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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company is a favorite. presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but... we must end it and we must
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to win every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, let's go back and continue, we will now talk about the internet, which, as it turned out, is not the best in ukraine. oleksandr olshanskyi, ukrainian entrepreneur and public figure in the field of information technologies, president of internet invest group holding, is already in touch with us. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you, have a good day. as it turned out, mobile internet in ukraine, despite the fact that there are many of our ukrainians who scattered around the world, they tell that it is better somewhere than somewhere in the world. one of the slowest in the world, 93rd place out of 108
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, how does it happen and why does it happen? no, well, they say that we have fast internet, they mean the internet is not mobile, and the mobile internet in ukraine has always been not very fast, well, it happened that way from the very beginning, because look, we have a very cheap mobile connection communication very cheap, and thus, well, first of all, we don’t even have 5g now, in europe already in general, in many countries 5g works very well fast, but ukraine has a very fast, fixed internet, and ukraine has always taken the first, second, third places in the world there, well, in terms of the speed of fixed internet at...
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very, very low prices, that is, everything is fine here, but in terms of mobile, well, yes, this situation will continue, because this industry, well, is not developing very well now, i believe that we have a certain oligopoly, those operators somehow do not want to improve the quality of communication, maybe this is due to related to that. that they cannot raise prices because there is no such demand from people, for them to pay more, ugh, ugh, in principle, well, it is important to have a good internet during the war, well, we understand that starl was such a game changer, you understand what would happen if in february 22- oh, there was no connection with the country, well, you understand that there should be. that is, communication is
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a very important thing, by the way, fixed communication in ukraine too, well, i can't say that it is developing very well now, because... in 2010-2012, it is generally connected with well, the infrastructure began to be curtailed somewhere with the deterioration of the investment climate in the country, and investments in communication are very long, that is , you physically bury it in the ground and we have to wait there for 10-15, sometimes 25 years. until these investments return, if the investment climate in the country is not very good, then first of all investments in communication, in energy and in heavy industry suffer, and if you pay
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attention abroad, if you get there on the streets, you see that there people don't walk with their phones close to their ears as often as it happens in our country, we are constantly on the streets in... public transport, it is clear that we we live in conditions of war, and it is clear that we want to be in touch with our relatives, who are spread out in different parts of ukraine, and there are relatives who are at war, and we want to get that plus that everything is fine, a short message , but nevertheless, you say that our quality is worse, because those mobile operators who are there do not want to increase it, because for this it is necessary to raise tariffs, so it turns out that... well, rather than everything, so it turns out that we then use cheap available conversations, but have worse internet? well, that's about it it is, that is, and we are more in ukraine , people are more accustomed to fast fixed
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internet, it is cheap, it is available, and mobile internet is used less widely, because it is more expensive, well, this is a natural phenomenon, i do not see this... problems, i see only one problem, that we, in the fixed internet, now we consume what we laid 10 years ago, and if the level of investment in the infrastructure does not increase, then in two, three, maybe five years, the quality will be get worse, our viewer is already writing, because i can't understand by nickname, under our youtube broadcast, in the vinnytsia region. in race centers, when the power supply is cut off, not only mobile internet, even mobile communication barely works, and well, this is not only a problem in the vinnytsia region, in principle, throughout ukraine, as it were, how will we deal with the lack of communication, when the lack of light,
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well, god forbid, will be bigger, longer, well , look, with regard to mobile communication, i see a very simple solution to this issue. not very fast, that is, operators must secure their nodes, must provide they, with alternative electricity, it will cost some money, but if we talk about the mobile segment, then the cost price, the weight of electricity in the cost cost of communication is very small, that is, somewhere at the level of a percentage, maybe two, and if you even this electricity from .. increase there five times, then this will lead to a 5% increase in the tariff, well, it is not a fatal problem, but i believe that the operator needs a lot of time, because the operators have, well, 20, 30, there are 50,000 towers,
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and each of them needs to somehow provide alternative electricity, well, it's impossible done very quickly, but it is a process. i think that the operators will work now, especially since the state has increased the requirements for them on this issue, well, i think that it will improve a little, how much time do you say it takes, how much is it a month, two, six months, well, look, i think , that i believe that there is such a fundamental improvement somewhere, we can wait, well... somewhere four or five months at least, but that is, if the situation does not worsen, if the russians recently banned all their military personnel from the front line, at the front, near front to use
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mobile communication, and there are simply very terrible sanctions, if, god forbid, someone who is found with a phone, a smartphone, what are the reasons for such bans, should we also introduce them here, well no i know, maybe you just know, and you can comment on it, well , there are many factors here, that is, first of all, they only banned. if it is not used for warfare, but as his, see how we can distinguish one from the other, that is, how can we know if this soldier is using a telephone, in at a given moment, maybe he will receive some message, maybe he is looking at some map, well , that is, it is very difficult to distinguish between them, i, to be honest, see two. reasons: the first reason is radio-electronic intelligence, which can
