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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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the offer is limited, call! there are discounts representing the only discounts on magnesium, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. evrofast softcaps - first aid against the main field, begins to act in 15 minutes. there are discounts representing the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and more. how are the tactics of the kremlin changing in the russian-ukrainian war? will putin work to destabilize ukraine from within? are political murders among the methods and is the murder of linguist iryna forion one of them? all the most important, today at 21:15 velikiy lviv speaks in the project. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. the verdict with serhii
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rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdyk from serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. well, the information day of the espress tv channel is in full swing, yesterday kharkiv region was one of the key territories that the enemy was targeting, and yesterday for the first time the enemy used iskander ballistic missiles with cluster ammunition, does this mean that now kharkiv region will be at even greater risk , about this... we will try
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to find out together with denys petrenko, the deputy mayor of loziv. mr. denis, i congratulate you. good afternoon, slava ukraine studio. glory to heroes. i wanted to ask how the last day has passed in kharkiv oblast. we know that yesterday the enemy became very active, how was the day in general and whether it is possible that you have some definite understanding of why the enemy became so active. unfortunately, we report on three... dead persons, and four injured, we express our condolences to the relatives, loved ones, this is another time when the russians terrorize ukraine, namely, the critical infrastructure suffers, er, these critical infrastructure specialists who prepared heating season until the new 24-25th. to
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date, we also report to the mayor on a permanent basis control, the preparation continues and is taking place according to the schedules, mr. denis, please tell me , what is the general situation in your community now, in particular, are there any difficulties now, i mean those related to the preparation for the same heating season or supply electricity, is this the situation now? more or less stabilized, the way we are now observing it and on the territory of our entire state, the appropriate decisions were immediately made promptly, an operational meeting was held with the mayor, the directions were decided, and thanking the chairman of the military administration to mr. oleg senigubov, where we decided and will implement and implement in the future. those issues
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that are of primary importance today, also at 8 o'clock today, the commission on the fixing and destruction of critical infrastructure began, where the relevant acts will be drawn up and, in the future, a decision will be made regarding preparation for the heating season, under the constant supervision of our mayor serhiy zelenskyi, where report every hour about the consequences and the challenges facing our community as a whole. yes, mr. danys, it's me as i understand it, the most affected today, if we are talking about your community, the village of ruska lozova, in the kharkiv district, and the russians shelled there intensively, and in general, as i understand it, we are talking about some civilian object, that is, it was not..
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military facility, unfortunately, i will not report on it, it is the kharkiv region, but it is the responsibility of the loziv community, ugh, i heard you, and tell me something else, please? if you look at the map, then, if you look at the map, yes, then your community is like that it is located further south, it actually borders dnipropetrovsk oblast, so it borders more, and in general, how often does something fly to your community, do you constantly suffer from shelling, or do you, well, if you compare it with other communities of kharkiv oblast. it's a little easier, you can't say that it's easier, it's already statistical data that more than 30 strikes have already occurred in the laviv community, more than 30 - this is for the entire time, i understand correctly, yes, yes, and
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i also wanted to ask if now your the community actively participates in the evacuation processes, because again, if the expert. geographically, well, you are enough of a community that can certainly afford to be a certain hub, so for those heading further west in our country, is there a certain increase in possible evacuation flights or the needs of people trying to leave? today we are reporting the information that we have in general. to the community, of course, that safety is a priority for people, was, is, and will be, but regarding evacuation from the community, there was no such information and there is none today, i heard you, thank you, denys petrenko, the deputy
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mayor of loziv, was in direct contact with our studio, i want to remind you that the russian troops actively attacked kharkiv with ballistics during the day yesterday... this was the first time they used a rocket with a cluster munition to attack the city, not it is excluded that the enemy could change tactics and now there is a threat to kharkiv residents that the russian federation will start using iskanders much more often, and today the enemy periodically used five ballistic iskanders, one of the missiles had a cluster warhead, and actually at 5 in the morning, when the russian federation fired two rockets, later the occupiers launched another double rocket... attack on kharkiv, in the afternoon there was a third attack, and - already after the 17th another attack took place, the enemy aircraft shot down cap. well, we understand that now it looks like the enemy has become more active, specifically, if we are talking about the use of ballistic
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weapons, unfortunately, it is currently difficult to fight them, yes, because there are not enough means of both air defense and anti-missile defense to protect kharkiv oblast from russian... strikes, well, but our diplomats are working to get the necessary means to cover kharkiv oblast and not only kharkiv oblast, but other front-line cities as well. now we are going to take a break and after it we will continue the information day of esu. attention, a profitable offer. order smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only 149 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 uah. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no
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repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. congratulations you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and substantively. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. well, there is an information day on the spresso tv channel, we are analyzing the main events, and now we will talk a little about our international policy. vita holot, head of the board, is ukrainian associations of chinese scholars are already in touch with us. mrs. vito, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine.
