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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more... even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback , you can express your opinion at the expense of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. events,
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events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news channel reports about them, but there is little to know , what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. by the end of the day, 13 regions will have it one queue of outages, until 18:00 there will be no outages in the rest of the regions, ukrenergo reports. so, today in kyiv and 13 regions of ukraine, from 16:00 and until the end of the day, one turn of blackouts will be applied. this applies to the kyiv, zhytomyr, chernihiv, cherkasy , dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, kirovohrad, zaporizhzhia, kharkiv, sumy, vinnytsia and khmelnytskyi
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regions, in the rest of the regions the blackout was canceled until 18:00. well, we will now add volodymyr vyatrovich to our ether people's deputy of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. yesterday was a shameful day, all of ukraine was just looking at this, well, you know, just a coven, i would say, those who are now raging and do not want to get out of our country. you this moscow agent in the form of this so-called church, we saw that deputies who actually advocate the banning of religious organizations that are managed by the aggressor country, blocked the tribune, they came with posters, yet some tried to make it public , in order to reach those who are slowing down this process, but unfortunately, it did not happen, and actually, what were the reasons why it did not happen, as explained? because the representatives
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of the government party, i.e. those who have a majority in the parliament, and directly david rahamia, as the leader of this majority, as well as two fragments of the former opzh opposed and blocked the inclusion of this issue in the conciliation council on the agenda, despite the fact that that there is an absolute consensus in the parliament that this issue should be on the agenda, and among those who blocked were representatives of all political parties, including servants of the people with the exception of the former pzj, i.e. here we have the fact that, unfortunately, the leadership of the majority party plays completely into the hands of the absolute smaller, pro-russian minority in the parliament, i.e. there are not so many of such die-hard russophiles in our parliament, but you see, they have the opportunity to impose your agenda and make sure that bills that are very important for the country are not included in the vote, because i am sure. if this
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draft law appeared on the agenda, it would receive a sufficient number of votes, and look, here is a question of such a plan, the fact that vacations were announced for the verkhovna rada, then the chairman of the verkhovna rada, stepanchuk, began to explain that the work would be carried out in such and such a way, but for some reason without plenary sessions, yes, well, this is quite strange, that's why that there is much to pass, there are a number of bills extremely important for the ukrainian economy, for... ukrainian security and defense, and further down the list for ukrainian social welfare, yes, and suddenly there will be no plenary sessions, work will be in committees, in potential districts, but in plenary , there will be no plenary, in your opinion, this is related to yesterday's undervoting, or not voting at all? definitely related, the fact is that yesterday a very clear condition was set by the representatives of all the factions that participated in the blockade, that no other... this
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draft law, apart from the adoption of the law against the russian orthodox church, will not be put to a vote until then , until this draft law is introduced, therefore, unfortunately, you see, the leadership of the parliament went as far as to... drag out the pause, so as not to if only not to consider this draft law, and it is really a shame, because in fact ukraine also needs the adoption of this draft law, i am sure that this draft law also concerns security issues, by the way, yesterday we behaved completely thoughtfully, we voted for two extremely important laws for defense country, we are talking about the continuation of martial law, which is extended once every three months and about the continuation of mobilization, the third law that was to be passed, the law against the russian orthodox church. also directly applies to defense, but here you see, unfortunately, the leadership of the monomajority lacked courage and this forced us to actually block the tribune. now we have seen that, unfortunately, the entire parliament has become a hostage of this pro-russian minority, and
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the leadership of the parliament even went so far as to delay the next sessions, we were supposed to sit today, we were supposed to sit tomorrow, but it decided that it would be better not to consider anything , because they understand that... as soon as we enter the hall, we will demand, including by blocking the rostrum, the adoption of a law against the russian of the orthodox church, well, but this does not mean, in fact, only to postpone this or that vote, that is, if there is a consolidated position of the deputies, i would also like to ask you about the approximate number of votes, whether 200 will be enough, or whether there will be 226 votes, look, i think that, unfortunately, the bet of the leadership of the monomajority in the parliament is that... they can simply drag out the time longer, so they are ready to go for the absence of any votes, for the absence of meetings, if only not to adopt the law on the russian orthodox church. this is actually what scares me in the leadership of the monomajority there are people who believe that it is possible to sacrifice any other bills, really important
