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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a year of operation of the renewed vkks. does the commission work effectively? this is a very important body, which direction depends on who our judges are. but how does the commission save unscrupulous representatives of themis? four months have passed since the promise, nothing. is not implemented, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on thursday, july 25 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on and turn on
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verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast based on facts. development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. well, the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained. yes, i am quoting now, the official message of the national police and its minister ihor klymenko. there is enough evidence, the policemen write, that
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the detainee himself shot the forensic scientist in 139 hours of continuous work by a huge team of operatives, investigators, and other services, so they checked every corner along the shooter's route of departure and searched about 100 hectares of forest, we conclude, well, that's it from me, so to speak, that he moved one way or another some kind of wooded area to get out to traffic, although maybe i 'm wrong because that's how the suspect ended up... tracked down, identified with his photo, it was a matter of smart camera time, surveillance caught him everywhere. the identification and apprehension of the perpetrator required the highest level of professionalism. an 18 -year-old resident of dnipro rented at least three apartments in lviv while preparing for the crime and was detained by the police. well, let's hope we know more soon. yes, well, now we are adding to ours
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air iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine. mrs. iryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes from washington, and it is nice that friends of ukraine are greeted with such words here as well. we are glad that they were released, ms. iryna, you know, when our ukrainian opposition politicians are going to visit our euro-atlantic allies, sometimes one or another unpleasant incidents happen, yes, they released her. thank god, but jokes aside, we understand how important your meeting was, in particular with congressmen, met with representatives of the house of representatives, the chairman of the american delegation in the osce parliamentary assembly and republican joe wilson, yes, and we talked to the democrats, we would like to ask you what the atmosphere is like in washington right now, because the race is extremely tight, the ukrainian issue will be... one of
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the key not only in the foreign american politics, but also, unfortunately, during the election campaign and during the intra-american debate, and the main thing is to manage to preserve our interests and bipartisan support. yes, the truth is that we are with ivana klynpush sentsadze and maria ionova we found out about the signed business trip at two o'clock from saturday to sunday, when we were from... on the front line, in donetsk region, in kharkiv region, and now we have an extremely busy agenda in washington, there have already been meetings both in the state department and in the council of national security, with the assistant secretary of state, with ambassador carpenter, who is a good friend of ukraine, also had meetings in congress with republicans and democrats, and now for... the country is vital,
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it is vital, to do everything so that ukraine did not disappear from the agenda of the united states, during the stormy, dramatic and very unpredictable. election campaign, the truth is that now both the presidential candidates, their staffs, and the two parties are focused on domestic problems, ordinary americans are primarily interested in the problems of the economy, the topic of banning abortions, migration policy, medicine, raising standard of living, rising prices, and that's all they're focused on. now the headquarters, foreign policy are on the back burner, and we are not we have the right to pause this dialogue, because then ukraine will lose support. the main messages that we conveyed to all partners in the dp, the national security council, and
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the congress, we need more weapons, it is important for our visas that we have just returned from the front line, and we are the first to know what is there. situation, how much more weapons are needed, we are asking for permission to use american weapons on legal military objects on the territory of the russian federation. all these airports, military bases, enterprises for the production of military equipment must be destroyed in turn, the signals we heard from the american side. it is important for the american authorities, for the two parties, for the american taxpayers. the use of every american aid dollar is transparent and for the intended purpose, and therefore the topic of fighting corruption comes to the fore for our partners, as well as reforms, democracy, and it is important that the authorities hear and understand and know this. mrs. irina, do you
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think it will be possible to reach our partners so that they allow us to use their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, and what arguments they may be giving. why is it unacceptable for them now? and first, we have good news from the state department from the national security council, where, once again , we had meetings with ambassador carpenter and the assistant deputy secretary of state, mr. chris smith, and as for the new arms shipments, that is very important, as for the use of arms, we have to work and the work... by the states should be systemic, it is not normal when the office of the president monopolizes this contact, monopolizes this communication, it is not conducted afterwards systemic work, inter-parliamentary ties are broken, and it works against the country, so i think that now, on the contrary, it is time to intensify
