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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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they don't stand and say at the un, no one points a finger at the hungarians there, they don't say what they were like, let's say, fascists, or nazis, or how they hated the ukrainians, and the ukrainians are constantly told there in transcarpathia that we are not like that and we we do not allow their language to develop and in general further and further and further, well , there is such an example, but it is also proactive in fact our historical policy, for this you need to know your own history, then you can really shape it. good answers, both about the poles, and about ukraine, about the ukrainian-polish people there relations, as well, because we also sometimes have the impression that people simply do not know the history of poland, because we do not understand polish history well, it is difficult for us to talk to them, well, they do not know ours well, but we are interested in , but it seems to me that they even know our history better than we do theirs, because ukrainians do not know poles very well, they do not understand them well, they should learn their history and that of their neighbors in order to better understand where... what is the consequence, sir bohdan,
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thank you for the conversation, bohdan kachuk, mp of the kharkiv city council, we talked with him about kharkiv and about decommunization, de-imperialization, we are going for a short break, we will return, and there will be yehor checherinda, our colleague, serviceman, major of the armed forces of ukraine, now education is the future of every country, which is changing in ukrainian ... schools, what the university of tomorrow will look like, the country plunges into the world of educational transformations, we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children, from nush to higher school, explore the labyrinths of educational reforms, read to understand, understand to change, ask for country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in pharmacies for...
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serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on: and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head. but for her boundaries and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all that. in an informational
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marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and add. to the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the project a new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoliy, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. want to understand how our today
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will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. well, dear friends, we're back, the espresso marathon continues, i'm already seeing comments under ours again youtube-broadcast, by the way, who has not yet put his favorite there, do it immediately, for this you need to go to the youtube channel of the tv channel, you can subscribe, and then you will have access to our content, you will watch it live, or you did not have time live, then you can also find our... broadcasts, our author's projects in the recording, now you can see on your screens exactly the instructions on how to do it, so under our youtube broadcast, one viewer wrote that it is necessary to talk about , is there a bombo bomb shelters in kindergartens in kharkiv, how will children
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learn or online again, and not about renaming streets and what not to spend money on renaming streets, dear friends, it doesn’t work like that, you know, what in... be interested in bomb shelters, are they , and the fact that we also ask about it on the air, about kindergartens, how they will work in kharkiv, this is one thing, and another thing, renaming, these are two parallel processes, but we, i am surprised when you talk about spending money on the renaming of streets, why don't you ask why in in kharkiv, for example, annual flowers are planted every year, because in order for kharkiv to look beautiful, they also spend money on that, right? money, or kharkiv is very proud of the fact that all the benches there are painted, that everything is cleaned, that everything is clean, but money is also spent on this infrastructure, so i don't know why you decided to save at the expense of the fact that ukraine is getting rid of kharkiv too, in which
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there is just such a concentration of soviet and russian, russian, imperial, why, why do you want to somehow ... win money and let them on infrastructure that would protect itself from russian shelling, it is probably necessary to look for money somewhere else. yehor checheryn, a serviceman and major of the armed forces of ukraine, joins us and we say good morning to him. good morning, greetings to you, colleagues on the espresso channel. glad to see you, yehor, in the car. somewhere on business? well, i will say, well, of course, i cannot reveal my location, but i can tell you one piece of good news that happened tonight, well, despite the massive air alert, so ukraine was attacked by russian shaheds, but together with that, today also at night, as reported
