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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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buying ammunition shells in north korea or in shahedi iran, it will be significantly reduced, that is, the economic potential of russia will fall, and this of course will reduce the possibility of a prolonged war for russia, again, this will weaken their position for negotiations, for negotiations, so there are several aspects , which in principle can greatly contribute to the strengthening of the position of ukraine, as well as china, trump announced that he will actually carry out. a war against china, china will obviously have problems, and they will not be able to help russia under these conditions, again, this weakens the so-called axis of evil, which china does not directly participate in, but apparently supports in various ways , mainly through economic instruments, in these conditions, when they will be in a state of trade war with the united states, well , they will not be able to support russia, so these aspects can be used by ukraine. and one more aspect, which is not
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military-political, but rather purely technical or defense-industrial, this is exactly trump's initiative related to the iron dome, you made assumptions that it could be something remind there of the initiative of the united states during the time of star wars, in order to involve russia in the pursuit of weapons, which russia simply cannot withstand. what is the basis of this assumption, and not only russia, but also china, because china is also such a ... a player that did not participate, of course, in the treaties that the soviet union and the united states signed, and so they got the opportunity not comply with any agreements at all, have no restrictions, and in principle gradually catch up with nuclear capabilities, both in terms of carriers and warheads, the united states and russia, that's why, in principle, why i made such an assumption, well, because in fact the concept itself... of this so-called large
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iron dome, in my opinion, is poorly implemented, because it requires huge investments precisely in the creation and mass production of anti-missile systems that would begin to cover the entire territory of the united states, but in reality this is not necessary, since the territory of the united states can be defended anyway by more point-based systems. missile defense systems that already exist, there are already several systems that are already in principle 20 years, they are installed, developed and perform anti-missile defense tasks against iran and north korea and china and russia, in fact, if we assume that the united states will begin to strengthen, that is, create systems that will more reliably cover this territory. well, but on the other hand, it
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should not be some kind of dome, that is, a dome with a canopy with space anti-missile defense systems, they look too, shall we say, expensive, too complicated, and the impression is that this is really some kind of challenge for china and of russia, in order for them to start like this to be very, very concerned about this problem and invest money. precisely in this direction, undermining its economy, and i will remind you that trump wants to undermine the economy due to low oil prices and the economy of china due to a direct trade war, that is, in these conditions, where the arms race can really hit the economy of these two members of the axis evil and mr. mykhailo, literally one minute for extreme questions about the prospect of placement in germany, in europe, from the 26th year.
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american sirol medium-range missiles there in tomahawk6, what will this have consequences for containment of the russian reaction, how can russia act in response, what could be the intrigues surrounding this story? well, actually the 26th year is not soon, so we don't know what 's going to happen in that time, we can now plan for a week or two, actually, at the most until the end of the year, because we know that there will be presidents. elections in the united states, but what will happen after that, it is very difficult to say, in fact, what will happen in europe, in terms of american weapons or even american troops, now i i think that this is a kind of carte blanche, a vacuum where different ideas can be implemented, for example, the former prime minister of great britain johnson, he said that, look, maybe the american troops should be withdrawn, and ukrainian troops should be brought in there, remember yata in his yes, a good idea, but it
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shows how scattered, such a wide range of ideas that are open there after the 24th year, so i think about rockets it's still... too early to say, it can change 100 times, but on the other hand, it will not change the situation radically, because in fact it is not ship systems and tomahawk and aegis with sm6 missiles, they are also in the mediterranean sea and in principle at the same distance to russia as in germany, for example, that is , the ground version will be there, then in principle it will not change the situation much in fact, from the point of view of demonstrating the presence, maybe it will change a certain... let's say, a certain sense of security in the same baltic countries, because it will somehow bring the american long-range systems and systems closer to the baltic countries, to the northern and eastern flank of nato. mr. mykhailo, very much thank you for your time, for your clear, interesting
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comments. let me remind you that it was mykhailo samus, the director of the new geopolitics research network, and these were the main military results of that day, yuri fizer will continue the broadcast, so... tune in on the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets, these were the military results of the day. well, i 'm moving on and first of all i want to thank all our viewers for helping us close the collection. we collected 4 million hryvnias, which will go towards the purchase of atvs, which are so necessary for our defenders on front line thank you very much to all of you, but we cannot stop there and we are moving on. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th
