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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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so you can't speak out against the russian system, it's dangerous, but then you can't speak out against the war, then the russians are afraid, yes, but when there really is something terrible here, namely there is no light, no water, it turns out that they don't have everything, so they went to the meeting and started blocking the streets, these are the residents of the disconnected buildings, the mayor came there, started telling them something, well, in the end, later in this krasnodar, there were people detained for these meetings. yes, and they these rallies eventually ended, the rallies ended, but you know the power outages themselves have not ended and are still ongoing, but you will not learn about it from the russian news anymore, because this topic has completely, completely, completely disappeared from any federal channels, but no, they have been sitting there all south without electricity, well, let it sit and be normal, and it will be , sit more and it will be even more normal, this is the attitude of the russians towards their own
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russians, well, in the end they faced what they tried to push here, now they are shouting, which turns out to be , steal energy and they sell it for export there, and that’s why the russians don’t have it, listen, i didn’t understand something, do we sell more than our citizens need, well, we need to, just let the prosecutor’s office check where and how much is sold, well, no one will check, of course, because again this week, such news, russia and china discussed the possibility of increasing the supply of electricity. energy to
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china, this is written by the russian interfax, and here they are not just an issue of electricity, the possibility of increasing the calculations of the growing consumption in the far east of russia, this reported the ministry of energy of russia, moreover, it is even more interesting there, because now they will build two additional gas stations in the amur region, not in any way. and they stand out there with such pathos . the ministry of energy also announced that they are allocating huge amounts of money for energy development, but for some reason this energy development will not be in the south of russia, not where there are current blackouts, not where they currently have a schedule of forced blackouts, on in the far east, where there are minimal people, where they have almost no industry, but somewhere, for some reason, it is urgently necessary additional energy, not for the russians, for the chinese. this is wonderful news. new
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large power plants and hundreds of kilometers of high-voltage lines will be built within three years in the regions. investments will amount to 800 billion rubles, and most of the funds - 70% - will go to the development of energy in the far east. there are plans to build two gas stations at the tributaries of the amuru at once. this will provide an additional 2.5 gigawatts of energy necessary, including for accelerated industrial development. today we are designing. two hydrostations in the far east, this is in the amur region on tributaries of the amur, lemdzhinsk and nizhnyozeisk. well, only we can look, but where is this beautiful hes that they are projecting in the far east, let's see, it is next to the chinese border, this is the area that you see on the map, where it will all take place, and the komuzhes need it there, well , of course, the chinese, that is, they... specially
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build additional gas stations to provide china, the growing economy of china, electricity, well , why is it in the south of russia, when there are more important things to do here, more important it is more important to provide energy to china, and to the chinese, and not to some residents of the krasnodar krai or the rostov region, what is the need for energy in the krasnodar krai and the region, god will sit down. after all, now it's summer there, the sea is not far away, let them go to the sea, swim, well, or nowhere at all, how long is there that summer, after all, well , what can i say, well, besides this, it is clear that an even worse situation was not even there, in in principle, it appeared on the territory of the occupied territories, because if well the same the krasnodar region is there, and it’s in them, at least somehow it’s in... the entire territory,
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in general, nobody cares about anything there, and there ’s been no energy or water there since the 22nd year, and you know, this also led to to the fact that this week some people there... went to a rally, tried to block the road, well, because they already, when they were talking about the wonderful life in russia, somehow forgot to say that in russia electricity is for the chinese, and not for some russian-speaking residents of the occupied territories, that is, residents of the occupied territories territories, in particular donetsk, they are fighting for it, but for some reason they are fighting in such a way that since the 22nd year there is no electricity, no water, nothing. and now they have come and are asking them to turn on the water, well, at least three times a week, because the water, you know, once every two weeks, it turns out to be somehow small, they did not expect this, you know, the residents of the occupied territories, they
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somehow thought that somehow everything would be different in russia, but no, it will not be different, it will be like this, because it is clear that for the moscow authorities are the chinese. these are important people, yes, they are people of the first class, the russians are people of the second class, well, there are already some residents of the occupied occupied territories of ukraine, well , they are not even people at all without any class, maybe not even people from the point of view - well these are the russian occupiers, so why give them any water, electricity, why spend on them, it’s unclear, that’s why they haven’t spent since the 22nd year and haven’t spent, and that’s why they’re sitting in donetsk, but... you see, somehow it i guess it looked a little bit like that if somewhere in the krasnodar territory you can go to some pickets, well, they can go on a picket, it is not known how it will end for them, how long they will go on that picket, most likely they will be raked and everyone will be sent to the front, since this in principle , it happens en masse in the occupied territories,
