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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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[000:00:22;00] kamala harris is almost certain to be the candidate for the new president of the united states and the democrats. who is she, what she said. about ukraine, what is its position on russia's war against ukraine? let's find out in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga polamaryuk. a day and a half after joe biden withdrew from the election campaign and proposed the candidacy of kamela harris, she was supported by the leaders of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, and the minority in the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries. and the day before she got engaged with the support of the majority of democratic delegates.
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more than 25 delegates according to... american rules, this is enough for garis to be able to claim the nomination from the democratic party. it is the delegates who determine and approve the nominee, although the democrats will officially vote for their candidate at the party convention in chicago on august 19. donors also actively supported kamelo garis. the ektblue platform, for example, is a fundraising site that collected a record 81 million dollars in one day. now this amount has already exceeded 100 ml'. garis was supported by american celebrities, singers, hollywood actors, and all this contrasts particularly sharply with the recent drop in support for joe biden. but how did kamela harris outline her intentions regarding her opponent in the elections? in the coming days and weeks, together with you, i will do everything possible to unite our democratic party,
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unite our country. and win that election, as many of you know, before i was elected vice president, before i was elected united states senator, and even before i was elected attorney general of the state california, i worked as a prosecutor in court. in those roles i dealt with many different types of criminals, predators who abused women, scammers who ripped off consumers, liars who broke the rules for a living, so trust me when i say, i know the type donald trump is. . it is still not known for sure, although it is most likely that harry
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will compete for the presidency. with donald trump, it is important to understand who she is: she is the daughter of immigrants, her mother is from india, her father is from jamaica, kamela harris made it to be a senator from the state of california, and before that a general and district attorney. in the 2020 elections, she ran for president of the united states, but then withdrew her candidacy in favor of joe biden, after his victory in such and such an election, she became the first female vice president in the history of the united states, a black female vice president. she. actively advocated for women's right to abortion, dealt with the issue of the southern border, met with volodymyr zelenskyi, and kamala garis was one of those who condemned the occupation of crimea in 2014, which is now her position regarding ukraine, what she said about the war, my colleagues collected her most vivid statements. and although mainly in her position , kamalagari dealt with domestic political issues, in particular the problems of migration on
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the southern border and the border. legislation on women's reproductive rights, she repeatedly expressed her position on foreign policy issues. two months before the big war, on the air of the american television channel cbs news, kamala harry said that the united states had warned russian president vladimir putin about the readiness to introduce unprecedented sanctions against russia if it invades ukraine. at the munich security conference in february 23, the issue of russia's war. she dedicated a long speech against ukraine. the vice president called for russia to be held accountable for war crimes. she spoke about systematic attacks by the russian military on the civilian population, murder, torture, rape and deportation, electric torture, illegal deportation of minors, mentioned the attack on the maternity hospital in mariupol and the rape of women and children haris called the actions of the russian army in
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ukraine barbaric and inhumane. she... thought about her prosecutorial past, the value of facts and the need to punish the guilty. long before i became vice president of the united states, i devoted most of my in the case of russia's actions in ukraine, we have studied the evidence, we know the legal norms and there is no doubt that these are crimes against humanity. the united states officially recognizes that russia has committed crimes against humanity. she also responded positively to the long-awaited decision congress on aid to ukraine. she called putin's war a complete failure of russia and noted that, together with president joe
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biden, she supports ukraine. and at the recent peace summit in switzerland in the summer of 2024 , kamala harris said that the usa approves of the idea of ​​a just and durable peace for ukraine. she already during the pre-election race. criticized trump's statements about the possible withdrawal of the us from nato. what can ukraine expect from kamala garis? as the street survey showed, the support of the united states is important for ukrainians. people hope for its continuation, regardless of who becomes president. for me personally, it seems to me that trump, unfortunately, has a rather strong advantage, and therefore it is unlikely that the change of the candidate will affect anything. therefore, in my opinion, changing the candidate already... is unlikely to help the democratic party win the presidential elections, this candidacy was proposed by them , so i think that her chances are quite high, but in my opinion, she was not very good public, as such, to take
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the post of president later, i don't know, i don't think it is will be able to, 50-50, at least i heard about her yesterday for the first time, despite the fact that biden expressed his support for garis formally concrete candidacy of the democrats so far... no. moreover, kamala harris is not the only potential candidate. the vote for him should take place at the convention of the democratic party, which will open in chicago on august 19. so, what can ukraine expect, volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies of odesa national university, joins the conversation. i congratulate you. thank you for joining. so, as we can see, it seems democrats unite around kamela garis. her candidacy was supported today by the leaders of the democrats in the senate. house of representatives, meaning she will almost certainly be trump's opponent in the november elections. how do you rate her candidacy? just for ukraine? is this a good sign? i think that's a good sign and i really think that she's emerging as the obvious candidate
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now because not only have the leaders supported it, but you've talked about it, a lot of money is going into his campaign, and she even has a majority of the delegates from the convention. , which should start on august 19 in chek. as for ukraine, it, again, you showed it in your news block, it absolutely systematically, constantly supported ukraine rhetorically and in fact, it was part of the policy of the joe biden administration, which was aimed at supporting ukraine and punishing russia for its aggression against of ukraine, so we definitely cannot expect any changes for the worse, i think that kamava harris will consistently embody and implement. and in the future this policy of supporting ukraine. yes, but can she, for example, to be braver than the same joe biden, yes, because the usa is now the main military partner of ukraine. what will be its policy in
