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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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which are important, maria, it's also important to mention here that donors are also reacting positively to this news that kamela is forgetting more support, we know that in the first day, after kamela announced that she would run for president, she collected a record of more than 80 million dollars in donations, today it is already more than 100 million dollars, we also see that she has launched an active campaign on social networks, in particular on tiktok, aimed at the younger generation about... a video of kameligari dancing with some of her bright performances to attract including a young audience. however, if we talk about the messages, the messages of this candidate in these elections, there are other interesting details. we remember that before becoming the vice president, kamela harris was a senator, and before that she was the attorney general of the state of california, and it looks like her campaign will now use this as a counterpoint to donald trump, who, i remind you, the court found guilty, the court recognized. guilty of
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committing a crime, so kamela harris, speaking to the audience yesterday, articulated it very clearly, and held these opposition and disagreements with donald trump. let's hear what she had to say about it? as many of you know, before i became vice president, before i was elected senator, i was the attorney general of california, and before that a courtroom prosecutor, and in those roles i prosecuted a variety of...criminals, predators who abused women, fraudsters who cheated consumers, con artists who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me out when i say that i know donald's type.
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and in this campaign i am proud, i am proud pitting my track record against his. we just heard what accents. makes kamelagaris in his opposition to republican candidate donald trump. i wonder what the republicans are saying about it and how they are generally rebuilding their campaign around the change of candidate from the democrats. maria, have we heard about this reaction in the auditorium, of course, the republicans react in a completely different way, the opposite reaction, they intensified the criticism towards kameligaris, and they draw attention to the fact that she is an accomplice, according to the republicans the failed policies of the biden administration, they mention the problems on the southern border, they mention the problems in the... they mention
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that the position of the united states in their opinion on the international stage during the biden presidency has weakened, so they say that under kamele harris all these things will be even worse, in particular , the republican vice presidential candidate jady vance spoke about this at his rally, he also drew attention and criticized the change of the democratic candidate at such a late stage, he says that it disrespect for voters and disrespect for democratic processes. let's listen. the very idea of ​​electing a democratic candidate because george soros and barack obama and a few elite democrats got together in a smoke-filled room and decided to throw joe biden overboard, that's not how it works, it's a threat to democracy, unlike the republican party, which is struggling for democracy every day. i obviously did not vote in the democratic primaries. same as i assume none of you,
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but if you voted, welcome to the republican party, glad to see you, if you voted in the democratic primaries, they don't care about you because they don't care who you voted for, if you are a democrat and you look at this corrupt process, i invite you to the republican party: we want to make america great again , we believe in elections, we believe that voters should be convinced, and not lied to for 3.5 years, and then change everything. undoubtedly, the confrontation between democrats and republicans will intensify as this presidential campaign unfolds, but ostap, here we are we know the position of kamela harris as vice president, she essentially repeated the calls of the joe biden administration regarding ukraine. do we know how she sees the foreign policy of her administration and what, in particular, her position will be regarding ukraine. yes, maria, you know, i think for many ukrainian viewers, they remember kamela garis from...
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the last participation in a big event, it was the peace summit in switzerland, it was kamela garis who represented the american delegation at that event, but she is not the only one , and this is not the only event where she was. present, which referred to ukraine in kamela garis, she also consistently headed the american delegation at the munich security conference, several years in a row, and by the way, in 2022, in february, 5 days before the full-scale invasion of russia, she met and met for the first time with volodymyr zelenskyi in munich, and also gave a speech about support for ukraine. let's hear what she said then. today, as we all well understand, the basis of european security is under direct threat in ukraine. how are we all this time they said, there is a method of russian aggression,
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and this method is all too familiar to all of us. russia will plead ignorance and innocence, create a false pretext for an invasion, and openly build up troops. firepower, we are now receiving reports of what appear to be provocations, and we are seeing russia spreading disinformation, lies and propaganda. i can say with absolute certainty. if russia continues to invade ukraine, the united states, along with its allies and partners, will inflict significant and unprecedented economic losses. maria, this was a statement of 2022, later, in the year 23, kamela garis was also in munich, and already then she announced from the stage that the united states determined that russia had committed
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crimes against humanity in ukraine, mentioned she, in particular bucha, mentioned other ukrainian cities that suffered from russian aggression, let's listen. think of the pictures from buchi, the civilians shot in cold blood, their bodies left in the street, the shocking photo of the man riding a bicycle. think about it about a four-year-old girl who was recently reported to the un to have been sexually assaulted.
