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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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in a different way, it's about priorities, which is important now in a time of war, and it seems to me that we can do without flowers, but if the military says that they need trenches and lines of defense, and that this tractor and hands would be there for them they did not interfere, er, well, probably, probably yes, this is the first time, and the second time, when people in our country say, why rename streets, let's do it after the war, why decommunize or get rid of it? some imperial names, here, well, also flowers and decommunization, it seems to me that decommunization is more important, taking into account the fact that the war between us and russia, that cabs are not just cabs, but rather russian cabs. we're going to take a break, then we'll come back and talk about world politics and how it affects our country. stay with us. when
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events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. we are back on the air, we continue, dear friends, i wanted to thank you, you are responding to our appeals and already more than 100 thousand, more precisely 102,853 hryvnias, that's how much we have in our account, in our collection of 3.5 million necessary, but i think with your help we will do it, i am convinced of this, because already on.. .
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once done and completed the previous builds for 4 million and it was also with your help, now it's a little more difficult because this build only has a qr code, and i know that not all of them have those qr codes. they manage themselves, well, but look for some junior assistants, let them help you in this, at the same time you will involve them in a good cause, on your screens actually this qr code, and you see what we're collecting for, for drones, photos, you see, and for rebsystems, three brigades need it, a third separate assault, 110 and 47, and it depends on your help how quickly they get it, depending on , how quickly will we collect for... this morning, by the way, we collected 17 00, a good pace, but not the best, this week you showed better results, i hope you still have an hour and a half, while andrei seichuk and i in ether, and you can still donate, because the qr code is all the time
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he appears in that corner, well , yehor brailyan appears in our studio, analyst, media detector and international journalist, mr. yehor, welcome to our guest house. are you in lviv, tell me for what purpose, for rest or how? good morning, thank you for the invitation, glad to be in the espresso studio. no, actually i spoke at one of the forums on cyber resilience, i talked there about russian interference in elections abroad, because this is a global problem, the 24th year is an election year, in january there were elections in taiwan, then there were elections in... . in india, there were elections in the european parliament, there was an election in britain, there will be an election in the united states on november 5, and the main problem is that many of the experts who study disinformation, these active measures, they perfectly understand that russia is interfering in the election in the united states, but even
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if they give examples of russia interfering, high officials in nato say, what can we do, we know that russia is interfering in our countries, what can we do to expel them. sanctioning someone for them is a serious matter, what exactly is needed to do with these people who either work for the russian special services there, or people who are propagandists, who live somewhere in spain, in italy or in the usa, it is understood that they intervene primarily through the same social networks, having fake accounts there or simply accounts with about the russian position, because what to do, for example, with the same tucker kalson, but he is not popular, is he? with trump, who has sympathy for authoritarian leaders and for whom putin has, well, in some respects, if not moral, then still authority. i think we should study american better audience in this case and to understand that russia is already working on the existing divisions, this is the issue of abortions, we need abortions, we don’t need
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abortions, in which month you can have an abortion, this is an issue of illegal migration, and trump, as a populist, he is already using these available divisions with help. different social networks, recently there was news that they restored his accounts on meta, on facebook, on instagram, and he uses this network true social, but in fact, without trump, this social network will collapse, because it is based solely on what is there, it has its own account trump, and plus the american media, they polarize society, relatively speaking, the cnn audience, the liberal audience, they won't watch fox news, the conservative audience. and so people watch what they like, and this leads to even greater divisions, that is , americans, you can say, in such a chemical language, are atomized, that is, they only watch what they need, they do not want to hear the arguments of the other side, this is a very serious the problem that russia is actually playing on,
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russia may not directly interfere in the united states of america, but through scientists there who they say that there is no need for ukraine to join nato, because of the likes of tyker carlson, who may... believe there in traditional conservative values, but they tell what is beneficial to russia, they say, yes, we have freedom of speech, for that , in order to ban a site in the usa or somewhere in the west, it is necessary to make such an effort that we remember brexit, and we remember that journalists did an investigation and proved that in one of the regions of britain, which was... prosperity was actually thanks to the european union such a campaign was carried out with the help of social networks, some such sites that appeared, and the legs of those sites grew in russia, as the journalist proved it, and actually there, with the help of all these social networks, the information that
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was thrown and those sites, people were convinced of the opposite, that they only lose from that britain is in the european union, that's what i asked my friends in britain, they have already forgotten about... violinists, it was literally six years ago, and they have already forgotten about it, and they now have some current ee topics that they they are interested there, i don't know, high prices, how to do that, so that... there were less taxes, and that a serious challenge for us, how can we work with them to, i don't know, write more in english, on social networks, especially, i don't know, on twitter, on linkedin, to explain our position, and it's clear to take into account their context, because if we do not take into account the interests of our nato partners, what hurts them, then we will not succeed in the information struggle, it is obvious, actually speaking... about these contexts and about the understanding of our partners and the societies of our partners , but we
