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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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eh, and it’s good that this is not the first time when representatives of these marginal currents from the dnipro are detained by the ukrainian services for murder, i think that, moreover, russia used these teenagers, they first targeted them for certain there are tasks such as killing the homeless, the homeless, after that it is obvious that when the adbor came, he is capable of killing a person there for some ideological motives there are crazy, then they already give him a second task there, farion or. someone else, maybe some murder, we might not be all yet we know that now we will see what this dodig will tell at the interrogations, so at the moment i am absolutely convinced that this is a murder, let's say, well, iryna farion, she probably had a tough character, and i think that she is now a story, is smiling like that because the enemy has finally put an end to how important language is to him. killing pharion shows how much of a priority it is for them. of course, they chose an elderly woman who... lived in an ordinary
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apartment in the midst of ordinary ukrainians, she was not some kind of scumbag, not these pig-majors, all of them face filth, all the deputies, vyshyvankas, not vyshyvankas, it all stinks , she lives in villas with guards, there are ancestors, they will soon have slaves, iryna forion is alive like an ordinary person, so god gave enough in principle a beautiful death during the war, i wanted to live longer, but the enemy sacralized it, all that remains is that it is better to act to take care of the safety of others. of our citizens, because they obviously started, they started setting fire to cars, attempted assassinations, this is the situation, well, 60 years is not a respectable age, mr. karas, we we hope here with girls and women to live to 60 and look very good and we hope that you know, such participation as iryna farion will not wait for us, because it is very scary, you said, what do i mean, i just want, but i just i had to say it, otherwise you ladies didn't understand me. you said about the ideological
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basis of these organizations that allegedly took responsibility, now this guy, really in his telegram channels that began to investigate, telegram channel, investigated by journalists, they also saw affiliation with these organizations, and what is it about, i.e. what is the orientation of these ideological organizations, how can they be characterized, so that society would understand, yes, no, it is... they use the marginal flow there somehow, what are they called there in russia, they are autonomous there , some kind of national socialists and so on, well , there was one who supposedly killed farion because she posted something there of hers, this video was once there 100 years ago with this african football player, a joke, well, in short, just look at it, it’s wild, but the russian special forces are for them , they are somehow trying to beat it if it is not easy to see that if it is even shorter. this is all a figment of this
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pokemon, he was hired for money, that is, it is obvious that farion is even in this list of his terrorist ideas, she should have been the penultimate person on this list, who should he have killed there, it was clearly just highlighted the target if and so on, just they now they are molding this story from this in order to try , first of all, to take away the bispecs of the service, the second point should be to translate the internal context of what you see, allegedly ukrainian neo-nations there they are killing ukrainian nationalists there, and if it were shorter, they would try their best to launch such a line there, that is, it is a normal legend of the operations of the special services using these, so to speak, torpedoes of this new moon, and it was obvious that it would be someone from ukraine, of course it could have been some tourer from russia, well , i think it is unlikely that they sat there with a russian accent, that is, it is a complex war, when proxy forces are used, when mercenaries are used for money and at the expense of cryptocurrency technologies. shutdowns
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light now, for example, yes, that is, due to the fact that the special services give their experience to professional ordinary people, that is, crime, now of course, well, it is not so difficult to organize a terrorist attack in ukraine, in russia, it is not so difficult, let's say professionals do it, so similar well , horrors can happen, earlier our services turned away a lot of such stories, but now with such a wave of tasks that the russians are setting up here in ukraine, not everything succeeds, so unfortunately, let's bear the losses. as i already mentioned, this is not the first time, i was in we had a case of an explosion, when in kharkiv the police officers were killed, a car was blown up, then there was an attack with a knife on oleksiy godzenko, former marpikh, now a ukrainian front-line correspondent, now iryna farion, well, obviously they will try to make more arson attacks, i.e. well, you have to be careful, take care of safety, if there is a weapon, say, a report card for military personnel, then carry it with you, because well, in the rear cities, a pistol may be needed, unfortunately, such are real wars. well, in russia too
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a lot of interesting things are happening, let's say, now they finally managed to start killing us in our rear after two years of war. evgeny, i know that... you will be one of the co-organizers of an event important for the security of our state this weekend in the city of lviv on saturday, this concerns, as i understand it, recruiting for unmanned troops, this is the topic that is being talked about as a perspective in to the whole world, announce the very end, because in our opinion, our viewers should know about it, on saturday at 1:00 p.m. in the city of lviv... there will be a meeting with the commander of the armed forces systems, by colonel vadym sukharevskyi, a legend of the armed forces of ukraine, and those people who have not yet decided where they want to serve can come to this meeting and ask questions directly to the commander, he is the kind of person who will find an answer to everything and anything, because is responsible for his work like no