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follow a cluster of mobile phones even specific people, can follow who is where and so on. another problem, which is, well, on the front line , in fact, the phones either do not work, or work very poorly, that is, well, on the front line itself, this problem does not make sense. i believe there are others here. dimension, i.e. they they want to limit their military's access to information, well, in general, russia has taken a course to completely eradicate some alternative information, that is, they are now going to close youtube there, they will continue to push it, and well, this is the model of the soviet union, that is, we will move the voice of america, and because any... source of alternative information carries a threat, well , they understand it that way, they feel that
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information is a weapon, they use it themselves, and they want to create an advantage for themselves in such a way that their people could not to digest information from abroad, eh, even more so in military units, i also suspect that they forbid the use of mobile phones on the front lines, so that later there would not be these records that we re... look, that reach us despite everything, where there the frightened russian soldiers, covered in blood and sweat, say that this is hell, run away from here, we don’t need to go here, the ukrainians are armed, the ukrainians are fighting like crazy, why did we go here, and this also does not motivate other russians to maintain this their svo. well, look, this is also alternative information, any information that doesn't come out of
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state channels, that's alternative information and they're going to restrict it in whatever way they can, and how that's going to work, i don't know, because i think that if, what's the ban on using mobile devices can have a very significant effect on the defense capability of the army in general on... well, on the military, i don't know how to say it correctly, on the military spirit, that is, people, well, people are cut off from communication, they will not feel more sure, you understand, that is, i think that this decision will be expensive for them, mr. oleksandr, thank you for the conversation, participation in our broadcast oleksandr olshansky, ukrainian entrepreneur and public figure in the field of information technologies, the president... was with us, we talked about the speed of mobile internet in ukraine, it turns out ,
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it's not the fastest, but you know, you can check your internet speed right now by pointing your phone's camera at the qr code you see and see how fast the donations will appear in the charity's account spring, in cooperation with which the espresso tv channel is currently conducting a new fundraiser, which we are... 3.5 million hryvnias is exactly our final goal, so far it is still far from it, but there is already 72.505 hryvnias, dear friends, there are still less than 28 00 and there will be the first hundred, i hope that you will take the trouble to scan, there is no card number, neither monobank nor private bank, there is only... qr code of monobank, so learn new ways of transferring money, call the younger
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generation , they are very good at gadgets, let them tell you how to do this may your fate be in that collection for drones and rep systems. join in yes, and we are waiting for the appearance of our next guest on our air, it will be arkady petrosyan, the head of the association. of young internally displaced persons of ukraine and former head of the youth council in bakhmut. let's talk about the ongoing discussion in society about compensation mechanisms. housing for internally displaced persons, mr. arkady, we welcome you, good morning, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, actually there is such a proposal that all the housing that since 2014 is in the temporarily occupied territories, including crimea, it will be considered destroyed, so people who left their homes because they did not want to be, to remain under
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occupation, or fled because there was nothing left of their food, they will be able to receive housing for this money, according to the formula developed by the government, in order to use such a mechanism, we will need to have documents, please tell us what documents and how viable this idea is, do we really have enough money for all those people who were left without a roof over their heads, because they ran away from the occupiers, you know, about money this is the most popular question, the most urgent. "when the team of our association was developing this initiative, our draft law, which became draft law 1161 , was submitted to the parliament by the faction of the european solidarity political party and was already supported in the first reading unanimously by the parliament, we were approached by the residents, first of all, of bakhmut and mariupol, who could not prove that
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de facto their home is destroyed, but they couldn't prove it legally to get it." and that's why we created this bill 1161 in the author's collective, which was joined by a large number of internally displaced persons' organizations, then it was supported by the profile committee, then, as i said, it was supported by the parliament in the first reading, now we are waiting for the second reading, and after the second reading, we will wait for the president's signature, and regarding money, of course, our task is to create a mechanism and about and push this mechanism, then we need to... be honest with people, that there will be a lot of hard work of the government regarding communication with international partners, regarding communication with international institutions, the world bank, the international monetary fund, regarding the creation of a separate program so that 4.9 million people, and i will remind you, this is the official number of internally displaced persons in our country, could apply for
