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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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about why it is so important now to ban the moscow church in ukraine, which , after all, is not really a church at all, considering what it does, what it is, what it says, but is some kind of pseudo-religious structure, and so ms. lyudmila explained why, well, let's move on to the news, congratulations, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new one. in a two-hour format, even more
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analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22, good evening, we are from ukraine. well, let me start with this: the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained, he turned out to be an 18-year-old resident of dnipro. it was he who was recorded by video surveillance cameras. during the preparation of the crime, the suspect rented at least three apartments in lviv. this was announced by the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko. according to him, the shooter is most likely only the perpetrator of the murder, so they will also look for the person who ordered it. i will remind you that... expert irina
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farion was shot on july 19 near her house, the bullet hit her in the head, the woman was hospitalized in critical condition, four hours later she, unfortunately, died in the hospital. his father is in the war, he lives with his mother, he is a decent guy, we were friends, he studied well, i would never have thought that he would do such a thing, i am sure, he did not do such a thing. well , ihor klymenko, i watched his speech, he did not say which versions are being considered, he only said that there is one of the versions, it is an order, and the order comes from russia, and one of the versions is a professional activity mrs. iryna farion herself, but he is nothing like that anymore told, but i was also watching another direct speech in front of the air, the neighbor was talking about this... guy, what, oh no, he couldn't
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have done such a thing, well, i don't know, our law enforcement agencies very quickly found a trail, well , at least this suspect, whom even mr. klymenko called the probable perpetrator, well , we'll see what happens next, we should wait for the investigation, we'll see how it goes, but it's also interesting that the law enforcement officers already know a lot, i read this on the internet in telegram, i also read a lot information about it, they know practically. about every step of this suspect, where he walked, he was caught on surveillance cameras, they know that he came by train to lviv, they know that he also went back to dnipro by train, well, in a word, they know a lot, and i really hope , that in the near future they will hold a press conference and tell us more details about this brutal murder, and i really hope that they caught the very person who committed this crime. the occupiers first
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hit kupyansklovo with a high-explosive aerial bomb 1500. one man was injured, the national police informed. in general, fap-1500 bombs are very powerful and have a larger radius of damage. they are launched from the su-34 aircraft. but in the kyiv region, debris from the shaheds damaged three private houses, a garage, a shop, an administrative building, and a car. fires broke out in houses. the fire was quickly reported to the state emergency service, there were no casualties or injuries. and the good news is that four more children were returned from the temporarily occupied kherson region, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military-civilian administration, said. after two years of separation , a 14-year-old boy hugged his mother. also now another teenager is safe under the care of relatives. a month ago, the fsb detained his parents. nothing about them yet. unknown
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volunteers managed to bring out two more children deprived of parental care. since the beginning of this year, more than 150 children have been evacuated from the occupied left bank. by the end of the summer , the netherlands and denmark will send 14 leopard tanks to ukraine, the ministry of defense of the netherlands informed. the used tanks were repaired by the german company rain metal, and the first 12 armored vehicles will be with us very soon. this weapon will play an important role in protection from russian troops, the ministry emphasized. it is also interesting that serhiy zgurets, my colleague, said... half an hour ago in the military results of the day that it is currently unknown, somewhere in some third countries these broken tanks were bought and repaired, but in which third countries it is currently unknown, and it is interesting only that there are still many third countries that have leopards and that can sell these leopards for
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cheap so that our partners can repair them, that's really interesting. soldiers of the 31st separate mechanized brigade at night broke through the enemy... encirclement near the village of progress in donetsk region. such a decision was made by the personnel, instead , the brigade commander could not give the order to break through, deepstate reported. according to the online resource, a delay of at least a couple of hours could lead to a second ring of encirclement. i am happy for the boys, and we are all happy for the boys, but here you know what could be an incident, what could be a collision, so that they are not brought to justice for not fulfilling the order. they went to their boss themselves, they decided to leave the field themselves fight, i am begging this very much, so that this does not happen, but thank god that they escaped and are alive and well. the enemy's possibilities are unlimited, the russians will not be able to conduct active assaults in many
