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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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at 22:00 in cooperation with the sister. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv on the tv channel. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. massive attacks by ukrainian drones. defense forces once again attacked the russian airfield morozovsk with the use of long-range strike unmanned aircraft. how successful are the newest ukrainian weapons. direct replacement. at a distance, instead of joseph biden,
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against donald trump, for the post of us president, kamala harris will most likely compete. which of the candidates is really capable of forcing putin to stop the war? in time for winter, ukraine's energy system, half-destroyed by the enemy , is being urgently prepared for the upcoming heating season. will they help restore the lost generation? new tariffs for electricity for the population. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko. congratulations everyone and i wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk, of course, about the most important thing, about how ukrainian energy is. which
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is recovering from the shelling by the russian occupiers, what awaits us in the winter with energy, and the election, the election in the united states of america, every week brings some new ideas, and new news, what we, what we are watching, camila, kamala harris can become candidate from the democratic party, joseph biden is scheduled to speak in front of tomorrow to the american people and explain their... non-participation in the elections, we will talk about all this today during our next broadcast, in the first part of our program, we will have as guests people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy kucherenko, aviation expert valery romanenko and american scientist oleksandr kraev. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev, oleg senyutka and mykhailo tsimbalyuk on the air, but before we start... our big
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conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how defense forces of ukraine shot down an enemy su-25 aircraft in donetsk region for the second time in a month, fighters of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after general khorunzhy mark bezruchka posted a video of their successful work with manpads in the pokrovsky direction. let's see how it all happened. ah... tell me something, i have the year 2024, the position, the missile went after the target, it is on fire, i see that the plane is on fire, there is, they have been hit, let's go.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we conduct polls throughout our broadcast. today we ask you this question: is trump able to force putin to end the war in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if... you have your own personal opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the appropriate numbers. if you think trump can get putin to stop the war, 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end program, we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first
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guest on the phone, this is oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on energy and housing and communal services, former minister. of housing and communal services, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, i congratulate you, serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. oleksiy, let's start with a general analysis of the situation in the energy sector of ukraine, as of the evening of the 23rd july 2024, what does this situation look like, well , we communicate with you, i have light, fortunately, give me hope. what do you have, today was more like a light one, the fact that more or less stable e-e power supply is happening, that is , the situation is extremely dynamic, and it will, unfortunately, be so in the near future, and well, in the medium
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, medium-term perspective, the perspective , but let's hope for the best, because you and i will now carefully discuss these details and nuances. indeed, so that ukrainians understand why there is no need to fall into such complete pessimism, and unfortunately, let's start with this already in the energy sector, unfortunately, the disillusionment and dissatisfaction that is already in the air, yes, especially against the background of the last such rallies, road closures and so on, well , in my opinion, it is extremely dangerous, this unacceptable, because it is one of the key elements of the enemy, putin. and russia, for me it is clearly this irritation of dissatisfaction in order to put pressure on the political leaders of the country for this plan, for the implementation of the plan, and this should always be remembered. mr. oleksiy, how would it be possible?
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avoid, how can you avoid this pessimism and irritation of the population, maybe the government and representatives of energy... companies communicate with ukrainians in order to explain and say: well, today this is this way, tomorrow this way, in two months yes, in autumn yes, in winter it will be so, dear, the situation is dynamic, it depends a lot on the weather, you understand, uh, because the weather and temperature are a load, whether there is sun or not, this is solar generation, it is very important for us in the summer, it is already today there, well, excuse me, 15% of the bitch. you understand, because the sun has gone, the clouds have set and it’s not the same generation anymore, it has fallen, accordingly , someone has to be limited, the graphs are new, that is , it is very dynamic, and therefore it is impossible to predict something clearly, well, it is definitely impossible, but in what i
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agree with you that really not that even communication, for today, let's be objective, people have, well, not up to... a rather large level of mistrust of the government, what is the government, it's just as separate such a conversation, you understand, because for people , the president is one power, the government is another power, the supreme the council is the third, in general they don’t like it, everyone there is ready to do anything with it, but there is distrust in all three, by the way, but in different degrees, and now you understand when there is distrust in the authorities, and there are problems with energy, and thoughts really begin to creep in, or maybe... they steal this electricity, or maybe they bastards export it to european countries and hide it from us, or maybe they give it to someone, and one, someone is constantly healed, someone is not constantly, the more examples are very a lot, not only between
