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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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there is too much flying there, and the reason why i paid attention to this case is because an interview of commander-in-chief syrskyi with the british daily newspaper guardian also came out, and he also said a few things there that i want to discuss with you, because it also quite interesting, well, first he said about the capabilities of the f-16, they will discuss there. that someday, somewhere, these planes will eventually appear, we hope, but mr. tsirsky said that one should not overestimate the ability to influence the combat, well, some actions of the f-16, because they will not be able to get closer to the front by more than 40 km, well , simply because they become very vulnerable, and right here, exactly in contrast to this case, i just saw it. that
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actually here they are at a distance of 2-5 km, because it was a manual manpads that hit them, that is, it is quite close in this case, it is not 40 km, no, 40 km is what we understand, so that we really fight for them so much for these planes and measure them in a very small number, at least at the first stage, so to fly where russian air defense works, well will be beaten this is also a plane and it is also vulnerable to anti-aircraft missiles, here it is not some kind of weapon that is invulnerable there, they can be shot down in the same way, they were shot down in other wars, they were shot down more than once, so you must not enter the impression zone, there are many work and 40 km from the front line, well, this is a separate conversation, and regarding what mr. sirskyi said about the fact that one should not expect much from the f-16. yes, well, you know about it, military
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experts, analysts, people from different, just military people who understand these issues, they, they said many times that 10-20 planes, well, they won't solve anything fundamentally on the front line, so it will be help, it's better than nothing, but it's not a turning point in the war, we still have a lot of people in the rear , well, i understand that we are all tired of the war, of raids, of shelling, of the light that has to be turned off, and we want something to appear that will give us the opportunity to win quickly, well, you know, it's like a dream about a pill, which cures these diseases and immediately, nothing like that will happen, these airplanes, it will happen not bad, but they will not solve anything fundamental, at least in such a number, our friends from the united states, pilots, generals from the air force have already analyzed that for such a front line as we now have for such a number
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of enemy aircraft, then we need at least 200, at least 200 such aircraft, then we can say that we can start air battles, we can seize the initiative on the battlefield, and achieve certain successes, not a turning point in the war, but at least at least air parity can be achieved 6, 10, 20 planes, well, about parity, let 's not kid ourselves, okay? yes, and regarding, well, parity and opportunities, oleksandr syrsky also mentioned quite a few interesting figures there. yes, i said it, i did not finish the thought, a little, i wanted to bring it to the point that if he said it with his head, then he should have said it, that is, by and large , these are known things, that is what they will not solve question, but you know, when they say it, someone there says it, or... a blogger, or an expert, or
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an analyst, or someone else, here i am, for example, well said and said, well, little ones, who will say what, and when he says it with his head, then the rose-colored glasses are removed about what is now there, now they will come in the 16th, we will show everyone here, we will crush the russians, we will reach moscow in three days, no, nothing like that will happen, and here i would like, well, from myself, maybe to my other colleagues, to thank mr. syrskyi for the fact that he... in a big way, those words of ours confirm, well, they confirm the fact that and so it was known, but when he says it in a capital letter, it is a completely different weight of those words than all of us experts taken together, well, that's why we thank him for telling the truth, well, here he said one more interesting thing, which i would say so a little bit also takes off the rose-colored glasses that were there, in particular, for the lawman, the last one was there in they are such that they run out. capabilities and military
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depots there in russia, but oleksandr syrskyi said that if you compare that at the beginning of the invasion in february... in the 22nd year, the russian federation had on the front line, well, 100 00 there, approximately 150 00 sol 1700, and now he says this the number has increased to 520,000 and by the end of the 24th year they are planned to be 690,000, he also says that since the 22nd year , the number of russian tanks has doubled from 1,700 to 3,500 artillery systems , armored personnel carriers have tripled. 4500 to 8900, you see, i'm saying that, well, i understand that you 've heard these numbers very well, but i'm saying this for our viewers, and on the one hand, also, well , it's a little bit, you know, shows some things that are possible the idea of ​​escalation management somehow
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works a little, a little wrong, and in this case, the question arises, what should be, well , i don't know, some kind of strategy. of ukraine in this war, if it turns out that all the sanctions, all the attempts to exhaust the russians lead to the fact that the number of their armored vehicles on the battlefield doubles, triples, the number of soldiers becomes five times larger, then what should be the defense strategy ours, here you mentioned, i understand who you mentioned, escalation management, there are such words in the united states that they believe that... maybe we need to strengthen a little bit our capabilities, our capabilities with you to give feedback russian, let it be gradually unyielding there and so on, well , something is not working, because we really like the number of destroyed enemies per
