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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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not forgetting to visit the positions, well , the drones do not forget to visit the positions of the russian planes, although it is difficult to do anything here, because the plane is standing in one place, in an hour it can be overrun, but the runway, the warehouse of fuel and lubricants, there are some, so some control tower, they do not act anywhere, they will not move, their gps coordinates are clearly known. well, that is, the entire infrastructure that works for the operation of airplanes, that serves the flights of these airplanes, not all, but only the most vulnerable points are needed, yes, you know, by nervous, nervous points, mr. valery, we have repeatedly talked about the f-16 fighters on our broadcasts, the f-16 is waiting for the third summer in ukraine, the delayed decision is obvious on the transfer of these fighters or...
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at least, well, how they say in the netherlands, f-16 fighter jets from this country will be in ukraine in the near future, what is in the near future is still unclear, but the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi held successful negotiations with the prime minister of poland donald tusk, which allowed to eliminate the last obstacle on the way to the supply of fighter jets, serhii, the spokesman for the head of state, said. kiferov on the air of the telethon, let's listen to what the spokesman of the ukrainian president said. there were negotiations with the polish side with donald tusk on the sidelines of the summit of the european political community. and it was these negotiations that made it possible, let's say, to remove the last obstacle on the way of f-16 planes to ukraine. yesterday, the day before yesterday , the president had an interview where he... said
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that the planes are not in ukraine yet, but i hope that after negotiations with donald tusk, this the situation will change quickly. mr. valery, the press secretary of the president, and the president of ukraine himself do not say what this last obstacle is. do you think this is a technical obstacle or a political one? and, let's say so, and... both components are present, and there is also a logistical component, is there now, is there a technical possibility in ukraine now, to launch these f-16 fighters so that they fly in the ukrainian sky and take off from ukrainian territory? well, this is another question, we will discuss it a little later, well, now, but a little later. i will explain what the political component is means there is a solution. for example, some
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enterprises that will provide complex repair of these planes, to be located in poland. in addition, the depot, where, let's say, where the spare planes will be, we are already being transferred planes, well, they should transfer a total of more than, it seems, there are more than 60 planes, yes, but , well, gradually, but still they have to accumulate somewhere, they should not be on ukrainian territory, maybe... we are talking about the actual bases where these planes will be stored. in addition, poland purchased four simulators. on these planes from the israeli concern elbit. well, these are high-level simulators that completely emit a cockpit, and they are not simulators, they are actually high-level simulators. after them, they immediately transfer to the two-seater version of the plane. so, the question is obvious.
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the preparation of our flight crew, training, for example, there were also discussed, well, some questions, well, we should not forget about logistics, because the planes need to be equipped with weapons, spare parts, which means, maybe some components there, well, repair recommendations, specialists, that is i think so the issue of aircraft placement was discussed. and repair, and the russians said, well, not against , let's say, us, it's the last one we listen to, but still the russians say that , so if the planes are simply placed in some country, then they are, let's say, not what i don't mind, but they allow, they allow such an option, yes, and this issue had to be agreed with our allies, exactly in which country, because the fact that the preparation is going on in
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romania, no one asked the russians, there is a base , which means that the european training center for f-16 aircraft is deployed there, i am ready... both romanian and bulgarian pilots will be training, and as i understand it, slovak pilots and ukrainians should have been training since the summer of this year, but the base is still being completed, that is, i do not know whether there is any information there, that is, these issues had to be resolved , but other questions remain, whether our pilots are ready for combat operations and whether our infrastructure is ready for combat operations, a completely logical question that is constantly being asked. when it comes to the f-16, could we do with foreign pilots, those already trained in the f-16, maybe those who are not are in service, but know these planes very well, wouldn't it be possible to contract them and speed up this process of f-16 entering
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ukrainian skies? it's a purely political issue, you see, if the united states allows such a practice, it was during the second world war, that's the union. the states were not yet at war with japan, well, they started there in december 1941, the japanese attacked them, yes, and before that there were american volunteer pilots who fought in china, the tigermite unit, oh no, not tigermite, well i.e. the flying tigers, a unit which with from about the 39th year he took part in hostilities , shot down. actively shot down japanese planes, i.e. there were precedents in history, so it would have been possible, but there the pilots were allowed to do it, there was a politician, there was a political decision, they were not against it, the state was not against it, are there any political decisions from
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the pentagon now , not sure, it wasn't announced, but there are those who want it, and don hampton seems to be the name of an american lieutenant colonel, an experienced pilot who... has a lot of downed, uh, so it was him, he said what happened to him a whole squadron is ready to fly in and take part in battles, experienced pilots, but rests on a political decision. mr. valery, as president zelenskyi says, ukraine's air defense has significantly strengthened, a new patriot anti-aircraft missile complex has arrived from germany, let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said. i... want to thank germany and the united states for this step. in heaven we will be able to do much more. of course, there is still a lot of work ahead, and it is still far from guaranteed protection, but nevertheless, more strength for ukraine. it is obvious, mr. valery, that