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directions at the same time in a month and a half. the occupiers will be on the defensive, said the commander of the national guard, oleksandr pivnenko. the enemy is constantly taking casualties, so defense forces must adapt. gradually change the management model and look for weak points. hachuk svaim. the project under this name started in ukraine. this is an online database of information about convicted russian agents and traitors. it is coordinated by the main directorate of intelligence, the security service and the office of the ombudsman of ukraine. the program promotes the exchange of prisoners and the return of ukrainian citizens to their homes. the information will be made public. on the website only with consent, you can fill out the questionnaire yourself, having gone through several stages of authorization, from technical verification over the phone, to checking the questionnaires by law enforcement agencies, then information about those willing to go to the aggressor country will be passed on to representatives of enemy state structures for
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exchange organizations. about 500 people gave their consent for the exchange. participation in this program, more than 200 people out of these 500 agreed to publish their data in this project, that is, currently these people are counting on exchange in the russian federation, but you can make sure that russia is in no hurry to take their own. on the website , under each case, there is a countdown of how long this person is waiting for the exchange. this project can become the very tool for accelerating the return of civilians, that's why we have created it. we apologize to all citizens who do not want to live in ukraine, but wants to live in russia, leave applications on the website, and we will do everything possible to get you to russia, and ukraine returned as many of its citizens as possible, returned everyone. if you want to yours, go to yours,
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just give us back ours. in action , the international register of damages in the hague became operational, so ukrainians can apply for compensation from them. housing as a result of russian aggression, minister of digital transformation mykhailo federov said. you can use the service even if the victims did not apply for the program restoration, whether the house is located in the temporarily occupied territory. well, now it's time to immerse myself in my element. what is the prime minister of georgia afraid of, olaf scholz explained why he allowed to hit targets in russia, but why not... there are long-range missiles and does china want peace in ukraine? about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. but they start with this. washington will maintain
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a coalition of states in support of ukraine and to oppose russia. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, said this the day before during a speech from white's oval office home to american. people, according to him, this should be done in order to prevent russia from gaining victory in its aggressive war against ukraine. at the same time , he is the current owner of the main american estate. tony also said that until the end of his term, he will continue to strengthen nato in order to make the north atlantic alliance, followed by a brief quote from joe biden, stronger and more united than at any time in our history. well, it is also interesting that joe biden said that he would also help partners in the indo-pacific region, and commented on why he withdrew his... candidacy from the pre-election race and motivated it by giving way to the younger
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generation. well, thank you joe biden for all he has done. now we are still waiting for the elections and the end of these elections, because it is not known what can happen there, everything has changed, everything has turned upside down. the chancellor of germany explained the decision to allow german weapons to hit targets on the territory of erefi, which is located right next to the border. with the kharkiv region. according to olaf scholz, it was must be done in order to make it difficult for russia to strike at kharkiv. the head of the german government said this during the traditional summer press conference. at the same time, olaf scholz once again emphasized that he will not provide the defense forces of ukraine with long-range missiles and motivates his refusal, well, as always. this can lead, in his opinion, to an escalation of the situation on the battlefield, as well as to an increase in tension between. russia and the west, which could hypothetically drag germany into the war.
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formation of a sustainable system through negotiations security in europe will be the only way out of the crisis, so the word crisis was in ukraine. this was announced by the press secretary of the chinese embassy in the united states, liu penyu. according to him, the only way out will be to observe the legitimate interests in the field of security of all parties and establish a balanced one. an effective and stable system of european security, and for this, added the representative of the foreign policy department of the celestial empire, dialogue and negotiations are needed, and the ambassador added, quote: china has repeatedly emphasized that fanning the flames, pouring oil on the fire and shifting the blame is not the right way to solve ukraine's problems. we need a fair and sustainable peace, not its illusion, the minister said. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kulebe said following the meeting with his chinese colleague wang in beijing.
