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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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let's take this moment to katya and please share what you have learned. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you how men abroad will now issue documents and what will be included in the new aid to ukraine from the czech republic. greetings, time of news in the spresso arena. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the passport service has resumed processing documents for men abroad, the service's press service reported. however, to use the services, men need to be verified in the ministry's reserve plus application of defense and confirm the availability of valid military registration data. you can apply for documents in germany, poland, spain, and the czech republic. slovakia and italy.
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the first convicted women joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. this was reported by the ministry of justice. they entered into a contract for military service in exchange for parole . seven convicts have already passed the military hospital commission and received the consent of service commanders in specific units. let me remind you that the verkhovna rada passed the law in the spring on voluntary mobilization of prisoners. and since then more than six. thousands of convicted men expressed a desire to join the armed forces. now women have joined them. the russians are constantly raiding kharkiv oblast today. it is known that one person died as a result of a missile strike on a vine. the rescuers retrieved the body from under the rubble, they are looking for two more people. so far, four victims are known, the head of the region oleg synygubov said. the russians attacked the city's search and rescue infrastructure. the operation
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is currently ongoing. and six people were injured as a result of a missile attack on kharkiv. the russians are attacking the city with rockets for the fifth time in a day. this was announced by the mayor of the city igor terekhov. the occupiers hit the industrial zone. as a result of the impact, a large-scale fire broke out at the civil infrastructure facility. and in the morning, the russians hit the office of a humanitarian organization, which was demining the territory of kharkiv region, with ballistic missiles. the invaders attacked the missile. iskander-m from the belgorod region. in the building of the branch of the swiss mine action fund, the facade and ceilings on several floors were destroyed. damaged six cars used by the organization's doctors. there is also a hit in a private residential building. and at night, the enemy attacked the city of izmail in odesa region with shaheds. three people were injured. two are currently in the hospital. damaged port infrastructure and three'.
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cars, oleg kiper, the head of the region, announced this. there is also a hit in a five-story building. the russians hit the rescuers in the kherson region. the occupiers threw a riot in the suburbs of kherson. due to this , the apartment building caught fire, the firefighters started put out the fire, but again came under fire. the state emergency service is informed about this. fortunately for everyone, the fire engine was damaged by debris. survived the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. defending our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades will be urgently needed. flying
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weapons and modern means of combating enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, every donation you make, even the smallest, brings our victory closer. good health, dear ukrainians. we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help. we need means of electronic warfare. the czech republic will send half a million shells to ukraine by the end of the year, the head of the country's government, peter fiala, said. according to him , deliveries will continue as predicted pace and in the coming months. and in parallel with this, the czech republic already annually supplies hundreds of thousands of ammunition of large calibers and other types.
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the ambassadors of the european union approved a tranche for ukraine for over 4 billion euros, the money will be provided within the framework of the ukraine facility program to support recovery. and modernization of ukraine, the hungarian presidency of the council of the eu reported on social media. the next step will be a written approval process. they burned a railway relay box and a military car. the kyiv police detained the saboteurs. 28-year-old a man who recently came to the capital in search of work on behalf of the russian special services committed a series of arson attacks in the obolon district of kyiv. involved an acquaintance in the sabotage, who filmed everything on video. for arson, the russians sent the man $1,200. violators committed a series of arsons in the capital and were preparing a number of sabotages on the railway. all their actions took place on the instructions of
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the fsb curator. the charge of serious crimes committed against the foundations of the national security of ukraine and cooperation with the enemy of the defendant threatens life imprisonment. with taiwanese laptops and robots in lviv. a unique training for informatics teachers has started, teachers from more than 20 schools can improve their qualifications in the basics of programming, robotics and educational topics. our correspondents know the details. nadiya manko has been teaching informatics in a public school for more than 30 years, and now she herself lectures and studies programming at the ukrainian catholic university. ms. nadiya enrolled in the unique code educational program. and create python i know to some extent, well, but every time i make sure that i know it imperfectly, that is, every time you communicate with a colleague, you learn something new for yourself, and so at this lecture i saw such interesting nuances that i probably did not pay attention to, so that
