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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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to prepare the basis for relations with the next administration of the white house, as well as to achieve their own goals in the fragile coalition of the israeli parliament, on the eve of the three-month recess. perhaps there will be a political moment that allows netanyahu to take some steps before the knesset goes into recess without causing the coalition to collapse immediately. netanyahu could potentially oppose far-right factions in his coalition and reach an agreement with hamas. on a ceasefire after almost nine months of war. last week united states secretary of state anthony blinken said that such an agreement is quite possible. i believe we are close to reaching an agreement that will lead to a ceasefire, the return of the hostages, and a better path to lasting peace and stability. however , most analysts doubt that the ceasefire agreement will last beyond its first phase. and this... this is a
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six-week cessation of hostilities in exchange for the release of some of the hostages held by hamas. kateryna lisunova, petsiv akusvara, voice of america, washington. thanks katya, katryna lisonova told us about netanyahu's visit to washington. meanwhile, on why kamela garis was absent from netanyahu 's campaign launch speech and whether she has a chance of beating donald trump, we talk to yulia yaramelenko, who joins. from the white house. congratulations yulia. so, is it a coincidence that garis was not present during such an ambiguous speech by netanyahu at the congress, or is this already her political strategy? you know, maria kamela garis, today has already officially started her campaign, she did it the day before, but today she is in indiana and is holding campaign rallies there. and it is worth saying that the argument of the kamela garis company is that there are more than 100
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days until the election, she does not have much time, and she, in fact, as the most likely candidate from the democratic party, has to reacquaint all of america with herself , and therefore she decided not to change her plans and continue to campaign. it is worth saying that tomorrow benemi netanyahu will meet in bely at home with the president of the united states, joe biden, and separately with vice president kamela harris. as for whether it was a coincidence, we've certainly heard criticism before. from the republicans in the previous inclusion , they say that this is disrespectful, and some analysts say that this is absolutely not a coincidence, and this may indicate in their opinion that there are some differences in the position of joe biden and kamela harris regarding the unquestioned support israel, analysts say, kamela harris may be more sympathetic to the plight of the palestinians, and it may to be reflected in its policy, although they do not foresee a major change of course. and it's that,
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it's that greater sympathy for the palestinians that might actually be a win for her, because a lot of young voters, minority voters, they don't agree with joe biden's policy of unquestioning support for israel, so that might not be a coincidence. yulia, speaking of joe biden, we are expecting his address to the voters today at three o'clock in the morning kyiv time, this will be the first address after he announced that he will not be bogged down. we are on the call america will broadcast this event. tell me, please, what can be expected from this speech? three o'clock in the morning for kyiv sounds, of course, very late, but in washington it will be prime time, it is 8:00 p.m. washington, he will speak from the oval office, and this is the format for the most important speeches from the american president, and in this speech we expect to hear two things from him: firstly, he will explain his decision not to go... for the second term, which
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was certainly not easy for him, and secondly, he must present what he sees his priorities for the next six months, the six months he has left as president of the united states, and chuckshumer, today the senate majority leader, once again emphasized how difficult the decision was for joe biden and what he expects to hear. president biden's decision not to... seek a second term will be remembered as one of the greatest acts of patriotism among presidents in the long, rich history of the united states. passing the baton is one of the most difficult decisions possible for those who dedicated his entire life to leadership, but he did it because he believed it was the right thing to do for the country he loved so much. that said, i expect president biden tonight to remind the american people that one thing hasn't changed. that president biden
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will present two completely different visions of america: the vision of america of the democrats and what actually now kamela harris will go to the position of president to fight and the vision and contrast this vision of america with donald trump. in donald trump's campaign, we certainly expect an answer to this as well speech, but they are already focusing all their attention on camila garis and talking about what and why they think she will be. a worse president than joe biden, but actually trump said that it would be very easy for him to defeat kamela garis, if she is the official candidate of the democrats, what are her chances of winning, yulia? maria, we 're journalists, we don't predict, but what is showing something now is the latest
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polls, and these are actually the first polls since joe biden made his decision, and now it looks like the odds actually equal, it's 46% for donald trump, 45% for kamel harris. but 9% of people are undecided, and that number has grown a lot, so it's going to be very interesting now in the coming months to see if camela harris can endear herself to america and reintroduce herself to america, and if donald trump will somehow change the minds of those people who decided not to vote for him. thank you yuliya, i will remind you that yuliya yarmolenko worked for us from the white house. and to other news: it took place in china. meeting of the minister of foreign affairs of ukrainian affairs dmytro kuleba with the minister of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china. the ukrainian delegation reported that the talks lasted longer than planned, and the main topic was russia's aggression against ukraine and china's possible involvement in the settlement of the war. according to the results of the meeting