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good day, glory to the heroes. unexpected and unexpected, and much, i would say, expected at the same time the visit of the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba to beijing, so to, i mean to the official beijing, right? and he received an invitation from his colleague, from wangya, the minister of foreign affairs of the prc, to meet, right? for the first time in eight years, if my memory serves me correctly, a visit at such a high level, well , but a miracle did not happen, so many ukrainians, those who actually think about some kind of peaceful settlement of the war in ukraine, who expect that sooner or later there will be a certain format at the negotiating table, received disappointing news for themselves, because vanyi confirmed the fact that at the moment no there is no time, no circumstances, no conditions for ukraine and russia to meet at the negotiating table. well, in general, i would like you to outline how you generally assess the effectiveness of such meetings, whether this meeting
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in your opinion can really affect our relations with china, if we speak about achieving peace? thank you for such a complex question, then i will explain two points: the first point for those who follow ukrainian-chinese relations, the evolution of our relations, understand that this meeting is indeed historic, and as mr. kuleba himself said, it... is the first bilateral full- fledged meeting between the two heads of the ministry of foreign affairs since the 12th year, in the 12th year mr. hryshchenko went to china, in the 16th year mr. klinkin was in china, but he was in the framework of a major event, and this is the first such visit since 12th year. second moment, it should be taken into account that the diplomatic service in china is working and has been working all these years in order for this visit to take place. it finally took place, that is, for the diplomatic service , it can be said that this is a small victory, for
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those people who expected that we would achieve some kind of breakthrough immediately based on the results of this meeting, it is not so. the diplomatic service and diplomacy in general work for a very long time, these are long negotiations, and we had a representative of china to settle the ukrainian lihui crisis, and we do not know. there's still a lot going on behind the scenes, but direct dialogue took place, and even on the part of the usa , such a speech was approved, that really information about ukraine, china... can be heard from the university of ukraine itself, then for us this is really a good fact, and we have to follow what will happen next. now the second point, regarding the peace negotiations. the second global peace summit is currently being prepared. china did not go to the first global peace summit in switzerland in june, arguing that
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russia should be there. and the topic of russia is now also being discussed in... many in the media and in the west and in russia, that ukraine agrees to talk with russia, but there is a small clarification. mr. koleba, both in his address and in the official press release, said when russia would behave virtuously. that is, so far this information has been conveyed to china that its formula, its formula for peace with the participation of russia, it is possible under certain conditions, under which ... conditions, when russia will behave virtuously, so china commented that indeed we understand that at present, such negotiations, such a political settlement is impossible, that is, we must continue to work. look, mrs. vita, the story goes like this the chinese are not only about diplomacy, and the visit to guangzhou is also not only about
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a second potential peace summit, possibly with the participation of the people's republic of china, possibly with the participation of some or the other. speakers from russia, although china, as far as we understand, is not bad at defending russian interests, there are also china's interests, and china's interests are not only geopolitics, not only taiwan, but such smaller stories that are strategically important for us and for our american partners, they are no less strategically important, that is, it is a presence china is not just in central europe, but also in ukraine, so at one time we remember a wonderful epic with motors. so, when the chinese very actively wanted to come in, well , they exerted themselves extremely hard across the ocean, and the chinese eventually felt, well , to put it mildly, deceived and so on, i think that there are a lot of hidden chinese interests in the potential, which they would like to implement, of course we will not go to any such devices,
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well, but we also need to encourage something, as an official... at the moment, there is no question of encouragement, we are talking about resuming the dialogue, and if we look at relations in the short term, there are three emphases on which mr. coleba made: the first is the global peace summit, that is, understanding this formula of interaction with china, how china understands, how it says the ukrainian crisis and how we ... we are positioning ourselves, our peaceful settlement on the world stage, working with our partners, not only from the west, but also with the global south, asia and the world in general. the second point is trade. china is our first trading partner. trade with china in 2023 amounted to 12 billion dollars. we need
