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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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these groups, why did they all agree with the decision to take such a break now? i believe that there was no need for this. moreover, according to our calculations, if the law banning the russian orthodox church and its agents were to be voted on in the verkhovna rada hall today or tomorrow, there would be a minimum of 240 votes today or tomorrow. and i am surprised by the decision of the conciliation council. surprised. and i hope that we will still understand... both mr. oleg and mr. mykhailo, what were the motives, what were the reasons, how was it all explained, that they all unanimously voted for to be considered for this law only in the month of august, so i would ask, mr. serhiy, this is not a claim, i understand that you are working there with the information you have, but i would ask you to place the emphasis correctly, so wait for you. there is a majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine,
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if you cannot by your majority make decisions on bills without the participation of european solidarity and the motherland, or with their participation, then you must admit that you have some problems in the faction, if such a fateful law banning the moscow church, your faction cannot vote, well , there are definitely problems, can other factions of the group vote on this one without us? the law, no, they can't, so let's still treat the majority with respect, because 150 deputies are the vast majority of the servant of the people faction, and don't make such, you know, generalizations, servants, they won't be able to, they can't, they can't they want, they don't put, the regulations of the verkhovna rada, as you know, are built in such a way that nothing is possible without a decision of the conciliation council.
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put before the verkhovna rada, what exactly and happened. unfortunately, again, i emphasize, unfortunately, our representatives in the conciliation council made a wrong decision this morning, then they corrected it, because in the end, in the end, the decision is unanimous, protocol, that is, it cannot be changed by the conciliation council, which passed against the background of our protest action, joint protest action. was that the verkhovna rada will consider this law first at the next plenary session, only i believe that it could be done tomorrow, but the conciliation council, again, unanimously, i i would not want someone to remove political responsibility from me, unanimously decided that there will be some other consultations, some other working group, we in the committee do not understand, these consultations are ours, we do not understand what kind of working group it will be, but this is what i decided conciliation board. and that after these consultations the verkhovna
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rada will meet and in august will consider and begin its work by considering the law 8371, this is the joint political responsibility of everyone, without excluding the members of the conciliation council. thank you, mr. nikita, mr. mykhailo, i understand that even the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe officially recognizes the russian orthodox church as a tool of russian influence and propaganda, which has nothing to do with... freedom of religion and expression, but in your opinion, why can't the draft law, which was introduced by the cabinet of ministers for a year and a half to reach the final stage, what is the reason in the conciliatory council, in the non-conciliatory council, in the political will of the leadership of ukraine, maybe someone does not want to offend the russians on the eve of possible peace talks. well
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, first of all, i also want to start with what the verkhovna rada did not go on any holidays. the verkhovna rada is working, we have, for example, a committee meeting next week, and meetings of other committees are ongoing, there is a lot of work, except for the session, that is , when the parliament works in the session hall. i want to believe that in the coming days there will still be the political will of all factions of the groups. to vote this bill in the second reading and as a whole. by the way, the first reading was passed, our colleagues will correct me, probably, or november of last year, that is , there was enough time, and i thank mr. nikita, as the chairman of the committee and all the members of the committee, it seems to me that this draft law was very qualitatively finalized before the second reading, today it was announced that a working group is allegedly needed for clarification or refinement. references, i think
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that the committee can manage without a working group, if one is needed, then it is 2-3 days of professional discussion and work, and next week we can meet... get on, because the session is not interrupted, we do not close the session meeting and at any moment the decision of the agreed council is brought to all deputies and during the day we meet as usual, because of that, i want to believe that we will not delay, but today's action had its achievement, because a consolidated decision of the leaders of the faction of the groups was really made, what will happen next. whenever it happens, it will start with the voting of this important bill. i am not at all a supporter of any blocking of the presidium, the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, especially during the period of martial law, but today it was a forced
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measure, as a sign of the position of the majority, i am sure, of the majority of people's deputies, which cannot be ignored by the regulations and more. . moreover, with the signatures of which there were at least 226, i agree that if the question were raised today regarding the inclusion of this bill of his on the agenda, then we would definitely have more than 226 votes, the issue is very fundamental, it belongs to the national sphere of security and defense, and indeed we must give a mechanism to the security service of ukraine and other law enforcement... bodies to act clearly in matters of collaborators in cassocks and those bordering on high treason. by the way, before the second reading there were significant corrections or proposals of law enforcement officers bodies, in particular the security services, which were