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day, per month, but this figure fluctuates around 3-30 thousand russians destroyed per month, and the figure that is added monthly, she is 35-40. that is, we destroy 30, plus 10, which is added to 5 10, and well, that is, all 30 are added to them from above, as they say, so the number increases, the number of equipment increases, well, the truth is that the equipment is there, there is the amount, it is twice will no longer be able to increase and in general they will not be able to significantly to increase, because they took out almost everything they had, about 3.5 more ee... there won’t be another thousand or 2 sya yet, they don’t have such an opportunity anymore, they already took out everything possible, artillery, they took out even the 130th caliber, which not everyone has even heard of, what kind of caliber it is, these are guns that were decommissioned at the end of the 40s in the soviet union, because they are also looking for shells for them
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somewhere in north korea, not there empty warehouses, there is still a lot of stuff there, but almost everything they have is now on sale, and they can only keep it. and nourish to strengthen, to increase, they already do not have such an opportunity, so how should we conduct defense, well, this war, well, here, well, now, now it is as if we have adopted the concept of what is called active defense, and well, a little, well, let's say it officially it sounds like this, to destroy the enemy's ability to continue the war as much as possible, well, actually on the battlefield, the fact is that from the types of defense. in addition to the positional one, which we all know well, and we look at the maxtet and think why it is the only one from the defense, there is also a mobile, maneuverable defense, an active defense, point defense, listen there, well , there are several types of them and what we
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use, er, them, and this is not something, this is not some know-how, you know, it is so annoying when there is some new vision or . such a vision, it is a tactic on the battlefield, in the field, it has not changed since the time of the napoleonic wars, there is nothing new there, everything is clear, the means of achieving the goal have changed, the russians are trying to grind everything else out from the flank, well, that is, everything it is known, therefore it is very necessary to somehow, i don't know, whether to introduce military censorship or something else, to push it away people who climb up and try to tell how to fight, and say: er, such a fool that, well, you know, they give advice on a universal scale, universal stupidity at the same time, great, everyone, everyone understands perfectly, for this the commanders study and they know , which tactics should be used on this particular terrain, at this particular time, with exactly this amount of our forces and means, the forces and
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means of the enemy, what is active defense, how should one maneuver, what is mobile defense, what is even circular defense, what positional defense, what is chip defense and so on, that is, all this and all this is combined. and is used in order to inflict maximum damage on the enemy and give him the opportunity to advance minimally, but he will still advance somewhere, that too, well, it has not been there in the last 3 00 years. such that the army advances, does not advance anywhere, well , this has never happened in the history of wars, so these are also completely expected results, but why is it dangerous, when people get up and start talking about it, it warms up inside society is an unnecessary degree and greatly affects the military, they begin to hesitate to make a decision about leaving or not, because leaving five houses, the name of which 99.9 people have never heard, is accepted in society. and in mediaptor it is almost like a defeat in the war, and people are hesitant to read the command to leave, because it is necessary to leave,
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save the people, or later they will be lying there again, i don’t know positive, negative white or what bloggers i don’t know, tell here that someone did us wrong, we left one more inhabited point, although it was a village, there were three dilapidated houses there, you see, but some name, so the chulist tells about cases when he did not... gives a command, for example, combrich, well, we hope that this is not completely verified information about the departure of the battalion troops, which almost completely surrounded, because the combatant says that it is necessary to withdraw, well, there is no point in holding the defense here, we will only put people, he hesitates, why does he hesitate, because if he gives the order to withdraw, there will be such a reaction in society and there from the other side sides also need to be sorted out and well, how did it happen that she just... completely withdrew and exposed their flank, because every time such stories happen, it
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is connected with the fact that someone withdrew and entered from the flank, it is already such a constant story in us, you know, it seems that everyone is just sitting and waiting, well, when they come in from the flank again to leave, well, it’s kind of just terrible, absolutely, we have to go a little bit already, i wanted to say a little different, the fact is that they are going don't talk about... well, responsibility or at least administrative responsibility for what the commander gives the order to withdraw the unit, this is what scares me, i am sure that it is necessary to do the exact opposite, if a person gave the command for the withdrawal of troops, when it was fully consistent with the military situation that existed there at that time, then it should be that no less administrative, better criminal liability, because listen, i know, well, i was fired not so long ago, i have a lot of friends who are fighting and listen, i and we are constantly communicating with them. when what they tell about the impossibility of leaving when you are practically
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surrounded for several days, there is no order to enter, because there is little that will happen from the point of view of the commander, the commander will either give the order to leave, and then he will almost be taken to the post, so here it is necessary to stop, it is necessary to tell more often, let's stop it, we won't stop it, if it's gone, it's gone, tell more often and for... well, in any case, directing military actions with a telegram is a bad idea , absolutely, we should take a break for 30 seconds , no, yes, we already have, thank you very much alexei hetman, a reserve major of the national guard, we should go for a break now and we will be back after the break. national. megogo is a lot of channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows.