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one else, and there will also be mobilization commissions working there, if those who have already decided want to enter the service, the unmanned systems forces have their own training base, training center, so they... get into other types of troops , if you sign up in the unmanned forces, you will only get here, these are land, air and water systems, many thousands more military personnel will be recruited, there are very different professions, do not miss your chance to create a new history of the ukrainian army, because you see that iryna farion must be avenged , she has already lived enough of her significant significant life, managed to see her grandchildren, managed to convince putin that he killed her, and you still haven't killed her. no occupier, so join the drone systems and you can do it. thank you, sbs army, forces unmanned systems, see registration on the website. ivan karas, nationality, deputy commander of the 14th separate regiment of zasu. mr. buchyn, i have a question for you. here i will disagree with our previous speaker on
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skype, korchynskyi, who says that the russians somehow manage to divide ukrainian society, perhaps it is our lviv bubble in which it seems. the fact that in fact, the killer is sure, this society unites around her, then everyone is still silent, maybe, as you think, if we assume, and we have no reason to assume otherwise, the customer this murder is the russian federation, which needs the chaos of our state, so did they manage to achieve something in this? well, i think that probably russia really targeted the russian special services. to actually sow, not just to divide society, but it is also possible to sow a certain situation and atmosphere of mutual suspicion, mistrust of each other, when we start looking for the guilty, including among our own, among the representatives of the authorities, and it is obvious that that goal has not been achieved, because i would not say
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that we are now talking about and looking for the guilty inside, it is obvious that the total majority of ukrainians think so and, in my opinion, rightly so. that after all , the murder of iryna dmitrievna farion clearly has a russian trace and there is clearly a beneficiary, that is , the russian federation, which received and planned to directly benefit from such an order and such an exhibition murder, but it seems to me that when we speak, you were actually commenting on the words dmytro korchynskyi, he obviously meant that there is indeed, unfortunately, a part of ukrainian society. representatives of various groups who after all , such things are interpreted and perceived ambiguously, because, for example, i came across comments and posts on social networks from people who said that the current government was the direct orderer of the murder there, and several such posts happened to me, happened
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to me, unfortunately , posts where it was said that they are not sorry that this happened, that is , unfortunately, and at the same time, these are not some fake accounts, these are people whom i either know, or at least know indirectly somewhere, that is, unfortunately... we really, perhaps, are a little bit, you know, in such a galician situation bubbles, and yet it is obvious that there are people who, unfortunately, perceive it ambiguously, and it seems to me that in this particular case , the main task of our ukrainian society will be for us to really understand that this the sacrifice is not in vain, and we really understood how great the value of the ukrainian language is, how important it is, because it is actually what distinguishes us from our enemies, it is what... generations of ukrainians died for, generations ukrainians waged an uncompromising struggle, and in fact, it is very important that i do too i am sure that after all this factor worked, that maybe not all, but still the lion's share of ukrainians began to understand that iryna
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dmytriivna farion really said important things, language really matters, language really is something worth fighting for and what we have to build and defend, and i also want to say, well... somewhere here it was said about many goals that the russian federation set before itself with such, in fact, contract killing. it seems to me that there is one more important goal, they, this goal concerns domestic russian. audience, that is, russia wanted to show the average russian that, well, we can and will commit murder against a person who was an open enemy of russia, who considered russia an enemy, who fought with russia, and unfortunately, it was precisely in this context that the russian special services achieved their goal, because we saw such euphoric euphoric, you know, celebrations there. middle-class russians, who were delighted that such a murder of their bitter enemy had taken place, and
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unfortunately, indeed, there was also a second factor somewhere, which was shown in the internal audience, is that the russian special services have long arms, and the ukrainian special services cannot, at least until the end, effectively counter it, so i will repeat it again, we have to draw a conclusion from this, i really hope that this victim and this sacrificial death will not be in vain. and because if we do not pay important attention to the language after the victory, it is obvious that this victory will definitely not be as irina dmitrievna would have liked, and in my opinion, it will not be a complete victory either. mariana prysezhnyuk, i promise you, you have not yet spoken on our broadcast, in fact, when we planned this broadcast, we thought that somewhere in the last part of this broadcast we would talk about the international situation, about what we have now after the meeting. with the chinese, because it is also important for us, but we see how this topic
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is developing now, how viewers are watching, including us on youtube, velikiy lviv says, and for us this support from the audience is important, it is important for them to hear it, if they are now are watching, i want to ask you, you are not from ours of the galician bubble, well, like mrs. galya, but, but even further, probably, how you observe it now, what you see, what you note for yourself, as a person. which monitors the processes specifically in the information direction in ukraine, first of all, condolences to loved ones, this is an incredible loss for the whole of ukraine, er , this event shocked me personally, er, i want to note actually several important things, er, definitely , the goal is to polarize society, she was to some extent, from the mass discussion about the fact that we managed to preserve unity, that's all, that's all