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included as amendments, and this will enable them to work more effectively in the security and defense sector. i am sure and believe that... the verkhovna rada will adopt this draft law by august 20, there are all prerequisites for this, i think that the political will will be found after today's discussion in the session hall and in the office of the speaker, chairman of the verkhovna rada. thank you, mr. general, mr. oleg, what are the reasons for such a long delay in the adoption of this decision, and what consequences this delay may have for ukraine and for society. ukrainian well, the reason for delaying the obviously necessary decision for the national security of ukraine is clear. there are agents of the moscow church in power, because i simply cannot explain today's events in any other way, because today really was
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a historic day. of course, we really wanted this historic day to be marked by a decision to ban the largest moscow intelligence network inside. country and it is a pity that this decision did not happen today, but look what happened today, consolidation happened today parliament on completely different bases and on completely different values, nikita potoraev is telling the truth when he says that more than 100-150 representatives of the people's servants were ready today, as well as representatives of european solidarity, the motherland, to support this bill. it is obvious that not only signatures, not just some virtual number 226, but real signatures of people's deputies who said that we will vote for this draft law, they are there and they are with the speaker of the parliament. it is obvious that all those deputies who are ready were present in the hall today
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to support such a historic ukrainian decision, but the question really arises, why didn't it happen? well, first of all, respect, boss. of the humanitarian policy profile committee , mr. nikita poturaev, who very clearly, very professionally, the first reading, the discussion between the first and second reading, the second reading in the committee , together with our colleagues mykola knyazhytskyi, volodymyr vyatrovych, sofia fedina, supported this bill and passed the law, which is legally flawless, without any violations, which will not give any clues to challenge this. this is mega important. secondly, what is today, well, extremely important, is the understanding of how events developed, because we can truly say that the conciliation council this morning did not support the introduction of this draft law. but let's be honest, how is
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the meeting of the conciliation council. all representatives of all factions and groups can vote for any decision, and only with the voice of a single person, the representative. servant of the people , a completely different decision may be made at the conciliation council, because he is a servant of the people today is represented by the largest number of deputies, he actually decides the agenda with his vote, and this morning it is this representative of the servants of the people, with the support of two more former members of the opzh, who now represent groups, because they are already ashamed to represent themselves as a prohibited political force, they voted in order not to put this issue on the agenda, and when the discussion took place in the hall, you have now seen the most vivid shots of this discussion and the position of deputies of all factions, i want to emphasize all... factions from european solidarity to the part of the servants of the people, today i will use the position of those who do not want
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to do it, here the position is obviously the position of one person, this is the position of the speaker of the parliament stefanchuk, then stefanchuk, having such a consolidated regime, we do not have much time on the air, if you can make it shorter, because stefanchuk, having a consolidated decision today, could go out, put it to the vote and vote, he didn't want to do that. therefore, a situation occurred today when the leadership of the verkhovna rada does not reflect the position of the majority of deputies, including to the majority of the people's servants, and i think that a very clear question must be asked here, to a very specific addressee, that is, the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk and those whom he represents in the parliament and in power, why this issue was not voted on, these answers to these questions , let's listen to the tro a little later, you'll see. in the decisions of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program, oleg synyutka, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and mykyta poturaev were
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guests of our program today, throughout our broadcast we conducted a survey and your friends asked you whether can trump force putin to stop the war, 15% yes, 85% no, these are the results of our television survey. that's it, friends, i'm putting an end to it, it was the verdict preview serhiy rudenko, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. there are discounts representing the only discounts on fkalor 10% in the pharmacies of travelers and savings, there are discounts representing the only discounts on exodoril 15% in the pharmacies of travelers and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium 10% in the pharmacies of travelers bam and. savings are discounts represent the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in travel pharmacies to you and save. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhaustion. the topics that resonate in our society are the question of trump's victory, what it is, the analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, read all the details, accept my singer, i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but this is absolutely not cool. they help to understand the present. and predicting the future suggested that the united states enter into a bilateral security agreement with us.
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a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback,
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you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and get involved, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the guy. atv is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded . we encourage everyone to join nato before the gathering. from zero to life on quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv iv. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, as usual, my name is yuriy fizar. it's a big show as always. thank you for that you watch with you, i until the end of this week.
