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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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of the armed forces of ukraine, these are our defenders who are now in the donetsk direction every day holding back enemy attacks, defending our freedom, our future, these are the soldiers who defended the avdiiv direction to the last in the spring, and they have many losses, we need to replenish resources, let's we will help them, let them have drones and rep systems and help them destroy moskal. please join we only have a qr code, uh, it's a bit more difficult, i know, because there are people who don't understand how to work with that qr code, but, uh, get the younger generation to help, let it also remember that something must be done to win, our army needs our help, and after all, let's see who are the people for whom we are now conducting a new collection. good. hello,
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dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs, the enemy and drones of the comikat, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory to heroes, thanks to these guys, i thought there would be some kind of trouble with that qr code, so far it's naked. already did 3 00 added, thank you friends, we are going to take a break, we will come back and continue, stay with us, her discounts represent the only discounts on europst softcaps, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society on the example of mykola. in the article by viktor boberenko. lada
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vvedenska about difficulties and challenges military medics. the country is always at the forefront . search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on normaven. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. national tebe na megogo is many channels. well, there are a lot of channels. and also movies, cartoons. serials and favorite shows, turn on mego on various devices without wires and antennas, and all this from uah 49 per month, there are discounts, the only discounts are on mikrolax, 20% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. the book of women at war - a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country.
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the book is dedicated to women who have chosen the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military, women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charity fund, there are discounts representing the only discounts on stazifin, 20% in travel pharmacies and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. the verdict with
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serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can to express one's opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdyk with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv speaks. on the air of the
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espresso tv channel. friends, we are back on the air, we we continue our marathon, and viktor petrovych. a serviceman of the 77th separate airmobile brigade of the airborne assault forces of ukraine is joining us. mr. viktor, we welcome you. good morning. mr. viktor, we know that you are in kharkiv oblast, tell us what your situation is? look, to be precise, in the borivskyi direction, that is, let's say, south of kupyansk, currently in our country. a difficult situation, we are trying to keep it as controlled as possible, but there is very strong pressure from the enemy, a lot of assaults, a lot the damage of their artillery, well, the work of their
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artillery, well, but at the moment we are trying to hold on as firmly as possible and give as strong as possible no... let's do as much as possible damage to the enemy, let's say, destruction. and tell me, please, that is , an interesting interview recently came out, i don't know, actually the lieutenant general who headed, actually headed this region during the russian offensive, and horbenko, and he says that at that time... it was impossible to restrain the enemy, because there were 8-9 fighters per kilometer, per 1 km of the front, as the situation is now, or does it still remain critical on the front line? well, as far as i understood, 2-9 fighters, this was meant in the north of kharkiv region,
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we have, of course, a completely different number of fighters, however, the russians from... of course have a much larger, much larger number of personnel, and they use their personnel composition, especially without pitying him, without paying attention to what there will be victims and the like, that is why they have very large losses, but nevertheless, due to the large number of personnel , they continue the assaults. that's why so much it is difficult, very difficult, given the limitations of our resources, the limitations of our human resources, because even when we protect personnel as much as possible, when
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there are few personnel, it is banal that people get tired, and human fatigue means additional mistakes, additional decisions. i am tired because of this, well, you understand what i am talking about, so the situation is difficult because of this, but at the moment we are trying to control and not give the enemy a single meter of our land there, but now we are showing a video, it is claimed that this is vovchansk, yes, this is the moment of mass shelling, you see, just now explosions are appearing all over the city, that's how it works. i don’t know that it actually works, uh, but this, that is, such massive shelling, they are all the time, they don’t stop, well, we also have constant
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shelling, constant work of artillery, and rszzo of the enemy, and cabs are also constantly used , cabs, perhaps, are used more on... the rear infrastructure, that is, there are front-line towns and villages, such as borova, bohuslavka, cabs fly there very often, well, almost every day. the day before, the former commander of azov, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade maksym zhorin said that the russians can again. start an offensive in kharkiv region, we now have a statement from otu, kharkiv that they do not yet see any signs of an offensive, in your opinion, according to your observations, or whether the russians may again
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resort to offensive actions in kharkiv region? well , in our area of ​​responsibility, they are not what they can do, they are already resorting to... for three months now, they have been resorting to very massive assaults, and they constantly, constantly continue pressure on our position, i don't know what... they meant in otu, or maybe it was some kind of offensive there using a certain number of personnel or a certain amount of equipment, or the concentration of all forces in our direction , maybe they had it in mind, but for three months already, we have been holding... well, our brigade has been holding the defense here, and all these three