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by ukrainian partisans, defense forces in occupied crimea, the ukrainian underground, and the ukrainian defense forces launched a massive attack on the saki airport in crimea, ammunition is detonating there, russian su-24 front-line bombers were based there, obviously not all of them were able to leave the resort before the missile attack, simferopol was also hit, and there are also hits in sevastopol and yefpatoria, well, this is at least preliminary information, we are waiting for confirmation from the general staff and of the main intelligence agency, what are the consequences, well, at least the detonation in the bags, the fire is definitely a good sign, in general, according to my information, according to the information i read in the reports of the main intelligence agency that the russians are now actively trying to relocate their military units from the western and the northern part of crimea, and aviation, and airfields there further east, closer
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to the crimean bridge, since this western and northern and central part is most vulnerable to ukrainian and drones and to... ukrainian missiles, and i will say that they are even trying to restore those airfields in the east that were almost completely abandoned, in particular bagerov, there is also kirovske, well bagerovo was a completely abandoned airfield, and now they are trying to build some fortifications there to cover their aviation. which they are trying to move there, well, in this way, well, air defense equipment is also constantly under attack in the west of crimea and the russians on... over the crimean bridge, since, well, it is obvious that this is the next object to be attacked, and i literally yesterday i also read analytics about what information about the fact that there are two dozen barges
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standing there just like, well, the kind of barges that just serve, serve as a barrier for ukrainian naval drones, which, well, the russians are thus trying to make it impossible to hit naval... drones, the crimean bridge itself, well the transfer of air defense and aviation to the east of crimea, this is a good sign for us, because in this way the russians expose this and the western coast and the central one. sevastopol, and to patoria, and simferopol, and the same saka airfield that was hit today, well, let's follow the information later that will appear, it is obvious that what exactly was hit there, but according to my information there was a large number of su-24 front bombers, this is great, there is already that video from this saka airport, the airfield actually, i wanted to ask, yegor, the russians continue to advance along... all the front lines, there is a serious situation in pokrovsky and they are advancing anyway,
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it seems that they are somehow endless, whether this offensive, he he, how long will it continue , how many more resources do they have to do just that press and press and press. well , unfortunately, the enemy's resources are high and large enough, i also read the latest summary of ukrainian intelligence officers about what is happening in russia. there they actually mobilize 30,000 people, volunteers, every month, and spend very large sums on this, well , in particular in moscow, so that we are not surprised, a volunteer who, well, it is precisely in moscow, there it is very different by region , the volunteers who just signed the contract pay 1.9 million rubles in one time, that's 21 00 dollars if i'm not mistaken, i'm not mistaken, plus the government of moscow in addition... this military employee receives 50 thousand every month, well, if he lives, but within
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a year he can earn more in ukraine only from moscow, the government of moscow will pay an additional 600 thousand, plus salary, plus this is the starting price, so to speak, the money is 1.9 million, and they calculated that there they can earn 4 or 5 million rubles in one year in ukraine, if they survive, of course, yes, this is with muscovites, according to the regions it is very much ... there is a lot of difference, for example, it seems to be in dagestan until recently, they paid only 100,000 tolls there, imagine 19,900 in moscow, and 100,000 is the price of living in poor dagestan, a muscovite costs 2 million, a muscovite car, and a resident of moscow, and an average dagestan costs 100,000, there only now the head melikov, it seems that the republic raised this amount to 600,000, this is a one-time payment, and then half of it goes to uniforms. they buy him a armored car there, because there are no problems with armored cars, with ammunition, a walkie-talkie,
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there, well, there are other means of helmets, helmets, you understand, and this, well, as i understand it, there are such a competition among the leaders of the republics, who will give more in order to then report to the kremlin, we mobilized so many, we so many, volunteers, this is not, well, there has been no direct mobilization since the 22nd year of the russians, and thus, according to according to our intelligence general staff, 30 thousand. russians recruit every month, and there is also the latest information, there is such an action in the yaroslavl region and in the republic of tatarstan, bring a friend who is a soldier and get 100,000 rubles, it seems to be $1150, for example, i am already in the army, but i bring a friend, from you, for example, andriy, i am paid 1,150 dollars in tatarstan or in yaroslavl for your mobilization, these are the realities of today's russia, so they try to avoid it by force. mobilization, as long as they have enough money and people, but the fact that these sums are growing
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exponentially indicates that people do not want to die for the unfortunate 100, 500 or even a million rubles, for now they are ready to die for 900 million, but i think this will not be for a long time either, but the mobilization resource, well, in russia it is four times more than in our country, so we need to be ready for a protracted campaign, this is obvious, i mean, is there already a bottom of at least this offensive, or will they be able to continue to support it, precisely at this pace, because i well, i hear that the head of the national guard said that for another month, maybe two will be enough, but actually, yes, i would just like you to take me out of my mouth, what the head of the national guard said in the last interview yesterday yesterday, it seems that they were talking about the fact that the russians are not infinite, either run out in a month or in a month and a half , we will see, well, here everything depends on
