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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrsky entitled "i know that we will win" and i know how to do it. presumably, this interview does not rule out jealousy on the part of our top military-political leadership, as was the case with the publications of general zaluzhnyi, and general syrsky announced a number of theses that are quite interesting. in particular, there is an analysis of the enemy's forces, syrsky says that... the enemy now has a significant advantage in forces and means and has increased the number of troops and weapons that are involved in hostilities. now the occupying forces count 520,000 troops, with plans to increase to 690,000 by the end of the 24th year, that is, an increase of as much as 170,000 by the end of this year. it also says about russian equipment that since... the 22nd year
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, the number of russian tanks increased from 1,700 to 3,500, the number of anti-aircraft systems tripled, and the number of armored personnel carriers also increased significantly, although it is meant, i think, bmp, apc, mtlb and the like another, relatively speaking, there is an increase from 4,500 in the 22nd year to almost 9,000, so syrskyi says that the technical ratio is 1:2, 1:3 in favor of the enemy, and therefore the supply of weapons from partners is extremely important, and the question of the quality of the weapons that comes to us is just as acute. regarding mobilization, here silskyi says that without mobilization he cannot create new reserves and brigades, which are necessary because russia is increasing its ground forces, and it is very important for us that all citizens of ukraine fulfill their duty to the state. about.
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of hostilities, syrskyi says that they are currently being fought over a length of 977 km, and at the same time, syrskyi called the creeping advance of the invaders tactical, that is, local gains, and not operational breakthroughs, which really corresponds to reality, but, as sirsky says, the advance, the enemy achieves a significant number of human losses, and here the losses of the enemy, according to sirsky. exceed the losses of ukraine by three times, in some directions and more, he did not say about the loss of ukraine, because in his opinion this is a sensitive topic that moscow can take advantage of. at the same time , it is also indicative that silskyi says that we do not defend the roinya to the death, and he says, i i don't want to achieve the whole at any cost, or throw people into senseless meat assaults, sometimes. it is necessary to move to more
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advantageous positions, i hope that some of our commanders will also hear this, it is also an interesting thesis that kyiv has a plan for the return of crimea, syrskyi says that it is realistic, of course he says that it is a certain military secret, but we will do everything it is possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 1991, and when and whether ukraine will be able to pass... on this question, syrskyi says that it is necessary to be quite a very bold forecast to say when, but the general says that we are doing everything to make this happen, and there is simply no more important task for the defense forces and for the entire country, this is how the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi claimed in an interview with the newspaper, we will talk about it later interview, and we will talk about other aspects with our well-known... expert
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, mykhailo samus joins us, he is the head of an international analytical organization, deputy director of the army, conversion and armament research center, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, congratulations i wanted to see you, glad to see you would like to continue, for now, the topic related to the interview with general syrskyi, and i would like to ask you what you mean by... in this publication, whether any details are really important and fundamental from the point of view of understanding the actions our, first of all, military leadership? well, it was interesting for me to really familiarize myself with the commander-in-chief's evaluations, and to check, as they say, the evaluation that i had formed, and to be honest, i saw that, in principle, the evaluations we are talking about are. constantly about which we put in
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basis of forecasts, they are somewhere close to what the commander-in-chief says. moreover, he said the same about crimea. he said the same thing and again about the borders of 1991, that is , those doubts, those kind of warnings about the fact that both the supreme commander and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine do not consider the issue of offensive actions, actions and operations that will be directed against the liberation of ukrainian territories and especially crimea, which, in my opinion... after all, is the center of gravity, the center of gravity of this war, the geopolitical key point of this war, both for russia and ukraine, and general syrskyi confirmed it, that is, for me, this interview became a kind of standard of where we are, and this is, in
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principle, very important to understand, that there is no reason to believe that ukraine is really not thinking about the offensive anymore, that ukraine is only thinking about the defense in... for the 24th year, that is, in fact, for me, this interview is quite optimistic, that is, your hypothesis is actually confirmed , which you have repeatedly expressed that crimea is really the center of gravity, and this is the direction where ukraine should use all opportunities and measures to ensure in the future, well, good negotiating positions with the enemy, if it comes to that, but can we really say that this is a task... specifically for the medium-term perspective, or rather the perspective of this year in the elections, the priorities of our military-political leadership? well, of course, theoretically, theoretically, if we are talking about preparation for negotiations, then in fact, creating conditions for the blockade of crimea,