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this direction? i think that most likely she will continue the policy in the current administration, because after all, joe biden is a generally recognized authority in the field of foreign policy, national security, and defense. and kamava. garis will most likely follow his policy, especially since within the administration they have probably decided that more or less policy is suitable according to the situation, the support is long-term, the support is very powerful, and because of this, well, it is probably necessary to continue this policy in the future, and therefore i think that kemava garis is unlikely to be braver, but will still continue unceasingly with this systematic policy of support of ukraine. and in particular the transfer of humanitarian aid, as well as weapons for the needs of the ukrainian armed forces, and more consistently, yes, the boldest, but more consistent, the latest, yes, the latest polls show that garis's rating is now
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approximately the same as trump's, although we know that trump himself said that it would be easier for him to defeat harris than biden, is it so in your opinion, no, i think that it is the so-called mine games, psychological. you know, the pressure on the opponent, and now the republicans are a little early, they have been preparing recently for the possible candidacy of garis as an opponent, but still they did not prepare very well. agree, we will see some attacks on the mountain , of course we are already starting to see it, but in principle it is a difficult candidacy for her, the biden campaign has definitely been slowly rolling to a scratch, but now garis activated, galvanized the social, electoral, electoral base of democrats, liberals, i think that she has good chances even to interest independent voters in her candidacy, those who do not belong to either republicans or democrats, so right now. everything looks like it has quite
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a good potential, prospects, again, this is a difficult situation for the democratic party, because it becomes a candidate at the last moment, and to organize there 2-2 months or three months before the presidential elections itself, such a full-fledged company is very it's difficult, but i still think that she has a good chance now, because with biden's candidacy , it looked so recently that he no longer has a chance to win against trump, and ugaris thinks that such a chance is emerging. understood, thank you for the analysis, volodymyr dubovyk, director of the center for international studies of odesa national university, was on our broadcast, thank you for the conversation, thank you for the invitation, yes, and the key thing in the race now are several states, they are also called shaky, because the voters from there and determine the fate of the vote, there are only six of them, here they are on map, bbc correspondents went to arizona to find out what they think about the possible leader of the united states and whether things have changed. something after joe biden dropped out of the race, and
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trump will be replaced by the young and dynamic kamela harris. after months of presidential candidates playing the same old tune, suddenly it changed. a lot of people thought he was going to retire before he did, and to america's benefit, he dropped out of the race. trump appears to be well ahead now, especially in swing states. or could another democratic candidate make a difference? everything can be. but in deeply divided america, many people already have fixed views. i still think trump will win. i really think trump is the better choice, both for the economy and the way things are done. what do people think of camelo harris in border matters? well, she didn't do anything, and criminals are still crossing the border, it should be closed. although many democratic voters were relieved after biden withdrew, there is still no agreement among them about the candidacy of camila harris. i i think that one should look at what she
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has done, what political experience she has. should there be a contest for the office of someone who will oppose trump? yes, i think so, it will benefit the democratic party. however, the latest news has revived the campaign, where until now a kind of rematch between biden and trump was extremely unpopular. both sides in my opinion, i don't care, i think it would be nice to have a woman in that position, and especially if she... the choices that are being presented to americans now look very different, but the polls about whether kamela harris can stand up to donald trump better than joe biden did doesn't show much change. but now, with millions of dollars pouring into the campaign from donors and voters starting to see more of her, that could all change. but for now, many trump supporters see no threat. who do you think will win? trump? why? simply because he unites everyone better. trump
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attacked biden because of his age, but will the new candidate be able to spoil his plans? after the last four weeks, no, i don't think so it can be stopped. after he was shot, he went to play golf the next day. what else is needed? and if the drama surrounding the election in the united states was not deep enough, the elimination of biden was a historic turning point in a race that could still have many more surprises. yes, and it was a report from arizona, from a state that will be one of those that will actually determine the fate of the american elections. so subscribe to our pages in social networks in order not to miss the most important news, we are on facebook, in you can watch our episode on instagram, tiktok, youtube if you missed it on the air, also on our website, even more detailed analysis. well, that's all for today, see you tomorrow, as always at
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9 p.m., all the best. take care, congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel, the second part of the program. verdict, my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part we will talk about the following. the dead end of the moscow patriarchate. opposition factions blocked the work of the parliament due to the delay in banning the uoc-mp. who is hiding the enemy in the council? church? competition of peace initiatives. johnson trump's plan against orbán's peace mission and
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xi jinping's proposals. ukraine is being prepared for the end of the war. involvement of russia is inevitable. in the eu, they believe. that the next peace summit should take place with the participation of the aggressor country, but not on putin's terms. why have supporters of compromises with the russians increased among ukrainians? we will talk about this and other things in our broadcast for the next 45 minutes. however, before we start our big conversation, i invite our viewers to take part in our survey. it today it sounds like this: can trump make putin stop? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, leave it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that trump is capable of forcing putin to stop the war.
