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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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i wish good morning to the viewers of the tv channel at 7:00 a.m. and iryna koval works for you in the studio on news time, so just now about the most important events. loud at night was temporarily occupied. in melitopol, zaporizhzhia region, around midnight, explosions rang out in different regions of the city, locals wrote on social networks. the occupiers claim the operation of air defense and the alleged downing of drones. the drones were apparently heading towards rostov oblast and krasnodar krai. and now the official confirmation: the ukrainian military hit the russian railway ferry slavyanin port kavkaz in krasnodar krai. the tool floated now.
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significantly damaged, reported the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the russians used it to transport railway wagons, motor vehicles and containers. slovyanin is the third and last railway ferry of the occupiers in the region that was destroyed by the ukrainian military. the urgent needs of the front were discussed by defense minister rustem omirov and pentagon chief lloyd austin. this was announced by a ukrainian government official on the social network i. umerov bluntly emphasized that it was necessary to completely cancel the ban on strikes on military facilities on the territory of the russian federation. ukraine should have the right to destroy russian airfields from which planes bomb ukrainian cities, the minister said. maintain bipartisan support. oleksandr mereshko, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. that ukraine
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does not care who will become the president of the united states, it is important for us to retain the support of both democrats and republicans, as well as to ensure that the new president america continued military, technical and economic support to ukraine. the people's deputy hopes that such a policy will be decisive, and he also called the unpredictability of elections in the usa true democracy. we have to wait. who will be the president, what will this president or president have, the foreign policy team, who will be the secretary of state, who will be the national security adviser, and i believe that we should have a dialogue with both candidates, the vice president of the united states, kamala harris, ahead of the republican donald trump by 2%, after as president joe biden wrapped up his campaign. this is evidenced by
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the reuters poll. according to the results , harris is ahead of trump, with 44% of those polled supporting her, while the former president has 42. last week, a poll showed that biden trailed trump by 2% before the end of the campaign. according to reuters, the results may indicate some limited movement towards the democrats. what will the museum be like? holodomor in the capital, the official transfer of the artistic concept of the main exposition of the second phase of the museum took place. it will occupy almost 400 m2. according to head lesia gasenjak, there will be a lot of multimedia, artistic solutions and documents. some of the best european designers were involved in the creation of the visual part. the project took place thanks to the funds of ukrainian benefactors, who were united by the international... charitable foundation,
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holodomor museum, attracting and paying more than 800 thousand dollars. honoring the victims of the holodomor is a moral duty of every ukrainian. our church is a part of civil society, and therefore we also felt it was our duty to take part in this case and join the development of this introductory concept. this is very important, there is no such level of museum in ukraine, if it will be so interesting, dynamic, interesting in the story, appearance, then people will come, draw the conclusions, we are glad that we are organizing all this. and today the olympics for ukraine starts. the national football team will begin performances in france. the first opponent for the olympians in the group stage will be the iraq team. the match will take place in lyon,
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the game will start at 20:00. i will note that ukraine will compete in a football tournament at the olympic games for the first time in history. official ceremony. the opening of the main games of the quadrennial will take place on july 26. and in poltava , a charity football match was held between the teams of friends of vorskla and the team of kyiv artists. all funds will go to the rehabilitation of three seriously wounded soldiers. our anna morozova will tell you exactly how the money was collected and how the game ended. the veterans, among them yurii hrunich, who lost his sight, servants and three limbs, greeted the veterans with applause and standing. funds at the charity game yuriy and two other boys are being taken for rehabilitation. nazar kravchenko with amputation of six phalanges, shrapnel
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wounds to the eyes and burns, and mykola zinyusi with shrapnel wounds and a brain tumor. all funds collected will be divided equally between the three defenders. i came to poltava for this. a team of artists, including comedians, theater and television actors , met on the field with the team of friends of vorskla. during the matches we played, we collected more than 2 million gr. thanks to the teams, it's hard to play, eh today, especially difficult, because, as you can see, 33°, it has to be done, this is how we try . artists and other lots. in addition, for the largest donation, which is uah 11,00, the spectator was able to enter the field and score a penalty against any team.