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of course, these would be excellent prerequisites for any negotiations, which means that if you imagine, even if we stop hostilities now, then in such conditions hypothetical negotiations are indirect between russia and ukraine through intermediaries, nevertheless, russia would feel, and in principle everyone would perceive it in such a way, that russia would be perceived as a negotiator from a strong position, and ukraine from a weak position, because in principle it would be considered that, in fact, this cessation of hostilities took place in... conditions when russia advances, but if you imagine a situation when we can really create the conditions for a blockade of crimea, no matter what will actually happen in donbas, crimea will immediately shift all attention to itself, and even in that situation, if putin
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is bluffing and pretending that for the situation in crimea is of no importance to him, and this can happen because he understands crimea. is key in this war, if he begins to express any signals of concern about what is happening in crimea, immediately trump will feel it and immediately understand that putin is in weak position, that is, such a situation may arise at the end of the year, if ukraine continues to take steps to blockade crimea, and i will remind, for example, literally the last strike on the port of kavkaz, the destruction of a railway ferry, this means... that strikes on logistics, on communications continue, and as a result, in fact, there is no longer a ferry -railway crossing, strikes on sea communications continue, and now russian ships, including military ones, are not, they are afraid, let's say, to move freely
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and ensure communication with crimea. there remains, of course, the most important, the most important factor - this is the ground corridor. land corridor on the territory of ukraine, we know that this is the key to turning the situation on the front, whether this year we will be able to create conditions for conducting operations there or not, again depends on those tools, their number , the qualities that we receive from our western partners, we are talking about, of course, first of all, it is aviation, the tools of air domination or neutralization. russian mastery in the air and of course the number and the quality of long-range weapons, such as cruise ballistic missiles, depends in principle and the prospects of ukraine's ability to conduct operations on the same left bank of the kherson region. you
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said almost as a fait accompli that you mentioned trump, that is, theoretically you assume the possibility of his victory in the elections. and you were doing research related to his pre-election program, which is already public, and here i would like to ask you what provisions of this program have such a... critical significance for ukraine, what challenges, and maybe even opportunities, should be singled out and how to take advantage of them? well, of course, the most sensitive, most important point of the republican program, or trump's program, is, of course, the actual point about the so-called restoration of peace in europe, which basically says that trump is literally there in a few hours or days. will somehow be able to stop the war in europe, meaning the russian-ukrainian war, although
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the program itself does not say a word about russia and ukraine, and this is the most sensitive aspect, of course, we cannot know exactly how this will happen, so, for example, i believe that we should try to do more communication, more discussions, including with the trump team, in order to convey our position, convey our ... views on a possible settlement or possible negotiations with russia, in which framework it can take place, what are the red lines, and so on. in fact, here is today's visit of the minister of foreign affairs kuleba to china, i think that, including in this aspect, it is necessary consider, because the desire to hold a second peace summit before the elections in the united states means that ukraine is trying to complete the track. er, which, er, can be considered the implementation or preparation for
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the implementation of president zelenskyi’s formula of peace, peace, so that if trump starts talking about negotiations, president zelenskyi can say: we went through such a track, we held two peace summits , we talked with china, we talked with india, and we have, for example, the following position: what putin has, he only has ultimatums, so this is precisely where ukraine must clearly... prepare its position, from which trump himself can start, because trump may have a certain vacuum, so it is necessary to provide him with some ready-made solutions, it would be best, because putin will try first of all to go by storm, seize donbas and then demand some concessions, not joining nato, the russian language, and besides, territories, territories that he will consider his own and... will demand their final legitimization as russian territory . and e is also very important
