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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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farion, an 18-year-old resident of dnipro, rented three apartments in lviv, and accordingly the minister of internal affairs says that he was rather an executor, so extremely important news, we will monitor and inform you about this and not only about this. well, now we have it contact viktoria ptashnyk, deputy of the kyiv city council. mrs. victoria, we congratulate you. can you hear us, ms. victoria? yes, yes, i hear you, good afternoon. it's great, so today, the head of the kyiv metro was sent under house arrest in the case of flooding the tunnels, or rather the head of the kyiv metro. mrs. victoria, what do you know about this case? please share. look, i immediately want to tell all our viewers that our temporary control commission in the kyiv city council is asking precisely about the functioning of the subway and that accident, that happened on the blue section of the metro in the city of kyiv will be gathered. on monday
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, july 29, to our meeting, where we plan to invite, firstly, representatives of the department of transport, kmda, ah, and secondly, representatives of law enforcement agencies, taking into account the suspicion that, those suspicions, or rather, already two were handed over, and one preventive measure, we know, was already imposed by, well, at least yes, the mass media say, yes, on the acting director of the kyiv metro. if necessary, we are ready to hold this meeting in closed mode, because we understand that there is certain sensitive information, and it may happen that certain representatives of law enforcement agencies there will not want to communicate with the outside, taking into account the secrecy of the investigation and so on. however, i can tell you that our commission has been working since january, we requested a lot of information and gathered a lot from the department of transport, kyiv metro. and we have several versions, in
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this preliminary report of the activity of the tcc. one of the versions of safe with us is inappropriate operation and reception, ah, respectively, of the metro station, we could not avoid this version, of course, and for its verification, and we understand that first of all, you need to look at the examination, at one time, the kyiv metro reported that such an examination is being conducted because it is necessary to name the causes of this accident, and secondly, we, our tcc, turned to the kyiv metro and tried to clarify certain information for ourselves. in particular, we asked when , for example, the employees of the kyiv metro had such a service for the first time tunnel constructions, when this service first detected a rise in the groundwater level in the problem area you were showing. in particular, they informed us. the date of the first
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such discovery is november 29, and i want to remind the audience that this section was closed for operation on december 8, that is, there are not so many of us. indeed, time passed from the first detection according to their information to the closing of the station, secondly, we wanted to verify this information, of course, because it is not just any information, you know, the employee discovered, came, reported by phone and so on, it all the information of such internal strict reporting that should be recorded, they have internal logs, and we wanted to see exactly, because every night this tunnel construction service checks different sections of we... subway tunnels, and we wanted to just check, and what records were earlier, and what was in the summer of last year, and what was in may , and so on, but the corresponding magazine was not provided to us, because they said that it was seized as part of this criminal
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proceeding, by law enforcement agencies, then we asked, and what measures were taken first of all when you discovered the kyiv metro, this is a rise in the water level. what was reported to us, i specially submitted today, raised the documentation that the measures included a warning about the speed limit in the relevant section, and they show how from the moment the rising waters were detected, they reduced the speed from 35 km/h to 15 km/h . you know, i'm not an expert, of course, in matters of the operation of the subway, but i think the experts should take a look, right? are such measures as simply limiting the speed when you find yourself climbing enough is raised, because i want to remind our viewers that the article that is currently under suspicion is official negligence, which suggests that
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a person may not have performed his duties properly, or performed his duties improperly ties, yes, well, of course, under the conditions that she not only... was able to perform them, but had all, well , all the necessary and all sufficient opportunities to perform such duties. actually, this information is not enough for us, moreover, we were never given a contract for the commissioning of this section of the subway, because one of the theories, probable causes, the actual accident according to the version of the kmda is just not on... there are certain flaws during the construction, which was carried out, i understand that in 2008, and we also tried to check this version, in particular, we asked the kyiv metro, whether they contacted this institution that carried out the construction, when they discovered,
