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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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the mobilization processes took place correctly, one way or another this data update had to be carried out, it is clear that someone did not want to do it, more, more than half, more than half, correctly, approximately, all of them remained in sirizon, unfortunately, please tell me why the ministry of defense did not support the idea of ​​continuing to update data, 60 days, that was obviously not enough, so why are you talking about the fact that apparently in the reserve plus application you could update your data within 5, seven to 10 minutes. depending on how fast you are internet, if i don’t have a smartphone, as of 2019, 40% of ukrainian citizens, this is the latest data i found, did not have a smartphone at all. then it was possible to go to snap or to the tcc of the eup. of course, there were queues, and again, it was more difficult to do and it took more time, but it was possible and within 60 60 days you could still plan your time to do it. i think now. these are the people who have not updated
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their data, we can say that this is primarily about those people who succumbed, including by the russian pso, and who do not want to do it, a person who spent the night under the tsk, and i know such people, she succumbed to the russian pso, it was simply difficult for her to do it because of the tsk, it is clear at a glance that such there were cases, we do not idealize the work of the entire system, volumes. huge in fact, and we understand that there were difficult situations and in some cases, well, we dealt with and contacted tsk and sp in order to streamline these processes, but we understand that, again, the reserve plus application has its own mission accomplished, at least without him the situation would be much worse, now and nevertheless, nevertheless, why the ministry of defense opposed the extension of the deadline. data,
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because those who did not manage to update within 60 days, people receive fines, and maybe they objectively did not manage to update within 60 days, and now they will receive a fine of 17 hryvnias, why did you speak against, yes against, against the extension, first of all, firstly, receiving a fine is a certain procedure, first you have to detect an offense, if you managed to identify an offender, detain and deliver him to draw up a protocol, if it was not possible to detect the violator's offenses, summon him with a summons for the purpose of updating the data or. sent by letter for the purpose of drawing up a protocol, draw up a resolution with or without the offender , hand over a subpoena or send a resolution, again, this is a whole process, so it will not happen, so they will tick boxes and automatically send out fines to everyone, the goal was to update their data encourage people to check in, so to speak, to indicate their phone number and place of residence it is important, not just to put everyone under a fine and so on. how to deal with people
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who are conscripts, conscripts and reservists, that is, if we are talking about basic principles, about basic things, and people who have not updated their data abroad, they do not receive fines at all, right, fines can, can only catch up with those who are in ukraine, wait, there is information in the state registers about these people in one way or another, well, about most of them, let's say, they crossed the border somewhere. had some business and so on, that is , there is information about them in the state registers, so no, no, no, now, now, now you wait, they were just talking about the fact that people abroad should update their data, because there is no information about them, if the information was there, then why were they restricted in obtaining passports there, 75,000 ukrainians updated their data abroad, 75,000, it's too little, but too little, too little, i agree that it's the wrong number, the wrong number.
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which could be, yes, yes, after all, people abroad will also receive fines or not no, is this all a closed story? people who live abroad, who remain citizens of ukraine, accordingly, the legislation also applies to them, yes, well, what if they are in ukraine and somewhere here they are overtaken by tsc employees, no, not necessarily, through the executive service they can be blocked their accounts, for example , yes, if people on on again ... the order can come to their place of registration, the place that is in the public registers, so it does not mean that they are completely out of the zone there, and none they will not be held liable, ugh, let's talk about the electronic queue, how this service performed, how do you in the ministry of defense evaluate this service, the electronic queue made it possible to unload, again, the work of the tsc. sp, although i noted
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that it worked all the time in test mode, and to say that this mechanism is perfect, which solved all the issues, of course you can't, because it really was a bug. many tccs and sps are such that there is an electronic queue, there is a parallel live queue, and despite the fact that briefings were held with tcc representatives both sp and kateryna chornogorenko communicated with these state institutions, but one way or another there were certain problems, but it allowed to relieve the work of tsksp in a certain way, because people could plan their time, could sign up for a certain time. people, people definitely, people definitely could sign up for a certain time, but i do not really agree with the planning here, there are many posts on social networks, people described their experience with the electronic queue, for example, journalist otar dovzhenko, when he decided to go through the entire this way, he then