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in relation to the topics of education, there are also some mitotic things, but technology is what i am more interested in what i am trying to do, i will try to master it better, because for me it is in some ways... another course participant is mr. oleksiy, he has been teaching at the lviv school for eight years, he learned about his studies from the headmistress. oleksiy is already thinking about how apply new knowledge in lessons. it will be a little more difficult to implement this additional knowledge with robotics, so it is necessary to either introduce some or additional subject, which in principle can be introduced into the school program, or introduce it as some kind of circle exclusively for more. interested children, or as an option in senior classes in 10-11th grades in computer science lessons, there are blocks when you can choose which topic to take with your children, you can implement this robotics in basic computer science lessons. the aim of the educational project is to leave no one behind
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to improve the qualifications of ukrainian teachers. educators from the lviv ivanovo-frankivsk and poltava regions came to the training. candidates for participation in the program were chosen independently. to the competition commission. we received 143 applications, from which 40 schools were initially selected. next, with those teams from 40 schools , interviews of ucu teachers were held, and already after the interviews we received the finalists, that is 24 schools with two teachers each. so, we now have 48 teachers participating in our project. the teachers will be there for eight months learn to write code in the language. python programming, also educators will learn about the basics of robotics and how to tell the material in such a way as to interest children as much as possible, there will be twice as much practice as theory, we will tell them what a robot is, what it consists of, how it is on the one
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hand disassemble, put together, how to write the appropriate code, that is, understand how they interact with each other, why it is important, where possible. cut a corner where it is better not to cut a corner. the organizers allocated an educational laptop and a kit for each teacher robotics this equipment was purchased by the government of taiwan. the educational project is implemented by the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum. its founder mykola knyazhytskyi said that the idea to create such a complex project appeared as a continuation of cooperation with taiwanese partners. teacher training and modern equipment for... will help make ukrainian education better, which means ukrainians will become more competitive in the world. we want to make a better country, for that we want our children to know computers are the best in the world, so that they know both artificial intelligence and new programming languages,
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they should be given these computers, we found such an opportunity, provided them with computers, it will be more than a thousand computers for 100 schools per cut in face-to-face distance learning for teachers will continue until the end of january, and after that, new laptops, sets of robotics and... screens will go to the school's computer labs. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studeny, espresso tv channel. that's all the news i have for now. see you at 17. as of now , 800 applications against
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ukraine are under consideration at the european court of human rights, mykola hnatovskyi, a judge of the ecthr for ukraine, reported in may 2024. according to him, ukraine is in the top five in terms of the number of lawsuits, and if earlier these were cases related to the length of court proceedings, both in civil and criminal cases, today businesses have started to apply to the ecthr. it seems to me that the criminal law pressure on the... business is starting to intensify, some such elements, when, as i say, it was obvious related, well, they were decided through civil courts, there is a commercial court, a civil one, now the state is more common in applying its coercive apparatus within the criminal, criminal process. one such example of pressure on business is the case of the chairman of the board of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. to date, law enforcement agencies in ukraine have raised three suspicions
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of criminal offenses against victor lotus. the company reports that during the investigation of these cases, the rights of the chairman the board of the enterprise was repeatedly violated. groundless preventive measures were chosen, the qualification of cases was artificially complicated. so the lawyers of the chairman of the board turned to the european court of human rights. for us, at this time, at our national level, we have run out. all possibilities to challenge the illegality of the arrests, the illegality of excessive bails, that is why we decided to appeal to the european court of human rights, we appealed to the european court of human rights in february, currently our complaint is open proceedings, the case has already been accepted for consideration by the court, police investigators accuse the head of the board of illegal mining. screening and empty rocks, which in 2015-21 allegedly caused losses to the budget in the amount of 157 billion
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hryvnias. according to lawyer yevhen pylypenko, the poltava gzk has been operating since 1976 and has not changed the production process since its foundation. unfractionated screening is a by- product of production, which for 50 years no one considered a useful mineral. so imagine, thousands of checks of controllers before the period 21st year. we did not find any violation, but at one point, in 2021, another inspection by the derzhger, and it is alleged that there was a violation in part, that is, in the part of illegal mining of minerals, that the company did not have the right to allegedly implement non-fractional screening, because the body of the pre-trial investigation considers it a useful mineral. according to the lawyers, viktor lotous is an employee of the company. and performed exclusively his official duties, and all grounds that incriminate the director of the poltava gzk are not