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everything that is put forward is immediately rowed to the front, and there it is disposed of, so that ’s the story, you know from them, but let’s find out again... about this the people of russia, and also the occupied territories, maybe only again still from the ukrainian media. moreover, the residents of, for example, rastov, can only find out from us the schedule of outages, which they still have there, and there will be tomorrow, and we can show it to them. the federal tv channels will not show them, but we will show them, so here is rastovan on danuzhytel, watch it so that you know when you will have light, and when you will not have it, well, you will see, in the end. little by little, even to whom something is beginning to reach, they are beginning to write there that maybe it was not necessary to somehow attack the ukrainians so that this kind of thing did not happen later, but for now it doesn’t reach much, i don’t know, maybe it means they have too much electricity, it should be a little less, maybe then somehow more will
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reach, that maybe it wasn’t worth attacking the ukrainians to live on after that, that’s it, yes that such a story is happening with them, well, but there are also good ones. news, yes, there is good news, and 60 minutes from kabiev will also tell you about it, but very specific news, which also somehow does not sound very strong, because we constantly have people here who for some reason believe that historical names, you can't rename anything, and they always shout a lot when they try to change some communist names here, so that there is no such thing, you know, russian... but if we have hearings held there for six months, someone somewhere votes, someone is persuading someone there, you know, everything is not right in moscow, in moscow,
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you can see how the renaming of the square near the kyiv station in moscow happened, this week also, at least one positive thing. the news should be today, if in this studio, your square was renamed, i guessed it, in this studio one of the participants of the program, guessed it, didn't say that it's incongruous that at the kyiv railway station, the square is called europe, and there are flags of enemy states in relation to russia, the flags were taken down a long time ago, right after the broadcast, they took it down, yes, thank you. to the moscow leadership, mayor sobyanin, for listening to the opinion of ordinary, albeit native residents of moscow. today, it was renamed eurasia square, instead of europe. it would be logical to rename the square de kazansky station as eurasia square.
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the square near the kyiv railway station, now the square eurasia. thank you vitaly anatoliyovych and moscow mayor sobyanin. get in touch, many more ideas. that this old marismatist still has a lot of ideas, and you can see how the renamings are happening, well, it's possible, it turns out, it's nothing to worry about, how? it turned out that when something is renamed in ukraine, it is a horror, horror, but there, in three days, someone appeared on the 60 minutes program, said something like that, and here in one day no one was asked anything, they renamed it, i just don't understand what to call these half-measures of eurasia, and name the square of the horde, everything will be right, finally everything will be strong and as it should be, especially since there is a new history right there now, which will be taught in schools. which will tell that in fact everything comes from the horde, and it is the golden
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horde that is, you know, the basis of russian statehood, well, it would be right to call it the square of the horde and everything would be fine and finally we would return to the origins, or even better to call it a swamp, well but it's not, they'll probably save it somehow for red square, somehow already completely there, or, well, there so that there would be a place for the frogs to live later, so what is it. well , since there is no more good news about the americans, well, what can i say, they have already talked about everything there, so for today, that is probably all, and we will meet with you in a couple of weeks, so wait, there will be, there will be, there will be more some interesting ideas and interesting stories from muscovy. there are discounts, which are the only discounts on non-trials of 10% in the pharmacies psylansky,
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bam and oskad. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on psilobalsam of 15% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. her discounts present the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in plantain pharmacies to tausche. there are discounts representing the only discounts on trock severzin hell, 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and the saver. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.
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your place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made. there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we didn't give up because we knew you were somewhere nearby.
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half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we together, we are more... than family. we, the nation that united around you. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a year of operation of the updated vkk. does the commission work effectively? this is a very important body, which direction depends on who our judges are. but how does the commission save the unscrupulous? representatives of themis. four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being done. congratulations. judicial control is on the air.