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long before i became vice president of the united states, i spent most of my career as a prosecutor. i have no idea how important it is to gather facts and present them before the law. in the case of russia's actions in ukraine, we checked the evidence. we know the legal rules. and these are definitely crimes against humanity.
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the united states has officially determined that russia has committed crimes against humanity. and i say to all those who committed these crimes and theirs leaders who are accomplices of these crimes, you will be held accountable. maria is now talking about the administration's possible foreign policy if she is elected president. experts here in washington, one of them in particular is jeffrey stacey, a former senior adviser at the state department, shared his assessment today of what that might look like. there are some positives. first, kamela
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garis strongly supports ukraine, indeed, strongly supports it. and suddenly you did not hear, congregation funds for her campaign are record numbers. it has the support of delegates. of the democratic party - this is incredibly good for the issues of ukraine and russia, good for our alliances. there is a separate element that relates to president biden. he still has six months. and while he will likely play a secondary role in the campaign, supporting his vice president to succeed him, it will also be about his legacy. to sum up the optimism for the us, we expect kamala harris to do very well, we expect funding along with actions within 3.5 months will constitute reliable support for ukraine. ostape, nevertheless, there are still four months before the election, joe biden continues to fulfill his duties as
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president, can we expect that in these last four months of his political career, he will somehow change his policy towards ukraine, become more decisive ? maria, before this i will add one important thing: we heard the words of an expert, and he says that the policy of the haris administration, if elected, will be good for ukraine, however, we understand that it also inherits all the criticism that it had the biden administration, when it comes to untimely decisions, when it comes to... perhaps insufficient amounts of support for ukraine, that is, these things are also obviously expected to flow and critically in the direction of kamelagaris as a candidate in these elections. as for joe biden and his role going forward in this campaign, we know that he will not be running for office and obviously will not be seeking a second term as president, we heard in his statement that he will focus on fulfilling his duties for the rest of this term, the president returned to washington after the disease that he, after that, he recovered from covid. tomorrow we expect his address to the nation from the central office, where he will outline exactly what the next
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months will be like, what his role will be, how it may affect the following months, and how it may affect the support of ukraine, whether it will be more decisive , will it not change, in principle, as it was before, tatiana voroshko also asked an expert, let's hear what this means for politics, foreign policy, first of all. only with regard to ukraine for biden, who no longer needs it bog down, really the presidents of the united states when they have a second term, during the second term, as a rule, they pay more attention to foreign policy, they, they are more able to take such actions. which may give them a place in the history books,
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biden is by nature a very cautious person who is not willing to do anything extraordinary, so i don't think there will be any really big changes, but... let's say regarding military support, regarding, for example, allowing ukraine to use long-range weapons on targets located more in the depths of russia, it seems to me that there may be, there may be shifts, and kamela harris herself, we know that she was a prosecutor, and we heard her statements about the crimes... the humanity of russians, that is, how would you how would you predict, possibly predict, his future policy
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towards ukraine if she becomes president? it seems to me that, in general, this will be a consistent policy, it will be aimed at supporting nato, supporting the euro-atlantic community, security, and in this regard, ukraine will win, so that... ukraine is of the greatest importance now for this alliance, in addition, one more detail, the people who are advisers to haris, on matters of foreign policy, they have a wealth of experience in studying russia, studying russian politics, the war in ukraine. against russia, it's, say, rebekah lisner, who was on the so-called tiger
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team, the tiger team that looked at responses to russian invasion and the risks of nuclear, nuclear weapons use, phil gordon, who also has experience in the national council. security for europe and eurasia, and it will be people like jake salevan and antony blinken, and they made this consensus. that ukraine should be helped more militarily. thank you, stepa. we will be broadcasting joe biden's speech in american accents. this will be his first address after withdrawing from the presidential race. and let me remind you that the beginning of the presidential campaign of kamela garis and how the replacement of the candidate from the democrats affects ukraine, ostap yarysh told us. meanwhile, garis's candidacy is gaining
