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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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espresso tv channel. this is the verdict program. we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you follow us on social networks or youtube, please like this video. i would like to introduce one more of our guests, dmytro razomkov, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in 19-21. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. thank you for visiting. good evening. thank you for the opportunity to be here today. first of all, since you were the chairman of the verkhovna rada from... from 19 to 21 years, i remembered that july 21, 2019 elections were held in 2015, and in these elections you entered the servant of the people party in these elections, you won these elections, you became the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, but we see in the last few years the loss of subjectivity by the verkhovna rada and the government, why did this happen in these five years, the team that... was supposed
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to give hope to ukrainians and that went under the slogan of new faces in politics, everything turned into some kind of division of some office of some president. and the question is correct, the only thing i can say is that it started from the very beginning of the activity of the verkhovna rada of the ninth convocation, you really have no idea how much effort i had to make to at least somehow preserve the subjectivity of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that's in principle. and it was the reason that the president's office and president zelenskyi ate me and removed me from this position, but i recently spoke with one of the people's deputies, a servant of the people, he says: god, for what, let's say, cleaning, doing li literary expression, he said: what bad things we are voting for today, i say look, you don't understand how much effort it took me to just keep such bad things out of the bay. of the verkhovna rada, and you did not
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take upon yourself the negativity that today is accumulating in the rada, because the betrayals of the rada have turned the dustbin into which they are trying to transfer all the negativity that is in the president's office and the president's personal, why am i talking about this i say because today the verkhovna rada is not a subject, you rightly point out, just like the government, you and i have said many times about this on the air, that we have a department for... approving legislative decisions of the president's office and the department for the implementation of technical decisions of the president's office, one is called the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the other is called the government of ukraine. based on this, you and i must understand that today all decisions, exclusively in this state, are made in the president's office, there by the president, his five or six managers, and the council, unfortunately, does not perform the functions that are expected. the constitution, plus frankly, i am
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ashamed of what is happening today in the walls of the parliament, when people see that the deputies are not in the hall, let's remember my term of office and how many people's deputies were present at each meeting, including on friday, and the meetings were constant, regular, and what is happening today, when during the war the hall is empty, when the law on mobilization is being considered, there are 20 people's deputies in the hall , there are 25, half of which are... our colleagues from smart politics, and today, when there was supposed to be a meeting, well, today was supposed to be a meeting of the verkhovna rada, yesterday there was supposed to be a meeting of the verkhovna rada, the government did everything to ensure that the verkhovna rada did not sit, and in fact they did did not plan to sit until august 20 of this year, and also to my questions and colleagues, and why such a long break, the answer to the question is empty, you know, emptiness without an answer,
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i say: well, look, today people are all working, working every day , they don't have weekends off, they don't have holidays, well, they don't transfer holidays from sunday to monday, as it was before, everyone works for the state, everyone works for the armed forces of ukraine, and the deputies have to work as well, i first wanted would, i know that those who watch us do not they love deputies, but deputies are also different, there are those who work, i'm not only talking about my colleagues there, there are some from our team, i'm talking about different ones. factions, groups that exist within the walls of the parliament, there are those who work for the benefit of the state and for the interests of the state, and there are those who work for the benefit of the office of the president and not their own interests, i understand that there are more of the latter, but none the less , the fact that the council is not sitting and not working today is the direct responsibility of stefanchuk, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, for the sake of understanding , a corresponding resolution was adopted, where only he, as one personality determines the place and time of the event. meetings of the verkhovna rada, if
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there are no such meetings, it means that stefanchuk, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, either agreed with someone that he does not need to work, or does not want to work on his own, er... for the verkhovna rada and the ukrainian people. we have the synchronicity of stefanchuk, since before this break we were talking about the draft law on the activities of the uocnp, i will quote mr. stefanchuk, given that yesterday it was decided to concentrate on the finalization of certain provisions of the law no. 83-71 in order to put it to a vote in the hall as soon as possible, parliamentarians will deal with other types of business. in particular, closely related to the preparation of this bill, well, you can ask me then, i understand that stefanchuk will not come on the air, because the truth will be scary to answer, you ask him, or let your colleagues ask if stefanchuk planned to hold
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the meeting after, well, this friday and until august 20, 2024, was this in his plans and in what way was the so-called law on the church, was it not in the meeting schedules of the verkhovna rada, when they talk about the fact that they will work in committees, it is true, someone will work in committees, someone like our team, but when there were no meetings of the verkhovna rada, we tried to go to the front together with the smart policy team, to south, to the east, to our defenders, because this, well, this is first of all correct, plus we tried to help as much as we could... we didn't go to london, we went to other places, we went to almost the outskirts of new york, but not the one to which our powerful people like to travel, but the one located in donetsk region, which today, well, actually already ceases to exist, because it is being destroyed