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and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended. in the direction of action in the spring, so there are a lot of losses and resources need to be replenished. they are urgent need modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critically important for the protection of our soldiers, and our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. good health, dear ukrainians. we are soldiers of the first assault battalion. of the third separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against malikhbyl, the enemy and komikaji drones, please we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, glory, the guys are asking for our help, let's help them 3.5 million dollars, it's not much, and now i'm joined... from the united states of america, people's deputy of ukraine, ivanna klympush sensadze. ms. ivanna, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. i thank you very much for joining, you are far away, but thank you that the fiber optic lines of the world allow us, allow us to talk. you have, i suspect, a very tight schedule, you probably already had some meetings and some more are planned, can you more details? yes, of course, well, you know, there are big concerns that the european solidarity delegation was not allowed by the leadership of the parliament to attend the republican congress in milwaukee, and unfortunately, i believe that ukraine lost additional opportunities to convince our republican colleagues of how important it is to prioritize
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tasks. our joint tasks to achieve victory in ukraine, after all, by some miracle, we were signed on a business trip. but no longer as part of the full delegation there, but to me, iryna gerashchenko and maria ionova, and here we work here, trying to make up for lost opportunities for the state, i emphasize, for the state in milwaukee, but obviously in washington we work with the democratic environment and with the republican environment, we meet with a large number of representatives of think tanks that influence the formation of politicians' opinions. and we have meetings in congress, in the state department, in the pentagon, in the national security council, these are the main players who today determine the priorities of american politics, now and will be determine the future priorities of the american
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policy towards ukraine, we are obviously here in the midst of the election campaign, as it was. earlier this week or on sunday, and it was announced that president biden is withdrawing his running mate, that... he is endorsing vice president harris for this position, and it's obvious that these are again additional such tectonic shifts and in the very course of the election campaign, and the main attention of american society and american politicians today is focused on internal affairs, and this migration, this is economic and economic development, this is inflation, this is the same problem of banning abortions in many states and... many other problems, therefore it is critical for us to work systematically to put
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ukraine back on the agenda, it is not on the priority list, let's say, the agenda, it is a part of both the discourse and the tasks, but at the same time it disappeared from the front pages, it disappeared from the main topics that would, well, be taken care of by american politicians, that's why you know it, disposable ones like that... it is obviously impossible to change by riding, it is necessary work systematically, like at the level of the government, the president, parliamentary diplomacy, systemic parliamentary diplomacy, public diplomacy, and use all the platforms to interact, we feel that we really need to put in extra effort so that the weapons that the united states can give us can provide us with the united states of america. within the appropriations that were voted by the congress, we still need
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to work to accelerate the transfer of weapons, to accelerate the transfer of those critical to systems that could allow us to change the situation on the battlefield at the front, including decisions that are critical for our armed forces, to attack military targets on the territory of the russian federation, and ... with long-range weapons of our partners and allies, and obviously it is important to us , so that they continue to put pressure on the russian federation, both economic and, say, there through various other international instruments, sanctions instruments, but this requires constant coordination, also a separate one, well, in general, this is the direction of our interaction, here with colleagues and informing them about the real situation in the energy sector of ukraine, those terrorist attacks of the russian
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federation, here, well, in some, let's say, cabinets, there is a deep understanding of this, this issue, there is a willingness to get involved and proactively help ukraine, everyone perfectly understands that, unfortunately, time is very not much until october in order to make decisions there, transfer equipment, propose some systemic solutions, and... well, i'm a little worried that we also hear here that, unfortunately, there is no a sufficient, let's say, a high-quality management team from the side of ukraine, and a coordination team from the side of ukraine, which could make the most of the opportunities that our partners are ready to provide, because if four to six weeks ago there was still a question of where to find funds among partners in order to invest... in the restoration, at least a partial restoration and protection of our energy system, at the moment
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the funds are already available, but you can go to the next step only when you see that the equipment that is already was delivered by us partners, it was connected to the system, it is already working and so on, and these processes, unfortunately, cause serious delays on the part of ukraine, and this is not... can not be a concern, because it will affect the quality of our relationship with you life in the winter period not only in the 24th and 25th years, and unfortunately, it will be a structural, well, such a factor in our economy, in our life in the coming years, and here we need honest, honest and sincere communication with the government and the president, with society, as well as a certain internal mobilization of the professions. without which well
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we will have very sad and difficult consequences for the citizens of ukraine. mrs. ivanna, could you please tell me, taking into account the tectodesh suva that you mentioned in the american political community, do you get the feeling that we still have this bipartisan and bicameral support from the united states of america, or do we need to be more active now? what's more, we continue to have bipartisan and bicameral, true support for the united states of america in both republican and democratic circles. there is a majority that actively supports ukraine, we we are also talking with analysts here, and we considered various such more closed, even sociological studies that were presented to us, which say that among both the republican and democratic electorates, more than 70% of people, and
