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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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well, the border strip is a territory 5 km wide along the state border line, the controlled border area has larger boundaries, it is established in the controlled border area within the area bordering the border, it can be 20 or 30 km deep into the territory of ukraine, and moreover, this border strip, where special rules apply, is a regulation. of the government 1199, which defines the boundaries of the controlled border areas. rakhiv district also falls under the controlled border district. kvass, actually, is also within the limits rakiv district, zakarpattia region. regarding the document check, of course, the border guards analyze the information they see, which is also noted by the person regarding his stay. in the controlled
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border area, in general in the border area, and if there is a difference between what the person explains and what the border guards establish, of course, which we can check more carefully in order to prevent attempts to cross the border illegally, i can of course apologize for that , that people may have difficulties with such an additional check, but this a forced measure in order... to prevent attempts to illegally cross the border and prevent such attempts if it happens at a certain distance from the border, because it is better to prevent than to catch violators directly along the border. mr. andrii, that is, these are the actions of the border guards in this particular case, which we are talking about, to anticipate the situation, and nevertheless, in other cases as well, i will point out once again that they can. to carry out, to carry out actions
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regarding the verification of documents from persons who are at the border, to receive explanations from people about what they plan to do at the border, and if we establish certain discrepancies between what we see, what the person explains, of course, that later the person can be sent to the border unit, in order to conduct a more detailed discussion with him , a thorough check precisely with the aim of... preventing illegal crossing of the border, which is what happened to vladyslav gerutsky, i understand correctly, that is exactly how, in this particular case, was there an excess of official duties of the border guards, do you record it, well, if he believes that the border guards acted somehow illegally, not in a legal way, he can also go to court to challenge the actions of the soldiers of the state border service, i noted that... there are
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legal norms that regulate the border regime, there are in including decisions of the regional defense council regarding the actions of both border guards and other components of the security and defense forces. mr. andriy, vladyslav told us that he has a resolution, that he was detained while trying such and such, and that he will be forced appeal to the court whether this resolution is true or how it is correct. legally it is called from the border guards, it acts, is it really vladyslav herutsky, he is in this way, still, or accused, by the border guards, and will there really be a court, so how will this case proceed? well, as a matter of fact, administrative documents on bringing people to justice can be drawn up, we send them to the court, and the court already pronounces the degree of responsibility of this or that person, when certain circumstances are established.
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there is enough evidence for the justification was it for court? well, i told you that the border guards act within the limits of the granted rights and powers, and take into account all information during communication with a person, his explanation, what we record, including other information, when the circumstances of the stay at the border are established, or possible attempts, or ... cruel actions, what a person, this is not only related to vladyslav, but it applies to all persons in general, and this is reflected later in the administrative protocol, if there are sufficient grounds, but the decision is made later, mr. andriy, a few more literal clarifications from the interview with vladyslav, which just didn't happen, he said that you also confirmed it, that he didn't confirm it, he said that his phone was taken, they looked for some marks in the phone and that's all, whether the border guards have
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the right to look into a person's phone in order to investigate the situation. yes, they have. the second question is whether the border guards should explain what is happening, what the person was detained for, why it is necessary to pass through in order to... clarify some information, because vladyslav says that they did not communicate with him, that he did not understand some part at all, what was happening, why he was detained. well, as a matter of fact, i advise everyone to familiarize themselves with the legislation and the regime restrictions that apply in border areas, for when people go there on vacation, or for another purpose, so that in the future, well, there are no such misunderstandings, when the border guards check the documents, or... they are sent to the border unit in order to conduct an additional check, but do they have to say it, express it in words that you so-and-so was detained, so now we will carry out such-and-such actions, because he said that he was invited simply from the station to go there, well, to talk, to conduct a further check on the reasons for the stay
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of this given person at the border, the detained person should they be allowed to call a lawyer or relatives somewhere there, is there such a right? look, i will note that this does not only apply to vladyslav there, it also applies to military personnel of the state border service, who can also go to transcarpathia or to controlled border regions, and border guards check all persons, you know, even the border guard checks the conditions of stay of a border guard who arrives in zakarpattia from another region, mr. andriy. thank you for participating, thank you for telling your version, indeed, we will follow how the events will develop and what the court will say. andrii demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. more on geopolitics, china has confirmed that it will not supply weapons to russia.