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we will have everything, as always, columns, interesting guests, and we will start as usual with serhiy zgurets and military results. serhii, i congratulate you, you have a word. i congratulate you, yuliy, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the consequences of attacks on russian airfields, about the jubilee, downed enemy su-25, which was shot down by soldiers of the 110th separate mechanized brigade in the pokrovsky direction, and about the situation when there is money, but no orders. why domestic producers. bulletproof vests do not want to stack contracts with the ministry of defense and the potential need for 90,000 body armor so far as an illustration of the problem, more on that in a moment. the war and the conflict are becoming more transparent, only yesterday we talked about the fact that ukrainian
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drones attacked the morozovsk airfield, and today there are already details on the appearance of the first satellite images of the consequences of this strike. morozovtsk air base is rostov region, about 300 km from the current front line, the russian bomber aviation regiment with su-34 front-line bombers is based there, as well as su-24. first, some new details were added by the head of the gur , kyrylo budanovk, who told the foreign publication "vozon" that 65 drones of two types, the beaver and the fierce, were used in morozovytsk, and these drones are capable of covering distances of 800 km. budanov said that the consequences of the strikes are still being studied, but a number of satellite analysts analyzed the first satellite images after the hits on the russian military base, compared the before and after photos, and
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emphasized that there are five black zones, which are associated with strikes and fires and make conclusions that russian anti-aircraft forces defense forces in the rostov region could lose part of a division of s-300 and s-400 launchers that were supposed to guard these bombers at the morozovsk airfield. in addition, the drones of the defense forces blew up the parking lot of the su-34 and other russian aircraft. also, the fire zone is near fuel and lubricant warehouses and... the airstrip, if our filmmakers now show us the first infographic, where satellite images are shown, then it is precisely there that we can make certain five zones, and we can see where just happened to hit, but unfortunately, these first pictures do not allow us to conclude with certainty how many
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su34x, one or more were destroyed or disabled, but... in addition to the fact that russian planes are destroyed at airfields, they are also destroyed in the sky. yesterday, by the way, we had a conversation on the air with ivan sekach, who was the press officer of the 110th separate mechanized brigade, and i asked him then what the situation was with the destruction of su-25s in the zone of his brigade, because actually, the 110th brigade is not only known for the fact that it defends the direction to the pokrovskaya direction. to the west from avdiivka, but the fact that somewhere in may there was a report that military brigades destroyed eight aircraft, sud-25, using manpads, somewhere on july 19 there was a report about the destruction of the 925th, and today there was a video of the same from 110- th brigade, when two russian
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125s entered the brigade's area of ​​responsibility there and a fighter uses manpads. stinger for launching these 125s, one of the planes was shot down, then there is also a video that a russian pilot ejected from the plane, the plane itself fell and crashed, so in any case in this case, i hope that this anti-aircraft trend of the 110th separate mechanized brigade will be continued, we will see other cases when our military effectively uses the stinger manpads. for shooting down enemy aircraft, and each such documented event, well, actually has such a significant effect, positive for our military, well, of course, negative for the enemies, then we will talk about... our defense enterprises and the specifics of purchasing defense equipment for the military through tender procedures, it is about the purchase of body armor for the armed forces of ukraine, the other day
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the state operator tylo, such a new structure that was created as part of the ministry of defense, so this state operator reported that on july 19, it was possible to conclude contracts for about 60% of the planned volume of the purchase of bernezhe. per year and at the tender somewhere with 115,000 body armor with an expected cost of almost 3 billion hryvnias, it was possible to find only one supplier, it was the company temp-3000, tem-300 there volunteered to produce 15,000 body armor for 390 million hryvnias, but the amount is different about 90,000 bulletproof vests contracted, although there seems to be money for these bulletproof vests. we also have six certified companies producing body armor in the country, but they did not participate in the bidding, except for the already mentioned
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enterprise tem 3000, and why such a story happened, now we will try to talk in more detail about this topic with our guest, this is yuriy fedorov. the director of the kharkiv plant of personal protective equipment, as well as the co-founder of the association of volunteers and... the enterprise of the defense sector lviv defense cluster, mr. yuriy, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. good day. your company is one of the six, if i am not mistaken, certified manufacturers of body armor, however, it seems that you did not participate in the bidding for the supply of body armor, although i understand that you need this order, it is actually money for the salaries of your employees and opportunities for development, but is a state operator. tilu said that when the procurement was announced, potential suppliers did not submit bids. so,