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institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity - this the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how successful the transformation is. and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards, let's talk today. from the moment of full. a year has passed since the reboot of the most important body of the judicial system of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine. prior to that, the supreme court of justice did not function for almost four years, and this was a big challenge for the functioning of the country's judicial system. in composed of 16 members of the supreme judicial council, is responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, for the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as for ensuring their proper
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level. in particular, it conducts qualification evaluations of judges and submits a recommendation on appointment to the supreme council of justice. candidate for the position of judge. the career growth of a judge from one instance to another also takes place through the higher qualification commission of judges, that is, it is a very important body that, from which direction, depends on who our judges are, in which judicial positions. the powers of the previous members of the commission were terminated in november 2019, after amendments were made to the law of ukraine on the judiciary and the status of judges and other provisions on the activities of judicial governance bodies. and only in july. in the 21st year , president zelenskyi resumed work in the vcks with a new law, however , due to the full-scale war of russia against ukraine, it was possible to start the competitive selection of commission members only in the fall of 2022, and only on june 1, 2023, the vcks was fully formed with the help of a competitive commission, which included three ukrainian judges, a prosecutor from the netherlands and
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two retired judges from canada and the united states of america. within the limits of its activity. avtomaidan helped the competition commission in the analysis of candidates, we analyzed a huge number of candidates, we are glad that most of the candidates were not even invited for interviews, however , lyudmila volkova, for example, got into the bkks, she is a former judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. experts had many questions about volkova's integrity. lyudmila volkova was from 2015 to 18 years old a member of the council of judges of ukraine. then, as a member of the working group, she did not find any violations in the actions of the head of the court of appeal of the cherkasy region , volodymyr baben, who systematically pressured judge serhii bondarenko. the latter did not make the decision that the head of the court demanded from him in the case regarding the office premises of the azot plant, which belongs to the ukrainian oligarch dmytro firtash. the history of serhii
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bondarenko's conflict with volodymyr bobenko, who was the head of the court where bondarenko worked, is well known. and here is serhiy bondarenko appealed to the council of judges, to the body that actually could protect his rights, however, ludmila volkova, as the person who could make the appropriate decision and really stand up for the judge, signed as part of the group, concluded that the pressure there was no judge, mr. babenko, such a cool head of the court, so he defended. actually has no right. the explanation of this story by volkova herself was specific. i directly spent three, well, probably three hours with judges bondarenko, it seems to me, it was extremely long in general, that is, we just talked, that is, the two of us sat in his office, for about three hours or more, we just talked, talked about everything, about this situation, and he explained
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his vision there, his, well, well, it was just a conversation. in 2019, lyudmila volkova received a loan for the purchase of an apartment with an area of ​​107.3 square meters in the elite residential complex alter ego in kyiv. her friend svitlana mucha gave her more than uah 2.5 million. she was in no hurry to give volkov money. my friend, even after receiving a higher education, she began to form her own business. moreover, in in the 17th year, she married a man who has a powerful business in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region and in the cities of ukraine. this family, she is always engaged in private business, and well, the origin is her own work. i really have to return it, but i don't have any interest, for example, obligations. the loan was considerable, but this did not stop lyudmila volkov from also concluding a preliminary contract for the construction of a house in belogorodka near kyiv, where the vkk members got the money to repay the loan and build a
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and it remained unknown, even during the year of her work in the higher qualification commission of judges, questions about... her competence remain among experts, mostly due to the decisions made by ludmila volkova, for example, she voted against the dismissal of maidan judges, olena izovitova vakim, who in in 2013, it banned peaceful gatherings in kharkiv in support of euromaidan and andrii klyuchnyk, who in 2014 threw into custody the activist of the revolution of dignity oleksandr kostur. the first year of the commission showed that this commission really needed crisis management, as in the beginning activities, as well as when, in fact, our vkks was left without leadership, but ms. volkova calmly worked for herself, did not apply such a thing. new skills, and therefore, ah, these claims still remain, and not only lyudmila volkova's decisions affected the efficiency of the work of the highest quality commission
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during the year. on march 27 , groman ignatov, the head of the central committee of the russian federation, resigned at his own request. in december of last year , information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkks himself denied it. at the beginning of this year, the commission reached conclusion that it is necessary to establish whether roman ignatov received citizenship. to the russian federation in the 90s is impossible. the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on high treason under martial law. the chairman's duties are currently performed by ignatov's deputy, ruslan sydorovych. elections of a new chairman have already been held twice, but he has not yet been elected. during one of the round tables, sedorovych talked about his plans about how the commission is doing now and said that they want to create an analytical center. this analytical center should be created by the end of the year, and in fact the employees of this center will help the members of the commission in conducting candidate evaluations, the judges