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by the rashists, but returning to the head of the verkhovna rada, let's tell the truth, the committees will take place, but they will take place online, for example, i... you i will cite a specific fact: last week on friday there was no meeting of the tsc on drone fortification. this friday, as far as i understand, they do not plan to hold a meeting of the tsc on fortifications and drones. why is this happening, because the roadster should have been recalled from tsk, to withdraw from office. you saw this corruption scandal. let's explain to our tv viewers that this is a people's deputy of ukraine who was elected in sumy oblast, and he demanded to return the money. 10% there is uah 3,400 from the road that he had, someone was supposed to build in okhtyrka, he had, let's say, to help people use this money, as far as i understand. well, nabu says exactly that, i don't know, i'm not
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a court, i'm not a prosecutor, it's better for them there, but an agreement was reached that he would be recalled and exchanged for another person in order not to be, and the recall was to be of two tsks, where he is the head, and... he is the deputy, but this did not happen, and again we do not have a meeting this friday, and most likely they will do it in order to delay this process. i am already silent that the tsc is important for the meeting of the tsc, because i saw the whole society in the kharkiv direction, heard from our defenders that someone earns very well on drones, someone made money on fortifications, someone made a lot of money on forests that were allegedly transferred to fortification earned i am sure that malay's fate went to the very top, and some of it is very good lives, and especially looking at what the verkhovna rada voted last week, i mean bill 11340 in the first reading, where 231 people's deputies voted
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for an indulgence for corrupt officials, where you can pay from 24 thousand to 204 million and be free as a bird, that is. stefanchuk says that we are quick, we will introduce this bill on the banning of the moscow church to the session hall as soon as possible, and this is a very revealing phrase of stefanchuk, why, because this is a government bill, that is, in principle, it this bill should be adopted much faster than it is being adopted, nikita poturaev. yesterday i was on the air, he said that there is, that it is a mistake of the decision of the conciliation council to postpone the issue of banning the uoc-mp until august and that the servant of the people has enough votes that can vote. let's listen to what poturaev said. this is a question for members of the conciliation
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council, in particular for members of the conciliation council from other factions of the groups. why did they all agree with the decision to take such a break now? i believe that none. needs for this did not happen, moreover, according to our calculations, if the law banning the russian orthodox church and its agents were to be voted on today or tomorrow in the hall of the verkhovna rada, then today. there would be a minimum of 240 votes or tomorrow, mr. dmytro, what prevents the current government from putting the dots on this issue, i don't know, i'm not invited to the conciliation council anymore, because they don't like intelligent questions there, and let them sort it out among themselves , because it resembles a terrarium of like-minded people and the behavior of spiders in a jar, because even well, it stands out representative of the monomajority, chairman of the entire committee. let him decide on the position of his faction, with the leadership of his faction.
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styfanchuk, when he talks about the finalization of this bill, he should have known that the time for submitting amendments and proposals is over, it was two weeks ago. what they are telling now is simply prolonging the process, and why i say again, i am not taking up the issue of the church, any other bill, ask stefanchuk the following, he is calling a meeting, whether he planned to hold a meeting of the verkhovna rada. advice starting with next monday and until the 20th of august 2024 and if he tells you yes then let's continue this conversation now it's trying to make a good mine with a very bad game as usual but it's a hoax and a lie that it's happening and blocking there stands or some other reasons, it happens because either they do not have enough votes. or this issue of postponement is a government issue, or
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they cannot understand each other, or they have enough or not enough intelligence to finalize this or that bill at the appropriate time, i don't know and i don't want to to comment, that's their question. well, i will ask you in a different way, can this issue be tied to possible peace negotiations with russia, well, that is, the ukrainian authorities do not want to quarrel now and... increase the degree of confrontation, i am not ready, i do not take part in the negotiations with russia, i would still like to know more about such negotiations, because the same zelensky said that the church should be banned if they changed their position, well, he should say it, because it looks strange , when the president's faction does not support his decision, it was his initiative to ban the church if the position changed. in connection with the negotiations or something else, well, it will work out, let the president, as it should be rightly
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done, and say that his position has changed, or on the contrary supported it, then he does not control his faction, but what is in the president's office does not control today the monomajority does not control two groups, for example, the former opzh, or trust, or for the future, or partially for the future, i do not believe in this, they know how to negotiate with... factions, because based on what is today in the walls of the verkhovna rada, without voting, at least opzzh, and at most, well, the former, the former faction of opzzh, now there are two groups, and two groups or from time to time two trust groups and for the future, they would not have votes if you look at all the votes of the servant of the people there, well, i don't remember, i think that... for two years there are probably no 226 from a monomajority, this is the formal