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to yours. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. interview with eustratius zorya about challenges for the ukrainian church. the problem of the institution of reputation in our society is an example mykola tyshchenko. in article. lada vvedenska about the difficulties and challenges of military medics. the country is always at the forefront. look for press or subscriptions at the points of sale. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two
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hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of ulyuble. presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me called mykola veresyn. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to
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prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. and off the top of my head and beyond, who is china then, my heart aches. all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. let's return to the chronicles of the war, and i remind you of our defeat. collection for the purchase of drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault unit the brigade of the 110th brigade, which has already shot down two dozen planes there and continues to do so , and the 47th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, they are all standing in the pokrov direction, well, actually, after the battles for avdiivka, they need replenishment of resources
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, they urgently need... drones, means protection, countering enemy drones, that is why this collection is critically important for them, please join, it is very important, and it is obvious that such a collection gives an opportunity to defend ourselves, an opportunity to fight, and for us , our goal is 3,500 uah big enough, but also help will be very essential for our fighters, you see. there is a qr code so please any contribution is important here. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we
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need means of electronic warfare against the enemy's small uavs and komikaze drones. we ask for your help, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, yes, i hope we have a new guest already, no, unfortunately, not yet, then let's tell a little about what we actually talked about with the previous guest, with oleksiy hetman, we talked about what happened there now in terms of progress. such a flank breakthrough, well, this is also the pokrovsky direction, everything where there are serious battles and where the russians are constantly trying to advance, and there a flank breakthrough took place, due to the fact that a certain group of fighters left their position, and as a result , another group of fighters can practically find themselves
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surrounded , and now there the state wrote to itself what it wrote to them: fighters who ask and they say that they do not have an order to leave that place, therefore, although combrich supports them, the direct management says that this is how they should leave, but it seems that the higher leaders do not give such an order to leave, well, what do we hope that this situation will be somehow exhausted, and still they will figure out who should be where, but the story itself, of course, when they happen... you already know such flanking russian breakthroughs, well, it's just some kind of tradition, when it seems that no one does anything waited from the flank, and there someone leaves, then someone finds himself in difficult situations. in the situation, fighters from other directions have to be brought in to stabilize the front, and for some reason, it is not known for what reason it is done in our country as some kind
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of tradition, it was thus an important point and thorn was lost, and now this story takes place around a certain very important height, which also, well, its loss can have, well, long-term not bad, let's say, consequences, moreover, this... a breakthrough can be in the direction of the road from pokrovsky to konstantinovka, which is really important, which, well may also affect the further course of hostilities. well, that's it, that is, while i can't say what we have, we have to wait a little longer, because... it's not clear, we can't, yeah, it's like when our guest appeared, this is the callsign, the commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th of a separate brigade,
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a mechanized brigade, i congratulate you, mr. roste, congratulations, congratulations, i am very glad to finally see you, that you were able to break through to us, so the communication is very bad, yes, well, well, i can hear you normally, so, if you can't hear us, it's okay... but we can hear you well, well, first of all, i would like to to ask you about such a direction, you know, which, on the one hand, when compared with other directions, looks as if it is calmer, but if you look at the general picture, there are now some attempts by the russians and some such offensive actions, what is your situation, do you feel in your direction the same attempts by the russians to move forward? well, in our direction for the last 11 months that we have been, not once has the enemy stopped us in small or large groups
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from storming in the direction of liman. therefore, i cannot say that our direction is today quieter than any other. the enemy is climbing, climbing constantly. there, the russian soldiers were bragging about something, as if they had succeeded. advance somewhere in the direction of nevsky, as well as ternivyam polivka, is it true, this is not really valid, then their propaganda videos show something there, the 60th separate mechanized brigade, as it was still standing, is still standing and none did not lose its position, so this is a complete lie, but tell me what... are the tactics of the russians in your direction now, do they use them when trying to move somewhere there more infantry or some kind of equipment,