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regions, you understand, but also within one of a settlement, well, you know these examples, yes, neighboring houses, people look very carefully to see how much light is on and how much light is not on. and all this, this mistrust, and problems with the world, fell on this fertile soil, and it is clear that today it spills out into indignation, plus objective problems, in the heat, apartment buildings, elevators, food, refrigerators, you understand, this the rhythm and cycle of life completely changes, and this is a general psychological overload, which is clearly in that... there is a psychological one, it is clearly present in people today, they are creating this very dangerous and critical mass, and what is definitely missing here is not some pseudo-experts, but some extremely authoritative people from the government, whom ukrainians still trust, could really
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comment on something, could answer for their words and could really operate with facts in such a reasoned way that they were trusted. i will tell you right away that i have a deep conviction that, of course, the decision-making center does not fully understand what is happening in the energy industry, this, unfortunately, i state, or do you understand why? because the middle link has failed, the government has failed absolutely in an amorphous state, more than every week we wait, there will be a replacement, there will be no change of government, well, they are hanging, they, you understand, they are like a limping, limping duck, and as a result, and this center decision-making, i'm definitely convinced today that he didn't steal objective information, he made channels, well, he limited channels a lot. information is received, it reaches the main one, even our
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decision-making center, distorted information reaches it, i am absolutely convinced of this, absolutely, while this center itself is silent, or sometimes says something, the same fifth president of ukraine, petro poroshenko, named the steps that must be taken in the field of energy in order for ukraine to pass the winter, let's listen to what poroshenko said. and what should be done right now? it is necessary to bring to ukraine a huge number of batteries, inverters, solar batteries, cogeneration plants, wind power plants and all the necessary equipment, and provide them through budget lending, so that every osb has the opportunity to come, get this equipment, install it on dahu so... panels, batteries, it is still possible to do it, mr. oleksiy, well
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, it seems to me that poroshenko said something, it is not so easy to do everything and it will not give this result, you are absolutely right, it is not in my plans now irritation is unnecessary, i am ready for pyotr oleksiyovych, i have my own relationship with him, you know, since 1995, yes, we discussed a lot when i was a minister, when i was the head of the state committee, he was the secretary of the council... national security, i am ready to explain a lot to peter oleksiiovych about the difference between the theories, especially in communal housing, condominiums, this magical thing, because for some reason petro oleksiyovych thinks that the whole problem is somewhere, i listened very carefully to his speech, that it is necessary for the local community association and the osb to contact each other, and then everything will work, and the osb needs to come somewhere, somewhere in the warehouse you can get windmills, batteries, inverters, that's what you can get on the roofs. put it and then it will all work, well, sorry , these are, unfortunately, such general phrases, they are
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practically useless authorities and inaction, and not during the last two months, three, no, these things should have been done a year ago, and two years ago, and now the decisions that... are there, they are in a hurry, but they are at least a year late, these are simplified procedures, credit programs, well, you understand that petro oleksiyovych is wrong in principle, he believes that all this can be done quickly, no, unfortunately, this system is so inertial that nothing can be done there quickly, but this absolutely does not mean , that we need to dig in the ground, forgive the graves and sing a memorial service already there, no. we have energy, it is reliable enough, despite the fact that it
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is destroyed, damaged and so on, energy workers are also doing their job, i am absolutely not against the appearance of solar plants, wind, powerful plants, especially in the west there in the lviv region, in transcarpathia , it is developing very strongly right now, you see, and i am not against these cogenerators, cogeneration. but separately this, well, this is dilettantish talk, because cogeneration is very closely related to hot water supply, you see, there is the economy process, because where there is no hot water supply in the summer, it will never be profitable, there will be no economy there, here it is very important to balance the prices so that the price of gas is such that the electricity is rising, and not golden, you understand, you are very thin mechanisms, that's all, i don't discuss with pyotr oleksiyovych, he is a humanitarian. we studied at the university, yes, i am a cybernetician and a systems analyst, so we have different jobs, but i want to say again,
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believe me, energy scientists do their work, nuclear scientists do, despite the fact that they criticize kotin's energoat there, there are reasons to beat him on the head, but really they are repairing the blocks, the blocks are working, the blocks will provide us with a minimum, and you see, the blocks will not be under attack, this is the global consensus. don't touch nuclear energy, you see, there is progress in thermal generation as well, but i'm very afraid to talk about it now, i guess you understand serhii. why, yes, because against the background of the fact that we do not have enough air defense systems, as soon as this heat generation, repaired units will be shown somewhere, work and so on, very there is a great risk, unfortunately, of the appropriate reaction of the enemy, and i will tell you the third factor, this is the recent accident, and there was