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this was stated by president volodymyr zelenskyi in his evening address after the report of the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba, who is currently on a visit to china. there is a clear signal that china... the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine, and it was also confirmed what chinese leader xi jinping told me that china will not supply weapons to russia. i await the minister's detailed report upon my return to ukraine. zelensky noted that the visit to china by a ukrainian official at such a level was the first for many years. the previous bilateral visit of the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry was 12 years ago in china. dmytro kulebo met with his colleague, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the knnri, the main topic of discussion was the rates of ways to stop russian aggression, as well as the possible role of china in achieving a stable and just peace. this was reported by the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs. dmytro kuleba said at the end of the meeting
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that ukraine is ready for negotiations when russia can conduct them honestly. i am convinced that a just peace in ukraine corresponds to china's strategic interests, and china's role as a global peace force is essential. it is necessary to end the war against ukraine, restore peace and speed up the restoration of our state. ending the war in ukraine is one of the priorities of the american president before the end of his term in office. joseph biden himself stated this in an address to the nation, which was broadcast by the american tv channel cnn. biden added that the united states is rallying nations to, quote: stop putin. another one of the priorities that biden named is also ending the war in the gas sector. there are about six left until the end of joe biden's term months until the inauguration of the new us president after the november 5 election. ihor ryterovych, a ukrainian political scientist, joins our broadcast. mr. igor, congratulations, thank you for joining. oda, one of the main such
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important points that volodymyr zelenskyi voiced after kuleb's visit to china, this is a confirmation that china will not supply weapons to the russian federation, this is the most important achievement. well, the most important thing. the achievement is probably in the fact that this meeting took place at all, i will remind you that this is the first time in 12 years years at such a level, this is a very important moment, plus the initiative was on china’s side, this is also an illustrative story, if earlier china did not show such initiatives and, on the contrary, at certain times ignored all requests received from ukraine for such meetings or even simply for normalization of the work of our diplomatic mission, the situation has changed now, so i think that here... there are two main achievements, they talked, and they talked not only publicly, the meeting was very long, i think that a lot of things remained behind the scenes, and we are about it we will find out a little later, well , once again, at least we have received official confirmation that china does not supply the russian federation with any weapons, which, unfortunately, does not negate the other fact that
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china supplies russia with certain types of goods, certain types of components, which can be used for the production of weapons, that is , they have a dual purpose, so to speak. and the russian federation actually uses this, but it will be interesting to see how the situation will develop in the future, that is , what will be the statements, so far, judging by the official the position of china, and... who are you, who recognized that it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table, but the time for this has not yet come, china itself has not yet decided what its vision is for the possible end of the russian-ukrainian war and, most importantly, the role of china, china in general in this process, i.e. what position will china take, it clearly does not want to simply observe, it wants to be one of the key players, but for this it needs to decide on certain parameters, well, for example, here is territorial integrity, there is state sovereignty, ukraine , by the way, i did it yesterday very important. the step when it was officially declared that we support the official policy of one china, that is, you know, there was such a gesture
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towards the people's republic of china, for which these issues are very important, well, in the background there is a confrontation with taiwan, but so far we have not waited for the gesture in response to china's confirmation of previous statements that they have recently, well they have been making yes, but previous statements that they are in favor of peace talks based on the principles of the united nations charter, which is... respect for the territorial integrity of state sovereignty. the meeting, it seems, lasted 3 hours, perhaps ivan i, they could discuss the details of these peace negotiations there. i think that they just talked about the details, there was even more than 3.5 hours of this communication, but we can see that the approach, let's say, to the media there, some joint measures, they took very little time, that is, most likely there there was a very specific substantive conversation. ukraine expressed its position, it is in principle... you know, we promote it quite actively on various platforms, as it was
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the position of china, well, we do not know at the moment, because you understand, there is a certain paradox here, they once announced their so-called peace plan, but since then they have not commented much on it, or some points of this plan, the one i mentioned about the territorial integrity, there is state sovereignty, they are not actively taking it now, let's say, into the public sphere, i think that koleba was just trying to clearly find out china's position on this matter, that is, probably some list of... minimum requirements or a minimum vision from the side of ukraine, well, it was definitely voiced there, did it coincide with the vision of the people's republic of china, well, it is difficult to say so far, but the fact of the meeting itself, in this regard, is indicative, because i emphasize once again, precisely because of the initiative of china , it is noticeable that china is gradually transforming its position regarding the russian-ukrainian war, until relatively recently they were satisfied with the situation that was, well, here it goes... war, in principle, sanctions against russia, china trades with russia, it enters its markets as much as possible
