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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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we are looking for 13-year-old nikita sukhorukov. the boy lived in the city of mariupol and it was there that he met the war. information about the disappearance of the child was received in march of this year, but unfortunately, no details are known about where exactly and under what circumstances the boy disappeared. maybe nikita, like many children from donetsk region. to
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russia, and of course, it is possible that he still remains somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine, and i really hope that with your help we will be able to find the boy. let's take a closer look at the missing photo child maxim is now 13. he looks his age, with light blond hair and blue eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he may be, please call the magnolia children's hotline immediately. by short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. you can also contact us using the telegram bot of the child tracing service. i also want to remind you that we are not stopping the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who almost disappeared in the first days of the full-scale war, also in mariupol. mother told the boy that life in the city was unbearable and the situation was getting worse every hour. from the bombings, the family hid in
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the basement, but shelling was far from the only problem of the residents of mariupol, there was no internet, electricity, water, we even drank water technically, from a technical well, then the whole family was poisoned, he could neither drink nor eat, to be honest, it was very difficult for us, all the shops were looted, there was no lift. despite all the horrors , the absence of the internet bothered 15-year-old serhiy samoilov the most, that's why the boy wanted to go from mariupol. he was very fond of computers, programs, studied, tried to develop them, created a server, that's why he left home, because there was no communication or internet at home. it is clear that there were also problems with water and food, he was going to go in the direction of pokrovsk. serhii planned to go to
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his mother's acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also in the donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, but the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhii went alone. it happened on march 6 at four in the evening. we with my grandmother didn't let him go, because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we didn't have anything to eat or drink even then. it was very scary. he took a shoulder bag with him. there was a computer there, he was dressed the way young people dress, i thought that he was walking around the house and would come back, and serhiyko had already left the house, and when he had already left, i already understood that my grandmother and i had slept, we couldn't hold him back. at the moment , only one thing is known: serhii never got to pokrovsk, the boy did not return home either, and no one knows where he is now. serhiy's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile
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, serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything possible to find the child. closely. look at the boy's photo. if anyone knows where serhiy samoilov might be, don't delay. dial from any mobile operator, the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630. calls to the hotline are free. if suddenly there is no connection, write to the chatbot search services for children in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime. against a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are
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discounts presented, the only discounts on mikrolaks, 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. if there are discounts, present them. 15% in pharmacies psyllium you and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on sudokrem 15% in pharmacies travel rubbish and savings. vasyl's big broadcast winters my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. i will be my colleagues. to talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the front, the component, serhii zgurets and what the world lives by. yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr
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morchyvka with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. about cultural news. our art watcher is ready to tell, good evening. hosts that... as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, on the air. politclub program on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: member countries nato has huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and
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each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project read. help understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. project for caring and thoughtful. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but for her beyond the borders, who is china then, me, my heart hurts, all this in
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the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. congratulations, immediately after the murder of the linguist former deputy iryna farion on friday in lviv, it became clear that the key to understanding who is the mastermind of this murder, why it was carried out at all, so to understand this, it is necessary to track those information companies , which will begin after this actual murder, and if we can say that inside... ukraine , there are no signs of such, you know, planned information campaigns from the ukrainian political forces, no one, nothing, well, people reacted normally, they completely expressed, someone expressed their condolences, someone
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expressed some, you know, assumptions about what it could be, but there are no planned or directly malicious campaigns... there are companies, and to, for example, understand why iryna farion could be... well, such an interesting figure for russian informatics, well, it is enough to look at how russian propagandists characterized her, how they characterized her death? in ukraine , the odious iryna farion, the former, was shot with two shots to the temple people's deputy of ukraine became a symbol of the bandera country and, if you like, a demon of russophobia, killed. farion was waiting at home in the center of lviv. the moment of the attempt was not recorded