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ukrainians are actually two years of war went through such a path from and this is not in my village, i don't care, in principle, what happens there, to the fact that i don't know what's there, this there, i don't know the forest of tracks, i like it, in principle it's not bad, maybe it will become a premium the prime minister of great britain, but at the same time we also have such things here, i remember... how we just had a terrible kind of worship before boris johnson, he flew to and people sincerely wanted to say to him, like, thank you for and there was something like that, and on the other hand, for example, there the german super-popular spiegel came out from cover, and i will even ask you to show it now at this moment, at the same moment when johnson was simply painted as such a funny clown, if we can now this picture. to bring out and and and accused him of lying and and
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and in the end a specific attitude towards him, even in this film brexit is well-known, where camberg played, and in the same place, johnson is absolutely caricature, such a half-fool, who carries himself and convinces everyone that brexit - this is the best thing that can happen to britain, and it seems that, by the way, the british are not so convinced of this now, after several years of brexit, i'm to the point that... is it , how do we, how do we, how do we now perceive boris johnson and these peace initiatives of his, yes, boris johnson is a person who has his own interests in politics, and he has his own agenda, he has a very good personal relationship with trump, they have been friends for a long time, and i think that we should shape johnson as a sophisticated politician , who can like russian high culture, who can because of... certain , maybe even conjunctural moments to support ukraine, i.e. what johnson
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then back there in the 19th year he began to study the russian influence in britain, in july 20th the report of the russians in the british parliament came out, and what we see now, i think it is this article in the daily mail, johnson wanted to show trump . what a peace treaty could be for ukraine, but this is not an article in the daily mail, this is just this cover that we were finally able to show, this is how the germans, for example, perceived boris johnson at a time when we almost worshiped him, and this column was supposed to show trump what can be as an example of peace negotiations, but we all perfectly understand that there will be no peace, because russia does not want to go for it, and... there is a question of how nato can force, can the west force russia to make concessions? here the question is not
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only this, whether china really wants this peace, and mr. kuleba returned and said that it seems that china is ready for it, but there are a lot of other opinions, in particular , nato countries say that if it were not for help china, everything would have ended a long, long time ago, and china definitely does not like the defeat of russia, but now we are trying, probably, we have to somehow balance between this... you try to look into the eyes of a chinese, i don't know, in russia it's a bear, they have a dragon, yes, panda, panda, chinese panda, and so say, pando, pando, help us, but we know that china is incredibly cynical, and in foreign policy, regarding china, there are several important points, first of all, china, like russia, they have an anti-western foreign policy, for them the west is the main competitor and enemy, the second point, china... perceives russia as a vassal, a source of resources, that is, they will express
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that these natural resources get cheap russian gas and oil and feel normal , and the third point: china wants to become the voice of the global south, here it is at various international platforms, the un, for example, it says that the countries of africa and latin america there support china, and this china, and this... the position that was put forward in february 23, this is the political position regarding the settlement of the ukrainian crisis, that is, at the official level, the people's republic of china calls: the russian-ukrainian war, the ukrainian crisis, this something so unstable chaos, they don't call it a war, and as far as i'm concerned, we need to make a clear position now on things like the uyghurs, ugh, that's a muslim minority that's being genocidal in western china, that's taiwan, yes, there's representation of taiwan, for example , in moscow,
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in kyiv, there are none yet, but the civil society of ukraine actively communicates with taiwan, with the taiwanese. there are even some programs that are conducted in ukrainian in taiwan, and several of my acquaintances came to taiwan after a full-scale invasion of ukraine, today we had a news story about the fact that the taiwanese gave several million dollars, for example, robotics for students in lviv to improve, and the third aspect, perhaps the most problematic for ukraine, is our positioning in the american chinese confrontation, that is, sooner or later it comes to the fact that all countries of the world. have to decide who they are with, with washington or with beijing, it seems that the answer here should be obvious to us, but when we vote in our country, we do not vote for condemnation of the uyghurs, china, and we find ourselves in the team of countries that, together with russia, are actually fighting against us, it is very strange, how to explain this position, are we afraid
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of china, or are we planning that we will not reform the country and when the war ends somehow, it is they... will invest here, i think that the main thing here is that the expertise of specialists who study china for a long time and professionally, it does not combine, it does not affect the formation of policy regarding china, that is, when the expertise of people who study china will affect our policy on china, then we can have some real results, but it's good that coleba went to china, but i don't have any such ... i didn't have such high expectations, and by the way, i was commenting on this topic for the chinese voice of america, there is chinese, the chinese edition of the voice of america, there even a separate guangdong edition of the voice of america, and the guangdong people in south china, and i think that the voice of america is also broadcast in china, there is a
