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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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and i think that they may fall to the fate of the next president of the united states, and if it is kamala harris, we will see how she makes these decisions, it will be her decisions. sergey kudelya, a professor of political science at baylor university, joined our broadcast. i welcome you, good afternoon, and i will ask you the same question as the guest. answered, what can ukraine expect from kamala garis, well, if she really becomes the president? but the logic of the election campaign, it definitely pushes kamela harris to take a position in contrast to donald trump. that is, if trump positions himself as a peacemaker who will force ukraine to sign some agreements with putin, then kamela harris will definitely emphasize that she is going to defend the interests of democracy. the world
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remains a recognized nato defense alliance and will continue to provide military assistance to ukraine, that is, these key messages that joe biden spoke with, they will be preserved, at least in her election campaign. however, it seems to me that from specifically her strategy after being elected to the post of president, and it seems to me that it is not so clear and not so clear. ka'. haris, she is not as experienced in foreign policy as joe biden was, and she did participate in many international conferences, in particular in the munich conference, they met with volodymyr zelensky, but at the same time, foreign policy was not what she did in the position of vice president, she was mainly engaged in domestic issues, and therefore, i think, she will be more of a granddaughter in matters, especially the ukrainian, russian-ukrainian war than joe biden. and in this case,
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it seems to me that it is more correct to compare kamalo harris with barack obama. as we remember, barack obama, he was much more cautious in his presidency than joe biden, and the question of escalation or avoiding a possible military escalation always dominated his foreign policy decisions. and in this sense, it seems to me that kamela harris will also depart from these principles, the principles of avoiding escalation in relations with russia. but on the other hand, you said that she is not very experienced when it comes to foreign policy, but i have to note here, she is a prosecutor, and it would seem that for prosecutors, the issue of justice is extremely important, and if we are talking about russia's war against ukraine, war crimes and the abduction of ukrainian children are taking place here, and everything else that might appeal to her as a prosecutor, i agree with you that her... prosecutorial
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past definitely makes her particularly sensitive to issues of some international crimes which were committed on the territory of ukraine during the war, but at the same time, it is not only about the prosecution of these crimes, because the united states or the president of the united states do not have the tools that a prosecutor has in matters of, for example, internal jurisdiction, but it is about the issue of foreign policy strategy formation, and so there are a lot more factors that she has... should have taken into account, and it's also important to mention here that her current adviser, foreign policy adviser, phil gordon, he's quite an experienced diplomat who has held leading positions in state department during the administration of barack obama, and if phil gordon remains in his position, it seems to me that he will receive the position of national security adviser in the administration of kamela harris, then this tension between. the obama presidency and
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the harris presidency can be even more clearly manifested. as far as i understand, this is what the american press writes, i understand, you also have no doubt that if, if kamala harris becomes president, then, for example, this is biden's inner circle, as an adviser to national security jake sullivan, or secretary of state anthony blinken, or defense secretary lloyd austin, they will most likely lose their positions and she will surround herself with people she trusts her people. for... there is always this tradition in the united states that a new president comes and brings a new team with him, so i have absolutely no doubts that there will be completely new people in these positions, in these positions. and i still have a question about kamala harris's foreign policy, but it already concerns her policy regarding what the kremlin, what can it be? i would also mention the role of the so -called russian opposition, i remember, just during the munich conference or after it, when it became known about the death of navalny.