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by surveillance cameras that were disconnected due to power outages, but zelenskyi's administration has already announced the russian trail. probably, in her childhood and youth, she became that complete, distilled fascist who hated russians all her life. she considered the goal of her life to be the destruction of all russians, she taught this to her grandchildren from an early age, and it was obvious to everyone demonstrated how to act when you meet a boy named vanya or a girl named masha. it is difficult to say who is behind her murder, but the fact that one of the yellow and blue ones was destroyed... well, this is a symbol
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of anti-russianness, and this is basically the main idea, why this figure and this person could be interesting, as well as the goal of some attack. i have already said more than once, and i will repeat it again, that now all the efforts, not only of russian propaganda, but of the entire military machine in general. russia's focus is not so much on winning on the battlefield, but on trying in some way to undermine internal stability, the internal strength to resist in ukraine itself, and everything is used for this, including the bombing of ukraine, and missile attacks, and direct acts of terrorism, such as, for example, the attempt to kill children when ahmadit was shot at, and now when ... er, they literally aimed at children on the playground, well, simply, that is, they
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constantly aim at some very specific objects that could cause, well, some kind of, you know, primarily an emotional reaction, and that's why personal terror in this regard is also the same tool that russia can use, especially since it was recently killed. kazakh oppositionist in ukraine, and here too, well, we can say that this is not a fully understood story, and a very similar murder, when shot on the street, well, that is, the methods are very similar, and so what is personal terror and attempts to use it for such and such intimidation, in order to destabilize society, is in principle quite what russia can do, well, as a terrorist state, the method of which... is known and which constantly uses terrorist methods, and regarding the murder of farion, it is immediately clear
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that several lines of information have been selected, well , in particular, the two main ones that i want to say about, of course, the main promotion of them is not on tv, the main promotion, the attempt to somehow shake them there is in social networks, but on russian tv... we can see reviews of this, because what they broadcast through social networks, they try to somehow speak to themselves and on tv, and the first of such lines is an attempt to somehow, you know, show , that it is as if some kind of split between the ukrainian-speaking and russian-speaking people in ukraine has reached such, you know, tension that they have started... tic murders, well, it is complete, of course, a delusion, but that is exactly what they are trying to show and exactly what
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they are trying to shake now, and about this accordingly and russian propagandists speak. the identity of the attacker has not been established, but there are many versions. farion was hated even by dry land for her radical statements. she called for the disposal of the entire russian-speaking population, including soldiers of the ukrainian army who refused to switch to the language. after she suggested the russian-speaking members of the battalion to move to siberia, the fighters of azov declared a real war on her. farion complained that azov's leaders had already resorted to open threats against her . in this desire to destroy all of russia, farion backed herself into a corner and became embroiled in a language conflict with the militants of azov. and here , suddenly, the ideologist of ukrainian nationalism is killed just a few months after her open conflict with the practitioners
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of ukrainian nationalism. it is a common thing in showdowns between bandera residents. she invaded azov at one time, and apparently , the azovs took revenge. the fact that cars are now burning manhunters all over ukraine is no accident. well, of course, the assumption that azov fighters could have been involved in such a thing, in the murder of pharaoh, is a complete delusion,
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because the conflict took place in november of last year. and for some time since then, no one touched farion and nothing happened at all, well, on the other hand, you know, we have a lot of such, i would say, disputes in social networks, and this is absolutely not a reason to kill someone, it is in principles are well understood by everyone, but what is not accidental in all these stories is that, along with the murder of farion, the setting fire to military vehicles is mentioned, this is not an accident. because it indicates, i would say, that these companies are being conducted from one place, they already caught a few people who simply set fire to these cars for the money of the russians, well, you know, that's how they actually burn, when they tell and put put one and the other in one row, so do what is called
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conclusions, so that this is one such story, the second story, which the russians are trying to shake, these are conversations that... that somehow it is so beneficial to the ukrainian authorities, in particular to zelenskyi, and the most charismatic assumption is that zelenskyi took revenge for what farion said about him, attention, in 2019 , when he was still a candidate for presidents, i have waited a long time, i would say. well, a frenzy is a frenzy, and an attempt to pull, roughly speaking, an owl on a globe. here, few people can argue with the russians, well, that's why it sounds like that for a long time. relations between the ardent russophobe and farion nationalist with the ukrainian authorities have been very strained recently. there were grounds for resentment against farion and zelenskyi. farion publicly called him biological garbage.