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it is correct to emphasize, to support, at such a moment, and during the war, as a community united, but still it is worth focusing on the fact that the effect is obvious when you walk around lviv and realize that a murderer may be sitting on a bench, this is terrible. eh, and this emotion is there, and from the point of view of cultivating this very fear, including through information means in such a context, it is a huge challenge, and russia is clearly increasing the measures of such political terror, and the figures that were mentioned, that were killed by the russians special services at various stages of our history, today... during the conversation , the interlocutors mentioned that this
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has always happened and it happened not only on the territory of ukraine, and this is exactly what i am leading to, conducting a certain review and monitoring, in particular of the international press, i wanted to develop this topic, therefore that it seems to me that there are absolutely disgraceful titles, absolutely disgraceful accents, whether it is from a misunderstanding of the context. whether it is from a lack of understanding of ukraine in general, and you know, it is not even a matter of emphasizing some things, attributes, stereotypes that have already been proven by the fact checker, by fact-checkers, i'm sorry, and at the political level, at the diplomatic level, this has already been said, discussed, i don't want to multiply them now, but the lack of awareness of... cause-and-effect relationships, what, well, europe, the world forgets, sauceberry , kills
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the poisoning of violinists, the use by russia , in fact, of chemical weapons on foreign territory, that this is not a war, and the reaction, just the expulsion of diplomats, yes, it is a powerful reaction, it seemed at the time, but now we have a number of countries, in particular one of our neighbors , where russians come freely. which preserves whether specifically, or not specifically, air contacts with countries through which russians can freely enter europe . to the country, a candidate for european membership, our neighbor, it is from serbia, from yerevan, that is, if, to be detailed, it is possible to go through turkish, it is no secret, the republic of moldova, there is no large diaspora in armenia, for which, i want, i i understand what you are talking about, i want to emphasize a little, and even emphasize your
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answer, see, again, looking at the european media, i ... it seems that this context, that language is important, we absolutely do not tolerate diplomatically beyond the borders of our state, and boris johnson, who is there, relatively speaking, a friend of ukraine, he is submitting this peace plan of his without understanding at all, it seems to me as a victory, where, for example, i will quote that russia will be sold for russia, so to speak, that in ukraine there will be special means of protection for... speakers of the russian language, special means of protection for speakers of the russian language, this is what they are talking about , they don't understand the fact that in kyiv further on, for some reason we do not understand this, they communicate freely in russian, and russian is also spoken a lot on the streets of the city - that is, it seems to me that it is precisely here that we are not working on the international arena, that is, about the language that matters , ukrainians themselves are to blame, we understand how many
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russian-speaking ukrainians have moved to europe now, and everyone thinks, well, for them, this is absolutely normal. that is, the problem is already in your international context, how will i change it, i will bring it to this, what you asked, i will conclude my opinion, how many russians fled from russia, with the time of the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and how many of them are the same wretches on the benches, waiting for their time, language matters first of all for us, and with the europeans we have to say what... what for all of us together with them has the importance of security, after prioritizing our honoring of a figure like irina farion, we must talk to europeans about these security holes that will put both our citizens and their citizens at risk in the future, because this year
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began with spain having killed by the russian special services, there is a pilot who defected. countries, this is also a political massacre, i am not comparing, obviously these figures, but i am comparing the methods by which russia works, and it does this not only on the territory of ukraine, we, we feel this fear, because our war is for survival, europeans they do not feel this fear, vienna turns into the center of a spy hub, where officials pay for political murders with russians in cash, the european parliament is ahead. during the european elections, two or three espionage scandals were exposed, what is it? well they are not there, the telegrams are being monitored by these people who were, how much has not yet been exposed, i.e. ukraine, after we survive these difficult days, we must raise these issues with renewed vigor, because it is obvious that the lists
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with which the russians came in at the start of a full-scale invasion, we know that. it was said about this more than once, that they made lists of both journalists and cultural figures, obviously no one hid these lists anywhere, absolutely, just everything, everything, god forbid, but they count on exactly this, they count, that this time will come, and i would very much like our special services, together with european special services and partners in western countries, to prevent it from coming, because... ukraine cannot oppose such scale, such systematic actions that russia carries out together with its proxies, abroad, they do what they want in other countries and in ukraine, sowing fear, we are well done, we can consolidate, we can at least consolidate, we can at least see what we are consolidating against, in european
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countries a number of countries, i do not take the eastern one a little bit of europe. especially the baltic countries, they understand what it is about, what russia is like, beyond, they, they don't even see what we need to unite against, that is, what we are talking about, this story should not wake up not only us, it should once again wake us up, so that we talk to our partners in a new way, so that they see the threat that is not only in front of us, but also in front of them, because it is also happening on the territory of other countries, it is terrible, but at the same time, all europeans , the whole world community, mr. taras batenko, i will ask you a question, with such, you know, they say with almost certainty that the bloggers are international, that there will be negotiations. there is already a lot to agree on, johnson came from the united states of america, he brought his peace plan, so there are many points that, in principle , can be good for our country, well
