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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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whether to leave, to go home somewhere, even for 5-7-10 days, to have such an opportunity, and that's all, the person recovered, was among relatives, that's all, but when, well, you understand, when there is no one to replace, there are such cases , yes, it's hard here, and you have to hold it in, both physically and mentally, you can just fall asleep and sleep through something until it arrives, or someone will come and throw a grenade at you, and is there a possibility of that? officers or soldiers, do you still go on vacation, what happens in your time , go on vacation, go, go, necessarily they travel, we follow it, well, let’s say we follow it, they travel and it’s another vacation, there are vacations due to family reasons, well, i will say that there are no questions about this, the main thing is that you understand that in order to go on vacation, someone i have to stay for you, so... what we can’t do, you see, we
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can take care that everything, the time for vacations has come, let the personnel there, go on vacation, the enemy will go there too, god forbid, let him come there, in some settlement, that ’s it, and the front poured down, you understand what the task is, that is, if someone can joke, don't go to work there or loiter somewhere at work, yes, well , some deputy didn't go to work there, yes, nothing happened, well, they didn't take it for... yes, for a second, and we will immediately have a reaction here , there will be an answer and a result right away, that's why the importance of work, you know, i always said that there is no need to invent anything new, we have a constitution, we have laws that are great in principle, in general, you just have to follow them, everyone in your places, just doing your duty, whoever you are, absolutely correct words, mr. sergey, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the fact that you and your brothers. are made for the protection of our state,
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once again i ask you to show the collection, this is the collection for the drones of the 509th separate motorized infantry brigade of yakov handziuk, a collection of uah 5 million, all these funds will be used to equip combat units with drones, which will then fly on the heads of our enemies. and then about the new drone that was planted yesterday. near kiev, this new drone actually turned out to be quite a sample, which is made of foam plastic, it did not have a combat unit, it has the dimensions of wings 2.5 m, fuselage 2 m, but from interesting details, in addition to foam plastic, which makes it cheap and so on, there are sim cards
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of ukrainian operators, and we can conclude that that this drone was used to detect the position of our air defense, the logic here is simple: the drone flies, transmits a signal, if it is shot down either by means of reb or by physical impact, then the signal disappears in this area, and the enemy theoretically knows that they can work in this area there or mobile ukrainian anti-aircraft groups, or certain complexes against... air defense, now just such a cheap drone was shot down near kiev yesterday, and this is another conclusion that the enemy is trying to use all means to carry out attacks on ukraine, according to the ukrainian on the other hand, it is necessary to look for such cheap countermeasures, so as not to spend precious and expensive missiles on these drones, and most importantly, most likely, the means of rep are quite capable of this task, so that these drones ... do not fly in
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our airspace, that's how they were the main military results of this day, yuriy fizar will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to sergey zgurts, these were the military results of the day, and this is the latest information about this new russian drone, well , yes, unfortunately, the russians managed to adapt, and they are inventing something new, and this drone, which... is such a spy, which detects our means of air defense in order to avoid these moments and these territories with drones with combat units and missiles and fly further, hit targets, and it's bad, but i really hope so, no, i'm sure that our guys will still shoot down everything that will fly into the territory of our country, and by the way about drones, first of all, i want to thank you all for joined the collection. the previous
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atvs for uah 4 million will already go to our defenders on the front lines, and now the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund. opened fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, so there is a lot of loss and resources need to be replenished. they urgently need flying weapons and modern ones. means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us.