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zelensky himself got the prize for the russian language. so in 2019, she demanded to be allowed to play. candidate for the presidency of ukraine, zelenskyi, for the fact that he addressed the voters not in ukrainian, but in russian. farion called zelensky only that. it does not forgive anything, referring to zelenskyi. there is an expression here: to kill two birds with one stone. here a whole herd of hares is killed with one shot, because firstly, martyr, secondly, there were problems, because what farion said recently was shocking even. ukrainian politicians who have seen a lot, thirdly, satisfy azov's animalistic instincts to some extent, fourthly, you can consolidate society, you can continue there, i can make a whole list of what the ukrainian government got as a result, plus no one canceled the revenge, well
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no one one of us has no doubt that a russian propagandist can invent a whole list of all sorts of trifles, and in fact... invented , most likely, one of these invented ridiculously fugitives from ukraine, former journalist volodymyr skachko, well, you know, when you listen to it, you understand that this whole idea is possible, the people for whom skachko worked in ukraine, they are now being steamrolled by the russians, because it sounds as idiotic as possible, who is the signal? it seems to me that one of the reasons for this murder is to tighten the screws and start looking for some new enemies, the regime needs mobilization. there is always a
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driver to start tightening the nuts. such nuts are already starting to be tightened. i don't know who farion could have been the leader for a huge number of people. well, he also brought kirov here. well, you know, skachko always drank a lot. i can see that i started to drink even more, judging by everything, well, i already said that in principle, the main activity of the russian propaganda machine of some kind is now in social networks, and therefore i want to talk about this with a researcher of russian social networks, an analyst from analytical group catua olena zakharchenko, congratulations olena, good day, and tell me, how are you? do you see any signs of revival in social networks in this regard farion in relation to her murder, well
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, you know, some kind of targeted attempts to conduct certain lines and campaigns there, it was so interesting, if you take a look at it in retrospect, that... russian social networks were not interested in farion in principle at all , that is , there were exactly zero mentions in russian social networks since the new year, but what we talked about in the relationship with farion, we talked about her release, there was, you know, renewal and so on, all this was completely uninteresting to them, but in the month of june with somewhere from the middle of june , interest in ferion suddenly increases in russian social networks, so her statements, her quarrel with danylko, her old statements about azov raise this conflict again, although it was a long time ago in november, but the russians unexpectedly they
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mentioned him and started spreading all this in social networks, for several weeks there was such preparation, they began to mention farion appropriately and inappropriately, bots began to mention farion in likes under their posts in their comments, that is, if they had previously written some there are swear words from the people of bandera. and so on, now they have started writing about farion, they are just actively bringing farion back into the russian information space, they are very actively reminding russians of farion and her conflict with azov through social networks, through prominent telegram channels, through youtube videos, and so on. accordingly , on the 18th and 19th, when she, when there was an attempt, and then she died, the versions of her murder will increase sharply, well, that is, a sharp jump begins to accelerate immediately. first. of course, there is revenge from the azov people, and it remains now in russian social networks the main version is that it was the revenge of the tychozovs who wanted to speak russian, but she forbade them, to this version
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they also attract military punishment, and the fact that the murderer walked around the yard, was not afraid of the tsk, in ukraine now not a single man can go out to the street, because he knows that he will be caught by the tsk right around the corner, and that there is a military facility nearby, and so on, then a huge... hatred, a huge hatred for all ukrainians, in connection with the death of farion , they, well, they said that the ukrainians were angry because a russian woman ate there shark, then they started laughing at the russians, and when such tragedies happened, the ukrainians there rejoiced that something bad happened to the russians, when they shot kiev, for example, the ukrainians laughed so partially, in fact, there are very few jokes about farion, the main massif of .. messages, comments and messages in telegram channels - this is a huge hatred of ukrainians, huge anger towards ukrainians, er, we have never, as long as i work