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well, during the entire period of operation , there were any shortcomings, when they had comments, to which we received a very interesting answer that what is the period from... they have the documentation was not preserved, because they were not supposed to keep it, it was of no value, and accordingly, from the 15th year, they no longer contacted those who built, nor those, by the way, who designed, ms. victoria, see , a simple question, we understand that the matter is extremely complicated, and it is necessary to check and control, but what should we do with the movement of trains on the blue branch between demiy station? and lebytska, that is, they say that they will restore it in a month, if you believe the mayor of kyiv, this is possible do you have information on how briskly, actively and correctly everything is being done now, and you know, i myself am very worried about this issue, that the subway movement
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on the blue branch will really be restored, in the terms that the kyiv mayor is talking about, because i myself use metro and i think that it is the fastest and most convenient form of transport, and now i myself too... i suffer with the people of kyiv from the accident that happened, however, you know, it seems to me that it is important not just to restore, i think that it is important not allow similar accidents in the future, because another version of this accident is the construction that started on the demiiv market very, very close to this problematic section of the metro, and high-rise buildings are being built there... which we can, can, we can see soon 22nd and 30th floors, and according to certain data, it may, since the assessment of the impact of this potential construction on this problematic section of the subway was not carried out, we suspect that it may
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have a negative impact, that is why we simply , i don’t know, are calling for the next month the central body of the executive power, the state inspection of urban planning architecture, to come out for an inspection. implement it and say that everything is okay, for example, yes, that this construction does not pose any threat in the future to the section of the tunnel between lobitska and dyminsk stations. or detect a threat, and then at least there will be reasons to stop this construction of high-rise buildings. however, what do you think, diam, this, this tsovka, which is under the control of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, categorically refuses to come out for inspection, they are looking for any reason to to say, we have no reason, we have no authority or anything else and so on, and this is really for me, as a hammerhead who uses the subway. a very significant threat, because god forbid that everything would be restored now, but if the surrounding constructions
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will grow and press their masses on such problem areas, without having any expertise on the assessment of their impact on this section of the metro, well, this may actually lead to to catastrophic consequences. thank you, mrs. viktoriya, viktoriya ptashnyk, deputy of the kyiv city council, very much meaningful and productive conversation, thank you ms. victoria. for the work in her place, she is a deputy of the kyiv city council, of course, thank you for the work on the live air of the tv channel, well, now we are going for a short break, let us remind you that the ministry of internal affairs reported on the detention of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, an 18-year-old boy, a native and resident of dnipro in lviv rented three apartments during the preparation for the alleged attempt on iryna farion. we will return after a break. there are discounts representing the only discounts on normaven 10% in
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our life, to what end? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program. on the espresso tv channel. well, dear tv viewers, an 18-year-old resident of dnipro was arrested on suspicion of murdering reni farion. yes, he is in custody. well, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine klymenko and the president of ukraine zelenskyi have already announced this. now we will not talk about
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it, but we'll keep you posted. sofiya fedina, a people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. sofia, i'm glad to see, glory to the heroes, well, they sent people's deputies on vacation, on vacation, so to speak, without any need, and we understand that the matter of plenary sessions hung on something, on a bill that should regulate the activities of religious organizations "related to moscow, we understand that the issue is of strategic importance, and we understand that there are amendments to the submitted bills...projects, but, but, as far as we understand, there is a part of the deputy corps and possibly the leadership of the verkhovna rada, who would like to sabotage this case, maybe i am wrong, so please tell me that now with that extremely loud and necessary draft law, it has been lying in the humanitarian
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and information policy committee for more than six months, completely finished, all edits are completely worked out, voice blocks are developed. of these amendments, all points that correspond to international human rights conventions that correspond to the constitution of ukraine are included, and above all, the main emphasis is on the principles of national security of ukraine, by the way, according to international law, the issue of national security itself provides an opportunity to solve such and similar issues, as we have now with the moscow fsb structure in ukraine. we have been demanding for a long time, and in the end the committee, in which there is also humanitarian information. politicians recommended this draft law for consideration in the hall. and here is the biggest problem, because we see several centers of resistance to the consideration of this bill. on the one hand, the main such lobbyist is roslan stefanchuk, as speaker of the verkhovna rada. on tuesday, i specifically spoke with andriy parubiy, as the previous speaker, and what is more, what are