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, the chinese foreign ministry stated that ukraine is willing and ready for dialogue and negotiations with russia. our correspondent in london, bohdan tsyupin, knows more about these negotiations. congratulations , bohdan. on application. the us state department spokesman here, matthew, has already responded to china miller. he said that ukraine has always been ready for peace negotiations, while russia itself is not ready for negotiations. what does the chinese side mean when it says that ukraine is ready for negotiations and what is ukraine's response? well, the most we hear from chinese officials is about china's desire for peace and that china is seeking to, ah... a negotiated end to the war, but i used the word war, and it's worth noting what what we hear from chinese official representatives, is very often similar to
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the wording coming from moscow, that is, from the chinese side, in the time since the beginning of the russian invasion of... in february 22nd, there has never once been a condemnation of russian aggression, in fact the words aggression chinese representatives they don't use, they don't even use the word war, so the statements of the chinese representatives, on the one hand, are peaceful, on the other hand, they are rather peculiar. two foreign ministers. exchanged views on the ukrainian crisis. van yevkaz said that the ukrainian crisis has entered third year and the conflict is still ongoing with risks of escalation and spread. china remains firmly committed to a political settlement. the four principles outlined by president xi jinping constitute china's fundamental approach to solving the crisis.
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on this basis, china and brazil jointly outlined six common understandings for the political settlement of the ukraine crisis. so. as you heard, it is about the ukrainian crisis, it is about the conflict, and it is about the fact that china offers to resolve this conflict or crisis at the negotiating table, and in connection with with this, from the chinese side, more than a year ago , china's 12 so-called positions were released, which ultimately repeat mainly ... this course, as well as the so-called six points agreed with brazil in may, which also insist that the war must stop , again, without using the word war and without calling on russia to withdraw
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its troops from ukrainian territory, but many international partners are calling on china to use its opportunities in order to... incline russia to end the war and promote of peace, and ukraine as well, here is the most important, in my opinion, quote that came out today from the lips of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, or at least one of them sounds like this: i am sure, minister kuleba said, that a just peace in ukraine corresponds to the strategic interests of china , and china's role as a global force for peace is important, the end of the quote from the ukrainian minister. bohdan, we also know that... dmytro koleba already met with vanya in february of this year, he then invited him to participate in the peace summit in switzerland, then
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it failed, now ukraine wants to hold a second peace summit, potentially in one of the countries of the global south, could this country be china, and was it possible to sway china to ukraine's side? well, i was among the journalists covering the first, so -called inaugural peace summit in switzerland, not so long ago in... in june, and the main question before the start of that meeting, which was attended by representatives of almost a hundred countries, the heads of more than 50 states and governments, the question was whether china would come or participate in such a summit, but china, china has not sent a single representative at any level, and so the question actually arises as to what ... the further role, or what role china wants to play in
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a possible peace process, because on the one hand, emphasizing the desire to promote peace, china, well, for example, today during the meeting in guangzhou, the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs with his chinese counterpart, the general secretary of the communist party of china and, as they say, the president of china, xi jinping. sent his greetings to the conference on energy cooperation between russia and china, which took place today, so while china does not actually condemn the russian invasion, although it talks about peace, on the other hand, trade volumes between russia and china are growing, on the one hand, china says that it wants to cooperate with ukraine as well, but cooperatively. .. the relationship between beijing and moscow is called that there are no borders, at least this is
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the wording that comes from china, so the understanding or idea of ​​what china really wants, whether china is now comfortable with such a role as an outside observer who generously gives his advice, but is it really china will take on a very difficult task and really put pressure on... russia, this question remains open. thank you bohdan. i will remind you that bohdan tsyupin told us about the progress in the negotiations between ukraine and china. read more analytical materials on this topic on the website of voice of america in ukraine. and finally , the story about how the war changed the perception of ukraine in the world. ukrainian studies, in universities, scientists. students abroad help foreigners form a new understanding of modern ukraine. cultural
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anthropologist and director of kanadsky nataliya khanenko friesen of the institute of ukrainian studies talks about how the war changed ukrainian science, how scientists help bring russian war criminals to justice, and how russian propaganda works in canada. more in a conversation with iryna solomko. mrs. natalya, you are an anthropologist by specialization, and i am very interested. your opinion in the context of, as you can already see, how the war changed the ukrainian nation, the creation of a common social field, a field where, first of all, hierarchies, social differences disappear, and everyone powerfully enters into volunteering, everyone powerfully joins the army, everyone powerfully begins to collect evidence, like one broad common polo, that is, on such a general basis on the background, and metapses we can... talk about what is happening to the country also with such metaparadigms is already in my immediate