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with ukrainian social networks, i have not seen such a thing, that is, it is not characteristic of us, it is in them simply beyond any human concept about any things, i.e. very great hatred, then several versions are being developed at the same time, i.e. azov's revenge, this is just... their main version, then the second such notable version is zelensky's revenge and zelensky's attempt to take away the nationalists, as they say, in the country, to completely clear the space before the peace negotiations that he will conduct with trump, and tsarev writes about this, let it be very detailed, he says that it is killing two birds with one stone at once, if you persuade some azov guy like zelensky did to shoot farion, then... this is both the destruction of the main nazi of ukraine and the reason to start the persecution of azov as a nazi battalion, and at the same time, tsarev himself, if
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you look at him... the posts, well, the truth is, they have already been corrected, but they remain in the system, if you look , it can be seen that at first, when he received the information about the attempt on her, he even somehow felt sorry for her, he was confused, he said, sorry, he wrote, but literally after a day his rhetoric changes radically, well, the prisoners have passed, and he is writing this version , reveals that zelensky did all this, except moreover, there were literally some fantastic versions of her murder, that they said it was personal enmity, criminal feuds, she was a great volunteer. collected donats and stole them, and there is also such an exotic version that july 19 happened to be the birthday of a well-known givi, and this is the day of revenge of the lpr, dpr, so-called, who gathered and took revenge for their leader, who was once killed by ukraine, now they killed farion for this, but at the same time, if you take away the telegram channels and their official rhetoric and read some comments, the russians...
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they understand very well that they did it, a russian did it, they are proud of it, they offer to collect money for the killer, they say hands down about our agent, they write under the wanted portraits and so on, but every time some bots come under these, they say no, no, it’s the people themselves, that is , in fact, the russians don’t need to open their eyes that they did it, i think they understand it and are proud of it, but the official rhetoric will always be that they did it in... whatever version the next propagandist takes, she will always be to blame the ukrainians. well, i think it is very interesting in general, first, here, your first observation, that the very activism regarding farion preceded her murder, that is, the impression that there really was some kind of informational and such preparation at the level of social networks, at the level of such warm-up, well, and interestingly, that this...
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was broadcast precisely from russian social networks, this is , well, i think it is quite an interesting thing, because, well , at least it really speaks about the preparation of this murder, not only that, but then, you know, some kind of personal animosity and personal absolutely things, well, at least this kind of indirect evidence, you can say that this is such an indirect proof, well, this is very interesting, and the second thing is, you see, you confirm the fact that we also highlighted our... well , in turn, that the two main lines, i i would say that indeed the azov line is probably the most important, and it is interesting to what extent do you see this line coming out, at least extending it into the ukrainian information space, can you say something here, because i saw of course some people, well...
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they just didn't like something there personally farion, they write something about her, there are some discussions under their posts, of course, i want to say that despite the fact that these people very often have nothing to do with azov or, this is their personal opinion, well ma one should have enough sense, at least understanding that this topic is used by russian propaganda, well, at least to silence it, well... to limit it somehow, but - if we talk about the same promotion through trolls, through bots, how widespread it is, or whether can you somehow comment on this? well, russians, lately they can have a weaker influence on our social networks, not as actively as it was before, and for ukrainian social networks, they do not present everything as straightforwardly as they do for theirs, that is,
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they do not write about revenge. in the dpr, they don't write directly about azov, because it sounds funny to us, but in her death, they find dividing lines that they can advance on us. first of all, it is a language. that is, language is raised again, they say, how is it possible and so on, and the topic of language always causes certain quarrels in ukrainian society, this traditionally, this is one of the topics that, as soon as it is started, it immediately starts working, that is, through various pseudo-patriotic. from the community , a very aggressive and such an abnormally aggressive, non-ukrainian aggressive promotion and some threats, insults and so on, because of such things to divide, if to start a quarrel about the language again, in addition, there is such a thing that they start , that they say that this green government is cracking down on its enemies, when we criticize the government and say that there is a green
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government and so on, that's it... that's the things, they always work.


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