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will collect all the necessary information there from open data from the same registers, however, four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being done and it is unlikely such a center will really be created by the end of the year, therefore... now there is a very urgent need to choose a new chairman, one of the priority tasks of the first work of the renewed higher qualification commission was the completion of qualification evaluation judges from the big cities of kyiv, odesa, dnipro, lviv, but the evaluation has not yet been completed, moreover, the qualification evaluation of the judges of the most scandalous liquidated district administration of kyiv has not even begun. most of the judges still haven't passed the tests. as a result, the servants of themis do not perform miracles, but still receive millions. funds from the budget. the supreme council of justice does not consider complaints against such judges, which could result in dismissal, and here we have such a warm bath for the judges of oask, when
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doing nothing you can get such a high salary judge's grape 1,884 judges, local and appellate courts had to pass the qualification assessment. during the first year of work, vkks managed to conduct only more than 130 interviews. boards that investigated. and the source of the origin of funds and acquisition of property, and even certain decisions that the candidates made, however, unfortunately, there were some boards that did not take such information into account, they could simply read such an appeal, the candidate could give some formal answer in one or two sentences , for example, the second board of the higher qualification commission judges, apparently very tired, ruslan tsedorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesiuk expertly manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only 7 minutes with
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olena mikhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. please briefly describe your motivation for becoming a judge. the first is how convenient it will be for you to move. mr. roman. that's right. there will not be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. yes, without further ado, members of the ukrainian central committee decided that the candidate corresponds to the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of odesa region. the composition of the higher qualification commission, updated within the framework of the judicial reform, was entrusted with titanic tasks and responsibilities. however, all members of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine went to high positions consciously and of their own free will. so we hope that the commission will be able to restore a high level of efficiency. and for today i have everything, it was the court control and i am tatiana shustrova. if you know facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about
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an unscrupulous judge who makes wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. 13-year-old sofiyka storozhuk. this girl lived in the city of kupyansk in kharkiv oblast, and it was there that she encountered a full-scale war. let me remind you that kupyansk was under occupation almost from the first days of the russian invasion, and the city was liberated by the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces in september 2022. it was then that it became known about the disappearance of the child. where sofiyka may be now, is still the same unknown it is possible that the girl is in territories not controlled by ukraine. i hope that with your help, 13-year-old
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sofiyka will be able to move. search, let's look at the photo of the child again: she has blond hair, thin lips and an oval face, if anyone has seen sofiyka, or knows where she might be, call us immediately on the magnolia children's hotline at the short number 11630. i also want to tell you the story of sisters lianna and neli kapalenko, also from kharkiv region. liani in march turned 14, and neli is now 17. in these photos, the girls are clearly younger, but i really hope that this will not hinder their search. information about the disappearance of the sisters came back in june 2022 from the border town of vovchansk. two years have passed since then, but during this time there was no news about the kapalenko sisters. it is possible that nelya talyana was taken back then to the territory not controlled by ukraine, or even to russia, so it is very important to know.
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even the smallest details of their disappearance, if suddenly someone has seen the girls or knows about them if you have any information, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and i will ask for your attention for a moment, this is 16-year-old ivan. stryukov. the boy also disappeared in the city of kupyansk in august 2022. about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. ivan looks his age, he has an oval face, dark gray hair and brown eyes. if someone suddenly saw the boy, or know where he might be, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 1163. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. i will remind you if suddenly. there is no
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connection or the possibility to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the children's search service shows. the vast majority of them are teenagers who most often just resort to running away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents who can certainly forget. therapeutic escape of the child from home. tell the child who he can turn to in case of need. of course, ideally it could be you. it is to you that she should turn when she feels the need for it. but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with some other things, and what to do then? agree on this in advance. think with the child, to who can she also turn to, maybe it will be someone else adult from the family, maybe it will be
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someone. teachers or a school psychologist. in addition, agree with the child on an anti-crisis plan, how to act when he gets into a situation that may carry a threat. and if it happened on the street, where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work out an anti-crisis plan to the smallest detail, and the more detailed it is, the greater the chance that it will work and a bigger… that you will save the child from some great danger. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop will accept ua.
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news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shirokopoya works in the studio. at night, during the shahed attack, explosions rang out in chernihiv oblast, in nizhyn, one person was injured due to an enemy attack on a dormitory and an infrastructure object. it was reported head of the region vyacheslav chaus. emergency services are on site. also at night , the airfield in the temporarily occupied crimea was on fire, there were explosions after an air raid. this is reported by the local media. the airfield was hit.


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