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efforts, by the way, it is very wrong that petro poroshenko was not allowed on a business trip, imagine we had an invitation, a single team, our small delegation... to the republican convention in milwaukee, where brief meetings were planned with presidential candidate trump and his closest associates, and in principle now it is very important for us to keep this bipartisan connection, and not to send the ukrainian delegation there, but there there were several events dedicated to ukraine, and no one from ukraine, this is of course very short-sighted regarding the use of weapons, we still need to work on this, and today we... have meetings in the congress, in the pentagon, where we will also talk about it. mrs. irina, do you think there is already some understanding of what to expect from trump, taking into account, in particular, orban's visit, and taking into account the appointment of
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vance as vice president, potential president. yes, we understand that the americans also want to hear a consolidated ukrainian position, yes, the position of the ukrainian people, the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian positions, that is, they must also be based on our clear, consolidated position. first, it is very important in ukraine not to repeat the mistakes of 2019. this is the american election, and who will become the next president, everything will be decided exclusively by the american people, and we will accept it with gratitude, congratulate the future winner or the winner of the election, and we will, of course , work. over our strategic partnership, this is very important, i emphasize once again that it is necessary with the united states to work not in cavalry charges and not in the format of monopolizing contact, as the government is doing now, very, well, in my opinion , it is wrong, but to involve public
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organizations, and at this stage, both veterans' movements and multi-party contacts, in order to strengthen our contacts for everyone ... communications, that is , understanding what is happening in ukraine in the context of the war, so that ukraine does not disappear from the agenda of the media, and conveying the position that it will be ours. joint victory, if we talk with work or with the trump team or with the kamala harris team, here it is important to convey a few things, and we are working on it, first, it will be our joint victory, in case russia succeeds in ukraine, it will go further, strengthening the message of evil, strengthening iran, north korea, china, and these are all very serious today . for the western world, this is the first, second, it is important for us that this is a joint
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struggle for values, and the third is the strengthening of nato, also, it is important to realize that today we, the strengthening of the european union, the strengthening of those principles around which these are bypassed today institutions, and last but not least, american military aid is to a large extent the strengthening of the american military industry, because the weapons that are produced, that are modernized, they... are made and produced at american enterprises, these are new jobs, and we also need to talk about this, so we need to find those arguments which are important for the american side. thank you, iryna grashchenko, the people's deputy of ukraine from washington was in direct contact with us, we asked ms. iryna about the visit to the united states and how our delegation is currently trying to reach republicans, to democrats on those issues that are very, very important now. important for ukraine, but now we are going to take a break, after that we will continue the espresso information day, so stay with
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well, now we are adding to our broadcast dana yarova, adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, a member of the public antiquities glory to ukraine, ms. dana, we are glad to see you, glory to the heroes, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to ukraine, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the visit to the front line operational command south, you were together with the deputy minister of defense klymenkov, i would like to ask you now to describe what is happening there, what you saw, well, of course everything that concerns the so -called non-secret part, everything that concerns not'. a specific part, it concerns the provision of units that are on the contact line, this was basically the main purpose of our trip, because being in kyiv and looking at the reports, we understand that these reports can be the way we want to see, as they are presented to us, which we want to see, yes conventionally speaking, but what is happening
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on the front line with our ultimate beneficiary, the soldier in the trenches, we do not know this... that's why such trips will now be frequent, such trips will be permanent, and we will personally check the state of provision of our armed forces on the front line, to ensure that you have seen there now, whether there were any possible complaints about the fact that this or that rear structure was not perfected, to ensure, we started with nutrition , we were in... in the dining room where the fighters ate, they asked whether they liked the taste of the food, whether it was enough, whether it was in sufficient quantity, whether they liked it, whether the calorie content, or everything, whether everything was suitable, they said that they liked it, but i wanted to note here, you know , there is such a human factor here, if there is a skillful cook, then it will be