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all my life, i dreamed of going to this stadium and scoring a goal, but since i can't play football with a crooked leg, i have no chance of becoming a football player. i didn't have it and i was ready to give that amount to go out and score in this stadium. several hundred spectators came to the game, with a symbolic score of 9:8 , the poltava team won on penalty kicks, and both teams were satisfied with the result. the atmosphere is incredible in all three teams, because we play this football not for football. our, our goal, our task, first of all, is to make sure that we collect the maximum amount of money for our defenders. the previous game of the national team. artists collected quite a significant amount, as he told their coach vyacheslav grozny. we played a charity match in bucha, more than a million hryvnias were collected, this is so that there is an understanding of how much can be collected, our boys
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deserve that we help them, i did not say by chance, they protected us, let us help them protect, they need our support and our protection. and in general, for charity. managed to collect uah 100,000. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened the collection funds for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. defending our freedom and future. they are the ones. stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. these brigades have a lot of losses and need to replenish resources. they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting ours fighters so our goal is uah 3.5 million.
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remember that each donation brings you closer to victory. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the perovashturmoy. battalion of the third separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and drones of the comikat, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, and to learn more interesting and up-to-date information, subscribe to our website espresso tv and our social networks. we will see you at 8 o'clock, then my colleagues andrii saichuk and lesya vakulyuk continue the broadcast.
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good morning to ukrainians, to all who watch us, the espresso tv channel continues its telethon, which is dedicated to covering the events as a result of the full-scale invasion of russia in ukraine. the 882nd day, we count, has begun. we have a roll call of regions that are close to the front, and first of all it is kherson, today yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city joins us, mrs. yevhenia, we are glad to see you, we congratulate each other, good morning, what is the situation in your native kherson, what is happening there, how was the night? well , it was a very difficult night, that today, somehow, not unusually early, they even gave information officially about... that one woman died as a result of a night attack, and the night traditionally passed very, very
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difficult, if we talk about the trend of the last days, even in recent weeks, the number of drones in the city has increased significantly, they are seen much more often than, for example, 3-4 months ago, and as a result of these... drones and they drop more explosives on residential areas and there are more arrivals, well, actually this night became one of those shows, because it was very, very loud, very difficult, we are waiting for the conclusion, because our subscribers, our readers, well, actually my relatives only recently got in touch after that night, because there was no connection, there were problems with the light as well, well... actually a summary of what happened in general, that now in the occupied
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territories, i read you one by one from the communities, the head said that only about 25% of the population remained, which was before invasion, and even out of that 25%, part of it is people who were imported, came from russia, well , it’s difficult for me here, you know, it’s... such information that is difficult to confirm and deny, the fact that about a third remained there, this information in principle, there are from various sources, that is, if we are talking about 20-25%, it may be that, indeed, a lot were imported from russia, but these are mostly workers who are imported, because there is not enough, for example, doctors and teachers, chronically there is simply not enough in the occupation, therefore... quite often doctors and teachers are brought there to work of russia, or these are military families, and mostly
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these are military families, because if teachers still come to teach for an unlimited period, then doctors come there for a few days, a maximum of a month, for example, and it can even be seen from the reports of the russians that there are doctors such and such doctors will accept such and such doctors in such and such communities, such and such... what days, that's all, then they go home, but it is very difficult now, and it has become even worse, in the occupation, because there have been more reports of fires, they do not stop, and about what nevertheless, in the occupied territory it is also quite difficult with light, that is, before all the problems that there were, shelling, searches, constant, constant pressure on us. settlements, there were also fires that the russians are not able
