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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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voval, who is ready to share all the most important things with us. iro, we congratulate you and pass on the word. thank you, marta, in this issue there will be information about lukashenka, who flew to russia, about a new program that will facilitate the exchange of prisoners and the return of ukrainian citizens to their homes, and also about the terrible murder of a taxi driver in odessa, so wait for more details about all this i will tell you in the release. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel in the iryna koval studio. greetings to all viewers and just now to the most important events. so, belarusian dictator oleksandr lukashenko flew to russia on a working visit. he already met there. with
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the russian dictator putin - the propaganda media reported. it is known that the parties plan to discuss regional security and the promotion of alliance projects. according to lukashenka, the russians are ready to sit down at the negotiating table and come to an agreement. the enemy's possibilities are limitless. in a month or a half, the russians will not be able to conduct active assaults in many directions at the same time. the occupiers will be on the defensive - he said commander of the national guard oleksandr. derpivnenko, the enemy constantly suffers losses, so the defense forces need to adapt, gradually change the management model and look for the enemy's weak points. by the end of the summer, the netherlands and denmark will send 14 leopard tanks to ukraine, the ministry of defense of the netherlands informed. the used tanks were repaired by the german company ryan metal, and the first 12 armored vehicles will be with us very soon. this weapon will play. role in protection against russian
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troops, the ministry emphasized. well, to the losses of the occupiers were more, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. defending our freedom and future. these are the soldiers. stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, everyone your donation brings our victory closer. khachuk is his own. the project under this name started in ukraine. this is an online database of information about convicted russian agents and traitors. it is coordinated by the main administration.
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intelligence by the security service and the office of the ombudsman of ukraine. the program promotes the exchange of prisoners and the return of ukrainian citizens to their homes. information will be published on the site only with consent. you can fill out the questionnaire yourself, having gone through several stages of authorization, from technical verification over the phone to verification of questionnaires by security forces structures. further, information about those willing to go to the aggressor country will be passed on to representatives of enemy state structures. for the organization of the exchange, about 500 people gave their consent for the exchange, for their participation in this program, more than 200 people out of these 500 agreed to publish their data in this project, that is, these people are currently counting on the exchange of vrf, but you can make sure that russia is in no hurry to take its own. there is a countdown under each case on the website. the time this
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person waits for an exchange, this project can become that tool to speed up the return of civilians, that is why we appeal to all citizens who do not want to live in ukraine, but want to live in russia, leave applications on the website, and we will do everything possible to get you to russia, and ukraine returned someone more of its citizens, returned everyone, a taxi driver was killed in odessa yesterday. reported in the regional police. kirmanych refused to transport five people, because the car is designed for four people. one of selomitsi's passengers pulled the driver out of the car. a fight broke out. the attacker attacked the taxi driver a fatal stab wound to the chest. the figure was detained. currently, law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the murder. staivan laptops and robots. in lviv, a unique training for teachers of informatics has started. educators from
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more than 20 schools can improve their skills in the basics of programming, robotics, and education. our correspondents will tell you the details. nadiya manko has been teaching computer science at a public school for more than 30 years, and now she herself lectures and studies programming at the ukrainian catholic university. mrs. nadia signed up for the unique educational program "cow and create". i know python to some extent, well, but every time i make sure that i know it imperfectly, that is, every time i communicate with a colleague, you learn something new for yourself and... so at this lecture i saw such interesting nuances that i am sure i didn't pay attention, so in relation to the topics of education, it's also to some extent tangential, technology is what interests me to a greater extent, and what i'm trying to do, i'll try to do better, since it's a little new for me to some extent, another participant