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the aspects in this program that, in principle, can have a positive impact on the further course of events are, of course, energy, the new energy policy of the trumpists, who believe that they just need to fill up, open any sources of energy, stop the implementation of the green, green agenda and ... to start oil production, including from american sources, in order to flood the world market and significantly reduce oil prices, of course this is a positive aspect for us, it means that there will be sanctions, there will be no sanctions, but india and china will no longer be able to, if they even trade with russia, it will not bring those hundreds of billions of dollars to russia itself, and the possibility... of russia regarding the recruitment of its soldiers for a million 900 z with
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a bonus for signing a contract, or purchasing ammunition shells in north korea or in shahedi iran, it will be significantly reduced, that is, russia's economic potential will fall, and that will of course reduce russia's options for a prolonged war, again it will weaken their negotiating position in the negotiations, so there are several aspects that in principles can greatly contribute to strengthening the position of ukraine, so can china, trump announced that he will actually wage a trade war against china, china will obviously have problems, and they will not be able to help russia under these conditions, again this weakens the so-called axis of evil , which china is not directly involved in, but obviously supports in various ways , mainly through economic instruments, in these conditions, when they will be in a ... trade war with the united states, well, they will not be able to support russia,
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therefore, these aspects can be used by ukraine. and one more aspect, which is not military-political, rather purely technical or defense-industrial, is exactly trump's initiative related to the iron dome. you 've speculated that this might somehow be reminiscent of a star wars-era initiative by the united states to drag russia into an arms race that russia... simply cannot stand, what is the basis for that assumption? not only russia, but also china, because china is also such a player, which , of course, did not participate in... treaties that were signed the soviet union and the united states, therefore, they got the opportunity not to fulfill any agreements at all, not to have any restrictions and, in principle, to gradually catch up with nuclear capabilities both in terms of carriers and warheads, and the united states and russia, therefore, in principle, why i made such an assumption, well, because in fact the very concept
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of this so-called large iron dome, it a... in my opinion, it is poorly implemented, because it requires huge investments precisely in the creation and mass production of anti-missile systems, which would began to cover the entire territory of the united states, but in reality this is not necessary, since the territory of the united states can be defended after all by more point-based anti-missile defenses that already exist. there are several systems that have been in principle for 20 years, they have been installed, developed and perform anti-missile defense tasks against iran, and north korea, and china, and russia, in fact, if we assume that the united states will begin to strengthen, that is, create systems that
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will cover this area more reliably, ok, but on the other hand, it should not be some kind of dome, that is, a dome with and also with space-based anti-missile defense systems, they look too, shall we say, expensive, too complicated, and the impression is that this is really some kind of challenge for china and russia in order for them to begin to be very , very concerned about this problem and invest money in this direction, undermining their economy, i will remind you that... trump wants to undermine the economy of russia at the expense of low oil prices and the economy of china at the expense of of a direct trade war, that is, in these conditions, where the arms race can really hit the economy of these two osizl participants. and mr. mykhailo, just one minute for the last question about the prospect
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of placing american medium-range gray missiles in germany and europe from the 26th year. rel there in tomagav6, what consequences will this have for curbing the russian reaction, how can russia act in response, what could be the intrigues surrounding this story? well, in fact, the 26th year is not soon, that is, we do not know what will happen during this time, we we can now plan for a week or two, in fact, at most until the end of the year, because we know that there will be a presidential election in the united states, but what will happen after that is very difficult to say. in fact, what will happen in europe from the point of view of american weapons or even american troops, now i think is a kind of carte blanche, a vacuum where different ideas can be implemented, for example, the former british prime minister johnson, he said that, well, look, maybe the american troops should be withdrawn, but there
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to introduce ukrainian troops, you remember in his article, yes, it's a good idea, but that's it for now. how scattered is such a wide range of ideas that open up there after the 24th year, so i think it is too early to talk about missiles, it can change 100 times, but on the other hand it will not change the situation radically, because in fact it is for ship systems and tomahawk and aegis with sm6 missiles, they are also in the mediterranean sea and, in principle, at the same distance to russia as in germany, for example, that is, the ground option will be standing there... in principle, it will not change the situation much from the point of view of demonstrating the presence, perhaps it will change a certain, let's say, a certain sense of security in the same baltic countries, because it will still be some approximation of american long-range systems and systems of to the baltic countries, to the northern and eastern flank of nato. mr.