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to continue this cooperation, because it is beneficial for our economy. and, as mr. koleba said, it's vigi'. to both sides, we must maintain trade relations, and the third is interpersonal relations, that is , student exchanges and so on must continue, and these three accents were on the agenda. regarding motor sawing, regarding other investment projects, all this, i think, is transferred to some other, different format of the meeting. why guangzhou it was logistically convenient for both parties, and we we know that apart from meeting vaani. mr. kuliba still managed to meet with the head of guangdong province, where guangzhou is located, and it was precisely regional cooperation that was discussed, because guangdong province is a partner of mykolaiv region, i think there is already some kind of substantive conversation, maybe humanitarian aid, but we have not seen any
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documents yet , no press releases regarding this meeting. ms. vito, i also wanted to ask you if you don't think that we... to some extent wishful thinking, because we saw how this information was accompanied kuleba's stay in china, and zelenskyy, you know, praised the minister very much for flying there and saying that supposedly china is giving us a clear signal that it defends our territorial integrity and the sovereignty of our state, but at the same time we see that china is a direct helper of russia in this war, as even anthony blinken, secretary of state of the united states. officially stated that 90% of the components and the rest of the components that russia needs are provided by china, that is, yes, china is an intermediary between russia and other countries and... we know even from those examinations that are shown after certain missile strikes that there are many western components in the missiles, so are we not
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trying to make this trip and in general our relations with china better than they really are? no, i don't think so, because there is really a crisis in our relations, a deep diplomatic crisis, starting somewhere from the 14th year. but china is a global player, and as we can see, there is a queue of world leaders who want to visit beijing and meet with xi jinping, that is, we do not have the right under the conditions, in in which we are now, to declare china an enemy, we have to work on the diplomatic front, and i can say clearly, i know this firsthand, i was in beijing in may, it is an extremely difficult diplomatic front, you need to understand how to cooperate: with china and how to balance under the conditions that currently the world is divided into two camps, and we are really now on different sides, and regarding cooperation with russia, we
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see that sanctions are working, they should continue, let's say, their effect, and for now indeed china, turkey, the arab emirates, they deliver western-made goods to russia. and china can control these exports at a high level, and i am sure that this was also the subject of the meeting of the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs. look, i would like to ask you in general about the prospects of the second summit, and if we are talking about the real position of china, yes, because what has been voiced is in simple language called diplomatic, very good. no , ochomshchyna, yes, unfortunately, that is , china recognizes everything, china completely agrees, china respects everyone, well, but in reality, that is they have very clear interests, and these
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interests are very often not spelled out in what are called standard diplomatic press releases, so in some there the ministry of economy or the ministry of defense or the ministry of agriculture, i think they can present their vision in clusters, what they would wanted, so we understand that the story is... not only about diplomacy, but about the requirements of china's interests in what is called, in general, the continental system of trade and security, and actually, i would like to ask you, what would the chinese really want from the western civilized world, which i include, of course, ukraine. china is the biggest globalist in the world right now, meaning its economy is dependent on international markets and... has such a desire to hold on to both europe and america, despite this tariff war that has started since the trump era, and there are a lot of tariffs right now , which are
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disadvantageous to china's economy, and this really generates such, such anti-american sentiments in society, because chinese propaganda is also working, aimed at the fact that america restrains the development of china, but at the moment china... has a different development vector, it is the global south, and it wants to compensate for the losses that it currently receives from the policy of derision, or reducing risks with europe and with the united states, and so in the same cooperation with russia can also be included in the context, and indeed it is currently considered very threatening to us, and it is, it is a risk for our national interests, but they have their own explanations... commercial and china, working on international markets, it really is currently prioritizing security issues over economic issues, and it is already becoming