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our resistance and on our ability to carry out enemy attacks? thank you yehor for participating in our broadcast, yehor checherinda, who once worked in the espresso studio, and now he is a military serviceman, a major in the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us and talked about russian mobilization, which is now taking place for money. let's go now for a short break, then we will return. and serhiy zgurets and i will talk about the situation at the front in more detail, stay with us, there are discounts present. the only discounts on magnesium are 10% in pharmacies psylansky, vam and ozhdok. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you, meet the perryina dreamlight mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping simply on the floor, it is soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from
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the only discounts on tologsen stronggel 10% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become many'. in relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need
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to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, and model them. or our future every saturday at 1:10pm with a repeat at 10:00pm. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we are back, dear friends, on the air, let's continue our marathon. serhiy zgorets, from we are in touch, a military expert and director of the information and consular company defense express, is already with us, and you can inform, a qr code will now appear in the corner. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers, let's start with this information, we just talked about this with yehor chicherinda, about the fact that oleksandr pivnenko, brigadier general, commander of the national guard, said that in a month and a half the russian army, the country's army the aggressor will lose the ability to conduct active assaults, will come more to defense at the front.
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very nice information, we all really enjoyed it, but is it true? i also liked the information, but in fact our experts, our order structures for this story are different, because now we see that the enemy is not going to reduce the offensive pace, and at least until the fall he can do it with the same offensive approaches that are being implemented now, we are talking about a significant length of the front of 900 km and on the whole. in these directions, at least 10-11 directions, which are so traditional for the enemy's attempts to penetrate our defenses, an almost almost similar scenario occurs, this is using cabs, artillery, then armored vehicles, if the enemy has them, then infantry and attempts to penetrate our defenses. the enemy's reserves of manpower are such that,
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in fact, there is no need for the enemy to take any pauses to go on the defensive, on the contrary. the enemy now believes that ukraine is now such that the armed forces have not fully recovered due to the delays. assistance cannot fully operate now with those reserves that are absolutely necessary, and i think that at least until autumn, the situation on the front line, the dynamics will not change, because right now it is the summer period, it is the most suitable for offensive actions, and i cannot conclude why the russian army should go on the defensive in the most suitable climatic period, well, but that’s not the case less than... months, it will be the middle of september, you say that at least until autumn, that is, after all, this is the bottom, it can be seen in the capabilities of russia
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to conduct such, such an active, costly offensive, or not, this offensive continues with in october of last year, and actually since october of last year, the offensive actions of the enemy do not change the dynamics, we see an increase in the number of enemy losses, we see an increase in the number of enemy losses in technology. we can see the fabulous sums that the enemy is beginning to pay for that, in order to sign the contract of people who are going to fight it, now in the moscow region there was a report, it seems yesterday, that the premium payment there is in the range of 1.9 million rubles, that is , within 20 thousand dollars in moscow, and this is true... in other regions it is less, but here large payments now and continue to provide the russian federation with the opportunity to gain manpower, so in any case, there is no
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reason to say that this trend will change in a month, the question is that our side finds ways to counter russian such a slow pressure in all directions and found an opportunity to effectively use the old brigades holding the defense, to form reserves, to raise. the level of high -level command, first of all, in order to restrain the enemy's efforts to advance on in certain directions? well, in that case it's obvious that we just need more help from our allies. meanwhile, trump said in an interview with fox that russia is a war machine, and no one can defeat it, that's why we have to sit down at the transition table, that is, he will take advantage of it, he will use it too. express this thesis, and, but, but, does this, does this mean that, what should we do then, while we have time left before the elections? well, actually, we have an