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both now and in the event of concluding an armistice or peace agreement with the russian federation, it is obvious that... ukraine will have to think against air defense, in your opinion, how should this air defense be rebuilt and what does ukraine need for this? well, it has to be, first of all, it has to be compatible with nato, and i think that all the old soviet systems will simply disappear due to the lack of ammunition, they will be fired, ammunition will be fired. beech, and the ammunition is there, well, it's beech now is being rebuilt for american ammunition, yes, the beech, the cube is being rebuilt, so, ah, then the s-300 will disappear, well, also where, where to get ammunition for them, they were produced only by russia, here are
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the radar stations, old soviet and ukrainian, of ukrainian production , they will remain in air defense, and air defense will be... better integrated, now there is an automated control system, but there is still, well, well, let's put it this way, i 'm not sure that it is 100% compatible with both the old soviet and ukrainian , and modern western, western systems that they are one hundred percent compatible, and according to the main parameters, yes , they are really compatible, and now the planes will arrive, they too, this too... an element of air defense, and whether our forces are able to work with the link-16 tactical information exchange system, all western systems, that is, patriot, and nasams, they all work, and ariste, also polling-16, that is,
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firstly, it will be necessary to fully integrate the western system and all its elements among themselves, this is the first point, secondly, well ... but i listened to some of our experts, well, for example, mr. butusov, yes, how high appreciate, all our military experts, yes, and the military, in general, too, he says that, for example, we do not have a centralized radio electronic warfare system, yes , there are good bukovel stations and a dozen other stations, but first of all, there are not enough of them, secondly, they are not combined into a single system, and the reb is one of the elements, there are anti-aircraft missile complexes, radio engineering troops, fighter aircraft and the reb, and all this should not only be integrated into a system, and incl. the system is a general system of automated management air defense, the automated control system
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of the entire air defense of the country, the anti-missile defense elements that we are currently receiving from the allies, the patriot that you mentioned, and the sumpti system should also be included there, because there is also a very important element, the actual warning about the launches of russian missiles, in addition, all this must be... with western intelligence means and western satellites, that is, there are quite a lot of tasks before our, let's say, theorists who are working on this, by the way, ursula funderlay, who became president for the second time of the european commission, supports the creation of a pan-european air defense system, that is, i understand that the europeans want to create something. like some kind of iron dome around or
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over europe, or can we in this situation claim that we will also be a part of this european air defense, not not within the framework of nato, it is clear that most of the countries of europe are members of the north atlantic alliance, but before joining nato, is there such a possibility and is there such a chance for ukraine to join... this common european air defense systems. no unfortunately, there is none. because, you know, there is such a thing as identifying one's own. so no one will tell us the nato codes. therefore, all our planes that will, ah, fly into the nato territory of, let's say, any country, yes, they will be considered enemy planes, and aviation will rise to intercept them. that is, as long as we are not a member of nato, until then we are not an element of the combined air
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defense of nato, once we become a member of nato, and nato flying radars provide radar coverage from above, not from below, as we now have ground-based radars, and from above they provide us with an overview of the entire territory of ukraine, plus a hundred or two hundred kilometers of russian territory there, and reconnaissance. generally provide information about activities, about any movements, let's say so, at russian airfields, but until then, we do what we want, although we are provided by avaks, and global hockey, these are scouts, and other systems, information is provided to us, but this is, let's say, operational communication, it is not an element of the system, thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it is... valery romanenko, aviation expert, and friends, we continue to work live
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on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether trump is able to make putin stop the war, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, a separate opinion, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take it. or phone and vote for corresponding numbers. if you think trump can get putin to stop the war, 0800 211-381, no 08021-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the council of foreign policy ukrainian prizma americanist. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes, congratulations. good evening to you, well, all the attention of the world is now focused on
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biden's announcement that he is withdrawing from the election and that he is from the democratic party of the united states of america, kamala harris will apply for the post of the head of the american state, tomorrow biden must speak, publicly speak, because this statement about withdrawing from the election was written, tomorrow he promises to appear before the public, so... what is the decision of the current president the united states of america means for the united states, for ukraine, and ultimately for the whole world. first. it brings us more instability, more, well, let's call it that, unpredictability, because even though haris is holding the brand very well so far, harris is a very fast fundraiser, yet it creates uncertainty because we knew biden wasn't going to get new voters, we knew biden would have to play his old game and biden would have to hold on to