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what are the problems that prevent your company from cooperating under this contract exist, and what changes should be made so that such situations do not arise? well, although, i would like to start with the fact that, in principle, how the state rear operator works. this is a dob, this work is quite transparent, i think that the experience of corruption scandals and what happened before that has been actively studied here and this organization does not want to repeat it, and let's say this, the work of this guy looks very transparent and even i don't remember such transparency in work even before the war, regarding the reasons why... companies did not come to these tenders, well , i can say for sure about us, the question is that there is a question about pricing, that is, when
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the state operator tilu asks for a price offer, what is the price on the felling, at which we can supply, we provide these offers, on average, as you said, there are six companies, on average the price is plus- the minus is the same, it's objective... the price of the products is about 20-40% lower than the average level price for the same level of products in the country, that is, it is not a bargain price, it is much more expensive in europe, and even in ukraine 20-40% higher than these prices offered by the company, but there is one company that which offers a price about 10% lower than all the other companies, you named it, that is, at this price, the lowest. announced auctions, which other companies at this price cannot enter, i.e., if we take the situation on
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the purchase of material security as an average, in this case the price is revised higher, when companies did not come out, but precisely for bulletproof vests, unfortunately, the price revision this is the longest, longest... and the reason why there are stops on contracting, as i understood you, mr. yuri, it is said that the temp enterprise is ready to manufacture bulletproof vests at a price 26 thousand for a bulletproof vest, i don’t know what parameters there are, if you share their procedures there, what they volunteered for, and this price is dumping for other manufacturers of bulletproof vests, so it is unaffordable for us and, as far as i understand, ours... but if you look on production capacity at this price, or i don't know the same rate of 300, then they can but they have shown that they can
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now at this price put it. about 10% of the market volume, if we talk now about the capacity of other ukrainian companies, then in principle several companies, if we took it this is an order at a price they can work at, so i'm sure all the lots would have been drawn and production would have started, but doesn't that mean the theme company is planning in small chunks so to speak? but to digest this order, focusing on such a low price, and other enterprises, five other manufacturers will simply be out of work, their teams will hang around without free pay. unfortunately, we have already seen such, shall we say, the idea of ​​work for the last year, because since august last year there are constant questions about revising the expected value of armor gold, because one company
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all the time gives... a price lower than what other companies can do, and that's how small tenders were taken piece by piece, it was also at the beginning of this year, and now we see the same, but in fairness to the council we can say that from time to time the price is revised and contracts are concluded with other companies, including our company, which currently manufactures body armor to the order of the state operator, we are now... working on the finish line, and in principle we ready to take further order, but i understand that now the procedure has been announced again, i am not sure that anyone will be able to participate in the price that is there, again, except the company tem-3000, which cannot but be able to perform such a large volume of work, and 90 thousand bulletproof vests that the ministry of defense wants to purchase in order to fully use these funds allocated
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for... is this a significant amount for all six enterprises that have certified production facilities for the production of these products? industrial capabilities of our company, i can only talk about us now, and we, as with planned loading, that is , with loading in 2 months, our production capacity is about 20-25 thousand body armor per month. this is not a large number for those companies that are currently working, if, let's say, there is planning in the signing of these agreements not tomorrow, but in two months, that is, it is not a critical number, mr. yuri, but then , relatively speaking, there are five enterprises and a separate one, which digests this order from the ministry of defense in small portions, doesn't it make sense to get together with the representatives
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the ministry of defense to say, to say about the fact that the situation is such that it does not allow maintaining the capacity of other manufacturers of body armor, and from the point of view of production speed, it would probably be logical to distribute it to other capacities, not only to concentrate on one pace. well, at the moment, we understand that we are working, and the state operator works according to democratic methods of procurement, that is, transparent and so on, what you are talking about is more, let's say, in the mode of eyelashes. such decisions can be, they can be are very dependent on specific individuals, that is, the dot has moved to transparency, to publicity, i fully support this position, but the only question is that, as far as i understand,
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the dot still has control... bodies that limit exactly this cost, at which they can announce as expected, that's exactly it , as far as i know, but there is a pause, a stop in the announcement in the raising of the expected, and relatively speaking, what is the peculiarity of the production of life jackets at the low prices that you are currently offering to those who are in short supply? your powers, to be competitively priced compared to what temp is offering? well, here we have to go to the basics, it all started with the fact that there was a technical specification that describes the characteristics of the bulletproof vest, that's most of it, it's ballistic characteristics and weight and so on, but there is also design and forms.


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