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said that the function itself on the site works, but it has nothing to do with his reality, and this is exactly his experience, he writes: let's start with the fact that my appointment was at 8:15, then i... on the 9th, i managed to enter only at 11:00, later the tsc announced that the electronic queue would still work, however, how exactly to coordinate it with the live queue, no one there had any idea, and there are a lot of such stories, i literally talked today journalists with their colleagues in kherson, and they say that this function did not even reach them at all, that is, i understand that the story was so good in the media, but in reality it failed at work. well, i wouldn't say that it was a failure, but yes, there were certain shortcomings, but at the same time it should be said that an electronic queue was planned for people to register and update their data, so it happened that people signed up for the electronic queue, joined the electronic queue queue with all
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the questions with which the tsc and sp are addressed, and this is a much wider range of questions, and accordingly it was also overloaded, that is, there is a whole series of objective reasons. there are certain technical ones there are communication moments, but i will note again that it worked in test mode, and this was announced from the beginning by representatives of the ministry. and please tell me, i mentioned at the beginning, i know a lot of cases when people spent the night under the tsk, and at the same time everything was somehow coordinated, despite the fact that there is a curfew, and a lot of materials were made about it and the ukrainian media, and that's how people told it, it was some kind of usual practice during these 60 days, so that a person would somehow manage. get in line and update your data, do you know of any pretty wild stuff? well, these are wild things, but we can still talk about individual cases, and you know very well that the tsk sp is under the direct control of the command of the ground forces, so
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this is exactly how the vertical works, unfortunately, in some cases there were indeed both and and such situations, but again, there were sp shopping centers that worked in normal mode, which... were not overloaded, that is, the situation in different places was different, it is clear that in order to carry out such large-scale processes, it is worth would be to assess the possibilities and perhaps approach this more carefully, but again, 60 days have shown that a large number of ukrainians have updated their data, and those people who have, and also an important point, i would like to note that many of people who hesitated whether... to serve or not to serve, who somehow understood that sooner or later they would have to do it, now, thanks to the fact that this law appeared, thanks to the fact that this media noise appeared, in that among others, decided to connect their lives with the armed forces of ukraine, including having joined recruitment projects, in
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recruitment centers and through online platforms that were working all the time, we observed that the number of people increased significantly, and now everyone, every third mobilized person comes... precisely for recruiting, that is, a person does not want uncertainty, is a little afraid of this uncertainty, wants to build its own destiny, and thanks to the fact that these projects have been worked out, again there is a directive of the general staff that regulates the moment of these relations, letters by which people get into those brigades and those units and to those positions that they dream of, that they agree on... in recruiting centers, or again with detachments that conduct recruiting independently, or on online platforms or within the framework of the ministry of defense project, be yourself, they get such in those brigades, again, this process shifted very
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significantly, thanks to the fact that the law began to work, yes, i understood correctly, you have already mentioned recruiting several times here, guarantees if a person leaves... recruiting with and and and will find for himself place, there is no that she will work in this specialty, as far as i know, no, no, there are, there are directors of the directive of the general staff, where people, regardless of whether it is... with this recommendation letter goes and gets exactly this position, and there are 28 recruiting centers that have opened in ukraine, and by the end of the year it is planned to open 40 in different cities of ukraine, so the specialist representatives of this center are accompanied at all stages by a person who came and signed the contract, that is i came to sign the contract, and you said that as far as i was concerned, if i understood you correctly, these 60 days were a record, from the recruitment of conscripts there to the army, correct? you don't name the number, but if i
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understood, was it a record number? yes, this is a significant increase several times compared to the first places of the spring, we are not talking about numbers, because this information is sensitive, and we do not want to give extra, extra, so to speak, extra reason for various manipulations, including information for what what what so, i i understood you, i understood, but... these days you understood the general idea, i hope i understood the general idea, dmitry, but in these 60 days we saw a lot of cases and videos and we continue to see how the staff of the tsc continued to pack people in guys, i personally know many cases when a man was immediately taken on the street and he ended up in the training center closer to the evening, please tell me how many violations, if you recorded them, were recorded by the ministry of defense and how did you react to them? hope employees of the tsc and generally where to call and who to write to, if your rights are violated in the tsc,
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you are beaten, you are kept for 5 hours without communication, what conclusions did you draw from this? well, the hotline of the ground forces worked, the hotline of the ministry of defense worked and continues to work, there were several hundred calls to our line, there were about 500 calls, which were recorded, which went to work, again , in some cases, official calls are made. de-icing, but i would note one more thing, one thing that seems to me also basic, but for some reason we bypass it, there would be no buses and patrols if all conscripts, reservists, if they changed, for example, their place of residence within seven days, as it should be, were registered in a new place in the tcc and sp, if everyone updated the data on time, then there would be no need to look for these people, that is, why did these processes take place, which, again, often happened with an excess of authority, but i will note that to deliver to tsk and sp, ee