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this has a very serious effect on politicians, you know, when citizens in a democratic country support further er... further aid to ukraine, and about 57% of the population of the united states supports the military provision of military aid to ukraine, but that does not mean that this is the kind of situation that is easy, well, in which you can easily base all your expectations there, but with simple expectations and the good will of our partners, we will not be able to pave our way to that, well, such a change. every situation that could force the russian federation to peace on the terms of international law, and therefore we need to, well, in my opinion, just extremely mobilize our efforts and, you know, work as such an orchestra that every, every player, every musician in to this orchestra, which could and
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would be able to play its part as if it were the part of a country which... which knows its own, is aware of his interests and knows how to use as much as possible all the opportunities of various players, our players, who can convey this or that information and these or that messages to various players in the united states of america, obviously, you know, there is a lot of excitement here, by the way, as with from the republican environment, and from the democratic environment regarding the fact that if, for example, mr. trump is elected... how much will it affect, for example, not only the support of ukraine, how much will it affect the relations between the european union and by the united states, how much it will affect the unity within the north atlantic alliance, but many analysts say that if you work systematically, propose
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solutions, see a common interest and formulate it, then... well, all these uncertainties, let's say, and contingencies that this is how they look today, it will be possible to overcome, and there is hope for that too, well, but obviously we do not know the potential results that will be, that these american elections will bring, at the moment the situation is, well, approximately equal, both in the teams of the democrats and in the teams of the republicans, and therefore for success in ukraine. in any case, we need to maximally, maximally involve both one political force and another, none of them individually can do for ukraine what the american state can do when it is united. well , first of all, i want to thank you for the work you are currently doing in the united states of america, and i wish for the time that you have left, to somehow be more active and
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reach out to our partners, and now let's even with the fact that... . now in the usa, let's talk a little about european affairs, about the european union, since you are very actively involved in these european affairs, ukrainian european integration, here is a quote: ukraine is moving towards the opening of the first negotiation chapters with the european union in 2020, at the beginning of 2025, now brussels is waiting for two road maps from kyiv, announced this on monday. this is the prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna. ms. ivanna, i am sure many of our viewers may have questions after this. here we are until now the european union said that in order for ukraine to become a full-fledged member of this european community, it is necessary to do so-and-so, so-and-so, so-and-so. done, here again
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something, something is happening, what will happen, what will happen next? wait, that's it. these homework assignments that we did, they were, well, different levels of assignments, yes, when we did the association agreement, which by the way, we continue to do, obviously it gave us the opportunity to just fill out that questionnaire more fully when we applied for candidate status and to have something to base our argument on that ukraine has been serious for years since 2014. transformed and got closer to the european union, then the candidacy itself, it was accompanied by certain conditions in order to even keep it, then we needed to open negotiations and give... them a start, and now we have moved on to systemic complex work, when we will now analyze together with the european union completely, completely all our legislation, by-laws, our
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formal and informal, let's say, mutual not within the state, how it functions, for compliance of all this with those rules and those procedures that work in the european union, and having received a complete and integrated picture, we will move on to, understand... when and how, in what way ukraine will implement these european norms, which are horizontal for all member countries, into their legislation, but this is not only part of the work, the legislation is the first step, after that it needs to start working in practice, someday it will be about some institutions, it will be about some about about specialists who need to be trained, about the procedures that are needed. to launch, this is serious and essential work, about the funds that need to be invested, that need to be found, and we need to agree, perhaps with the european union, that they will additionally provide us
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with these funds, so now the process is already underway, the process of this assessment has begun, of the so-called screening, and what the vice-prime minister said is about the first section, the cluster called foundations, the foundations are about democratic institutions, it's about the balance of power, it's about supremacy. rights, it's about anti-corruption, it's about people's rights and freedoms, about freedom of speech , including all those things that will be horizontal and cross-cutting during our entire accession process, and now ukraine really expects two road maps, but it seems to me that the vice-prime minister is a bit deceitful, because three are waiting for them. she meant two roadmaps on how we're going to change our rule of law system and with... change the government system, what's the government reform, but the third road map, and somehow our government today it is considered desirable, but not
