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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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the next time a non-accidental k-55 missile will fly into the territory of the polish state, i.e. is there a limit where nato will say: listen, let's end this already, because that's how we will wait for russian fighter jets in our sky, there may be a limit, this is a targeted strike by... one of the nato countries, but even then the fifth article of collective security will not be involved, the fourth may be involved, strengthening countermeasures protection along the border of nato countries, and constantly increased vigilance and indeed the shooting down of those objects that fall into the airspace of one of the countries of the alliance, but it is not necessary to talk about something more significant, even in this case, because... in
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principle, the fifth article of collective security, it will work precisely when, for example, the russian military appears on the territory of estonia, as an option or finland, in that case yes, indeed, and again, not quickly, they will all gather and decide among themselves who will help, either estonia or finland, and in what number of troops, that is , the process itself is also bureaucratized there, and therefore. well, yes, we are witnesses that nato, in principle, is a large, indeed, quite powerful military-political alliance, but at the same time, this alliance is hostage to its archaisms, which needed reforming a long time ago, but nato, like everything that was created long ago and already outdated, it is afraid of reforms. let's talk, mr. alexander. about the situation
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at the front. the commander of the national guard, brigadier general oleksandr pivnenko, says that soon the russian troops will be forced to go on the defensive in several directions, quoting mr. general the enemy's offensive capabilities are unlimited, and how many losses they will suffer. i think that for another month or a half they will not be able to conduct active assaults in many directions at once and will be on the defensive in any case . , half a year, so general zaluzhnyi said, even more so, in the fall of 23, that one way or another, well, such a situation could develop at the front, as you now characterize what is happening at front, east and south? indeed, now the russians are putting as much pressure as possible, they are so...
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the impression is that they are going to upbank, and this can be understood in principle, it can really be called a kind of vabankam, because according to the information that appears now among, well, even monitoring resources that monitor the losses of the russian occupiers, their compensation for losses and the production of weapons, the restoration of weapons. for russia, the year 2024 is a rather critical year in terms of the potential for recovery of losses in the combat zone, and russia is approaching a critical moment when its monthly compensation for losses will be lower than these losses will be every month, i.e. banal, if russia loses 300 tanks in a month, then in the long run it will be able to restore 250, 240 there, i.e. it will constantly be in the red. this is this category, the same with wbm
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and with other means, so russia is trying, as long as it still has this resource, as long as it has this window of opportunity, to seize the territory of ukraine as much as possible in order to then catalyze all its possible tools, to force ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table and impose peace on it on its own terms, that's why i call it a game of cards, and the fact that... it will not have this potential permanently, that's really true, exhaustion in one way or another directions, it will happen, although some directions will remain quite active, primarily pokrovsky, turetsky, as well as kramatorsk. well, this week there was another big, i would say, programmatic interview with the head of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi in the guardian, this is the second interview in the last six months, it meaningful, it is... saturated with various
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answers that give a vision of how the situation in ukraine will develop further, and syrsky talks about what ukraine will do. everything is possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 1991, and the ukrainian military leadership also has a plan to de-occupy crimea, i quote mr. asyrskyi. it is realistic. of course, this is a big military secret, we will do everything possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 91, we must win to free our citizens who are in the occupied territories and are suffering. in addition, syrskyi said that the ukrainian military, thanks to the kamika drones. at a long range they targeted about 200 critical infrastructure objects on the territory of the russian federation, according to him , russia intends to increase the number of occupiers in ukraine to 690 thousand by the end of the year. mr. oleksandr, how do you feel
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about these statements of general syrsky, because in the plans announced by politicians, well, in particular , the former prime minister of great britain boris johnson, we are talking about... borders, not about borders, about borders that will return to the borders in the peace negotiations with russia, which were as of february 24, 2022, that is, in this case, we are still talking about the fact that syrsky now has more ambitious goals, are these goals realistically achievable? that's that 's the most interesting thing that aa in the context of... what other third parties to consider such statements, because you mentioned boris johnson, yes, but when exactly did this information about the limits as of the start of the full-scale invasion on the 24th of february '22, it appeared in the context
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boris johnson's meetings with donald trump, as a candidate for the presidency of the united states, and the discussion of the peace plan, regarding donald trump's peace plan. but we must remember what he said before this meeting, and i will quote, he said the following: i have a peace plan, i will present it to ukraine and i will present it to russia, if ukraine refuses this peace plan, then ukraine will lose, if russia refuses , then russia will lose. so let's imagine this situation: donald trump, let's just imagine, he wins the us presidential election, becomes the next president. the usa is presenting this peace plan, okay, fine, ukraine can agree to it, why not, as an option: the withdrawal of russian troops from all those territories that they captured after february 24 , 2022, and a return to the status quo as