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have a practical basis. the heads of the board chose three preventive measures, which were characterized, according to the lawyers, by excessive bails. for example, during the investigation in september 2023, the chairman of the board of the combine chose a preventive measure, detention under the alternative of making a bail in the amount of almost a billion hryvnias. in october 2023, during the appeal case for... the amounts, for example, bails, which are assigned in cases related to corruption, were reduced to uah 400 million economic affairs, which are simply difficult to imagine such sums, such sums are basically absent in the countries west of the chop, the sense is completely lost. the meaning of such an institution as a pledge. lawyers of viktor lotous
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emphasize that they are ready to consider the case on the merits in the european court and have the necessary evidence proving the violation of the rights of the chairman of the board. well, now we are adding oleg katkov, chief editor of defense expert, to our marathon. glory to ukraine, sir editor, on a separate note, thank you for the invitation, so let's ask our editors to raise the volume a little, or we would ask you to speak a little closer to the microphone, well... but, but, but, mysterious anti-aircraft ghosts shot down a russian plane, we would like you to ask, well, we already saw in the video how the enemy's sukhoi 25 was destroyed, and accordingly , the su-25 flew close to our positions, but the anti-aircraft guns managed to shoot down the russian aggressor, accordingly, perhaps there is reason
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to say that we have some additional devices, right? dealt with those... others standard devices, well, i will lay out the fact that the video, which was distributed by the 110th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, is about the use of portable anti-aircraft missile systems, most likely it is about stinger, and against this background, well, objectively we are not talking about some new type of weapons directly that was unfamiliar, or in the armed forces of ukraine, or he sees the enemy there, because this complex has many destroyed russian aircraft, here rather... maybe we are talking about, well, let's say this , and this also explains why they were called in brigade with drives, it is possible that the launch was made from a position that allowed to reach the russian planes, it was a so-25 attack aircraft, and they were flying there in pairs, if you take the available video, and usually
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the enemy simply does not approach range of anti-aircraft missile systems, at least tries to do so. let me remind you that the stinger manpads has an estimated range of up to 5 km, but in fact this parameter is quite dynamic, because the range of the launch differs, as well as in the side the angle that was now is such an abstract parameter, that is, it is possible that the enemy simply did not expect that he got into the stinger's range of action. mr. oleg, look, we would like you to analyze. certain theses that sounded in one of the last interviews of oleksandr syrskyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, to the guardian, he gave an interview, and in it selskyi mentioned the ukrainian f-16s, which we are still waiting for, and he actually said that these fighters will keep from the front line at a distance 40 km and more, because of the risk that the enemy
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will be able to shoot them down, but in such conditions can these fighters be of maximum benefit? a difficult question, because immediately on the question of whether aircraft that do not approach closer than 40 km to the front edge will be useful, everything depends on their armament, but it should be noted right away that if we are talking about multi-role fighters that the enemy uses , for example, the same su-30, su-30-th, su-35, or su-34 frontal bombers, they also do not approach the leading edge is closer than 40 km, in particular. precisely from such distances, 40-50 km away, russian su-34 front-line bombers drop their so-called cables, that is, anti-aircraft bombs, these are attack aircraft that even the stam stinger manpads just miss, but they are forced, due to the lack of other weapons, to get as close as possible to the front edge, but
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this is again the specifics of just using attack aircraft, and a multifunctional fighter is a machine of a different... type in principle, it is important to understand that the range 40 km from the front edge is, if, if ukraine gets these fighters together with modern aim 120 missiles in the c8 version, it allows us to play a very important role of repelling, that is, to drive away enemy aircraft from precisely the boundaries of the use of their weapons, it is in their power. if there will be missiles specifically in the c8 version, which have a combat range of up to 160 km, but it must be taken into account that there is such a thing as the novogol bezon, that is, it is approximately half as small, but again, this is a dynamic indicator, that is, when the plane cannot leave , well, run away from a rocket, let's say yes, but if there are missiles of older versions,
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then it becomes much more difficult, and sir, look, i would like to clarify, does the enemy have something like stingers? are there any such portable, high-quality, manual complexes? i'm not sure about the quality, but in any case he has an igla manpad, which is similar to the stinger, in fact , that is, the 40 km limit is not related to the igla manpad, in any case, it is related to the fact that the enemy has su-35s with long-range missiles, including r-77s, we are talking about the presence of anti-aircraft missile systems of the e-400 class, these are we are talking about limitations first of all, not about the pzerka, and it is extremely important to understand that, for example, if the ukrainian... is, for example, with aim 120 missiles of the c5 version, then it will become much more difficult to repel the enemy, because there the range is no longer 160,
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and 110 km, this is the maximum launch range, the new one is even less. uh, yeah, an important aspect and then we have an additional question, a follow-up, an important aspect is that sirsky also called out exactly how the f-16s will be used. it is about what their first task will be to ensure anti-aircraft defense, i.e. to hit accreted missiles, shaheds, and it must be remembered that the fighter is the most multifunctional means of air defense and the most mobile, because today the conventional air defense system there, nasams, can be near lviv, but in 8 hours it will not be can be near kharkov, because it means that the f-16 can carry out tasks over this area throughout ukraine for one day, this is extremely important, and another task that the commander-in-chief mentioned is that on the 16th launch strikes on ground targets, about dogfights he didn't really say anything at all. well, the interview of chief marskyi is extremely important, i don't remember in the last couple of years that it was so concise, that