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good health, dear ukrainians. we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third crimean assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front line. we urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpola and komikadzi drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, and the guys said they urgently need our help, so we must mobilize and help them, a little, with on the other hand , 3.5 million hryvnias may seem like a lot, but we are also a lot, every hryvnia you have, at least one game. which you drop on the card numbers, on the card number that you saw on the screens, or also on the qr code, it will speed up the fact that we will close this collection and such modern tools for our defenders will be sent to them, and they will be able to defend us, for which we
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thank them every day and every hour. yes, artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, has joined me now. mr. artem, i congratulate you. and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations studio, congratulations ukraine, mr. artem, we asked you to join us on the air today, so what is so bad news, today came from kharkiv, there was some calm, as far as i understand, well, relatively calm in kharkiv itself, but this night was very restless, what can you say about it, well, not that this night, but let's say, this day was calm, last day eh... almost until the beginning of this day , it was very restless there, almost since i counted about eight arrivals, there were even hits in the house of a well-known kharkiv volunteer, yuriy sapronov, and
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i also saw him passing by there it's a shame that it was there there, well, it was targeted, most likely, it was a hit, and i repeat once again, there were eight flights, they hit both the city itself, the industrial zone, public buildings, there were also the suburbs, well, yesterday was quite a busy day, but today, thank god , it is quiet and on the one hand it is good, on the other hand it is alarming, because if you take into account yesterday, then we all understand kharkiv residents, what can i say for everyone, that today they do not beat it only because they are planning their next crime, and which ones? which districts of kharkiv suffer the most from these shellings? well if we take it realistically, then yesterday the geography was quite wide, that is, the northern regions and the central regions suffered the same here, because yesterday there were precisely
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rockets, i want to note that there was no shelling, precisely rockets, there for a long time the cabs flew to the suburbs, but the rockets did not hit... it means that most likely the enemy moved the rockets somewhere to other points, they say that they flew longer, but this is such an alarm bell for our city, there in principle, this has not happened since may, but can you, mr. artem to confirm the information that i read on the internet today that at this time the enemy could hit with iskanders, with cluster warheads and also... used s300 for the first time in a long time? yes, there is such information, from official sources they said that the iskander with a cassette part, plus the s-300, was used yesterday. i say, most likely, most likely, this indicates that
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they made conclusions, er, redistributed these means of destruction, somewhere in safer areas, somewhere deeper. in our territory, so that we could not hit them with western weapons, that is why we have the following results, well, it is quite clear that if the enemy uses cluster warheads on iskander... and then these small bombs scatter over a large area after the explosion, and especially when they hit civilians where there are civilian houses, then obviously the enemy wants to intimidate people who kharkiv residents, how are they? well, look, i'll tell you about business activity, as a rule, when there is shelling, business activity immediately drops, people try to go out less. on the street because they are afraid, and of course it affects, a lot,
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very much affects uh everything, the whole life of the city itself, uh, because, well, what can be the rest, what can be there some trip to supermarkets, such very large shopping centers, when you understand that there can be an attack of these terrorists, but how? from the district, were there strikes on districts, for example, lozova, kupyanshchyna, kupyanshchyna, well, look, if you count, well, if you take the kharkiv region in general, then those districts that are directly near the contact line, the shelling does not stop there at all, if you take the city of vevchanske, which is studied there, it is almost there the face of the earth has been wiped out, the same people, well, the entire northern part of the kharkiv region... it is under shelling non-stop, and if
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someone lives in the northern part of the city, well , let's say in the northern part of saltovka there or there we still have the village of zhukovsky, that's what they call it, at night, when the city quiets down, when the curfew comes, when it's more or less quiet, you can hear all these explosions uh, even 20 kilometers away. which are happening, and what about your electricity? er, unfortunately, the electricity, well, is turned off according to the schedule, well, in principle, people got used to it, but now there is such a very alarming bell, i would say that it is the fact that the authorities are going to increase excise taxes on fuel, and as we know, all business is almost at a shutdown, running on generators, and this will have a significant impact on... precisely the growth of services or goods that are not directly for the population, which
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are sold by entrepreneurs, and it is bad that such attacks are happening, but it is good that the business somehow adapts to this, unfortunately, is forced to adapt. another question: what about water, specifically drinking water? well glory god, i want to say that our utilities work without interruption, there are maintenance outages. but for today , i can say that the city copes with the challenges that exist today, preparations for the heating season are even on schedule, we also voted at the last session for the allocation of an additional 462 million uah precisely for the decentralization of heating and hot water supply, so the city is preparing to be autonomous as much as possible... in case of such terrorist attacks and
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unforgivable actions. see you for autonomy, for the readiness to be autonomous with water, but are there any such programs in kharkiv regarding autonomy with regard to electricity? going back to this? well, with regard to the electricity of the city itself, well, if we talk about the city budget, there are no such programs, but there are programs now, as far as i have heard programs for osmd, these are loans. 79 and also this week there was information that for end consumers, well, for households, the state has developed loans for solar power plants, there are storage plants, but i want to say that, in principle, what they are doing now should have been done a long time ago and the mechanisms should have been brought to the people, because some information has passed that such programs... exist, but judging by the fact that i communicated with the population there and from