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to put out, due to the fact that they do not have enough equipment, the one that was stolen was sent to the army as much as possible, and there was also a power outage, a fire in abnormal heat causes simply incredible, incredible difficult conditions for life, and the blackouts that have been added to that are doing their job, too... there is a report of a crop failure, if recently they boasted that they would have an almost record harvest, then there are already reports that the harvest is... difficult, it is difficult to collect it and there is almost nothing to collect, it is like that, in short, yesterday it was said that the security service announced the suspicion of one of the priests from the school itself, yes, yes, yes, the school, it is from the bare pier, yes, and, i don't
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know how much it was such a prominent character, before the russian invasion, and i i don't know whether it is this position or whether it can somehow be extrapolated in principle to the moscow patriarchate in the kherson region, in your opinion, should we be more careful, in conclusion, well, i think that it is possible to extrapolate, but i note that it really was not well-known, as well-known before the occupation as it became during the occupation, this is one time, the second - this is a family affair, his son is already under suspicion. nazara, this is gennady shkil, he is the elder, he also has a son nazar, who professes the same values ​​as his father, that is, a complete lack of values, and gennady shkil actually became famous during the occupation, before that he was not so famous, maybe in communities, where he served and was, but in such a way that he was known throughout the region, and now
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throughout ukraine, no, gennadiy shkil, together with his son nazar led. there are some orthodox blogs in the occupation, on tiktok, maybe there is also on youtube, that is, there is a lot of information about what they did, and in these videos they glorified the russian government and denounced the pseudo-orthodox russian so-called values, that is, in principle, the gnady school , his son is so-so, this so-so is a very good reflection of what the so-called russian, so-called orthodox, so-called church, well, you also have one, i see your article about the former mayor of kakhovka, andriy dichenko, who was accused even there of allegedly not cooperating there with the enemy during the occupation there,
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but in fact the man has been fighting in the armed forces for two years forces ukrainians volunteered powerfully, and actually this is a rather difficult topic , if we talk about accusations of collaborationism in cooperation with the russians, i understand that mr. andrii, probably for a long time, for a long time, several months, could not refute or, for example, confirm this information, whether he cooperates with the russians or not, and that is why there is even a difference in the dates, he only denied this information two months later, he disappeared from view, but during these 2.5 years there was no confirmation the fact that he was there somewhere close to the russians, and i understand that due to the fact that his relatives could be in danger, and he himself too, he kept silent, there are quite a lot of such stories, when public figures, people are forced to remain silent,
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not to say anything , well, actually now we already know that he has been serving for more than two years, well such... a similar story remains with the mayor of kherson kolykhaev. we still do not fully know all the circumstances of his current stay. absolutely, and in fact there are many witnesses to the fact that he is in captivity, many people testify to the law enforcement officers that they saw him, we also do not know the circumstances of his abduction. we know that he remained in the occupation, because i was just with... a witness that he was in the occupation and did not cooperate with the russians, at the same time the russians came to all the mayors, to all the officials in the occupation with the hope of cooperation, so of course there could have been some meetings, it is not excluded, but the fact that he did not work for the russians in the occupation, that was actually the
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case, he did not work, what happened, what has been happening in these two years, while he's in... we can't say, we only use the witness statements that they give and agree for us to distribute them, because they don't always agree, and that's also true, that also happens, right , thank you to mrs. yevheniya for this conversation, yevheniya vidlich was with us, thank you and rest in peace to the people of kherson, peaceful sky, unfortunately, the night was not easy, more frequent shelling, which does not stop the city. well, the same goes for the region, we are now going on a short break, then viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, will talk about what is happening in the occupied city of berdyansk, zaporizhzhia region. there are discounts , which are the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in travel pharmacies to save you money. in the latest
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galicia listen to yours. evrofast softcaps - quick help against headaches. it starts working in 15 minutes. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on... terogermina 15% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. presenters, who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at
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espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, and what to prepare for. leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into transforming ukrainians in malorossiy. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat