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kamala harris seems to have written this whole op-ed with words of support for yulia navalny in the times, if i'm not mistaken. yes, of course, and it's not just channels. these are generally many democrats who are interested in foreign policy, they try to emphasize that there is a difference between the us position on putin and the putin regime with on the one hand, and the position of the united states regarding relations with the russian people on the other hand, and this desire to find good russians, among the russian opposition, it is very clearly manifested among such liberals, for example, foreign policy experts as michael mcfaul, or kamela hairis on this spoke, and joe biden also spoke about it, they proceed from the position that the combined shata should be ready for a possible regime change in moscow, and in fact the key goal of the usa is not the defeat of russia, but the change of the political regime in
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russia from an authoritarian to a democratic one, and is with from the point of view of ukrainians, of course, this is a completely false position, because... it seems to us that there is no special difference between the russian democrats of yeltsin's time and the russian imperialists of putin's time, but many in the american political establishment believe that there is such a difference, and moscow's policy may be radically different in relation to ukraine, if canceled, this political regime will change. but if we talk about her relations with the kremlin, then... they are, well, nothing, no surprises it is not worth waiting, it is unlikely that she will really try to go to some connection with putin there, we have not heard any statements on the topic of negotiations with putin or possible peace agreements, and as i have already said, the logic of the political
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presidential campaign will push her to radicalization position on putin, which is actually for us for ukraine is quite beneficial, because the contrast between trump and kamala. harris will be evident, as trump continues to speak from the point of view of the need to reach some compromises with the kremlin, and it forces forces forces will force camelo harris to abandon any prospect of peace talks. what are the chances of kamala harris winning now, because, for example, donald trump has already managed to declare that he will easily defeat, as he calls her, an angry and terrible woman, he will win effortlessly, but realistically. to what extent does it pose a serious challenge to him? it is a surprise for donald trump, because trump was waiting for a rematch with biden, he was convinced until the last that biden would be his
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competitor, opponent in these elections, and with from this point of view, she is not quite a convenient candidate for him, as we see the unity of the democratic party around kamela harris. this is a surprise for many experts, because many believed that the democrats will argue among themselves for this position, compete, we see a significant increase in financial infusions into the campaign of kamela harris in the last few days, up to 100 million dollars, this is a very significant financial support for the campaign , and we're seeing tremendous enthusiasm among democrats, the democratic environment for the candidacy of camila harris, because she promises for americans for the first time not only ... the possibility of a woman becoming president of the united states, but also that this woman will be a representative of a national minority, she will be the first black woman president, she will be the first woman born of immigrants to become president, and this will help, in my opinion, to increase the growth
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of the turnout among the democrats, precisely because of the turnout among the democrats, biden managed to defeat donald trump four years ago, he had ... both trump and biden, they got more votes than in previous times, but biden had a much higher turnout in those states where he supports, where there was high support for democrats. so, it's actually quite likely that kamela harry's chances will increase over the next few months, but there are several factors that leave the outcome of this race unclear, or... uncertain, one of those factors being her public behavior, so that over the past few years, many people have noticed that she sometimes gets confused in her statements, she is not very clear exactly spoke out on issues of domestic policy, and especially issues of immigration, and we
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remember that when she became the vice president, she was assigned to deal with the issues of illegal migration, this issue turned out to be a failure for her, and for many... yoh voters, for for a significant number of voters in the united states, the issue of migration is now, if not number one, then number two. and another issue that is very important for americans now is the issue of rising prices, inflation. economic troubles and kemal and haris will find it very difficult to distance themselves from politics joe biden, because they made this decision together, and the economy that we have in the united states right now is the result of not only president biden, but also vice president camila harris, and it's on these two issues that donald trump still has significant advantages, so will kamla kharyts manage to switch the attention of americans to some other issues? and how to gain the wider support of american society in this way,
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not only democrats, is a question that remains open. and i have one last question, it is not entirely relevant domestic policy of the united states, but today we discussed the topic of banning the ukrainian orthodox church, the potential ban of the ukrainian orthodox church in ukraine, and we know that kyiv received a signal from washington not to vote for this bill, that's what the people's deputies tell us, tell us how much the united states... now do narratives prevail that the ukrainian government persecutes christians, to what extent does ukraine make efforts to dispel these narratives and convince that this is not the case, and to what extent is this used in the election campaign? so far, this topic is not was used in the election race, we haven't heard statements from key players mentioning this topic, but of course personalities like tucker calson, that is , representatives of the far right wing of the republican party, who are obviously
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part of donald trump's entourage, they have been promoting this topic and mentioning this topic for many months, since last year, takir kalson has repeatedly devoted his programs to this very topic, and therefore, of course, this is a very sensitive topic for a significant number of conservative voters in the united states, since it is not only about the persecution of christians, it is about them. the opinion is about the violation of basic religious freedoms, and as we know, in the united states, in the constitution, the first amendment of the american constitution, it says that the state has no right to limit the religious freedoms of citizens, and to prohibit any religious organizations, and despite what, we definitely know that the organization that is going to be banned in ukraine has long-standing ties with russia, with the kremlin, must be under political influence. kremlin, but these details are unknown to the average american, and
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it seems to me that it will be difficult to somehow convey this information, these facts to the american public, and therefore this criticism that comes from the right-wing radical republicans about the restriction of religious freedom, it is unfortunately also used to explain why ukraine needs to stop provide military aid. so it seems to me that the position of washington, if indeed this information that you received from your experts in washington is confirmed, the position of the white house is precisely that it is necessary to avoid any sensitive issues that would give weapons to critics or enemies, opponents of ukraine in the united states, to limit support for ukraine. extremely interesting and informative, thank you very much, serhii kudelya, professor of political science at baylor university. was on radio svoboda. we have everything for today. i encourage you to subscribe
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what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts. reso evaluates events, analyzes them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, the ukrainian program is on the air. voice of america chas time, i am the host oleksiy kovalenko. us president joe biden, in an address to the country, explained his decision no to run for president again because he is passing the baton to a new generation and supported the candidacy of vice president kamela harris. in the speech, he also highlighted the main priorities for his presidency until the end of his term, which ends in january.