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according to him, the head of the foreign policy department of the celestial empire completely agreed with him that it is necessary to look for long-term, not temporary solutions. at the same time, dmytro kuleba proved ukraine's consistent position so far, which consists in the readiness to conduct a negotiation process with by the russian side at a certain stage when russia will be ready for these negotiations. virtuously, but emphasized that currently such readiness is not observed on the russian side. well, and more about what he came with, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, will come from the celestial empire, what was agreed upon and, in general, whether peace is needed in ukraine and china, i will talk to dmytro yefremov, an expert of the ukrainian association of chinese studies. mr. dmytro, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. good evening, mr. dmytro, what was the main goal anyway dmytro kuleba's visit to the celestial empire and
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can it be called so successful? sorry for the pun, the purpose was to make a visit, a visit, the purpose of a visit was to make a visit, right? would you please explain what is meant, that is, a visit for the sake of a visit, yes? basically yes, that's basically what i meant, but it was such a test. yes, because i will remind you that china ignored ukraine for a long time, tried to avoid contacts with the highest officials and diplomats of ukraine, and now we have a precedent that shows that something has changed, something china changed its mind and began to change approach, this visit, let's say, does not show us at the moment that china began to interpret or explain something differently, but the fact that it agreed to such... dialogue, moreover, it itself invited the minister of foreign affairs, shows that in china there are certain fears,
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expectations, and most likely, in my opinion, they are not related to russia or ukraine, but related to the united states, related to the european union, and china's relations with these partners, so that to somehow strengthen their position in the ukrainian direction, and also to demonstrate it to... the west, the approach has changed somewhat in china, the chinese side invited dmytro kuleba, but it was not beijing, but guain jol, which testifies to... something, in particular , that this is more of a working visit , and not a visit to the official territory of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china, and the fact that this visit , i repeat myself, is of such a trial nature, yes, therefore, the chinese side was regularly reminded by all european leaders who visited china or with whom
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the chinese chairman of the people's republic of china met republic, yes, what... relations with the european union is for china depending on its position on ukraine, and apparently beijing wants to modify something in this. mr. dmytro, does kyiv see the leadership of china, in general, and xi jinping, in particular, as a kind of mediator in possible negotiations? i do not think that ukraine will offer china to speak. an exclusive intermediary or mediator in the dialogue or in search of a dialogue with russia regarding the end of the war, but most likely it will be such a pool of participants of such a dialogue with whom ukraine will have case, and one of them is china, because the idea
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that china can radically change putin's position after the war is still dominant both in ukraine and in the west, we... see that putin is not currently showing any readiness for serious negotiations, and the minister, in fact, emphasized this while communicating with his chinese colleague that russia is behaving dishonestly with regard to peace negotiations, and from this point of view, china is important, its presence, that is, that there should be some force that will push and the russian side to communications, in this case in... china, but is ukraine important for china now, that is, does china really want peace in ukraine, long-term and stable, as it constantly says. the most important question is the truth, and it is true, as you emphasize, that china officially says that it is interested in peace and in its own way, as china says, is making efforts to achieve this peace, but in the essence of these
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efforts, we are not we see, they are not clear, yes, sometimes there are... initiatives that radically go against the interests of ukraine. i would remind, for example, a sino-brazilian initiative on how the war should be settled. and, by the way, the chinese foreign ministry refers to it in its press release, which would suggest a very intensive communication with russia at the level of the highest officials of the country. all this shows that china has a specific position, we do not fully understand... whether it needs peace or not, because there are many factors that push it to prevent the establishment of peace, and many factors , which, on the contrary, stimulate china to take measures to prevent war was, the war was stopped, that's why it's not very clear and clear yet, well, i understand, and also about sino-russian relations, what about
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china, what with russia, he is talking about, especially putin is talking about it, that the relations between ... the two countries are almost at a better, not at a historical level, in general, but tell me, please, but can china, well, or in a certain period of time, when it will be considered necessary in china, can, well, i will say such a word, to wake up russia, to roll over, easily, easily they can, it is very widespread and for for china, and for russia itself, the practice, the manner of introducing cases, and i would also like to draw attention to one nuance, the one you voiced, that it is as if it is considered that china is actually such a close ally of the russian federation, or, as it is the master, in what the russian federation comes under subordination, in fact, this is very, very far from the truth, because both china and russia treat each other with a great deal
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of suspicion, they generally declare some kind of friendly and warm relations, but in fact what they do is trade with each other. conducted by some military exercises and cooperate on the diplomatic, on the diplomatic front, in the diplomatic arena. everything else they have is in such a decorative, charging state, for example, investments, they practically do not move from china to russia, why because of this mistrust, contacts at the level of people, yes, humanitarian contacts, there are some decorative measures, but there is no visa-free regime for citizens of russia to enter china. many more of these things, they confirm that in fact there is little trust, the only thing that unites them is a common desire to overthrow the united states as... what a player in modern international relations. unfortunately, they cooperate on this topic. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, for participating in the program. thank you very much for your professional comments
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and answers. this is dmytro efremov, an expert of the ukrainian association of china studies. well, let's move on: the leadership of ukraine has always been ready for negotiations with russia, the official representative of the us state department, matthew miller, said this during a regular briefing. he commented on the results meeting of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine , dmytro kuleba, with the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of china, wang yi. he emphasized, mr. miller, that such negotiations should be for the sake of achieving a just and sustainable peace, and at the same time added, further quote from miller. for quite a long time, we have maintained the position that when it comes to diplomacy, the principle of nothing about ukraine without ukraine's participation is used. well, in conclusion, the people of georgia, unlike the ukrainian people, have gained a lot of experience and wisdom not to give in provocations and not to take the country down the path
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of ukraine. prime minister of georgia irakli kobakhidze stated this in an interview with the rustavi 2 tv channel. according to him, there was no such experience in ukraine, and the ukrainian people are therefore in such a difficult situation, he says. at the same time, he also added that georgia will become the second in a matter of days. god, how they are afraid of russia, they are so afraid that they talk such nonsense about ukraine, well, that is their business, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, everything is only for today, tomorrow will be more and more will be in our future broadcast, so don't switch.