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mykhailo, thank you very much for your time, for your clear, interesting comments, let me remind you that it was mykhailo. samus, the director of the new geopolitics social network, and these were the main military results of this day, then the broadcast continues yuriy fizar, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurets, those were the military results of the day, well, i'm moving on and first of all i want to thank all our viewers for helping us close the meeting. we collected 4 million hryvnias, which will go towards the purchase of atvs, which are so necessary for our defenders on the front lines. thank you very much to all of you, but we can't stop there. and we go further. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and radio electronic systems fighting for the third separate assault
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brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, that is why there are a lot of losses and resources need to be replenished, they urgently need modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critically important for the protection of our soldiers, and our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who are defending. our native land is on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs, the enemy and drones of the comikat, we really ask for
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your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, the guys are asking for our help, let's help them 3.5 million dollars , that's not much, and now i'm joined from the united states of america, a people's deputy of ukraine and... i thank you very much for joining, you are far away, but thank you that the optical and optical lines of the world allowed us, allow us to talk, you, i suspect, have a very tight schedule, there must have already been some meetings and more some are planned, you can go into more detail, yes definitely, you know, after the great perepetations that the delegation of the european. the leadership of the parliament did not let the republican congress go to milwaukee, and unfortunately, i believe that ukraine lost additional opportunities to convince
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our republican colleagues that how important it is to prioritize tasks, our common tasks to achieve victory in ukraine, after all, by some miracle we were signed on a business trip, but not as part of the full delegation there, but... to me, iryna gerashchenko and maria ionova, and here we are working , trying to make up for lost opportunities for the state, i emphasize, for the state in milwaukee, but obviously in washington we work with a democratic environment and a republican environment. we meet with a large number of representatives of analytical centers who influence the formation of politicians' opinions, and we have meetings in congress, in the state department. in the pentagon, in the national security council, these are the main players who today determine the priorities of american policy, the present, and will
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determine the future priorities, er, of american policy in relation to ukraine, we are obviously here in the midst of an election campaign, and it just happened announced earlier this week or so on sunday. it was announced that president biden was withdrawing his candidacy from the election race, which he supports vice president harris for this position, and it is obvious that these are again additional such tectonic shifts in the very course of the election campaign, and the main attention of american society and american politicians today is focused on internal affairs, and this is migration, this is economic and. .. economic development, this is inflation, this is the problem of banning abortions in many states and many other problems,
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therefore it is critical for us to systematically work to return ukraine to the agenda, it is not on the priority list, let's say, agenda, it is a part of both discourse and tasks, but at the same time it has disappeared from the front pages, it has disappeared from the main topics. whatever, well, whatever american politicians care about, so it is, you know, one-time trips like that, obviously it cannot be changed, it needs to be systematically worked at the level of the government, the president, parliamentary diplomacy, systematic parliamentary diplomacy, public diplomacy, and use all platforms to interact with, we feel that on... we really need to put in some extra effort to be and weapons that the united states can provide to us can be provided to us by the united states of america within
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appropriated funds. that were voted by congress, we still need to work to accelerate the transfer of weapons, to accelerate the transfer of those systems that are critical to us, that could enable change on the battlefield at the front, including decisions that are critical to our armed forces, to attack military targets on the territory of the russian federation with long-range weapons of our partners and allies. and obviously it is important for us that they continue continued pressure on the russian federation, both economic and, let's say, there through various other international instruments, sanctions instruments, but this requires constant coordination, also a separate one, well, in general , the direction of our interaction here with colleagues is to inform them about the real the situation in the energy sector of ukraine and. those
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terrorist attacks of the russian federation, here , well, in some, let's say, cabinets, there is a deep understanding of this issue, there is a willingness to get involved and proactively help in ukraine, everyone understands very well that, unfortunately, there is very little time until october in order to make decisions there, to transfer equipment, to offer some systemic solutions, and i am a little worried that we also hear here that, unfortunately... there is not enough, let's say, a high-quality management team on the part of ukraine, and a coordination team on the part of ukraine, which could make the most of the opportunities that our partners are ready to provide, because if four to six weeks ago there was still a question of where to find funds among partners for to invest in the restoration, at least
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a partial restoration and for... of our energy system, the funds are already available at the moment, but you can move on to the next step only when you see that the equipment that is already was delivered by our partners, it was connected to the system, it is already working and so on, and these processes, unfortunately, cause serious delays on the part of ukraine, and this cannot help but worry, because it will affect the quality of our relationship with you life. in the winter period not only on the 24th-25th years, and, unfortunately, this will be a structural, well, such a factor in our economy, in our life in the coming years, and here we need honest, honest and sincere communication between the government and the president with society, as well as a certain internal mobilization and professionalization of this area, which... without which, well, we will
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have very sad and difficult consequences for the citizens of ukraine. ms. ivanna, could you please tell me, considering the tectodesh suva that you mentioned in the american political community, do you have the feeling that anyway we we have this bipartisan and bicameral support from the united states of america, or do we need to work harder now? we continue to have. bipartisan and bicameral, indeed, support for the united states of america, and in the circles of both republicans and democrats, there is a majority that actively supports ukraine, we also talk with analysts here, and we considered various more closed, even sociological studies that were presented to us , who talk about the fact that both among the republican and among of the democratic electorate more than 70. people, and
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this has a very serious effect on politicians, you know, when citizens in a democratic country support further further aid to ukraine, and about 57% of the population of the united states supports the military provision of military aid to ukraine, but this does not mean that this and such a situation, which is easy, well, on which you can easily base all your expectations there. with those expectations and the good will of our partners, we will not be able to pave our way to that, well, such a winning situation, which could force the russian federation to make peace on the terms of international law, and therefore we need, well, in my opinion, simply extraordinary mobilization.


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