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course, mr. oleksiy, he has been a teacher at the lviv school for eight years, the man learned about his studies from the headmistress, oleksiy is already thinking about how to apply the new ones. in the classroom. it will be a little more difficult to implement this additional knowledge with robotics, so it is necessary to either introduce some or additional subject, which in principle can be introduced into the school program, or introduce it as some kind of circle exclusively for more interested children, or as an option in senior classes, in 10 - 11-th grade computer science classes have blocks whenever possible you can choose which topic to take with your children, you can implement this robotics in basic computer science lessons. the educational project to leave no one behind is aimed at improving the qualifications of ukrainian teachers. teachers from lviv, ivano-frankivsk and poltava regions came to the training. candidates for participation in the program were selected by an independent competitive commission. we received 143
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applications, from which 40 schools were initially selected. further, interviews of teachers were conducted with those teams from 40 schools. and after the interviews, we received the finalists, 24 of them schools with two teachers. so, we now have 48 teachers participating in our project. for eight months, teachers will learn to write code in the python programming language. educators will also learn about the basics of robot technology and how to tell the material in such a way as to interest children as much as possible. practice will be twice as much as theory. we will tell them what a robot is, what it consists of, how to take it apart on the one hand, put it together, how to write the appropriate code, that is, to understand how they interact with each other, why it is important, where you can cut a corner, where it is better not
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to cut a corner. for each teacher, the organizers allocated an educational laptop and a set of robotics. this equipment was purchased by the government of taiwan. the educational project is implemented by a public body. all-ukrainian democratic forum. its founder mykola knyazhytskyi said that the idea to create such a complex project appeared as a continuation of cooperation with taiwanese partners. teacher training and modern equipment for schools will help to make ukrainian education better, which means that ukrainians will become more competitive in the world. we want to make a better country. for this we want our children to know. a computer is the best in the world, so that they know both artificial intelligence and new programming languages, they should be given these computers, we found such an opportunity, provided them with computers, it will be more than a thousand computers for 100 schools under various programs . in face-to-face
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format, training for teachers will continue until the end of january, and after that , new laptops, sets of robotics and screen projectors will go to the school's computer science classrooms. catherine oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. and information just appeared that an 18-year-old suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained in dnipro. this was announced by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, referring to the minister of internal affairs klymenko. we will let you know all the details later, as more information becomes available. for now, that was all the news for that time. you can learn more on our. also follow us on social media and watch our unique content on youtube. then my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi.
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well, let's start with the hot news about the arrest of the suspect in the murder of iryna faryu. linguist and professor of the lviv polytechnic, there are very few details about this detention, i will report only what is currently known. so, the suspect was detained. in the city of dnipro, president volodymyr zelenskyy said, he received relevant information from the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko. hundreds of specialists from the national police, the security service and other services worked on solving the murder. the detainee turned out to be an 18-year-old boy. now, i will quote the president: the necessary investigative actions and examinations are ongoing, he instructed the minister of internal affairs to present all the details to society. well , i will also remind you that hundreds of specialists are investigating the murder of iryna farion, this
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was previously stated in the ministry of internal affairs, among the main motives: personal enmity, public activities of the deceased, as well as the involvement of the enemy in order to destabilize the situation in the country, and we also now understand , that already when the suspect is detained, law enforcement officers will be able to find out much more information. what were his motives, well, i think we will find out all this in the course of the investigation, and i also want to remind you that yesterday a video appeared on one of the russian telegram channels, where they published a video, which allegedly claims that the murder of ukrainian exndepka and linguist iryna farion organized and executed the russian neo-nazis, but whether this version is really true, the law enforcement officers and... and the security service of ukraine, well, we will also find out about it we hope for the effectiveness of their
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work in reality. well, yes, the key story is to find out whether that throw through the telegram channel really corresponds to reality, whether there was a corresponding structure, or whether it is nothing more than one or another game of the special services, in particular of the enemy, well, but, but, but, events are extremely a lot, but we will, of course, keep this event on olivka. fevzi mamutov, mp. the odesa regional council is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, dear mr. mamuto, congratulations. glory to heroes. congratulations. well, for the second day in a row, the russians are attacking odesa and odesa we would like to ask you to tell us what it looks like, how active they are, if we are talking about the number of certain units, launched in odesa, and how the odesa air defense system copes with all this. mass attacks of shahed. and this is mainly ishmael, i want to note that last year in july