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your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, warm li'. calved, there will be walks, swings and bathing, they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we came because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby,
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half the battle is to know how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when... we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that has united around you, now is the time to talk about money, and my colleague oleksandr morshchevka is already in the studio. greetings, yura, in the next few minutes we will talk about excise taxes on fuel, which awaits us ordinary consumers, viewers, wait. everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchenko. greetings, this is a column about
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money during the war. today we are talking about increasing the excise tax on fuel. how will it affect you and me, ordinary ukrainians, business and , in general, filling the state budget. i would like to remind you that the verkhovna rada passed a draft law on increasing the excise tax on fuel. the law is acquired. effective from september 1, they say that bringing excise taxes to the european level is necessary, and this is a kind of demand of the international monetary fund, that ukraine should really look for ways to fill the state coffers, at least by raising taxes. in detail, how this will affect the market, we will talk with yevhen minichenko, director of the supply and sale of petroleum products, an enterprise with foreign investments, amik ukraine. he joins us in the conversation. good evening, good evening, good evening, mr. yevgeny, well, this really went on, discussions on this issue continued, and various
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experts said that... this is essentially a norm of the european union, we are stepping towards the eu, and the adoption of this bill is important , but how will raising the excise duty on fuel affect the retail price on the market? well, i would like to say that there is no clear fixed value of the change in this price, so the ceiling after the excise tax increase, compared to today's prices, is somewhere to add 1.5-2 hryvnias there. hryvnia gasoline and 2 hryvnias for diesel fuel, but first of all, the cost of fuel is influenced by the price conjuncture, global prices, etc., if the price of oil will decrease, the quotation will decrease, then we have every chance to come out with the same prices on september 1, and maybe
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even cheaper. therefore, i believe that, taking into account the trends and dynamics of changes in world quotations, we have every chance not to even feel it. well, we see recently, in particular against the background of a decrease in oil reserves in the united states, in the states, black gold becomes more expensive, that is, how quickly will the increase in the price of barrels be reflected in the domestic ukrainian fuel market? well , this process is constant, because, for example, yesterday oil decreased a little according to statistical data from china, today it increases a little, it's all in dynamics, but as a rule, about three weeks pass after the price changed in the world markets, and so, how does it affect our market, because i will explain why, because considering that
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we import all the fuel now... we import, yes, from neighboring countries, and even not only from neighboring countries, and the united states of america, and kuwait, and sweden, because the geography of supplies is very large, uh, so the process itself is stretched over time, and some goods are on the way, some goods are in storage, in warehouses abroad, so these fluctuations, so to speak, may not change, well, but the price is affected not only. management, as well as the exchange rate, tobish, if the exchange rate decreases, the ceiling price for the consumer will decrease proportionally, well, you touched on the exchange rate, in particular, we know that the euro is rapidly becoming more expensive, in recent weeks, already over 45 hryvnias, if i'm not mistaken, they ask for euros in exchange offices, but how did you tell about the fact that the increase in oil can really
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affect the price there... for several weeks, several months, and how will it affect such sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate, no one knows how much the euro will cost, for example, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, for example, last week the dollar added 25 kopecks or more in just one day, well, the exchange rate is precisely that component of the price value formula that directly affects quickly, because payments and in including payment. excise duty, customs clearance, goods, we are tied under the euro, and payments to our foreign partners, yes, traders, companies that supply this fuel to ukraine, we pay at the current exchange rate, so here the influence is even, i think more, than er, i mean in time, in time faster than the changes in quotations
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in the world of the global markets, but if we go back to the specific excise tax, will all this tax fall on the shoulders of consumers, or will the networks distribute it in some way ? uh, i think, i'll say it again, considering formula pricing of oil products, if oil will become cheaper, the exchange rate may also become cheaper, so what will the consumer benefit from this. will not even feel, given the great competition, both in the domestic market between gas station chains, and the competition of traders who supply fuel to ukraine, i mean foreign ones, then, for example, quotations, fuel premiums at the beginning of the full-scale invasion reached $200, $250, now this figure has almost tripled, then...


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