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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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and all this from 49 hryvnias per month, if the throat is not ok, make a snicker, make it ok, choose the taste freely coffee, evka lord, sweet lord, there are discounts are the only discounts on sudokrem, 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on. in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws. but how do these
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changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are coming back, these are our final 25 minutes on the air of the tv channel, olesya vakluk, andriy saichuk, we will spend them for you, you can still make a donation at this time, as soon as the qr code appears in the corner of our screen, a new compilation on 3.5 million, and listen, another 800 and it will be 35 00, and this will already be a hundredth of what we need for drones and rebsystems, in the meantime we will talk about dmytro's visit. wobble to china, what would that
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mean? the negotiations lasted for 3 hours, ended, and wrote, wrote, wrote reuters that er, it was very deep and specific conversation. ihor lytvyn, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china in 1999-2001, co-chairman of the ukrainian and chinese ukrainian-chinese business council is already with us. mr. igor, we congratulate you. good day. sir igor, what do you think was heard in this three-hour deep and concrete conversation between dmytro kuleba and his chinese colleague onei. the agenda of the negotiations was determined by the following topics: the first is bilateral relations, the second is the war in ukraine, and the third is the interaction of international
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organizations, of course, the most important thing for us is to do it in such a way that china exerts the appropriate influence on the aggressor country so that the russian federation withdraws from of our territory, and, if we talk about negotiations, then... mr. kuleba confirmed that ukraine would be ready to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, but if these negotiations would be of a rational nature, they would touch on practical issues, and the content would be in accordance with sustainable, achieving sustainable peace in ukraine. now there is very little information because
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ah, because our negotiators uh are now preparing to meet with the head of the party organization uh of guandong province, fuankunn, he's a member of the politburo like wang yi, and... then there will be a post- meeting banquet of our delegation with business circles of hongdong province. what can be said about the main negotiations? the main task was to coordinate for our delegation to coordinate with the chinese side their participation. in the next
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peace summit, where the participation of russia is also expected, and as you know, he set a specific condition, he will participate in the summits. peace only under the condition of the presence of both sides, as they call it, of the ukrainian conflict, that is, if mr. kuleba has now announced that ukraine is ready for negotiations with russia, this means that we also have a chance that china will influence russia with the , in order to and china, and russia, and maybe, and i would really like, other countries of the so-called global level, i mean brazil, and the republic of south africa, india, so that they also take
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part there, then it will be just that , what ukraine wants, in rational, practical negotiations of character that lead to lasting peace, ugh, there. what can i say at the moment about what was discussed and what the two parties agreed to. mr. igor, is china basically interested in ending the war, or is it the beneficiary of the current situation? the last time the representative of china did not come to the peace summit in switzerland. you see, the chinese should be considered as a country that exclusively pursues its own interests. many countries. this, but some, then, may be unstable on this path, but put it in the star of the fact that whatever there is and how there regardless of the situation, china still pursues its own interests, is the war profitable for china, this war is not profitable for china,
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because a lot of money was invested, that is, in the sidzimpino initiative of the 13th year, one belt , one member, and the logistics chains were stopped. or broke up, the production chains also stopped or broke down, money does not work, that is, peace is needed, but if this has already happened, then china has its own, that is , benefit from what is happening, first of all, it is very cheap energy resources, which china receives from russia, although i can tell you, it means... that over the last year , the trade balance between the people's republic of china and the russian federation increased by 40% and reached the level of 240 billion dollars. but, as vice-chancellor of the federal republic of germany habek said. only half of this, that is,
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the growth figures, is due to energy resources, the rest, that is, 20% of the increase in trade between china. and the russian federation, there are precisely european, that is, goods, european products that can be used, that is, by the russian federation for the achievement of the corresponding goals in the war, the production of weapons, the production of the corresponding equipment, because europe sells the corresponding products to china, which is transferred by china to... the russian federation, that is , in principle, all these accusations of the british minister of defense, and other figures who say that china sells dual-purpose goods, they are not
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proven, but in principle they are true, based on logic, if europe supplies these products to china, and china then transports them to russia. maybe not directly, maybe through other countries, it happens, and that ’s how it is in principle, so we still have, that means, an increase in trade due to exactly what beijing is calling against, and the united states, blinken’s visit, and germany, scholz’s visit, and macron , when sydimpin came to france and so on, and... if this has already happened, then china is using this situation to strengthen its own position as a leader, if not a global one, which it aspires to, and in principle such and there is, at least the leader of the so-called southern, global south, so we can consider