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of february 23 on the 22nd of the year to those borders, and here the question arises, russia will agree to this and it is not... more interesting, russia, it will refuse, therefore, if russia refuses the peace plan of donald trump, then in this case, who will lose, how exactly loses in this case russia, well, it will depend exclusively on the actions of the us president, and this is exclusively in this case, and on the other hand, we can really state now what no official statement, no official position demonstrates. the fact that we are abandoning our main goal, which is the exit to the borders of 1991, and if we do not simply speak with slogans or statements, namely the moment with the return of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, it looks
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realistic enough, i will even say so, i will say even more, and return temporarily occupied the crimean peninsula, possibly part of ukraine, much earlier. rather than donetsk and luhansk regions, crimea will return to ukraine quite possibly earlier than donetsk and luhansk regions. well, you mean, crimea will be a peninsula, will be transformed into an island, and this will simplify this task, it is already being transformed. of course. see, another statement was made this week by the commander-in-chief of the british army, antony radakin, during a speech. at the conference of the royal joint institute for defense studies in london predicted what russia can do in the next five years. he says that russia has lost 550,000 people in ukraine, and according to our estimates, says antony radakin,
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it will take putin 5 years to restore the russian army to the level it was in february 22, and another 5 years after that to fix the weaknesses they discovered. war, according to your estimates, will putin have these 5 years to restore the russian army, or will our western partners understand that... restoration of the russian army and the strengthening of the russian army threatens not only ukraine, but also western europe? i think it won't happen, i think it wo n't happen, and here's the reason: firstly , russia intends to conduct sufficiently intense hostilities at least until the end of 2024. it will not be large-scale offensive actions in all directions, of course, but nevertheless it will be. will consume resources, primarily in terms of technology, i
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do not count human resources in this case, it is technology itself, in turn, its potential of warehouses and storage centers is almost devastated, and precisely the end of 2024, the beginning of the 25th year, this is the moment when the restoration of losses, the compensation of losses, will again be negative, it will go into the negative, and from this arose ... the question of how in 5 years russia can restore its position, which it had as of 2022, if, firstly, the warehouses are all emptied, there is virtually no production of the same tank equipment on the territory of russia, the only one subsequently that is a manufacturer of tanks from scratch is ural-wagon- plant. at the same time , he produces about a mouthful per month can produce up to a company of tanks less than a company
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of t-90 tanks and less than a company of t-72 tanks, in general it is somewhere a company, so the question arises how russia will compensate for the quantitative losses that have already exceeded 8300 tanks in 5 years, according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. that is, mr. general himself, he completely speaks about the veracity of the data of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine when they talk about 550,000 personnel lost by the russian occupiers, hence the technical data, they are as follows: will russia be able to restore more than 8300 tanks, when she has almost no production and empty warehouses, no, she will never be able to, even in 10 years, will she be able to from... look at the number of armored fighting vehicles that they lost more than 16 00, no, never will be able to, so russia
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is currently suffering such losses in technology that it will never be able to restore at the expense of its military-industrial complex, and when the warehouses are completely emptied, it will completely neutralize any of its military potential, that's the point, on sorry, western... analysts, western experts refer to russia as a country that is a production base that can produce exactly the equipment, in fact, it should not be treated that way. russia has been around for a long time, it is a large repair base, it can restore, repair and modernize, but not produce equipment, that's what the difference is, if the west understands this, they will ... sooner understand how exhausted, irreversibly exhausted in the third year of the war russian federation. thank you, thank you,
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mr. oleksandr, it was oleksandr kovalenko, the group's military and political observer information resistance. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video, don't be stingy. well, take part in our survey, today we are asking you about the following: do you think that russian special services are behind farion's murder? no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, take an expensive smartphone or phone and vote by numbers. if you believe that the russian secret services are behind farion's murder, 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. next, we will be in touch with oleksandr khara, diplomat, expert on foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for your help. to the broadcast, good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation, well, you see, on the day when we
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invited you to the broadcast, he appeared in public and joseph biden, who was almost buried by the tv presenters of the fox news channel and wrote about the fact that show us a living biden, because there is only a written consent from him to withdraw from the election, that is , the fact that he is withdrawing, today biden came out and addressed the tv. eteri addressed the americans, he said that until the end of the term he remains in the position of the president of the united states of america and said that among the priorities in office, finally ter... he also has the support of ukraine. let's hear what biden said. i am the first president in this century who can say that to the american people that the united states is not at war anywhere in the world. we will continue to rally a coalition of proud nations to stop putin from taking over ukraine and causing even more damage. make nato