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months there has been a constant, practically daily attack, daily assaults, sometimes on one position, sometimes on almost the entire the line of responsibility of the brigade, that is, we have an offensive keeps coming and going, and the situation here is always very tense, well, thank you very much, mr. viktor. petrovych, a serviceman of the 77th separate airborne brigade of the airborne assault forces of ukraine was with us and we had the opportunity to hear firsthand about the situation on the kharkiv front, and we will now go on a short break with you , and i want to say, dear friends, a few more hryvnias have been added, not a little, you can even say they have doubled since the announcement, 11.46 hryvnias, the first 11.46 hryvnias are on... on our account of the new collection, i would like to remind you that thanks to you we previously closed and
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atvs will already be purchased and transferred to the 93rd separate assault brigade, for which we collected and these atvs will save lives, and now we are collecting for drones and rep systems for several brigades, and for this we need 3.5 million. the start has been made, and another 500 hryvnias have been added, the start has been made, it is not bad, you and i collected 40 00 hryvnias by the way. yesterday 4000 hryvnias, i hope that the new assembly will go as well as our previous assembly with a good pace, all this is thanks to you, and i hope for your activity, we are going to take a break, then we will continue, we will talk with serhiy zgurets, a military expert about the situation at the front. attention, access to the offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only
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listen to yours. there are discounts representing the only discounts on penistel 15% in pharmacies, plantain for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and. sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and
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competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at events in ukraine. so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but beyond it, who is china then, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. dear friends, we are back, and now it's time to talk with serhiy zgurets, director of information consulting company defense express, a military expert, and you can continue to report at this time. we collect the qr code in the corner for drones and rap systems for three brigades. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiy, let's probably start with this information, the armed forces significantly damaged the russian ferry slavyanin in the port of kavkaz, sea of ​​azov. slavs in
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the transcaucasus. it's fine. but it sounds quite funny. so. is it there? significant event, if so, what. in fact, this is a sign system actions of the armed forces of ukraine. we will remind that this is the port of the caucasus, located on the russian side of the kerch strait, the enemy, of course, used the bridge itself for a long time, but after a certain period of time, in view of the substantial risks that this bridge will soon cease to exist, started using ferry crossings. these are the ferry crossings that go from this port of the caucasus. that is, they have five automobile ferries there
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, and there were three steam locomotive ferries, which were regularly attacked by our armed forces. in may, if i'm not mistaken, there were reports that two of these railway ferries had been hit and were badly damaged, leaving this third ferry, the slav, which was badly damaged by our drones on the 23rd , so now we can say that all these three railway ferries of the enemy are currently not working, which significantly affects... russian logistics, because they transported goods on these ferries, which were used for military purposes to strengthen their group there, so this work is actually, well, completely included in the concept of the actions of the armed forces, where strikes are made on the energy structure of the russian federation on industrial defense and industrial facilities, well, in fact, by the means that
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provide the enemy's logistics, so that the strikes on this ferry crossing in the port of kavkaz until... will be continued, if suddenly the enemy does restore these ferries, which suffered after previous strikes by our drones. and i also ask about the fact that ukrainian anti-aircraft fighters destroyed a russian su-25 in the direction of pokrov, this is not, for sure, something very, very new, i mean that many of those su-25s have already been destroyed, but we have a wonderful video, how it happened, so i think that this... at least it should be shown, the truth is that this is the work of the 110th separate mechanized brigade, this brigade is holding the defense in the pokrovsky direction, but there are interesting details here that for two last months were reported from this brigade that they destroyed eight s-25s, then on july 19 there was a report that they destroyed
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the ninth court, the 25th. and now, based on the report, brigade, this is actually the 10th 125th, which, well, was destroyed by the anti-aircraft guns of the 110th separate mechanized brigade, this 125th was destroyed with a stinger manpad when two 125ths flew into the area the range of these manpads, which are equipped with the 110th brigade, we see the launch, the plane is blown up, but before that there is still a video when the russian the pilot still ejects from this 125th. and descends by parachute, but in any case, i think that the story of the destruction of the 125s will continue, but on the other hand, the fact that
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the enemy continues to use the 125 for significant losses suggests that the enemy now shares an extremely important attention in this pokrovsky direction, where, trying to use the full potential of its ground forces and means, it tries to advance and push through our defenses, but... we see, our armed forces carry out effective protection both on the ground and in the air? yesterday they had a difficult conversation with a combat medic from under bakhma in the bakhmut direction and with aunty lisitsina and the bald one, and she said that she does not understand why they are not allowed to withdraw 100 m and take a more curved position, that they suffer losses every day because of , that there is no ... such an order, and she said that it looks ridiculous to everyone, but this, and this is one example, we often hear that commanders are afraid
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to leave positions, even when holding them, there is no sense, and lose soldiers and have no punishment for it, instead punishment always comes if they leave at least 100m positions without permission. moreover, she told us, ms. tatyana, that she does not understand why for several months ... since they hold this position, there are still no backup positions for withdrawal, which are quite obvious because of the water obstacle there, which exists 100 meters from these positions, well, i don't know if she revealed any secrets there, i think that those people who know the situation at the front understand what it is about, it's just that there are people around now, due to the fact that there is no such order, in fact, the issue is quite complicated, but today there appeared an interview with the guardian of general syrskyi, where he... talks about the fact that we really do not stand there until the last, leaving, holding certain positions, but with on the other hand, there are many or