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people who, which, for example, on the street, as you say, were packed in lilacs, have representatives to the police, first of all, they have the legal right to do this, and a representative of the tsksp can accompany and provide transport, well, it is so simple, if you remember the norms of the law, although it is clear that, again, there were simply shameful cases, and in these cases, in now... now the official investigations are ongoing, and the ministry, again, i note once again, already said on your broadcast that the ministry does not tolerate exceeding the powers of the representative of the mtkp, and we will deal with those people who are guilty of exceeding the powers, they, respectively will be punished. dmitry, at the beginning of april, you said that by that time, within eight months, a new draft law on rotation and demobilization should appear in... you said april, march, may, june, july, five months have passed ten months,
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there are three left, which means that there will be a draft law in october-november, well, i can't tell you the dates now, but let's recall whether the ministry of defense is drafting such a draft law or not, the ministry, the ministry of defense is drafting such a draft bill, first of all, second, let's not to forget that the norm on demobilization then disappeared after the appeal of the commander-in-chief and... let's put it this way, i think that the position of both the general staff and the ministry of defense should be agreed upon, and then, accordingly, there will be communication regarding this new draft law , which is already being worked on again is basically being conducted. and when can such a draft law appear? i can't tell you the timing right now, unfortunately, yes, because it depends, because it, it depends on a number of factors, again, and not only on the work on the bill itself. and of the ministry of defense, it depends on the situation at the front, and on the pace of mobilization, and, again, on the interaction
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of those structures that influence it. dmytro, thank you very much, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, we talked about the mobilization that is still going on in ukraine. we have everything for today, we have everything for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page until tomorrow. and the discounts represent the only discounts on estazifin 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. whose discounts represent the only discounts on exoderyl 15% in in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola tyshchenko. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada vvedenska about
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time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news chekchenina, our art watcher , is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become movrodnidenko to many, is already next to me ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people those who care espresso in the evening. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and
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distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday with... we are looking for 13-year-old elena and her 15-year-old brother artem yankovsky. these children lived in the kakhovsky district of the kherson region in the village of chaplinka, which has remained occupied since the first days of the war.
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information about the children's disappearance was received in february 2024, but the brother's whereabouts are still unknown. it was not possible to establish the sisters. it is quite possible that the boy and the girl were taken to russia, or were transported somewhere to the uncontrolled territories of ukraine. that is why we need your help. look carefully at the faces of the missing: 13-year-old olena yankovska looks her age, she has gray-green eyes and light blond hair. the girl is very similar to her brother artem yankovsky. they have almost identical noses and lips. the guy looks a little older, he has also blond hair and gray-green eyes. they were last seen in the village of chaplinka in the kakhov district of the kherson region. also , the fate of three more girls, who also disappeared in the occupied territories of the kherson region, has remained unknown for a long time. attention to the screen. they are nine-year-old victoria ostrovska, 12-year-old
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suzanne osman and 15-year-old angelina panfilyuk. i really hope for your help, and of course, i am mostly addressing the residents of the territories of the kherson region that are not controlled by ukraine. look closely at the faces of the missing girls. victoria ostrovskaya looks about nine years old, has dark blond hair and brown eyes. a child has disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region. this became known to the police in the summer of last year. since then, there was no news about victoria ostrovska. this. dana osman, a 12-year-old girl with dark hair and dark eyes, lived as a child in the village of bekhtery, which is also the skadovsky district of the kherson region, which is still occupied. the search for the child has been going on for a year and a half, and this is 15-year-old angelina panfilyuk. the girl lived on the right bank of the kherson region in bereslavskyi
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district in the village of dudchany. the territory was occupied almost from the first days of a full-scale war, but it was liberated in the fall of 2022, and it was during this period that angelina's disappearance became known. no one knows where the girl may be now. perhaps the child was taken to the temporarily occupied. territory, and maybe to russia in general. that is why your help is very important. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of victoria, suzanne and angelina, or maybe just saw these girls somewhere, please let us know immediately. even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if you suddenly find yourself in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chat-boot