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stronger, i will make it stronger, more united than ever in our history. mr. alexander, good words from biden, but the main point that was during his election campaign, which was interrupted, that i stopped putin, in the next six months until january 21, 25, can biden do something that, what really falls under this category, i stopped putin, or i destroyed russian plans for. war in ukraine, well, you know, objectively, from the american point of view, ukraine won a strategic victory and the russian federation was a strategic defeat. if you look at putin's plans, that he could, or rather, wanted to seize ukraine in a few weeks, he did not succeed, the ukrainian people united, the ukrainian
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leadership did not flee abroad, and the western partners, seeing such a will of ukrainians to... the opposite began to help us and from his point of view this is a great victory, of course, for us i would like more, our victory is the liberation of all territories, not only those that were captured until february 24 of the year before last, and of course we are not entirely satisfied with the speed and volume of the help that is given to us, and for by and large, it is already obvious that from the very beginning the united states was... the key, it is not the victory or the victory of ukraine, it is not the defeat of the russian federation, but it is such a situation on the battlefield that would force putin to sit down at the negotiating table, and of course, that it was a failed strategy of the americans, they restrained, c including us in the 22nd year, because according to the currently available information, they were afraid of the use of nuclear weapons by the russian federation, and
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in the 23rd year they could give us a little more in terms of means. which were needed to liberate our territories, first of all i mean air platforms, the same f-16s, and by the way, the united states has not yet provided and still does not promise to provide us with such platforms, they only give approval for the transfer from other countries and to be honest, i 'd like to see that at the end of the term biden will make a radical revision of the failed american strategy in relation to the russian federation and will make several important ones. steps, steps, the first, of course, is the permission to strike on russian territory with western weapons, because it is senseless, it has been like this from the very beginning, the second is what our experts and activists are asking now, it is to close the sky for western ukraine, for that , so that we have the opportunity to set up production there, i am not talking about
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the protection of the civilian population, and of course it would also help our neighbors. but recently we saw once again the airspace of a neighboring country was violated by drones, thank god that no one died, but we do not see any serious reaction from nato. the third point that biden could make is, realizing that the election can be lost to trump, and according to public opinion polls, despite the fact that camila harris shows better results than biden. well, there is still such a possibility, in fact, before the possible arrival of trump, ukraine should receive everything we need in order to fight, until last cent, so that the money is not burned, as it was last year, because several billion dollars were not used, and of course, that this is absolutely wrong in such a war,
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a war of attrition, most importantly a war of genocidal type. i honestly doubt that he will do it, because they are afraid of escalation, on the one hand, they are afraid of escalation on the part of russia, and on the other hand, a defeat of russia that could lead to the collapse of the russian federation, therefore, most likely, we we will not see anything. donald trump, who is running for the presidency of the united states of america, said on fox news that in a conversation with president zelensky, they talked about the fact that ... we have to end this war, as trump said, because russia, as the candidate says into the president of the united states of america, the military machine that defeated napoleon and. hitler in what is happening in ukraine, trump accused biden, could this conversation have been much broader, because we only know
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the reaction of zelenskyi and the office of the president of ukraine, and here trump says that it is necessary to stop this war, since russia is a military machine that defeated napoleon and hitler, well, it seems that in this situation he did not say anything so bad, but no no.' hitler was stopped by the soviet union, including ukraine, well, that is, a shift in emphasis, it means that the military machine and the states and ukraine should be afraid, something? well, you know, this is a mythology about the invincibility of russia and the fact that it has always defended itself. let's remember napoleon, when napoleon invaded the territory of the russian empire, if i am not mistaken, russia was already in the fourth anti-napoleon. coalition, well, the actual reason was that the russian empire was violating the continental blockade of the united kingdom. the second point, it should be remembered
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that stalin was first an ally of hitler, and then he already became his victim, and you are absolutely correct in saying that, first of all, there were 15 republics then, plus, of course, there were various satellites, and the most important thing is the economic weight, industrial, and... military of the united states and without the united states i'm afraid that even britain would have lost this war, i have, the second world war, and i think and i hope that president zelensky also remembered other cases, for example, the crimean war, at the end of the 19th century, when the russian federation was defeated, despite the ability to mobilize a large number of people and equipment, weapons, but small expeditionary corps in... others won in crimea the russian empire and were even forbidden to have the black sea fleet under the porizh peace
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agreement, let's remember the actual afghan war, and from 79 to what year we had it, then let's remember the same first chechen war, where russia lost on own territory, own subject, that is, you know, it's just that such framing is absolutely wrong. i understand why, says trump, well , of course, he has a difficult time with the history of european content, i think that it is also difficult with the american one, here, but the arguments are absolutely, well, no, no, not effective, but i would say so that the first and most important thing, what zelensky was supposed to talk about, he said about it, is about the end of this war with a permanent , just and lasting peace, which involves the liberation of all ukrainian territories and, let's say... such safeguards so that ukraine never again initiates aggression, and this means membership in nato. and the second point is that this can be achieved on