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field of vision, i focus, for example, on the work of those researchers, my colleagues in ukraine, who began to collect evidence, who go into the field, who themselves investigate the war, military experience, and conduct many interviews, document testimonies, and are actually in this process, become a new, new cohort of witnesses, take responsibility for themselves. i remember that when the war started, it was probably the first six months of the war, and there was a lot of talk, and the power of the ukrainian nation shocked the world, and when i spoke with one of the historians here in america, he said, said that the war finally closed the issue of nation formation for ukrainians, do you agree with that, it really was just then, was it possible earlier, the process of nation-building, it has rapid deep roots in the establishment of the ukrainian people as such, as a nation, again
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mykhailo hrushevskyi at the beginning of the 20th century, the end of the 19th, the beginning of the 20th, offered his vision and visions, and it is the ukrainian people, as we can already say nations, but actually the 90s split of the soviet union, of course, led to the first such round of returning to the processes of nation formation, but we perfectly remember the discourses of that time, we have western ukraine, we have is eastern ukraine, central, we have roots in various imperial empires, so to speak , paradigms, and the russian empire, austro-hungarian. empire, that is, this idea of ​​two ukraines, it was, in my opinion, in our nation-building processes until, say, probably 2000, first the fourth, then 2014, if we talk about ukrainian science in ukraine, whether it is alive or not, on the ground ukraine, yes, we have difficulties, but our ukrainian science, it cannot be perceived as
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only based physically in kharkiv, physically in kyiv, and let's not forget about the resources that were. now were created by ukrainians outside the territory of ukraine, who always took part in ukrainian discourses, always contributed to ukrainian science, although perhaps they were not visible and did not need to be visible, and now this is a common field, it contributes to the fact that everything is not so completely collapsed, how could it, how many scientists, for example, emigrated to canada, in general we avoid the word emigrated, actually, because it is still a displacement, it is not always an emigration, we will see that... this is how it all ends, you you will are probably surprised, but in recent times , since canada in 2022 granted such a specific visa for a ukrainian to work in canada for three years, over the past two years, 300,000 ukrainians have come to canada, this is incredible a large number of people, among them, of course
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, statistically, there will always be a certain dose of scientists, some 1%, we mobilized our colleagues from various departments, not only... ukrainian scientists, specialists of any plan, and biologists, and computer scientists get to us computer scientists and doctors, we had about 400 students, i, if i'm not mistaken, and in particular, about 50 scientists were unable to settle for a year and a half, you live in canada, and you already mentioned that despite the fact that it seems that this is such a prosperous country in the context of russian propaganda, it is not so, please tell me, that is, what do you see there, and what narratives will be spread there? well, you see, russian propaganda in canada, as well as in america, actively interfered in the political process. certain narratives are launched and played, which are simply copied from the russian media, they are picked up by certain political circles of canada, and are being promoted and brought out, so to speak, again in a more aggressive format, into the general
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space. starting clearly from october, i noticed an increase. such a new political movement, which i call radical marxism, i see posters hanging all over the campus, i approach them, i get to know lenin, and this is the context in which we try to live, obviously in kiki it also happened at the expense of terminology, then we we all remember very well, we know that the launch of this completely new phase of the war is based on the word nazism is used in relation to... ukrainians, and this is also thrown into the canadian context, that is, ukraine, the ukrainian community in canada is now often faced with the fact that in the public space there are such accusations that they say, well, you are also representatives of nazism, since they said ukraine is a nazi country, accordingly, so is the community, as evidence of how much this is a trigger issue, it
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was still september, when volodymyr zelenskyi spoke in the canadian parliament and where yaroslav was invited. hunka and yaroslav gonyka and just spread in the media information that he is, accordingly , involved in the sss division of holochyn and even the speaker and he was forced to leave his post because he was exactly the one who invited, that is , this is definitely such a vivid testimony of how much this topic of ukrainians, nazis, it is not closed even in canada, where in principle the influence of ukrainian. diaspora is extremely powerful, of course, and actually this is, in my opinion, a perfect example of how ambiguous hybrid wars are, how ambiguous the situation is canada and under... in the principle of such challenges after the way this incident happened in canada, we began to see many parallels between the way, say, kgb agents worked in the 80s
