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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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them say, we'll see what they continue to do, i'll be watching what they say over the next few days, maybe they'll say, maybe they'll show up somewhere, and so i 'll tell you more about it, well, let's hear what she said kamala harris herself during her first, one might say, such a campaign speech, and this campaign speech took place in the city of milwaukee, wisconsin, where the convention of the republican party ended a few days ago. let's hear kamela harris in direct speech. during the next 105 days before the elections, we will have a lot of work. we will need to knock on every door, make phone calls, register voters and ultimately win this election. are you ready to take on this job? do we believe in freedom? do we believe in
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the possibilities, do we believe in the promise of america and are we ready to fight for it, and when we fight, we win. well, it's really some tectonic upheavals happening there, for example, yesterday i was asked what i think about the winner of the american elections, i said that i don't think anything at all, because the composition. to say, but after that speech, at a gathering in milwaukee, well, you just look at how kamelagari is very different from donald trump at his speeches, look at the way she holds the audience, look at the way she addresses the audience, what words she finds, well, i think that now in donald trump's headquarters, everyone is simply gray with fear, because otherwise i don't even know, well, i think there's one more thing i want to tell you, to me... personally, i think, and i
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told my colleagues about it long before this moment, it was the cunning plan of the democratic party in general, and of joe biden, in particular, he dragged, dragged, dragged, dragged, dragged until this moment, when the republican party convention will take place, when they will decide a lot of things there, they will know how to fight against biden, that he is an old infirm, and then oops, that's it is changing, there is no longer the old weak one. biden, and there's this man, woman, confident, well spoken, good posture, in a word, what 's going to be there, i just can't imagine, i'll be watching it, you'll be the first to know, so always watch for espresso, information about ukraine, well, we go further, and again about elections, elections are elections everywhere, and trump in the elections is trump everywhere. kamela harris will destroy the country if she wins the november elections. presidential elections, this is what
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the 45th us president, who has every chance of settling in the main american estate in washington for four more years, said on the air of the news max tv channel, and he did it in his own style, blaming the opponent, then a quote from donald trump, see on her idea, if she wins, she will open the borders again and destroy the country, well that's the end of the quote, but at the same time, trump's election headquarters recognized the transfer of funds as a violation of the law. from joe biden's election campaign to vice president camelia harris, well, he was introduced, the representatives filed a complaint with the federal election commission, they say that the transfer of funds to another potential candidate for an obscene collection is a receipt of money, which will be the largest violation in the history of federal election law us campaign. and two more words about donald trump, he has already reacted to some things. he said
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he wanted to have a debate with camella garis and they even say that these debates can take place on september 10, well, but there he will have to change a lot of things, as i have already shown you, told you, said many times, it will be necessary to change the tactics of the election campaign altogether. the united states of america is working to hand over to ukraine as soon as possible. frozen assets of russia, stated this at a regular briefing for journalists, the head of the press service of the state department, matthew miller. he did not give details, while emphasizing that they are not working on it not only in the us state department, but also in others, including the treasury department. according to matthew miller, this work is aimed at implementing the powers delegated by us president joe biden. well, he commented. i think it is very important
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that china hear directly from ukraine about the losses it has suffered as a result of russia's war of aggression, because as we know, china is doing a lot to continue it, supporting the restoration of the russian defense and industrial base, we are always clear stated that every country in the world has recognized that in this conflict there is an aggressor and there is a victim, and we should not treat both sides as if they were equally responsible for it, or as if it were some kind of war that just happened out of nowhere , and none of the parties is responsible for it, and it is good that this is emphasized, because the leaders of some countries in the world think so, they believe that no one is responsible there, or both countries are
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responsible for it, as they call conflict, a word that always throws me off, and therefore it is good that the united states of america focus on this very thing, the aggressor is russia. ukraine is a country that was attacked by an aggressor and that now needs help to defend its territory and its independence. the european union has offered member countries options for freezing the assets of the central bank of russia for a long period. this was reported by the bloomberg agency with reference to the draft document. the first scenario involves an indefinite asset freeze that will be reviewed regularly. another option is considered. extension of restrictions to 18, 24 or 36 months, well, according to information from bloomberg, the european union, the united states and the countries of the group of seven, which we still often call the big seven, have been working for several months on a plan to provide ukraine with loans in the amount of 50 billion