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the one hand by pressure on russia, on the other hand by ukraine's support, ukraine, weapons, equipment and ammunition, and not, on the contrary , by forcing peace talks there or a ceasefire. i think, not in my words, of course, but these are two theses about the need for peace, but a fair one. and that it is possible to go to it only because of the military victory of ukraine, zelenskyi said about this, this definitely, i don't think trump heard, he has his own thoughts in his head, and i don't know what his peace plan is, and he probably doesn't know himself, but of course we are worried about what the advisers around trump are saying, and they are in the principles say that let's go, let's put it this way, the most unfrozen, they say that europe, ukraine is unimportant, it should be pressed, let it fall there. there will be a collision somehow, and we have to deal with containing china, while others say, yes, china is important, but let 's also help ukraine, because russia is
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china's partner, it helps in the future as well conflict, a possible conflict in the 27th year or after the 27th year around taiwan, russia will play an important role in deterring the western countries, because it is the largest nuclear power on the continent, it will definitely help china, then it is better to break it. russia now, so that it is not able to be a situational ally of china in the future. well, about china, this week dmytro kuleba visited beijing, for the first time since 2012 the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in the chinese capital, and what dmytro kuleba said after the meeting with his chinese a colleague? he says that ukraine can participate in the peace process if two principles are followed: no agreements on ukraine without ukraine and respect. to its sovereignty, territorial integrity, let's listen to what mr. kuleba said. well, ukraine did not bend under any of putin's ultimatums.
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under putin's terrible military strike, and ukraine will never, ever budge an inch, if anyone in the world, regardless of which part of the world, tries to speak to us in the language of an ultimatum, it is simply impossible, no this is president zelenskyi, this is not the state of ukraine, and most importantly, this is not the ukrainian people. of ukraine, and this became known as a result of kuleba's visit to beijing. let's listen to the president of ukraine. the visit of a ukrainian official at this level is the first in many years. and this is good. there is a clear signal that china supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. and what
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china's leader xi jinping told me was also confirmed. that china will not supply weapons to russia. mr. oleksandr, after all, in kyiv they want to see the chinese side as a partner, friendly to ukraine. in the conditions when china is russia's partner in the russian-ukrainian war, is this possible? well, i think that a certain adjustment of the position is possible, but we will definitely not see china like that. impartial, impartial mediator in this conflict, he is a de facto ally of the russian federation in this matter, whether the chinese are unlikely to abandon their peace plan, those 12 points that were on the anniversary of the large-scale invasion of the people, or from the six points that were literally a few months therefore in the joint statement of the ministers of foreign affairs of china and brazil, i think
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that the most important thing that kuleba wanted to achieve was to try to change at least a little so that china would change its position, be more active in peacemaking efforts, of course, kuleba absolutely did not want there to be competing peaceful the plans that need to be reached should be reduced to one, and of course that he defended the peace plan of ukraine, of course that he also wanted to try to put pressure on china. because kuleba said that the russian war against ukraine is not only grief and war, but this also the suspension or slowing down of the pace of economic development, and it stands, this war stands in the way of the development of economic relations between china and europe, that is, he tried to do it, but it is unlikely that this will change, because the key interests of china, they do not coincide with ukraine and our partners, the chinese do not
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want the west to consolidate. which are there in order to restrain him in the indo-tech region, this is firstly, secondly, the russian federation is a weak partner, it is very profitable, you can buy anything, you can advance to the russian territory without encroachment and actually take control of entire regions of the russian federation, i am not talking about the resources that are pumped out of there, and most importantly, such a dependent partner will support china in a possible confrontation. so on on on this teatrihivsk, thank you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, and friends, we conducted a survey throughout the broadcast, we asked you about this, do you think that the russian special services are behind the murder of farion, 79 % yes, 21% - no, it is the results of our television survey, i'm putting an end to this, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, it was the verdict program of
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serhiy rudenko, goodbye. why is viktor orban increasingly talking about negotiations between russia and ukraine, why does he need the role of a peacemaker and can the european union stop the hungarian prime minister? we talk about the orbán factor in today's edition of the bbc. i am olga palomaryuk. despite full solidarity with ukraine and its unconditional support, there is someone in europe who in every way inhibits and consistently criticizes military aid to kyiv. hungarian prime minister viktor orban. it was he who cautiously condemned russia's invasion of ukraine in 2022, while avoiding criticism of vladimir putin. last december, viktor orbán blocked 50 billion euros of aid to ukraine, and proudly spoke about it in brussels. then, however,
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he unblocked the money. and do you remember this moment during the inauguration


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