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therefore, these maneuvers of china, although, as those that exclusively, therefore, correspond to the interests of china. although, if now as a result of this three-hour meeting, where in-depth negotiations were held, and in our statements, that is, ours. of foreign affairs about readiness for negotiations with moscow, it is obvious that our delegation managed to convince the chinese diplomatic leadership that it would be beneficial for china to participate, to participate in the forum, because china benefits from our interest in ukraine so that it does not run into double sanctions from of the united states of america. well, thank you very much, mr. igor, igor lytvyn, extraordinary and authorized. of ukraine in the people's republic of china in 1999-2001, where the co-leader of the ukrainian-chinese
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business council was with us, they talked about what and why kuleba went to china in the first place and tried to predict whether he might return from there. china is very pragmatic in its pursuit of its interests, a country with the most down-to-earth values, let's call it that. therefore, we should not hope for the success of our sometimes emotional diplomacy here, here well, of course, it is a very good sign that kuleba was invited, wang, and the minister of foreign affairs, chinese, at least, next we will talk about hungary and why it continues to block the program of financial military aid in ukraine for 6.5 billion euros, but first, dear friends, i would like to remind you... that we have a new collection in progress, we closed it with you earlier, thank you for collecting 4 million uah for atvs,
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which will already be purchased and transferred to 93 separately mechanized brigade, and on these atvs will be used to evacuate wounded fighters from the front line, so let's hope that with your help more lives will be saved, join the new assembly, a new assembly for drones and for rep systems, qr code in the corner and you and i have already collected a lot this morning , as of now we have 27 thousand with a tail, well , but we need a total of 3.5 million. and we already have our next guest, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv, tibor tompa, we are adding him to our air, mr. tibor, we congratulate you, good day, ms. lesya, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, in short, hungarians again. blocked the eu fund, where the money for weapons for ukraine comes from,
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wants kyiv, er, to allow russian lukkoil to transport oil through ukraine to hungary, er, we understand that hungary somehow wants to receive such bonuses, but are these the bonuses that should be received in time of war, mr. tiber, what do you say? well, forgive me, as a hungarian, a ukrainian hungarian, of course, and as the leader of the hungarian community, i consider this as another cynicism, inhumanity from the hungarian authorities, this is not hungary, this is the hands of the kremlin, because orbán and szijjártó are related and just working out certain ones. dents for the kremlin, and to be honest, i have no words, because orbán
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and szijártó say so many times that they are protecting the hungarian community, forgive me, you are not protecting, you are killing the hungarian community, because this money then goes to rockets that bombed if you survived so many missile attacks and so many. so we lost communication, mr. tibor, for a second, because we lost sound, now take a look, maybe there is a problem with the microphone, and we will try to contact you with sound, dear friends, we are talking about hungary, you can use it at this time, while we have a technical pause, no, yes, there is, there is, sound, yes, please, we hear you, yes, i want to say again that this is total cynicism. from the current hungarian authorities, because they
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supposedly protect the hungarian community, ukrainian speakers, in fact all this money, what you show from this oil goes to purchase the production of missiles, which then those hungarians and ukrainians themselves are being bullied and destroyed in ukraine, so forgive me, i see this as blackmail to ukraine. to ukraine from the modern hungarian government, which is currently the executor of force, the executor of whims. the kremlin, mr. tibor, you say that the hungarian community in ukraine does not support these actions of the hungarian government, but what do the hungarians themselves say, this government did not start in a vacuum, it was chosen by someone, it somehow became the government, precisely these people came to power, you are certainly right, and unfortunately, in hungary
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quite a lot of people, today, it's 40% of the electorate, the voters who live in the so -called... this bubble, the cynical bubble of orbán, these are the short-sighted serfs, the lumpins, the marginalized population that orbán has attracted to himself, and there is, of course, a significant part, it is primarily budapest, which categorically opposes orbán, they are not eastern with them, and we all know that a strong hungarian opposition was formed, led by peter madir, who... visited and the kyiv grandfather brought help, visited bucha, and not like orbán who he just created hype when he came to kyiv, he couldn't even walk a couple of hundred meters from the kyiv embassy and pay his respects to those who died in the war with the rashists, but for
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the video he made, you saw this video, he simply portrayed himself as a super peacemaker. yes, this is hype, he is not a peacemaker, on the contrary, forgive me, he brings misfortune to ukraine, to ukrainians with such actions, how else to call the fact that even today these 6.5 billion euros are delayed, exclusively by the hands of orban and his cliques, innocent civilians continue to die in ukraine, including things, on august 28-30 , the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the european union countries was supposed to take place in budapest, but it will not take place in budapest, this is the position, in particular, voiced by the supreme representative of the european union for foreign policy, jose borel, and emphasized that this deprived hungary