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bills of ukraine, which concern defense, social welfare, and anything else, if only to not pass the law of the perpetrator, and then we will see, that is, the bet is simply about delaying time, as for... the number of votes, more than 226 signatures have already been placed stating that these are deputies who advocated that this draft law should be considered. i am sure that the number of votes if this bill was put to a vote, there would be more, that is, the probability of the adoption of this law in the case of its presentation in the hall is very high. mr. volodymyr, i would also like us to focus on exactly how they argue why they do not vote, because certain rumors have already begun to spread that... that the deputies, those who are against, are afraid of american sanctions, for example, yesterday your colleague oleksiy goncharenko wrote in his telegram that certain tenders are currently underway for certain amendments to this draft law, which concern to those who will make decisions about the ban, that it should be a structure independent of the government,
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for example, as a state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, and also that the deadline for religious organizations to transition should be increased, six months are now prescribed there. and they want to increase this time, but it is not known how much, that is, do you think, do you think that this is really the subject of what can be, in the context of bringing this bill to consideration, is there another possible reason, just this whole well if set of reasons, it's kind of like, you know , well, if the label that they're trying to wrap it all under, i absolutely think it's the label that they're trying to wrap it around is just a time delay, because we 've been working very closely for ... months the state service of ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, trying to take into account all the comments, as of thursday of last week, our meetings ended as if they satisfied all their comments, and yesterday they came out again with their next comments, i.e. unfortunately, the state service for ethnopolitics and
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freedom of conscience here has clearly assumed the role of the defender of the russian orthodox church, so to talk about the need for some more certificates, no, i am sure that the draft law in its current form is absolutely sufficient, it is absolutely properly done, and it can be an effective tool in the fight against the russian orthodox church. the proposals that were voiced yesterday, that let's transfer powers from the state service for the politics of conscience to the parliament, they are absurd, they contradict of the constitution, because we are talking about the executive branch of government, which is supposed to fulfill the role of an instrument for the implementation of effective legislation in ukraine, which cannot be done by the parliament, therefore, for the record, it seems to me that the opponents of this draft law take another this draft law is known for its anti-constitutional norms, absurd norms that will very quickly make it possible to simply block or declare this law unconstitutional or make it completely ineffective, therefore it is categorically impossible to follow the lead in this kind of provocation, so i
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it is very unfortunate that one of the instruments of this provocation was precisely the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, that is , this very body, the state body, which should, for sure, be the main tool in order to... restrain the activities of the russian orthodox church, which, unfortunately, let's be honest, it is not a religious organization, which is a political organization that works for an enemy state against ukraine, for... the state service for politics and freedom of conscience does not want to see this, moreover, it joined the game, the essence which consists in doing the maximum dependent on her so that this draft law is also not adopted in any way, in any way. look, what our beloved venice commission says, so we understand why the opponent of this draft law so actively manages to, well, sow despair, in particular there are... certain pro-russian circles in the west, that is the united states and not only, and they are starting to to push
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the absolutely false narrative that this bill, or any bill that might, so to speak, cut some moscow cassocks in ukraine, so that it contradicts european legislation, and contributes, so to speak, to what is called a violation of freedom of conscience, but we understand that, well, we hope that this is not the case, and accordingly. the best argument is this or that decision of the venetian commission, preferably some or other public statements on their part. i am sure that this law does not apply to any restrictions on freedom of conscience, any restrictions on religious activity, this bill specifically applies to the security of the country. we we perfectly understand that the russian orthodox church is a tool, a political tool in ukraine, while we were typing the introduction, discussing some of those for the 11th time. those other often senseless amendments, we have already received a resolution of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, which clearly
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indicates what the russian orthodox church is, that it is indeed an instrument of russian, russian aggression, in particular in ukraine, those arguments that are trying to be used somewhere about , that either the americans will not accept or some other bigots, you know, well, all this is done solely to intimidate deputies, and for different deputies , very different tools are used, one thing they say... is that voting for this law will mean falling under some kind of american sanctions, which is absolutely absurd and there is no official american position. which would be formed against this draft law, with others they simply talk about the fact that in the event of the adoption of this law there will be some kind of curse, anathema, damage and physical threats or intimidation, volodymyr has place to be so, because the whole country is now experiencing the murder of the famous linguist irina farion, so i don't relate. directly these two cases, well, but everyone and the special services and so on tell us that the goal is