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dollars by the end of 2024 at the expense of profits from frozen russian assets. well, then. the information that, well, something about me, when i read it this morning, it excited me, i will tell you honestly, well, of course, there is also concern. ukraine will not join the european union until the volyn issue is resolved. about this polish minister of defense władysław kosinia-kamys told journalists. according to him, not everything is so perfect in the relations between kyiv and warsaw, due to unresolved historical issues. according to the minister, real politics should... issue an ultimatum without solving the volyn issue , ukraine will not join the european union, but at the same time, the head of the polish ministry of defense assured that his country will support us as much as possible to end the war, and the end of the war, says mr. kosinyak-kamysh, is a victory
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of ukraine, and then his short quote. any other option remains a direct threat of war for poland. this is where the kuna stands. of the estonian parliament rigi-kogu, though only temporarily. the fact is that by july 15, the ex-prime minister of the country, as well as the entire composition of the government headed by her, had resigned. this happened after the leaders of the eu member states approved it at the summit in brussels on june 28. candidacy of mrs. kalas for the post of eu high representative for foreign affairs and security to replace josep borel. until she isn't will move to his chair, sit and work in the estonian parliament. well , it is also worth emphasizing that the new government of estonia
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, headed by the candidate for the post of the country's prime minister, already the prime minister and minister for climate issues , kristen michal, took the oath and immediately began to fulfill his duties. well, at the end of the plane crash in nepal , a bombardier crj200 passenger plane of the local sauria airlines crashed in the country's capital, kathmandu . it happened during takeoff, at least five people, unfortunately, died. a search and rescue operation is currently underway operation. it is also known that there were no passengers on board, as the plane was carrying only a few technical employees of the airline to the second largest city in the country. pokhara. according to eyewitnesses, the plane took off from the southern end of the summer runway and suddenly overturned. at the same time, the tip of the wing hit the ground, after which it caught fire and rolled off the runway. so what, for
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today i have everything in the world about ukraine section. that's all for today, as i always say, there will be more tomorrow, and there will be more, as always, further on our air, so... don't switch. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations friends, on the air. politclub program on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals. russia is already on the verge of running out of resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project:
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help understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. politklub, every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and a lot. they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house
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they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we do not we gave up because we knew that you... sit close, half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation. which united around you. see this
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week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a year of operation of the updated vkk. does the commission work effectively? this is a very important body, which direction depends on who our judges are. but how does the commission save unscrupulous representatives of themis? it passed four months from the promise, nothing. is not performed, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on thursday, july 25 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. well, now it's time to talk about money in our program, and it's obvious that my friend oleksandr morshchevka can tell you the best about it. oleksandr, i congratulate you, you have a word. greetings, thank you yuro, greetings to the audience. in the next few minutes, i will talk about investments and inflation, as well as an important conversation about energy. wait for the details in a moment. i am
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oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, important news and an important figure. so, the ambassadors of the european union approved a tranche for ukraine for more than 4 billion euros. the money will be provided within the framework of the ukraine facility program to support the recovery and modernization of ukraine. this was announced by the hungarian presidency of the council of the eu. the next step. there will be a written approval procedure, i will only add that ukrainian people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak wrote in his telegram channel that the decision of international partners is important, and he was influenced by the vote for a balanced law regarding activities of the bureau of economic security. let me remind you that this initiative was discussed for a long time in the verkhovna rada, the deputies found an understanding, and here are the international partners. decided to continue providing specific money, yura, i also
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believe that this decision arose, in fact, from the ambassadors of the european union and about the further promotion of these funds to our treasury, after the mission of the international monetary fund visited ukraine and a decision was also made on restructuring external debt, in fact, the world of money is connected, and these were the beacons that the ukraine facility program continues. to provide us with specific funding, well, i think that these people who came to kyiv, they still found , or in fact, we found the words that can be used to reach those people who came, well... and if we talk about money , but now about injecting into the real sector of the economy, the german company rain metal received an order from the ukrainian government to build a plant for the production of ammunition in ukraine. it is about complete technical equipment and commissioning enterprises. construction is expected to begin soon and be completed within a few years. currently,