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his base electorate and zachary as by a much younger candidate. i am already essentially a new face on the federal political olympus, although she was the vice president, but quite inconspicuous, we understand that this will change the electoral mood a little, it can slightly overwork the electoral process in general the field is american, and it will be precisely this innovation, if we are talking about politics, about execution, including, by the way, with regard to ukraine, i would not expect certain innovations from khariz, well, first of all , we can already see the position of donald trump, in he does not have a clear position on ukraine, therefore... we have to work here literally on a case-by -case basis, and if we talk about haris, her lack of experience in the foreign police and the presence of advisers from the biden team, it seems to me that he will force her to leave the ukraine precisely the position, that is, full support, provision weapons, but at the same time no certainty and chewy real strategy. donald trump
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has already stated that it will not be a problem for him to defeat kamala harris and... and sociology says that the vice president, the current vice president of the united states of america, kamala harris, in a potential pre-election fight with donald trump , on average ahead of trump, the vice president by only 15%, and the washington post writes about it, how do you think trump's strategy will change, with regard to the democratic candidate, because, well, actually trump wanted to... focus on reprimanding his potential rival biden there, about his age, or about his forgetfulness, for the second time trump can enter the finals of the race with a representative of the democratic party, how successful
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her current race can be for harris and discussion with trump. well, to say that trump's campaign, let's say this, has already started the search for what can be used to drown kamaharis, they are already working on understanding what topics will work against her, because this is really completely different, different understanding of further processes, this is no longer biden, who can be run over for an old man , you can run in for some reasons, this is not the same biden, who absolutely does not change anything in his views, this is a new candidate, a new... candidate who has a similar strategy , but you need something new, for which you need to find information to work with, so now the trump company is clearly concentrating on finding such places of protection, even to start putting pressure on them, but if we talk about that, the chances at all, how will submit a campaign,
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well, we have to wait until she announces her vice president, when she announces... her team, what she is leaving, when we see some strategy expressed in some document, but after that we need two key things: first, the harris company will based solely on the fact that we are sponsoring someone, come on, mr. alexander, come on, let 's still for our viewers, let's give a brief background, who is kamala harris and what are her chances in the presidential... election of 2024, kamala harry started her career with legal activity. a big breakthrough was that in 2003, harry became the district attorney of san francisco and worked in this position for two terms, and in 2011, she became the attorney general of the state of california. thus
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, she was the first african-american woman with indian roots to hold such a position. her politically... career took off rapidly in 2016. haris entered the house of representatives from the state of california and entered the judiciary committee. she distinguished herself by sharp interrogations of officials and nominees to the trump administration. at the end of 2016, hari became a senator from california and entered the upper house of the us congress. in the senate , she instantly became a star. actively appeared on television, sharply. spoke out about alleged russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and clearly stated her position on key issues in american society like this. herris was also among the initiators of the impeachment proceedings against trump due to his disc against the president of ukraine zelensky, from whom trump tried to obtain classified information on biden and his son
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hunter. kamala harris announced her desire to run for the post of us president from the democratic party in 2019. in her speeches, she criticized joseph biden, in particular for the program of desegregation of schools for black children. but due to low support among americans, harris dropped out of the race and later officially endorsed biden's candidacy. at that time, he had already become the undisputed leader of the race among the democrats. the future president of the united states has announced kamalo harris as his candidate for vice president. and this election became historic for the united states of america, because for the first time a woman took this position. harry became a fan of many. americans, in particular in those districts where they were disappointed in the democrats. kamala haris voiced her position on russian aggression back in 2014, she condemned the occupation of crimea and
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donbas. after the start of the full-scale war , the american repeatedly stated that supporting ukraine is strategically important for the united states of america. this war remains a complete failure for putin. repents not to negotiations, but to capitulation. america supports ukraine not as charity, but because it is our strategic interest. donald trump has repeatedly tried to discredit the activities of kamala garis, among his claims - gari's position on taxation and financing of the army. however , political experts assure that such statements of trump are a fear of the strong and professional figure of garis. soon, a democrat and a republican may become direct competitors for the presidential seat. today i am proud of what i got
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support needed to become our party's nominee, over the next few months i will be traveling the country talking to americans about everything that matters. i intend to unite our party and our nation and defeat donald trump. who will become the final presidential candidate from the democratic party will be known at the convention on august 19-22 in chicago. well, it is already known that kamala garis collected 81 million dollars in one day to participate in the election campaign. let me remind you that today we have oleksandr kraiv on the air, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism, americanist. mr. alexander, can we witness that this campaign is going to be a conventional scheme, a prosecutor and a person on the one
