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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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we got sick on may 24, she said something to mom, i'm not very sick, something is bad and we're like that, she says i'll stay at home, fine, i say stay at home, took the temperature, it was still almost 37 there, that's all, then it was already 38, on sunday, we were already bathing from the right side, well, there the shoulders were already swollen, we all turned to our doctor and were transferred to okhmadyt, at the time of the terrorist attack, which was carried out by russia on july 8... the woman and her daughter were in the kyiv hospital, okhmadyt was only the fourth day. that morning, they were returning from routine procedures when an explosion rang out. i i'm running, it's dark, it's light, everything falls on my head, it's good that at this time my day would be disconnected from drips. the mother of 13-year-old dmitry, who was diagnosed with alveolar rhabdomyosercoma, mrs. iryna, also shares her memories of that. a few minutes before the impact
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, he and his son left the ward and went out into the corridor, and then the light just went out, there was an explosion and smoke, there was a lot of smoke, and that was the most terrible thing, that you just didn't know where it was on fire, or whether yours was on fire room, or where it burns. most of the children, like dmytryk, were connected to life necessary devices. the boy was taken out of the drip and taken outside, but... it was impossible to stay indoors. evacuation and distribution of children to other medical institutions lasted several hours. all of them saw with their own eyes what the russian terrorists did to the hospital, which annually saves the lives of thousands of young patients. after the incident , hundreds of children from the kyiv hospital worked with psychologists so that their moral condition did not complicate treatment. at the request of the specialist , draw. fear 13-year-old dmytro insulted
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the president of the terrorist country, putin, and 11-year-old arina, her mother says, is terrified of the sound of the air alarm. these children have different illnesses, but their parents have one great common dream: that our children recover and this war ends as soon as possible. this is the main thing. from kyiv within the limits. 11-year-old arina, 13-year-old dmytro, as well as five other children came to lviv during the medical evacuation. after a short stop in lviv okhmaditsa , they went to germany for treatment. in addition, the federal ministry of economic cooperation and development of this country announced the allocation of 10 million euros to the ukrainian government for the reconstruction of the ohmadit children's hospital in kyiv. and now
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the legendary polish dissident, one of the creators of the new democratic poland, founder of the no less legendary electoral newspaper adam michnik, will work on the air of the tv channel. greetings, mr. editors at espresso studio. good day, thank you for these kind words, even though they are exaggerated. of course, every word is some kind of exaggeration, but what we see is not more important.
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this is all evident in the shadow of war, now is the time to define the world we live in, the world we live in is a world in a state of conflict. part of the cold war, part of the hot war, as it is here in ukraine, between all that is an anti-democratic, totalitarian project, ideology.
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of course, maybe they could not have behaved differently, but in any case they did it well, and we in ukraine appreciate it very much, but then something happened, right? and there was a very strange pause, some kind of silence on both sides, and some people on the border, so-called activists, or pseudo-activists, blocking the border and so on. and now we see a thaw in those political polish-ukrainian relations. the last meeting of the president.
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ja się zdzagjam z tym, co pan móży, że polityka, i agree with what you say that the policy on the polish side at the time of the outbreak of a full-scale war was very good, w gazecie, w korjej ja pracuję, myśmy tej polityki nie atakowali, mimo żeśmy newspaper, where i work, we did not attack this policy despite the fact that we were in opposition to ours.
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heard it from duda or maybe from kaczynski or moravetski. i don't know that, and i always have such a moment when it is enough to press a bad key that evokes ancient emotions. i actually belonged to the people who were strongly attacked by the polish nationalist environment for my statements about ukraine.
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in fact, it must be admitted that these relations deteriorated due to the fact that the substance and pro-ukrainian rhetoric were largely reluctantly accepted by the pis electorate.
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what's more, i remember a statement by yaroslav kaczyński, who was the main guru there during poroshenko's presidency, that you will not enter the european union with a flag on the flags. poles are not those who can say such things to ukrainians. publicly in view of your situation of the occupation of crimea, the threat to independence and the fifth column in donbas. poles should not talk like that. of course, there are questions, and we will return to them, but first of all, ukraine must win this war, and poland must help ukraine as much as possible, because in fact, it is in our interests, in polish interests. ukrainians protect not only themselves, they protect.
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maybe now they are not ready to hit warsaw with a missile, but sooner or later this can happen. that is, today i do not see any direct threat, but it is obvious that there is an imperial logic. all this indicates that a blow today is unimaginable.
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the first stage, after finlandization, it is time for the soviet kerelo-finnish republic. such is the logic of that imperialism.
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on the example of bolsonaro and others. so, if we are talking about ukraine, this is, in my opinion, the most important moment in the history of ukraine. from the beginning of its existence, ukraine consciously, paying the highest price, blood, sacrifices, suffering, builds its new national identity. in fact, ukraine has already won this war, has already won. if
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putin is unable to break the ukrainian resistance within two years, i thought he would do it. tusk goes a long way, but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity on the part of the political elites, and maturity means responsibility, so in the understanding we have today, of course, he is deeply convinced that ukraine's business is poland's business. he is convinced that he will be allowed
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to visit. i don't know that, of course, but i believe he has no illusions about putin or orban, and to fully understand the situation, he is a high-class politician, he showed it, the fact that he was able to win these elections is simply a masterpiece, how it was done, in this sense, i think, he is that maturity in himself has a lot
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there will be problems here, but if we look at the longer term, it becomes obvious that ukraine's victory is a chance for poland. if they say in poland that we will have problems with the victory of the country, i answer. ukraine and poland will have problems, because we have other interests when it comes to farming and so on further. agriculture and so on.
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i'm only afraid of one thing, that at some point tusk won't say, i'm sorry, i'm very sorry. poland is a country, so says my experience, where everything is possible, even changes for the better, so everything can work out, you have to believe in it, you have to be an optimist, you can't be a pessimist, go forward and...
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in some year 88, no one in poland did not believe that we would overthrow the dictatorship without a single broken window. without the gallows, without civil war, that we will go peacefully to democracy, that the soviet union will collapse. that we border with independent lithuania, with independent ukraine, no one believes at all, it happened, so we must believe that a positive scenario is possible. we have to , we are simply obliged to make any scenario positive, but there is still, for example, endenia, there is also a polish village, there is a ukrainian endenia, there is a ukrainian view of reality and so on, and i am afraid that this...
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but not the leftists who say that everything must be returned to the game with a bang, that a world revolution is needed, and without that nothing will happen, not
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the leftists who say to give money away.
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there is still a lot of work on consciousness, how easy it is to instill and revive all kinds of nationalism in poland. it's a big problem, but it's not the whole thing, behind it is the historical memory, it's the feeling that we 're innocent by nature, that we've never done anything bad to anyone, it's all based
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on... you talk like that about poland, that sometimes i transfer it to ukraine, that we are not to blame and that our mykola gogol was only a good writer and person, but he was also an imperial tool, but the writer was great, taras bulba, which was discussed in taras bulba? and we understand that it was written after the uprising, which the russians simply destroyed. gogol was a kind of good angel of the orthodox world, praised the white king and so on, and all this was on corpses, but dead souls is a masterpiece, the point here is that we in ukraine should be critical of our past as well, as and we have to, a coolie who worked in warsaw as a tool of someone, the occupation government, the occupation
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administration, or someone else, or such a ukrainian rydzik, yes, i am afraid of this, i agree, cool, but how to build that narrative, because we understand that the political elites want to rule, and not to deal with such small matters, where money is not involved, but that's what we are for, you and me.


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