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to destabilize ukraine and intimidate certain political circles, so in the context of this draft law, were there any possible physical threats? i didn't hear about that, the only thing i heard was at the level of some mystical threats about some curses, corruption and so on, despite the fact that it's funny to hear it in the parliament, to hear it in the 21st century, unfortunately... . even such arguments in the benches have an effect on some of my colleagues. mr. volodymyr, finally, i wanted to ask what is your position, because it is also rumored that this whole story with the non-consideration of this draft law is actually connected with the inability to consider changes in the cabinet of ministers now, since the leadership of the servant of the people faction is against eliminating shmygal and several ministers from the chairs, do you connect it? somehow among themselves and do you think that there could really be a reason for this? i can only
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say that our reason for blocking the stands it was clear that we have repeatedly voiced that this law should be considered, we gave every opportunity for this bill to be considered, whether some part of the representatives of the servant of the people party joined our support because they do not want the resignation of the government, i don't know, i really don't care, i don't see any difference in those ministers who changed, i'm not, i'm not sure that anyone else who will replace shmyhal or his team will be qualitatively different. in fact, we perfectly understand that there is no we have no government, that is, it is only a cover for the executive power, which is oriented, which is concentrated right there on bankova street. thank you, volodymyr vitrovych, people's deputy of ukraine, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel. now we will have a short break, after which we will return to our studio. there are discounts, the only
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espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, money and weapons, we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project on the espresso tv channel. well, we are now adding to our broadcast ivan sekach, head of the public relations service of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after general khorundzhoi, mark bezruchka. glory to ukraine, mr. chief, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, glad to see you too. well, the pokrovsky direction. yes, the enemy is constantly
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trying to attack, and the situation is quite unpleasant. i'll put it mildly, you. you are there and can describe, in particular, what is happening now in the direction of new york and zalizne, right? the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions, well, with an obvious goal, right? our generals and our colonels understand this very well and are trying to prevent it a critical scenario, which would refer, so to speak, to the enemy taking our positions or logistical routes under fire control. i will not go into any... additional details, i promise you, you are competent and informed, and yes, look, the pokrovsky direction remains one of the most difficult sections of the front of the front, because the enemy understands where he wants more, his, his task to achieve, is precisely to capture
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the donetsk region, he captured most of the luhansk region, but he continues to advance and tries to... advance precisely in pokrovsky and donetsk regions to the road to kramatorsk, the enemy understands his task and invests a lot of his resources here for this, and up to 40-50 assaults per day, that is, the enemy carries out his advantage in the number of personnel, and currently uses techniques it is smaller, but fresh reinforcements have arrived in our direction, this... ah, some understanding, we do not know for sure, but it is most likely an airborne assault, because they have a bmp-3, tigers and others, new, new weapons, huh. and which they did not use before, they press, they press, press and will continue constantly, they have this armored vehicle, it is some kind of fresh, which, i don’t know, they pulled out from the warehouses or
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drove from another direction, yes, if we talk about the approximate number, that is, they kept heavy equipment until recently, it is about armored vehicles , yes, well, and accordingly they worked in small groups, well, maybe this does not specifically apply to the pokrovsky direction, here you are talking about this... terrible moment, they continue to protect this technique, because they have little of it left, for example, we on there they watched the t-54s being burned, and their old equipment is also running out, it needs to be repaired, now they are throwing away the last resources, the external political situation, you see how it is developing, it is like in a casino, no one understands what will happen, so they bet on their previous positions. in the negotiations, that is, they want to keep the initiative, they want to see that they win, and they pay a lot of blood for this, a lot of their personnel
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is destroyed, but they go to the bank, it is us we have to understand, that is, until spring, oh, until spring, sorry, until autumn, this will continue, their attempts to seize or create a more difficult situation will continue, and they will ... throw all the resources they can, it's like running to the last cross-country mileage, i.e. at maximum speeds, i.e. the situation is like this, the equipment has become much less, if in avdiivka in the 23rd year we saw 100 units of equipment in the offensive at the same time, now they, the fresh brigade entered seven units, seven at the same time and left three back, i.e. it remains ineffective, efficiency in them consists in personnel. they move two people at a time, it is very difficult and difficult to shoot artillery at two people who are constantly moving, and there is a large consumption of shells, that is , there are more shells on us, but to shoot at two
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people, they go two people at a time, go, go, go, accumulate in one place and they are storming our positions, but it does not reach there from 30-20 it did not reach, 10 reached storming, the advantage in personnel, this is the main problem now at the front, and there are more, ask further, because there are still problems. mr. ivan, by the way, i would like us, do we understand correctly from the context of your words, that in the fall the enemy can breathe a sigh of relief and stop this active advance due to the fact that he will lose a lot of manpower, equipment and will not be able to advance so quickly during this period, well look, it's not mine. sometime in the fall, the rains start and you see leaves leaf after leaf. the leaves fall from the tree, and it is very difficult to hide weapons, hide personnel, move, so there are usually summer campaigns and winter companies, when the winter is normal, when