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wider popularity within the party as well. many democrats are expressing their... support for her, but none of the key ones yet potential opponents did not announce plans to compete with her. on tuesday, july 23 , her candidacy was also officially supported by the leaders of the democrats in the congress. our congress correspondent katryna lisonova will tell you the details. congratulations katya. greetings maria. katya, tell me what the democrats are saying about the candidacy. just two hours ago, senate and house democratic leaders chuck schumer and hakeem jeffrey announced they were officially endorsing kamela harris as the nominee. party for the position of president of the united states of america on these presidential race. during a joint press conference, they said they had been waiting for kamela garis to gather the necessary number of delegates' support, and they said she did so very quickly, inspiring enthusiasm and a wave of new energy among her fellow party members. quote. i suggest you actually listen to what they said. she said. that will work to
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win the support of our party, and indeed, she did it very quickly, vice president garis did a really outstanding job, she secured the support of the majority of delegates, required for the democratic nomination for the next president of the united states. the vast majority of my senators also quickly and enthusiastically endorsed her, so now that the process is coming to an end, from the core members of the party to its leaders, we are here today to support vice president kamelo garis. i applaud. kamela harris is a courageous leader who has worked tirelessly throughout her career to keep our communities safe. kamela garis is a compassionate leader who will build an affordable economy that improves lives ordinary americans. kamela harris
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will fight for our freedom. kamalagaris will fight for our families, kamalagaris will fight for our future. i am proud to nominate kamela harris to be the 47th president of the united states of america. in other big news, the director of the secret service, which protects us presidents and presidential candidates, has resigned following the assassination attempt on former president donald trump. in her letter , kimberly cheatle said that one of the primary responsibilities of the secret service is to protect the nation's leaders, and that the agency failed to complete this mission because it failed to secure the campaign rally. trump chittel's resignation came a day after she testified before the house oversight committee , where the official was criticized by lawmakers from both parties. katya, how did the legislators argue their position? in fact, during these hearings, lawmakers sought to answer two questions. how did it happen that a 20-year-old boy was able to commit an assassination attempt on
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the republican presidential candidate party, and who should be responsible for it. during his reports and conversations with legislators that lasted 5 hours, actually these hearings lasted 5 hours, but kimberly cheatle did not actually give specific answers and mostly referred to the fact that there is an ongoing investigation, and some of this information is classified because of this ongoing investigation , such an answer did not satisfy the legislators and during these hearings and actually at the end of these hearings to the calls for her release, which came mostly from republicans and to i don't want to add to the already bad day the director of the secret service is having today, but i will join the chairman of the committee calling for the director to resign. i am doing this because i believe that at the moment the situation has become
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irreparable, in my opinion, the director has lost the confidence of congress in a very urgent and critical way. this committee is not known for bipartisan unity in hearings, but i think we are unanimous today. upon completion of this report and following our request for additional information, we still have no answers for the american people, and we have no confidence in your ability to continue to lead the secret service to restore our trust. i thank the co-chairman of this committee for joining my letter asking for your resignation, and we sincerely hope that you will take it seriously. katya, the attempt on the life of donald trump took place almost a week and a half ago, what is the investigation known so far? currently, there is no new information, it is known that