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kharkiv' yanami, no one knows the mechanism like this, how exactly it should work, i think that if the state communicated all these conditions in more detail to the population, i think that many kharkiv residents would take advantage of these conditions, understanding that, well, in such difficult times, you need to count on yourself more. i love you very much thank you, mr. artem, for inclusion. it was artem revchuk, a member of the kharkiv city council, they were talking about how kharkiv, in the end, and the region survived the past day, and the past day there was quite tense, after such a time. lulls, if you can call it that, the enemy hit with many missiles, there are arrivals to great regret, and even mr. artem, mr. artem confirmed this information that the enemy even used iskanders with cluster warheads, and also for the first time in a long time, s300 missiles . well, i want to
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only to wish courage to those people who live there, let's overcome this crowd and... free them, let's move them on and restore normal life in kharkiv. yes, and now i am joined by lyudmila filipovych, a religious scholar, doctor of philosophy. mrs. lyudmyla, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, good evening. thank you for joining and i want to talk to you about this. now i will say two words to our viewers, the day before yesterday, to our great regret, the leadership of the verkhovna rada was not given, deliberately such an impression, was not put to the vote. very an important project about the closure of the moscow church in ukraine, they motivated it by the fact that they say there are not enough votes, although the opposition deputies present at this meeting, who blocked the rostrum, said that there are enough votes, there is simply no desire of the leadership of the verkhovna
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rada to put this issue to a vote, well , this meeting ended and they went on vacation and... they promise the citizens that they will vote after they return from the summer vacation. ms. ludmila, but i have a question for you, why do you think it is necessary? to ban the activity of this moscow church as soon as possible, although on the other hand, is there another such question, whether it is even possible to call this, in my opinion, pseudo-religious structure a church, you asked difficult questions, and i will try to answer them. on them, let's start from the end, from my point of view, the russian orthodox church really has lost the signs of a church, because it is not based on christian foundations, on the ideology of the russian world, which is actively promoted by the regime and supported and also promoted by the patriarch of this church, the patriarch kirill,
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we are experts for ourselves, i mean , we determined a long time ago that it is very difficult for this organization subordinate to the state to become a church , and not only ukrainians, but and we know the signatories, theologians, theologians, orthodox theologians from all over the world, who wrote a letter proposing to condemn patriarch kirill for this ideology... skov mira, because it absolutely does not correspond to christian principles. well, now, going back to your first question, how about this one church, to ban without a doubt, that is , the russian orthodox church cannot be on the territory of ukraine, because we are waging a war, for the 11th year, a full-scale war since
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the 22nd year, and at this time it is necessary to finally decide, this church. with whom in general, well , you see, there are certain difficulties with regard to the ukrainian orthodox church, because some people absolutely identify themselves as independent, self-governing, it is the ukrainian church that fights for independence, protects our sovereignty and so on, and this as a rule at the level of ordinary believers and on levels of parish priests, but something is really happening with the leadership of this church. morphoses, well, so far, for example, i have not heard, you know, such a convinced and clear answer to the question, how did you finally break with the moscow patriarchate, do you still consider yourself a part of this pseudo-religious structure, there is no clarity, no transparency, and although we no longer
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see any direct statements in support of russia, putin, putin's regime. or patriarch kirill, but still, you know, everyone who thinks about this church immediately suspects her of the fact that she is clearly not working for ukraine, and the church itself dispels a very popular myth that she is persecuted, that in ukraine she is persecuted for her faith, for being a martyr of the church, and so on. in order to justify their existence in ukraine, and opposing the... law, which in the first reading, you correctly said, 267 deputies supported this law on october 19, 23, they hired. the law firm of amsterdam and partners, who wrote a simply devastating assessment of this law, although the law itself, believe me
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to me, he was very liberal, this is what was prepared by the cabinet of ministers, and it did not bear the name of banning the moscow church, he said that any religious organization on the territory of ukraine that maintains its connection with the country should be banned. which is recognized by the country as an aggressor, therefore, seeing that after 1200 amendments that were made, this original law has actually, well , changed radically, now it is really prohibitive in relation to the moscow patriarchate, i think that limiting the action only to this church it is absolutely inappropriate to extend this law only to this church, we constantly have some, you know, organizations that appear that... manifest themselves, manifest themselves as anti-ukrainian, as anti-russian, so i would prefer that we return after all to that
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, well, the first such original text of the law, and it was better to work on this text, because there are obvious inaccuracies, you know that, well , it was very, very difficult to reconcile 1200 amendments, and that is why i have the impression that it turned out to be a little eclectic, because there... the servants of the people wanted to advance their own, and the party, which means european unity and other party structures, although, in my opinion, any law should be non-party, the law will operate in ukraine, it should defend the interests of ukrainians. and i will say for the last time, i have a question, this law, which is going to be adopted, this is the second reading, it will solve the problem of orthodoxy in ukraine. it will overcome the disunity of the orthodox into those who absolutely identify with ukraine and see their future exclusively in an independent state and those who