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compensation for their real estate, and people who chose ukraine, often risking their lives. often coming through all these checkpoints, filtering the occupiers, they could claim compensation and buy a home in ukraine. the list has already been approved by the cabinet of ministers of documents that must be submitted by a person, these are primarily documents for the right of ownership, and now this is also the work of a special commission that goes out and looks at the destruction, that is why this... bill was created, because the commission cannot go to bakhmut , in avdiivka, mariupol, in the luhansk region, and at the moment to equalize all the housing that is located in the temporarily occupied territories and in the territories where active hostilities are taking place , this is the only mechanism that serves the fact that people get hope on that they have their own home, because let's be
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honest, the days of deoccupation, they are shifting a bit, and people have to get an understanding, you know, the only thing in these conversations, i understand on the one hand that you have to plan for such things, and to give people understanding and hope, and on the other hand, firstly, what are the specific terms and amounts, and secondly, how can we give people hope at a time when we do not know where the enemy will end up in the end , and whether it will be possible, for example, to return the territories, which is very appropriate. question, but one must understand that in any case we have to make people understand that it will be safer for them to live in ukraine and that a housing compensation mechanism will be created for them, because they chose ukraine, sometimes risking their lives. of course, we do not know where the enemy will stop, but we must believe in our
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armed forces, we must also believe in the de-occupation of temporarily occupied territories, but against... but now create mechanisms for the integration of idps into new communities in which they would like to live the territory of ukraine so that people do not go abroad, and do not go, god forbid, to the temporarily occupied territories, or to russia, because the enemy is actively working, and the enemy's propaganda is actively working, people are lured back to mariupol, people are lured back to north donetsk, people are lured back to horlivka, people are subjected to humiliating filtering, and this war, it continues in first of all, not for territories, but... for a specific person, for a specific citizen of ukraine. you say that all the housing that has been in the temporarily occupied territories since 2014 remains there, for example , also... people who have pro-ukrainian position, but did not leave because someone has some personal circumstances, elderly parents who need to be taken care of, uh, and they do not leave,
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well, because, because, because it is a difficult process, or they think who will be waiting for us there, and where will we end up when so many people have already found themselves without a roof over their heads, and they are already set up in some dormitories, or in some modular towns, if they do not leave ukraine, or someone rents an apartment there on their own. i managed already in another region of the country, where there are no, where the front line is far away, these people, or these people can claim such and such compensation, and they, they want to leave, but they are afraid to leave, because they do not know what can be expected of them, but they no longer have the strength, for example, to endure the russian occupation, you know, just like me personal opinion, first of all , this mechanism was created for such people, because we show people, people... that we are waiting for you here, they are waiting for you in ukraine, come, we will create a housing compensation mechanism for you, you will be able to buy here a small house, a small apartment, and
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you will live in ukraine, you will live in a democratic country, in a civilized country where there is the rule of law, where there are laws, do not worry, leave, and i believe that this is also very beneficial for our state, our people, who live in ukraine, because let's be honest, avdiivka. mariupol, bahmud, among others, were stormed not only by russians, but also by citizens of ukraine, who were forcibly in the temporarily occupied territories, for various reasons people stayed there, especially young people, for various reasons they stayed there, but they were forcibly mobilized in february 22nd , left on buses and forced to go to the front by the occupiers, and we have to understand that there are already young people, young generations, there are territories that... since 14th year, there children who were 10 years old, today they are 20 years old, and they lived all these times there in the occupation, and we still have to think about these people, about these
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young people and about their parents, so that they come to us here, because they are ukrainians, we have to fight for them, for their lives, whether people who again, they always want to benefit from everything, they will come here, they will receive compensation, they will receive, they will buy. housing for this compensation, and there they will keep housing for themselves and rent it out, i don't know. well, let's be honest, in our jurisdiction, people do not have the right to do this and, on the territory of ukraine, according to our draft law 12161, a person must give up this housing for the benefit of the state, and there everything that happens with such housing is not according to the law of ukraine, this is not legal, it is the actions of the occupiers, and of course. it is up to the person's conscience what to do with it will do, but it's illegal and it's not according to the law, i heard you, arkady petrosyan, head
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of the association of young idps of ukraine, former head of the youth council in bakhmut, was with us, dear friends, stay with us, there's another hour of marathon ahead. attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb. at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient. especially now, and the light bulb is also a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break any chandelier or floor lamp, the light was turned off for a while, it is necessary to light candles again or look for
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. in the kyiv region, the debris of the shaheds damaged three private houses, a garage, a shop, the building's administration and a car. fires broke out in houses, and they also took up afforestation. and grass litter. the fires were quickly extinguished. this was reported to the state emergency service. fortunately, there were no dead or injured. and the second night in a row, the russians attack with shahads the izmail district of odesa in the city of vylkova due to falling debris on a private house , two were injured.


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