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a certain number of examples, when it is said that the military or there fighters get a position to the last, because there is no order to leave, and we know that many cases are then initiated by the sdf, against platoon commanders, battalions, commanders brigades, under the condition that they moved away from their positions, although each such story is quite complex and unique, and here how to ensure balance, on the one hand, if we talk about the fact that we must constantly move to better positions, then yes you can get to kyiv, yes there, but on the other hand, you need to understand where the situation with obtaining a position is justified, and where it is not. and in this sense, any external comments by experts, politicians, they actually, on the one hand, seem to explain that it is necessary
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to protect the lives of military personnel, but each specific the situation, it is quite secretive, and even when later the sbi begins to understand what happened there, in fact, the conclusions are not always made objectively, but now what is happening, in particular with the 125th territorial defense brigade, there is a brigade. a section of 40 km, with four battalions that were undermanned, for these 40 km, they had there, 10 guns and three tanks, i am talking about the brigade that was just holding this enemy offensive on the kharkiv region, which began on may 10, and then now against the leadership of this brigade, the dbr was violated, criminal cases, abandonment investigations. these positions, despite the fact that all the actions of the brigade command there, from the point of view of the brigade commander, they were fully justified, especially since there
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were representatives of the command of the khortyts otu at the brigade headquarters, osukhorkytsa, who was just controlling the actions of the brigade commander, and in fact now conditions when our military or commanders are rather forced there or to act like this... to defend their positions to the last, fearing criminal or other cases against themselves, sometimes the impression is that it comes to foreground before the logic of defense of certain positions. in any case, i repeat, when we talk with different people, with different military personnel, we will have a significant amount of heterogeneous information, where the conclusions will sometimes be quite contradictory. so, in any case, this phrase that we have to protect the lives of the military, it is fair. but on the other hand, the reality of the battlefield is sometimes such that sometimes you just have to hold these positions until the end, no matter how they
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are interpreted by the military. by doctors, there politicians, journalists or experts. president zelenskyi said that ukraine could soon get its own long-range missiles, because there is progress in the missile program in ukrainian production. well, actually, the ukrainian missile program, it has been implemented for a long time, there were, and it even started before the large-scale invasion, er, and actually the first pre -invasion. this program was ignored for a long time, let's conclude, then there were emergency decisions that these measures should be accelerated, we have, in particular, a good example, this the neptune cruise missile, the range of which is increasing, and the possibilities of using this missile for sea targets, for land targets are also expanding, the production potential is increasing, but on the other hand there are other components, these are precisely, relatively speaking, ukrainian operational-tactical missiles, which ...
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have been developed for a long time at the southern design bureau, i hope that this is precisely related to this second component of our missile program, research work on these operational-tactical missiles was also carried out there for a long time, we know that there, before the war, saudi arabia financed some areas, but now, of course, the bet is on its proof. these missiles, complexes for the armed forces of ukraine, and i hope that the progress is really significant, if the president of ukraine speaks about it, and i really hope that these missiles will be used against the enemy after a certain time. so far, our most long-range arm is the ukrainian-made neptun missile, which we can see on video right now, and it still carries the lion's share of the burden.
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such unmanned complexes are flying of ukrainian production, if rockets are added to it, it will be very cool, but i repeat that we need help from our partners there, because when we talk about certain components, in particular there regarding rocket solid fuel, other components, then i think that the help of the americans it wouldn't hurt us if the ttx of these missiles were even more effective than those developments that rely on our chemical industry there, well, we have literally a minute left 33. the icbm destroyed a tank with a double grill, that's it such a new proposal, this and this is not about barbecue , as we understand it, we just have a video, they find the keys to double grills, indeed, when we saw the first cases when there were attacks by these russian tanks with such super grills, on the first at the stage there was a belief that it was difficult to destroy them there, but now the system of destruction with the help of atgms and naming. and fpv drones,
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although there you have to spend more than a dozen fpv drones for each such trans, everything still leads to the destruction of this armored vehicle, so in any case, if we see statistics of the general staff regarding the destruction of armored vehicles, it is quite high every day, and actually russian tanks there do not save the eyes of supermangals, which sometimes appear above their combat vehicles. well, sirsky's interview came out, well , we don't have time to talk about it, let's just say that he is very optimistic and said... that he is a realist, but this is a big military secret, how we will return crimea, but in the near future , we were joined by serhii zorets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, dear friends, we are approaching 9 morning, i want to remind you that in the morning of 90 , we throughout the country will observe a minute of silence in memory of those ukrainians who are no longer with us due to russian aggression, i want to thank our viewers who continue to donate 13,246 uah, our first 13,246 uah out of three .
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necessary for drones and rebs, but we have made a good start, thank you, we hope that this will save the lives of other ukrainians, and now a moment of silence for those who are already with us, because of the muscovites are not there. let's honor the memory of the ukrainian military with a moment of silence peaceful citizens. of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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