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american aid package, there are changes in the approaches of european countries, which, well, have been witnessed there significant packages of military, financial aid for a certain time is nato's decision to allocate 40 billion euros there, these ... fans are quite enough to even balance a certain slack from the united states, if it actually will be, although i'm not even sure, so that in any case, in the united states , the decision in the format of the parliamentary component is adopted in such a way that it is possible to balance certain initiatives of trump, if he will act in such a way as to depart from the previous position on long-term support for ukraine. do we have a chance to somehow turn this war into attrition, or will we have to fight until the russians
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run out of the last tank, relatively speaking, and already assault attacks with meat will simply become, lose their full meaning, well, that is , the opportunity to throw kabami and then leave on bter and tanks, well, actually , to be honest, a certain gap. time, everything is equal , the situation on the front line will depend on our infantry and our artillery, this is what is currently restraining the enemy, plus drones, to ensure some quick changes on the battlefield, i would not spoke about the fact that we have the grounds and forces, means for this, now the main thing for us is to minimize the advance of the enemy, minimize our losses and increase the losses of the enemy, this is what these teams are talking about. of the armed forces, the question is that these words of our generals are invested in concrete practical actions, and sometimes it did not happen that there is a gap between words and actions, uh, to us...
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sometimes the netherlands 14 leopards 2 a4 transmits data, this is a good modification that what kind of cars are these, actually, are they brand new, are they a sufficient number, again, well, really, really we are talking about the netherlands handing over these machines to us, which by the end of the summer will have a flight of the armed forces, 14 machines, leopards, 2.4, really normal machines, in total we should have within, transferred up to 100 machines, but these announcements were made back in april of last year, and this contract with the netherlands, which we are talking about now, was implemented for one year, four months, this is exactly the long time it takes to restore 14 leopard tanks, and this just says that , that sometimes politicians announced the transfer of significant quantity of armed equipment to ukraine, but now we see that only at the current stage
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it is coming. something that should have arrived much earlier, so in any case, on the one hand, the news is good that the netherlands is transferring, on the other hand, we understand how long this process of repair and restoration, which affects, by the way, the equipment of our brigades, about which zelensky once said that 14 brigades of us are waiting for the arrival of weapons so that they are combat-ready, and now we are also waiting for 20 leopards from spain, it seems and the same spain except for leopards. told us that she is already transferring another hawk complex, this is an air defense system, which is quite effective, there are many more such air defense systems in the world than patriots, and they also have more missiles, so i hope that the process of transferring european weapons will continue faster than it was until now, they are still asking about the russian reconnaissance drones that are in the front-line
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areas, and... and they must somehow be fought against, we saw that in mykolaiv and in odessa they used those yak- 52 is so sporty, and actually a plane to hunt behind them quite successfully, and i know that whether or not it is possible to use combat fighters, for example, from the second world war, to do this, well, he flies quite slowly, it is true, but why not go over, when we are talking about russian eagles, halls, which are the eyes of the russian... strike systems, because yesterday there was a video of a strike by a russian iskander on our tank plant at a kharkiv enterprise, and there we see again that a drone is watching how it is struck, so that at any time - in any case, the destruction of these drones is a priority task, the methods used are different, we have seen a video where from yak 52 training aircraft
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, eagles and eagles are destroyed, when the second crew member shoots this eagle with an assault rifle. we've seen videos of fpv drones being shot down by eagles, we've seen other solutions where countermeasures are wasted, trying to counter the halls and eagles, but in any case, we understand that the threat remains and there is still no such powerful, effective solution that would solved this problem at the same time. i'm sure that... now our defense is on it works, there are certain solutions, but the question of scaling, now we solve it with the means we have, but we still try not to use air defense systems, because it is the most expensive option to use missiles against the same bodies or halls, and as we used to they said, the same general syrskyi emphasized that we currently lack air defense systems in order to fight against the bodyless, which perform
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reconnaissance functions. mr. serhiy, we, we, thank you for this conversation, and now we are moving to the all-ukrainian moment of silence, a moment of remembrance for those who died in this war let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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