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a nuclear atomic incident of some degree at the rovinj station, i am so... i don't know if there was a release or not, although putin's agitators shout that there was an emission and scare their own people, you see, i am very afraid that this is what they can accuse, that this is precisely the action of an attack on their nuclear power plant rostov as, because you said rivne, rostov, rostov, vyba , and i am from rivne, rostovska, rostovska, our, our ukrainian rostov, in which the enemies are temporarily, temporarily, yes. but what do i mean, you understand, and this is such a spicy situation, it is being discussed now, because i am in this plan, well, i am very, very afraid of these nuances, what i am leading to, the energy experts will do their job, those who can do something on their own , there is no question, the more you do for autonomization, the same batteries,
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the same panels will be installed somewhere, especially if these are individual houses. honor and praise, you unload the system if high-rise buildings, multi-apartment buildings will do something, the same with the mayors, don't leave the mayors alone with this process, lead this process, because this is the biggest mistake, when people were tried on this condominium, they said: "the osb will decide everything, this is a mistake, by the way, petro oleksiiovych is very fond of condominiums, he doesn't fully understand, because there are no condominiums in his house, you know, panacea." if he went to a meeting, to a meeting and took part in a meeting of the osb, he would understand how important it is, how difficult it is to transfer there neighbors beyond all doubts, mr. oleksiy, one more question, quite important, is the price of electricity, since june 1 this year , this price has been increased, you asked shmyhal about
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how this price, how this cost is calculated, yes from energy atom and ukrainian. hydropower, let's see what we will actually show our viewers, what the prime minister of ukraine said in response to your question. yes, let's go, thank you. now, in connection with the breakdown of our energy industry, the need to restore repairs, in particular at ukrhydro, i will not repeat everything what the minister of energy has already said many times today, it is not possible for state-owned enterprises to provide electricity at zero cost, and therefore the tariff for the population. includes the actual cost of an energy atom today, and here is this, here is this tariff, which is formed today, this is the cost, plus the cost of transportation, and actually all of us and you, all people pay for it. mr. oleksiy, did the prime minister of ukraine convince you? no, the prime minister avoided answering, i have the
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impression that he either deliberately did not understand, or pretended not to understand my question. and i am extremely not satisfied, moreover, moreover , i am sorry, i will finish him, i will take this direct speech right now, i have already taken it, i will clearly explain it, and he will comment to me on what he meant, because look, prime minister he says, for example, state enterprises sold to the public at zero cost, all this is someone else's, there is never any zero, cost is an economic accounting category, you take a financial plan, a financial report, divide one by the other, you understand, commodity products by quantity and so on for expenses and you get the cost, so i asked the prime minister a key question, i know the price structure for the population, because the government really answered me, he gave me uah 4.32, but this is not complete information, i
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have reached the end of every component, what is behind it, so i asked a simple question, prime minister, five years. years ago, the official cost price of an energy atom was 57 kopecks, please remember that in our days, yes, that is, directly at the nuclear power station , the cost price of electricity was 57 kopecks, before a large transit was then added to it, this is ukrenergo, the distribution company is oblenergo , and there was something, and now the cost itself, and they gave me and tymoshenko an answer of hryvnia 70, that is , three times... , what is behind this, that there has increased three times, here in... today one of the deputies from the servants of the people, my colleague serhii nagarniak is already starting to argue that they are already
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including the construction of new blocks in this cost price. well, that's it, i'm sorry, that's categorically different. first, the law has not been passed on this block. there is no economic rationale for the technique, and the construction of new units cannot be included in the cost price. it must take place at the expense of investments or loans, and therefore, sorry, we will never forgive this, we are categorically professional, by the way, i approached petro poroshenko and offered: "petro, please support our tsk so that we the cost price has been broken down by molecules, and i am waiting for an answer from yes, because i have already received an offer from three factions, there is no word from yes yet, and we will insist calmly, professionally figure out how many hryvnias there are, these are 432 and the last ones in that structure are 4.32, the answer to which i received is that there is no restoration, you understand,
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there are costs of ukrainian hydropower, indeed, it will restore its stations first of all , and others, that's right, you understand, but there is no other recovery there, there is a simple tariff, so i am to blame. i undertake to assert that the prime minister manipulated, answering me, he answered me as, sorry, as an average person, but i consider myself an expert, and we, together with all ukrainians, let's break it down molecule by molecule, not in order to stop it energy workers, and so that they don't come to us a year later and say: and now there are eight, and they are frightening, yes, what eight, you will have another eight market price, and there is no market, energy and eight is not a market price , because we have an energy monopoly on the energy market and an oil and gas monopolist on the gas market, but for me