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0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program, we will sum up this vote. i want to introduce today's guests of our studio, they are folk mps of ukraine mykyta poturaev, representative of the servant of the people, chairman of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian affairs and information policy, vice-president of the osce parliamentary assembly, mr. mykyta, i congratulate you for being with us today, good evening, thank you for the invitation, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the motherland faction, first deputy of the parliamentary committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights, mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. i wish everyone good health. and oleg senyutka, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, head of the subcommittee on ensuring the activities of people's deputies of ukraine. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. good evening. well, since, gentlemen, we are asking
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our viewers and tv viewers what they think, whether trump is capable of forcing putin to stop the war, and this poll is already underway. for the second hour on our tv broadcast, i offer you to answer this question in the format of a blitz survey, let's start with mr. mykhailo, well, first of all, it all depends on who will become the president of the united states, if trump becomes the president, then he is capable of doing this and forcing the russian federation to withdraw from the territory of ukraine, but what will be the other conditions, we will live by... we see, thank you, mr. general, mr. nikita, look, i think that any president of the united states is capable of making efforts to force russia to get into ukraine if he really really wants it. well, that's it. thank you, mr.
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nikita, and mr. olezh. bipartisan support is very important to us. it is very important for us that we in the congress have support and democrats and republicans. and i am convinced that with such support, whoever is the president of the united states of america, ukraine will receive help, and russia will have to get out of our territory. thank you, gentlemen, for short, concise and accurate answers. and of course, when we talk about trump's plan, we have to say about the plan that the former prime minister of great britain, boris johnson, announced in the daily mail about... this sketch of a peace plan, which it could be from trump , we know that on the eve of this publication johnson spoke with trump, he was in the united states of america, so far this is presented as johnson's plan, but it is possible that this plan was discussed with trump, what is proposed in
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this plan or in the outline of this peace, possible peace agreement, the return of ukraine to the borders on the 24th. in the 22nd year, leaving crimea under the control of the russian federation, guaranteeing ukraine's accession to the eu and nato, the ukrainian army will replace about 70 thousand american soldiers at us bases in the eu, which will significantly save the funds of the united states of america, as well as certain concessions to the russian language so that in this situation putin feels not... not a person who lost the election, but gained something, and this is probably one of the most irritating points of this agreement. as well as the fact that putin should return to the big eight, well, relatively speaking, the big seven plus
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russia, that is, in some way, russia should be rehabilitated after this war. deputy prime minister of ukraine stefanishchyna said that johnson acts on his own initiative, but in the interests of ukraine. mr. nikita, how do you like this plan, or the draft that johnson released, if this draft... in interests of ukraine, or whether it is not a prototype of that possible peace, plan or peace agreement that can be considered, well, for example, at the end of the 24th year. look, in all these numerous already peaceful plans, there are some things with which you can agree, there are some things with which you cannot agree under any circumstances. it is clear that... let's say, the proposal to give some rights to the muscovite language in ukraine is an unacceptable proposal, because
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ukrainians are fighting and dying today, our best boys and girls, precisely for the right to be ukrainians. i understand that perhaps mr. johnson simply does not fully understand the essence of this war, let's not take offense at him for that, because this is not his war, this is our war. and we know exactly what our army is currently fighting for, what our armed forces are protecting us from, i really hope that in the near future such plans will include the clause that we still have to return the moscow agents in cassocks, to restore, so to speak in their rights, which i hope they will soon lose in ukraine, and just as they will lose... their rights agents of the kremlin in cassocks,
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the muscovite language will never return to our lives, that is, people here freely speak, read, buy books in the russian language, in russian, but the muscovite language will never play that role in ukraine, which she imposed on us. the so-called russian federation for years, and it is clear that no ukrainian parliamentarian, who is ukrainian, who bears his responsibility to the people of ukraine, as he swore to the people of ukraine, will never vote for such whims. again, i hope that before in the fall, we will also strengthen our position as a political nation that knows exactly what is important for the ukrainian nation to exist and live. for the ukrainian state to exist and live on. well , about the popes in the cassocks of the moscow priests, we