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the attempt was made by a 20-year-old boy, thomas matthew crooks is known to have been a registered republican, but once made a $15 donation to a democratic organization. it is also known that this location, from which he shot, did not have special services and security guards, and it is known that the legislators are now creating a separate one. committee for an independent investigation of this case, and this information also became known after the hearings that took place yesterday. however, how these hearings took place and what the situation with the investigation is, we offer to see in the story that i and my colleague catherine gibson worked on. nine days after the attack that shocked america and the whole world, the question of how the attacker managed to be at such a close distance to donald trump remains open. secret service chief kimberly, who briefed congress on the assassination attempt, was tight-lipped. we failed. according to the head of the secret service, the agency
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needs 90 days to release the report and explain why they failed to protect the former president. however, lawmakers in congress call such terms unacceptable, especially during a difficult time election year in the country. some are calling for the head of the secret service to resign. the secret service is completely undefeated, but it failed both on july 13 and a few days before the rally. the secret service has thousands of employees and a large budget, but now it has become an example of incompetence. the official also confirmed that trump's bodyguards were aware of the suspicious person and how the former president began his speech. if the agents had passed on the information that this was a threat, they would not have taken the ex out. the president's stage. one of an analyst told voice of america that the very fact of early warnings about the shooter raises serious questions for the intelligence services. we are obviously
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witnessing the failure to neutralize the threat as soon as it is noticed. and frankly speaking, it was already legal to shoot this guy at that stage. once he was on the roof, it was immediately a legitimate target. so i don't understand what the reasons were for the hesitation. meanwhile, some democrats are calling for changes to gun laws, which they say former president trump has become one of of the many victims of free access to serious sniper weaponry. we almost lost a presidential candidate. the 20-year-old gained access to an ar-15 sniper rifle that belonged to his father. the boy climbed onto the roof within 150 m of the stage. i'm asking you, has the easy to... availability of this rifle sold all over america made your job harder or easier and you don't want to answer that question? the fbi still has not determined the motive behind the actions
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of the suspect, thomas matthew crooks. meanwhile, the house of representatives announced the establishment own bipartisan task force to investigate the attempted assassination of donald trump. kateryna lisonova, katherine gibson, voice of america: washington. i want to emphasize again that this bipartisan task force will be created this week and will break the ice. this assassination attempt, it will consist of six democrats and seven republicans, because the majority in the house of representatives is now republican, so we should expect more public hearings and more information about this assassination attempt itself. thank you katya, i let me remind you that kateryna lisonova told us about the events in the congress and the investigation of the attempt on the life of donald trump. and to other news. the first official speech of the former commander-in-chief and now the ambassador of ukraine in london, valery zaluzhny, took place in the united kingdom. he warned the world about the need to prepare to defend against aggressive tyrannies like russia. european correspondent bohdan tsyupin will tell us the details of this speech. congratulations, bohdan.
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greeting. tell us about this first public address of zaluzhnyi and what are his main thoughts voiced it was a speech at a conference in london, a two-day conference, which actually started yesterday and ended today, he arranged. the royal joint services institute, which is a think tank that specializes in defense and security issues, and the ukrainian ambassador, a retired general, valery zaluzhny was one of the key speakers at this conference, the main thing that we heard from him, and we know it is thanks to the publication of his text, his speech at that conference, the main thing was from... a warning to the world, a warning to the event that it is practically impossible to hide from war in the conditions of the existence of terranians in the world, because tyrants...
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he said, will always use war to preserve their power, and therefore evil, as the ukrainian ambassador said, is nearby, and it kills, and therefore the best thing is to prepare for war in order to have the ability to defend against aggressive tyrannies, feedback on this speech, regarding feedback, well, first of all, attention to... the speech, the first speech of the new ukrainian ambassador, first of all, because he is a combat general in retired, and former commander of the armed forces of ukraine, was very big, and he, for example, appeared in all the key british newspapers this morning, and i think that the warning from the university of a person like him is obviously taken very seriously. thank you, bohdan. friends, you and i will talk about...
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