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the preparation of all the necessary infrastructure is underway in ukraine. but in june, the price index of manufacturers of industrial products rose sharply by 14%. this is evidenced by the data of the state statistics service. this is an indicator of industrial inflation. it reflects the selling prices of enterprises. for example, in march it was zero - experts say. so, the main reason is primarily the increase in energy prices. it amounted to more than 28%. in just a month, as a result, now you and i, ordinary consumers, should wait for an also important indicator of simple consumer inflation and wait for a rise in prices in stores. next, about the lack of personnel, women will begin to be trained as city bus drivers, the deficit in the regions
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is now 30%, which is about 6,000 workers, this will be reported... in the ministry of community development, territories and infrastructure, officials together with the representation of un women in in ukraine, such a pilot project was launched, they say it is a response to the shortage of workers in the field transportation, which is caused by a full-scale invasion, the training is free, the results of the women will receive a european-style certificate. next, let's talk about energy. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, is in touch with us. good evening, good evening, mr. oleksandr, why did we invite you, there are many consumers, the article from the detek company shook me, well, maybe they took out of context the very phrase that ukrainians will now essentially have to rely on themselves to provide for themselves
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current, providing yourself with kilowatts. in your opinion, to what extent is the situation such that ordinary consumers are deprived... consumers, in particular, will have to invest their relatives to, for example, have electricity in winter. rate it. look, it depends on what you actually want to get in the winter. it is no secret, and there is a lot of talk about it now and publicly, including on many platforms, that there will definitely be restrictions on consumers in the winter. well, let's not worry. neither for ourselves nor for the people, we will not be able to restore the power system to this state to prevent restrictions in winter, there will also be restrictions next summer with a probability of 90%, and it is likely that next winter will also be restricted, and here really everyone has their own choice, or you can
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adapt to the fact that the electricity is turned off and adapt to live without... electricity for a certain time a day, or , accordingly, work on obtaining a certain level of own energy independence and accordingly install certain equipment. i want to tell you that this is not something fantastic and absolutely unusual, yes, ukraine is in a special situation , there is a war in ukraine, and this is what caused this situation, but, for example, let me remind you that the united states of america was very active 5-7 years ago. battery complexes, which actually today, inverters with batteries, what i see on the screen is very similar to those solutions that were promoted by tesla, only they were designer, a little more nicely wrapped, but nothing more, their essence and well, so it depends on how you feel about
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the world, maybe you are willing to suffer, maybe you have certain funds and want more. comfort here, many of our viewers may have a question, my colleagues also had this question, in particular before the broadcast, and international support often sounds that not only wires are going, there are all kinds of spare parts, fillings, but huge powers are going, which, for example , recently received in kharkiv, if i am not mistaken, and in particular, at the beginning of the issue, people's deputy of ukraine ivana klympush tsintsadze, joined from the united states and says that support from the states will be, in particular, for the restoration of energy, but they delay these funds, because they do not see whether the equipment that was purchased, that was given before... is already installed, why pay more if it does not work yet. in your opinion, to what extent international support will, well, help dramatically, or is it just, well, let's talk,
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so that at least a little light shines in our homes? let's start with the fact that, in my opinion, this energy crisis during the war showed the complete failure of the international aid system, that is, international donors are completely unable to effectively help in the energy field direction, they... don't have expertise, international aid is handled by diplomats, diplomats in energy do not understand, and accordingly are afraid to make decisions, so there is usually a process where most of the money is transferred to international financial organizations, which have a very long bureaucratic procedure, and let's say , most of the money that was formally allocated to ukraine as early as 2023, they are now in the world bank or in... the european bank for reconstruction and development and in no way, in any way, did not get to ukraine. as for the installation of equipment, the equipment that is in ukraine in a very small
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amount, a very small amount, i would estimate it to be two-3% of what we actually need, has been transferred, it is all in operation, all of it is in the process installation, any energy facility needs time to install, to install... a turbine, for example, needs 14-18 months, i would learn in a few months, because at the moment, once again, i will emphasize, the general aid that ukraine received in the form of equipment , is 2-3% of our needs. well, to support the pants, as it were they say, and i want an interesting, interesting program, here, the government has started, 0% for solar panels, in particular for... newbies for households and to the program of 5-7-9% preferential for osb. well, to what extent is this, perhaps, in