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and everything is fine, but in the last couple of weeks the situation has changed, and apparently the chinese are beginning to understand that they used to get everything they wanted from russia, they no longer get it simply because of the narrowness of the russian market, but they do not receive huge profits from possible cooperation in european markets, where they wanted to enter, they cannot enter there, because the russian-ukrainian war, and because... in the chinese economy leaves much to be desired, that is, this stagnation, it continues and there is no way out of it, china must have started rethinking the general attitude to the russian-ukrainian war, that is, the reason for china here is probably not even political in the first place, it is primarily economic, now it will be profitable for them to heat up this story, let's end the war so that china can have free hands to start rebuilding and strengthening relations with the european union, but to what extent he will succeed in this, this question is still open, because... as we see, the question of a just peace is interpreted by ukraine and china a little differently, yes, here there are certain differences, and these
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differences must be overcome, and the wording is the same, igor, we have a minute or a half left, but i want to ask you about biden, he spoke from the oval office, he spoke about his goals for the six months of the presidency that he has left, he said, that one of the goals is to stop putin, it can be done in 6 months, well, in six months the policy of the white house can change, look, biden's hands are free now, he is not running for office, he can, he wants to finish well in the major notes, and he can, for example, do some things that he doesn't he did before, to give more permits to ukraine, to strengthen support for ukraine there at certain points, it is quite realistic, well, let's hope that he will bet on himself, that is, it will not be just a continuation of the policy as it is now, but at least ukraine receives permission strike with american weapons at military facilities on the territory of the russian federation at a great depth, and perhaps some other actions will be taken that will benefit us in this context for... now a small window of opportunity is opening up, and here it is necessary to work very actively with the biden administration so
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that it really uses these six months to the maximum benefit for ukraine itself, and not delve into, you know, domestic american issues and accompany the course of that election campaign there, well, he remembered at least this is putin's question in this speech, in this address to the american people, so it probably plays a role in his plans, indeed, thank you mr. igor for joining, igor reiterovich, political scientist. we summarized and analyzed dmytro kuleba's visit to china. thank you all for your comments, for your participation in our broadcasts, it is really important. continue at the same pace, write your questions, write your topics that you consider important to be covered on our broadcasts, i will remind you that morning freedom is with you every weekday from 9 o'clock on tv channels and on the youtube channel of radio liberty, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and i and the whole team freedom of the morning, i wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow. do you want to wake up as if you were a child?
9:46 am
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heavy mattress, order a dreamlife quill mattress and enjoy your high-quality and deep sleep, buckwheat mattress friends, we are coming back, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, this is the espresso marathon, and there are still a few more hours of us on this air, now we will talk about the uoc, but before our guest appears on the air, are you something wanted to say andrew? no, i just wanted to say that i... first of all, the olympics are opening tomorrow, well , that needs to be announced somehow, because i, for example, forgot when the olympics were, it didn't even cross my mind, listen, somehow, not before the olympics, not before the olympics, you know, the ancient greeks used to stop wars there, because you know the olympics, but you know, there is an amendment to that, because there were europeans, greeks, they could afford such things, but the asians attacked us,
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and it’s simple horror, gentlemen, you know what, reuters has already launched a broadcast of paris. the opening of the olympic games and just live on the air for an hour and will be broadcast all day just like that, because there are people who like it, 30 00 people are watching it and just look at the hefel tower and imagine how soon the olympics will start games, by the way, there are already certain scandals there, for example, the french one ... the best basketball player will not represent the french national team at these games, you know why, guess, and now, while you guess, i will throw you her photo, and you will it's easier to guess why she's not, she got a ban, it's not pro-russian views, for sure, that, it's not, it
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's not, what they call it, not doping control, but it's just that she performs everywhere, and she... performs in the nba, uh, in the league, and the best, and we can show, the best defender in the united states, now in commercial university teams, here, but for the french national team she was banned because she performs exclusively in a hijab and a special uniform that completely covers her shoulders, arms and legs, and that's her name, by the way, kona diaba konate. that's why he banned her from the olympic games the committee of france, because it is forbidden to perform in hijab, they believe that it humiliates a woman, well, instead, she is a muslim. basketball players were very outraged by this decision and say why, who are they to forbid us to visually be muslim during these competitions. well, you see, it's not that simple.
