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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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two hours to learn about the war, and what the world is like, a project for a smart word, i was at a funeral, we worked, we filmed and were a part of this complicated, very complicated, i... zodu for anyone who was there of our
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lives, but very often, when ordinary people who were there approached, they had this thesis: here i am, i had many such questions, and it seems to me that these people understood that iryna forion did not want to live with a guard , and directly she would definitely most likely refuse, but they asked questions, well, what about our state doesn't have the resources to protect such people, why didn't the state take care of it, and now, when we... are talking about the investigation of this murder, really, could the state have done more for such people, who really are , well, we understand how important irina farion's opinion was in the middle of the state, how the russians watched her meticulously, but just meticulously, every air and nefaron, this was discussed in the moscow studios the next morning, and they really made a profit from it , unfortunately, events, could the state have done more, and how should we proceed... act in the conditions of war,
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given that this has already happened, well , this is the first high-profile murder of this scale in ukraine in conditions of a full-scale war, this is the answer to whether the state could, there were no murders of such a scale, such high-profile persons, and you know, i cannot compare, here vitaly portnikov, probably in your studio, also compared with certain murders that took place in... such certain periods of history in ukraine, well, for me, first of all it emerges the murder of stepan bandera, as a leader of integral nationalism, the murder of volodymyr ivasyuk for songs, the murder of vyacheslav chornovol, for the movement that he wanted to revive and put as one of the main opposition alternatives to the government, and the murder of mrs. iryna farion for her word and for language, what is the goal, what is the goal... to divide ukrainian society
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on the basis of language is the easiest thesis and antithesis that was thrown by russia, the russian special services before and is being thrown now, and it was obvious to me the first minutes when i learned about it, shocking ... knew about the fact that the russian federation is obviously behind this, that the customer, obviously the customer must be looked for there, that the trace of this young guy was found, our ukrainian law enforcement agencies, the mbs and the sbu, we must give credit to them, that in such a way, let's say yes, a short enough time, and we hope, as the lawyer said, that this should be an impartial investigation. in these questions, both
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a quick and a quick investigation, which would give the maximum objective answer, the maximum objective picture in this situation, but for it is obvious to me that after this high-profile murder, none of such famous people are in ukraine in the current conditions, they are not protected, and i do not call for anything, obviously, we all walk under god, so yes , fate is written somewhere on the mountain. .. everyone, but it is obvious that in this situation we have to read and reread those words and things that mrs. iryna did for ukrainian society in a new way, because not everyone understood her unequivocally, and you know when you lose a person, then already from a distance you can evaluate her achievements, her contribution, and you can evaluate who she wanted to...
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reach, who she reached and who she didn't reach, and in fact the most important thing here is that ukrainians, ukrainians correctly evaluate who i haven't met in this last incomplete week. or in the parliament, where we , on behalf of our group, gave the floor to ms. oksana savchuk from the rostrum of the parliament, and she honored ms. iryna from the rostrum with beautiful words, and the entire hall stood and observed a moment of silence, but literally yesterday i visited my mother in a village in the ternopil region, my mother is 81 year, and the neighbors in the village are asking, so tell me, who killed, who was the customer, the first question is who killed iryna forion in the sedium in ternopil. or ternopil oblast or western ukraine and not only western ukraine, that is, iryna farion in this case united all of ukraine from the point of view of this audacity, which can
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be applied not only in relation to a person as such, in relation to a woman and in relation to, well, this is actually and a shot at the language, the ukrainian language, at the ukrainian identity, so obviously here we have to... here we have to wait the investigation, the completion of the investigation, and it is obvious that ukrainians must draw their own far-reaching conclusions on these issues, as iryna farion suggested during her lifetime. yaroslav gerasim, you have a word, as well as iryna farion's colleague, you also often make sharp comments about what is happening in your specific form in social networks, and i know that you have a fairly favorable attitude to what she is doing. i... how did you take this information? you know, i took it extremely hard, i still can't understand my state now, whether i'm more angry or i more alarmed, or i'm more devastated, it's a kind of whole set of all these, you know