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terms of interest, it will help ukrainians to prepare for winter to have more light, to what extent this is an effective mechanism, because the state-owned private bank immediately responded that do not expect that we will give everyone these preferential loans in a row. there will be a study of the solvency of this or that osb or housing cooperative, and this is also a process may. i am not ready to answer for the banks regarding the energy part of this program, so i would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is an option to purchase a battery and the corresponding inverter for the panels, but the battery and the inverter are two very important components, because the solar panels themselves - it's more of a small addition to the battery, and the most effective tool to improve your... sorry for the taftology, in fact, the best tool is inverter batteries, installed by the right
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specialist, in the right way, they will serve you reliably, and even during rather long outages they will help you. for example, i have a 3 kw inverter and a 6 kwh battery installed in my apartment, and this is enough for a family of 8-10. hours without electricity, we feel absolutely calm, we have lights, internet, we can boil a kettle if needed, the refrigerator works and all basic needs, and in a certain economic mode it helps us to solve without any discomfort in fact. thank you for the advice and for what really you say real things that we ourselves will have to yuri prepare to have light if we want it. and for some people, due to the lack of funds, perhaps some material efforts, it is simply necessary to adapt, unfortunately, this is a reality. oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center, was in
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touch. i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us. i now have the opportunity to ask serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the defense forces. congratulations. and tell us, please, where the enemy was aiming and did he, unfortunately, manage to get anywhere? well, actually, when we talk about the south of the odesa region, in particular, we mention izmail, then of course we understand that, first of all, in the field of view of russians - it is the port infrastructure, the port infrastructure, it is what is connected with the great european river danube , because... the danube is working extremely actively, and this is the logistics that, well, by and large, at the beginning of the full-scale retreat, in many ways saved ukraine as well, because we remember
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ports of the great ode'. they were blocked, and actually this is what allowed us, let's say, to redirect sea logistics to the danube. by the way, i want to say that at one time the enemy attacked izmail, reniy kiliev quite actively, this is the south of odesa region, where the danube port infrastructure exists, transport logistics work, and then there was such a certain operational pause, what was it like related from the enemy's point of view, because he... most likely switched his attention to some such point missile strikes, believed that it was more effective from a military point of view, but now he has renewed the shahed strikes again, the shaheds were flying actively, maneuvering, and unfortunately, today there are hits on the port infrastructure, there are three injured people, two of them are in a medium serious condition , in a medical institution, the third person, she is at home, having received all the medical
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assistance, unfortunately, there is damage... there are damaged administrative buildings, and actually the enemy always focuses on terror, terror of the civilian population, none the attack does not go without the enemy exerting physical and psychological pressure on civilians in parallel, because a five-story building was hit in izmail, fortunately no one was injured, it is very good that people are responding to the air warning signals, in including damaged there... the building itself, not critical, because we understand, it could have been much worse, but it happened as it happened, so we see that the attacks have resumed, will they continue, well, that will tell, let's say so, and the next night, maybe, or the next at night, air defense systems worked, of course, mobile fire groups of the border guards, the national naval forces, which destroyed these shaheds, because if everything flew, then of course there would be
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consequences. these hits would be much worse. sir, serhiy, can you confirm the information that appeared in zma that one of the martyrs who flew to izmail today could have flown from the territory of neighboring romania and that even in romania there could have been some explosions today? well, first of all, the explosions were reported by local residents, this the romanian village, which is located opposite izmail, and it was they who turned to the relevant romanian structures that heard the explosion. and these explosions are heard on the territory of a sovereign neighbor of a sovereign neighboring state, there is a message from the official ministry of defense of romania, which reported that after two o'clock in the morning they raised f-16s into the air, monitored the space, then sent a search party in order to to determine, but we can only confirm whether something flew in or really exploded on the territory of romania
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the fact that in terms of location... this one of the shaheds, he really disappeared on the territory of romania, what happened to him there, did he fall, or maybe someone unknown also knocked him down, and he really exploded there because of that , that there was a shoot-down, but this was indeed confirmed by location, he disappeared precisely on the territory of romania, well, actually , i don't want to comment further, because the issue of red lines there is clear, and how will they react, anyway? we see that the north atlantic alliance may again state that it does not see escalation, it does not see that russia is attacking the countries of the alliance, well, it’s really sad, and the last question for you is, what was the security situation in general in the odesa region this night, this day, well, if we talk about the air alarm signals, then in odesa they sound constantly, because the threat , i already spoke about it, these are missile
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strikes, these are ballistics from the territory of the... occupied crimea, this is what really.


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