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again, i will return to ancient greece, where these olympic games came from, where it was customary for both men and women to perform naked, but listen, the people were advanced. already 300 years will soon be like passed, but we are still not up to their level , we already think that... we should not push ourselves to look as much as possible, far from the first one, so to speak, otherwise the olympic games would be attractive, you know, fantastic, i think, well , the rating may be 9 00 for the sky in french , and much more, but it would be somehow interesting, dear friends, in the meantime, i want to report to you for our success with you today +18 has been added to our collection, we are already approaching 70,000, and where there are 70 thousand, there plus 30 00 and there will be the first hundred, we only
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started this collection yesterday, 3.5 million, in general we need to collect, and we are approaching the first hundred with you, and all this money will go to three brigades, the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and 47th, we collect. for them, what you see on your screens, that is, drones and rap systems, they really need it, they need it, because they were to the last in the avdiiv direction in the spring, stood there and suffered a lot of losses, lost a lot equipment, so drones and systems are needed of electronic warfare, please join with your hryvnias, there is only a qr code, i emphasize. only qr code, qr code of monobank, no card number, no private. these are the conditions of this collection. the espresso tv channel together
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with the vesna charitable foundation conducts it, we want to close it as soon as possible. we know that we and the viewers of the tv channel can do it. we have already successfully closed much larger amounts with you, despite the difficulties that you and i are all going through now, due to the fact that our country is at war, but... well, i am very glad that the audience telekanaluso are people who do not care, who definitely do not forget that our army needs help, so, dear friends, we will not talk about such great successes that are happening in the building under the dome, we will talk about the verkhovna rada, nataliya pipa, people's deputy of ukraine is already with us, ah, the bill on the ban of the ukrainian orthodox church of the mp was left in a long box, the deputies sent it, at first they said that it was on vacation, well... then the speaker said that it was not exactly a vacation, the deputies will work in some special mode mrs. natalya, congratulations you, did you need this special regime vacation, i don't know what
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to call it, and good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. well, look, those deputies who actually left to change something in the country and have the country that most of us dream of, of course, that the vacation was not necessary, this is such a pause in the plenary sessions, because actually about... in we will be in the committees for the preparation of laws, but there will not be a certain time of plenary sessions. from what happened on tuesday, the main positive is that we will not leave the podium, and this is the first thing we have to consider, draft law 8371, it is not a ban on the moscow patriarchate, it is a limitation of the influence of the special bodies of the country, aggressors on religious and public organizations. religious and ecclesiastical, i apologize, that is, first of all, if the church or religious group has no ties with the aggressor country, it is not governed by it,
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there is no mention in the statute that it is governed by the aggressor country, they do not pray for kirill gundyaev, who blesses murderers in ukraine and priests who dedicate instruments of murder, such as satan, then accordingly, no... well, if it is not, then it is not subject to this law, but this is also a very important point by which we communicate abroad, that in fact no one plans to shut anyone down, and this is a limitation of the influence of the aggressor country, the virus of freedom of religion in ukraine there is, was and will be, and this is the main thing that we work with, that we explain and... i am sure, in fact, that at the end of august, when we return, we will not retreat further, those who completely from the beginning to of the end was for limiting the influence of the aggressor country on the church.
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communities of ukraine will continue to stand there, pro there is an agreement, and i am sure that we will still go into consideration of this draft law, this is the second reading, there are more than 1,200 amendments, we must be ready for this, one amendment is at least a minute and a half, and that's why they were submitted mainly, of course, by the former opzh, and now for discussion only prodvi, whether this draft law was submitted for six months. for such churches that are controlled by russia to transfer and find another throne for themselves, the church to which they are ready to join, and which specific commission will do it, for today it does the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of speech, so-called des, and accordingly, yesterday des came out with such a statement that she convinces, it is very interesting when the executive body, immediately under the cabinet of ministers, convinces the legislators.
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not to pass such a bill, because they say that something is not being done right there, it seems that this is to a large extent sabotage on their part, and we are actually looking for the best way to do it, so that this law is effective and really carried out the cleansing, you know, i even heard the opinion that there are individual fathers who actually realize that they are obliged, as it were, to fulfill and pay tribute to moscow, and what the churches hand over and moscow appoints bishops, and they understand the politics of moscow, and these are the fathers who say, we do not know how to get out of the power of this church, therefore, in fact, many people are even waiting for this draft law in order to really switch their parish to the orthodox church of ukraine, which has exactly the same teaching as the uoc, only the question is what is written on paper and the teaching of interpreting the bible, understanding, commandments, prayer, etc. , and accordingly, just ready to go, and this...
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the draft law for them, which should become law, would help a lot, we have a minute left, how to explain the fact that so many deputies are not ready to vote for this draft bill, they, i apologize, as the audience would say, without nods in cotton wool, are pro-russian , i think the first thing is that there is a misunderstanding, and some say, no, i do not believe that this church is governed by russia, for example, pavlo frulov, with whom we have long discussions, or... because it is beneficial to someone, someone was convinced , someone, well , they say that the church is working, novinsky is working, because he is the main representative and curator of this church, as far as i know, with some deputies, in order to convince them, i will remind you that the moscow patriarchate has the largest number of parishes in ukraine, that is, it is the largest network, who used it also during the elections, that is, there are many questions, and examples , the examples of different deputies are different, so we need everyone who hears -
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to communicate with those who did not put their sweat. well, we will follow how these parliamentary vacations end and what will happen with this draft law. dear friends, kateryna shiropoi appears on your screens and we will listen to what happened there in ukraine and the world from it. congratulations olesya. andrii, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine and the new aid from denmark and the netherlands for ukraine. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked ukraine in 38 shahedemos, our defenders shot down 25 drones.


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