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still doubt, or those who collaborate or cooperates and works for someone else's government, which means that if you are not defending your own religious interest, but the interest of the whole of ukraine, then it seems to me that this law turned out to be cheesy, so we need to work on it, i... i hope that there will be time for the specialized commission headed by nikita poturaev, and the state service for grain policy and freedom of conscience, still reach an understanding with the result that a normal, sane european law that guarantees freedom of conscience, and at the same time understands that this freedom of conscience is implemented in the colossal security situation in which ukraine is today. mrs. lyudmila, look, here... you said at the beginning, when you started to answer my question, that you had not heard from the leaders, i wanted to say, the russian orthodox church, i'm sorry, of the moscow church in
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ukraine, you hadn't heard that they broke up did they break with moscow, but while preparing for the conversation with you, i read the information that there are representatives in the verkhovna rada, some are deputies, who are, well, at least they call themselves parishioners of this churches, but they say that we should just say that we tear and not forbid. how do you feel about it? i was a member of the commission that analyzed the charter, the new charter of this church, which was adopted at the council on may 27, 2023, and as a result of a careful reading of the text of this charter, the whole commission came to the conclusion that the rupture occurred... yes, let's say, on paper, yes, indeed you declared that you are independent and independent, but there was no real break, your representatives are included in
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church structures of the russian orthodox church, are members of the collegiums there, maintain friendly relations with the spiritual schools in which they studied, and many other signs that indicate that you are far from being independent , well, in orthodoxy. in the world, you represent yourself exclusively through the russian orthodox church, that is, no one in the west in europe, in america or in other countries, you are not an independent structure, only as a part of the russian orthodox church, that is, you know, as if all the words moscow patriarchate were deleted from the statute, the russian orthodox church and so on, but the spirit of the statute actually remained like this, you know, well... unclear, but i am reading it and it is not clear to me whether you are really independent, whether you have never actually been there in ukraine is not mentioned, you can imagine the charter of the organization. which
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operates in ukraine, which is registered in ukraine, in one place only there was mention of the appointment of the hierarchs of this church, which is on the territory of ukraine, there is no ukrainian spirit, there is no patriotic spirit, so for me it is simply a statute an unsubscription, a purely mechanical unsubscription, which will not change the general strategy of this church in any way, until those people who started... achieve independence, and i mean the initiative that arose two years ago in sofia of kyiv, when the priests of the ukrainian orthodox church and the orthodox church of ukraine gathered for an open dialogue, in order to press the leadership, to act as the time demands today, to respond adequately to the challenges you are facing. and mrs. lyudmila, one more thing question, for me it remains a paradox
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that, given the fact that... people know about the activities of this structure, know how it is tied to moscow, know these narratives that are heard from the priests of this church, all the same in ukraine a lot of people not only go to these churches, but also defend these churches with their backs and mouths, can you somehow explain this paradox to me? there are many reasons for, you know, such a paradox as you say, and i would not call it a paradox, but... simply ignorance and ignorance of your own history and reluctance to identify yourself, that is, to realize your belonging to the country in which you live. this is due to the fact that, you know, for 30 years these people were told that other alternative churches are schismatic, they are false, that salvation is possible only within the boundaries of this ukrainian orthodox
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church. well, how do you want a revolution to take place in the mind of a believer in a year or two, and for him to adopt a completely different historiosophical paradigm. this does not happen. we had to work with these people for 30 years missed this time, actually missed it, and moscow, on the contrary, did everything to get the result it hopes for, because where there is the ukrainian orthodox church, there is betrayal, there is collaboration, there is cooperation with the occupying forces. regimes, not all of them are true, say the representatives of this church, but for some reason only questions about this church in our bodies constantly arise, and in the police, and in the prosecutor's office, and especially in the sbu, about other priests of other churches, for some reason they did not collect whole 70, that is, criminal cases, which opened under very complex articles, such as, for example, treason to the motherland, and... or
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, for example, propaganda of religious hatred and enmity and many other such articles, well , under these articles, people have already received, as they say, court sentences, and they will suffer appropriate punishment, well, you said with these people, this is already the last question, and a short answer, if possible, we didn't work with those people, unfortunately, how to work now, well, it's hard to say, i think you know, a lot will happen. on the shoulders of experts, that is, on scientists, on historians, on religious scholars, well, of course, on representatives of the mass media, which is an excellent channel for conveying true information to people, to open their eyes, which means to demonstrate true historical sources, to convince people, but i know one priest from the bukovyna metropolitanate, such a roman hryshchuk, where he appears, but in the parishes of the ukrainian orthodox church, a month later
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the parish... makes a decision to change its jurisdiction, transitions from the moscow patriarchate to the ocu. so this priest has arguments to convince people that today belonging to the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate is simply a shame. thank you very much, mrs. lyudmila, for participating in today's program, it was ludmila filipovych, religious scholar, doctor of philosophy, we talked with her about why the fence is so important now. to blame the moscow church in ukraine, which in the end is not really, in fact , not a church, considering what it does, what it is, what it says, but is some kind of pseudo-religious structure, ms. lyudmila explained why, well and we go further to the news, good evening, we from ukraine, well, let's start with this, detained the suspect in the murder of iryna farion.


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