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, there about language, in particular, maybe they just didn’t understand how important it is for ukraine, maybe we don't explain enough to them how important it is to us, now kuleba is going to china, china is updating its plan again shared through a slash with brazil, like president zelensky. responds that yes, we got to know him, well, it feels like everything is moving towards some kind of process that will lead to at least a ceasefire, this is, speaking from watching western media, on the other hand, what we say in our studio, we understand that for russia any reconciliation with ukraine, as long as russia has at least some strength, is such a rather phantasmagoric scenario. you and i absolutely agree with you, everything is moving towards the fact that, in any case, there may be a hot phase of the war completed, in any case, i understand that
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this is exactly what our high command and the president are aiming for, we understand and feel how many people we lose, how many fighters we lose every day, and ukraine is not eternal, we cannot compete in this regard . in these parameters, human destinies, lives , we cannot compete with russia, as in other parameters, and when colleagues say that we need to constantly appeal to europe, to the west, that they remember their security, and how much can you appeal, i understand that they forgot, the second world war ended a long time ago, but there are other circumstances that can remind of it, which constantly remind of these circumstances as well. not so, it is not so far from us, we are tied to, unfortunately, the elections that are taking place, we see that the elections change the picture in the world, these elections could bring
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the right-wing to power, the right-wing has pro-russian sentiments, some right-wing forces carry with them pro-russian traces, thank god that they did not win in the european parliament, as we did, as some expected, and the picture of support for ukraine and security, the picture could have been completely different, if the european... parliament was more pro-russian than i expected, let's say it becomes, i'm sorry that i have to voice my remark to you, it seems to me that after all, ukraine really does a lot at such an official level, but not all mechanisms of interaction with europeans are used, maybe we are not few enough, maybe there are not enough of you , that is, not many, but i will give you an example. i just finished researching this topic, but in the european parliament these reformists, who seem to be so moderate right, they are partners with the republican
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party of the usa, so transcontinental, what a colorful political spectrum we have in ukraine, what do all these parties do, there is no partner from ukraine, for some reason, why there is no partner, george maloney is our friend, a friend of ukraine, she, why are they orban they are taming it down a bit, the reformists do not have a partner party from ukraine, why? use this mechanism: advance the security agenda? we will now enter into a deep discussion for an hour or two at least, so there is no time for that, i mean we are leaving tomorrow united states of america, our delegation, which, we represent the temporary special commission on monitoring the provision of western arms, this is already our fourth trip, right in the middle of the presidential campaign. well , at the same time, we will certainly have meetings with representatives of the house of representatives and the senate, senators who represent both political parties, to understand what the mood is, what the potential is, what
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the potential change in those moods can be in terms of the security situation that you are talking about, if the white house changes, it means if the president in the white house changes, well , he will definitely change, because joe biden is not leaving, so we need to prepare for something and also prepare for something on the front, i think that the diplomatic ones. .. the steps taken by the minister of foreign affairs, after visiting china for a long period of time, meeting with his visa holder, is also a signal that diplomatic steps are being sought to, let's say, pacify russia and to find that peace for of ukraine, which would be the most profitable conditions for ukraine, for the sake of preserving statehood, for the sake of preserving the nation, its identity, for the sake of... preserving the resources it has, because we can lose much more, and then, well, forgive us, neither the eu nor the ghostly the hope for nato may be so distant that
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one may not even live to see it. to her , whether nato will not survive, whether we will not survive and so on, therefore, in fact , a lot is at stake, and diplomacy will now play a very large role, and we will see, obviously closer to the presidential elections, that it implemented, in which peace initiatives. we say goodbye to the viewers of the tv channel, we have a limited time on the air, thank you for being with us, tune in next thursday, and we will see you on this air, take care. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints, you can also walk with dolgit cream, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain, there are discounts, the only discounts
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11:00 pm
ukrainian deputies who will vote. the law prohibiting the uoc-mp is threatened by american sanctions, as the deputies themselves say. does this mean that there will be no ban, we are talking about that today, as well as who and how they are using this topic during the election campaign in the united states, but we start with the murder of irina farion. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. a murder suspect was detained in dnipro politician and linguist iryna farion. the suspect is 18 years old. as the journalists of radio liberty's schema program found out, the boy studied at the dnipro gymnasium no. 62. he played football at the city's children's and youth sports school. journalists contacted the suspect's father. in the comment, the man said that he was serving, he had not seen his son for a long time, but he learned about his detention from his wife. i haven't seen my son personally at the front for a long time now, we talked regularly and...


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