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tasty, if the cook is not very skillful, then... of course it will not be very tasty, but everything was very good in this brigade, they said that everyone had fun, it was simple fighters who did not know who came to them, they only after after our departure, they already called back and said, we didn't even understand who came to us, but we checked the food warehouses, ugh, this also applies to fresh vegetables, fruits, by the way, at the temporary investigative commission... we saw a lot, and i personally saw, they send me a lot of photos of low-quality vegetables and fruits that are brought to military units, and here i would like to note that this is the work of nachprod directly, if nachprod is a strong individual, let's say, principled, he immediately issues a complaint and does not even accept
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such vegetables and fruits, in the part where we were, to be honest, i was surprised. i'm just telling you, i don't see a single rotten peach or a single rotten cabbage there, and i immediately asked who the supplier was, the woman answered me immediately, i say, and how do you manage it, she says: you have no idea how i quarrel with them suppliers, i say fight more, she was very happy, she said thank you, i will continue to do what i'm doing, so it also depends a lot on nachprod, if... nachprod, again, not in some kind of collusion with the supplier , and if the product is decent, then its food products will be of high quality. regarding storage, a very important point, in the summer, we were in rooms that are equipped with
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air conditioning systems, where bulk products, cookies, oil, canned food and so on are stored, and we were in a room where there are large refrigerators, in which there are separate meat, separate fish, all this is requested for generators, that is, when the light is turned on , the generators are turned on, that is, everything is fresh, everything is fine, look, mrs. dana, just you received such signals for a note, as far as i am concerned, i cannot fully verify whether these are isolated signals. is it possible that in some parts they practice something similar, when they give one or another soldier a monthly allowance, for example, a monthly allowance. for meat, that is, i have come across such information, maybe it is just isolated one or other manifestations, when there is, i don't know, 20 or 30
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kg of meat, whatever you want, do it, oh, this is an interesting story, thanks for the information , i will check, very interesting story, i don't even know what is possible what to do with that much meat other than sell it, and thanks for the info, let's see about the provision of material, you know, here... even, well, somewhere , must have seen a piece of her work, in the due to the fact that we transferred to prozoro in that year, all purchases are now concluded by the dot in the same way on prozoro, the property of the brigade is provided, and i was very pleased, pleased also in the sense that, for example, summer field pants lie down, even folded, i asked, are they all? they were sure, they asked what it was the balance, she said, this is our warehouse stock so that on the line of contact, a person, just tore or something happened to the property
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, they replace it, this is against the rules of provision, because according to the norms of provision we have these summer field pants issued once for a year, but in the combat zone these norms do not work, as soon as... which are needed immediately replace everything that the fighters need, if someone is not replaced, please find me on social networks, i will answer and accept and check all these situations there , where such is not happening, and what was more pleasing was that the brigade had already started receiving winter clothes, we saw winter jackets, winter trousers, and winter shoes, and fleeces, and hats, i was pleased that the warehouses also have additional personal safety equipment, this body armor and helmets, so far from the sixth grade, to be honest,
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no one in this brigade has seen it, this is our new standard of provision, which was adopted a year ago, but we are not yet able to change our entire army in the sixth grade, so in this brigade we didn't see a single sixth grade bulletproof vest, but a sufficient number of fourth-class body armor, ee... in principle, let's put it this way, i didn't have any questions here, i had a question for the financier of the brigade due to the fact that at the time when i was going there, i received information about the use of 10% of personal income tax, which is transferred to the brigade for its needs, with these funds the brigade can even purchase weapons, even there some brigades bought machine guns for themselves, and such things as crabs and such things as e fpv such things as different types of complexes, complexes are more serious than fpv, night, day, communication, repair of equipment,