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to do this campaign, i need to go with at least someone in the verkhovna rada, because i'm sorry, it just so happened that there are only a few professional people, you know who go on this campaign and force the antimonopoly committee, nkrkp, all structures lay out and decompose all these numbers into a molecule. we are already waiting for the work of the temporary commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, thank you for participating in the program, it was oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, we continue to work on the air of the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watch us live on youtube, please vote in our poll, we ask you this today. can trump make putin stop the war? yes no. if you have your own, separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you're watching
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us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that trump is capable of forcing putin to stop the war. 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free. vote at the end of the program and we will match the pods. of this vote, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state museum of aviation, will be in touch with us. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all, mr. valery, let's talk about the strikes of the defense forces of ukraine on military airfields, russia, literally today there was information that at least five were recorded at the morozivskyi air base in the rostov region. individual points of damage after the attack of drones, and this is reported by analysts from military watch with reference to satellite images from july 22,
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there may be more damage, but the quality of the images does not allow them to be assessed. according to preliminary information of the researchers, as a result of the attack the position of the s-300 and s-400 air defense division, the sud-34 aircraft parking area, the fighter parking area, the warehouse of ppm, pmm were hit. and the runway, mr. valery, the most important question when we talk about the military airfields of the russian federation is whether we will have enough strength and capabilities to at least, let's say, strike at these airfields, which are not in in a short distance from the ukrainian border, and what do we need to do for these strikes? the russians are not effective either could use these airfields, well, for this we need more weapons, and the weapons should
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be so modern and not only. only drones, with drones we can complicate the operation of airfields, but our drones do not carry enough explosives to disable the airfield completely, but if there were at least atakus missiles, they could be equipped with a concrete-piercing warhead and hammered, well, at least one missile every day, to hit the runway, and if there is a hole in the middle of the runway, well... the whole airfield until it is repaired, the airfield is not working, no matter what, no matter how many planes there are, they are all standing dead, dead cargo. regarding the analysis of what you said, i now see a complex approach to the attack on the airfield, everything is affected, first of all, the planes were hit, yes, there is no point in using drones to hit the ammunition warehouses, they are buried, but the pmm warehouse, as you
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said fuel... stylish materials, this is exactly what it is, and if you combine it with strikes on russian refineries, where in general some of them also produce aviation gas, kerosene aviation, yes, and aviation fuel, yes, then the picture emerges that we want to, but we cannot disable the betrayal of many russian cab carriers, because the strikes are still being concentrated now on the cab carriers, which are very annoying to our advanced ones. lines to our positions at the front, to our troops at the front, yes, here in this way we want to put them out of order, preventing them from getting fuel, we hit fuel producers and warehouses of fuel and bridging materials, and in general, not forgetting to visit and positions, well, drones do not forget to visit and the positions of the russian planes, although it is difficult to do anything here, because the plane is standing... in
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one place, in an hour it can be overrun, but here is the runway, a warehouse for fuel and lubricants, there are some, so some control tower, they do not operate anywhere, they will not move, their dps coordinates are clearly known, well, that is, the entire infrastructure that works for the operation of aircraft, that serves the flights of these aircraft, in this case not all, but only the most vulnerable points. mr. valery, we have repeatedly talked about f-16 fighters, the third summer is already waiting for f-16 in ukraine, a delayed decision is obviously on the transfer of these fighters, or at least, as they say in the netherlands, f-16 fighters from this country will be in ukraine in the near future, what is
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the near future? it is not yet clear, but the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi held successful negotiations with the prime minister of poland donald tusk, which allowed to remove the last obstacle on the way to the supply of fighter jets, said the spokesman of the head of state serhii nekiferov on the air of the telethon, let's listen to what the spokesman said the ukrainian president. there were negotiations with the polish side, with donald tusk on the sidelines of the euro summit. to the political community, and it was these negotiations that made it possible, let's say, to remove the last, last obstacle on the way of the f-16 planes to ukraine, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the president had an interview where he said that the planes are not in ukraine yet, but i hope that after the negotiations with donald tusk, this situation will change quickly. mr.
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valery, the press secretary of the president, and the president of ukraine himself do not say what this last obstacle is. this is, in your opinion, technical an obstacle or a political one? let's say, both components are present, and there is also a logistical component, is there now, is there a technical possibility in ukraine now, to launch these f-16 fighters so that they fly in ukrainian skies and take off from ukrainian territory? well, this is another question, we will discuss that a little later, well now, but a little later, i will explain what the political component is, which means that there is a solution, for example, some enterprises that will provide complex repairs of these planes to be placed in poland, besides, the depot, where, say...
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so, we already know where the spare planes will be.


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