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of this right, precisely because of the position regarding the war in ukraine, the official budapest has already called. this is a child's, child's, child's step, that is , this position has consequences more and more and other countries of the european union are dissatisfied, already express dissatisfaction with this position of orbán, and one way or another it somehow extends to the whole country, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of finland, elina valtonen, said that if the values ​​of hungary differ so much from the values ​​of the european union, then one should think. about its exclusion, but as far as i know, among hungarians the idea of ​​leaving the european union is not popular, absolutely, mr. andriy, you are right, absolutely unpopular, and as i already mentioned, this is a bubble, and these people who live in a bubble , it's like the soviet union, forgive me, it's orban
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in principle, created the second such soviet union in europe in terms of mentality, unfortunately, e. and these countries are right, which are boycotting, and to date, out of 26 countries, 24 of them, one abstains, slovakia is there, it is clear why, all the others categorically against the fact that orban is allegedly doing a peace mission, and this is not a peace mission, it is exclusively a war mission directed against ukraine, and i think this boycott will continue even... it is about depriving hungary, the orban leadership of the presidency in europe, in the council of the european union since the fall of this year hand over to poland, that's what it comes down to, we'll see how it turns out, and the fact that orban is not worthy and
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has no place in europe, in the european union, that's for sure. i would also like to ask, mr. tibor. you have this in general, as far as i understand, problems with orbán's neighbors are everywhere where there are large hungarian communities, and here ukraine is no exception, it's just that we see, first of all, what concerns ukraine, what kind of claims there are and so on, but - well, there is, for example, romania, where there is a huge, huge community of ethnic hungarians, i don't remember the exact numbers, but it is... probably ten times more than in ukraine, even more, a million hungarians, more than a million hungarians live in romania, how romania builds its policy with hungary as well... regarding the hungarian minority in romania, and how hungarians in romania feel, in principle, romanian citizens , or romanian hungarians, how to say it correctly, or surely so?
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yes, again, you are right, orbán is trying to use this map of the hungarian national minority exclusively for his uh-uh political, populist, i would say, unworthy purposes, with romania too no... simple relations between orbán and his leadership, such strained relations with johannis klaus and the president of romania are enough, but the fact is that romania is already a member of the european union, and there, of course, orbán cannot simply dictate, blackmail i want to note that all those... hungarians who live in these neighboring countries, they are full citizens of these countries, and for some reason orbán completely forgets about the hungarians who
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live in burgenland, that is in eastern austria, for some reason he does not mention them at all , well, it's true and those hungarians never mention him, because he doesn't need them at all, just like we don't need orbán at all. and how is ukrainian in general? the hungarian community, is everyone of the same mind as you, mr. tibor, because one thing is in kyiv, where rocket attacks are more frequent, and another thing is transcarpathia, where they flee, even from other parts, so as to resettle, and there, in general, there is a war it is not felt, i was in zakarpattia for one day about two years ago, and a woman who owns a hotel told me that we never even have an air alarm here to hear that it is true, right there and then... well, not quite like that, again you are right, of course,
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thank god in transcarpathia it is quiet, calm, there is not even a curfew there, but the biggest problem in transcarpathia, i mean for the hungarians who live there, that they are not at all adapted, not integrated into ukrainian society, because... the vast majority do not know and speak the ukrainian language very well, this is again orbán's wrong policy, he, he believes that it is necessary to study only hungarian, not ukrainian necessary, and they are not competitive at all, and they are, again, serfs, cheap rapsila for orbán and his clique in hungary, so we have a lot of work to do here, including your tv channel. that there would be a lot of information in transcarpathia, that not only orbán television would be heard there, but ukrainian television with a pro-ukrainian position,
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because there is indeed a layer of hungarians there, a part, i will not say that a large part, that is subordinate to orbán, that feeds on funds , orban's money, and unfortunately, this one influence has on them... significant influence, because they already created the so-called hungarian ghetto, well yes, thank you, orvan's money smells, dear friends, not what is needed, unfortunately, mr. tibor, thank you for participating in our eteri, tibor tompa, head of the hungarian community in kyiv, talked with him about hungary, about the fact that it is blocking the support fund for military ukraine in the eu, talked about hungarians in ukraine, their settings, dear friends. thank you for being with us, thank you for uah 27,536 for a new assembly and thank you for closing with your using the assembly beforehand. lesya volkoyuk, andriy saichuk, see you tomorrow at 7:10.
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