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, such emotions, because here some such chasm has formed, which i don't know, in the near future, whether we will all be able to cross this chasm together, no matter who we are to... patch up, let's say so, because in the humanitarian space, in the information space, iryna farion did the work that, well, someone somewhere thought that while she was there, maybe i could rest a little more somewhere and not do it , we understood that if something anti-ukrainian flew into the information space, then it will immediately receive a powerful repulse from iryna farion, this is so... a peculiar weapon of ours, this is a whole patriot division, which cleared, which held the ukrainian sky, actually in the information space, and will be replaced in the near future, i say again, it will be extraordinary it’s hard, it’s especially hard for me, somehow this death of iryna came through me,
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because on june 29 we were together at a conference dedicated to the anniversary of olena pchilka, we talked, we drew up that... many different plans, we planned to meet in lviv, and obviously , if not this cynical one a brutal death, this murder is so shameful, an exhibition murder, because we can compare with others, yes, but it was shown, if the previous murders were still tried to be disguised somehow, whether it was a car accident, yes, is it possible, well, even how, let's say, because there could be a lot of unknown moments with the murder of ivasyuk or bilozor under... some kind of domestic murder, then it is demonstrative, cynical, to prove that you are unprotected ukrainians, allegedly in the center of your ukraine, in lviv, in the epicenter, and you no you have no chance of survival at this point
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if you cross a line that someone somewhere has probably drawn for themselves. of course, it would be much better if we talked with iryna in this studio today about how to return the number of hours for the study of ukrainian literature in the ukrainian school, which the ministry is currently trying to reduce, or how to resist the analysis that was , which was one of her tasks in the last months, and it would be for me, it would give a charge, and now i am convinced that we all have to paranize the ukrainian humanitarian space, which i mean by the term farionization, this is uncompromising ukrainization, gentle... gentle ukrainization has come to an end, gentle ukrainization was killed by a shot in the chest of iryna farion, and therefore, when we are now, what the killers wanted to achieve, they obviously wanted, the customers, they obviously wanted to separate the ukrainian society, they wanted to intimidate
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the part that acts, even if it tried to act like iryna farion, they wanted to show off in front of their audience that they can do it, that they can leaders... of the ukrainian national rank to eliminate, what should we do, to respond to these challenges with dignity, to make sure that after this murder, the opposite happened, so that society does not divide. and united, although it is extremely and the most difficult, it will probably be done so that the number of people who radically defend the language, defend the culture, fight for the affirmation of the ukrainian identity, become more and that their views are significantly radicalized in the direction that iryna farion followed, and so that, if they knock out such outstanding personalities from our ranks, then we must knock out in... 10 times more, it is already obvious, the special operations services of ukraine should deal with this,
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moscow propagandists and ideologues of the russian world should die many times more, and also, since they wanted to destroy the symbol, we should make the maximum symbol out of iryna farion, from her rank, from its activities, it is not just about streets, and it is the same when streets are named after iryna forion, but right now... we still have a very good opportunity, we are introducing the protection of the fatherland in schools, so the ministry is introducing such a subject, but is the protection of the fatherland consists of only in the military component, obviously not, the ideological component of the defense of the homeland is no less important than the military one, therefore it is necessary to integrate the programs prepared by iryna farion, the gene of ukrainians and the greatness of the individual into this program of this subject, and in this way we will be able to implement those ideas for the sake of... which she lived, which she was passionate about, we just have to spread them throughout ukraine. we really