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will talk separately, because this is a top event in the verkhovna rada of ukraine today, and in general, i think that this is one of the central issues in general in 2024, if not on the 23rd, then on the 24th , and why are your fellow party members delaying, and i know your position, you publicly say that... you are in favor of a ban of the moscow church in ukraine, but the servants of the people with former members of the opzzh still do not put this bill to the vote and do not put it on the agenda in the second reading, i hope that this will happen, but we will talk about it a little later, we are talking for now about this plan of johnson, because johnson is a friend of ukraine, and it is clear that a friend of ukraine cannot offer ukraine, you can see some of these losing options in this peace plan, mr. mykhailo, how do you like
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this plan that johnson announced, he is an experienced politician, he is a politician who did a lot of things for ukraine in the first year of the war, including leading away from the so -called istanbul agreements, here these istanbul agreements are so half- baked. well, first of all, we are really grateful to boris johnson for that support in his person, he represented great britain in the first weeks, months of the war in the year 22 of the large-scale war, and then ukraine really supported his position and we are grateful to him to this day, what was announced, or is this his plan or? someone the other, it is probably, history will show how he does not have the mandate to speak on behalf
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of ukraine, and this can be only one of the proposals with whom she... agreed, it is probably better to tell him, if we actually know the real authors , but this once again emphasizes that no one, no one, repeats, except for ukraine and officials, can announce any plans, all these are proposals that sounded before this, and we see several plans already for ending the war in ukraine, it can ... be discussed as one of the proposals, because in fact he has one a rational grain, but i agree with my colleague nikita that there are things that are unacceptable in any situation, they cannot even be discussed, there are those red lines, and he announced some of them, because of that we have to
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wait anyway official position, because... any statements, they can even harm our movement to victory, but i agree with one thing that the discussion should be born and the presence of alternative proposals, it can find the way to solve the problem, in fact, through the victory of ukraine , but unequivocally, any war... ends with negotiations, and johnson may be one of those who can represent one of the sides, but i emphasize once again that such proposals should be approached very carefully so as not to disturb ukrainian society, because i today i already spoke with some
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military personnel from the front, and those who are here, they... react very painfully to such proposals, and they have an aggravation, an aggravation of the sense of justice, because of that statements must be commented very carefully, but his one, at least, or two propositions are entitled to life. among the proposals that johnson has is a proposal for territorial concessions, well , relatively speaking, in ... years we talked about the fact that our goal is to go to the borders of 91, and this is the main cornerstone of our policy and our goal , but johnson is talking about february 24, 2022, meaning that crimea remains under russia, while the kmis, the kyiv international institute of sociology has published data on what
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ukrainians think about the possibility. territorial concessions of russia in order to achieve peace, 55% of ukrainians are against any territorial concessions, but the share of ukrainians who are ready for such concessions in order to achieve peace and preserve independence as soon as possible is gradually increasing, according to the results of the kmis social survey, as of may 24, 32% of respondents are ready for compromises, but the majority of ukrainians, 55 , as i said, is still performing. against any territorial concessions from russia, as sociologists note, in the period from may 22 to may 23, the situation was different: only 8-10 respondents were ready for concessions, and an absolute majority of 82-87% were consistently opposed to any concessions, that is, mr.
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oleg, the point is that the number of people... who can, or who are inclined to compromise, increases with the war, the number of those who say listen, increases let 's agree to some kind of compromise, because people are dying and it is hard enough to live for people who are fighting and those who are in the body, now there are problems with energy, to what extent the position of people will be decisive in this situation, well, the position of people is always. in the state should be decisive, and power is not may not take into account the position of the people, and it seems to me that this is a very dangerous trend that you have just announced, referring to the cmis survey, because it reflects the fatigue of society, and here a very large responsibility, based on this data, lies precisely with the authorities, we well remember that at


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