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that is, how during all this time you have been watching how their attempts at action change, in the spring of this year there were very powerful enemy assaults, mechanized detachments drove tanks, armored personnel carriers, a very large number. was, but all this equipment was destroyed, and at the moment, as of now, the enemy only goes on foot, or tries to drive up to our positions on these buggies and atvs, but the buggies are not armor and it is also very it burns well, so only on foot in small groups, they can reach their advanced positions, but what you say is true. a typical situation, because we, when you include your other colleagues from other directions, they say the same thing, that this is a tactic of assaults, walking in small groups and all, and you know,
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i have such a question, tell me, when is this here are the tactics of foot assaults, yes, why is it not used somehow more on our side more actively, for example, mining with anti-personnel mines, i understand that these are anti-personnel mines, this is such a controversial topic, but we have a question... well, well, m' as saying, not to some politicians, why are there few mines, i understand you, but anti-personnel mines, mines are prohibited by the geneva convention, and they cannot be installed in the order prescribed in military military affairs, so we do not use anti-personnel mines. which are used by the enemy, we can only use them there minimally for the defense of some position, and
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then at a distance. detachment, that is, we cannot dig in and inflict damage on the enemy in this way, well, this is not according to the geneva convention, but we are fighting according to the geneva convention convention, that's why we don't do this, well, this explains the difference between the way our troops tried to attack, well, counterattack in the zaporizhzhia region, and actually encountered this with the fact that there were anti-personnel units, the enemy uses it, we don't use it, but we. .. we are successfully using fpv systems, drops, mortar fire, artillery fire, i believe that in this war, in this phase of the war of 2024, armored vehicles are almost irrelevant, all the equipment is found on the approaches, so to speak, there in 4 -5 km, and
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90% of the time it's... destroyed on approach, so now all those tanks that cost millions of dollars just get destroyed by half a 300 bucks and a good pilot, ugh, but the fpv saturation on our end is enough to it could be compensated for, that's enough, but as everyone knows that bc doesn't happen much, that's why at the moment it's not parity with the enemy, we have an enemy in this. also has a lot of fpv, a lot of ammunition, it is already producing at its capacity and supplies its front with the latest resets, which they are against us are used, i wonder what kind of ammunition it is, what is the novelty of it, please explain a little, reveal it, ammunition adapted to mount fpv or mavics.
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armors of skid systems, and they are adapted by their weight and the impact mechanism for modern actions, that is, it is, if you take a look, ordinary, it must be modified to be dropped from the mavik, then it will work, and they are already giving ammunition to their army, which already is an analogue of a vog, but detonates instantly when hitting the ground from a small height. that is, well that is, it is directly factory technology already, that is, somewhere they have put their production on stream, so somewhere they have put on stream and it is used against us, well, this is an unfortunate story, because of course we would also like to have some commensurate thing here, which could also to work, well, we have more or less the same number, so we keep parity in terms of the number of accurate drops, we are exactly, well, literally there for half a minute,
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tell me, anyway, what about the artillery, how is it now in your direction, how are you see it because there is already information about what the russians and 130 are pulling up, and well, there are the korean ones, how do you actually deal with this, and with large-caliber artillery, i can say that the enemy has noticeably weakened in it, but he has enough bk for 120 mortars... enough tank bmp and hundredth caliber, so this is quite a lot, and the tanks of closed positions are also shooting at the enemy, 152 mm we are already watching du well much less than two months ago, well, thank you very much, thank you for joining us after all and were able to call, it was growth, callsign growth,
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the commander of the 9th separate mechanized brigade, ours time is up, stay with the espresso tv channel, we will meet you, well, not in a week, but in a couple of weeks in this format, so see you. greetings, it's news time on espresso, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. three injured as a result of the attack on kharkiv, the russians attacked the city for the sixth time today. a controlled aerial bomb hit the central part, the house is on fire there, said the mayor of the city , ihor terekhov. it is also known that six people were injured as a result of the rocket attack.
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the occupiers hit the... zone, she got busy there large-scale fire


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