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hope that the scientific community will also initiate this, because everyone has to take their own step. we will definitely support it information field, we will be able to report about it, talk about the importance of it, but there has to be some initiative, and it has to come from different environments, and maybe those environments that are not quite as supportive as she would see it, even in its opposites. in this court, after her dismissal, such a shameful dismissal from the lviv polytechnic, now it should be completely different, i personally really hope for it, myself, i know that you also intend to continue to stand on that and continue the mother's case, and we aim to further her cause, further develop this, what she did, how important is it to you that... the title of hero of ukraine was awarded to her posthumously, now there is already a petition. mom always said
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she didn't need any titles. you know, we ukrainians need this sooner. yes, when we talk about the street, for example, the decision we made, i think it will not only be in lviv, it will be in many cities of ukraine. this is the decoration of lviv, we, lvivians, ukrainians need it more, as a symbol of the struggle and as a reminder of the great rank of iryna dmytriivna, it is true, it is more needed to ukrainians, because they will understand, even for a moment, maybe they were guilty for some reason when they watched something like that and a video and did not fully agree. with her, they should sign this petition and understand that she was
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a hero of ukraine for ukraine. i think that everyone supports this and it will be so. on our telegram channel, velikiy lviv speaks, there is a link to this petition, you can see it on the screen now, you can access it by visiting the website of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine. there will be the same petition to the president of ukraine, now it has been created, but it is under moderation, they are being moderated there for several days. follow it, it's not difficult, it's necessary to go, enter your details through the action or through the bank card do it, we ask you to do it, if you happen to this link, and we will broadcast it, we will add it in the description to the video cut , go there and do it, please, you know, i will add, i wanted so much, between your words, it seems to me that in the 90s and even at the beginning of the 2000s, that in kyiv there will be bandera avenues and shukhevych. looked absolutely fantastic, now even at the beginning of a full-scale war it looked absolutely
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fantastic, and these flags and these faces of bandera shukhevych in our studio in 2019, when we started this project, also just caused crazy emotions in everyone who said that it's not normal, that it's just us inciting something here and so on, well, you understand, well , in fact, we always tried to shift the focus of the national struggle a little. starting, i don't know, from 2004, the orange revolution, there was, everyone thought that this is a revolution only for yushchenko, as a politician, no. it was a national revolution for ukrainian ukraine, a revolution of dignity, they tried to present it to us as euromaidan, but it was again a revolution of ukrainians for the construction of their national state, where the ukrainian will feel like the owner, where the ukrainian language will be dominant, and not the language of some other variety well, there are a lot of
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lviv residents here, remember when they come there, in particular to kyiv and some i don't know. the waiter spoke in russian, and also with a sense of superiority, that is, they they wanted to identify us as someone who speaks the ukrainian language, so they said that it was the language of some village or so further away, and this is a narrative that russia has been spreading for many, many years, and that is why i repeat myself, all of us revolutions all the great mass actions that took place in our ukraine, it was essentially all one big national revolution for the construction of ukrainian ukraine, no matter how anyone tried to disguise it, and in the end, in essence, this is what iryna dmitrievna was talking about, iryna dmitrievna same in fact, i don't know, for me she is first of all a scientist, she is a professor, she is a person
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who was engaged in science, she joined freedom after her scientific activity, who will cry, cry, you don't know, you don't understand, they spent time as students, and then the state began to harass her, opened a criminal case against her, then the yanukovych government, and then, at that moment, iryna farion uh... joined freedom, because freedom began to help, and in the end , after that, she devoted all her time to the same thing from which she started in principle, she started with that poster, and a lot of people just, you know, found themselves in her, she said what
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millions of ukrainians were talking about. these voices kept getting more and more, and i also have, you know, one feeling, many people here say that they did not fully understand, well, i had a feeling that just recently, irina dmitrievna began to be understood significantly and significantly more people, and you told her that, do you remember, but i our last conversation eh, she actually didn't pay attention to that attention, there are some, we are talking about the streets, all these things, she was very little interested, she talked about the ukrainian language, the struggle, about sofiyka, about eva and about dmytryk and about vasyl, who, who is at the front, well, actually, of course there you could agree on different topics in different situations, but what interested her,