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clear that it is the change in priorities that is harming china's economy, and that is why we are also discussing such an economic crisis at the moment, it is caused by both external and internal factors. ms. vito, what do you think of china as a whig now? this war is to weaken the west, because the russians are already instilling in their people that this war is not with ukraine, but with nato countries, but with china, what do you think, what is your personal opinion, or china interested in so that this war continues and, accordingly, weaken the west in this way? china, it pursues its own interests, and it really sees us through the... us-china standoff, unfortunately, and that's the main problem why it's so difficult to have a dialogue with china, yes, we
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've heard many times from experts that currently ... china does not see the subjectivity of ukraine, but this meeting once again confirmed that this is not the case. second, is china interested in ending this war? he's interested, but he won't leave, he won't will intervene directly, because this is such a classic chinese diplomacy, one of the principles of which is non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, especially during military conflicts. why does china offer itself as a mediator? there are three reasons. the first reason is an image one, china works as such a mediator in many regions, including the middle east, and this is currently the ukrainian-chinese, ukrainian-russian confrontation. the second reason is economic. the war in europe is affected by china's cooperation with europe, as has been repeatedly noted chinese diplomats, it affects
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supply chains, it threatens to completely shut down china's railways to europe, because wagons with chinese goods are blocked at the border with poland, there is a northern route that goes through russia and belarus, and the third reason is geopolitical: china is currently balancing in this geopolitical solitaire, i would say, and in... on the eve of the american elections, on the eve of such a non-determination until november, china will do certain, develop certain scenarios of behavior on global arena, and the ukrainian factor is an influential factor in these scenarios. yes, your comments are extremely important, finally, dear ms. golot, if we talk about the prospects of, for example, the second summit,
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whether it could take place in... beijing. i think no. so far, we have heard the main thing that the conditions are not ripe to implement the plan or the proposal that was announced after the meeting between china and brazil. six points. and one of the points, it sounds, is a complete ceasefire and the participation of russia itself. but, at the moment there are no such... prerequisites, none of the parties has a conflict at all, i mean, has a completely different, different vision in regulating this conflict, so the second summit, the global peace summit, which should be held this year, is unlikely to take place in beijing , it is unlikely that it will happen in principle, given the circumstances in which we found ourselves. thank you, vita golot, the head of the board of the ukrainian association of china studies, was on the live air
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of the espresso tv channel, they talked about... kuleba's last visit to china at his invitation one's colleagues, he is actually still there and should have left for ukraine today. well, in the meantime, an important message: there is no threat surrounding the temporal abyss. rashists fail to implement their primary ideas. oleg kalashnikov, an officer of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after roman dashkevich, announced this on the air of the telethon. i quote verbatim: today the environment is a threat. does not exist, it does not exist, if you look at the situation, the enemy does not succeed in realizing those intentions that were at first and which continue to be implemented, the russian occupiers in that direction are avoiding a direct assault on the city, as this could lead to heavy losses, well , it's almost 3 p.m. on the clock, which means it's news time on the spresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague irina koval, who is ready
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to share with... all the most important, iro, we congratulate you and pass on the word. thank you, marta, well, in this issue there will be information about lukashenka, who flew to russia, about a new program that will facilitate the exchange of prisoners and the return of ukrainian citizens home, and also about the terrible murder of a taxi driver in odessa, so wait, i will tell you more about all this in the issue. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the spressa tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. so, belarusian dictator oleksandr lukashenko flew to russia on a working visit. he already met there.


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