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it freezes the ground, and that's why in the spring there are such and such not very active hostilities , this is usual, so you have to wait for the fall, when they will start to unravel, so they say, and when the equipment will not be able to pass and will hide the heavier ones. personnel. by the way, you talked about artillery ammunition and the fact that it is difficult, now they are lacking even more, since the enemy is moving in small groups. the prime minister of the czech republic said about ammunition for ukraine that another half a million shells will be delivered by the end of the year. what is the current situation with projectile hunger, to what extent is it significant, is the number of shells, obits increasing on the czech initiative, or is it somehow already showing signs? look, war. war is constantly evolving, that is, the enemy is not stupid, you have to pay attention to what the enemy thinks, they, well, how do we make them think, because we kill, they start
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to think a little about how to do it, there are more shells, but this is not a solution victories, this is some kind of feature, that is, the shells are not, well, it has become easier, of course, it has become easier, but they will not save from this situation, why, eh? enemy i saw that a lot of shells, what they did, they moved away from the contact line, all their command posts, moved away from where to where we are not standing anywhere, and the personnel, when we entered in may, we entered the pokrovsky direction, they moved along five people, it is usual for artillery to work five by five, and there you can also hit with a cluster, but now they have reduced it to two people, and fpv are starting to work, fpv cannot... get them, for example, during landing, they move through the green, among, among the trees, and in this the main problem arises, that is , there are more shells, they have less equipment, to work, that is, to destroy one deuce. people,
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two enemies with projectiles, it must be invested, well, 20, 20 projectiles, sorry, well, that’s a lot, so it’s good that there are more projectiles, but the solution is that the enemy evolves, he begins to fight in a different way, and you have to think, you have to think, think , to think and develop ourselves, that is, the situation at the moment is like this, mr. ivan, slogans and progress, perhaps you have information, signals are coming that the enemy is trying to do so... so to speak slam the so-called box, well , it's hard to talk about it, you need to have information, you have my word, see what the situation is, and we, our brigade is standing in the direction of novooleksandrivka, vozvizhenka, and there, the terrain is like this , on one side of the lake, on the other a mountain, well, not a mountain, so the relief level is higher, that is,
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it is not convenient for them, if they see it, they will come. they stretched along novooleksandrivka, and our guys can work both from the front, and they can work from the left and right flanks, it is all shot through, the fivi are working there over the entire territory, that is , we fly even in line, if you try, you can fly even as far as koksokhim, so the enemy is completely shot at, the enemy has lost a lot of personnel there, and to say that they are in control... is an understatement, they rather, they are hiding in the remnants that are left of novooleksandrivtsi, but there are very few there, that is , they cannot work from there, but what is happening, they understand that this is an unfavorable position and they are trying to level the front so that there are opportunities on a level basis to everything, that's why now the front, the main combat encounters and the main applicable techniques, they directed exactly to, i'm sorry, uh, yes. ah,
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you see me, right? we see, it’s a little upside down, well, nothing, let’s be patient, now i will, yes, i will correct it, yes, and that’s why the front has shifted to the north, south, south, but now, in the middle of the event, they are going to attack other brigades, our adjacent brigades, ah, let they speak for themselves, but they are trying to level this front line, the front. tell me, please, the direction and direction to the track, it's now the hardest part? of the front, i would say, the most important part of the front, if we are talking about the context of the pokrov direction, ah, the road, the road itself, it is a little hyped up in the media, to be honest, because it does not have any strategic significance, rather tactical, for example, we left now to kramatorsk, you can see the windmills, which are beautiful here, and they used to drive along the track, and there is also a lot of reconnaissance flying, but this track itself is
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the main thing. traffic takes place through dobropillya, i.e. by cutting this route, in principle, they do not solve any strategic or tactical problem, well, they just cut it, and therefore there is traffic on this road, we will be there tonight, a correspondent is coming, we will go to this road, work with it, and it is generally before and before such a threat , the road was not so pleasant, because there are some kilometers from... mark bezruchka from the pokrovsky direction was in direct contact with us, they talked about the difficult situation in the pokrovsky direction. well , coleba in china said that russia is not yet
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ready to negotiate. virtuously, that is , and according to the willingness of the russian side to conduct honest negotiations, there is no, there are no prospects for negotiations, but let us do our own thing, antino and i say goodbye to you for today, we say see you tomorrow, take care of yourself and be with espresso. greetings, it's news time in the espresso restaurant, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians are constantly raiding the kharkiv region today, one person is known to have died as a result of a rocket attack on a vineyard. the rescuers got it.


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