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the powers of the speaker and whether he can bring it to the hall according to his own. by their own will, and not only by the conciliation council, where the majority have servants, and accordingly everything is blocked, so the speaker has the opportunity to put this issue to a vote, in particular, if it is raised by people's deputies, if the majority of deputies in the session hall are ready to vote and consider it, then there is no problem with it, it is considered in the hall, is included in the agenda, the speaker has been blocking it for several months in a row. the second is the blocker, which i understand is david arahami. and those deputies with whom he communicates, or to put it mildly, whom he controls, and the third issue is directly the hop company of the former opz, no matter what they are called there today in the parliament, and they are both in the parliament and outside the parliament, and work very actively, in particular on the international environment, vadym novinsky pays millions of bills
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to lobbyists, so-called lawyers, such as robert amsterdam, who... especially at the level of the united states of america, throw mud at all the deputies, tell how rights and freedoms are being suppressed here and how it will harm the integration and communication of ukraine, well, who would listen to opzzh, well, unfortunately, they hired such people , who have the opportunity to communicate with senators and congressmen. now we had hoped that on tuesday we would include it in the agenda and on thursday we would directly consider this draft law, but after the meeting of the leaders of the factions, it came out. some absolutely strange formula that cancels all session, and the next session of the verkhovna rada, which will be held, will begin directly with consideration of this draft law. the next meeting is approximately at the end of august, and as of yesterday there was information that it may not be in august, perhaps in september, and i believe that this is an absolutely unacceptable situation, both with regard to this
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draft law and in general with regard to the number of problems, which are in our country, and therefore the fact that... figuratively speaking, the verkhovna rada went on a month-long vacation, a rest, although stefanchuk says that it is wrong to call it that, but the that there will not be a month of meetings of the verkhovna rada, this is an absolute disgrace to the state and to the citizens of the ukrainian state, who now have to prepare for winter, and neither the verkhovna rada nor the cabinet of ministers have done anything to help people get through this winter safely. and what will actually continue during this period, when there will be no meetings, it will be work on committees, how is this work from? will happen, well, conceptually, deputies should work in committees, should work with voters, draft bills, but i i appeal with the help of your tv channel to... citizens and all journalists to follow the profiles of the servants of the people, because even without blocking the rostrum , 3-3.5 weeks without meetings were planned, so i am
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absolutely sure that part of the monomajority it will be nice to relax abroad, where stefanchuk will sign their business trips at the same time when he blocks all business trips from european solidarity, if we are talking about this specific draft law, and they gave birth to something that seems to have... created an additional working a group in which not a single deputy from the profile committee was included, even the chairman of the committee was not included, these are already some kind of, you know, strange machinations, then they start telling like stefanchuk that some additional amendments will be worked out, any additional amendments, they will unbalance the draft law and in fact will nullify its essence, therefore we must now be careful not to try to push some stupid thing again, and the third point was told to us. that as if, as if, but there will now be a delegation in america, which will be to explain to the americans what the problem was, even though it had been at least six months, and the ministry of foreign affairs completely failed this
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work, and the parliament also failed, since stefanchuk did not sign the delegation to various factions, multi-party delegations were not formed, only servants traveled, who brought worse ones every time results, but as far as i know, the nearest delegation that is going is a delegation on issues of weapons purchases, receiving weapons from our foreign... partners, that they can and will to communicate about the church, to be honest, it is not clear to me, because this issue is very complicated, and it is necessary to deal with it, but i am sure that this month there are various circles that do not want the adoption of this bill, in particular, the state service for issues of ethnopolitics and freedom of speech will be used to disperse the barricade in the information space, to tell why this draft law cannot be adopted and why all those who worked - the bill to the second reading are traitors, fsb officers and so on. why do i say such loud words because yesterday and the day before yesterday, in social networks,
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in particular on facebook, representatives of the state service for ethnopolitics called all the deputies of the humanitarian information policy committee those who work for treason, division and the fsb. but i would like to remind you that the day before yesterday, the state service of bethnopolitics expressed comments on the draft law, in which they said that... the moscow church has nothing to do with national security, so the question for the security service of ukraine, which should check them, is extremely important history, the position of the civil service on issues of freedom of conscience and ethnopolitics, yes, and they put forward, so to speak, their amendments, as far as i understand, this could make the adoption of the draft law as such a little more difficult, because they would like, for example, to consider not , so to speak, religious structures that... are connected specifically with moscow, and in general with decision-making centers somewhere in the west , we understand that we have a very specific ukrainian greek catholic church, yes, which