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necessary, but i think that we will very quickly realize with a cold shower that this is a mandatory part, it is about the road map, well , let's say, the renewal of the functioning of democratic institutions in ukraine, this the fact that neither our president nor the government wants to assign a person there. attention and believes that martial law is an argument that it can be postponed, i am convinced that we will see this demand in the same report of the european commission that will be published in the enlargement and which will concern analysis of the situation of everyone in all member states of the european union, approximately at the end of october, and this will be part of the additional tasks that ukraine will have to perform, so i would advise all our... fulfillment of all these conditions, as well as the winning bargaining
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power, and only the capacity is not enough, but the building of this bargaining power, after all , to treat all requirements as objectively and holistically as possible, we will not be able to choose one or the other from the menu. matters that we like or dislike and reject those that we do not like, the menu must be fully taken into account in ukrainian realities, and this is the work that requires both political pluralism, and this work that requires exactly this kind of full involvement of all professionals capabilities, all political forces, all different players, business players, public players who are in ukraine in order for us to succeed. mrs. ivanna, about this process, which seems to me to be so long, can we encounter any problematic moments? undoubtedly, we will constantly encounter
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problematic moments, and because european integration is, you know, not the kind of path that is dreamed up just there with some beautiful red carpet, it is a big systemic work, and this work will require a team in its part. solutions, this is work that will require, again, funds, this is work that will require additional training of specialists at the central and regional levels, at the community levels, and it seems to me that this is precisely this part of such an honest dialogue with society, and about challenges, and about difficult things that will have to be decided. which, perhaps, even some of them in the short term will be painful, but in the medium and long term will give a result for every citizen of ukraine, a positive result
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for... every ukrainian, and for enterprises, and for the economy, and for self-realization, all these things need to be discussed with society, and if we have certain restrictions on freedom of speech in ukraine, and, for example, the same impossibility of returning the espresso channel to digital broadcasting, or the direct channel or the fifth channel, or a complete outpouring of propaganda and censorship in a single marathon, then... this is actually a big risk for the ukrainian society, which is already exhausted by the war, exhausted by trials and problems, and and and security in front of both economic and psychological ones, and it reacted emotionally to the fact that something seems to us or does not seem to us, or we have difficult, difficult
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decisions, and there will be this temptation. individual politicians to point to brussels, they say, it is not us, it is all to blame, brussels is to blame, but us, and we we just expect that they will take us there, this is the approach we must avoid, because the enormous support we have today, from the public, for our path, for our european integration, euro-atlantic integration, it is a big task for us to maintain that support and the faith of our citizens that this will lead to a better... future for everyone, every adult, senior, and small citizen of ukraine. i hope that the government understands this, and the government will conduct this dialogue. well , i have one more question for you, please tell me please, i have already asked this to many people, i want to hear your opinion again, this is the number that the year 2030 keeps telling us, in your opinion, is it real, or is it just a number, and it is some kind of guideline
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, just, you know, i... very i don't like to predict when we have such, well , specific dates, when we have so many uncertain components and factors that can affect the speed of our movement towards the european union, and this is our internal capacity, this is also the political settings in the european union itself, this is the war and its consequences, and, for example, ours the ability simultaneously with... with this influence to carry out systemic changes in ukraine, and the demographic situation in ukraine, the ecological situation in ukraine and so on, so i would like us not to go beyond this average number of years, which countries that have passed the successful path from application to membership was used for negotiations, it is approximately seven years on average, well, if
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you consider it too. that we received candidate status in the 23rd year, then this, then this is exactly 20, and this is exactly the opportunity to fit into the period seven years, and i would like us to succeed, it would be a very, very positive result for ukraine. i thank you very much, ms. ivanna, for participating in the program, ivanna klympushenza, people's deputy. of ukraine is currently in the united states of america, where together with his colleagues, he is holding a series of meetings with representatives of american politicians, both republicans and democrats, and is trying to continue to convince them that ukraine needs to be helped, and that it is extremely important not only for ukraine, but also for of the united states of america itself, i am sure that it is so, and they talked to her specifically about
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spola. states of america and a little about ukrainian european integration. let me remind you that ms. ivanna is dealing with this issue in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. ivanna klympush is a sensation. well, next, news. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, i'll start with this: two victims as a result of the attack on kharkiv. the russians attacked the city for the sixth time today. guided aerial bomb. they hit the central part and there , unfortunately, the house is on fire, that's about it informed the mayor of the city, mayor ihor terikhov. it is also known that six people were injured as a result of a rocket attack, the occupiers hit an industrial zone, and a large-scale fire broke out at a civilian infrastructure facility. emergency services are on site.


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