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in the ukrainian diaspora, in the american diaspora, how they threw the same narratives of nazism into the canadian and american media at that time, then here we have a new process, new global difficulties, new needs of the russian federation. which should try to achieve their results in the western world, and, but the methods are the same as with it is quite difficult to fight this, but it is quite difficult to fight it, but it is necessary and necessary to document war crimes now, and as soon as possible to prove, convey this information to your colleagues, other colleagues, historians will deal with this differently, return to the archives, extract, look for parallels, try to prove, for example, once again, the methods of waging war, which were conducted during the second world war, say, during the cold war. friends, that's all we'll say goodbye, watch joe biden's speech live tonight at
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three o'clock, thank you for your trust, bye meeting, her discounts represent the only discounts on... 10% in pharmacies plantain you and save there are discounts represent the only discounts on psilobalsam 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. the book women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the duhi litera publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in... the military ranks of women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of charity of the konstantin zhivago fund, there are discounts
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representing the only discounts on entermin 15% in the pharmacies of travelers to you and ochadnik there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl of 15% in the pharmacies of travelers to you and ochadnik. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources there. of the lukashenka army allied with them, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project read the entire life, accept mine, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it
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was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they suggested to the united states, to conclude with us a bilateral security agreement. project for those who care and think politklub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. the war continues, and not only that for territory, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. journalist who joined the armed forces, political
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expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of the presenters specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 9:30 p.m. on espresso. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. dialogues on a just peace. dmytro kuleba in china declared ukraine's readiness for negotiations with russia at a certain stage. why does the chinese foreign ministry report on kyiv's support for beijing's position in taiwan. questions a great military secret. commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi has a realistic plan to return crimea under
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ukrainian control. as. in this way , the internationally recognized borders of 1991 can be restored . not a vacation, but a break. speaker ruslan stepanchuk claims that deputies will use the one-month pause in parliamentary sessions to finalize the law on the prohibition of the russian church. who is delaying the process and why. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and what is actually happening around ukraine, what is happening in ukraine. today's guests in the first hour of our program will be volodymyr tsibulko and dmytro razumkov. the second part of our program will feature political experts. perth
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volodymyr fesenko and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i would like us to watch a video of how the defense forces of ukraine magically destroyed the russian buk-m1 anti-aircraft missile system, fighters of the 15th separate brigade of artillery reconnaissance black forest adjusted their fire on it hymars, as a result of the impact, the equipment detonated together with the crew. attackers, let's see. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death
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to the russians. the occupier friends, we are conducting a survey throughout the broadcast. today we ask you about whether you consider it realistic to liberate crimea by military means. so, yes, no. if you watch us on youtube, vote with the appropriate button or leave your comments under this video. and if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers. if you do you consider it realistic to liberate crimea by military means - 0800 2113. 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation. congratulations, glory of ukraine. glory to heroes. well, first things first, obviously, let's start our conversation.
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the brazen shooting of iryna farion in lviv, 5 days have passed since then, so far there are more questions than answers, there is no quick answer to who shot a well-known ukrainian nationalist and most importantly, what was the reason for this shooting, the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine kyrylo budanov believes that the ukrainian linguist was killed by an enemy of our state . to divide the nation, i quote general budanev. the cold-blooded murder of a famous linguist is a challenge for the entire ukrainian society, a crime against the fundamental rights and freedoms of ukrainians is a tragedy that once again demonstrated the enemy seeks to use any tool to divide our nation. so, mr. volodymyr, there is a challenge for the entire ukrainian society, and we still
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do not have answers regarding the crime itself, regarding the customers and... regarding the perpetrators, how do you assess this tragic fact and who can be behind the murder of iryna farion and who can take advantage of this? well, in general, if we take the history of uncovering the murders of ukrainian politicians, then, for example, almost no murders have been uncovered. the story of chornovol's murder has not been revealed. the story of the murder heitman has not been revealed, the story of the murder of anatoly yermak, a colonel by his brother, uh, hryhoriy melchenko, hryhoriy melchenko, uh, an anti-corruption officer, who, by the way, was just engaged in the sale of ukrainian arsenals, has also not been revealed, i want to remind you that it was
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in general is the history of political... murders of her era independently.


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