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is in union with the holy see and so further, that is, it can create some such, you know , a very complex structure without the need for what is happening now with this security service. .. i hope that when we change the leadership, in particular there will be mr. yelenskyi, who worked on the maintenance of tomos, the situation will somehow settle down, but in fact, mr. yelenskyi and his representatives of this brazen service started very destructive work, first of all, i will say that they openly sabotaged work on the draft law to the second reading, their representatives, who have 130 criminal cases against moscow priests, in particular the highest hierarchs in ukraine who work for the moscow federation, call for the destruction of ukrainians. there is no contact of the national security of the moscow church, there are 48 already convicted for essentially state torture, there are another 25 cases directly in the context of the work, and we
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know that there are a lot of moscow fsb agents, which the security service of ukraine needs to accept this specific draft law to catch, and now tell me president zelensky is asking for the adoption of this draft law, the spokesmen of the uoc mp are calling for the call of the moscow church. to decide president zelenskyi, it has no issue with national security. the security service is begging for this bill, and the state service of zetnopolitics is telling us how we should communicate with the moscow church. well, this is completely inconsistent, and i would like to emphasize once again that among the signatories, in particular those lists that are mps ready to vote, is ms. maria mezyntseva, who is the head of the delegation in the council of europe, parliamentary assembly, which actively, in particular, worked to ensure that a decision was made at the level of the council of europe that the moscow church is connected with the terrorist regime
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of the moscow federation. there is such a decision by parye , there are statements by other structures about the danger of the moscow church, there is international law , which provides that national security allows limiting certain rights and freedoms, in particular in religion, if it concerns the survival of the state, there are such provisions, all this is written down, chewed in the draft law to a specific letter and lump, and if it is to someone from the west the partners have not explained, so this is a problem for the venice commission . there is already some conclusion, and for example, other international institutions that are engaged in the study of religion? i don't know about these conclusions that you are asking about, but the fact that everything is written in accordance with international law, then all the conclusions of these commissions, not commissions, have
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a recommendatory... character, and ukraine should proceed primarily from the issue of national security, and this issue, by the way, is respected all over the world, if it concerns national security, and only one ukraine, for two years in a row, will push through the fsb's moscow shoble, and i will emphasize to you why, because now the president's office has been negotiating for two years, i understand at the level of the fair, with moscow priests, they believe that parishioners can. which churches, this is their potential voter, and what's more, they even appealed to bartholomew for a parallel additional tomos for the moscow church in ukraine, so we see absolute madness with this whole situation, but if we don't want the moscow popes to be gunners on our strategic objects and on our people, if we don't want moscow priests to hand out weapons to the moscow military in churches, if we don't want
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portraits of putin and stalin hanging in churches. we must ban the moscow russian orthodox church. we thank you. sofya fedynina, people's deputy of ukraine, about the progress of consideration of the draft law regarding the russian orthodox church in ukraine. about collaborators the sbu has published the latest figures on collaborators currently working on the territory of our state. therefore, the security service has initiated more than 700 criminal cases proceedings about a thousand criminals have already received sentences for such activities, sbu spokesman artem dekhtirenko said, and he says that under article 111 of the criminal code on treason, a total of more than 3,800 criminal proceedings have been opened, of which almost 550 people have been sentenced , this is the information, well , our colleague iryna koval will tell us more news, who is already ready with the news editor, to inform about all
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the most important things and... we give you the floor and hope that you will actually continue what we have already mentioned, about the detention killers the alleged murderer of iryna farion. thank you, marta, yes, i will tell you about the details of the arrest of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, and also about how a series of terrorist attacks were warned, so wait, more details about everything in the issue. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. so, the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained. he turned out to be an 18-year-old resident of dnipro. it was he who was recorded by video cameras.


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