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what exactly will these priorities be and how biden justified his decision to withdraw his candidacy from the presidential race, let's talk with my colleague maria. which joins our broadcast. maria, congratulations, congratulations. maria, as president biden actually explained his decision, what was the most important thing you heard in his speech, and what will biden focus on during the remaining six months of his presidency? so oleksiy, we can say that this was the first of joe biden's farewell speeches. he has been in american politics for more than 50 years, but he will not run for office anymore, he will do his own business. and when... he explained this decision to his constituents and to the american people, he talked about the fact that he has a lot of respect for this office, but more than this office, he still loves his country, he said that personal ambitions cannot stand in the way of democracy and that it is time to give way to the younger generation. in addition, he also said that the united states is not ruled by kings and dictators, but by the people, and it is the people who should make that choice, and
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he said that the idea of ​​america is in the hands of americans, and he also emphasized and urged his constituents to support . candidate and vote for her in the elections. democratic media have already reacted to this speech of his, they highly praised it. in particular, atlantic magazine even compared the president to the roman emperor cincinnatus, who came to power to save rome from crisis, in times of crisis, but as soon as those times of crisis passed, he gave up that power to engage in agriculture. as for joe biden's priorities for the few months left in his term, he said he will continue to address the issue.
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i will continue to work to keep america strong and safe and the leader of the free world. i am the first president in this century which reports to the american people that the united states is not at war anywhere in the world. we will continue to unite a coalition of proud nations to stop putin and prevent him from taking over ukraine and causing more damage. we will continue to strengthen nato. i will make it stronger and more united than ever in our history. maria, we have already heard quite a lot of criticism from donald trump and the republicans against biden and harris, what exactly is their criticism about? so former president donald trump. managed not only to make several statements in his own social networks, he also gave an interview to the fox news channel, and he said, stated, in particular, that the removal of biden and his
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forced statement is the result of a palace coup and a mutiny within the democrats, citing his own sources, donald trump says that after the debate, the democrats saw that joe biden could no longer win the election, they did not want him to run, and then, as donald trump says, in the nenets strip , barack obama and other democrats. forced joe biden to withdraw his candidacy and simply kicked him out of the presidential campaign, that according to donald trump, i will remind you. as for the speech itself, trump called it very weak, but he also made an important statement, he said that whether to step down as president or not is up to joe biden and his voters, and he also emphasized that if it does happen, then the outcome will be even worse for the united states than if it had not. it was a terrible speech. and horribly enunciated, he looked like he was in trouble, but if you watch other channels you'd think he was ronald reagan in the best of times or vinson churchill in the best
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of times, but he wasn't them, it wasn't good, it wasn't a good speech, the way he looked, sounded everything, and you know, it's so fake what's going on, the press is like that, that's it so not real, everyone can see, it was a problem, he is a problem, should he leave? i think it depends on him and it depends on the people and i don't think they should use the 25th amendment, he recently used it. you know, we have four months now and he has another month and a half, but i will say, the world is in a very dangerous situation. i think if he goes she will take his place and she is worse than him. actually, we heard donald trump talking about kamela harris, and as we know, kamela harris has already officially announced that she is running for office. president, how is her campaign progressing already? and oleksiy, just four days after it started, this presidential campaign was restarted, and it is already led by
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kamela garis, who will probably be the candidate from the democrats, and the main focus is on what focuses on kamela garis, she contrasts her experience as a former crime-fighting prosecutor with the situation she finds herself in now, as the democratic nominee against the republican nominee. trump, whom i will remind you, has a 34- count criminal indictment, on which he was found guilty by a jury in new york. in turn, donald trump has also managed to set up his campaign, he says that kamela harris is the face of this corrupt, as he says, justice system that is persecuting him, yes at his rally in north carolina, speaking yesterday, he said that president joe biden is trying to put him in jail, but... kamela haris is behind it all, along with radical leftist judges. he calls kamela garis now the most radicalized political figure and also blames her for the migration crisis. and there is another
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interesting decision: today the house of representatives , 220 votes to 196, passed a resolution condemning the administration of biden and kamela harris, as they say, the queen, but that means the security supervisors border, and they're blaming the... the biden administration, particularly for their failure to provide that border security, the statement was also from mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, he said that since vice president harris was appointed overseer of the biden administration on border affairs, because she has done nothing to solve this migration crisis, i will remind you, this is only the fourth day of the restart of this presidential campaign, and we still have a lot of interesting things to do, oleksii. maria, thank you very much, i will remind our viewers that on my colleague maria olinovska was in touch with us. american and canadian fighter jets intercepted russian and chinese tu-95 and h6 bombers near alaska. russian and chinese aircraft remained in