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his interview was at all as such, yes, and that it was so specific, eh when we speak and about the very specific outlined plans of the enemy, so the kremlin plans to increase the number of the group to 690,000 by the end of the year, that is, the increase in... the group should be about 170,000 in six months, this is what the commander-in-chief reported in interview with the guardian. yes, but the increase must be calculated in a different way, that is , taking into account the fact that, according to the statistics of the general staff of the armed forces, now the enemy is losing more than a thousand personnel, that is , there may be 10, 100, 1200, well, let's count, well thousand, so this means that for... the time left until the end of the year, it is necessary to recruit 300, approximately more than 330 thousand people, that is, it is a huge machination,
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that is, in less than 5 months, to recruit such a number of military personnel, but it turns out, in fact, these numbers correlate with the fact that again after all, it was announced by the president of ukraine in june that vorok is planning to start such a recruitment to his army and will see it implemented. mr. katkov, look, we would also like you to comment on the decision of the russian state duma, it passed a law on punishing military personnel for smartphones with the internet in war, such a decision was passed today, the truth, be healthy, and accordingly, well, they say that they will even arrest and sit in the police station for violations, and the other day i also saw, somewhere i don't remember now, recommendations for ukrainians. the military to reduce the use of their mobile phones as much as possible, yes, you know, it's strange now, it coincides in time, that they are paying attention to
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the means of communication at the front, what do you think it could be related to , whether some method of detection has changed, let's say by satellite communication, perhaps, or cellular communication of a cluster of military personnel, and because of this, it is now so active on this on... really, that is, it is not something new, that is, the enemy has had it for a long time there are such opportunities, he uses them, well, not only with the enemy, this is a standard situation, in the russian federation, first of all, the use of mobile communications, all the rest, it is connected most likely with an attempt to prevent the leakage of information, that is , in conditions when it is necessary to take 330 00 for in the 5 months that are left, it is necessary that nothing extra is leaked to them on the network about the fact that... they lack something there, what are the real losses, how they are without limbs, how you force them there under machine gun fire are driven to assaults and everything else, well, that is, a standard story about how the russian army fights, and
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with regard to our, well, our side of our appeals regarding the use or non-use of mobile phones, the important aspect here is that the enemy, as you know, has very developed means of radio-electronic intelligence, and the fact is that any mobile phone, if it is not in full, well, so -called... airplane mode, i.e. when wi-fi, mobile communication, and bluetooth are all turned on, i.e. it emits absolutely nothing, then, well, it’s okay, if it is used as a means of communication, that is, something emits, then this radiation is recorded by means of radio-electronic intelligence, it is paling, and due to the fact that such smartphones, when, for example, a unit enters a position, immediately, for example, 20 smartphones conditionally entered there, well, excuse me, even... it is not needed to count how many soldiers there are, if there are 20 smartphones, then of course there will be about two dozen, and this immediately gives the enemy information about how many forces there are now,
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how many forces are there, what can be done with them. .. to do without talking about what the enemy has means of radio-electronic warfare, such as layer drone complexes, which allow you to micron under mobile communication stations and actually intercept cellular signals, in principle, this is also a known thing for a long time, so again, here is the use of smartphones from the point of view of means of communication on the front line, well, it is as limited as possible and even if they do not use mobile communication, but someone has installed wi-fi there, and there is also a traditional way to name it there, which battalion and which platoon it belongs to, well, the enemy is completely that fixes thank you oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defenses-express, was in touch with us, they talked live about one of the last interviews of our commander-in-chief of the armed forces, oleksandr syrskyi, and about the decision of the occupiers to ban their soldiers from using smartphones with the internet during
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the war. now we are going to take a break, after... we will talk about the failed work of the verkhovna rada, yesterday they could not vote to ban the russian russian orthodox church, religious organizations that are managed on the territory of the aggressor's country, why couldn't they and what to do with it, the main thing we will find out literally in a few minutes. there are discounts , which are the only discounts on edem 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. in... a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer: the smart light bulb works even without electricity up to 6 hours without
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vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format even more analytics, even more important topics, even more. top guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.


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