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what interested her in life, and we and we talked, she didn't even follow some level of support there, so... great, because she is stubborn i was doing my job, you, relatively speaking, you are with me, thank you, not with me, i will still do my work, but i - just, according to my observation , it was a lot of people, and in recent times, and even those mass rallies, in which the funeral of irina dmitrievna with the slogan of language. weapons, this is also a testimony to that, so it seems to me that this process will continue in the future, and well, not everything is so bad, i may have a small remark even before kyiv, and please, because iryna farion was a great congregant in fact, they tried to make this separation closer
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golychyna and great ukraine, and... the moscow-speaking part of great ukraine has actually been engaged in this for years, but i am sure, and i also feel some personal responsibility here, because i am from a great country, which is in kyiv, and kyiv should also be in the capital and the street, not somewhere there, not small, like bandera and shakhevych, now, here they are with us and how they ended their lives, just like her... and the monument, because after those events in in november , he invited the first dmytro korchynskyi, who was with you. all this was not in lviv, not in galicia, it was in kiev. in june, she also came to kyiv twice, we went to the lavra, that was also
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something, it was such a heavenly feeling, heavenly even then, how they rejoiced at the fact that we were conquering, we had not yet conquered it, but it is ours , there in kyiv, as she arrived. once to kanov, as to mecca, and how much for these six months, terrible six months, even difficult six months, i repeat, maybe it does not sound like what many would like to hear, but insufficient support, in fact, from those who would have to provide it, it was also chernihiv, this there was also konotop, this is vinnytsia, that is, a large number, it was poltava region, of course, odesa, this was odesa, this was one of the very first odesa, and she told me, i
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left odesa from there so quickly, there was a meeting that even she did not see the sea, and now you understand the meaning of that sea, she saw a sea of ​​people in the sky, but she did not see the sea in odessa. as well as those people who came from there, i saw their eyes, they were burning, sometimes there were tears in my eyes even then, because maybe in the great ukraine certain things are felt more acutely, due to the fact that muscovization is there, we, we know very well what methods were used, and therefore i would very much like to. so that we honor her, if we are talking about such a state level, not only personal, contribution, work, sacrifice,
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service, as she said, but also in greater ukraine no less, as in lviv, and in kyiv, in particular, in oserd, that is, we, if we have already started, then i had to give it, because kyiv is where i live now, and that's why i really feel that... well, it's also me, it's my duty to do everything , so that it was there, because she came to those tablets, to those monuments, she was so happy when they opened the tablet of dontsov with the great battles in kyiv, it was translated to them, as if to the saints, dmytro myron orlyk, about whom a gene was made, the tablet hangs on the place of his murder , on the corner of lysenko and khmelnytskyi. and that's why it has to be, so that memory, memory is such a thing that flows very quickly, it won't work, and
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it shouldn't be like that, it has to be alive, and for it to be alive, it's like she said , baking, work, work, work, that, we include yevhan karas, nationalist, deputy commander of the 14th separate regiment of the armed forces of ukraine, sir. yevgeny, thank you for waiting, you understand, today we have the daughter of the deceased irina farion on the air, the closest people, and it is important to hear exactly these words. i want to go back with you to last saturday, when you joined our saturday stream, and in principle, you put forward the version that now the russian special services will, let's say, not be difficult to find, but today they were detained on suspicion. murder of an 18-year-old boy in the dnipro, you they said there, a little tougher, well, let's put it this way, to find people who are not too old, somehow to interest them, people, perhaps without
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moral and ethical views, which they have not yet, perhaps, even not had time to acquire, well, i am again very diplomatically retelling that , what you said, in the end it can be said that you painted the portrait of this person quite clearly, well , of course, with nuances, you said that he could be a drug addict, but now they claim that he was a football player of a youth team, they claim so far, your first impressions actions, such specific actions of law enforcement officers, already with specific results that were made public today and tomorrow, both zelenskyi and klymenko promise more details, but they say that enough evidence has been collected to accuse this 8-year-old dnipro resident of the murder of iryna farion, huh. well, as far as i understand, one of the representatives of marginal, such semi-terrorist currents