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hand, and a person in trouble with the law, trump, well, harrison and trump? well, in fact, this campaign is already set up this way, and let's not forget that gary was known as one of the toughest lawyers. of the toughest prosecutors in the state of california in the 21st century, she really waged a very wide-ranging fight and against illegal migration and against drug trafficking, against organized crime, so this is precisely her key image, this is what they know about her, that she is remembered, at a time when a lot of americans, well, let's say, almost did not notice her in the position of vice president, that is , in the position of prosecutor of the state of california, she really gained, well, the facts... significance and notoriety at the federal level, mr. alexander, how likely is it that, for example, biden can leave
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the presidential chair early and in and in this way in accordance with applicable american legislation, kamala garis can become the acting president of the united states of america and in this way increase her potential, political potential in the next six months. well, let's say so, there is a risk of such a development of events, but it is still necessary to understand that this will be a crisis situation, and a crisis situation, including for the democrats, a walkie-talkie crisis, including for kamala gvars themselves, because these are definitely political opponents who will be reprimanded , it will definitely be considered, well let's say , mismanagement, it will definitely be and playing into the hands of the republicans, because so far the only ones who are calling for biden to step down are the republicans themselves, and in fact to make such a move now is ... some
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general rating indicators, but at the same time it is too risky, for now this will clearly play more into the hands of the republicans. mr. oleksandr, six months remain in the post of president for joseph biden, he has repeatedly said that his biggest victory is that he stopped putin, can biden in the current situation take additional steps, strengthen steps regarding assistance in... ukraine regarding the permits for ukraine to strike the territory of the russian federation with american weapons in such a way, well, on this note, on a high note , to transfer the authority or, let's say, to either kamala harris or donald trump, who will already win, it will be determined by the americans, or whether we should expect sharp movements in the eye of six months, let's say, such drastic moves would be logical,
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such... such moves were right, that's exactly what biden needs to do, and he worked in those administrations, basically the obama administration, who was known for what in the last weeks of his tenure, he could take the biggest, most unexpected steps, in fact, of his entire term, so i don't see any reason why biden really shouldn't take such provocative steps against russia, against china, against all of america's opponents in the last months or weeks of his... tenure in office, because on the one hand, to say that trump suddenly wins there, he creates a climate for his opponent in which he will not be able to make friends with russia, even if he really wants to, and if we are talking about kamala harris, if she wins, then biden will give her, conditionally speaking, an america that is ready to go on the offensive, an america that will be decisive, and this will also be positive, which for harris, that for the situation when trump will be president, is still a very short question , i hope for a similarly short
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answer, regarding the plan of... well, boris johnson, which he revealed in the daily mail, but implied that this plan could be trump's plan. is this a plan for the capitulation of ukraine, or is this a necessary step to start negotiations with moscow, in your opinion? let's say moscow perceives ukraine's capitulation as a necessary step. this plan is more like a new iteration of the minsk negotiations. well, i think it is already clear to our viewers that the minsk talks, neither they, nor capitulation are suitable for us in the... plan, but the only thing we need to take away from this, and this is the only positive note here, is that, in principle, the administration trump, if johnson is to be believed, is not ready to fully give in to the russians and fully implement their plan, and this is already positive news for us, well, that is, it is what will allow trump to suspend the war, as he promised ukraine, well, for some period of time, to get time to restore, renew the ukrainian army, and this... depends
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on how we use this time, whether we can really complete the transition to military rails, whether we can agree on new supplies weapons, whether we can adequately continue the mobilization, that is, it can give us a pause, but after the pause, the russians can push again, and everything will actually depend on our society, how it will use this pause. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr kraev, an expert foreign policy council ukrainian prism, americanist and friends, let me remind you that during our on the air, we are conducting a poll, we are asking you whether trump is capable of forcing putin to end the war, let's look at the interim results of this poll: 15% - yes, 85% - no, 15 minutes after the news release, we will return to the studio, we have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta poturaev, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and oleg synyutka will be guests, stay tuned to our channel, it will be interesting.
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almost certainly, a candidate for the position the new president of the united states and the democrats will be kamalaga. who is she who spoke about ukraine, what is her position on russia's war against ukraine? let's find out in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. a day and a half after joe biden refused to participate in the election campaign and proposed the candidacy of kamela harris, she was supported by the leaders of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, and the minority in the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries, the day before, she got engaged.


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