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also, the same story was with ishmael, and the attempt to destroy the port infrastructure, this year is the same, and we can understand that this is the period when the largest the amount of harvest, and think for a long time. no need, why is this being done to destroy, you know, the export of grain, and what is the izmail port in general now, how powerful is it working, and accordingly, how do you manage to shoot down the russian shaheds over izmail? when there is a mass attack, we see that we have not managed to completely close the sky, especially over odeshchyna. and in fact they wanted it
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, the whole story about the port infrastructure is just as massively killed as housing, and now cultural institutions and educational institutions also suffer from this when flying 40 shaheds and the sky is not closed. this, of course, gives our air defense forces certain problems. and i also wanted to ask you if you know anything about the actual situation surrounding the mayor of odessa. there were certain rumors yesterday that he went to kyiv, that some new suspicion might be announced to him? do you know anything about it? today, right now, the mayor of odessa is at a certain public forum, such public ones. community organizations, the fact that he is to leave for kyiv today, no, he is here in odesa, and
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regarding the fact that certain, certain - it is sometimes they call it a scandal, but there is no smoke without fire, no, i don't have any information about the mayor of odessa, but what do you think, why this scandal appeared now, how do you say that it could be a scandal, maybe you somehow... well, explain, right before the start of our broadcast , you said that you were just discussing the topic of irina's murder. and everywhere in our country now , well, there are some excuses for a certain split and so on, but here in odessa there are really excuses to think about, to think and to see some corruption stories, you know, yes
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to put it mildly, going around sharp corners now. therefore, i think that it is somehow related to the recent dismissal of the head of the fund and the deputy mayor of our city, and i think that it is related to this and will continue this year. we will see her if she continues, we will see her very soon. dear mr. mamuto, we would like to ask you what the situation is in odesa with the russian fifth column and newly recruited people who may not even know that they are carrying out tasks from the enemy, well, around the country we see regular came under fire, maybe not only cars, but also
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objects of this or that infrastructure, so here it was revealed a couple of days ago. a whole group that was supposed, so to speak, to carry out a lot of different sabotages and cause a lot of damage to our ukrainian economy, as well as in general, to try to convince our fellow citizens, so to speak, that the special services are not working enough, we understand that in odesa there were many people in the column, so they sat quietly, as this story looks now with people who at one time were directly connected with russian federation. in one way or another, and if we are talking about the neutralization of this, in the verkhovna rada vote regarding the ban of the moscow patriarchate, we saw that there is a certain lobby in our country, and do not call it the fifth column, i mean the moscow patriarchate, i can't, today
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we have a great influence of the moscow patriarchate on a certain part of the population of odesa oblast. oblast and including, let's not thanks to, but through their activities, we see - people who, as you very correctly said, even sometimes not realizing that they they do, they help, they are russian, no, well, they can be used in the dark, they hire there drug addicts, or bandits, bandits... they hire through one or another criminal authorities, so-called, yes, well, and i think that more than half of they may even be completely unaware that they work on behalf of the russian special services, yes, well, because bandits have their own schedules , drug addicts, so to speak, their own interests , including, and i think that criminal,
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so-called authorities, i would already, i would already slowly add to that... including workers of the churches of the moscow patriarchate, because we see, when we come to the region, to the villages, to the territorial communities, in some of them we see such clear narratives of moscow propaganda, and i do not get them anywhere, except in the church, unfortunately, so what? you know what i wanted to discuss with you, this is a rather cautious topic to discuss, why cautious, because it concerns military and civilians. a scandal broke out in odesa the other day, the driver refused to stop to provide documents at the request of the territorial center equipment and knocked down a serviceman. the military man worked for the tcc, tsp, after receiving