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absence of a coalition, but they are just joking inside the walls of the parliament, i don't i love these expressions that they have created hostages for themselves, which they somehow influence, but this is not democracy, it is very reminiscent of those principles in quotation marks of democracy, with which the armed forces of ukraine are fighting today, destroying the enemy at the front, so that such a democracy, as it is in russia, does not come into the hands of kyiv, dnipro, odesa, lviv, zhytomyr or others bridge. on august 20, the verkhovna rada will still have to somehow consider this issue, or introduce this draft law in the second reading, but there is a position in the group of your reasonable policy, we will discuss it, everyone will have their own position, the question is different, i am not sure, that it is the 20th will appear, because it cannot agree among themselves. the majority, so let them be determined from the position of the president, who assigns them certain tasks. another statement
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made by zelensky at the meeting with the state secretary of the holy see, cardinal pietro parolini, he said that ukraine wants to end the war as soon as possible. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. thank you for your participation in the... peace summit, it was the first step, only the first step, or already the first step. all these steps are very important to us and it is important that you do them support and i heard your words. i think we all understand that we must end the war as soon as possible, of course, so as not to lose human lives. do these words mean that there is some kind of draft of peace negotiations and it is more or less clear on what conditions should be agreed upon, because the issue of ending the war as soon as possible depends not on how
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ukraine will prescribe these conditions, but on how the party , which is the aggressor, will she go to these negotiations, or will she accept them? their rhetoric has changed a lot, i don't fully understand, moreover no, it changes within the framework of one and the same interview, he first says that we must return the borders of 1991, at the same time he says that we need to end the war and some peace plan will be presented by the end of the year, just journalists are probably poorly oriented in ukrainian politics, so he has a plan, zelensky's plan. not even the plan of ukraine, it is some kind of, well, i, to put it mildly, do not agree with such formulations, because there are no plans of president zelensky there, there is a plan of ukraine, of the state, because the president is an institution, it is not a personality, and if the head of state has forgotten this, then one should simply read the constitution, of which he is, by the way, the guarantor, but
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returning to the issue of narratives, it has generally changed in them, because before that was the 91st. a year and a half, and now we are starting to hear that there will be some other plan, what was considered at the peace summit, there were three points, some of which are not at all related to the 10-point peace plan of president zelensky, which will be the withdrawal of russian troops, we refuse it, saving human lives, then let's sit down and talk about it publicly, this is the first, and the second will answer... the question, why wasn't it done there in the 22nd year, when there were plus or minus the same conditions that changed in in connection with what this was caused, plus those statements that come from the president, when he says that russia loses for one ukrainian, lost six
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of its own, well, servicemen for one ukrainian soldier, i, to be honest, thought that it seemed to me started... rewatching this interview, thought maybe someone made a mistake with journalists, no, the president said that one of our dead is equal to the dead of the russians, okay, but then i discovered the ukrainian truth and looked at the statistics of how many russians died, and divided it by six and got 93,500 ukrainians, and if it is so , the military, and if this is so, how does it correlate with the fact that a few months ago the president... zelenskyi said about 37,000, i don’t take it now, i agree with the position that this may not be public information, but then it will be determined because if someone else came out and said about the fact that we are changing the plans there already for the 91st year, we are talking about the fact that not 37,000, but almost 100, then he would receive 111 high
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treason, well, let's be honest, if one of the journalists or politicians did it, here i see such narratives, i do not... say that it is good or bad, i support 100% that we should save people's lives and do everything to save people and the statehood of our country, but if our plans change, we have it, not us, the president has it, because we had nothing to do with you before these plans, show new ones and note them, first of all , not for international partners, but for ukrainians, ukrainians who are fighting for the survival of our state. the survival of our country and the preservation of our country, if we hypothetically assume that there can be such a peace agreement between ukraine and russia, or peace negotiations, it will obviously be some kind of international legal document, and the international legal document must be an agreement, an international agreement, it must undergo ratification of the verkhovna rada, should people's deputies of ukraine also
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be participants in these negotiations in order to understand what's the deal like her? then ratify, but here we are, you are asking reasonable and correct questions, unfortunately, unlike the office of the president, and any agreement, whatever it is, must be approved in parliament or in a referendum, these narratives that they are starting to hear that we will think about how to hold a referendum there, i have a question, if you can hold a referendum, not through an action where you draw any result you want, but a referendum, so let's hold elections, well... term has ended the president, the term of the parliament has ended, let's hold elections, because otherwise it looks like manipulation, when they say, no, here we, you know, here we can, here we can't, here the onion... we're wrapping up, they are ready to hold referendums and started talking about it talk, but no elections, i generally do not believe in the possibility of holding real, real democratic
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elections in today's conditions, for a number of reasons: the first is that we have a destroyed infrastructure in a large number of territories where it would be possible to organize these elections, -secondly, we have a huge one the number of people abroad and with the conditions of the law on mobilization. they will not vote, because they will not come to update their data, plus the third component is the military, who will not be able to vote, if we are talking about elections, if we are talking about the fact that in the office of the president on his knee there, some very smart managers will think of drawing the results these elections or this referendum, then this is not an election, this is what is happening, for example, there in russia, yes where or in belarus, where lukashenko did... what he wanted, putin did what he wanted, we are not russia, as leonid danilovich said, ukraine is not russia and never will be, and ukrainians will never be what putin