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separate website of the chinese voice of america, so what is interesting in my short comment i explained ... that we trade well with china, but there is no political dialogue because of this position china regarding the russian-ukrainian war, and it makes no sense to lure china in any way, but we need to understand their logic, why they use russia and what is their ultimate goal, the chinese, unlike the russians, think strategically, but they have a date: the year 2049, the hundredth anniversary of the proclamation of the people's republic of china on... ugh, and they want to achieve something by this date, well, like there were five-year plans in the soviet union, they have until a certain date to achieve something, uh, and they such logic, they don't think there for one year, for two years, and that is why we need to have a separate strategy for china, because what the strategy will be for china will affect
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our policy there in asia, in africa, china has already become a global superpower, and here... the question is in the extent to which the west is ready to act together, because we are in europe, and the european union is between the hammer and the anvil, because on the one hand there is the united states, where trump can come to power and say that there is no nato there, you are on your own figure it out, help ukraine and increase defense spending, and on the other hand , china already wants to enter the european union through such countries as hungary, for example, or france itself. where sisinpin went in may, this is serbia, which is not in the european union and in nato, this is hungary and this is france, and france , with its autonomous foreign policy, says, come on, maybe we can somehow come to an agreement, that is, the west tried to influence china, but i think that it is impossible to convince china that
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they will put pressure on russia, and russia will agree to some chinese conditions, that is, in china has its own interests, and we... should build our policy in such a way as to take into account chinese interests and offer ours, this is how diplomacy works, we cannot come to the chinese and say: stand 100% on the side of ukraine, this is impossible , but a very interesting thesis that i heard from neville neville bolt, he's a british professor of strategic communications, and he told me that china ... uses all events there, for example, military exercises, as a media event, so it gives a certain message to the world what he wants to do and i think that on... we need, you know, to speak in technical language, to decode china, what it actually means by certain actions, because china's policy is not as
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open as in russia, russia acts, you know, in a lobot , does aggression, intervenes, china is working more, i think, yes, well, sophisticated, i think a little yes, confusing, china's strategy until 2049 is not to start the third world and make it so that... how to dominate china in the whole world , and it will start sooner or later, in my opinion, it started back in the eighth year with the russian attack on sakartvel, and it gradually unfolded in different theaters of operations, it was then syria, ukraine, there was africa with russian intervention, and it, it will begin after the attack of the people's republic of china on taiwan, and then all these theaters of operations and... in the middle east, in east asia, and then the west will have to choose whether they are fully involved in fighting autocracies that want to destroy
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the world order, or whether they will somehow focus on one theater of operations and support ukraine there or taiwan or israel, there was a recent visit by netanyahu to the states, and there were many protests about the palestinians, and you can see for yourself. what is happening in the usa, there students are taking over campuses and free palestine, and these are very threatening trends, because sooner or later this kind of antagonism, it can turn into just such everyday terrorism, when they can kill jews there for what they oppose jews, well , at the same time, kamala haris, haris, said that she would not be silent, literally taking and confirming some of the accusers. which they are already beginning to feel how to fight with her, relatively speaking, the trump staff, what is she, she is pro-palestinian, and she is like that, and i am pro-palestinian, please do not vote for
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me, well somehow, yes, well, and there is also a warning about the fact that there may be terrorist attacks of some kind in france at the olympic games, which may be affected by the representatives of israel's athletes, and russian propaganda is already pumping that france is a center of migrants there, everything is bad there. yes, you yourself, russian propaganda itself, and russia mobilizes these migrants, so that they start doing without atrocities on the territory of western countries, and then they write in telegram channels that you see what is happening in germany, in france, it is unstable there, everything that they cannot solve the issue with illegal migrants, well, this is russia itself, it is fueling it , showing various footage there, there were already footage of australian...athletes, and the olympics is one more opportunity for russia to say, well, the olympics, let's maybe make some kind of truce, mr. yegor, thank you for
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this conversation, for a little traveled the world and looked, tried to look into the future, what awaits us, yehor brailyan, analyst, media detector, journalist, internationalist, was in touch with us, dear friends, we still have one hour of the marathon ahead of us, stay with us, we will talk about. .. energy and the economy, just now a briefing, not now, after 11 o'clock there will be a briefing by law enforcement officers in the case of the murder of iryna farion, stay with us, attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. long-lasting hope and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only
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11:00 am
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. he set fire to electric substations in cherkasy region. the security service detained a russian saboteur. a 20-year-old attacker tried to destroy eight electrical substations and one relay cabinet in the uman district. therefore, he planned to de-energize a part of the community and block railway traffic in the region. the stuntman broke the transformer substations in order to pour gasoline on the equipment. for this, the occupiers promised the boy money. the intruder was detained on hot, he faces life imprisonment. the russians hit energy facilities on...


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