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of the children's search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the child tracing service shows, the vast majority of them are this teenagers who most often just succeed. to escape we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can definitely prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is about the importance of talking with children not only about everyday topics and matters, but also about your own feelings, experiences and fears. frankness , according to experts, will help not only open up to the child, but also sometimes even get support and help. be sincere. interest in the personality of the child, because often everyone our conversations with children, and especially with teenagers, are reduced to several topics: cleaning, grades, maybe some other material moments, but something completely different is important to them,
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it is important for them to talk about feelings, about experiences, about the world, about how everything is arranged , on the other hand, they may not be ready to be the first to do it, and here it is your turn, you should be the first to talk about your fears, your doubts, your hesitations and feelings. and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, it will not only allow the child in the future open up to you, but also help you get support, get help, feel needed and loved in your own family. we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child, anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report and we'll get going. all possible mechanisms of punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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your place is waiting for you. light - for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes. they are crying for you, they are praying for you, we are sorry, because we knew that you
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are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to embrace you as soon as possible. you, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that has united around you, vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about most importantly, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front-line component, serhiy zurets, and how does the world live? yuriy fizer is already
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with me, and it's time to talk about... what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchevka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to talk, good evening, presenters, who have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, sir. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhaustion resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of
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trump's victory, what is it? analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the allied, together with them, lukashenka's army there. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire narrowing, accept my union, i thank you, it was difficult , i was just interested, but it was absolutely not, help to understand the present and predict the future, suggested to the united states, conclude with we have a bilateral security agreement. object for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. the program of the ukrainian
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voice of america chas tym program is broadcast from washington. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. us vice president kamela harris has enough votes to become the us presidential candidate from the democratic party, the associated press reports. garis needs the support of 1,976 delegates to approve her candidacy. according to calculations based on public statements of party branches in the states and interviews with individual delegates, more than 2,200 delegates are ready to vote for her. the party will officially approve its own. presidential candidate at next month's national convention. meanwhile , garis' election campaign officially began and the politician addressed voters in the state of delaware. my colleague ostap yarysh will tell us more about the statements of kamela garis and her position on ukraine. congratulations ostap. greetings maria. ostape, we heard the first campaign speech of kamela garis. what are her main messages to voters. yes indeed, maria now kamela garis looks like this, rallying
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the democratic party around her. she did indeed get...she claims enough delegate votes to get the nomination, and we also see that the candidates who have been called her possible rivals are also voicing their support for camila garis in this election, also right before our air this support was expressed in the american congress, the leaders of the democratic party there, yesterday she really had her first speech as a candidate, speeches as and which is part of her campaign. she spoke at her headquarters in delover and really addressed those volunteers and those staff members who will be working with her in this election, and what she said, she said that she will continue the policies of the biden administration, she will also focus on those things, started by the american president, it's about health care, it's about supporting the middle class in america, it's about women's reproductive rights, and other things that are important. maria, what else is here...
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it is important to remember that on this news about what kamelagari forgets more support, donors also respond positively, we know that in the first day, after kamela announced that she would run for president, she collected a record of more than 80 million dollars in donations, today it is already more than 100 million dollars, we also see that launched an active campaign on social networks, in particular in tiktok, aimed at the younger generation, spreading videos with dancing cameras. good with some of her bright performances to attract a young audience including. however, if we talk about the messages, the messages of this candidate in these elections, there are other interesting details. we remember that before becoming vice president, kamela harris was a senator, and before that she was the attorney general of the state of california, and it looks like her campaign will now use this as a counterpoint to donald trump, who, i remind you, the court found guilty, the court recognized.


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