help to the armed forces, that is, in this way they tried to at least publicly neutralize the negative trail a little, well , although it is clear that the trail still remained, but all is equal, all is equal we have now to act in similar cases more preventively, showing, well, at least the reputational consequences after such events, this should also apply... both to the political community, and to representatives of the same, the same bloggers there, in fact, which built its popularity there on luxury, on a cool
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lifestyle, on trips around the world, and so on, well, there are really many such moments, and it is necessary to show that the audience itself makes a request that even such figures donate more, help more, and not just focus on their money led or let's put it this way, i'm afraid, you know, so that they don't think that with this donation you can buy some kind of indulgence and donate and continue to drive, donate and continue to do what we do, i'm afraid that's true, but let's move on now to on another, different topic, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba came to pdnebesnaya for a three-day visit and even said something, let's hear the minister directly, then there will be questions. in the center of attention is one issue: peace in ukraine, we will talk, we will look for points of contact, we need to avoid
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competition of peace plans, we need to move towards a just and sustainable peace, and china can play an important role in this, let's go to work, of course i sincerely wish success to mr. kuleba, but mr. igor, what points of contact can we now... can we try to find with china, well, look, if you take and read the proposals of china and brazil of the may sample, where it was narrowed from 12 points to six points, you will see that there are actually three points, well, they are very similar to those that were discussed during the global summit of peace, respectively, regarding nuclear security, food security and the humanitarian bloc, so in principle. in principle, there are points of contact that can be implemented, but everything depends on the political will of china itself, whether it wants to withdraw from
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this competition, and we must remember that it considers russia's war against ukraine as competition with the west, and in this situation, actually, it is our problem in ukraine, because we could not prove the existence of the russian threat to ukraine, and now, when by the way... or the united states, well, in connection with certain internal political events, which the whole world is watching, but they are weakening a little now, well, in general, coordination, it is clear that this is now an opportunity, well , it is possible to convince china that it is still possible to at least partially support the ukrainian proposals, well, at least the topic of the humanitarian bloc, or, for example, still security in the... sphere of food, because i will remind you that china is the largest buyer of ukrainian food, which is exported through the transport corridor, and it is actually beneficial for them to have this
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transport corridor working. therefore in this situation, i think that at least partially in certain practical moments we could find points of contact, but it is clear that we also remember at the nato summit, the corresponding final declaration there, that i still associate china with the russian aggressor , that there are indeed even elements of complicity in terms of supplying even parts for the russian military-industrial complex, but at least if our diplomacy can play a part, i think that this will have a positive effect on the situation in ukraine in general. and will it be possible to avoid this, how said mr. kuleba, the competitiveness of the peace summits and to convince the sky, well, why not completely the peace formula, the ukrainian one should lie on the table, but not only its three points? well, i think that it will actually be extremely difficult, but on the other hand, ukraine said that we will work out a new plan, which should be
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ready. there until about november, so maybe now there will be proposals from china for consultations regarding some new points of this peaceful new peace plan, well, that is , we will continue to look, but in general, as on i agree with you, but in general, this visit is a signal to the countries of the global south that ukraine is proactive in this matter, we communicate with everyone, that is also very important. an important signal, and the last issue i want to discuss with you is the interview of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, which he gave to the bbc, and there he said a quote: "i believe that if we are united and we go , for example, by the format of the peace summit, we can end the hot stage of the war, we can try to do it by the end of the year. in your professional opinion, what can to mean from the mouth of volodymyr zelenskyi
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the wording "uh, the hot stage of the war, which must be ended, well, actually, we understand that the war is going on somewhere, the hot stage began on february 24, 2022, accordingly, this is the cessation of the current hostilities, which must in order for this to happen, the maximum pressure on the russian federation, which believes that during the second half of this year, the russian federation is preparing positions for future negotiations, including the situation in america, the situation on the battlefield, and so on, but in parallel however, we now have a lot of their blanks already the same offensive in kharkiv oblast, as we can see, thanks to the defense forces of ukraine, it was bogged down, but nevertheless, in order for negotiations, real negotiations to begin, there must be general pressure. from different sides
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directly to the russian federation, which is why, by the way, i think that kuleba will also talk about it in china, i just wanted to ask you if there are any chances to convince the leadership of the celestial empire, well, not to press, but somehow to prompt russia? i think that china is actually trying, not really to pressure, to influence the russian federation, because even certain china's moves now, well, they're not very nice, and by the way, this intensification of relations between the russian federation and north korea is actually being perceived in china right now, well , quite a bit, and so we can use this opportunity now to center china's position , and not completely throwing it in the direction of an alliance with the russian federation, well , i would really like it to be like that, as you said, mr. igor, thank you very much for participating in the program, it was igor chalenko, the head of
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the center for analysis and strategies, speaking about many things and it was interesting. thank you sir ihor for participating in the program. well, now it's the turn of the news. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, i'll start with this: the 12th time since the beginning of a full-scale invasion. president volodymyr zelenskyi submitted to the parliament draft laws on the continuation of martial law and mobilization in ukraine. their. will be extended for another 90 days from august 12 to mid-november. people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak told about it. so far, both decrees have been unanimously supported by the defense committee. next, 226 votes of the parliament and the signature of the president are required. 7 thousand dollars for the crossing border the organizer was detained in odesa.


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