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all this is provided with 10% pdfo, so here i was, here i didn't like it, here i have complaints specifically to the brigade, because at the time when i was traveling, i had in the table there was only 10% that they used in six months, and these funds, these funds, the funds fall into the accounts of the brigade every month, every month they receive these funds, and here i already had such a serious discussion with the financier of the brigade, because the funds are not used, i asked in connection with what, he voiced the problem to me, that there may be some obstacles, and that's by the way. as regards the tro for some reason, and that there are any obstacles with the transfer of funds from the calculation of sub-counting to sub-counting, we will figure it out,
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now we have contacted the management and are trying to understand what is going wrong with them, and whether this is the situation of one brigade or it the situation is really related to the type of troops, because, for example, the land forces use funds, there immediately in the first days, as soon as they received them, they used them immediately. i wanted to ask you about the dynamics we currently have regarding the drive the ministry of defense's contracting with ukrainian manufacturers, the last information i found on the ministry's website is about 70-80% of the contracts, but you, as a person who has been working in this field for a very long time, you can follow a certain trend, how much was on the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and we now see a figure of 80% rear property, 70% weapons. these are ukrainian manufacturers, a fairly high figure, i understand that the ministry of defense is currently working on making this figure as high as possible, and the ministry of defense
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has such a large ... customer now in the territory of ukraine is the first, and the second, as the recipient of the largest budget funds in the territory of ukraine, again, the second is to make it so that it is one hundred percent contracting both in the rear direction, and in terms of weapons, of course, in terms of weapons, it will be more difficult, because we all understand that we are very far behind, let's say, from, let's say, the world in terms of planning. construction of airplanes, fighter jets, we still buy a lot of weapons, but, but this year, it is true, this year the contracting of ukrainian weapons manufacturers, and thank god, we have started to produce these weapons, thank god, we have started to deliver them to the front line, and we are less dependent on imports, and also, i want to say, there are talks about unmanned systems to
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open up exports... she sang in connection with the fact that in ukraine they are already produced in such a quantity that the armed forces are enough, and for the remainder, these enterprises of ours, which have already developed intellectual property, which have already tested these drones in battles, which have received codification, so that they went out on foreign markets and for them to win back these already markets and for them to be able to bring currency to our country for... goods from the high-ranking ms. dano, but as far as i know, even now, unfortunately, ukrainian producers can produce three times more than the state now orders, we understand that everything rests on money, if the state does not have enough funding, then the manufacturers, well, they cannot do it three times as much for free, they need to have something to make the next and the next batches, about this, what you said you had to opening up the opportunity for them to export is very
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right. because a few weeks ago we had an aviation expert who now works for one of the companies that deals with arba, he says that actually for the development of new systems, they could invest their own funds in these developments, not take from the state, but allocate from the money that they will be able to bring here to ukraine, if they are allowed to export abroad. well, that's what i'm talking about, that now there are active talks about opening exports in those directions in which... ukraine is already enough produces and can indeed become a very serious and player in the arms market a very serious player. this is the first. second, the ministry of defense is waiting for additional funding. the documents have already been submitted to the verkhovna rada. the verkhovna rada must vote on increasing funding for the 24th year. ministry of defense, so there will be more contracting until the end of the year. but,
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i am with you absolutely. i agree that, even with additional financing, with serious additional financing of the ministry of defense, all the same, thank god, our manufacturers produce so much that we can start selling it to other countries and get foreign exchange revenue for it, this is very important. thank you, dana yarova, adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine and a member of the kyiv public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense spoke about the audit. in one of the directions in the operational-strategic grouping south, they actually checked how products for the military are obtained and what happens to the money that is in the use of certain brigades. yes, yes, thank you, so what, the key news today is that an 18-year-old has been arrested the suspect in the murder of iryna farion in dnipro, so to speak, well, let's, let's
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try to find out the continuation now. in the coming days, to what extent was he included in the system of russian intelligence and sabotage structures? well, we say goodbye to you for today, take care of yourself and be at the press. 17 in ukraine and bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. so the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained. he turned out to be an 18-year-old resident of dnipro, zinchenko vyacheslav, born in 2006. such data managed to find


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