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tuesday-friday at 220. well, gentlemen, we return to our telethon. listen, there's a lot of different interesting news already and, in particular, that ... that kamala harris is already ahead of trump by 2% in poll two percentage points, so that's 2%, such a good start for kamala harris, and what will this really mean, the election is still quite a long way away, things can change, but still a pretty good start for a vice president who is quite was in the shadow, so to speak, of joseph biden for quite a long time, is already with us. dodukalov, deputy chairman of berdyansk district council. mr. viktor, we welcome you. congratulations, congratulations. well, i will start with a general question, what is the current situation in berdyansk, what is the security and humanitarian situation there
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situation. someone was flying around the outskirts of the city yesterday. still, there are still no details for the morning, but the occupiers were again in a commotion, so to speak, about the security situation, about the dangerous situation, or rather, for the occupiers, the situation seems to be a training ground. trivtsi could have suffered, or some enemy positions around the city of berdyansk, in addition, the resort season, in quotes the resort season, according to the occupiers in rozpala, there is actually information that certain children, who were brought in, either from russia, whether from the occupied territory, they are trying now to evacuate, because there are some epidemics going on in them, which can spill over into the local population, well, sanitary, humanitarian... the disaster is deepening, there is practically no light water, by default, under normal conditions, there is no normal water supply, and electricity
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is just in random time turns off, and the rights and freedoms of the people, as they were not, are not there, repressions continue, and the life of the occupation continues to be terrible, that is, they also say, the occupiers themselves write about this, that there were also explosions in melitopol, yes, well, well, melitopol, melitopol can boast of better pampering and more frequent, probably because it is a little closer in the air to the dividing line. in berdyansk, this happens less often, but we understand that, well, i know for sure that the occupiers there have instructions to hide constantly, and there are air alarms, and there are arrivals, so the rear for them today is not the rear, neither in beryansk nor in melitopol. the russians want to hold a yug molody propaganda forum in occupied berdyansk, and putin's ideological supporters are supposed to participate there. be as many as 800
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participants, russian propagandists, actors, bloggers and so on will come, is it all true, of course, they are, first of all, russians really like this format of forums, and i remember when there were forums last year, and there was a tourist forum, and forum together with chuvashia, something about some knowledge, and today the announced forum is one of the propaganda events. aimed specifically at the youth, and this is their rebooted hitler jugend called yukh molody, and it seems that last year they held such a one-on-one youth forum, where they also promised actors, bloggers, well , some half-known clowns from the provinces came there, in fact, within the framework of the forum, children, young teenagers were taught military training, and
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they were washed in the next place. and so on, but we understand that this forum, firstly, there are no signs of any normal event, because it is exclusively propaganda, and secondly, children, teenagers and young people are driven to the forum, well , under the hood, because there are educational institutions , where there is an obligation to give certain certain participants, there is an obligation from those who are under this control to give young people to that forum, therefore they simply stretch and create a picture for the russian consumer that it seems that the youth there are so active and so pro-russian, in fact we understand that this is far from the case, but actually this is an attempt to show that there is support for young people in russia, and the entire propaganda machine of the russian federation, she is thrown into this, by the way, mikhail khodorkovsky, a russian political prisoner,
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a businessman who... spent a lot of time in these russian colonies and siberia, writes about this, here, one of those good russians, as we call them, and is usually in quotation marks, but he writes about what he is certainly well oriented in this situation about history, you know this shaman, this russian poet, who is such a real image simply taken from the hitler-jugend movement, and hitler in the end is quite normal. khodorkovsky's analysis is that, in fact, his main audience is older women, somewhere there are pensioners, that is, the main audience of the shaman, who is positioned as a youth , the main voice of the youth, but...
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for the most part, i just make fun of him on youtube, there are some forbidden ones, allegedly already in russia is just dozens of parodies of his clips with such an active hitler youth cosplay, and that is , podrkovsky himself says that in fact it shows that the kremlin does construct such and such a reality, which does not actually exist, an artificial reality, where it seems that everyone supports the war with ukraine, where everyone supports putin, but in reality it is for the russians. there was little enthusiasm in this sense, and they too were weary of war. i just want to ask why you looked at me when you talked about older russian women? well, i just saw that i saw that you joined before our conversation with mr. viktor, so mr. viktor, lesya vokulyuk is in the theater. congratulations, congratulations, lesya. friends, i will say that there is no need for shoman and the like, er, in the occupation.


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