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combat wounds at the front. and he has already given a statement to the law enforcement officers. the odesa territorial picking center reported that... they are monitoring the situation, a few days ago there was a shooting at one of the markets also because of an attempt to check documents. a few weeks, or maybe even a month ago, there was also a fairly blatant situation, when even emergency medicine doctors came, a fight broke out between tsc workers and doctors, well, in odesa, you know, somehow in galicia they say it has been done, i don't want to say that it has been done, but there are certain, you know, unpleasant statistics. what do you think is the reason for this and why do you think so many of these conflicts arise in odesa? there are many factors, but only one. one of the most important is the ignorance, legal ignorance of the population regarding the fact that, for example, they did not update the data in the rtcc by
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a certain, certain date, yes, even today a person does not know what is in danger, will he stop, will he stop at the request of an employee of the rtcc or to the police, he... will be fined 17 hryvnias or not , he doesn't know for sure, and it is for this reason that we, on the basis of our, on the basis of our centers, have made a kind of legal consultation, and when people come with all these packages of their documents , and our lawyers see and advise them, because the number of people and... the ability of the rtcc to process these people and accept them is not, it does not match at all, that is, the rtcc can, well
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, let it serve 50 people a day, but hundreds of people were already standing there, and the system is not built, unfortunately, this is one of the problems of that the gap that we have, we have between the population and... and between the structures, others again, this is in relation to what has been done, this is the information field, the influence of some hostile propaganda channels, this is the influence of, yes, lack of information, this is a fact, well and finally, but, but i will add, i will add one more point, that indeed, now already, but again, it is late, you know, after... on the 16th , somewhere around 10 days have already passed and these centers where people can get this legal consultation,
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more and more appears, it is precisely about odessa, i say. look, i would like you more ask about the beach season, so to speak. information was received that most hotels in odessa are already booked, that is, despite the war, despite the shaheda, despite the mobilizations. measures, somehow people try to rest in odessa on the sea, what is happening with that now? 20 locations throughout the odesa region are open, six in odessa, er, we see that quite a lot of people have really come, we see the abnormal heat all over the country, and what can i say, people still go, even to some. .. beaches, well, two for sure, we were in the period, in the period, alarms, and there are certain services that try
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to explain to people that it is necessary to leave the territory of the beach during these alarms, there are also problems with this, but those beaches that have bomb shelters nearby are open. and people still go to the sea. we thank you. fevzi mamutov, a deputy of the odesa regional council, and an important message from the minister of internal affairs of ukraine ihor klymenko, relayed by the president of ukraine, were in touch with us. so, klymenko reported to the president about the detention of the suspect in the dnipro murders of iryna, iryna farion. i am quoting the presidential telegram channel now. the detention operation was very difficult throughout. these days, hundreds of specialists of the national police of ukraine, sbu and other services worked on solving the murder. i am grateful to everyone, - emphasized the president of ukraine, and to everyone who added
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more facts to the picture of the crime every day and brought the full truth closer. an 18-year-old boy was detained, the president of ukraine said. necessary investigative actions and examinations are ongoing, he instructed the minister of internal affairs to present all the details to the public. and there already is details, i want them. actually also to announce, hence the direct quotes of klymenko from his official telegram: there is enough evidence to claim that it was the detainee who shot the linguists during 139 hours of continuous work by a huge team of operatives, investigators, criminal analysts, experts from other police services, sbu employees who checked every corner along the route departure of the shooter and searched about 100 hectares of forest. in the end , the suspect was tracked down and identified, having his photo. it was a matter of time, smart cameras, video surveillance caught him throughout. identification of an intruder and his arrest is a painstaking process that requires the highest professionalism, endurance and
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discipline. in order not to make any mistakes, thank you to the whole team, and i confirmed the actual information that this guy is 18 years old, he himself is a resident of dnipro, during the preparation for the crime he rented at least three apartments in lviv, now he is detained in the hands of the police, it is important to know everything details, currently the investigation is inclined to the opinion that the shooter is only an executor. thank you, marta, what's up, we'll do it to inform throughout today about this event and equally important ones. now a short break after. let's continue attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 149 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light. for only 149 hryvnias.
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