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international airspace and did not enter the sovereign airspace of the united states or canada, the north american aerospace defense command reported. they added that they do not consider this flight a threat. for his part, the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, said that rival countries are constantly checking the united states. and always in washington. ready to respond appropriately. this was not a surprise to us, we closely monitored these aircraft, tracked them and intercepted them, which shows that our armed forces are always on the alert and that we have very good observation capabilities. of course, i won't discuss intelligence on this podium, but this is the first time we've seen these two countries fly in this way. as for the message that the russians and the chinese are sending, i'll tell you the message that we're sending, and it's that we 're going to be on the alert, we're on
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ready, and we will always be... ready, we will defend this country, so if there is a challenge or threat to the united states of america, our troops will be ready, and they will do the right thing. on thursday, russia convened a meeting of the un security council to once again condemn foreign aid to ukraine. they invited the pro-russian ex-minister of foreign affairs of austria to speak, how ukraine and its partners in the un react to similar events, let's talk with our un correspondent iryna solymka. congratulations iryna. iryna, what is actually happening at the un, what does russia want to achieve with its meeting? congratulations oleksya. yes, today already at 16, starting from september 2022, russia convened a meeting to discuss these western supplies of western weapons to ukraine, because according to the estimates of experts and diplomats, this is already the topic of ostogidl atu, because i will remind you, this is the 16th meeting , yes. that is
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, russia tries every time... to invite as many such high-profile and controversial speakers as possible, and this time, because the previous times it is usually some representative of the west, who is very critical disposed towards this event, particularly the united states, and very pro-russian, and this time, as you said, it was the former minister of foreign affairs of austria, kerin kneisel, and accordingly, let me remind our yes viewers that this is the same former european a politician to the wedding of whom... in august 2018 , putin personally came, gave her such expensive gifts, after that she was a member of the supervisory board, respectively, the board of directors of rosneft, and already in the fall of 2022 , she began writing columns in russian newspaper newspaper, and will also begin to be a columnist for such a channel as russia now, and accordingly, sometime in the summer of last year , information appeared that she
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had come to russia in general and now... lives in the rezyan region in some village there, yes speaking, she actually tried to paint such a terrible picture of the future, yes, in particular , she said that the war is an uncontrolled arms market, and she tried to say that all the weapons that ukraine is currently receiving will eventually end up in the hands of terrorists, or, respectively, in the hands of organized crime, it will have a very bad effect, respectively, on the security situation in the region, and it was based on these conclusions, and from... based on the experience of the war in yugoslavia and the conflict in lebanon. alexei ukraine reacts to similar meetings. what are the positions of the ukrainian representatives at the un? yes, oleksiy. when russia presides over the security council, that is, ukraine tries to formally ignore it in principle. that is, and there are two reasons for this, first of all, that in principle, this is a country that is an aggressor, and that
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waging war against. country, but the other position is that, in principle, russia illegally obtained this position, and accordingly, when it presides, that is, it is illegitimate, and this was also stated today in the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, which sounded, and also in in principle, it was noted there that in fact , ukraine's presence at the meeting today is not a logical continuation of this policy, during the russian presidency this month, ukraine only once participated in the meeting, when it concerned the shelling of okhmedit, therefore... in this it was important to be present at the time, moreover, ukraine initiated this meeting, but in general, i managed to communicate with the ukrainian ambassador serhii kaslytsyu, and he explains his position, so you can hear it now. actually, this will be the 14th meeting on the topic of supplying western weapons to ukraine, it will be a propaganda show,
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a propaganda show. show from its drawer, the russians will take out one star, who is very famous for his eccentric anti-ukrainian, anti-european statements, and as they say in our country, i'm not going to hold a candle to this propaganda show, i'm sure that a healthy part, and a healthy majority of the security council, including our ... closest partners, not even at the level of ambassadors, because as a rule, ambassadors do not go to such shows , but at the level, for example, of political coordinators, they will give a worthy rebuff to another propaganda program of the russian federation. iryna, we have little time left, have you heard any international reactions from the ukrainian partners of the un. so,


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