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or those like him would like to see, listen , we have had several referendums in my memory, in march 1991, the majority of ukrainian citizens voted for a union treaty, six months later they voted the opposite. leonid danylovych, whom you have already mentioned, held a referendum on the bicameral parliament, on reducing the number of deputies, the results referendums are not implemented, in 2020 the servant of the people conducted a survey during local elections, and also, well, they wanted it as a referendum, so that the status was a referendum, but it contradicted the law, and if they conducted it as a referendum, then it would have no legal consequences for the organizers of this referendum. will have legal consequences sooner or later for the organizers of this referendum, because it is still not clear from what resources it was conducted? i personally do not believe that there will be a referendum, but in me, i mean
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this, that yes, and in general it is the same as sand is like water in sand, i have a feeling that these negotiations and all these and the so-called peace plan of johnson and trump, which was made public, are peaceful, that this is the prehistory of this big one. agreement between ukraine and russia, and that obviously in the 25th year we will have elections, and presidential elections, and elections of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as far as possible, taking into account the factors and the facts that you said that many ukrainians abroad, that the vote will be, well , it is not clear enough, it is possible , it is possible if several conditions are met: the first is the termination of the hot phase of the war, that's for sure. in general, the lifting of martial law and a return to normal life, most likely changes in the electoral legislation, because it will be difficult enough to hold elections under the existing ones.
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the next thing is to hold elections according to the democratic principles that the entire european union and the democratic states of this world live by, with the access of journalists, observers, the return of people to... ukraine, who today are outside the borders of our state, in order for them to participate. plus the military, who also have the right first of all, to participate in the elections as candidates, and in those who will make decisions, who will lead this state, so it is literally superficial and very short, in order for these elections to take place, elections can be held only in the state in which freedom of speech remained, democracy, the rule of law, honest courts appeared, and this is the difficult work that i think you and
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i will have to do, i will ask very briefly, short answers: will you go to the parliamentary presidential, next elections? look me now i am not engaged in elections at all, i am engaged in ensuring that the state survives, wins, and that peace and victory come to our cities, but when the elections are held, i participated in all... elections, i think that the next one will not be missed either, thank you , it was dmytro razumkov, people's deputy of ukraine, former speaker of the ukrainian parliament, friends, we are working live and conducting a poll, let's see the results of the interim poll, do you think it is realistic to liberate crimea by military means, so 77% yes, 23% no, yes discounts represent the only ones discounts on tologsen stronggel, 10% in pharmacies, travel stores, stores and savings stores. what is beauty? beauty is what you find beautiful, add collagen beyuty for more elastic skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles, there are discounts are
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the only discounts on... 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save, her discounts are the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% there are discounts in the pharmacies of plantain to you and ochad, which represent the only discounts on entergermin 15% in pharmacies of plantain to you and ochad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the tv channel. of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zurets, and what is the world living on? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchevka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, for two hours in
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the company of favorite presenters. cultural news, alina chechenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. i at all i think we need two things, money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project , velikiy lviv talks about the most important things on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio
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svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots the front freedom of life, frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. good evening, this is the second part of the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, and in this part of the verdict we will talk about the following. an excuse for peace talks. world leaders
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offer to get ahead of the curve. peaceful settlement of the russian-ukrainian war, are there any prospects in johnson trump's plan? territorial compromises in society are increasingly introducing ideas about the possibility of giving up territories for the sake of peace. why is the share of ukrainians who agree to concessions increasing? died for the ukrainian position. demonstration killing of the bright. of ukrainian nationalists in the center of lviv has not yet been revealed. who is behind the shooting of iryna farion? we will talk about this and other things on the air with our guests for the next 45 minutes. however, before starting our big conversation, i invite our viewers to take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you consider it realistic to liberate crimea by military means? so,
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yes, no, not even. everything is quite simple, if you have a different opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers. if you consider it realistic to liberate crimea by military means, 0800-211-381, no 0800 211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is... this is viktor boberenko, a political scientist, an expert of the analysis and policy bureau. mr. viktor, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. good health. volodymyr fesenko, political scientist, chairman of the board of the penta applied political research center. mr. volodymyr, good evening. thank you for joining the broadcast. greetings, good evening. well, since gentlemen, we...


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