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from the city was detained. dnipro, this is leaning towards the truth, well, i am not commenting at all on what the investigation found, i think the investigation found, i think everything is correctly defined here, there were many operatives of the ministry of internal affairs, the sbu, and what am i saying, the russians were very painfully aware of the fact that in russia itself, there are all nationalist, right-wing radical, some even openly neo-nazi and almost terrorist movements, somewhere like 90 all took a radically anti-kremlin position, many of them came to fight in the armed forces in the 14th year, many came to fight already in the 22nd year, and in particular the russian volunteer corps, this is exactly the formation that one of the participants in the liberation belgorod oblast, and they remember him not every god's day, and for russia, it is a great tragedy for the kremlin regime, for their special services, for all the gru, and svra, and... the fsb
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, that russians, russian nationalists, yes so to speak, because russia is this asian muslim, incomprehensible biomass-sabkov empire, and the russians in particular, they are, strangely enough, really very strongly repressed and humiliated there, and therefore they willingly fight with the kremlin in the ranks ukraine and the russian security services did everything to to overthrow these nationalist movements, because they caused a lot of damage to the federals in the 22nd year, there they let trains of taxes, heated cars, beat various officers in the agent, killed them, imprisoned them, dispersed them, and at the moment they, let's say, this movement crushed, but well studied, and i understand that, knowing the ideological doctrine of these people, they are amazingly some separate splinters of these groups that were in russia, anti-kremlin, but had branches in ukraine, and here they took such a strange position, where they were recruited, well, i am convinced that this
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young man, who was there for two or three months... i spent uh, to organize this attempt, to find weapons, plus they helped him come up with an escape scheme, some kind of basic conspiracy, but i was not that much a large budget so that he would, say, conduct external surveillance from a car and not so much that he would have a sufficient number of assistants there, so that at least the person conducting external surveillance there would not be a murderer, so if such an operation was planned, well, it is clear that they worked for documentation, he filmed this video, the video , i understand, was made public by the russians, because it flew through the russian... portals, first neo-nazi, then anti-fascist, that is, they began to launch it through the subcultural line, they just launched, only him, as i understand it, our apirs accepted, they understood that this monkey had already been caught, and therefore it was necessary to make a story of withdrawal from this, that is , a story of legend, proxy forces, yes, that it was not the russian special services who recruited dodik, and for money, inventing for him some kind of quasi ideology, they ordered iryna farion for him, and if they were to submit it, what if this is internal-ukrainian, some kind of ideological
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analysis. and their propaganda will continue to fight against this, that look, in ukraine there are neo-nazis against nationalists, such a base, a stupid, stubborn, ridiculous russian scheme, but it is very comical that they used it as a subject, well, how comical, nothing uncomical, first of all, it's scary that these idiots finally successfully manage to kill our public figures, and it's scary that it happened. the kremlin, here it kills irina farion, well in short, that is, it is innocent, and at the moment i am personally absolutely convinced that now we know that this was a murder ordered by russia using a certain such marginal minor mercenary, he was given a scenario of actions, he was allocated small funds, and well, that
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this is not the first time. the case when representatives of these marginal currents are from the dnipro, they are detained by the ukrainian special services on charges of murder. i think that , moreover, russia used these teenagers, they targeted them first there are certain tasks there, such as killing the homeless, the homeless, after that it is obvious that he came to the adbor that he is capable of killing a person there for some ideological motives of the crazy people there, then they already give him the task of a friend there, farion or someone else, maybe there will be some murder, we may not yet know what... now we will see what this dodig will tell during the interrogations, so at the moment i am absolutely convinced that this is a murder, it is, let's say, well, iryna farion, i guess she had a tough character , and i think she 's smiling so much from this story right now, that's why that the enemy has finally put an end to how important language is to him. killing pharion, it shows how much of a priority it is for them to target, of course they chose an elderly woman who...


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